HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12400 P 606Please do not Publish ooq. r~m 8002 Ibrlala ud Sale IX, ed, wtdl C~Mmat qidsm (:~miq(s Ads - ladlvidu~ m ¢;ml~mS~m Corr.-dion ])eld THIS INDENTUm~ mnde the ~.~__ day or July. hvo b'mum~ five BL'FWEF..N UNDAO4L CAPITAL ~ COflP., 8 NOw YO~ buoinos8 ooqxxatlon with olfloo8 M 211 Main 81mM, 8ag Hnrbor, Now Yo~ 11963, peny of the NKmOLAS CMmS, residing at 55 Pembroke Ddvo, Glen Cove, Now Yod~ 11742, pmty of thc ~ WITNESSETH. that die party of the rlrat part. in cunsklerndon of Tun Doflars and nther re'~_ _ and valuabl~ condd- ~ iU~t~M~& mKI nSSiWIS of Ih~ pady of the Kcund piti fol~'wq*. TOGETHER WITH the uae of a 12-fo~ wa]klflg rlght-oLwuy e.,~dino m;ulhen'y from b~o end ol NJnth Slrool to 8frl Including Itu un Iff commofl ultlt olhem d e 40-loot vddo FJda boa~, d # drown off ~ filed subdivision map. THE PREMISES HEREIN mt IdJmlJflod on tho 8ulf~k (~xJflty Ileal Propely Tm; IMp 8~ DISTRICT 1000, ~E. CTION 045.00, BLOCK 06.00, LOT 0G0.0GE a~118 Immm M (no fi) Ninth 81roM, Gme~lXXt, New YoJt 11944, Now Yodl, 'l'h~ rsIsmnoo b, for kJonl]fle~ml only encl I~ not Intondedto-brormodlfythodmcflf~lofllotfof'd~above. __ ,:.. A ._ - - -- ,-,~.- This Is n CMrM~JOn DNd givofl to oGtroct a ixJor dued datud Apdl 29, 2QOEi~ from vddr, h tho peragraph beglnnr~g with the win'ds 'TCX~ WITH' wm ~ ominM. TOGb'THER with all dUhl, tide and int~t, it' any. of the p~.y of the flr~ part h ~ m ny i~ ~ ~ ~. tJ~ the abow doach~l Ix~ to tho curator J~n~t dt(ueo~, TOO~ wilh due ~ iud all dl~ ey~al~ and ri~hls of Lhe pa~y of the fin~ pflin IUd to the laid pnanbcs; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ih~ prendacs h~ ~antnd unlo tl~ pady or,he sd~x~d pa~ Ihs I~l~ su=~son and ssd~ns of Ih= pety of Ih= s~;~,~d pen ~ot~wer. AND tim party of IM fire pert covenanm Ihat Ih= p~Ay of I1~ tirol pan hcs mK dom o~ su.rl*er~d unylhiq whereby nh] premises haw hecn encumbered b ny why. cxcq~ n urmuafd. AND tie party .ol the t',st pan, in co,~.,m-,,.*., with Section 13 of da: ~ Law, GweMnls that the perry of tho tim fund to be applied first for Ibc puspose of plyin& the cra4 of the ~,u~m ~d will apply dum fl~ M b ~y- n~nt of ~h: c~l of the bnlxovemem bcfo~ usin~ any piti of Ibc total of,b csr, c for any mba. ~ The word *linty' shall Ix: L~utruod uifit read 'panics' whenewr dm sense of tMs indenture s) requires. IN WITNKSS WHKREOF, tlw p.fly of the first part has duly cz,x-uLed lids deed the day and year flut above writ- STATE OF NEW YORK: COUHTY OF SUFFOLK: ~.: uel[a) whoee name(l) b (sro) suds:al)ed ~o tho witNn InsmJmem and achnowJedg~ to mo thnt he/sMflhey .~Ku~l .m.e same in his~e, meir CaPedty(ios), and thal by hi~a' the&' sJ0naUro(s) m ~ ~ ~ iva:kmKoj, or the pemon upm beha~' of NMI.y P14k, 8ie dNII Y~k Pn~c / Rlin~ Fe~ Hendlins TP-584 Notation EA-$217 (Count);) E,A-5217 (Siam) R.P.T.S.A Comm. of Ed. Aff'Klavit 5 MtmpBc Ami, I, [huh: Tax 2. Additional Tax SubTotal ~Sp~__JAssii* Spec./A d. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Counly Held for Appoaionmm ~ Transfer Tax ,~ - Mansion Ttx The pt'operty covored by this mort~ is Rc~, Copy ~qt~x ~. or will be im~ by a one or two · . ~ Sub Total ~ I ~,~ family dwcllin$ only. Otl~r ~ ~ t~ ~ . ~ _ YES or NO .~J~T~ [pa~e# of this inmmnem "~ I~'~ 21000 04SO0 0600 009002 P-~I Tax S~rvJce Verification Consideration Amount S 0.0o CPF Tax Due $o.oo Yacam Land~ BECOBD & BETUBN TO: Willblm 8. Cobh, E~q. Fomhelli. Cu~o, $cltwa~z, C,~llno & C~m 33O Old C, ounW Road Mineol~, NY 11501 ~. ~7~448~mpany lnto~-.At, ion or men Pa e mmic by: This Im~ forms part of the attached CoaataJmt Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF II~iai KUldENT) Ufldohl ~apita] Marmgomoflt ~'p. ~ promises hcmin is situated in SUFFOLX COUNTY, NEW YORK TO Nldto/~s ~ In the Township of 8ou~old la the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 TI~U 8 MUST BETYPED OR FRA'TED gq BLACK INKCJNLy FRK~TO gR~O_UDLJqG OR FflJNC~ (OVER) I IIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllll Typo o£ Xnatnmont; CORRB~zO~/DB~D/I)CO Receipt H~,mba~ I 05-0078741 TPJ~SFER TAX NUMBn; 04-51351 District; LO00 Deed Amount: Recozdod; LTBRR: PAGE: Section t BLock t 045.00 06.00 RXMiZN~D MID CHARGID AB I~)LLOW8 $o.oo 07/29/2005 lO813t41~M D00012400 606 009.002 Recei~d ~ Foll~ag Fees For Abo~ ~mtz~mont Page/FiXing $6.00 HO Handling COE $S.00 MO NYB fR~HG TP- 584 $ S · 00 ~ ~tatt~ Ce~t. ~Aes $ 0.00 ~ ~ees Paid TAB NDMBRItt 0,1-51351 TIL~8 PAGB ZS A PART OF ~HE 3~HTItUM~T $5.00 $15.oo $165,00 $o.5o $30.00 $0.00 8236.S0 BdW~d P. Romm:Lno County Clerk, 8u££olk County PLEASE ~YPE OR p~E$$ FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS.' http~! www.orp~.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I $outho]d I I 11944 I ~ I Cassts I Ntcholas I & Imdmw 1fie mimM~ M' ' - 13 #~mm)/m Fmmt d m Fmmm~ m'J~ m law mlMIF' LkM I Llndahl Caottal Hanaoement CORD, I I I I 11, Cbmdl mo mr mtm~ d imo emmikm mm mpplimkM tm mumm ldo BmONm lidmMem ~' FImiM RdMJwm il ktmmme fkkid Ca~mbm m. Pmmnn k b Om d lira Immm k m m Imam DiMI lytme m Wm?mIw m Bm~mtmt mhd Smmb ISped/y kMw$ Immim M Bkiirm Im k~daded In Smkm P~ee (]~ Url~d From ~d~mb~ 8M I~ (Spmdf~ Bek~,/) None .1 .6.0,01 m~*-- I 3. [ I1-1 I ltM.Mm,M~xm~l Sreenport I I~ T~m lM ikmki l M IkmiW m mmm em lmm, mmma emm Mlm mlmml lklmfll I lnnn. n4~ nn.n~ fln_nno nn_~ I I I I Nril~ ikmm d M'lk Im M' Mbmamim mimml m akm m Imm mi mini tm Ik imm Mmm~ ~ m ~ M i ~ M k a d'mm~ ~l~ml Mmm mmmmm W mmlmdd trod kmrmM 4 mkJm m Im Ik~ mmMmmm ~ ~ ~ mdmeN, lek ~ i ilkl ~ imlm tmmmmmm. eLll Nlcholas Cassls I 55 I Pembroke Drtve Glen Cove I NY I 11742 Cohn I Wtll 516 I 248-1700 I NEW YORK STATE COPY