HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12406 P 30Slandml N.y B.T.C. Form 8002 - Ds~ & Imf' deed OI~S~JLT Y~UR I,AWYt'*R BEFORE $1~L~G TIII~ INR'P.O~F. Ni' I TH~ INSTRUMENT SIIOULD lie I~ED BY L&WYEI~ ?HIS INDI~i"F ~'"R~ mnde the }~'y O£ August, 2005 BETWEEN . NICHOLAS CASSIS, having offices at $00 Broadway, Jerid~, New York mrtyofthefirstparkand Neadmmod Management, IIC, a Limited Liability Company, ¢~o AMES L. NEISLOSS, havins offices at 300 Corporate plst.m= Xslandin, NY i 1722 mrty of the second Ni'rpiESSETI~ that the party of the first pa~ in comidcmtion of Tm Dollar~ and other valuable consideration pnid by the pray of the second part, does hereby 8rsnt and release unto the pm'y of the _.ec___~,nd part. the heirs or sucoesso~ and assi~m ot'the party of the see4md pen fi~ever. I ALI, that ceflain plot. piece or pon:el of land. with the buiidin~ smd improvements the~on erected, sinme, lying and being in the Town oF Southold, County of Suffolk and hie of New York, which ~operly is more particularly descdhed on Schedule A annexed hereto and nude a parx It=eot 'ro~I:iHER with all fight, tide end line, cst, if any, of' th~ pafly of xha lust part in and to any su~ts and roads abutting the abuv~ dasoribed lnmnises to the center lines then~f: T(XhsltrlER with the appm'mmnces and all the estate and rights of the pnrly of thc tint port in and to said prendses; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. the premises h=ein ursnied unie the party of the sceond pm, the heirs or ancceasors ond aasigns of the party of the secend POrt AND the party of the tim ran covenants tha~ the party oftiz first part bas not done or sufl'cred anything whereby th~ snid premises have been on~umhered in any why whtev~r, except as nfot~id. AND the party of the tim po.-., in compli*nce with Santion 13 of thc Lira Law, onvenants that thc Per~ o£ the tim part will receive the comidemtion for this conveyance IM .ill hold the fight XO recei~ such ~mtderetion as a ~ ruud ie he : Jied r= For the porp or v* s the of the improvement and vail apply the nme tim to me p~eot of the cost ofthe imprownont hefore usin~ any part oftl~ tmal of. the nme for any or. her purpose. The word "pnrvf shall he construed as if it read "psrfice' wlmnever the sense ofthis indenture so t~mres. WITNESS WHEREOF, the ~ of the first pm't has duly executed h.'s deed the day and yenr first abo.ye wl~lten. NICilOI~ CA. iS ....... I-II I , East Co~t Abstract, Inc. Chicago Title Insurance Company 8~.lledule A De~:Hpti~n · ~- ALL that ;ertain plot, plies or parcel ~f land, situate, lying ~ being in the Town of Southoicl, County of S .t,,~olk and ~nte of New Yo~k, designated a~ Lot No. 2, as shown on Map of"Cherry Lane Entntm]", and .rded In ~ Office of'the Cledt. ~ the. C?unty of Suffolk on J. klly 8. 1997, a~ ~ No.' 10025. TOGETHER with the [~e of a 12-foot walking right .-o~'ay axtendi.ng southerly flom: the end.o~ Ninth'Sheet t~ and Indud[ng ~e uae in ~ommon wi~ others of a 40-foot wide p~ivi't~ beach, aH ns shown on .aid thd .ubdlvlMon map. ·" DISTRICT 1000 SECTION45 BLOCK 6 LOT g..~ · 'S~ATE OF NEW YORK'" CO~JNTY OF SUFFOLK Notnp/P~li~ inand for sam ~aw. pew~all)' a~ NICHOLAS CASSIS penonal|y Inmwn Io me m' proved to n~ on tbe ~mis of sn~facu~/e~dence m be the person(s) whose tame{s) is/are that by hir~m'tbeb' sipatu~s) on tbe inmumm, the pmon(s) or the endty upon behnlf of which tim peman ac~d exeemed tbe ) u.: T~m STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF On tltc dayof ,20 , beftwe me, tbe undmisn~l, a Nom~/Public in and for said ~a~e. IX'mortally ai~s~d ,pa~mllylmown to me or im~.,ed m m~ on th~ besis of misfaem~'y evMm~e m be '.he person(s) w~e mm~s) is/a~ mb~cn~ed to die within ins~umem nnd nclmowled~d to me that he/shel~y +.;~; ,,t~ d~ same in hls/ber/l~ capacity(ks) and that by hJa~/tl~ ' sil~s) on tbe ismmmmt, the pmon(s} or ~e ruby ulm behnlfof ~ieh d~ penon acwd e~.~o~l dw instrument Nolnty Public 8'I'ATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF Ontbe d~yof ,20 , before me, the undmlgned, a Nota~ Public in and for snid Slaw, pemomlly nm or im~,,ed to me an the M[~ of satisfaclmy evidence to be the pemm(s) whos~ rmn~l) is/a~ subscn'bed to the within insmnnml and Kknowle(IFd Io n,~ tirol beM~dtbey executed d~ mn~ In hisAm'/their calmcity(ies) and dmt Ip/his/hev~teJr sit. nnnre(sJ on *h" immnnm, ~be pmon(s) or die miry upon beblfofwhich the petoon ac~d e~_,__~_ th~ imuummL STATE OF .NJ~W YORK COUNTY OF Onlbe dayof ,20 , befm'e me, the undmignM, a Nompj Public in and fo~ saki State, pemonally n~ oF proved m n~ on d~e trois ofsatisfacm~ evidence to be Ihe pmon(s) who~ name(s) is/m~ subecrb~d to the wilhin insUmnm and ackmwlal8~ ~o n~ that be/she/they e~cmed ~be same M his/her/the, ir c~eci~(ies} and dmt by hls/he~/duir be. belfof whlch the pen~n acted exec~ _t~ Ibc insmnnmL Nomp/Public With Covennnt A~ainst Grante~s Ae~s Title No. NICTIOI,AS CASSIS Nsndo~oed Nnnn~en~nt, LU~ a 'linited liability company c/o JAMES L. NEIS~ DI,,~"RICT 1000 SEC'lION 45 BLOCK 6 LOT 9.2 (XXJN'rV OR TOWN SUITFOLK COI.~'N'I'Y. TOWN OF ~OUTIlOLD RETURN BY MAIL TO: Number of pq~9 TORRENS Serial # Certificate #,.. ]~im' CIL ~ Dud ! ]VkMIple [utmmem 2005 P~j ~6 02~:25:12 ~ Ed~rd P.l~wine. SUFFOLK COUflTV L D(~012406 PO30 DTe Not,,qon EA-S217 Cem~ orEd. Amdavlt t ~-"IWi M C.i~/ Sub Tutd aired TOTAl. MI ~ Tu Sen~ J~-y 1000 04500 0600 009002 I. ~a]ic Tax 2. Additio~ Tmc Sub Tolnl J ~i~JA~iL Ot TOT. MTG. TAX , · . Du~I Town ", 'Dmd County Manaion Tax 'The property covered by this mo, IpSc bm. will be improved by a one or two family MIIn~ only. I ..... ; m~.,,__ vatmnFu~d ~onsidern Amount $~ J ]nitin~ ,/- .... . .. . ' ' ,~ ~ t~,, L'I~ : . [ ~ [ ~. Companym[~rmatlon . , ~~~) ... or HA~-~T of BOXE~ 51]~.U 9 MU.~T BE TYPED OR PR~ t ~o ~ BLAC~ INK ONLY PRIOR TO 1~ vCOP_OI~G OR fiLING. /OVERt I IIIHII Illl Il iH ~]1 Hill Il ill Ill Illl Illl SUFFOLK COUNTY C~.ER[ RECORDS OFFZCE RECORDZNG PAGE Receipt ~er z 05-0090117 TRANSFER TAX ~BBR: 05-04096 1000 Deed Amountz Roco=dedf At: LIBER: 8ect~onz Block~ 045.00 06.00 $450,000.00 o8/26/2oo5 o2=23,~2 ~ D00012406 030 009.002 Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COS $5.00 NO l~H SIK3G3 BA-CTY 85.00 HO BA-~TATB TP-584 $S.00 NO Ce=t.CopAeg P°T $30.00 NO BCTH T~anefer tax $1,800.00 HO C~m.p~ee TR,~I'SFER TAX NO,BERt 05-04096 ~a~8 PAGB Z8 A PART OF THE Z~BTROMEiiT TKZ8 ZB HOT A BZr.T. $5.00 $15.00 HO 8165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 HO $7,500.00 $9,542.00 Ed~a=d P.Roma~n~ Count~Clegk, Bu££olk County ...- .... PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'.//www, orp41.state.ny.u$ or PHONE {518) 473-7222 -- DLJ Nor.-n.dd.,~ V.~m Land ~ t M,~.m.at [SAKE INFOflMA'110N ] 'IL eh-,* ~ ~ mine d limes mmBiIom ig elqdmldFmtmmkc. ,,~,..~,,0, 0, o.0 o ',"M'...:-,',~l. I , , i m ; . e I NEW YORK STATE COPY