HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12400 P 605, Please do not Publish C~rr~l~n ~ THIS INDENTURE. nude the ~r thy of July. two thoueend five BKI'WKF, N JOHN A. IJNDAHL~ romidlrlg ~t 211 Mldn 8~Jet, S~g Hirlxr, pefl, ,nd CASCO ATJ.~rrIG BEACH. LLG, a Now York Umltod ~ C, omp4my with offJ~ ~t E00 ~ Broadway (SulM 270), Jodcho. Now YoW 11753. pmt¥ ~ tl~ tecoad pefl, WFFNESee.. ti. that tho Imrt~ or Iba first pm. in comideritioa of'T~ DoLIm and ml~r ~1 nd valuable coMid- ration pard by the party of' the mx:ond part, th~cs hereby ipunt and re~ unto thc party ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ or sxc~mm and mi~n~ of tl~ pefly of lbo secoed pm ;~ever. .4IL tht cermh plm. piece or per=l oft,-."_ taJed~:r with the baildinp nd Jmpmvamam Imovm and dmigneMd m Lo~ No. 1 off s Mftolfl M~p enlltlod "Msp d ~lmr~/IJfle Estot~." and JJlad Iff tho Suffodk County CJed~ offk=e on July 8. 1M6. ,s Map No. 10025. TOGETHER WITH the uSO of a 12-fo~ walMflg flght-d-wuy extending southerly from the end of Ninth Street to and Including the u~e In cx]mm~n wah olMm of a 40-kxX Mde privato beach, al as almwn on said THE ORANTOR herMn b the Mm8 pemon m Ihe Grantoe in cleed from Robelt Patak Neleon, Jr. ancl Ann MoAo NMson, dated December IS, 1998, rended In the ~f~k Coumy Clork'8 offi~ In Ubor 119~ of Deede. e~ Pago 746 on De~ 30. 1888. THE PREMISES HEREIN 8to IdMWJJod off the Suffolk G(xJrW RoeJ Properly Tax MKo a8 DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 046.00, BLOGK 06.00, LOT 000.001 and b known a8 (no #) NIr~h SU'oot. ~menpofl. New Yoflc 11~44. New York. This rdm'om:o IB ~or I~n only and isn~ Intonded to eltsr or mocllfy tho ~on Thio is a Cono~aaa Deocl given to ccere~ paragr, ph IMglnnlng v~h the won:le 'TOGETHER WTTH" was iMdveflontly om]ttod. 'r(N]ETHER with ~11 right, ti~ m:l intems~, if ny, of ~he peny of t~ ht pn in ,m:l m ny mr=Is ,nd meals .but- and flshts el' ~m= pefly of' the tim pefl in md to the iakl pr~ TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D ~ ~ ~ln ~runt~d unto the party oF the K~oAd pal% Jhe hdm, mccossom and ~ ~d'th~ party or ~ ~ ~ ~r. AND Ibc perry of the first pm1 covcnHIs thi Ibe pefly of lb= flr~ pon hli no~ dm~ ~r ~ ny~ ~ ~ Ixcmi~s hve been eacumbared in any w~y. e~:q~ u ~'oa:mid. AND tl~ p=rty or 1he firm pail. h complbna= with Secfloa 13 of the I~n Law. covenm~ ~ t~ ~y ~ ~ tim rural to ba appliaf fir~ for the purlM~ o~ I~q the co~ or Ii~ fmlxov~mem m~d ~lt ~ly t~ ~ tim m ~ ~ mcnt or'the c~st of tha in~;5~onuat bM'o~ min~ say pefl or th tom] of ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ Tht word "prell' ~lll I~ ,~mm, Jed al If hrr, ad "pm]~' whtne~q' i1~ i~lmo ,,,f ~ i~ M ~ IN WITNESS WliEREO¥. d~ p~fly or d= r~rm pert Jus ddy ~ ~ds deed tha day nd ye,r tim dx~c ~it. L$. STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: uaJ(.) who~ tatum(a) ~ (~) Buba(=thed to the vdlhln In~l~um~nt BAd BcknowlBdged to n,m thB~ ~ .ndlvJdu.l(ej. od' mo pemon upofl behalf of wN=h the In~Mt~l(8) m~sd, exo~Aod tM Insl~mbnt.. / Fonnl by N~)ocsU Numb,:r of pa~s TORRENS Serial# Ceflil]cat~ # Pilot Ctf. # E~9,~,.~ P.Ro~zne _CLFFOLK L P605 Deed / Mort{a~ Instrument Ra:oafins / Fnin~ Stumps P~ I FJlin~ Fe~ Handnng ~ TP-.~'4 Notation EA-$217(County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A Affidavit Ccrtificd Copy OO Mort~ Ami. 1. Ba~ie Tax 2. Additional T~ix S~b Total $1~/Assii, Uf TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County lie. Id for ,,eqqxwtionm,mt 'rransfcr 'fax Mamkm TIx The property cova*~d by ,his mor,~ is Reg. Copy t'~s ~ .. or will be '.unlwov?d by a one or two .~.- Sub Total ~ family dwellin~ only. Other /~ ~ ~ I. , ~':~, YES or NO , GRAND TOTAL ~J ~-~-."~-~-~- , 1[ NO, see ~..'. e tax clause on 4 . Cmnmunil~, l~n ~ Real Property Tax Scrvicc Verification 1000 04500 0G00 009001 Consideration Amount S 0.00 CPF Tax Due S 0.GO Vacant i,.mud ID 6 [ Sads factlons/Dischar~es/Releases List Property Owners ~ Address RECORD & lt~s~JRN TO: William 8. Cohn. EM. Forcholll, Curro, 8dMurtz, Caflrno & ~ Mineola, NY 11501 This p~c fro'nm part of tbe attackd CormeSon I~nd (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) John A.I.IndaM Tbe Memism hcrnln is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK TO In the Township of 8outhold ~aaco Atinn~ Bem~, U.C. In tbe VILLAGB 13OXI~ 6'l'~LJ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~l~ ~ ~ ~K ~Y ~ ~ I~Pt'Y'u~iG OR FLUNG. (OVa; · Nm~II~T, EZiZ ~ ~O E,A'~4 Y BT ~D~([ 0S£TS-~0 I1~ ZyT- ?,~mn.y:~m:.~ tAf:x:ty -o.f geed ~ZT. AO'['[od eqq..poATgorf o0'05 '~00' 600 00' 90 00' S~0 000'~ 8 q.o'z ~ :Kt)oT~ 8 'cEo'F?, DOB ; ?,O'F3q. o 'FO S09 ~ s~D~4 O0~,CXOOOG :lP~Z~Z 0S£TS-)0 :Ksr~ :X~'.T- ~St.TgNy'~.T. X~LSLO0-SO I 3g(:~n~ q. dTooe~ ODq/nsrl(Z/~OX,ID~'~OO ~?P~mn3q, mzZ ;o od~3. SOOE/6~/LO tpop3ooo~ s~Dy(~ DJ~ZG~ODr~ ~DZ&EO [[[[[i[Imllfllllllllll[Hlllllmllll]llilllllllll _, PLEASE TYP~ OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM - INSTRUCTIONS: http://www, orptstate, ny.ua or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I F-OR COUNT~ USE ONLY no f/ I Ntnth Street~ ;reen~rt Southold I I 11944 Casco AtlanUc Beach. LLC I LD~d ~k~ I Llndahl I ~ohn A. I · I I I ~ I 16 / 04 I 107 /Tgl:l ~ ~aV Yam' 1~--- I] .].]l.I I Irli.~Will Greenoort deed 1600I i ' ' J ~r.r~)o 1000-045,00-05.00-009.001 I I t I oo o . ,,,-,~?. oo - c>~ .bo.-oeFf.ONi I d'W 'roYal ~mm, md' mlmW W krdm qm~ mll~ me io k ~ Mmlw ia lae mmMql d iim~ d. Mine ~ Castco Atlanttc Oea:h)U~Lc / j J 6110 I North Reoadwav (Sutta 2701, 516 I 248-1700 I NEW YORK STATE COPY