HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12406 P 31~ ~ISINDE~ffiE,~ 11th yor Au~[2~5 g. f~. part will re~eiye the eonsidemtim for ds conveyan~ and ~11 hold ~e ri~t to receive such eomid~mtion ns a tm~t fund to be applied tim for the ~ of paying the ~ oftbe i.,,v...~,~ment and will apply the same first to the payn,.cnt of the cost of the inqxovcmcrit before using ~ pert of thc total of the same for any otha' ~. The word "part~' shall be consma~ as ifit read "ixlrdes" whenever the seine of this indenture so rcquircs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed tbe day and year fi~ above In ~ of: ~ ATLA ~,'TIC I~ACll, u~'. ~. ~ 'Enmt'~z~t J~ ~ u nuthortzad n~nt tim. Ghi~ago Title IMuranc~ Company $~hodulo A Do~o~ption PARCEL I shown on Map of'Cher~y Lan~ =.mam~, ,m,,., ,---.,, ....... " County of Sulfolk on July 8, 1997, as MaP No.' 10025' ~2-foot walking right-of-way extending southerly from TOGETHER.with the use of a. the uae in axnmon with othem of n 4O.foot wide privy..b~sach, all .u shown on .~kJ filed subdlvlaion map. DISTRICT 1000 SEC"rlON45 BLOCK 6 LOTg.1 Undenmtler No~ ~Q8.0148-38874 Number ECA3~74 · East Coast Aimtraot, Int.. Chicago TIUe Insurance Company Sr, hedule A DNcrlpt~. n P, CE, ,r ALL ttmt certain pk)t, pk~ce'~' parcel. of bmd~ ~uate~ ly'mg ~ being in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and Stake of New York. deaigrmbKI ~ Lot No. 3. as Mmwn on Map of'Cherry Lane E.:-~', and fried in tJ~e Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on July 8, 1907, 0. Map No. 10025. · . TOGETHER wllh the use of a 12-foot wllldng rig~t~<)f.,way extending aoutiiedy fm.m the end of Nlnlh Slmet to and including ~e use In common with others of a 40-foot wide private beach, ag aa ,shown on eekJ Wed eulxlivhd(:m map. DISTRICT 1.000 SECTION45 BLOCK 6 LOTg.3 STATE. OF' NEW YORK o) COUKTY OF ~ ) On the r~da~y or Auk-mt. 200~. befo~ me. Ibc undctsi~d., that by. his~heir ,,i~.) o~t~e itj~{mmenl, the NO~I~ ~ I t COUNTV OF Oudw dayof ,20 , before me, the undmigaed, a Notary Public in and fro' hid Sine, pemmally appemd , Imsonally known to me or proved to me on the basis of mi~ evidence to be the person(s) witose name(l) ls/~e subscribed U) Ihe whhin nme in his/her/their eqmeit),(ios) and that by Ids/ht.r/th~r si~,natm(s) on the imlmnm, dm pmon(s) er the emit}, upon behalrof w4dch the Ix~son acted executed dw in~rumm. Nomy Publi~ STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF ) dnyof ,20 ,bet'or=mc, the unda~ a Nma~ Public in and for md Sm~, pemonally · p~.,nrcd , pannally Imown t~ me or proved m me on Lbo bfh of sadsr~.to~ evidence lo be the pmoa{s) whose name(s) is/m subscribed to Ihe wJ~n insmmml aM acknow~ lo rm that he/sheAhey executed the same ~n hJafl~t~,h~'ir calmcii~(Jes) and b~at by his/ber/Iheir sif~nntu~s) on the ltmmmem, ~m petals) ~. the emity upon beluifofuhieh the Im~on acted executed the inslnmuu. Nmary Public ~TATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF .ppsu'ed .l~ly tnownto m~ or im~cd to me on the bnsis of sntis____~__ evidence Io b~ the pmoe(s} wbmm nau~s) is/m subscribed to the withln signature(s) on the immmm~ the pmofl(s) o~ Ihe endty upon behlf of wh/ch the person nctai executed the imummnc Notary Public With Covetunt ,q, tlml Grantw's Acts TRk No, CASCO ATLANTIC BEACH, LLC TO DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 45 BLOCK 6 LOT 9.1 AND 9.3 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK COUNTY, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THE MEADOWS AT GREENPORT, LLC I~TURN BY MAIL TO: .Numl~r of pagos TORRENS Serial # ~ri~r Of. #, FEES 20~ ~ 26 02;23~12 Ed~rd P.Rm~irm Q. ER~ OF 9JFFOU( L P 031 DTJ 05-0409;' jP~Fendi. Fll|nS Fee ling TP-584 Notation FA.sa 17 (County) 'EA-~2i7 R.P.T.S.A. Corona o fEd. Affidavit Amt. I. Oasic Tax 2. Additioaal Tax ~ub Total Or $ OO Dim] Town '" '[hml Count~. ~-~ . ~ill bs imMowd ~ a on~ or two fanily ~ Y~NO ' ' ,. . ~ of~ . . ' : 0~197 ~ooo o4~o osoo oo.oo~ * _ ..... .... 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Romaine County Clerk, Bu££olk Count:y Lot; 009.001 $5.00 $15.00 $16S.00 So.o0 $0.0o $0.00 $265.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'J/www.orps.stste, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Wpmmlmtmmhmmlmn.mdml { .,~ #~Pmm'~dm ~ Pmno/~lm,mmd C ~m~l~mldmm~ v~um L~nd Ol I~v~,-nd I ~ ~,~.~ON I 1~.~_~:~1 i . ,~, ~ ~HT INFORMAI'K)N Detl ihpuld ~ the ~ Finll Ai#il/llem RMI mild Trax Bill ,-=-...=-~ ,,.-.-_.._.--~,,.. 'r I-- 2A Tm~ ~mF, klmilgmmlm/I M IdmmmtB.l~ gl rmmm 'Ibm. gml~, mummb mkm~ amidm m4dltimmmml Idmntikf~l I NEW YORK ,~I'ATE COPY