HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12399 P 156barpln and sale deed with cuvamm against grant, s ms (indivM,_~! o~ corpm~ien) slmsdard nybm Form 8007 CAUTION: THIS AGREEMENT SHOULD BE PREPARED BY APl ATFORNEY AND REVIEWED BY A~FORNEYS FOR SELLER AND PURCHASER BEFORE SIGNING. Tills INDENTURE, mdc the ~ day of ~, 2~0~, between HAROLD REESE, JR., RONALD RKF.~K mid CHRISTINE REF_..SE CHRISTINE REESE MCCULLOCH) indi~4dumlly, and as imrmm of REESE, REESE, MCCULLOCH, n Limiled Liability Pormershlp, with offlnss at 74 Whitehall Road, Roeks~ille Center, New York ! IS70 party of the first p~rt, and TOWN OF SOOTHOLD, with offices at S3095 Main Road, Southokl, New York 11971 party of the second WITNESSETH, that the pa~y ofthe first part, in ~onsidention of TEN DOLLARS, lawful money of the United Sates, paid by the party or the second pa~ do~ hereby amnt and relmme unto the pafly of the second pail, the h~im or successors and mism of the patty of the Mcond pm ALL that certain plot, piece or pmcel o£ land, ~th buildinp and improvemenu thereon erected, silante, lying and being in die Town or Southold, Courtly ot*SulTolk and State orNew Yod~ known and designated es: SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO SUBJECT TO a right of way for ini~ess nd egress for SCTM # 1000-45-5-3 and SCTM # 1000-45-5-4, ns shown on n survey doted March 1, 2005, last revised March ! I, 2005, prepared by John C. Ehlers Land Surveyor. TI-iE nbove-described property is ucquired in part with funding seeeived by the Slate of New York f`rom Grant Agreemem Number C-4-1,-I dated March 28, 2005 between the U.S. Fish nmi Wildlife Service (Sorvice) and the Slate of` New York, Depaflment of' Environmental Conservation. All present and future use of this property arc and shall remain subject to the U:nns and conditions deserihed in the Notice of Grant Agreement, attached hereto as Schedule i and rccerded het~-with, and to the other administrative requirements ut'the applicable grant funding program of the Service. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the ~mto~ herein by deed dated 6/I $/67 and recorded 6/26/67 in Liber 6174 and palF 47 of the Clerk orthe County of Suffolk. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, ofthe pafly ofll~ tim pst in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to tho center lines tha~of. TOGETHER with the appufleneuces and all the emte and rights of'the pray ofthe tint pail in nsd to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein punted unto the pray of the second peri, the heirs or successors and nsisns ofthe party of'the second pm fmever. AND the party of the first part, covenants that the party of tho first peri las not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whtever, except ns aforesaid. AND the party of'the fL-sl pail, in compliance with Section 1'4 ofthe Lien Law, covenants that the pafly ofthc f'tmt part will wceive the considention for this ennveyauce find will hold the riKht to receive such consideratJtm ms · trust fund to be applied flun for the pm~ose ofpayJn~ the cost of the improvement and will apply the same tint to the payment of the cost of'the improvement before using any part of the foul of the smue for any other purlxae. The word .pray* shell ha construed as if it read *parties* whenever the smue of this indenture so r~quires. : IN WI~NE&~ WHF..RtOF, the potty ofthe fTm pan has duly executed this deed the day snd year I'sm above wrlt~n. IN PRESENCE OF: SInte of New York) County oi' SUFFOLK) On the /~ day oF ~"U~. ¥ in the year 2005 before me, the undmi~'d, a Notary Public in and for said Sta~ pemo~ll~ appexred HAROLD pr.~a~, JIL, penoually known to me or pawed to mc on the basis or satisfactory evidcnce to be tM individual who~c name is subscribed to the within instrumem end acknowkdsmJ to me that he executed tho same in his capacity, and that by his sisnatute on the instounont, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the in~rument. State of New York) SUFFOLK) On the proved to me ~ to the within that by his individual acted, Nout~. Public PATRIOIA t. FALLON NO. 01F~4960146 OuaflMd In 8uffoJk OountY of , personally appexrcd RONALD REESF., personally basis of satisI*Kto~ evidence to to me th~ ha e~,_l,_~ the ~mc inmumcm, the individual, or the penua u in lite year 2005 hefme me. the undcrsisned, a and or which the Stateol' Now York) ss: County of SUFFOLK) Notary Public On the Publio in uad for pcrmuaJly whom same in her capacity, and that by her siipmture on tho inslrument upon behdf of which Ihe individual acted, e.~._~_Jted the instrument. ~ the undasisned, a RKESE MCCULLOCH. , evidence to be the individual she exeuated tbe individual, or IM person Nuta~ Public FlJe No: Rfl05302623 SCHEDULE A - DESClLTPI'ZON AHENDED 07/05/05 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenpart, In the Town of Southold, CounW of Suffolk and State of New York, end mom partJculerly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a railroad monument set on the nmtherly side of the Long Island Railroad Company, said monument being where the westerly line of land herein described, end the easterly line of land now or formerly of Herman ~11 Intersects said northerly side ofth~ Long Island Railroad Company; RUNNING '~IENCE northerly and westerly along lend now or formerly of Herman Sill the following four (4) courses end distances: 1. North 11 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East, 755.81 feet to a mon. ument; 2. South 50 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds West, 992.08 feet to a point; 3. South 40 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds Wast' 4.~_~/~t to · monument; 4. North 47 degrees 20 minutes 50 seconds W.e~ 334.02 f~et to a point and land now or formerly of Beliz and others; 11-lENCE North 36 degrees 58 minutes 50 seconds West, elong said last mentioned land 291.11 feet to · monument In the southerly of Main (State) Road; THENCE easterly along the southerly side of Hain (State) Road the following three (3) courses and distances: 1. North 54 degrees 25 minutes 10 seconds East, 455.95 Met to · point of curve; 2. Along the arc of said curve bearing to Ute right having a radius of 2809.79/eat a distance of 1176.36 feet to a point; 3. North 78 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds East, 1627.38 Feet to · monument end land now or formerly of Jurzerda; THENCE South 6 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds East along last mentioned land 512.62 feet to a monument and the northerly side of Long Island Railroad Company; 1]-IENCE westerly end southerly along the northerly side of Long Island Railroad Company the following slx (6) courses and distances: 1. Along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 2898.0 feet, a distance of 1290.27 feet; 3. 4. 5. South 54 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds West, 405.26 feet to a point; South 35 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds East, 16.50 feet to a point; South 54 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds West, 250.56 feet to · point; North 20 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds West, 13.96 feet to a point; 6. South 54 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds West, 371.05 feet to the Railroad monument first above mentioned at the point or place of BEGINNING. ALTA Owners Policy (10-17-92') S // JOHN C. EI-n -~-RS LAND SURVEYOR EXHmlT Notice of Grant Afruomnny/- Th= Sta~ of N~v York, Del2eflment of Environmental Cons~vstion, and its successors ~ =,~ns 0Jegduef~r DEPARTMENT) and thc Town of Southold and its is a~quired in part with federal funds received flora ,b National Coastal We*h-~_. Grant Program mJndnism~d by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of FMmd Assistance, its sueesasou and assigns (hereinafter SERVICE) and that tho p~opmy dmMbed is subject to all the terms and conditions of Chant Agrsemcnt Number C - 4 - L -I (h~ Orant Agreement) between tbe Service and the DepartmenL A copy of tbe Omnt Asrcement is kept on file st the offices of'the Service. 300 Westgat~ Center Drive, Hadley, MA 01035- 9589 and st the officce of the DePartment. 625 Broadway. Albany. New York i 2233-5010. The Depaflment and Town acknowledge that the real propeax'y, which is tim subject ofthis Grant Agreement, is acquired for the approved purpose oflong-t~fm eonservafion of inten~ftted land festLires which are critical to. coastal fish, wildlife and their habitats. Th~ Department and Town fuflher ec~mowledgo fiat the properly will be admlni_~ered for the long-term e. bnsetv~on or' said lands and waters and the hydm~.D', water quality and fish and wiidlifi: dependent thereon. ~ Deparmient, as the Grant Recipient, and the Town as Sub-grentce, hereby acknowledge ,bm th~ are responsible for excrei~.~t control over the property to ensure that tbe properly is uasd and will continue to be reed for the approved Pmix)ses for whieh it is ecquired and that the propetXy may n~t be conveyed or encumbered, in whole or in perk to eny other party or fm. eny other usb. whatsom~r, without thc written co~sent oftbe Regional Director oftbe U.S. Fish and WiMlife Service. If the Town loses control of the property, control m,~ be f~lly restored to the Town or the pmper~ must be replaced, within three years, with like p~ ofeqmd value st current market prices and equal benefits. Fur~ber, iftbe properly is used for activities that interfere with eccomplislunent ofapproved purposes, the violating mivitles must cease and any r~sulting adv.~ e~ec~ must be remedied. Ifth~ Department end ti~ Town det~rmiue the properly is no longer razd~! or uasful · for its original purposo and flu: Se~x,i~ concurs, the Town, may with the prior conasnt of~. Service: either (l) a~:quire titio t~ enotlm' pen:el ofreal property of equel value thst re. wa Sewice, in cash. the proportion,~, fc(hmd share of fimds inveslcd in the o *nginal purchase price, or to rePey the Service, in cash, the pmporfiomae fode~al chare of t~,. current fair market value of the prope~y, or any portion tian~of, whichever is higher, or (3) as a last resort, mms~r t~ subject prope~y to the Service or to a third-pray dasignsted or approved ~ l~j~u~nent, u Grant Recipient, and the Town as Sub-pantcc ben,by confirm their obligmions f~nd respo..sJbJlities w~h resards to the a~quired propa~.~t to tcflns ' and conditions s.uochtcd with Grunt Asreernent C - 4 - L - 1. I~. WITNKS~. WHEREOF, the People of the -qtat~ of New Yo.~. by tier CommissionerofEnvirom',l,'qMIConserva~on, has s~t its hand and seal tltis P~' dayof ~'6t t~ ,2005. STATE OF NEW YORK ) · )SS.' COUNTY OF ALBANY ) i~.smnnento ~ ' Notaz~ Public, Sta~ of Now York of · j~u~ .Wi~. 01r, 11~TlownofSoudlold, hus~titshandandscldthb 30tMay /~." ~P~Ur"vi~4~r?U~n Of Southold *- ,%% .qTATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ). On this~JO.th day bf June ,200~, before mc peilollld, ly appeall~ did say petsoiudly and und~' his autl~ity ns Southold Town SuPervisor , that thJs is his fl~e act and deed and .fl~e free a~t and deed of ihe Town of Southold. File NO: 1~05~02a2J SCHEDULE A - DESClLTFI'ZON AHENDED 07/05/05 ALL that certain IMot, p~ece or parcel of land, situate, lying end being at Greenport, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk end State of New York, and mom particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a r~ilroad monument set on the northerly side of the Long Island Rallresd Company, said monument being where the westerly line of land herein deKrlbed, and the esst~rly line of land now or formerly of Herman Sill Intersects said northnrly side of the Long Island Rallrend Company; RUNNING THENCE northerly and westerly along land now or formerly of Herman Sill the following four (4) courses and distances: 3.. North 11 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East, 755.8]. fnot to a monument; 2. So4Jth 50 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds West, 992.08 feet to · paint; 3. South 40 degrees 1.1 minutes 30 seconds West, 40.63 feet to a monument; 4. North 47 degrees 20 minutes 50 seconds West, 334.02 feet to a point and land now or formerly of Bellz and others; THENCE North 38 degrees 58 minutes SO seconds Wast` along said last mentioned land 291.].1 feet to a monument In the southerly of Main (State) Road; THENCE easterly along the southerly side of Main (State) Road the following three (3) cobrses and distances: 1. North S4 degrees 2S mlnutas ].0 seconds East, 4SS.9S feet to a paint of curve; 2. Along the arc of said curve bearing to the right havlog a radius of 2809.79 feet a dlstence of 1176.36 feet to a point; 3. North 78 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds East, 1§27.38 feet to a monument .and land now or formerty of ~lurzenla; THENCE South 6 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds East along last mentioned land Sz2.62 feet to a monument and the northerly side of Long Isiand Railroad Company; THENCE westerly and southerly along the northerly ~lde of Long [siand Rallresd Company th~ following six (6) courses and dlstance~: 1. Along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 2898.0 feet, a distance of 1290.27 feet; 3. 4. 5. South 54 degrees 40 minutes ].0 seconds West, 40.5.26 feet to a point; South 35 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds East, 16.50 feet to a point; South 54 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds West, 250.56 feet to a point; North 20 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds West, 13.96 feet to a point; 6. South 54 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds West, 371.05 feet to the Railroad monument first above mentioned at the paint or place of BEGINNING. ALTA Owner's Policy (30-17-92) Number of ~ TORRENS Deed, Moni]n~e hmmnmnl ~ I Filing I~ -.~) Handling TP-584 No'nth Jrt EA-5217 (County) ~ Sub Toed R.ET.S.A. ~ ~ Affidavit C~' Certified Copy v Jul 21 0~804~21 FH Edward P. Roeaine CLERK ~ ~tlFFOCK COL~ L DOOOI~ OTI 04-,50209 R~',:.,~-'-;n~ I Iqlin~ stumps ioltp~ Antt. I. Buic Tax 2. Additional Tax SubTotal Spec. / As,,it. Spec:Add. TOT. MTG TAX Held for Appoimrnem 3Yansfer Tax ~ Mnesion Ttx The properly covered by this mor_~nge is or will be improved by n one or two fnmily dwelling only. 233 Hamp~n ~ ~uthmp~, N~ York I1~ 7 ~ ~y ~o~ 8 S olk Co t Record & Endo ement Pa e MCCULLOCfl TO TOWN OFSOUTHOLD This pa~ forms port of the aUached DEED (SPECIFY TYPE OF IN:~iKUMErNT) The p~mi~s hen{in hi si,-,,,.,.d in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NB'AV YORK. In the Township of SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE BOXES 6 THROUGH Ii MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR 1RUNG Cover) I[llllllllHllmllflllllllfflllHlllmll[l]]lllffllll I IIIlllllllliHllmllll BO*FFOZdC ~ C~.ER.lC ~CORDB OFFZCB P. BCOP. DZ~G ~AQu ReceXp~HVmbez 8 05-0075984 TRANSFER TAX HUMBBR: 0&-50~09 1000 Recozdod: ~ZBER: PAGE: 045.00 05.00 · XAM/m~uAHDC~ARG~I) AB ~LON8 $2,2so.ooo.oo o?/22/2oos 03~04]21 PM PoGo/F411ng $30.00 ~ ihndlLng COB $5.00 n-~ $5.00 ~ ~-8TA~ TP-584 SS.00 ~ S30.00 Tr~efer Fees PaLd TRMWSFB3t TAX ~: 04,-50209 THZfJ PAGB Z8 A PART OF THE Z,NHTRUI(ElfT /'~Z8 Z8 ~ A BZ~:r' I:)00012399 Edward P. RomaJ. ne (~otmty Clerk, 8u££olk County 156 005.000 $5,00 $15.00 $16S.00 $12.50 80.00 $0.00 $272.S0 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS'fiRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM · · INSTRUCTIONS: http://www, orps.-iate.ny:us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 PROI~RTY INFORMAI~ON I ~'~L,,,~I 70380 I Main Road I Southold ~su~, I ?OWN OF SOU?HOLD REESE HAROLD, JR., RONALD & CHRIS?TNE; I I SALE INI:O~MAllON I l~. Blto M Ido l TJmuk~ · 1.2. I I I I TOWN OF SOU?HOL~j~u~ 53095 j Route 25, Hain Road Southold tP/ 11971 I KONBRZNK I LISA 631 287-3939 I NEW YORK STATE COPY