HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12371 P 465BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAUllON: Ti fie ACdI. EEMElqT SflOUI.D IE PRI~AIU~D nY AN AI'IDRNEY AND RLaVIEWEO BY A'rfORNi:'YS FOR S ,EMA='R AND PURCllASER t U':~0PJ-: SX'd41NO. rHISlNaEffruIt£,madothe I'~) deyof '~.,.~u,"1 , 2005 MARK 8CHILL residing at 10~0 Watervlew Dr., Soathold, NY I IqTI party of'the first part, and ROY SCHOENHAAR rnsiding nt 330 Ealtwond Dr., Culchogue, NY 119.t5 party of the second pail P/ITN~:Z~ETH. that the party of the tim Fret, in censidersfion of Ten Dollar; and other lawful consideration, iswfid money of the Uaited Stales, paid by the party of the saeond paR. does hereby grant end release unto the party of the second part, the heir/or su~e,..sors and assigns of tho party ofthe saeond put forever. ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the beildinp and hnpmvemonts thereon erected, situate, lyin~ and being at Oreenpan, Town of Sombold. County of Suffolk and State of New Yodc SEE SCHEDULE 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The grantor herein is the same person as the grantee in Deed dated 116/03 recorded 5/27/03 in Liher 12253 et Page 070. TOGETHF_~ with ali right, title and inte[est, if uny, of the party of the first pan in and to any streets and roads abulting the above deseHbnd premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights ofthe patty, of'the first .pprt in and to said promiser. TO 11,4 YE AND TO HOLD the premisas h~ein g~antsd unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns ofthe party of the second part forever. .4ND the party ol'the first part, covenants that the pray oftle first pan has no~ done or suffer~ anything. whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. · 4AD the party of the first Pa]'L in complience with Section 13 of'the Lien Law, covenants that the party of thc first part will receive the consideration for this conve.vanee and will bold the right to receive such consideration as u trust fund to bo applied first for the pmposo of payinl~ the cost of'the improvement end will apply the same first to th~ payment of'the cost of the improvement hefore usin~ any part of the total of'the samc for any other purpose. The v. xn'd "party' shall he construod as if it ~ "p~i~" whenever the sonsa of'this indenture so requires. IN P/ITNE~ WH£P,F. OF, the potty ofthe tim pan has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. MARK 8CHILL NYSaA gefidenOnl ~ F. sme Fomu ~m IIoB[Jet' (9~0) Cop)31iht C.~fl ~ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the I.~ day of Fg&~'sg y .2005. ~l'o~e me., tbe undemi~ned. Ix~zmall~ appearod MARK ~CHILt~ personally known to ra~ cx' prov~l to me un d~ basis ot'misfmo~ evidence to be thc individuals whoso names a~e subscribed ~o tim within in~tmmcm ~ acknowledged to mo Umt he ex~cuted the ~ame in his capacity, and that by his si~ntum on tbe instrument, the individual, ortho pomo~ upon behalf'of which the individual ~cted. executed tim instrument. NOTARY PUBLIC DEED PA'mICrA L. FALl.ON NOIIty PuMIo, 8mrs Of N~W Yod~ No. 01FA4MOt48 Qu~lflecl In Suffolk Co~ NO_.. ~CHILL Section 048.00 Block 01.0O Lot 022.00 County or Town SUFFOLK To SCllOENHAAR Return B~ Mail To: WILLIAM C. GOGGIN~, ESQ. 1310K MAIN RD. P. O. BOX 65 MATFITUCI~ NY I I~J2 Rest~,e This Space For Use Of Reeording Office NY$11A C.,i(knlld ~ Em F(Iflns o. Stewart Title Insurance Company Tree Ne: 25-8-0011 $chedulo A Description ALL dbst eemdn plot, piece or preel of land, sltua~ lying and beb~g at Greenpo~ Tovm of Southold, CounW ~fSuffotit and Stats of NewYork, being know~ m Lot No'L 28 mci 29 u Cl~'$ Offi~ on May 73, 1887 as ]~p No. 3S3, mid lots whc~ takm mge~h~ m'e bounded and d.m'b~l u idioM: BEGINNING f~ ~b~ comer formed by the inmrs~tJon of ~he neflberly side of W*~si~.J 8m~.t snd dm wesmdy sMe ot'El~hth Sm~; Slxc~t, north 89 dcsnses 30 ,,~,,~,-,, $0 seconds wut, 100.41 feet m o point and huub now ~ formerly of Pulu; THKNCE alonS said brads, nofih 6 depms 34 mtumm 00 seconds earn, 12433 ~ct to Im2ds now or formerly of Cofwiu; THKNCE nlon~ said hnds south 89 desrees ~8 n~mstes 00 scc. onds east, 100.60~o the w~m~ly sJcb of Eiahth SUeet; THENCE tdon~ ~he wemmly sMe of Eighth' 8tn~ south 6 dogtues 36 m~nuns 40 seconds wmt, 125.J3 f~et ~o ~ho point orplace of BEGINNING. NuAbe~ of pa~ ,.s TORRENS Cmi§¢at~ # Pfio~ Qr. # ~ F~ 14 03s:~t02 I~l Eduard P.li~in~ '* L IX~O01237! P 465 DTI 04-2~,91 Deed I Mortgage Instrument .1~ I ~e Tax Stamp ~n__ .~c~_MJng I Fllln~ Stamps Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-.~2 17 (County) HA-g21 ? (Stat~) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Af'fidnvit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other __ Sub Total Sub Total GRAND TOTAL Mo~,age .*,mt: I. hslc Tsx 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Sp /Asei* Or Spec./Add. TOT, I~'G. TAX Dual Town,, Dual Coumy Hald for Apportionment 'i~ansf*e~.Ta~ Mansion Tax The properly covered I~ will be i/nproved by a dwellhS only. If NO, see appropriate ,r two f'nmlly Date Initials l~al Property Tax Sm'vfce Apncy Verification Di_'!t:_ Secti.on . B .lock 0~00~04 1000 04800 0100 022000 gntisf'aotions/DJschm'sos/Relnasua List Proper~ Owners Moiiin'~ Addros~ RECORD & RRTURN TO: ~[LLZAN C. GOGG*XHS, ESQ. P* O. BOX 65 NAT~TTUC.,~, NY 11952 : Considerati(~n · CPF 'Fax l~ue TI:) TI) 8 I Title Company lnform.ation Co. Name STER~itT TXTLE · Title # z~-s-outt Suffolk Count7 Recording & Rndorsement__ Page 'fl~.c premises ILu'cin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of' solrrlmLD or HAMLET of made by: This pege forms l~,'t of the at~.J~d DEED ."IARK SCHILL TO ROY SCHOENHAAR BOXES $ THRU 9 IvlUST BE TYPED OR PRfN ifil2 IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING ~ FiL~. (OVER) I IIIIIIIIlffllfflllllilllllllllll#lllllllllllllllll RECORDS OFFTCB Type o£ Xnatz~nent: DuunS/DDD Reoeipt Numbe= ~ 05-0016875 TnANSFBR TAX NOHBER: 04-28691 1000 Recoz~ed~ LZBER: PAGE: 048.00 01.00 $460,000.00 o2/14/2oos 03:35s02 1~( TRAHSFn TAR H~BBRz 04-28691 THZB PAGE Z8 A PART OF THE INBTRUMENT TH'&B X8 NOT A BILL D00012371 465 Edward P. F~ma~ue County Clerk, Su££olk County Lo~z 022.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $S,200.00 $8,102.00 Exempt NO N0 NO NO NO - ' PLEASE TYPE OR I~RESS FIRMLY WHEN WRI'~ING ON FORM ............... INSTRUCTIONS: http://www, orps.itate.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOrt COUNTY US ONLY I Ic''ws c°d'. . ~ I~mAL P~K~EKrv TKwsKn ~Ep°~r C~.OmDudRewdid I /'~o~/ / (,/l ~.~--l' I ..opEp~Y ~.rG~V*Tio. I I 8ch Street J "~l 5o7 [ Soutbold I Greeusor~ I tlg~ I I I I I t~ [ Schill I l~.rk I 4c. I'm:d A0mMd b' e' *"Hik~ v'~h M~ PmVMKI [] [ ,, 1. C~e[A tho boa IMiow whMt nmdt ammutdv detadMo tho mef tho peqmfly IU~ Chgdt 1he Inning Iuigw ns thw Iq~. BI] 2 of $ Fmdlv Ikd~mtbl Fig Comnwndd Ir, dumrta4 I DI I Na,~.nmkbntblVKant Land H[_J EmmWlnmila/Anwmmmt ISALE INFORMATION I ~lt Clu4 em M nun d tlun tatdllmsm qqdkalbt, Inmkc. A B C D F. F G il I J ,.~.Cmd. mtO.t. I 12~ / 27~y / ....04 I Ua,ah 0~ 1Ms peyment rMV IM h dm Into o~ eit. ogmr 10feOeny or goodL ar du m~Jmpdon ~ [ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Darn ihould rof~ct tho btem FIMi Assessment Roll and Tn Bill ~v~d,m.....mMI,m [6~/~ 17. T~dAmemadVduotddlm.ed, hlmmhd [ I 1000-0&8.00~1.00-022.000 I I I I I CEKI1FICATION I BUYER