HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12373 P 308 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR*S ACTS FORM 8007 CAI.cF[ON: THI~; A(;REEMEK'T SHOULD BE PREPARED BY AN A]TORNEY AND R EVI EV,~.D BY A'I'fORNEYS FOR SELLER AKD [RIRCllASER B£FORE $1GKIN~. THIS [NDEA"Tf./R£, made the 16'~ day of February, 2005, between Frederick E. Glasser and Eleanor M. Glasser, both residing at 2195 Henry's Lane, Peconic, New York 11958 party of the first pa~, and Stephen R. Barbara and Maureen R. Bafoara, husband and wife, bolh residing at 85 Little Bay Road, Wading River, New York 11792 pa~y of the second WITNE,.~ETH, that the p~my ofthe first part, in consideration ofTEN DOLLA~ (SI0.~), lawful m~ey of~e Unit~ Sta~, ~id ~ ~e ~ny of the ~oad ~ d~ he~ ~nt and ~]~ ~m ~e ~y of&e ~coad ~ ~e hei~ or su~ ~d ~i~s of ~e ~y of the ~d ~ louver. ALL ~at ~ain plo~ pi~e or ~el of land, wilh the build~ a~.~p~vem~n~ ~ situate, lying ~d ~ing in the To~ of Sou~old, Co~ty ~f Suffolk ~d'S~ew Y~, ~own ~d desi~at~ ~ Lot No 3 on n c~in map mfi~[~, '~Ma~ ~f ~R.R~lty'~o." ~d fi]~ in the Office of~e Cle~ of the C~n~ of Suffolk on ~r 13', 1~.8~ M~ 881 I, ~unded ~d d~ri~d ~ follo~: ~,~,~/ BEGINNING at n ~int on &g ~u~erly side ofCh~mut R~d di~t 41.~ f~t ~lhw~rly ~ mr~ along &e ~ut~rly si~ ofCh~tnut R~d ~ the ~m~ foxed by ~e inte~ction oFthe ~uthe~t~ly si~ ofCh~mut R~ and ~e Sou~west~ly si~ of Ch~mut R~; ~id ~int al~ ~ng w~ ~e no~mrly c~ of~e he~ina~r d~d~d p~i~s and ~e ~w~ly comer of land n~ ~ f~ly ofJ~ C. Sw~ey im~ the ~u~e~t~ly side of Ch~mut R~d; RUNNING THENCE Sou& 42 d~ 12 minul~ 05 ~onds ~t, 92.47 fro; THENCE No~h ~ ~ 49 minul~ 05 ~on~ ~L l 1.38 THENCE Sou& ~ ~ I I minut~ 32 ~on~ ~L 341.48 f~ mt &e division line ~w~n Lot N~. 3 ~ 4 oa ~e a~ve mmtion~ map; THENCE South ~ de~ 37 minut~ 30 ~on& W~ 478.62 fro, m land now or f~y of Suffolk Co~ty Wnt~ THENCE No~ 41 d~ 30 minutes 25 ~n~ W~L 2~.3~ fe~ m land now or f~y of~nway: TIIENCE No~ 47 ~ 47 minul~ 55 ~ ~ 302.45 f~t; THENCE N~ 42 d~ 12 minut~ 05 ~ W~ 79.39 fro; THENCE N~ 33 ~s 05 minut~ 15 ~co~ ~L 103.39 THENCE No~h 42 de~s 12 minu~ 05 ~onds W~ ~.18 f~l ~ ~e ~u&~teriy side ofCh~ut R~: THENCE No~h 47 de~ 47 minutes 55 ~onds ~t. aloaK ~e ~uth~rly side of Chesmut R~, 50.~ fm to ~e ~int or place of BEGGING. BEING AND INTENDED TO B~ ~ ~me p~mi~ eonv~ m the ~y ofthe by ~ da~ 1/19/02 and ~ in Liar 12177, P~e 702 T~gTllgR wi~ all fi~ title and im~k iffy, of&e ~ny oft~ tim ~ in ~d m ~y ~ ~d ~ abutting ~ a~ve d~fi~ p~i~ m ~e ~ lin~ ~e~f, ~ETHgR wi~ ~e ~n~ ~d all &~ e~m~ ~d fi~B of~e ~y in and m ~id ~ H~ Wg~ND TO HOLD ~ p~i~s he,in ~ ~m ~e ~y of~e ~nd hei~ or s~ end ~i~s of~e ~ of~e ~nd ~ fo~. MND the ~y of~e fi~ ~ cov~n~ ~at ~e ~ of~e fi~t ~ suff~ ~inK whe~ ~e ~id ~mi~s ~ve ~ eneum~ in ~y ~y wha~v~, excopt ~ afo~iL MND ~e ~ of the tim ~ in compli~ wi~ ~fioa 13 of~e Li~ ~w, covenan~ · nt ~e ~ of~e fi~t ~ will ~eive ~e ~nsidmti~ f~ ~is conv~nnee a~ will hold the fi~t ~ ~i~ such co~idemti~ ~ ~ ~t f~d ~ ~ appli~ fi~t f~ ~e pu~e of ~ying ~e ~ of~e impmvem~t ~d will apply ~e ~e tim ~ ~e ~ymem of~e c~t of the impmve~m ~fo~ ~ing any ~ of~e total ofth~ ~me for ~y o~ pu~. ~e w~ *~y~ ~all ~ co~lm~ ~ if it ~ "~nies~ w~never ~e ~ of this indenm~ ~ ~uir~. IN WITNE.~ WHEREOF, thc party of the first part hos duly cxecut~ this deed thc day and year firs~ above written. IN P~F,S[NCIr OF: Eleanor M. Gla~er STATE OF NEW YORK : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : On the 16th day of February, 2005 b~fore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appoared Frederick E. Glasser and Eleanor M. Glasser, pcrsoually known to me or proved m me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be thc individuals whos~ name ar~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to mc that they executed th~ same in their capa¢iti-a, and that by their signatured on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon beha. lfofwhich the individual acted, executed the instrument. NOTARY PUBLIC Number of pages ~ TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # Deed ! Mortgage instrument Page / Filing I-'ce Handling 5. 00 TP-584 .~ m Deed / M~wlgage Tax Stump Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Omlm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge , Sub Total 15. O0 Sub Tota/ 20~5 F~b 23 ~tIS-'lO Pti Edk~rd P. Rc~aine ~.~K OF SUFFOU( IZ~TV L P~ OTJ 04-~0111 Recording / Filing Stam~ Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub To,:,l SpecYAssit. or Spec./Add. TOl: MTG. TAX Dual Town. Dual Count)..-- Held for Appointmam Transfer Tax _.~/~ Mansion Tax The propcrty covered by this mon{~:lg¢ is or will be improved by a one ,,r family dwelling only· Other YES or NO __ Grand Tutal ~/~',~ page # . of this iastmmenl. Real Pro.fly Tax Se~ice Agency ' W~ficali~n ~ PF T~ Duc $ ~. 6 I Satisfactioas/Discharg*s/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: /31 Suffolk Coun This page fi~rms pan of th~ attached r f Improved Vacanl Land _. "~ TD TD Title Corn Information Title # Recordin & Endorsement Pa: ISPECIFY TYPE OF IN~ROMEN~3 T~ p~mi~s hc~in ia situ~ in SLJ~OLK ~U~Y, NEW YORK. ma, k' by: 1~ in the Township of ... ~"~OttT'~tO/,.,0 .. In thc VILLAGE - or HAMLET of ~t~tt'rhto/..~ BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR PILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE T~pe of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD Number o£ Pages= 3 Receipt ~m~er = 05-0020250 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-30111 1000 Deed Amount= Section= Block~ 059.00 03.00 ~a-~ZNEDAND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $450,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling cog $5.00 NO NYE 5RCHG EA-CT~ $5.00 NO' SA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Coptes RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Trans£er tax $1,800.00 NO C~.Prmm Fees Paid TRANHFE~t TAX NUMBERt 04-30111 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE ZNBTHUM~NT THIS IS NOT A BZLL Edward P.R~ne County Clerk, Suffolk County Recorded= 02/23/2005 At: 03:18:10 PM LIBER: D00012373 PAGE: 308 Lot: 016.004 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $7,500.00 NO $9,539.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PREss FIRMLY ~/~IEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hep'.//www.~JYps.state',ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 tFOR COUNTY USE ONLY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER C2. O~t~ Deed Recorded 8TA~ B0~RD OF 1. ~mpe~ I Chestnut Rosd [ Southold { [ 11971 2. Buwr [ Barbara [ ~oohen R. [ Barbara I Maureen R. I 6. Sdkr [ I ,,~,~ Ixl Iml . . 3. 0.3 I Glasser J I Frederick E, I Eleanor K. I [}[.._J 2,~'3 Fimilv R~sMenthl FI__I CommerdJl ~ ~.~ Indult~al C ~ RM~dm~ll V~cint ~ G~I Apirm~nt KI,~ PubJit ~i=e D] ]Non-RMidentlalVamntl. m~d HI I Ento~innmM/Amul~meN I.I I I~m~ 12, DMO d SeJe I Trambr I o? / ]~ / O~ I A B C D' lS. FUg&mI~I~rL~ I , . 4, 5, O, O, O, 0,0,0I ! · s~md~ I .... 0 , 0 , O I [ ~E~ME~ IN~R~N. ~l sh~M ~t the Mm~ Final ~ ~Jl I~ T~ ~ll I I&Y~rMM~RM~ IO~/0~1 I?.T~IMVM(~In~II l&~ 13 , ] ,l I-~ ~M L Soucho~d I 1OOO-059.00-O3.OO-016.00~ j [ J I I I I I Ca...r~ATION I certify Iblt NI d' #le ~ ~ bd'~ eMefed m ikb £~ mn~ tree md c~ (io ike ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ Barbara Haureen~'~. Barbaca .... Frederick E. Glasser Eleanor M. Glasser NEW YORK STATE COPY