HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12425 P 87 : ' B~kRGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S L [f ~-'~ ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8007 THIS IND£NTUR~, made the 13 day of .~-ptemher, Two ~d Five, b21wecn Ohannes Kafinca, of 383 Euston Rind. Garden City. NY i 1530 party of the first part. and Oheunes K~'ioca and Arsalm Knrinen, his wife, of3K3 Eustan Road, Garden City, NY 11530 party of the second part, W1TNE~ETli, that the party of the f~st part, in eonsidentiun of Ten Dollars and No Cents ($10.00), lawful money of the United States, paid by the ~ of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the .party of the second part, the heirs or successors und assigns of the pm~y of the second par~ forever, Dist. 1000 Sec. 044.00 Block 01.00 Lot 007.000 RUNNINO THENCE along said land now or fonnm'y of Oades Butt, No~ 13 deg~es 18 mi~,~ 30 mmu~ m a fie lin~ b-ting ~oulh 74 degn~ 06 ninut~ 40 stands Eut a dis~ze of85.91 fe~ to In.d ~ow ~ fonnedy of Roeke~ THI~ICE along land now or fonmiy of ~, 8outh 13 dogteu distnce of40?.f~ no~ or l.s, to ~e m~rly sid~ ofNottlt R~I; ~ along said m~rly side of North Road, ~s0uth 77 d~ 23 ~ent~ West a d~m~ of 75 fret ~o ~ point or pla~ of BEGI1OHNO. BEING ,4ND IA~TEA~ED TO BE fl~ u.~ premises eunveyed to the pat~y of the fu~t part by deed from Denise Walters and Joanne M. Pineda dated March 9. 2005 and by deed from Custodio Bmndi and Joseph Btundi dated IVey 24, 2005. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the tim part in and to any streets and roads abuttin~ the above deserihed I~emiec, to the center line~ thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and nil the estate and ri~ht~ of the party of the f'n~t part in and to said premises, NY~BA t~aidentinl ~ -~m~z F. rms on I~tX~a~f~O} -I- TO IIA Y£ AND TO [[OLD the prenfises hewn gra~ted unto the part~ o; the second part, the hairs or socaessors and us~gna o~ the party o~ the second purr ;orover. .4A'D the party of the tim port. covenants thai the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been enoumhered in any why whatever, ex,.-ept ns n foreseid. AN/} rite party ct'the first part, in enmplinnen with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will ~,eeive the consideration for ~ ennveyanee nnd will hold fl~e fight to ~,eeive snah enmideration as n ~st fund to he applied first for tbe puqmse o£paying the oo~t of the improvement end will apply the same rivet to the payment ofthe cost of the improvement bel'oro using any part Gl'lbo totnl ofthe nme for any other purpose, The word "pnrty" shall he onnalrued as if it rend 'parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so lIN I¥1TNE,~ IFIIERF. OF. the party of thc first part has duly executed this deed the tiny and year' first IN PllE~E~CE OF: Acknowledgment by a Penmn Within New York State (RPL § 309..~) STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF(~:~_~_ ) ss.: ) Onthe I *~ personally appeared Ohennes Kadnca, personally know~ to me or proved to n~ on the basis of setisfno~ty evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subs~ibed tu tho within instrument nnd acknowledged to me that he executed the nme in his capacity(les), end that by his si~tm~s) on the ~meni, the individual(s), or the per~on upon behalf of which tho individual(s) Kted. exeented the inslrumenL GLORIA L. OUELLEME NOTARY PUBLIC, 8taro Of New York NO. 41-4~0E03 Quldlfl~l In Ouoofl80oonty ~, _ ~, T~flt Ill~lro~ Oou~lmbor 1S. ~ RECORD AND RETURN TO: Salvatore A. Diliberto, Esq. 185-10A Union Turnpike Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 NY~s~ t~siden,~,.! ~ pan.,. From on HotDoc~ ~tlo) Cq~lai~ Capmlt~ -2- RECOR~d) ~ 1I, 11;15~10 F_.d~ rd P. Roeaine O. ERK OF 9JFFOLK 000O12425 POe? I)T~ 05-1.6995 Deed / bion4ln~ lnsmanent Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp RecordJn8 / Mling Stamps 3 Page / Filing Fee Hnndling TP-584 Notation EA-$2 17 (County) EA-$217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Aeidarit Cet~fied Copy NYS Sufcha~ SubTotal 15. 00 Sub Total Grand Total .__ IL~' I.I. Basic Tax ~2. Additional Tax 'Sub Total iSpecJAssit. or TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Coon .~' Transfer Trix Mansion Tax { ;The ~ covered by this motngage is 5r will be improved by a one or two ~nmily dwelling only. · YES ' or NO if NO. see npl~opHa~ mx clause on ~tge # ~ of' this instmmem. 6 $-~R~t~bargea/Release~ List Property Owners Mailing Address RF..CORD & RE'J~rlLN TO: Suffolk Recordin This page forms pail of the aHached __ Vacant Land & Endorsement (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 'l'ne premises herein is situamd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. made by: [ I I llllllllllllllll[[Hllllllllllllll[[lllll[Jllll]ll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERX RECORDS OFFZCE R~COI~DZN¢~ PAGE T~pe o£ Xnibruments DRBDS/DDD ~mher o£ Pegees 3 Receipt Nunber , 05-0X29088 TRANSFER TAX M~MBER: 05-18995 1000 Deed Recorded, At: LXBER: Sections Blocks 044.00 01.00 BXAJ~Jd~D CHA~AS FOLLOWS $o.oo z2/x3/2o0s ll=X3=10 AM D000X2425 087 Lot .* 007.000 Received the Follow,nB Fees For Above Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYe BRCHG RA-~-A-f $5.00 NO SA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO BCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Court. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX M~MBER; 05-18995 THX8 PA~E ZS A PART OF THE ~NSTRUMEHT THZB ZS NOT A BZLL $5.00 $x5.oo $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $149.00 Fd~m~t NO NO NO NO NO NO · dw&rd P. ltoma~ne County Clerk, Bu££olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpW www.orps.st~t~.n¥.lis or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY - ~,~ I - RP-5217 '- ~""~.1 55105 I I Southold I Southold I I a~w [ Kartnca I Ohannes ] I Karinca j Arsalus I · 1 I # M Paroeb O~ F'--I ~n of a Pir~M Jxl I(~1 , .... ?. 5 I I K]nly I Pmmt d i Imlfm~ (link mm they ml$1v: Kartnca I Ohannes H Im~ 20T 3 Femlk IMlldmltiml CommiK;,,~ (;1~ Itmdder~dm~ Vmmm~ Land Apmmlmmm DU Non,.RiMdmmlal V,mont Lind Eq~,makln~m I AmuJmmmlt ~ 0,!9 //~ / 200% Commu~ily EIn~M Indumdml PublL- ~ R)rm la pNwfqfCim 12. 1, 01-1 I lamdmdDkMotNmm I Southold 9400 ~ ' ' 1000-044.00-01.00-007.000 I CE~nFIC~'nON I BUYER 718 454-9600 Diliberto Salvatote I