HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12413 P 972District 1000 Section 043.00 Block 05.00 007.O0O 021.000 Ce*NO CONSIDERATION*o* CONSULT YOUR lAWYER BEFORE 81GI~ING TI~ INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONlY THIS INDI~NTURE. made the ~ dayof ~ BETWEEN Louis Collatd. Martin Rueanelli and Chiare Racanelii. as Tnmees ,nd~ .k.. LUCY RACANELLI GREENPORT QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST. dated December ~0. 1997. 329 Msmapoqm Avenue, Masaspequa, New York 11758'- parties of ~e fiat pan. and Martin Rm:anelli, re~idinll nt 16 Middle Hollow Road, lloyd Hnflan', New York 11743; (]~ra Racanelli, residing al 2 K.istela Conrk Fort Salonga, New York I 17~8; Conmuee Baleatfian, residing at 2 ~ Avenue, Amityville, New Yoflt I 1701; Rno~lk Kyrk, residing at 86 Brandywine Ruud, Skillman. New .rerJey 08538; and Martin Rncanelli and Chiora RacanellJ, as Trustees of foe Palricia Orillo Tru~ dated October I, 1997, Tax I.D, No. 11-6496324, having an ~ of' 16 Middle Hollow R,~a. Lloyd llm~onr. New Yoflt 11743, each nt to n uric-fifth { I/5) interest as tenants in comnm~ petty of the second poE, MTNF.,SSETH, dmt the party of the tim pert, in consideration of Ten Dollars and o foL"r valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part. does hereby llrnot and release unto the party o f the second prat. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the eeeond part forever, PARCEL I ALL that e~ain plot, pieee or Imzel ofhnd, with the buildings and imp~'ements thereon e~tnd, simnto. ly~g and being at O~ertpo~ in the Town of Sonthold. County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bein8 more pofllcular[y bounded and deserfoed as folk)M: BEGII~'NING at a point on the boundary line between land of Muey and land of Bored of SonthoM Town Tnal~s, said point being South 87 de.,es 05 r~es 00 seconds East 237 fi~et more or less, from the easterly line of inlet Lane; RUNNING THENCE on tl~ extension eumrly of asid llne South 87 dngn:cs 05 minmes 00 seconds East 219 fm to the ordinmy hish water line of Gardinm Bay as of September 25, 1985; THENCE Soufoerly along d~ ordinary hish water llne of Gmliuea Bay nlong a tie line bearing South 26 (tepees I ! minutes 00 seconds West 108.85 feet more or leu to hud of u-L-~-,wn owner;, TIIENCE North 87 dagrees 5 miontes 00 seconds Wast along last n~ntioned land 232 feet to underwater land of'the Town ofsoutboM; THENCE Noflh 32 detrees 10 minutes 00 seconds East along but mentioned hnd 114.61 feet to the point of BEGINNING. PARCEL[I All that ceflain plol. piece or parcel of land, ~ I~ildings and impm~ thereon erected, situate, lyin~ and being at G~enpon, in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk ~d State of New Yod~ being mo~ Imficularly bonodnd and desto'bed as follows: BEGINNING at · point on the easterly line of Town or ilighwty known as Bay Road ·t the southwesterly cer~er of land now or formerly of Macy, asid point of bngioning 652.07 feet south of foe in~tinn oftha southerly llne of Mnnlmsctt Avenue and the mtedy line o£ Inlet Lane and nmning thanee ·long said land south 87 dL'~eee 05 minutes 00 seconds East 186 feet to thc existing billh water mark of Oull Pond Inlet; THENCE South 19 dngrees 30 minutes 50 sconnds West along hid existing hillh water marit of Oull Pond Inlet 92.42 feet; THENCE along Innd now or formerly Of Sonnet South 85 degrees 38 minatcs 40 seconds West 168 feet to the easterly line of Bay Rond; THENCE nlong mid mtorly line of I~y Road two .courts as foliows: I) North 4 daSree$ 21 minutes 20 seconds Wm 39.0~ feet: 2) North 12 depees 29 minutes 20 seconds East 72.09 feet to the point or place of'BEGINNING. BEING nmi intended to be the fame premises conveyed to the puffy of fha Eat puny by deed dated December ~0. 1997. nod rueotded Fe~ 11, 1998, in the Ofl~ceof foe Clerk of the Conoty of Suffolk at Deed Liber i 1877. paSe r/6. Said premises being known and dujputed as and by the street number 460 Bay Road, SonthoM, New Yorit. and designated on foe Land and Tax Map of the County of Suffolk as Disuiet 1000, Section 043.00. Block 05.00. Lots 007.000 and 021.000. TOGETHER with ull rJsht, ~ide ~nd interim, if'any, of'tbe pefly of'the tim pan in and to any SL'TCU and ruads 8butdn~ rite above dascflbed p~mbes to die center lines thereofi TOOETHER with the appurtenances ~nd ~11 the esmle and ri~Jus of'rite pnfly of'the fbst part in and m saki pt~nises; TO HAVE A~ ~ HO~ ~ ~ herein panted umo lie pony of'the r, econd Imr~ the hei~ or succes~o~ and auips of'the pefly o f'tlm sccond AND tbe yarty oftbe first pail, in compliance with Section 13 oftha Lien IJw, covenams that tbe puffy or tbe pert will ~eeive the consideration For dds conveyance and will bom the risht to receive such consideration as u trust had to be applied first for the Innpo~c of Imyins the cost of du im~ovement and will a~ly ~ M~ to tbe payment of tbe cost of the :.ui,,~.vement heroic using any puff or'the uxal of~ ~ ~ ony ~ pmpose. ANDdu~paflyofthe firstpel~ covennnlJ ns ~ollows: that saidpartyortbefimpm~isselzedofdJcsald prembes in fee simple, nnd has r, ood rish~ to convey tbe some: that IM pofly of tbe second puff shall quledy enjoy th.. mid pr~mbcs; thru thc said l~"mMs are free rmm ineumln~nccs, except as af'oreuid~ that the puffy of the f'tn~ puff will execme ~' p~oc~e any fuflber neceua~ asnlrancc oftbe title m sam premises; and that said psrt~ of thc f'~t pert will fo~v~ wanuri the title to hid i~cmiscs. Thc word ~ shall be construed as if it read "pardea" whene,.'er the seue of this indontu~ so requires. IN WI'FIqt,.SS WHEREOF. tha par~ of the tim part has duly exeeuted this dced the day and year f'nst alx)vc written. LUCY RACANELLI GR. EENPORT QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDRNCE TRUST q~30, 199/ · L~ the day of ~ ~ ,2005, before y al,'~.~, , , ore me, the undersigned, M'artid Racanelli personally appeared me. the undazsigncd, l~'rsonal~ ~)~pem'nd Louis Colletti, ix'rsonally known to me OF proved to me un the basis of satisfactory evidence to he the individual whose mine is subsorihed to the within insmm'k-nt -',nd acknowledsed to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and hi by her signature on the insmnnent, the individual, or the pe~on upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. me or pro~'d to me on the basis of sutbf'actoty evidence to he the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he execuled the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instnment, the individual, m' the per~on upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ~ in ~487~/~. Notary Public pemmally known to mc or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to he the individual whose name is subacribed to the within inslmment nmi acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his si~nllure on the insuumem, the individual, or the parson upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument, NMssY Pul~, ells M New yod( _ Uuamed In W ~_Ouamy '-J /// STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 88: On the day of ,2005, before me the undersigned personally appeamt thc subscffoing witness to the foregning instrtuncnL with whom I am pcrsmmlly acquainted, who. being by me duly sworn. did dcposc and say flint he resid=s at No. : that he knows to he the individual de~rihe8 in and who executed the foregoing inslfumenll that he, said subseribin8 wimess, was pm~nt and saw execute the same: and that he, witness, at the same time suhecn'lxxl h name as witness WARRANTY DEED WITH FULL COVENANTS DISTRICT Title No. SECTION 043.00 BLOCK 05.00 LOUIS COLL,: i-1 L MARTIN RACANELLI AND CHIARA RACANELLI, ss Tmstecs of the LUCY RACANELLI GREENFORT QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST dated December 30, 19~7, TO Mm'tin Racanelli, Conine Racanelli, C. ouatance Balestrino. Rochelle Kyrk and M~rtin Racanelli and Chim-a RKanelli. as Trustees of the Patrieia C~illo Trust dated October I, 1997, each ns to a one-fifth (1/$) interest As tenants in common L015 007.000 and 02 ] .000 Suffolk RETURN BY MAIL TO: John J. Barnosky, F.~q. Fnrrell Fritz, P.C. EAB Plaza, 14e Floor West Uniondale. New York 11556 Number o(peges TORRENS Cmlifieate # Deed / ~ Instrument 3 Pane / Filing Fee Hundlinl{ 5. 00 TP-$84 .~ Nmntion EA-52 1'7 (County) .~ EA-5217 (State) -~.,~ ~_~ R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Alfldavit Deed I Mo~,n~e Tax Stamp PEEn __ Sub TotalS7~' NYS Surcharge 15. Of) Sub Total /~ ~ 2000 Oct 12 0e..59.*~ ~ Edward P.Romairm CLim~ ~F 9JFFGI.K C(]~NTY L I)(~012413 P972 DT! G~-10412 Reeoglins I Filing Stamps MortgnBe Amc i. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tux Sub Toml SpecJAsSiL or 5pcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment ~ Trnnsfer Tax ~ Mm~i~m Tax ~ _ The prop~y covc~,d by ~bis marsala is or will be improved by a one or two family dwcllin~ only. YES or NO / Grand 11bud __--//~ ~ _~, ,If NO. see qmproptial~..tex clause on ~,.-.-..I pnge# , of tinsJLnstmmen_t. - ~r. Re~ Properly 05032576 1000 04300 OSO0 007000 Tmt SctwJce ~ 1000 04300 0500 021000 ........... Veri, ficatio. ~ JoEN J. FARRELL FRITZ, {.320 gal{ Plaza, 13W I ITD Untondale, NY 1{,556=1320 ~itle # Suffolk Corm Recordin & Endomement Pa e This pn~e foflm p;ul of thc atteched Narranty Deed Louis Collect]., tferctn Racenellt (SPECIFYTYPEOFINSTRUMENT) and Chlnrn RacanelXt, an Trumtnnn ==~_:: -_~-_ L*_*e~ _,..,_r__~__,,_,,,., r-um~usnu? The premises hemin issimated in QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEWYORK. TO in the Township of Southold t~arttn Rncane].lt, Chlnrn Rncanellls intheVILLAGE Conntnnce BnXeatrtno, Rochelle Kyrk,orHAMLETof THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) I[[llHllllllmllllllllllllllllUllUllllllllHlll I lllllllllllilllHIllll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORD~J OFFTCE RECORDTNG PAG~ A 05-0106659 TAX HUNBKR: 05-10412 100o Deed RocorcLodl LZBER: PJ~GB: 8ectXonl Blookl 043.00 05,00 So.oo 10/12/2005 09:59=35 AM bcetved th Foll~M Fees Fo~ ~e Znstnuont Page/Filing $12.00 110 Hanclling COZ $5.00 HO NYS SRCliG EA-CTY $5.00 NO RA-STATB TF-584 $S.00 IK) CezC.Coples ~ $50.00 HO SCTM TEens£e: tax: $0,00 NO Coum. Fres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX HUMBBR: 05-10412 THZ8 PAGE XB A PART OF THE XNSTR~MENT THX8 Z8 NOT A BZLL Edward P.ito~aine County Clerk, Hu££olk County D00012413 972 007.000 $5.00 MC) $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $172.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WI~E-N WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpV/www.ofps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 47~7222 I Racanelli 11971 .Nartin, Indlv. & as Trustee I Msv~e ] Chiata, Indiv. & ss Trustee [ I I .Lot Z1 . .~ ,2 [ I Louis, as Trustee I I Xartin & Chlara, as Trustees I C~ stdde~l vesta Lind G Km~.m h~k~ t~. hr~' makM. ~ n~m Indlmln; DL~J Noa.-IlmldentblVm~AtLmd H) [ EnmmlnmemlAmmmmm Farm IhlihlpfopidySinmiodcxdaJcdDm, k= I ~ALE INFORMATION I 11. kle Ceebmm Dim II/si I / / I 1L CSmt mu M mare M ~mo smd~mu m a#issbb to tsmkG It,100 , 5~o. , I ! Dist. I000, Sec, 043.00, Slk, 05.00 · . Lots 007.000 end 021.000 I I I I I I I al~r~aca-nelti, aa -~rust~me *see attached ~ artln cagellt, nd · as Trusteb ~ ~ --~ / aaruosky I John J. ~~canelli lndiv. ~a8 Truate~ /. 516 227-0700 NEW YORKcoPY STATEI