HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 122TltI$ ]NDltNTURE, mode the ~'~1~ day of Si~l~rl**l~l~ll'~, 2005 BETWEEN ~OHAS HEYER and J~E~E NEYER 8265 ~undv~e~ Avenue Southo~d, NY pay of~e tim pm, and EDWARD DALEY and O/ANE DALEY 916 Hudaon Street Hoboken, NJ putty of~c second pan, WITNESSETH, dm d~e pony t~ ~e tim pan, in c~msidcrndon of w,n dollars and od~r wluuble,~nsidcratio, paid by the puny of the second para. do~ hereby rdant and mlcu~ unto ~ I~my of the = I~m. the heirs or =n and assigns of the pnny of the second t~m ro~ver. ALL dmt certain plm, piece or puxcel of land, with the heildlr~s and iml~ovemenls th~eon ereclnd, sitnele, lyiq muJ beinll in See: Schedule 'A" attached hereto. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the ann premieea conveyed to the party of the f/rat part by deed dated 8/3/01 and recorded on 9/26/01 in the Office of the Suf£olk County Clerk in L£ber /2143 at page 889. TOGETHER with all right, tille nnd interest, if uny. of the party of the first pu~. in and to uny sm:ets and roads abutting the above-described premises IO the cenler lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and nil the estate und rights of the party of the first pun in and to said prenfises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thc premises her~in grnntnd unto the puny of the second pta, the heirs or suecessors nmi assigns of the puny of the second pan forever. AND the ~art'pf I1~ j~rst pan c.~.venents that the purty of the first part he~ nut done or suffered anythinl~ whereby the said pMfdfs~slh-:~:'he~:n eneuml~i~d:i~ any way whatever, except as nforesnid. I','~..£; I I. I. ~,~..' .... ~, AI~D the puny of Ih¢ flrsl pan, in compliance with ~clion 13 of IbC Lien Law. ¢ovcnanu Ihnl Ibc pnny of the first pan will receive the ¢onsiderulion for this conveynnce nnd will held the rillht Io receive ~uch con~idcr* argon us a trust fund to he applied firsl for thc purpose of paying the eo~! of tho improvemem and will apply the same first m the payment of the ¢o~t .f the improvement he fore u~ing any part of Ih,* Iolal of lhe same for uny uther purpose. The word "pnny" shall be conslrued ns if it rend "pm, ties" whenever the lense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ the party of thc tint part has duly ex~cuted Ihi~ deed the day nnd year Iirsl above S-9784 Amended 9/2/05 AMENDED DF_...qCR! PTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improverneets thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village and Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINlxTNG at a point on the northwesterly side of Sound View Avenue at the southeasterly corner of the premises herein described and which point of beginning is distant 196.5 feet southwesterly as measured along the northwesterly side of Sound View Avenue from the westerly boundary line of land now or formerly of John Chamews on a courses running south 42 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds west; RUb,rNING THENCE along the northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue, south 42 degrees 14 minutes I0 seconds west. a distance of 100 feet to the northeasterly line of land now or formerly of John Schneider and Rosemary J. Schneider; RUNNING THENCE north 42 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds west a distance of 305.37 feet to Great Pond; RUIx~fING THENCE along'Great Pond north 30 degrees 50 minutes 47 seconds east a distance of 103.86 feet to land now or formerly of Cuttle; RUN~G THENCE along land now or formerly of Cuttle, south 42 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds east, a distance of 325.96 feet to the northw~terly side of Sound View Avenue at the point or place of BEGINNING. Acknowledgemeflt taken In New York State A_M,__qowledgomont tabefl In NmvYoW Stem Stets of New York, County o/~~'--- ,ss: State of New York, County of _,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.t~ underofgned,~reonal y ap.; ~ -- _,,j_ v,n., to m. o. xedlfactMy evidence to be the Individual(I} whoxe name(i) ie (ere) subscribed to the wtthln inmmment and ectmowledgnd to me that he/ohs/they executed the lemu In hie/her/their Gapuclty(lel), and that by hie/her/their ilgnature(I) on Iho Inatmmeflt, lite IncFMduaJ(i) or tho pereofl upon behall of which the Individ..uaJ(e) acted, exemJted the,~,~etrume~t. MICH~ ~FORBES Nmmy Put)itc. State Of New Yodt NO, 01 KI5065407 qtmfihed In Suffo~ ~u~ t I , SS: A~knowtedgeme~t by Sut)~'dblng Wltneus taken In New York State , before mo, State of New Yolk, County of On the day of . In the year the undersigned, pemomdly appeared the auh~cribthg yarners to the foregoing ifmtmmeot, ,with whom I ant pem(xmlly ucqusMted, who being by mo duty sworn, did dopMe and lay, that ho/ehMthey roslde(a) in that ho~ehy kr~M(s) to be ~e thcivtdual deKdbed in and who executed the present lad Mw eeJd execute the lame; end that laid witness at the lame time s~bed his/her/lbelr namo(s) au a wltne~ thereto. THOMAS HEYER end JEANETrE ~4EYER EDHARD DALEY end DZANE DALEY Distributed by ChkaBo Title Insurance ~ompany persoealJy appeared ' kf~oM1 to me or proved to me on the belfo of xetiifact(Xy evkilnce to be the indMd, Bl(I) whose name(I) il (are) ~JbeOr~cl to the wffhfo InMmment and a~ged to me that he/she/they executed the lame in hie/her/their c-daclty(le8), end that by hie/hlr~hoir ligneture(i) on the InamJment the individual(i) m' tim pemon upon behoff of the Indlvtdmd(e) ectecl, executed the InetnJment. ,66: · State of , County of · (or insert DMtrfot of Columbia, Territory. Poexemsfon or Fore&ga Country) , Ixltore me, On the clay of , In the year the undomlgnod, perao~al{y appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satlafo, ctory evidence to bo the indivkfoal(I) whole name(e) Ii (are) eubec~ed to thl w4thth Inatmment end admowle,~_.__ to me that hellhetthey executed the I~me in hi.hit/their capacity(Joe), thee by hie/her/their signature(o) on the In~tmment, the Indlvlduad(i) or the pemon upm~ behalf of wNch the Indlvkluld(I) ~ted, executed the irmtnJmenl, and that m~ch SECTION 059. O0 BLOCK 06,00 LOT 017. BOO COUNTY OR TOWN SOUTHOLD RETURN BY MAIL 'fO: WILLIAM H. PRXCE, JR. PO BOX 2O65 GREENPORT, NY 'I't944 Zip No. Numbcr of pe~s TORRENS S~al # Ccflificatc # Prior CtL ~ H~li~ TP-~ Notation EA-S2 17 (C~nty) Sub Tmai 23 02s 17;42 Edvard CLI~: OF ~FFOU~ COU4T~ l)00012411 P 12~ 05-08138 Deed / M~mgal~eTaz Stamp ~(7 ] Rece~ng I Firing Stamp~ Mottle Amt. !. Bnxie Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spne./Assit. or Spec./Add. EA-5217 (State) TOT. MTG. TAX ~ ~ DuaJ Town Dual County Held for Appointment __ - .- ~..'emlled Copy __ __ 'ml-~dkSSa~ [ or/~ill 'be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 .... [ f~/nily dwelling only. -- ---- ~.. ~t,ta,~ I [YES ' or NO Otber -- Grand Total · · - s -- A,~ I I~ie # of this instr~ment.j 4 ~ion~'~"~ Block Tax Service Verification ASatisfaction.~'Di~hu~oes/Releases List Proi~rty Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacnnt Land __ TD .ndorsement (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premiss he,~in i~ .~ituated in SUI:FOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of PRINTED' IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR I"ILINO. (over) ~UFFOLE COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDING PAGE Type o£ Tnotz'unen. tz DEEDH/DD~ ~'l~h~r o'p Pegeos 4 Receipt H~mbo= : 05-0"t00318 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-08~38 1000 Deed Auount~ Recordeds LXBER: PAGE: 059.00 06.00 EXAN~N~AHD CHA~3RDA~ FOLL0~S $1,050,000.00 09/23/2005 02:17s42 PH Received the Following Fees Fo= Above TRANHF~R TAX ~DMBRRs 05-08138 THZB PA~E ZS A FART OFT HE ZNST~UM~qT TI~ZB ZB NOT A BZLL D000:1241:1 12:2 Edw&~l P. Roman. ne County Clerk, Su££olk County Lots 017.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,500.00 $32,852.00 ----'-PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS ~-M~--W--H~-N-V~[~J~ifi~ ~-F~R'M INFUSIONS: ~p~/~,or~.~e.ny. us or PHONE (518) 47~7222 ~R ~U~ U~ ONLY R~L PROPE~ ~;R ~ ~A~ ~~IT ~ JC3. Bookb/'.-~,c'~',/~/IC',.P.~.l , ,/,,'~,-,,~..I PROPERTY iNFORMATION I ~. ~ 8265 I SOUNDVZEk/ AVENUE J $OUTHOLD I RP- 5217 j 11791 J: z.~,, j DALEY I EDNARD I DALEY I DIANE I &DEmd NEYER ~. ~ I J THONAS end JEANNEIIE J SALE INFORMATION J ~.k~ c~.~ o.~ I / I I I~ Ov, n~lhip T'~e b C~mdomll~um J~ A B C D E F G H I J e,onifr. Jg Clarigl in PIW ~dlmJl Tl~Jll SIItul and Sak DM# ~Jlo of Bulir4M I~ IntkadKI In ~de Pdm ObSlf UnlJlU,I FliC~MJ AI~ SAle Nmlo I 2000-059.00-06,00-0'J7 · 000 I I I I I L J BUYEN'B AI'roflI~Y PRICE I HILLZAH 631 I 477-1016 I NEW YORK STATE COPY