HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12430 P 484CONBULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT--THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LA, Pt'ERS ONLY. THIS INDE~I'UKE, made the I,~ day of December ..in thc ycat 2005 BETW£EN IRWIN PALMERI and SONDRA DOBIN-PALMERL residing nt 12640 Coral Lakes I~-ivc, BO~ltOn Bcch, Floridu 13437 par~., of the first pm'L and PECONIC LAND TRUST, 296 I-lampton Road, P.O. Box 1779, Southampton, N.Y. 11969 part.~' of the second pan, WITNESSETIL ihat the party of thc first part. in consideration of FIVE TIIOUSAND ........... dollars paid b.~' the party of ti e ~econd pail does hereby grant and release unto the party of'lhe second part, the heirs or succesanrs and assigns of the party ol'the second part Ibrever, PARCEL I ,,.,,~,:.l,. r: ,,... ,~,. . .... .. ";,~, ALL that cerium plot piece or pardi of land ,.vKh the braidings and tmoros'ementa thereon erect~ situate Ivm,, and hem,, m thc al Arshamumaque. m thc Town of Soutbold. County of Suffolk and Slate ofKew Y.&rk..known and desigdat .nd as and by thc lot number 10, on a certain map entKled, f~lap of Willow Point" and filed m the O .~,.ce. of the Clerk of~e C.'ounty of Sullblk on June 16, 1966, es Map Ko. 4562, bounded and cle~ribed ns follows: ;. BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Budd's Pond Road where it is interse~ed b~ the.division line between lots 9 and ICl: m~d .,,r ,' . ,,." RUNN lNG 'I'HI~NCI'~ South 87'dug, rues 14 minutes 20 seconds 'East 166.00 feet along said division li~e; .... · RI.INNING THENCI-'- South 7 dqp'ees 34 minutes 20 seconds West 100.08 feet to the division line hetw~e~ lots 10 and I I; RUNNING THENCE North 87 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds West 138.00 feet to the ensterly side of Budd's Pond Road; RUNNING 'I'H£NCI.: along the easterly side of Budd's Pond Road the following two courses and distanees to the point or place of begianing: I ) Aloug the arc ora cur~'e whose radius is 124.54 feet. bearing to thc righl, a distance o!'67.48 £~.~'t: Noah I degree 45 minutes 00 seconds E~st 35.84 feet to the point or place of HEGINNING. I'ARCEI. 2 de~t'~.bed on Schedule A attacl~=d heret~ and made Arshamomatlue. in the Town of Southold. County oFSulTolk and State of New York, bounded and descri~~ I~EGINNING. . at a point on the division linc. belw~.~:n lois 9 arid I0 on a certain map untitled.J. "Ma~w"Ma ' ow Point",Point" MapMa No. 4'~62, distant South 8'/degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds East 1§6.00 feet Imm thc ~,,whtl~h.e easterly ~ide of Budd's I'and Road is intersected by the division linc betv,~.'~n lots 9 and !0. RUNNING THENCF. South 87 dng~es 14 minutes 20 seconds RUNNING 'I'HE~I': South 30 degrees 20 minu~~terly s'~e of Canal; RtJNNING '['HENCE along th~~~d i~'eas 05 minutes 20 seconds ~,¥c'st q8.77 l~et to where it ~n~'~n Io~ I~) and 11; RUNNING 'I'HENCE~L~d~~ n I'm~ betw~,n lots 1 II and It: ,.~ ............................. R''' 'I~H ENC,~ ,E, ~,o, .rt, h.,?.,d.~&n..es 34 mia uu...s 20 seconds -I:'nsL 100.US feet to the di~,.islon linc her,~.,n IoL~ 9 and i 0 and The premises being conw.'yed ate the ~me as the premises conveyed to the tu-antors by Deed recorded in I.iber I 1323 at Page 155~ together w~.th an acc:tee, ed patc~e~, a~acent thereto, TOGI..'I'HER with ,'ill righl, title and interest, if any. of the pat~.* of the §t~l part in and to any streets and roads abutting thc above de~rlbed premises to the ccnlet lines d~ereoR 'FOGF,'I'HER with the nppurleannccs and nil the estate and rights or'the party of Iht, first part in and to said premises: TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the ~cond part, the heirs or successors and assigns o£the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the puny of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premisus have been encumbered in any way whatever, ex,'cpi as aforesaid. AND thc party of the first pan, in compliance with ~'cdon 13 oft~e Lien Law, covenants thut the patty, or'the first pa~ will n:ceive the cunsidcratian far this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund Io be applied first for the purpo.~e of paying the cost ofthe improvcmem and will apply the same first to the payment of the cosl of the impruvcmant befmc uSihg, an)' pr.'t orth°. mini ofthe same for any' other purpose. 1'he ~ord "party" shall be conetmed ns if it read "p;ulics" whentwet the sense of this indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pant of the firsl pan ha.,~ duly executed this deed the day and y~.'tu' first above ~Titten. IN PRESENCE OF: Schedule A Parcel 2 ALL that cc~in plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situale, lying and being at Arshamomaque, in the Town of Southold, County of Sufrolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on thc division line between lots 9 and l0 on a certain mup entitled, "Mup of Willow Point", Map No. 4562, distant South 87 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds Eust 166.00 fcct from the point when: thc easterly side of Budd's Pond Road is intersected by the division line between lots 9 and 10; RUNNING 'rHENCE South 87 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds East 73.67 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 30 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East 40.27 feel to the appmxitnate high water mark on July 23, 1996; RUNNING THENCE along n tic line which marks the said high water mark orSouth 44 degrees 33 minutes 05 g. conds West 88.52 feet to where it intersects the division line between lots 10 and 11: RUNNING THENCE North 87 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds West 45.06 I~et along the division line between lots 10 and I !: RUNNING THENCE North 7 dcgrc't~ 34 minute~ 20 seconds East, 100.08 feet to the division line between lots 9 nnd 10 and lite point or plnec of BEGINNING. Number of pnges TORRENS ~rial # Ccflificate # Prior Ct£ # Deed / Moflgnge Instrument 41 Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-$84 , ~'"~ I.',_- Deed / IHortga~n Tax Stamp FEES No~atiofl Sub Total EA-5217 tS,ate) /~,~ ~b T~I ~her ~ND TOTAL Real Properly Tax Sc~ice Anmcy Verificnliofl Dist. _Sccti~n B lock 06001692 sooo os6oo osoo ozzooz Slump ~ DaW Initials Satisfnctions/Dischar~es/Keleases Lzst Properly Uwners Mat,fiR RECORD & RETURN TO: Lot ~IFF01~. ~¥ L P 484 DT# 05--23161 Recording I Filing Stumps MortnnM Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional T~x Sub Total SpegJAssil. Or Spec./Add. , TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town.__ Dual County__ Held.For Appoflionment __ Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property cove~d by this nmflpge is or will be improved by a one or two Family dwelling only. YES or NO.~ If'NO. see appropriate mx clause on po~e # of'thb Prc~rvmion Fund Con,~id,raUon Amount CPF Tax Due $ Suffolk 'lhis p~¢ forms p~ oflhe TO TD. /,0 TD TD Title Company Information Co. Name Title # & Endorsement made by: (SPECIFY TYPE 01" INSTRUMENT 'lie pi'anises heroin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YOR~ in thc Township of ~~.~ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET BOXES 5 'ITIRU 9 MUST BE TYPF_.L) OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR'I'O RF, CORDINO OR FILING. (O~ER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK I~CORDS OFFICE RECORDINa PAGE Type o£ Zns~rummntt DBEDB/DDD ~mhsr o£ P&ges: 4 Receipt ~her : 06-0004056 TRANSFER TAX NUMBERs 05=23161 1000 DesdAmount~ Recorded~ LIBER PAGE Section · Block: 056.00 05.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AB FOLLOW8 $5,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Ew~t Page/F~ling $12.00 NO H~ndling COE $5.00 NO N~B BRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Coptes ~ $30.00 NO SC'TM Tranmfer t~ $20.00 NO Feem TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-23161 PAGE Z~ A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IB lqO'l' A BILL 01/13/2006 11t03~23 AM D00012430 484 Lot~ 012.001 $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $5.00 NO $o.oo NO $0.00 NO $267.00 PLEASE TYICE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORI~ ............ INSTRUCTIONS: http://ww~.orps.mtate.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IF-OR COUNTY USE ONLY · . .~ .. I I .=.~, ./~ ~, ~, 0,%. ~ ~I .~ RP-__,, .52~7. 1.~w~v 945 I Budds Pond Road [ Southold z Su~ [ PECOND LAND TRUST 111971 I F',o,,,dy I I. xl L bw ] PALMERI I IRWIN I PALMERI I SONDRA DOBIN I gof~h' ~ Pert oh Por~l4&Sulxivlskm~,~4J~RN~redlo~Tmnd~~no~~~E~ 5 I ~ INFORMA~ I DI IIIVr. r~L.d Him hrmlnmnt/Amu.mm I.U Fom~ 1z D~t~ ~ ~id I Tmrll~r Iz~uu--,.e... I . ,5, 0, 0. 0. 0.01 ! ! · (Full Sale Pt'We b the I mltount paid f~ ~ ~ I~1~ ~ ~. l{aaadl I. ......... 0 , 0 I ~SSMENT iN~flMA~ON - ~ mh~ld ~ the ~t ~nml ~me~ Roll e~ T~ gl m ~ek Preoe~y Locsd wltidn m Nd~ Ibt~t [] I · 2.0. 0.01 I DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 56.00 I. I t,,, I ST,OCR: 05.00 'COT: 012.001 I I I I ~...,--N I BUYER SELLER TUTHS j SUSAN 631 I 287-0018 I NEW YORK STATE COPY