HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12215 P 535THiS ~NTURE, rm~de ~e ~. G"~ day of 8ET'~r. EN ~0 ~EL A~NUE, S~T~LD, NEW YORK 1197~ 2002 2530 LAUREL AVENUE, ~OUTH. OLD. NEW YORK 111171 WlTNESSETN, L~t L~e pe~y of the first part, in cons~m'a~ of / d TEN ~ by the patty of the ~ pa~. does hereby grant and retease unto the party o! the second pan. the or a~easom a~ ,assigns of the party of ~ ~ part ALL that ce~.ain plot, piece or pa~ of la~l, with ~e bui~[f'~s end ~mpmvements the~eo~ ersc~-,~, situa:e. ~EE SCHEIDUL~ 'A' ATTACHEO HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. TOGL~rHER with ail r~ght, ll~ and interest, i~ any. ef t~e ~y ~ [~ fimt ~ in and to a~ s~o~ ~ ~ ~u~g ~ a~ d~ ~m~s ~o ~ ~n~ ~n~ ~e~; TOGETHER ~ ~e ~ and all ~ ~ and ~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ in a~ ~ ~td p~e~; TO ~ ~O TO ~LD tho AND Ihe ~ of the first ~ covenan[s ~,at [he pa~ty o~ the f~s! pen hes ret done or suffe~ed eny~ing wh~eby ~ saki p~es here been enCumbe~d i~ a~ way va,,etever, excepl as afo~ese~. AND bh~ party of the firs1 part, in compliance wilh Seclion 13 of the Uen Law. ¢ovenan~ thai Ihe party O! ~ first gart will ~ ~e considemben for this conveyance and wil~ hetd the dght to receive such consiU~lmn as a Irust ~ to be applied {~st for the ~ of pa~.ng Ihe cost of the impmvemem ar~ wil! apply tho seine Iq~st to the payment of the cost of the improvemenl bede using ~ I~d of lhe tolal of th~ same fo~ any ofher purpose, The wo~d 'party' s~aU be construed as if it mad "pa~es' when ever the sense of ~ indenture so IN WlTNE8$ WHEREOF, Ihe pa~ ~ [,he first pan has duly executed this deed the day and y~ar Ifl~t above IN PRESENCE OF: Form 32g0 TO BE USeD ONLy~ THE ACK.~MENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STA~ ~naKy ~n bme~o~ ~meon ~e~so( ~P~llykn~ tome ~ to ~ t~ b~o~ ~sfa~ ~l~ to be ~ ~v~du~(s) ~ ~s) is ~ ~ to ~ t~ ir~al(s) ~e name(s) is {~) ~d 1o ~ ~thin ~mem and ~k~ed~ 1o (am) su~i~ to me ~lhin L~umem and ~d to On i~ day ~ ~ ~e y~t ~fom me the u~e~ig~d, ~m~lly ap~ar~ ex~e~ ~ ~enL and thai ~u~ i~d~l m~e such app~ran~ before t~ u~e~i~ed Lq t~ B~ AND SALE DEED D~STRICT 1000 SECTION 056.00 ~ocK 01.00 LOT 002.020 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK STREET ADDRESS 2530 LAUREL AVENUE. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 ~ a[ Reque~ of THE JUDICIAL TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY LLC RETURN BY MAU_ TO: MARLO MARESCA 2530 LAUREL AVENUE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11071 SCHEDULE A ALL that c.~tain .plot, piece or parcel of. land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, sltuat=, lying and being m the Town of Southold, Coumy of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and dcscribnd as follows: BEGINNING al a point on r~e easterly side of Laurel Avenue dis',ant 286.51 feel southerly from thc sou~.etly eacl of an arc of a course havin~ a radius of 25.00 feel a lenglh of 39,26 feet which connects the e~erly side of Laurel Avem~ with the southerly $~e of Long Creek Drive; RUNNING THENCE North 7:5 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds east, 2'70.08 feet; THENCE Sou~h 14 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds east, 150.00 feet; THENCE South 75 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds west, 270.16 feet to the easlerly side of Laurel Avenue: RUNMNG THENCE North 14 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds west 150.00 to the point o~ place of BEGINNING. SAID PREMISES is aisc, known as 2530 Laurel Avenue, Southoid NY. FOR CONVEYANCINQ ONLY Tho polly to be ~ undm t.h~s, report will insu~l ~e rifle to such ~flngn and improvements erector on the p;emisa which by taw conetitute real P~am~lf. TOGETHER with all the tight, ~ and tntere.~t of the parly of the first pert, of, in end to the land tying in ',J,~ ~ in front of and adjoining in{d w~misen. Pase 1 Deed / Mortgage T~x Stamp FEi~S ~t~ EA-S2 17 (Coumy) R.P,T.S.A. Comm. oFF. d, ^ffidnvit cenir~l Copy Reg. Copy TM O~her ~S I Re~l PrOl~"ly T~,S~wi~ At~,y Verification I P~"' !. s,=,io~ I B~, I sta~ ~ 02034935 zooo os6oo otoo 00=020 Inil~s , Suffolk 'IF. is page fonm pan ofthe auaehocl 2{X~ O~t J? 0~J5~:34 lal Edward P.R-~n~irm Ct.E~ OF SUFF{~L~ COUNTY L P5~5 OTJ Recording / Filing Stamps A-mt. 2. Additional Tax J6 Consideration ^mount $ CPF Tax Due Sub To(at Or TOT, ~TU. TAX }~ld for Ap~Dnmeut ~ T~fer ~e ~ny ~v~ ~ th~ ~n~e ~ or wiU ~ improved by a one or two family YF~ ........... ~ NO , Community [~ese~'ation ~und Improved ~ I/acant Land TO lO TD 'ID Title Company Information Co. Name , Title # & Endorsement made by:~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENrF ) The pmnises he.in is situated in ~LK COOl'Y, NEW YOIU(_ h~ t~ ~GE or ~ of SUFFOLK COUNTY CL~ RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument= D~S/DDD TRANSFER TAX ~ER: 02-11732 District= 1000 Deed Amount= Reoorded LIBER PAGE Sect ~on = Block = 056. O0 01. O0 $0.00 10/17/2002 03~53=34 PM D00012215 535 002.020 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SURCH~ EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA~STATE TP-5S4 $5.00 NO Cert,Cop~es RPT $30.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Corm. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NU~ER= 02-11732 THIS PA~E A PART OF THE LNSTHUMENT Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $25,00 NO $0.00 NO $0,00 NO $o.oo NO $102.00 · dward P.Roma£ne County Clerk, Suffolk County