HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12414 P 165N.Y.S. TRAN$~E~ TAX STAMPS $1.960.00 BI~-I-~EEN ~?EV~N G. FO;TER and NANCY A. FOSTER, husband and wife, ree~d£ng 815 Park Avenue, Southold, New York 11971 pirtyoftbefirstMu~,aad DONATO CAPPABIANCA and LUCILLE CAPPABIANCA, his wife, residing at 560 Clark Road, Southold0 New York 11971 party o[t~ sccofld WITNESSETH, the the ~fly o[ ~e tim pet. in cousi~ralion si tm dollars and tuber ~dudde consldermion paid by ~ pony of the second pan, does hereby grant and ~lease unto the party or, t~ second ~ the heirs ~ successors and assigns ~ Ibc puny of t~ ~cofld ~ Forayer. .. ALL that certain plm. piece ~ pwcei al. land. with the ~ildinp and impro~eme~ d~,~eoa erected, situate, lying and ~insinthe Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stars of New York, k~own and designated aa Lot No. 14 on a certain map entitled, "Subdivision Map Long Pond Es:ares, Section One', and'filed in the Office of :he Clerk of :he County of Suffolk on December 27, 1985, as Map NO. 8037, said lot being more oarticularly bounded and described aa follows: 0~ BEGINNING at a point on :he westerly side of Park Avenue distant ~6.57 feet southerly as measured along the westerly side of Park Avenue ~romJ:he extreme southerly end of the arc of a curve connecting the westerly side°~Park Avenue and :he southerly side of Long Creek Drive; running thence South 14e 21' 10a Ese:, along the westerly s~de of Park Avenue, 249.50 fee:; thence South 70a 38~ S0· West, 161.00 feet; thence North 14a 21~ 10" Wes:, 249.50 feet~ thence North 70e 38~ 50" East, 161.00 feet to the westerly side of Park Avenue at the po~n: or place of beginning. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as conveyed to :he party of the first part herein by deed dated Sc:shat 25, 2000, and recorded in the Suffolk Coun:y Clerk's Office on November 3, 2000', in Liber 12082. Page 490. TOGITTHER with all right, titlc and interest, il' any. al. the plrly of the first puff. in and to any streets uud roads '~' abutting the above-de.~cribed premix, e,. lO thc center linc~ thereat,; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and nil the estate and rights al'the puffy of the ITr~t pan in and to haid premi.~e~: TO HAVE AN D TO HOLD the premises herein granted unlo the party at. the .~¢ond piti. the heir's or Aucecsho~, and a~siLros of the party o1' thc second part forever. AND the party o1' the first part covenant~ that the party of the fi r.,,t part hu~ nm done or suffered anything whereby Ihs said premi~.e.,, have heeen encumbered in any way whalever, except us ut'ore,aid. AND thc purty n[ thc first part. in compliunce with Section 13 of thc Lien Law. covenants that the puffy al' the I~rsr piti will receive the consideration for this conveyance mid will hold the right to receive such con~ider- orlon as a trust I'und Io be applied ~r.,it for thc pu. rposc of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply lbu same first lO thc piymcnt al. the co.qt of thc improvement bufore using any part at, the meal of the xnmc l.or any other purpose. The word "party" .,,hull ~e con,~trued u~, it' il read "pi~ics" ~hcnever the sense of thi~,'indenture ~,~ requires. [FI WITFIESS.WHEREOF, the party of thc I~r~t part ha~ duly executed this deed the d.a.), and.year first a~we written. Page 2 of 3 Actutowbdgoflm~ I~ofl In Nmv Yoflr 8tMo Sluts of Now York. County of Su.~folk Oaths 29thdayof Sept. .Jntheyesr 200-~boforsme, the undersigned, peraofleUy.appeared .qTEVI~q G. FOS'~ER and NANCY &. FOSTER perSonally known to me or proved to me on the basle of SaUs'~ctofy eMdence to be the Individual(a) who~ s~me(..) ~l (are) ~ to the WWlln Inhalant ~nd a(:knoMedpd to me that he. ko/they executed the Same in kleamr/thelr capsGIty(lwt), sad that by k~/kor/their signaluro(a) on the inmrume~ the indMdual(a) or the person upon belair of wNch the indi~'~-~l(a) aetod, e~:utod the kmmmiM1L State of New York, County of On the day of , in the year the underaigned, ps.anally appeared · before mo, the sul~_.~ll~ng'wltna~ to the foregoing in~mment, wah whom I am perlonally mXluMrded, ~/no being by me duly ~vom, did ~ .nd ~ay. that he~ reWle(s) in est he/aheahay ka~'*l'a) . ixommt and Saw Said execute th,. Same; sfld that said wimss8 at tho Sams time subscribed hJs/herflhek name(s) Sa a vdmsas Ihemto, T'd~e No.: SI'EVEN G. FOSTER and NANCY A. FOSTER, husband and v-r-re TO IX)NATO CAPPABIANCA and LUCTLL~- CAPPABTANCA, his ~rl_.fe Distributed by Chicago Title Insurance Company Stile of Now YO~. C4xmty of On tho day M . In'tho year the u~, persm~lly appeared personally known to mo or proved to me on the bllll of Sa, sfKmry eddsflce to M the Indlvkhmd(8) .~3.o name(e) Js (am) aubsmthed to the wrdfa b~tnaMm end W to me that he/aha/they executed tho Same In hie/her/their clpeclty(ietJ), and that by hh/her/tholr signature(e) on the Inltn.MnL ~e indMdml(a) or the pe~on epon bohllf of wNch me w~dut#s) .md, ..euUd the emnmu~. · State of , County of · (or insert D~lrk~ of Columbia, Territory. I:~.lion or Foreign Coumry) Ontnd dayof , in.the yesr the undersigned, pomomdly appesrsd personally known to me or proved to me on the baals of Sausf. ctory evJeence to be me IndMdueqa) ueosa name(a) Is (am) aubscrllMd Io the t,/dNn insbumem end m:latM~Mged th me that h~lhe~ capacity(les), that by his/her/their slgnltum(i) off the In~ ~ ~(~) MM W ~W~ (add the c~/or politk:~l suedlviBlon and the stoM M courmy or other place tho mcknowJedgoml~t w~l tolcon). SEC'nON 056.00 BLOCK 01. O0 LOT 002. 004 COUNTY OIR TOWN TO~I OF SOUTHOLD COUIqT~ OF SUFFOLK RETURN BY MAIL TO: JULIE N. HcGIVHEY, ESQ. PO BOX 776 SOUTHOLD ~ 11971 zip No. ~aEe 5 c~. 3 Num .b~r of pages Serial # Certificate *9 Prior CU'. # Deed / Morlgage Insmunent Page / Filing Fee Hnndling TP-SIM Deed / Mo ,ngage Tax Stump Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.ET.S.A. Comm. of 'Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Su~arge Sub Total 15. 00 Sub Tolal RECOP, I~I) 2006 Oct. 12 03:49:40 Eduard P. Roaalrte , CJ.E~ ~' 9/~*F(I.K COUHT? L I~OO12414 P 165 DT# Recording / Filing Slamps Mortgage AmL I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAs~it. O£ Spec./Add.. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax /"~.~ ~) Mansion Tax lime proper~y covered by this monsage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling ouly. YES o~ NO Real Property ' 0'~0,10392 2ooo'b56oo 0100 082004 Consideration Amount $ 490,000.00 Tax ,Service ~ cvF o.e s ,8oo.oo Verification ~ lmprovcd._~X ~ ...... / Vacant Land 6 I Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Addr'-'~s / · _ I RECORD & RETURN TO: / TI) 10 Jb'LIE H. HCGI'VNKY, ESQ, V 'rD ~ PO BOX 776 ' -- __ SOUTllOLD lqY 11971 c~d ocatea Abnt~cact:~ Xnc. Title # L-277976-S . Suffolk Count RecordJn & Endorsement Pa e ' 'l~is page forms pan of the auached STEV~N G, FOSTER and I~NCY A. FOSTERr husband .and wife deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. made by: TO In the Township of SOUTHOLD I~ONATO CAPPA~IAItCA In th~ VILLAGE and LUCILLE CAPPABTANCAr his ~,rJ. fe or HAMLET of SOUTHOLD BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTF. D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. l'alie i of 3 (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrumentz DEEDS/DDD ~mher of P&geB: 3 ReceLpt Number : 05-0107128 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-10571 1000 Deed Amount~ Rsaordedt LIBER: PAGE~ Sect~on~ Block: 055.00 01.00 EXAMINF~DANDCI~G~DA~FOLLOWS $490,000.00 10/12/2005 03~49~40 PM D00012414 165 002.004 Received the Following Fess For Above Instrument Exempt Pege/Ftltn~ $9.00 NO Handling CeE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO ~-8TATE TP-58% $5.00 ~ Cer~.Copies RPT $30.00 NO ~ Tr~sfer t~ $1,960.00 NO C~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUHBERz 05-10571 THIS PA~E IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 H0 $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $6,800.00 NO $8,909.00 Edward P.Romains County Clsrk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE O~' PRi~SS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpV/www.orps.ststs,ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Foster Foster Steven G. Nancy A. 8 / 12 / 20o51 I 9 i 30 / 05 I I [] Communky ~ervice A R C D F G H I J I i Buwr ar ~elkr b GovmTmmm Agency m Lending rm~lutia~ Deed Type ~m Wmrmty m I~ldn md ML' ~.%~.~__~y Bdowt ~gniflcmt Cheng~ In PIC~gm~ Belwlen T~ ~lmu~ ~d ~Me O~el O~he~ Unumml FImmm A~lng ~ FgL~. (~pedfy Be/ow} None 0 0 6 7~ 1000-56-1-2.~ Southold J ~ I 11971 SELLER BUYEfl'8 AI'rQilNEY lrff~lU~cGivney I ~ Jul/e 631 I ~I311f:EI¢III~ 765-95~5 INEW YORK STATE 1 COPY I 9/29/05