HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 703k~M M ~.I~ DeM ~It~ C~i~i~ A~M~ Gi~W/'i Am . ~iM~MI ~r CIqMIM~ THIS INDENTURE, ~-~- ~ ~ ~ o~, 2~5 ~ ~EW MURP~ ~d KlM MUSHY, hm~ ~ ~ ~ m~g at 7~ Main R~ G~, N~ Yo~ ll~ ~of~ fi~, BCB ~ HOLDING ~., a Nm Yo~ ~m~n M~ o~ at I i0 ~ Ph~, Po~ J~m, N~ Vo~ 11~ party of abe ~ ~ WITNESSETH, that thc pray oft]~ flint put. in consideration ofTEN ($10.00) dollar3, hwful rfloney of the United Smtas paid by fl~ pray of fl~ secund ix~ does ha~q~ snmt mi ~ue unto abe pefly of the second pert, tl~ bears or succemors and fmigm o£ tho ixmy of tbe second pm forever, ALL abet certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildinp and improvemenb thereon erceted, Situate, lying and being SEE SCHEDULE 'A* ANNEXED HERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE same premiscs conveyed to the pm'tigs ofthc first part by dated Mm'ch I !, 2004 .recorded in the Office of thc Clesk of the Coum~, of Suffolk on April 21, 2004 in Liber 12314 at page TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first pm in and to any supers and roads abutting the abovc described premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtemnces and all the emtc *~ risin~ of the ~ of the first part in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD die premises herein granted unto the pafly of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party ofthe second pm forever. AND the party of the tim part covemmts tlmt tbe party of dt~ lust pail Ires not done or suffcwd an~thin$ whereby tbe said premises have be~ incum .bg~l in an~ way what, vet. ex,pt as aforesaid. AND THE. party oftbe first part, in compliance with Section 13 oflhe L'ion Law, covenants that the par~ of thc tim pm will receive tho comidaratiun for this conveyance and will ImM the right to receive such consideration as a Uust fund to be applied first for tie purpose of payin8 th~ cost oftl~ impmvcmcnt, and will apply the same tint to the payment of the cost ofthe impmvemem before using any part of the total of the stone for any otber purpose. Th~ vm~d "patty' shall be ~n~ed as if it n~l "pmics" ~q~ncvcr ~ sense of this indenture so rcquircs. ALL THAT CERTAIN plot. piece or porcol of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold. Coumy ol'SulTolk and State or'New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on Ibc northerly side of Main Road (NYS Route 25) distant 259~.~s~hm westerly as measmed aiong lhe no~m'ly side of Maln Rind fn~n the comer formed by the intersection of the noi~erly side of Main Road and the westerly side of Moore's Lane; RUNNING THENCE South 75 degrees 14 minutes 40 seconds West along the nozthm'ly side oF Main Road, 254.65 feet to lands now or formerly ot'Ziphs; RUNNING THENCE North 06 deiP~'es 57 minutes 20 seconds West along lands last above mentioned, 274.85 P.-et to lands now or formerly ofth~ Village of Gtcenporq RUNNING THENCE Noflh 89 de~r~es 57 minutes 00 seconds East along lands la~ above mentioned, 265.40 £eet to lands now or formerly of New York Telephon~ Company, RUNNING THENCE along lands last mentione~ the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. South 00 desrees 18 minutes 40 seconds East, 159.4~'~eet;and 2. South 15 degrees 13 minutes 20 .sqconds Eas~ $0.~ feet to the northerly side of Main Road at the point or place of BEGINNING. IN WI~qESS WHEREOF, thc party ofthe first pert has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE STATE OF NEW YORi~:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the ~ day of M~y, 200,5, bef~e ~PHY ~ ~ ~PHY, ~mlly m~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ in ~k ~iW, ~d~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f of~ ~ ~v~s TORRENS Scrhd # CeFtiflcate # PrJof Cfi, # Deed. Moflp~e Insmmmu Handlinn TP-584 Notation EA-$217 (County) Sub Tom] EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Certified Colby Jun 10 F.~l P.{~eaine DT! 04-44261 Re&Copy ~ Sub Toul . ,.~ ] If NO, se~ npprop~al~ tan clanm on Od~r Grand Total ~ I~e # of this Instalment. 4 _ ~l~nmmnnlt~ Preser~_nf_.Lg_. Fund Veriflcntion MO~ Amt. I. Rasic Tax 2. A~_;t_;~oanl Tax Sub Total Spcc./ Assi- TOT. M3G TAX Dmd Town Dud Mansiml '1"an '11re prope~y ~ b~ dd~ motBaBe is m' will be impr(wed by a one or family dwellin8 o~ly. Y'ES orNO ~ 3~15 pa~e forum pen or,he mtached Bar. tin and Sale Deed ~,',d" by: (SPEcifY TYPE CF IN~txUMENT) Mnrthc*w Murphy tnd Jflm Muu~by The premisis he.in Is si-_,~*_~ in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO ' In ~hc Township of Snuthnld BCB Rf~ltv Holding_ C~orp_. In Ihe YII.,I~GE ~ HAMI. ET of GreeuOOFt BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO 1~ _ _P~_ _u__nLMG OR FLUNG FO Boz 1424 TD Mamtuck, NY 11952 · 17 I Title C~npany ~nFormaflon · ] Co. Name Cmnmonwealth Land Title [ 'mb # RHCC~t__M_~II 8 Suffo& Corm Recordin & Endorsement Pa e l Satisfacti~ Li~ ~ Owners MailJn~ Address RE, CORD & RETURN TO: Wiekk-m, Brinier, Gordon & 050217?3 ~ooo 04500 0400 008003 ~oniidanition ,,~Lmount S 7#0.0fig CPFTu ~u~ $12.000 improved X Vacant Land lilgllliIHllillEllllllilliilllllffllllililll IIilllllll llllllmllll ~'Z)e of' `rnftr~onts D~BDB/G[~) xeae:L~t: ]lumber · 05-00623.24 'J~RMIHrER 'TAX ]iOMB~8 04-44261 ~000 Soo~.Loo. t B'loc~! O&S.O0 04.00 $750,000. O0 06/10/2005 1013381& AM tho IPoX1owing IPeeB i,'or Above ~age/~Ll:Lug $X2.00 BO Ks~13.:Lng COB $5.00 BO m ~ n-c'~Y $5.00 BO r,A-GTATJB Ti*-584 SS.Q0 BO cezt:.C:ol)Le. ]UT $30.00 BO SC'ZU 'L~'ane£e~ tie $3,000.00 BO C"~-,,-.i*z'em T~`rB 'rs MOT & BZZ,Z, 12000.1.2391 703 Cou.M;y Clez'k, 8u~£olk COU.GL-y 008 · 003 $5.00 $1s.0o $165.00 $0.00 $o.oo $12,000.00 $15,2&2.00 · PLEASE ~PE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN ~ITING ON FORM INSTRU~ONS: hEpV/www.o~s~m.ny.us or PHONE (518) 47~7~2 ~ COUNTY US~ ONLY ....... I REAL PROPERTY I'RANRFER -'- -- - ~ isBqJ:l RP - ~217 .~o~.~ ~.FO.MA~O. I ~'~1 74825 I Ka:Ln Road I Sour:hold I Greenpo~C in9' LB~ I BCB Realty lloldins Corp. I I I I &N.E INFORMATION I 05 i ~.6 / 2oo5I MQM~ my Yea ~ZFd~'~Pd.. I , ,7 ,5,0;0,0,0 . o . 01 A fl C D E F -1LbdAMMialatRIIIIml 0 ,5 j 1/.TWAllmMVikillMdplRIkramidldl ~apupmvam ~L_J - ~mw~Nmu I Oceenport I1ooo - 045.oo - o4.oo - 008,oo3 II I I I I I ce. ri.cAreN I Vfck~m, Esq, I AbJ.$a:l.'~ A. 631 I 298-8353 NEW YORK STATE COPY