HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12429 P 783SEE ATrACHED DESGRIPTION ~lld Pmmise~ cleo known m 8 Crment Be~c:h BNd, Unit D.8, 8(x~hold TOGETHER MIh M right, dim md MMm~ if m~y, M b"m pe~' M k'm firm pet In Ind m my ~ ~ ~ Ihe le(~d i)~ farewr. ix~x~e. 'n~ wind 'plrW' IhMI be ~x~ued m If II reed W W Ihe leme al Ihll indenlum Io IN WITNE~ WHEREOF, Ihe pmty o4' the flint pm't hM ckdy e)mcuted this clMd b'lO dnY mlcl Yeir tim ~ IN PREeENGE OF: -Title Number Schedule A Description Page ALL that cart~in plot, piece or I~U~el of land situate lying and being in East Medon, Town of Southoid, County of Suffolk and State of New York, as hereinafter fully described as set fourth; The unit known as No. D-8 (hereinafter called "The Uni~'), In the buildings known and designated as Crescent Beach Condominiums, Town of Soathoid, County of Suffolk, designated and described as Unit No. D-8 in the Declaration establishing a plan for condominium ownership of said buildings and the lend on which they. are erected (hereinalter called the "Pmparty") made by the grantor under the Condominium Act of the State of New Yo~ (Article g-B of the Real Property Law of the State of New York), dated June 8, 1978, recorded in the Office of the Clerk, County of Suffolk, on the 8th day of June, 1978, in Uber 8441 at Page 183 (hereinafter called the "DeoleratJon"), and designated as Tax Lot number 008.000 in DistriCt 1000, SeclJon 038.00, Block 01.00 on the Tax Map of the Town of Southoid and on the floor plens of the buildings certified by Lawrence Tuthill, Engineer, on the 21st day of May, 1978, and filed in the.Offica of the Clerk, County of Suffolk, on the 31st day of May, 1978, as Condominium File No. 62. Together with an undivided 5.230 percant interest In common elements in said condominium. The land on which the Unit and other buildings in the Crescent Beach Condominium am described as follows: ALL that certain plot, pleca or parcel of land, with the buildings and impro~ementa thereon erected, situate, lying and being at East Madon, Town of Southoid, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and dasaibed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the esstedy side of a private mad known as Maple Lane and which point is distent 2100 feet mom or leu southerly from the south propo~ty line of Main Road. The cald point of beginning being a common comer with lands now or formerly of Kavanegh. From said point of beginning eastedy 62.08 feet on a bearing North 58 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds East; RUNNING THENCE Southerly bearing South 33 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds East 120 feet; THENCE Eastedy bearing North 58 degrees 2g minutes 10 seconds East· 208 Continued On Next Page "l'~Je Number A'189~-0~ Schedule A Dem:dptJon- conlJnued Page 2 THENCE Southerly bearing South 33 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds East 167.54 feet; THENCE Easterly bearing North 85 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds East, 250.00 feet; THENCE Southerly bearing South 11 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds West 474.34 feet; THENCE Westerly along the mean high water line 198.457 feet bordedng Gardiner's Bay; THENCE northerly along the following bearings and distances: 1) North 31 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds Wast 15 feet mom or less; 2) South 85 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds Wast, 18.1 feet; 3) North 4 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds West, 31.5 feet; 4) North 85 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds East 2.4 feet; 5) North 31 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds West, 602.42 feet to the point or place of beginning. Subject to an easement and/or right of way over lite most northerly 25 feet of the above described premises, in favor of the owners of premises adjoining the subject premises on the northeast and which said easement is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of a private road known es Maple Lane and which point is distant 2100 feet more or less southerly from the south property line of Main Road. The said point of beginning being a common comer with lands now or formerly of Kaplen and Kavanegh. From said point of beginning easterly a distance of 62.08 feet on a bearing North 56 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds East; THENCE Southerly on a bearing South 33 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds East 25.00 feet; THENCE Westedy on a bearing South 56 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds West 62.10 feet; Continued On Next Page 'Title Number ~hedute A De~cdptton - conUnued Page THENCE Northerly on a bearing North 35 dngmas 15 minutes 50 seconds West 25.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Subject to a right of way 15 feet in width running from the southerly end of Maple Lane to the Northwesterly comer of premises THENCE easterly along the northerly boundary of premises about 270 feet; THENCE Southerly along the easterly line of premises and land of Rutkowski, · about 287 feet; THENCE Southeasterly along other land of Rutkowski about 250 feet to land of Kaplan. AMENDED 12/13/05 · , .TO BE ~gG:rJ only MMEN 'ri. Ill AC:KNGWU~r~IMBdT Ii MADE IN NEW YDRK BTA'I~ Stltl M NIw Y(xt, C(]4mty d NililU milbclay evklmM lo be I~e kdMduel(8) ~ nmm(-) Is pe~xMy known ~o me a' pmwd ~o me an m,, brai M (m) ~ubKdbed lo me MUdn Meumnai md mknW lo ~evlMntetobemeindivltd~)dvmmne(s)h, me mM heMhMhey macuMd ~he Nme in Id~hedlheir (ere)Kdw:~bedk)lhewrd~nk~n~medmclKknmdsd~dk) apedt)~es), end IMl IW hlMm'~hdr ~Gn~J~Ks) on the NANCY L. O'DONNELL No. 01OD~071270 Oulllfled In ~ OouMy ~ TQ EI~ iiM~n C~Y MME~d ~ ~ I~nl~lmuT m SiAl'il: DUTMDE NEW YORK S'TATI= in BARGAIN AND 8ALE DEED GREGORY MILLER AND MARY ¥, ~ ~:~ TO EMANUELA COURTIER Commonwealth SECTION 038.01 BLOCK 01.0O LOT 4X)e. O0 COUNTY OR TOWN ,Sulldk 8TREb-r ADDRE~ 0 Crellnt BMch Blvd, Unit COMMONWEALTH LAND Trn. E INSURANCE COMPNdY RETURN BY ~ TO:, H. l FF BIJJMBERG, ESQ. 333 BROADWAY. SUITE 1 /I~AITYVILLE, NEW YORK 11701 RECORI~) 2006 Jan 10 ~2~11~32 Pti L D00012429' P783 ~Te 0~-22~2 ]:)ced / ]dol'tpSe hsaumem Deed I Mofl~.~ Tax ~.mp Reca'(hS I FflinS Stamps · ' ~-~ -C. ' I IIllllllll llllllllli llllllllillll llilllllllllllll l~unbe= s 06-0003631 TAX SOMBER: 05-22602 1000 At.t 038,01 01.00 BXIJI3:BIDAI~D CHAROBDAB XFOLLOWB $525,000.00 05-22602 BIOTA BXLL 01/10/2006 12811t32 L~M D00012429 783 008.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 ~io $0.00 $7,500.00 MO $9,758.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM - INSTR .UCTLO,NS: http~/www.orps.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I~-OR COUN~Y~ ONI:Y , ~ ~, .,~ I I_1' c~. 8Wi ~ ~ I ~A~A.I REAL PROPERTY TRANG~R REPORT RP - 5217 I NEW YORK STATE COPY