HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12475 P 541k'Y O|· - ~1[t1~.' ! L~ -- MvJdlill ol' Cs.t~siib (Shill! Shill| [KYB'r~ R01M) C(MqSI.;LT YOUR IAWYIIR BEJ*'O~,E 916.41~G THIS I.NSTR[JM~JqlT - TH~ LNb'I'RU~tN"F A~[OULD ut USED BY L&W'd*ERS THIS INDENTURE, m~ d~c 22nd d~ or Juno , in the year 2005 BETWEEN MIGL~L OARCIA & JOSF. FI~A GARCIA. his wife. as mums in common, re~idin8 at 3 I-I 5 90th Strut. Jacksm Hei~hr~ New York pafly of [he flf~t pm, and ANGELA CORDERO. ~sidin~ at 31-15 90d~ Sb,.~, Jackson Heishts. New Yodt f4my of the second pan, WITNESSETH, that the party of the ftm pm, in consideration of Tco Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of thc second prat, ._ _t~.~t_ hereby I~'mise. rclmuc and quitclaim unto the pasty of the secured pan. Ihe heirs or suco.*asorb · nd assigns of the pray of the second pan forever. ALL that certain plot, piece or pan:el of land. with the heildin~s and imMoverat*ms thereon erected, situate, lyil~ and ~ Jnthe near ~e Villase of Oreenpo~ in die Town of'-qoutheld, County of ~uffolk and Slat~ of New York, ~ and das~fibcd as ~ollows: ~ BEGINNING at a point marked by a concme mnomncot ·st no d~ no~ line ofNoflh P,~a at the anu~ com,,r or the pmnise~ Imein dtJcn'bed and the anutheasm4y comet of land now or fbnneriy of Ms-'omher, RUNNIKG THENCE alno8 said land of Macomber nmi ·Ion8 land now or fomm4y of Spanehes. Noah 19 A-greas 41 minutes 30 se~nds Wm· dlmne~ of'204.19 feet to a poim marled by a conc~t-~ TI '~CE ·IonS land now or formerly of Spe~has, North 60 dL"S~ 01 minute 40 seconds .Easl · distance of 190.10 f~et to a point marked by a t'm~[ t~ monumcoq TIIENCE lurtly sion· Homestead Way and pm~ly along land now or formerly of J. Lobe. Soud~ 10 degrees 38 minutes 20 as~mds ~ · dis·taco of 20~.09 feet to a point nud~d by · enoch'lc ~,~,.~,m as~ no the noflhedy line of Noflh Road: THENCE along the northerly line of Noflh Road, two cours~ as follows: I. South 66 dcpees 0~ minums 10 seconds Wm a distance of 24.23 fi:~ 2. South 55 depots 01 minut~ 10 seconds Wast · distaane of 135.74 fet~ ;o the cnoc~te ~t at the point or place of BEGINNIKO. RESERVXNG A LTFE ESTATE ONLY 7.N MTGUEL GARCXA & JOSEFTNA GARCZA, HZS I/IFE, AS TENANTS XN CO~9(C)N, PARTY OF THE FIRST PART TO~KTllER with all d~ht. ~ nd inters~ if any. of the Imxy of Ihe fir. t lmX of. in and to any sl~ and rcoth aheuing the nbove-d~eflbnd ixemise· to the eem~ lines tl-~r~; TO~ETH£R with Ihe nppurtenenees and all the estate and d~hts of the pray of the I'u3t pu~in md to mid pmmhes; TO HAV£ AND TO HOLD dm p~mises heroin 8~ ~m ~e pray oft~ accond ptrt. th~ heirs t~ sac~...s~, and ~ssisns of the pmarty of the second poA forever, AND dte pefly of the first pm, in compliacce with Sk%*dm~ 13 of the Lien Law, covennnts that tho pm~y of the lust part will rcceive the ~:tmsidRition for *his conveyanne and will hold die fi~ht u) K. cetve sneh coanid~rmion as n mm fund to he aM)lind tim fro' the puqx~tc of payin[ the corn of the Jmlx~,'emcot and willapply the nnmP tim to the payment of ihe cost of the impmvemem befor~ usins any pm of die tmal of die same for any other .-pm'p,~-e___ Tho word 'lxmy" shall he commmd ac if it rend "pi'flea" whenever ~ scme of Ibis indenmrc so requires. ]lq WITNESS WHEREOF, the pare/of the first pm has duly executed ~is deed the day and year tim shove wril;cn, the M~oscrtblng wimff..s to d~ foe.,~in[ trmmmerd, with w,.~_~ I &~n pclwu~lly m:qmluml, who, beins by me duly swam, did ~p~c nad L~ du~ h~ rc, Md~s) in . U~ ~F~,,'r I'rX~ JII~W WrJWAV NA'W YO~V SFA T'~. O~.E.. .qmMetNew Y~k. Caumy et )ss.: ~efme mc, Ik undm~p~d, pawmlly ~ m be Ibc inclivM,,,,Fs) w~ose mune~l k (are1 mbscfibcd m Ihe within insmmuat ond .dnx)wkd~d to me ~ IlehduAh~ exacu~l IbC ~ in his,ltetfl~r L.~p~lty(k's). and thf~ by hiMIc~hc'ir ~Fnel~oFwh) m the inslmma~ the individual, s). or One person ulx~ k.'h dtc IndividuaJlb) actcd, c~ccuted ibc tnsmm~flt. die individual(si acled, ea~m~d the i~munmu, md tim su~ i ndiHdual made such ~b ,~,:c be['(. ~h= undu.,dSmd in ih: QUFFCIAIM DEEO TITLE NO. MIGU~.I. GARCIA & JOS~I~A GARCIA TO ANGELA CORDERO FIDFI.ITY NATIONAl. Tm.P: INSURANCE OCOMPANY OF ~'KW YORK Dml~cr Secrm~ 04000 BLOCK 02.00 I,o'r 009.000 COUlfl'Y oe TOM; SUFPOI.K l~dk7 Nslk~d TII~ lmumm~ ~ d'Ne~ Ym~c e/o HOFFMAN I;INIGER & POLLAND, PI.LC ?~?,O Em 42nd Street, SuJte 435 New Yolk, NY 10017 This documem will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. ~ Oct, 24 01:52:58 PH Judith ~. P~le ~;UFFGI~, COUI~'Y L P ~1 0T~ Deed I Mo~ Ins~ument Pag~ / RIIng F~e Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) F.A-5217 R.P.T. SJ~. Corem. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy FEES SubTotal, RKOKIk~g / Rllng Stamps Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax SubTotal Spec~Assic or Spec/Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County .. Held for Appolnmmm_ Transfer Tax ~ Mansion Tax ~' The Ix'opefty coq~r~J by this mortgage is or will be Improved by a one or two NYS c,,,~'h=m= 15 00 family dwelling only. ...... = .... '-- SubTotaJ YES or NO O~er / ~,/~ . ~ Grand ToZal [ ~ -! If NO, see appropriate mx dame on TaxSendce {R~j~A A! ,'- ~. Ag~cy \ ~:',~' CPF Trix Due S RECC~D & RETURN'FO: VK~m Land Moses S. R~npmm, Esq. 220 Fast 42nd $~egq Snitg 435 ~u New York, New York 10017 TD. I I~11 m: JudRh A. PasG~k~, Suffolk Coumy Clink 7 le C~pany I rmation .... '_-'--------"- 8 orsement Page ' This page forms pan of the attached by: Mieuel Garcia Josefinn Garcia {SPECIFY ~ OF IN~TRUI~ The i~emlses herein Is situated In SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. made TO In Ihe TOWN cfi .~uthnld ,An_m~ln (".nrc~rn In ff~e VILLAGE m HAMLET of Green_n~ BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST B~ T~ED OR PRINlI~D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDffCG OR FLUNG. ~overl I llllfflllllmlllHll]lffl]fflfflllll[filllmilE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLF~K RECORDS OFFTC~ RECORDI:NG PAGE Type o~ Znetzumonh8 DEEDB/DDD ~u~ber o£ Pegee; 3 Receipt li~mbs= ; 06-0103663 TRANBFBR TAX HUIH]F~: 06-~0503 1000 Deed Amouuts Recorded: At: LTBER: PAGE: Section; Block t 040.00 02.00 $0. O0 Received the Follow~.u~ Feed For Above Exeo~t TIIA~FBR TAX NOMBns 06-10503 THIS PAg~ X8 A FART OF THE XHSTR~](EMT THX8 ZS NOT A BXLL ~udith A. Pascals County Clerk, Su~£olk County 10/24/2006 01~52~58 Pi( D00012475 541 00g.000 Exempt $5.00 ~O $15.00 HO $75.00 HO $0.00 HO $0.00 HO $0.00 HO $149.00 · P~.EA~E'TYPE OR PR'ESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'.# www.orp$.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 . _ RP - 5217 I ~ I Ix[ Ion~,~,~,am,,~,.-L-~ 4C. PmdApp,Mdfo,~/do,~.~M,pP, oVdd [] o, ~ I Oareta I l(:Leu. 1 I [ G~rcia [ JOBe£ina [ 'l. Chodl tl~ I~ IMow Mddeh rMat memgiMy da~d~ the mo d the iJWOlMfly m tho b M malE. Agrlmdturd I [] Community Sefl~c8 CommmiM $,J~] Indumid A~nr~ KI_.J Public bn~e Emmldnm~t/Ammmunt LLj Fm I ~ZDmdSd,/T~d,, ' I 06 / 22 / 05 I '..PdSd*P,b I ...... ,,~, . o, o I ! ! · I. Ovurdrdlip Type b C..~.hdum [] I. New Conimoilofl on Vm L~cl 1al. BWw reeddd m dtdom,o .-.,:.~i r, dkml~o [] A B C D F Sds d Ffmdond or Lis din F~ Intel. ~ ~,~,~:.qy_ Bdow) i i ,0,01 I ASSESSMENT L'qFORMA31ON - Dom 8hould rMbct the Mt#t Fkml ~! RQ# and Tax Bill ~O. Tix MII W l M W rI mmB ~Im Mm, W lhm lM MMM Wl I 1000-040.00-02.00-009.000 I I I I I I I I CEStA.ON I I ~,fll~r tam dl d'b Ilmm d'd emend an i h.m m m i em~d (to the Iuut er m~ bb ~ ~ j l ~ b b ~ d'mmy ~lbJ b Mmmmd d' mmim~ml hd Imm~k ti midmd m io d~ ~ Mm~e Im Btam mml~ll mmi fllk~ ~ b W ~LLER Rosen~arten I Hoses S. 212 p38~7p0 I NEW YORK S'FATE COPY