HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12375 P 249THIS INDENTURE, made thc l~h dayor BETWEEN MEDHAT K. MOHAMED and CAROLIIqE O'CONNOR 64-05 211th Suem BSyS~M, i~w Yo~K 11384 Fah'uap/ 2005 =ad p~ny ofthe Jim p=n, and PAUL R. BURNS. JR. and ELIZABETH H. BURNS/ 275 Town Harbor Road E~x~Jzf, d, New York 11971 p=ny of the second pan~ W ITNESSETH, thru the party uf thc tint ~ in CUrLSidcmt~m of ~ ~ ~ ~r v.l~b~ ~m~ ~id by t~ ~ of~ ~d ~ ~ ~y g~t ~.~ ~m ~ ~ of~ ~ ~ t~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of~ ~ of ALL I~ ~in p]ok p~e ~ ~el of ~ with ~ ~Mi~ ~ impaq ~m ~z~ sb~ I)~ ~ ~ng ~ t~ SEE SCH~U~ "A' ANN~D HE,TO. ~O PR~I~S INTENDED TO ~ THE ~E ~ ~D TO ~E P~ ~ ~E FI~T P~T BY DEED ~ 0711~3 ~D ~ ~03 IN UBER 1~ PAGE ~ ~D BEING C~LY ~ ~ ~D BY ~RE~ ~. 1~ ORI~E ~. ~H~D. N~ Y~ TOGETHER ~.-ith all risht, tkle and intme~,, if an); of the puny of thc Jina ~ in and to ~ ~'eets and mada abuttinl~ dtg abm. c- dascribnd ixemises lo Ihe cemm` liim5 thereof: TOGETHER wiGt the apparmzutce~ and nil Ihe ~ i nlll~ of rite i~y of lite h.rst pan in and to ~,fid pmmi.~s; TO IIAVE.AND TO I IOLD thc prmnbim hcndn g, mmed imto the party of the ~-cond part, the heirs m- ~ and assillns of the pan}' ,fth= ~.,cond pan forv,'er. AND the pany of the tint pan. cos'ent nts that thc pm, ty of the Jirr, z p=~ ~ not dune or ~ffcred anythlz~ whc~.-by th~' ~d ~emL';~ ha,~z: bee. n encumhc~.'d in any way x~4Latcvcr, except as a fort~nld AND die peri)' of the tim part. in compliance with ~ 13 nfthe Lien Law, rovenmtts ,J,-',t thc p~ly tint ]xul will r..'=iv~ thc con.~d~mion Em' this conveyaime and will held the ri~ht to r~-'eive such cnt~d~miofl &q a rant fund Io he apphed tim for the pa~xrsc of payir4 thc co; of the improveram and will apply the same flint to the paymem of the eimt of t~ imlxovemznt before uai~ nny pail of the total of the ~nme fro` nty oGter ~. The wmxJ"party" rdmll be c~mstrued is ifil remJ '~'artigs- whom'ct Gte; sense of th;~ induntt~' an r~uim, IN WITNESS WH EREO F, the pray or the nm ;~ Mas duly executed this d=d d= day md yntr ft~ n~.~,'c wTiintt. MEDHAT K. MOHAMED CAROUNE O'OONNC~ $CHEDULE"A"DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot 33 on a certain Map entitled, "Map of Highpoint Meadows, Section 2", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 3/19/90 as Map No. 8911, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Oriole Drive distant 182.14 feet southerly and easterly from a point on the extreme southerly end of the curve connecting the southerly side of Lisa Drive with the westerly side of Oriole Drive; RUNNING THENCE southeasterly along the southwesterly side of Oriole Drive, along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 250.00 feet and a length of 85.67 feet; THENCE South 31 degrees 56 minutes 13 seconds West, 86.90 feet; THENCE North 87 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds West, 285.00 feet; THENCE North 2 degrees 38 minutes 20 Seconds East, 70.00 feet; THENCE North 78 degrees 46 minutes 32 seconds East, 248.62 feat to the westerly side of Oriole Drive, the point or place of BEGINNING. Acknowledgement tatm~ in NrwYork 8rata ~ata of New York, County of Suffolk On the 16th day of Febnmry , in the year 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appemed Medhat lC Mohamed and Cerutl~e O'Connor satisfactory evidence to be the individsal(s) wilnse name(e) is (am) subscribed tO the within instrument and acknowledged to ma Ihal he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their napacity(tes), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the Individual(a) or the person upon behalf of which the Individual(s , e nt. Notary Publl~ - Spate of/New Yo~ ]VI.~ C'om m [~i,~F..~ pi r es Oct. $, 200~ A~knoeded rmmt I~j 8ub~mtbing Wlme~ taken In New Yoflc 8tata State of New York, C.,~xJnty of Onthe dayof , In the year Ihe undersigned, pemonatly appeared the subscribing witnesa to the foregoing instmmect, with whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me duly .worn. did de~ -'~e-- and say, that hs/she~ realpe(e} in that he/she/they know(e) to be Ihe individual described in and who executed the foregoing Inslrumefll; that said eubsurlbing withes~, wa~ presam end saw s~id execute the same; and that said witness et the same lime Wcriped his/her/their name(s) as a witness themlo. MEDHAT K. MOHAMED and CAROLINE O'CONNOR TO PAUL R. BURNS JR. and ELIZABETH H. BURNS A~emont taken In NewYmk 8tato State of New Yo~, County of On the day of , In the year the undersigned, persanagy appeared , before me, pemonally known tu me or i:woved to me on the ba~s of sat~f_~___.~y suiG'~msa to he Ihe ththvidual(e) whesu name(e) Is, (am) ~ubsudbed to the wiUtin in~rurn~t and acknowieclped to me that he/aha/they executed the same in his/her/their sapeclty(isa), and that by his/her/their signature(e) on the inutmment, the incivldual(e) or the bemon upon behalf of whic~ the incr~'idual(,,) acted, executed the in~'urmmt, Acknowledgement taken outside NewYodt State *State of . County of, '(or insarl District of Coiumbim. Territory, Possession or Foreign Country) Onthe day~ , In the ysa,' the undersigned, pef~matly appearnd , before me, personally known to me or paved to me on the basis of .~s~a~ evidence to be lye Individual(a) who~e name(e) is (are) subsudbed Io the wib"~n instrument and acknowiedged fo me Ir'mt he/shs/they exegtJted the same in his/nor/their napeclty(isu). end that by hisrnor/their signature(e) on the kmrument, the individual(8) or the pef~on UlXm hehaff of which the Individual(s) acted, executed the Instrument, and that such individual made such appearansa before the undersigned in the (add the city or political subdivision and the sale or count~/or outer place the acknowfodgemant w-as tOken). DISTRICT SECT1ON 55 BLOCK 6 LOT 15.036 COUNTY OR TOWN 8ulfo/k RETURN BY MAJLTO: Pafficla C. Ideem, F-scl. 51020 Main Road ~outhold, New York 11971 Zip No. Number of pages TORRENS S~'ial # Certificate # Prior Crt'. # Deed / Mortgage ir~trument Pagc/ Filing Fee Handling 5. 00 TP-$84 Deed / Mortgage Tax Slamp Notation EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total · EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. ~ ~ .Comm. of Ed. · Amdavit Cenilied Copy NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Sub Total Other Grand Total / ~'~"~ ASatisfactions/Discharga.qReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: RECORDED Nar O? lt.'24:$1 !qH Ed, gard P. Roomine CLERK 0F L 000012375 P 249 PT# Recording I Filing. Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tntal Spac./Assit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax /9~O · Mansion Tax The property covered by thi~ mortgage ia or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO Ill NO, see appropriate ~.x clause on I page # of this insU'ument. J JCommnnit~ WHe.?vatio~ Consid~t~n Amoun~'~c-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-~, Iml~wed Vacant I.~nd TD ,/0 TD TD ~oor4/v- ) AJ / //q,)/ 7 TifleCom an Information :; , _Effd m t ~is ~e f~s ~ of thc att~h~ t ~ '~ made by: ~g~e ~ S~OLK COU~Y, NEW YORK. ~ In ~ Town~ip of · ~ ~ In t~ VILLAGE ur HAML~ uf BOXI~ 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PAINED IN B~CK INK ONLY PRIOR ~ ~RDING OR ~LING. (ovcr) SUFFOLK COU~T~ CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PA~E Type of Instrumentl DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages= 4 Receipt ~--~er = 05-0024000 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-31600 District: · 1000 Deed Amount= Recorded= LIBER; PA~E: Section= Block= 055.00 06.00 SXAMI~ AND CHARGRD A~ FOLLOW8 $430,000.00 " o3/o?/2oos 11:24=31 AM D00012375 249 Lot= 015.036 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filin~ $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG · A-C~Z $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 ~ Cert.Copies ~ $30.00 Tr~sfer t~ $1,720.00 NO Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-31600 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $5,600.00 NO S7,472.00 Edward P.R--ine County Clerk, Suffolk County . . 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