HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12376 P 548 SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONI.Y THIS INDENTURE, made them day of 4.'.T'/t~.4x4L~ , Two Thousand Five. BETWEEN Audrey Bloom Lisa Marlin 10 Dillmont Drive Smithtown, New York 1178'/ par~ of the first part, anti Christopher Molu' 1425 Jacobs Lane Southold, New York 11971 pnrw of the second part, WITNESSETH, Ihat the party of the first part. in consideration ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the pany of the sccond pan, does hereby grant and release unto the parly of the second pnn. the iheirs or successon and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNE.V~D HERETO- SAIl) premises known as 21 Madison Street, Greenp~rt, New York 11944 Being and intended lo be the s~ma premises cow. ieyed to the Grantor(s) herein by deed dated and recorded on '['OGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any. of thc party of the tlrst part in and to any su'eets and roads abntling the above described premises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the nppanensnces and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premise~: 'CO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pa~l forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the pa~y of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforc'~aid. AND the party of the first pan. compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that thc party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to bc applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement attd will apply the same first to the palnnent ol'the cost of the improvement before using any part of the tolal of the same for any other propose. The word "pan. y" shall he construed as if it read "parties" whene~f this indenture so reqoires, I~ ~'~'-~E~, fI'I':OF' the party of the th'st part has dul~rst abo',,'e written. Lisa Martin / / STATE OF NEW YORK On thc ~"}_~ day of/~K~I~'t~/I~'I Martin. personally known to me or proved (are) sub~ribed to capacioAiies), and tit individual{s) acted. ,2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Audrey Bloom and Lisa to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be b~e individunlCs) whose name(s) is he within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the Same in his/her/their y his/her/thetr~ stgrmture(s) on the insnument, the individnal(s), or the person upon behalf of which the STATE OF COUNrY OF On the day of ,2005, before mc, the undersigned~ personally appeared , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidertce to he the individnal(s) whose name(s} is (are) subscribed to thc within instrument and acknowledged In me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity{its), and that by his/her/their signatureis) on thc instnunent, the individual{s), or tie person upon behalf of which thc individnal(s) acted, executed the instalment, and that such indiviidnal made such appnaranc~ before the undersigned in the ~'ubdivi~ion and the.~tatc or count~' ~:r other pluce the acknowledgetneut ~s taienl _____.(insert the city or other political Bargain and Sale Deed With Covenan~Against Grantor's Act IT- Audrey Bloom and Lisa Mardn TO Christopher Mohr District: ~000 Section: 040.00 Block: 05.00 Lot: 020.000 Counly or ']'own: SUFFOLK Address: 21 Madison Ave., Greenport, NY 11944 PRIMARY LAND SERVICES, LLC Title No. PY12918S SCHEDULE A Amended 01-18-2005 ALt. Ithat certain plot. ' pie~ or parcel of'laud, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate. Dine and beine, Norlh of thc Village ofGreenport, in the Town of Southold, Count!~, o~ Suffolk a'~ State of New York, boundt, xl and described as li311ows; BEGINNING at an iron pipe. on the westerly line of Madison Street, 241.26 feet norti~e~rly along said westerly line from Wilmarth Avenue; and RUNNi[NG al,,o,.n,g land now or formerly of Ruth Durkin ,, south 76 de 40 s~conds, west 130.0 feet tooremises described as tt,,g; ,~ -~ t,,-A,,g~rces 96 minutes certain mao enlitl "My,., ,,r ,~..~,~.~,.,,, ~_, , . . ~..,L.,,~, ,, o~o~, .,: as Shown on a Map N,r 1~51: ed .-,"v .... ,.~;m~m mea m the ~urtolk County Clerk's Office as ]:HENCE RUNNING north 13 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds west 75.0 feet; THENCE along land formerly of Gex)rge W. Smith. now of Audrey Bloom and Lisa Martin north 76 degrees 06 minutes 40 seconds east 120.0 feet to a monument on said westerly line of Madison Street; THENCE along said westerly line of Madison Street, south 21 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds east 75.67 feet to the point of BEGINNING. FOR :ONVEYANCING ONLY 7'he policy to be issued under this report will insure the ti~e to each buildings and irnprovements erected on the premises which by law constitute reel properly. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the petty of the first part, of. in and to the land lying in the street in front of ind adjoining said premises. ,: Number of pages ~RRENS Edward P. Romaine CLE~ 0F Serial ~ :SUFFOLK COUNTV L Certificate ~ P 548 DT~ 04-3~27 Dc~(I. Mon~ge Instmmem ~ / MoP.ge ~hx Stamp R~oMing / Filing Stamps 3 FEES ~ge I Fili~mg Fee M~ge Amt. I. Basic Tax Handling ~, O0 2. Addilio~l Tax TP-584 Sub Tomal Notation or EA-5217 {Counl~) Sub Tolal . S~c. / Add. ~T. MTG TAX EA-5217 IS;late) Dual]i~wn___ Dual Counly  Held fbr Ap~intme~ I A~davit [or will I impmv~ bv a one or two Certified Copy [ family d~ Ilin~ only. ' Y~; ~ ~ NO Reg. Copy Sub 'rotql If NO. se appmprime t~ clause on Other Grand Tolal / ~ ~ ~gc g_~ ~-- or this instmmenL Real 0500~39 1ooo o4ooo osoo 020000 Tax Service Agency Improved V~ificafion Vacam Land  List ~y Owne~ Mailing Add,ss Sat ~C(}RD Brian Guccinrde Esq. . .. I'D 2~ Main Streel .' , No~hport, ~=~w York ii7~ TD ]7 ] Title Comp;ny Information [ Co. Nante Prtmar~ Land Services LLC. · ~..--, ~ 'lltle # P¥ 12918 S · affolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page fon'n.,i pan of the attached Deed inade b.v: ISPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTt .~tlU~Iy..li~om . The premisis herein is situated in Lisa Martin SUFFOLK COUNTY. N£w YORK. TO In the Township or .Riv~Fli-ead 5'o ~,''~"¥x~ [ ~~--- In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THROUG_.~.H ~ MUgT BETYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 'l'O RECORDING OR FILING ~IUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type or' instz~unent= DEEDS/DI)D N-tuber of Pa.ges.* 4 Receipt N.--her : 05-0026795 T~SFER TAX ~ER= 04-.32627 District: 1000 Deed A~ount: Recorded: At~ LIBER: PAGE: Section~ Blook~ 040.00 05.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $32],500.00 03/15/2005 09:36~01 AM Receiw~d the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exemp= Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.01) NO NYS SRCH~ EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Co~ies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer t~: $1,294.00 NO Co=mt. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX N~MBER: 04-326~!7 THIS PAGIE IS A PART OF THE INSTR~NT THIS IS NOT A BILL D00012376 548 Edward P.Homaine County Clerk, Suffolk County Lot: 020.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $o.oo $3,,470.00 $4;916.00 NO NO NO NO ND NO PLEASE TYPE OR pREss FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON F~RM - - ]NSTRUCTIONS: h?Ip://www.orps.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 cl.'swts ~ I ~ ~ , ~,. ~,~1 REAL PROPE~ T~R REPORT I , I I [,t:, r u. ICATION ~ If / / I SMe BetWeWl RellttVe$ or Former / J BUYER'S A1TORNEY .__NEW YORK STATE '~ COPY