HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12372 P 748D£et. /000 Sec. 055.00 B/k. 04.00 Lot 004.000 CQStSULT yOI/S LAV/YIB ~ ~ "/IGS 114STRUM~IT--TmS INSTIIUMINI' SMOULO BE U~ID BY LAWYBIES ONLY. TH~l~lD~q'J~q~m,~lethe~-t~~'''~' dayof gebrdary John A. Naiet:a end Caren S. Naletta 130 Long Creek Drive Southold, NY 11971 ',in~eye~ '2005 pa~yofthefirstpm%and John Set=on and EIlen nelson 243 Baltic Street Brooklyn, L~nf 11201 pafly of ~ second pert, ~that the mrtv of the first tort, in eo~on of T~ ~1~ ~d ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~fl, ~ ~Y ~t and o' r se~'~s' ~ u~ of t~ ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ f~, SEE SCHEDULE .A AT~AClIED HERETO AND NADE A PART HEREOF. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by Deed dated 6/30/93, recorded 7/9/93 in Liber 11635 cp 893 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Off[ce. TOGETHER with ell right, title and interest, if soy, of the party o! the 6rst part in and to any strews and roads abuuim~ the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER wkh the nppurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO }lOLl) the premises herein ~ranted unto the pa~y of the second part, ~ heirs or ~.~.~*~_*Ats end. ~_' s of the party of the second part forever.. . . ............. . ~.. . ~ ... AND the party of the first part cov~.~,s.', !b~t t~.p~.qy:ot:the.tfl~vt part dmtuot*done;~r:~.~.ff.~r.'..ed**~ything whereby the said premises huve been ~bei*ed!in ~nytgrkyawhatever,,except ss doreeaid. ' AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the 6rst part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consld- erutiofl as a trust fund to he applied first for ~.he purpose of paying the cost o! the improvemen! and will apply the some first to the payh]ent of the cost. of. the.improvement before using any p~rt'of the%t.ft.' al of the sa~e. for' uny other purpose. The word "party" dmH be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture co requires. IN %vllrNr~q~ WHE,qr~OF, the party o! the first part has duly executed tMs deed the day and year first above IN PmENca OF: Caren.S. * STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.: COUNTY OF' SUFFOLK) On the ~ d,y of' Feb ruerr in the rem'2005 betore me, the undtr~ned, po~omdlyappem~ John A. Hatetta , pe~onally known to me oc proved to m~ on the basis of safisfactop/ evidence to be the tndividunl(s) whose 1megs) is (are) subsc~bed to the within insmimmt and acknowledstd to mc that he;she/they Ms~m'/theJr s~neturt,(s) on the in.mumtnt, the individual(s), or - p~,~,, upon behalf'of which the individual(s) acted, exectfl~ the * STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ~ ofFeb~tary in the yes~O0$ b~rore,nc, the tmder~sned, peraomdly nplX~md CaFen S. Platetf-a p~...dly Imowfl to rn~ or proved ~o w~ on the bns~s of'satisf'acto~, evidence to be the individual(s) who~ name~s) Ls (a~) subsc~bed lo the withh imu'mnent nd acknowledned :o me that he;sh~they executed zhe rune in his;her/[heir cap~ty(ies), and that by bir~er~atir siSnanlTe(s) on the insmm~nk tht ifldiv]dual(s), or the pa~on upon hehelf et'which the individual(s) acted, extcmcd the insmuut~, Sitenture nmi ORIte of ludlvl .d, ul taklnB_acknowlalBmmt individual ttklnLackaowledtmen[ sotary rubltc Notary rubllc * For acknowledgments t~kea In New York State. NOMI~ Pu~., lO, 8~ate o(_ New ~ I~,~,RET O, ~_ fie. ~ Nc~ I'ut~lc, 8te/e m Newmm ** State, District mt'Columbia, Territory, Possession, or Fo~ Country {k~ ~lp~ ~ ~, ~), 007 On Ihe ~ dayof in fl~ ri'ar bef'ore me, the undt, t31pleCk ptflonally appured pcr3oflaJly known to mc or proved 1o me on Ihe ba~s of mJshctop/evidence m be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the ' within instrument nd ackflowled~cl to me that heMm'they ~ecuted the same Jn his;her/their capacity(its), that by Ms/her/their shmamrlt(S) on the instmm~k the individual(s), m' the peTson upon behalf of which the individual(s) med. e~ecuted the instrument, and that such individual made such sppeanmce before d~ undergo*ned in dte . (Insert the c~ly or other poliltcal subdivision Ired the State or couot~ Qr other ph]ce thc acknowledb~nent wm taken). · ' For acknowledgments 11ken outside oFNew York St-It Sipatere tad Off'In of IndivMul.taldns aclmowled[ment WITH COV[NAN r AOAI.N~F GKAN tot's ACt s John A. Natetta a~ Caren S. Haletta SECTION 055.00 steer 04.00 tOT 004.000 ~OUNTY~ Suffolk TO John Belton and Ellen Belton '" M.K:I . INC.' 238 MINEOLA BOULEVAI D P.O. BOX 427 MINEOLA, N,Y, 115 ]1 (516) 742-4700 Recorded At Request of Frn~ Amuicle Ti[b bumlnce Conplny d New Yak Werner.& Bible, Esqs. $55 Broadhollow Road Suite 274 Melville, NY 117&7 o) SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of laud, with the buildings thereon erected, situarc, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated aa Lot 24 a.,~ shown on a certain map entitled, "Map 6£Yannecott Park" and filed in tho Office of the Clerk oftbe County el'Suffolk on .Oclober 9, .1968 as Map Number 51S7. Said lot is more particularly bounded and de, scribed according to said map as follows: BEGINNING at the comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Long Creek Drive with thc easterly side of Tuthill Road; RUNNING THENCE North 85 degrees 31 minutes O0 seconds East a distance o1' 180.00 l~t along the southerly side of Long Creek Drive; THENCE South 4 degrees 26 minut~ 30 secoods East a distance of 178.14 feet; THENCE North 71 degree.s 36 minule, s 10 seconds We.st a distance of 234,99 f~! to thc e~as~erly side of Tuthill Road; THENCE North I 8 degm~ 23 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 94.23 fect along thc easterly side of Tuthill Road to the comer tirst above mention{al, the point or place of BEGINNING. " ~omber ot. pages ?ORREfl$ Serial # Certificate #, Prim Ctf. I Deed / Mortgage lraUument F Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-$217(County) __ Sub Total EA-5217 (State) ILP.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other Sub Total -- GRAND TOTAL 5 [ Real lh, operty Tax Service ASe~y Verification Dist. I. Section I .Block I 05006744 zooo ossoo o4oo 004000 Data ...}J Satisfnction~/Disoharges/Relaascs List Property Owners Mailing Addrem RECORD ,e, RETURN TO: ~erner & Btblo, Esqs. 555 Broadhollow Road Suite 274 Nelvtlle, ~ 11747 RECO~DE~ 2005 Feb 19 09:46=01 RI~ Ed~,rard P.P.o~aine CLE,~X OF SUFFOLK COUN'~ L P Recording I Filing Stamps Mortg-ge Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County__ Held for Apportionment __ Man~ion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will bo improved by n one or two i'omily dwelling only. YES or NO Ii'NO, aec appropriate tax clause on page # ~j~ of thia in~tmmont. 16 Conununity Preservation Fund I Conslderet[on Amount $ 69~,000.00 $ Improved Vacant Land TD TD i' '"" I ~ ] Title Company Information [Co. Name l(.~_.l,I. Abattact Servt.cea Thc. ]:ritle # HKI, I S-23662 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement.Page This page forms pa~ of the attached need (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT ) John A. Hatetta and Caren S. ~4ate:ta TO John Selton and Ellen Salton Thc premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUbr~, NEW YOAK. made by: Inthc Towmhipof Southold InIheVILLAGE or HAMLETof Southold BOX'ES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. I~VERI SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages= 4 Receipt ~,mher : 05-0019131 TRANSFER TAX humBER= 04-29683 LIBER: D00012372 PAGE: 748 District: Section; Block= Lot~ 1000 055.00 04.00 004.000 EXAM~NEDAND CHARGED AS FOLLOWB $692,000,00 Deed Amount; Received the Foll~g Fees For ~ove Instrument Recorded Page/Filing $12.00 NO Han~lin~ $5.00 COE $5.00 NO NYB SRCHG $15.00 EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 TP-504 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 RPT $30.00 NO 8CTM $0.00 Transfer tax $2,768.00 NO Comm. Pres $10,040.00 Feem Paid $13,760.00 TP~.NSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-29683 THIS PAGE ZS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County 02/19/2005 09;46:01 AM Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO pLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIP~MLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM · · INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www, orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I.~oemv [30 I Lon~; Creek Drive { Southo[d [ Souchoid [11971 2.~ ~ Be[~on ~ John ~ Belton I Ellen ~ S~~ ~ ~Tr~ · hl~ I ~etta I John A. ~ HaLe~a I Ca~en S. A R C D E F I J 6 9 2 0 0 0 13. r. ull~ale~ I i i i i i i i i i 0 , 0 1 l&lndl~atltlmvlkmdl~l I , . o , 0 } I ~ME~ IN~R~T~N - ~ ahould refl~ ~a IKe~ Final ~Kme~ Rnll an~ Tax Bill 1L Vflr M~t ~ O~ 5 Wb ;.~.,Wn ~m I I 17, Td M VM id ~ ~Mi b ~d J l..P, om~vam I 2, [, °1-1 I ~e. sea~l~n.l Southold Deed Type not Wananty m Bargain and Sa/e (Spm~y Bek~v) S~b of F~lionll m Lea th~n Fll I~ I~,,~f ~low~ 8800I i ' I 1000-055.00-0~,. 00-004. OOO I I I I I I I I t.tm, iI"ICATION BUYER m AI'rORNEY Biblo I Larr~ A. 631 I 752-/+040 i NEW YORK STATE COPY