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Huntting Scrapbook Vol. VI
Mfr - 771--r- Twenty-Five Years AgO lyecktold & Acker, plumbers and tin- smiths, have leased the Carroll buildingwife of henry Talmage, aged 77 The Town Meeting election resulted on the new Harbor y ;1 mos. in a Democratic walk-over, Henry A. Road, where they Southold, April 12, Mary E., wife Reeves defeated Lewis R. Case for I will conduct business. See their adv. Daniel F. Buckley, aged :17 yrs ,9 in La this issue. A-hzt TQ Supervisor by 1&fl majority. Win. A. rsaa��,tt auuisnn, outhald, es Cochran for Town Clerk had 81 ma- Frederick K. Terry has been ap- of $4,500; all to two gone jority over H. W. Prince. The only pointed Notary Public for the Southold daughters. Republicans elected were Ebenezer Savings Bank. Clark for Assessor, Henry W. HalseyPorton, f3 W and wife to J Rujaw- PVilliam Booth is painting with Roes ski ar.d inn 9 3 4 Pores e s Bay for Overseer of Poor, and E. P. Jen- A. W. Albertson» av adj land of J Kujawski ar u gs for Constable. The Town went 1'eaGnrc...,,.. ................. no` Elsner Lennon of Cutcho ue is clerk- Ku awRkl, sr to K lea wski and for license by about 100 majority. The g j j a Board of Supervisors was a tie. ing for F. T. Wells. orW 15 acres e e Bay av anj land i of S Leslie, P€oonic+ life lease Ground fish scrap sold for $42 a ton» J A Whittaker and wife to J H reserved...... no I The Presbyterian church voted to Marshall, lot n s Sound View av, Folk, A A to Bank o fof Southold lot coil in wood the ceiling of the building, ad land of J H Marshall, South- w e Beckwith av adj land of J O ......................... Gomer.Southo; to kalsomine the walls and to repaint d .... ....... ,...$2.500, the woodwork, at a coat of about $500. Sarah M Gallagher to John Diller, Twenty-Five years gib Rev. John Brien reached hie fare- lot w s Bowery av, adl land of A-A t. z�{ P Lewis lit Case, Southold nom /`+r5r_3 well sermon as pastor of the M. E. ..... Frank Sisson moved into the rooms church. Twenty-F'1V9 SYaara Ago over Miss Mosier's millinery store. James Thompson and Miss Annie ��'� � �— � �r k,3 Rev- Mr. Lavelle, pastor of h May were married. W. A. Clark moved into the west Universalist church, took e Miss Mamie Cogan died, aged 9 aaxrt of W. H. Terry's house, up his resi derive at Moses Cleveland's. years. Albert A. Folk was here from the Ernest Leicht Wbought G. Hahn West, visiting relatives and old-time A. 'T. Dickerson went to the city en c riends. stock of boots and shoes and rented Tuesday to make final arrangements Corey & Sturges took the contract to Mr- Hahn's building. for starting the new Bank of Southold, .:dl the Presbyterian church. Rev. Abram Conklinof Rean he Bank will begin business as soon Ezra Boisseaudi , S. A. Beckwith and Pa•, and Miss Lucy A. Peck of S,uth after April 0th as possible. Until the H. Corey were re-elected Trustees old were married. furniture and safe are installed in the f the M, E. church. The Southold Cornet Band sereimd, Bank building, the Bank will do busi- Edward Goldsmith pm-chased the their leader, Dr. C.arm of Warren Carpenter in the A. Sackett. Deas in the office of the Suffolk County astern part of the village. Mutual Insurance Co, The last number of the Fyah, _ fray, M. T. Murphy of Greenpoint was Gazette contains an excellent sket Miss Elizabeth Elmer, of Morristown, 'siting Southold friends, N, J., is spending the. Easter vacation Pev. A. S. Graves and family arrived and portrait of Walter T. Smith. w in the M. E. parsonage. Rev. J. Brien has a splendid summer home at Horton: with her sister, Mrs. F. C. Williams. and family went to Bridgehampto€r. Point. Mr. Smith is the biggest Miss Ebner has just accepted a very R. M. Bayles gave an address in the in terrapin and turtle in the world,wi fire position as teacher in a school at Presbyterian chapel on the Early I five branche Unit hes throughout t Montclair, N. T., for the coming year. History of Suffolk Co„nty, Mrs. Barnabas H. Booth died, are,, States, the headquarters being Ne H. D.. Cahoon and family have moved •7'1 years. &-2 York. Mr. Smith was left an orph in their new home, which, when at the age of five years, and he is th- completed, will be one of the finest an� Chas. M. Post of Brooklyn was at architect of his own fortunes a Eastern Long Island. Southold this week. We are pleases' to .deserves great credit for his rise in t learn that he is to make Southold "is world. Mr. Smith is a young raa 'There were 1377 books taken curt of permanent barna.. He will have a the Public library during the month of uniformly courteous to all, and we March. heater installed in his home and otl :r versed on all questions of the day, improvements made. I -- -_ _ T7�eIIty F'ilfe Years Ago Boss Deo. W. Smith is building a During the year 1907 there were 7,= rti ' g 52o passengers from this station. Of I tenement house for E. D. Cahoon at this number 4,3:1 were Greenport Edward Reardon moved to Mattituck» the Sound. The Universalist church extended a passengers. In addition to this 432 call to Rev. Mr. Lavelle to become its Geo. J. Tillinghast has returned from mileage books were sold. 10, 20 and 50 pastor. I Edgewater, N. J„ and is clerking for trip books between any stations and The Board of health or I,; W. Korn- mileage can be had at this station electingSu Organized by, - without notice. Commutation tickets Town Supervisor Reeves, President. The Bank of Southold opened for Town Clerk Cochran, secretary; Barn- bus'ness in the office of the Suffolk procured with two days' notice. abas H. Booth, citizen member, and County Mutual Insurance Co_ on Mon- The Bank of Southold now transacts Ihr» H. P. Terry, health officer» day. As scan as the fixtures are put business in its bui11, an Beckwith Rev. Albert S. Graves was a n place the Bank will transact business pastor of the M. E. Pliainted it its building on Beckwith Av. orob- Ave. i' " church. I ably next Monday. 46-p • , Frank Stelzer is about to move in $. Franklin Booth died. rooms in C.L. Bardorf's house. .......... Twenty-Five Years Ago Twent -Five e Years o I P_ "V IV Ag �r Twenty-Five Year A We had cool weather for May. John, son of G. S. Con in, cut one _rV Josiah Smith moved his family to of his fingers nearly off with an ax. 'Vegetation was looking fine. Sag Harbor. Horsefeet were reported very plenti- Miss Hattie Prince arrived home, -Uncle Tom's Cabin" was given in ful. after spending the winter with Babylon Temperance Hall. Having sold his farm, Warren and Hauppauge friends. Str. W. W. Coit made three trips a Carpenter moved into his wife's house George R. Jennings was elected week to the city. opposite the Presbyterian parsonage. Treasurer of the Board of Stewards of Warren Richmond and family of The Assessors elected Ebenezer the M. E. church, to succeed B. T. Brooklyn arrived at Bay Side Farm for Clark,chairman; C. E. Overton and M. Payne, who resigned, after seven the summer. B. Brown, clerks; S. B. Case and S. H. years' service. Win. E. Booth and family arrived Tutbill,callers; J.W.Terry, committee Wm- Y. Fithian went to Newfound- from Brooklyn for the summer. on loss and gain. land to oversee Hon. J. S. Marcy's fish Beebe& Horton of Cutchogue built a T. H. Wood & Son contracted to factory. barn and carriage house for Chas. E. build an addition and kitchen to the The Board of Excise organized by Case, residence of J. Quarty. The barber electing Joshua W. Terry chairman, The Daniel T. Albertson property at shop was to be changed from the base- and A. Kraneber secretary and Arsharnomoque was sold to Oliver ment to the front room. treasurer. The following rates for Goodale, Rev, Dr. Whitaker went on his annual licenses were established: Inn keepers', Cassidy Bros. caught the first bunkers visit to his aged mother in New Jersey. $60,- store-keepers', $30; ale and beer, of the season. At the annual meeting of the Suffolk $10' County Mutual Insurance Co., John S. "What do you think of the subway? Fred W. Carpenter has moved int Howell was elected a director, to "Why, it's fine. I took the morning his new home on the new road to th succeed the late Moses C. Cleveland. train at Southold at 7:54, reaching wharf. Mr. Carpenter has a v,r3 All the officers and directors were re- Flatbush station at 10:26. By the sub- pleasant place indeed. elected. The venerable president, H. way and tube I reached Fulton street Friends of the Greenport Hospital re- H. Case, was in his 88th year. and Broadway, Manhattan, in fourteen ,gretted to learn last week that the espa- The pound fishermen were each minutes. I walked to Courtland street ble superintendent, Miss Edith E, Offer catching from 10,000 to 25,00() bunkers and to the ferry, and arrived in Jersey had decided to resign beo&uBe of 11 every morning. City at 11 o'clock, and twelve minutes health later left on a train that reached In the case of John Elbert Swezey F-The Union Scho;l teachers have of Philadelphia before one o'clock. Wasn't against Sarah F. Swezey and Daniel beentsked to continue for another that making good time? W. Grattan, to set aside the will of terra,as follows., Principal, Edward W. I Winifred 11,1 far, 9s ,, grLdA_B�'; assistant principal, Mi, The remains of Charles Overton, who John B. Swezey on the ground of undue Brainerd; eighth grade and influence, the motion to dismiss the high school, Miss Clark,- sixth and ev- died at Kings Park some time ago and complaint as to the defendant, Saral. enth grades, Miss Welch; fifth grade, was buried there, were disinterred and third and fourth grades, brought to Southold on Tuesday and F. Swezey, was granted by justle'. Miss Miss Vaughn; second primary, I buried in Willow Hill Cemcfe—ry./0�v Walter H. Jaycox at Special Term R'1.Stark; first primary, Miss Deals. Patchogue on Saturday. I Ex-Conductor Watson W. Apgar, Miss*Dora Traylen has been engaged Milton Post has opener Nn automobile widely known on Long Island, for 20 an superintendent of the Greenport hc - years a resident of Patchogue, died at petal. She is highly recommended as an garage and repair shop in the Bingley his home in Jamaica on April 26. aged efficient nurse, wheelwright building, in the eastern 54 years. He leaves a wife and four part of the village. He will also have Pons, all of the latter being railroad em- Arthur T. Downs and family have automobiles for hire, ployces.- moved into rooms in C. L. Bardorf's Chas. E.__Wrry caught 6,00(f bunkers in Hie"ville,L. I I April:18,suddenly`house. r nl)ot)lexy, oil Iijo train, Condlwtor has voted to in Ills pound Monday morning. The 0 igham, of Gre The Y. P. S. C. E Wni. J. Unnn"11 place np�,�i; e same morning Beebe&Boisseau caught age(i 5o years, 6 months, Re. a piano in the Presbyterian hrought to GreelllWlt and ser-i,icesati 6,000 in their pound. S hurch; burial at ,a- chapel. St A g,,es R.C. C Harbor. There were 67 tickets sold at this Southold, May 4, Peter Sears, aged station for the L. 1. R. R. excursion to Great preparations are making jr, 72 years. 11 months. New York last Saturday. Brooklyn to celebrate on May I the The Cutellogue Ilook & Ladder opening of the Subway from Borough Compin.y. recently formed with a beTTheo. Hoinkis has set out a pre ty Hall toAtiantic-ave. Itwillbea"big" mombershi p of fifty. has -;elected these dg, i, front of the Southold Hotel affair. officers: Foreman. William A Fleet; property. Chicago, April 20, Charles ward assistant foremen, J. HenrY Woif and rop ,n this h t 0 ty Hotelopening p H aG affair, C e o r re making MMay I the Borough willb 1, g e 7b 'w Ed Chicago, h rl" Edward d Jewett, Pa,. U hi, Edith Hutchin- Thomas [;ages; sw_,retary, E. W. Mor- outhol,d. April 29, Sarah Jewett, Pearson, M.D., and Miss Edith H on granddaughter of Mrs. wife of George M. Howell, �aged 69 son Marks, granddaughter of rell; treasurer; Georg�, B. Corey. Southold.at s [ywelafer,, 3 months. - Wells Ilutebinson of Southold. Funeral services at ;V - - th r, Miss Conki`u,G H and wife,to H A Rogers, the residence Friday, at I p. m. Miss Edith Prince has accepted a call Johns- a le 2 sores on ween at ad'land of B Wm. If , orr and wife to Geo C I T, t, y and left this week to fill out the school hon. Arshamomoune.Southold,now. .i r3 Terry, lot s s Hommel ave qdj land of y of G F Hommel,Sout.huld........$2,000 year at orange, N. J., High School. by TrolleV to orient. �� t�vffr. F - 8 As was mentioned briefly in the Twentrwe Yeargo enty2- 0-1 Times two weeks ago there has been incipal Lemuel Whitaker d 11 considerable trolley talk in ('�reeuport About fifty Southolders went to the a re-election as Principal 'er "U of So and Orient for a line conw-eting the Brooklyn Bridge opening. Har.bberger, two villages and runnitia, through H. Howard Huntting was elected a Academy, and F. M. East Marion, We ars informed this Trustee of the Southold Savings Bank, graduate of Lafayette College, was!, we,k, that while no hasty moves are in place of the late Moses C.Cleveland. elected to succeed him. S. A. Prince completed at Centre William Lowery went to the city to being made, Civil Engineer and Sur- meet his little nephew, John Moffett, vevor WallaA?,e It, Halsey. of Green- Moriches a fine country residence for port. has been told to go ahead with Police Captain Petty of New York. who had just arrived on a steamer from the survey and get rui,ngs down to a James Matthews of Brooklyn rented Belfast, Irland. Decoration Day exercises were held practical basis, so that it will 114' PCapt. Benjamin Cole's place for the Os- by Edward Huritting Post, G. A. R.5- sible to get at the project from the summer. in the M. E. church, where the follow- very bottom and to ascertain tho cost Landon & Prince enlarged their meat ing program was carried out: Singing, of building such a road. market. Mrs.J. D. Vail fell and fractured her Miss Lucy Goldsmith,Mrs.T. W.Wood, D. Y. Hillock, H. G. Howell; prayer,. .s t-as been mentioned, the approxi- mare cost of thA road has been placed collar bone. Ave. to Rev. Dr. Whitaker; singing, H. G at from $41),(x)() to but some The extension of Boisseau Howell and chorus, the words bein business men think either snio would the creek was laid out and mapped. composed by Mr. Howell; remarks, be insutticient, inasmuch us consider- Ezra S. Prince died, aged 24 years. able road work would have to be done Mrs. Win. B. Prince died, aged 63 W. Prince, chairman of the meeting years. address, Rev. A. S. Graves, past or at the bridge and near the meadows. s of the M. E. church; reading of poem, Edward S. Edwards and Nat 0. The following were elected officer j. Rev, Mr. Lavelle, pastor of Universe, Edwards, of Orient, and FranK Vail Banner Lodge, I. O. G. T,, C. T., ist church; singing, choir; benedictio of oreenport, are behind the project, H. Cochran, Sr.; V. T., Mrs. D. T. Rev. Gee. A. Graves of Greeripor all good, substantial men, and Evelyn Miss ConklMamie. lbertson;in; See , VailFin.; Asst.SeeSeeF.., The Post then marched to the Presb A ., 8, Garnett is their counsel. Several T. Wells; Treas., P. H. Cantermen; terian and Willow Hill Cemetories a Greenport men have fallen in with M,, G R Jennings; D. M., Mrs. A. R. decorated the soldiers' graves. the idea and believe it woulii be a sne- a Booth; L H. hold a Vail; J S ings; E� 100 n, Dr. Arthur H. Terry of Southold a R a ' " old C�a ai cer�s. not only for convenience, but S Griswold; K r" . Fred Miss H. Etta Tuthill of New Buffo S,, Miss Beanie from a financial stftudPoiilt- Corey; G., G were married. It it pr old to,make tate width of Case. the trucks the same, as the L, 1. R. OnMonda evening, 18th, Conductor At a meeting of the Board of a.. so that freight trains for Orient Patti_,k H.Monday of Riverhead, who �e late and early cation of the Southold High Sch anti East Marion could Ire taken ri<,,ht has been running the t w train out of that place, began the run held last Thursday evening, it w to their destination, of course this,,on the Express train evening and morn- voted to fill the vacancies as folio I ing to and from Green ort, which the would necessitate quite a heavy road )in Gi Asst. Principal, Miss Charlotte - I late Conductor Win. J. Cunningham bed. Everybody is interested and ev had for several years past. Mr. Calla- Chandler; English and Music, erybody wants to see the trolley and hon was entitled to the run by reason Eleanor Howell; 3d and 4th grad hear her hum. of priority of service in the employ of Miss Iva M. Lewis. Miss Chandler ourid in Gireenport was ;,,ono the road. He is highly esteemed by all a graduate of the High School The gr Saturday the who know him, and well liked by all ovt.r this Friday and on trons of the road who have traveled Worcester, Mass., and graduates f above mentioned mvn will probably pawit h him. A cordial welcome to his St. Lawrence University in June.90 over the orient end. new position. comes very highly recommended. Centre Moriches, May 16, at the H. W. Prince has had a new plate Howell is a graduate of Oswego S I and has had acv Henry Talmage of Southold, of his nephew, G. H. Loper, glass front put in the east part of the Normal Seboo , in w residence hold, where Brick Store, occupied by W. A. Wil- years' experience in teaching interment took place on Tuesday, aged liams. Boss Gee. W. Smith did the she has made a marked success 78 years. It add very much to the Lewis graduated this year s Sarah For- Oneonta State Normal School, and peconic, May 13, lilts. place of e sythe, aged V years. Interment at appearance of Mr. Williams' are confident will make a succe Cutebogue. business. teacher. an and family Word has been received here of the wyer E. J. O'Gorm -Southold, May 21, by Rev. W, death of William Evens, a summer of N. Y. City are at their summer Lloyd Herbert N. Booth and resident of Southold, at his hams home at Harbor-Holm. AnnieHorton Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Payne of Wil- Southold, May '24 at the residenc Mr. Evens was a large Y, City. mother, Rev. Wm. the bride's moth property owner at Southold.- Zta�. liamson, West Va., are at their South- Murray, Frederick H. L. Fie. 1larry Taylor has oiled the street m old home for the sunirner. and Miss Miriam Irene Glover. front of his residence. He says it is a Germantown, Penn., May 22, Fred- Riverhead, May 18, It great success, that he is not troubled crick Ewald—a Southold member of Muszynoski, Lawrence Stepnnski with duet at all and that two ap- Co. H, 127th N. Y. V.—ager] 73y, 5m, Anna Leburda, both of pfiestions will be sufficient for the summer. Twenty-Five Years Ago At the third annual Interscholastic Twenty-Five Years jLI-11%,V t- — 1rY3 Parrish Prize Speaking Contest, held (J",-. 0 /5'—, 1'6� Rev. Wm. F. Whitaker of Orange, at Greenport last Friday evening, Wil- Cherries were scarce. N. J., sailed for Europe. liam Germond Cochran of the Southold Rev. Dr. Geo. F. Wiswell of Phil- The thermometer registered 90 in the High School won the first boys' prize, adelphia, formerly pastor of the South- shade. .$20 worth of books, with "The Un- old Presbyterian church, received a The pound fishermen were catching known Speaker." Vinton Richards of leave of absence for one year, in ord immense quantities of shiners. J. H. the Orient Union School won second to recruit his health. 'Thompson caught 25,000 one morning. prize, $10 worth of books, with "At Dr. A. H. Terry and bride 'arrived Rev. B. M. Adams,the new Presiding Lincoln's Tomb." from their wedding tour. Elder, preached in the M. E. church. In comp, with his hastof Southoldl Principal Lemuel Whitaker and his. Bo"'. Daniel Glover made extensive friends, THE TRAVELER most heartily Southold Academy students went improvements on Conrad Adams' and congratulates Mr. Cochran on winning their annual picnic. Michael McCabe's houses. the first boys' prize. It is a big honor The Sewing Society" of the Presby- for our young friend and it is likewise terian church elected the following oversound a big honor for the Southold High ofIi,,,,-. Pres., Miss Helen E. Terry; Oversound" is the name of Mr. E. School. Southold's other representative, Vice Pres,, Mrs. Annie M. Spooner; D. Cahoon's handsome new residence, Miss Fitz, also did splendidly, and in Tress., Miss Helen M. Huntting; See., which is about completed. The name the opinion of many in the audience Miss Lucy Goldsmith. is well suited to the place, for first of should have received either first or Arrangements were being made for a all one must admire the site of the new second prize. proper observance of Fourth of July at home, which is on a bluff 1()o feet above Twenty-Five Years A 0 Southold. I that L/L."L 0 the Sound, catching every breeze k on blows and commanding a view of the John Place was serving as coo Peeonic, June 10,15 Christopher fourteen miles dis- steamer W. W. Coit. Case, aged 73 years, days. Connecticut shore!, Thomas J. Billard was engaged as — Cant, The house is built of conerete,of school teacher in the Locust Grove -9,uthold, June 16, at the residence Italian style of architecture, and every- of S. B. Corey, by Rev. J. A. Swann, thing in the design of the house and district. Chester Ingersoll Beebe, of Cutchogue, grounds has been arranged with a view The family of Col. Carroll of Brook- and Miss Grace Wilson, daughter unity, beauty, lyn were at their country seat for the Mrs. Frances Wells, of Southold.- M and convenience. — . _Y_ Mr. Burlay of New York was the summer. Twenty-F�Ve ears A90 Howard and Daniel Hallock, who ty xt-vw 6 architect, and the owner of the house were farming in Kansas, suffered from Charles E. Katz of New York rented expresses himself as more,than pleased w on Bay Ave. with the manner in which every detail the recent devastating floods. James Allen's house to, and Rev. William Huntting moved from the season. of the plans has been attended the faithfulness with which they were Stamford, Ct., to Greenport. Edward T. Allen and family of Br Those owning row boats were talking lyn were spending the summer here.' carried out by Mr. George W.Smitb,the of building a dock at the bead of Town I. H. Billard rented Col. John Wick- builder'must see the house, which is Creek. ham's house for use of his summer One Samuel Vail celebrated his 94tb birth- guests. really unique in its structure and finish, day. His health was good and his Southold Lodge, T. O. O. F., elected in order to appreciate it, and we ca faculties almost as good as ever, the following officers: N. G., M. B. say by experience that at no place is a except that he was a little deaf. He Van Dusen; V. G. H. H. Lewis; See., more royal welcome extended to guests had never used glasses and did some 0. A. Prince; Tress., John Korn. than at Oversound." work every day. Mr. Vail saw and Miss Minnie Hommel was engaged to :m_ Theo. HoiM, is building on the rode on Robert Fulton's first team teach the Arshamomoque school. corner of Railroad Ave. and Traveler boat. When a young man he carried Bouillon & Schwartz rented the St. a shoe store, to be occupied by the mail on horseback between Brook- Horton's Point Hotel. Joseph Freeb. Boss 11. W. Simons is lyn and Eastern Long Island. Eugene L. Conklin addressed the doing the work. Presbyterian Sunday School Temperane Cutchogue, June 2, 1 Rev. F. G. Society. Boss Geo. W. Smith has taken the Beebe, Andrew French cker, of New Lewis R. Case was elected a Truste fine house and Merwin, contract to build a very f Suffolk, and Miss Lois Clark of the Southold Savings Bank, in plac barn for Capt. George Williamson on of Southold._ of Hutchinson H. Case, resigned. hia lot in the western part of the Laurel, June 10 Joseph Wells,father annual meeting of the Temper- .' Prince of Southold, At the Sand village. of Mrs. 11- W ante Society of the M, E. ild. following officers were Henry L. Jewell is clerking for F. aged 87Y, 8M, by Rev, Wm. School, the Fickeissen. Stony roo , ne I Elmer elected: Pres., Frank T. Wells; Vice. H Lloyd of Southold, Howard Pres., Mrs. A. S. Graves; See., W The increase in the gross fre'911t Dickerson of New York, son of Mr. R. Samuel Dickerson of South- FI. Vail. 1. - Darling of t receipts at this station of the L. and Mrs. Sai R. for this May over May of last year old, and Miss Nellie O. George W. Fitz graduated from —an increase of 1,096 Stony Brook. Oswego Normal School., were $2,320.04 has accepted a Miss Iva M. Lewis tons. fine position as Kindergarten teacher in the High School at Closter, N, J. `atara-i,�s "r;� bra Arias Ernestine Howell,who Fest New Ba�ghtor, S al graduates es ,lune 27, at the Church of the A from the Southold High School this The New Steamboat line. by Canon Harrower, Lionel hloirui month, has taken the entrance exami- According to inforna.ataon received Parker, of Chicago, and Miss Grace nation to the Jamaica Training School. in this office Thursday of this creek Eleanor Marks, of Chicago, grand- the eompay which proposed to operate daughter of Mrs. Wells Hutchinson, of Miss lane Vaughn has accepted a Southold. Lla ight 1iu+� bateau t�reouport, 5ne1- fine position as teacher in the HighIsland, Orient and Now York, as W. F. Witchell has opened a pool' School at Salem, N. Y. uced last week, ineans business. room in the building back of his hotel. Main street, from the Southoldhave reeeived word that the new The room opened Saturday night. ole]to Geo. R. Jennings', has beenpany- will be known as the pier- John Brown and family have moved led, the cost being paid by thets' Line, and the name of the into the Evens' house on Railroad Ave., idents fronting this stretch ofmer is tire City of Haverhill. formerly occupied by L. Baumann. treet. Great credit is due Theo. vessel will leave the nearby vil- Rev. J. G. Behr of Brooklyn has oinkis, who started the good work. s Mnudays, Wednesdays and Fri- rented for the summer the pleasant{. iling the streets is a great success in and leave Pier No. 34, East Riv- property of the late Daniel Terry on pleasant yang the dust, foot of Catharine street, i`'evr Alain St. York, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- BOBSGeo. W. Smith is cutting G. ys, l�2 ci � -2 0 Joseph Freeh has moved ialta the Wells Phillips' bowling alley in two, new freight steamer, City of new store on Railroad Ave., owner] by and will make two bungalows of it. Haverhill, on the new route between Theo. Hoinkis. II They will be situated in the Pines on the East End and New York, made her A Polish shoemaker bas rented the Jockey Creek—a delightful site for first appearance here Tuesday, when Baumann store, recently vacated by bungalows, Mr. Phillips will offer she came into the dock with all colors Joseph. Freeh, where he will carry on them for rent. flying, and made her first trip to New the shoe repairing business. During vacation there will be a Story York that evening. She will leave -- Hour at the 'Library every Friday Twenty-Five Years Ago New York, Pier 34, foot of Catherine to 3 o'clock. Mrs. St., at 5 P. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays U L.7—/ /07 / VV( afternoon, from 2 J. H. Thdmpson caught a striped A.F.Lowerre will read stories on birds and Saturdays, .and Greenport, Shelter this Friday afternoon. From 3 until 5 Island and Orient, Mond ys, Wednes- bass, weighing 60 lbs., in his pound. }E o"clock anyone can stay to read. days and Frida s o7�u r+ua The Norton's Point House was filling J, E. Howell has sold his residence-. At the Eastern L. I. Hospital the up rapidly with summer guests. on the west side Of Bay Avenue,South- first patient was received one year ago, O, V. Penney sold his house and lot Id, to Patrick J. Rooney of New York on.June 26, 1907. On Thursday, the on Bay' Ave. to Wm. M. Morgan f_ 25th, the register showed tt3 patients 1 8� City. Mr. Rooney will not not take received and treated. It is believed � ' bion until next spring. The sale that this record is highly creditable, Charles Hammel and Mrs. Ma" and one that has not often been ex- wss made through the real estate celled by even larger like institutions. Horton were married. agency of Reeve Bartlett, Green - Twenty-Five YearsIs cy a ong continued drought is very rL __ has �r j r 1 serious. W e have had no rain of any Bruno Wolgo, custom tailor, Southold 19ad a big celebron consequence since Decoration Day. The rented the north part of the Hoinkis July 4th. The church bells wrung early potato crop will be very light and store,corner Railroad Ave.and Traveler at sunrise. There was a big psion, late potatoes are suffering badly. It St_ Joseph Freeh will occupy the led by the Southold Cornet and is also a pretty poor time to set out,. south store for his shoe repairing. Messrs. Davids and Case. Th erewere sixty horseback riders in therade. cauliflowers. Gardens are drying np.yyleslnesdag was thehottest day of At the literary exercises A. 11lmon The lawns have not been cut ffor weeks. presided, music was rendery aseason,alae therrnotneter reg�stet1ng large choir under the directionProf. The thermometer registered 96nD. P. Morton, Rev. Dr. Whitgave both Monday and Tuesday- Relief the Fourth of July reminiscences, v. d, from the hot wave came WednesdayGrover Cleveland, twice I'residerst of R Lavelle read the Declarof morning, when the mercury drapped Independence, and Rev. A. Sraves severa9 de rasa. �tti��the ILnited States aEid one aaf thegreat- gave a finished oration, g eat executives who ever held that office, Frank W. Phillips died, aged 19 em-Cc I statement died at his home in Princeton, N. J., at 8.40 a. in, on Wednesday, ,Lune 24, years. The one hundredth semi-annual A aged -,I years and 3 months. The fun- Greenport, June 24, at they bride's ment of the Southold Savings Iia eral, strictly private, Was appOinted home, by Rev. Win. H. Lloyd of July 1, 19os, shows total assets at par for yesterday p. in . at the residence, Southold, [toward Iluntting `ferry, of and burial would be in the family plot Bay View, and Miss Miry Eftabeth, value to be$4,651,694 91; total amount' at Princeton Cemetery. where his daughter of Capt. and Mrs. James Al. due depositors, $4,1115.045-72; surplus. daughter Ruth is buried. As to his Monsell. of resources over liabilities at par' t illness the physicians certified that Peconic, June 24, at the residence of "Mr. Cleveland for many years lad the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1Meof value, $466,649.19; total resources at. suffered from repeated attacks of gas- Lindsay, by Rev. Will. H. Lloyd, Wil- present investment value, $4,714,090.93;, tro intestinal origin. Also he had long- standing organic disease of the heart liam Henry Richmond and Miss Anna surplus at investment value, x529,045--- and kidneys. Heart failure, co ear M. Lindsay. Prin. Geo. C. Terry, Jr., has finished sated with pulmonary thrombosis and Jersey City, N. J., June 25, 4 alliam his duties as principal of the High': cede .a a, were the immeJate causes of I3, Clark, of Brooklyn, and Miss May School at Hermon, 1~i.. death " Conell, of Germantown, N. Y. far the summer. on old Library 1:4ocaafiOn Twenty-Five Years Ago H. H. Huntting and nephew, Israel The annual me NW01 the Southold LA4",,, / ✓ S �r Terry, left Thursday for a two weeks' Library Association was held at Bel- Barber Laun,formerly of Southold, trip up the Hudson, Lake Champlain, mont Hall Wednesday evening, a large moved to Far Rockaway. the White. Mountains, and Portland, number being present. The Trustees Mrs. W. O. Rogers and daughter Me. occupied seats on the platform. Presi_ Ellen of New Orleans were at Mrs. Nancy L. Horton's for the summer. _ dent Jesse L. Case presided and was Samuel L. Bennett was engaged as Geo. C. Terry has put a 10 b. p. very halnpy in his remarks. A fine principal of the Port Jefferson school, gasolene engine in his plant at the program was given, consisting of music at a salary of$900, railroad. by the 'Southold hand. recitations by The young People's Association of Brooklyn, June 29, Edward D. T. Misses Eleanor Lewis, Arlien Appleby the M.. E. church organized with the Worth, of Peconic, and Miss. Hazel J. and hose Mahoney, a vocal solo by following officers; Pres., Rev. A. S. Hawxhurst, of Brooklyn. -Graves; Vice Pres., Miss Hannah Miss Jersey Prince and a piano Salo by Carpenter; Sec., W. A. Clark; Fin. Milford, Ct., July 21, Alfred, infant Miss Rosalind C. Case. Sec., Miss Carrie Korn; Treas., fF. T. ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Tuthill. In giving his report the Secretary, Wells. Interment at Southold. Rev. Wm. IL Murray, compared the The farmers had an unusually good cost of running our library with that season and all crops looked we _,.ha the case of Pea .T. Ic vs. ChasT. ll Gordon, of Southold, charged with vio- of Utica, which spends $7,1100 for what William Hummel felt/ from a cherry tree and broke his arm. Iation of Chapter 235, laws of 1907, by we ariding a wheel on an alleged sidepathre getting for $750. The number The Presbyterian congregation ation re- of books loaned was compared with y g g at Southold village on June 7, 1908, sumed its warship in the church, after without a license tag attacked to the that of other libraries on the Island, holding service for three months in the left fork of his wheel, the third jury greatly to our advantage. In closing chapel. In the meantime the interior trial was had in Belmont Hall on Mon- Mr. Murray urged the people to read of the church was greatly, improved- day, July 20, before Justice Jesse L. the best class of literature. The hoizontal walls were ceed and the Case. A panel of 12 jurors was ex- the wall repainted. New carpets hausted and another panel was drawn The report of the Treasurer, L. W. were laid and new furniture provided. before the jury box was filled. A very Korn, sliowed that the receipts from Corey & Sturges did the carpenter, large audience was present and great popular subscription last year were work, and J. Henry Cochran, the interest was manifested. The testi $534, to which was added $100 from the painting. The whole work was done mony� occupied several hours, and cease under the general direction of Henry not given to the jury until about 10.30 State and$33.99 from fines, a total of Huntting. Miss kletta Horton canvass- p• m. They were out less than ton $667.99. The total disbursements were,ed the congregation for the money to minutes and returned with a verdict of $698.21. With the: balance on band a for the expense. not guilty. Albertson Case appeared last year, there is now a balance of for the people, and Leroy F. Raynor $178.15 in the treasury. Last year The W. C. Albertson Co. is loading for the defendant. It is the first time, otatoes at 85 cents a bushel. The s*far as known, in the history of the $481.80 was spent for now books. Pro of earl potatoes is light, from 75 t,3wn, where a person charged with a The fourth annual report of the p y p misdemeanor had to face three juries. Librarian, Miss Lucy Hallock, showed to 1?5 bushels per sere. The crop of the growth of our library. During the late potatoes will also in all probabilityLin 'b'D eily_1''iv@ Years Ago past year 13.851 books were taken out, be light. The year before 1.1,124 books were 'S'W@gt3r_ 1v@ Year got Id Hotel had adv rya large / of boarders. loaned. There are 2282 hooks in the 2 )° � school trustees engaged Sylvester library. A large number of magazines It was'quite dry and dusty. are also being collected. A Story A great many scallop shells werethill of Cutchogue as principal of Hour bas been started, meeting every being taken from Southold wharf tochool. The salary of the principal Friday afternoon. Connecticut waters. educed$100. Miss Clara Wheeler R. S. Sturges was elected Trustee The condition of the Southold Savingsre-engaged as teacher of the for four ,years, to fill out the unexpired Bank showed that the total resourcesary department, at the same' term of the late Prof. A. P. Somes, were $1,119,611.61; the total liabilities, y. and J. C. rustace and. L. W. Korn '$994,137.76; surplus, $135,473.35. ffolk Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Sag were re-elected Trustees for the full The following were elected officeror, paid a fraternal visit to South- term of five years. of Banner Lodge, 1. 0. G. T.. C. T. odge.Sna+lc�5, t,rge aoc sm are alapear- A. R. Vail; V. T., Mrs. J. L. ConklinWm. 11. Joost is making ear ensive i�,t* all al>a>:it tilu village this season. Chaplain, D. T'. Conklin; Sec., F. T improvements to "Rosemary." lie is Wells; Fin. Sec., B. T. Payne; building two two-story towers on flue For the first time since Decoration D. L. Conklin; G., Fred Case; S., Mrs. Da , we had a Enna shower Tuesday af- north end of his house, which will be y Minnie Wood. A. R. Vail was re- thrown into his bedrooms, making ternoon, and one of, the most severe t d Lod a Deputy. three very large rooms and a bath droughts we ever experienced was A H. Howartb, real estate agent room. Boss L. L. Glover is doing the broken. The rain will do a world of for the L. I. R. R., was at Southold work. Jedlicka Bros. of Sayville will good to cauliflowers just set out and Wednesday and gave title to the South- da the plumbing for the hath roam and which are being set out now, corn, old wharf property to the Southold the kitchen. A wind mill will supply grass, lawns, gardens, trees, etc., and we trust late potatoes are not so far Park Commissioners. The wharf the water. property now belongs to the Southold Joseph Gomez to Mrs Lucy gone but that it will benefit themA Park District. The price paid was ,Gomez, lot n s Main st, adj land $2500. of A M Salmon, Southold..........DOM has had a Twenty-Five Years Ago p., House and Contents Burned bicycle and automobile shop, left town 7- AIV A W3 Last Friday afternoon, about 80 last Friday for parts, unknown. At the t2t at Oak Lawh, A. Downs, O'clock,A.S. Denman's house,at Sound Overton was a good workman and Fannie G. beat Wells' .faros.' Capt View Ave., was burned to the ground, could have made a good living, but he Jenks in three straight heats. with all its contents. The new servant, went wrong. It is supposed he was Corey & Sturges took the contract to who had arrived the previous Wednea- accompanied in his flight by a young make extensive improvements to A(Irs day, started a fire in the kitchen stove &L Overton'sgoocls have been sold H. W. C,,k] in's house. and his shop rented. Mrs. Overton While coming from New York on with excelsior, and stepped out doom When she returned the kitchen was all will return to her old home in Matti- team,, W. W. Coit, John Korn had ablaze. She rushed up stairs and got tuck- Much sympathy is expressed his pocket picked of$30, for her. her own clothes, and that was all that Elias 11. Richmond died, aged 81 was rescued. Mr. and Mrs. Denman John Conway, of Georgetown, Wash- Fears. were down to the village at the time, ington State, is visiting his parents. The Ladies'Village lrI12;,__ So.- and Miss Henrietta Frost, who is stay- Harry G. Case has rented the shop, citAy bad a very euLhUSieLltle �tlleetiug ing with the family, was in bathing in formerly occupied by L. W. Overton. at Miss Jane Corwin's oil Monday af- the Sound. No one else was in the - ternoon. The secretary had a large house. When the fire was discovered Dr. H. M. Payne left Thursday for plan from the L.1.R.R of the c ross llf b the neighbors it was impossible to West Virginia, where he will meet at Ilorton's Lane and Tucker's Lane, y which proposed bridge%- 1) Pittsburg capitalists and go to Mexico r auto- and enter the hou.9 to save any of the carriages. The Co. promise attention household goods, which were all de- as consulting engineer to work up to the matter when tinics pick up alit- stroyed, including clothing, jewelry, some mining property. t1c. An afternoon tea is to besvrvoti money, etc. On bearing the alarm, the the Saturday before the Labor Day, at h Twenty-Five Years"Ago, Creek, with short s;4ililig excursions, Southold Fire Department immediately will Thursday Mexico ay work Overton. meet f e 0 s 0 e exi( 0 u n p0 r t Ago a rJA ih 0 etc and a social in I ll� kavvlling� went to the fire, but the fire had _YW with Soc`u�thold Zotel was crawdee h Boss R. S. Sturges bas builtgained such headway that nothing summer guests. way at the head of Lighthouse Road, could be done. The house and its K. A. R, Vail was appointed Deputy from the bank to the beach. contents were insured for $1200, which Sheriffis a small part of the loss incurred. p he Starrett's Horse and Pony Circus will J. H. Cochran painted the public , Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. exhibit here next Monday. school building. and Mrs. Denman in their great loss. Gee. H_ Wells was engaged to teach Ma(AVALSON—TILLINGHAST—At Southold, Aug. 18, John J. Furev the Fast Marion public school. Edgewater, N. J_ July 25, Miss Car- son of Warden Thomas Furey, of RW Bouillon & Schwartz had a large rie Tillinghast, formerly of Southhlfl, erbead, where interment took place, aged 9y, 1m, 24d. number of guests at Horton's Point to J. XacWalsoa. formerly of Green- 'port, now of New York City. d Hotel. Seth L. Tuthill has sold a most lightning's Work Twenty-Five YearS Ago desirable lot north of his house to Mr. The family of E. F. Jewell had a 14 L-hal S�'Kn Staley. There re 100 guests at the South- ITwenty-Vivo Years A 0 narrow escape from death Wednesday old Hotel. morning. During the severe-Bionder No complaints were made to the There was DO tato rot of any storm, about 6:15 o'clock, a bolt of Board of Assessors on account of account in this section- lightning struck- Mr. Jewell's house,se, assessment. The M. E. Sunday School had its shattering two of the rafters, ins- assessment, number of young men from the annual picnic at G. W. Phillips' grove. mediately over beds occupied by Mr. and Mrs Jewell during the night. The city were camping out at Horton's Cassidy Bros. caught a 48 lb. bass in d poun . their bolt then passed down in the kitchen, Point. where Mrs. Jewell was at work by the Archbishop Lynch of Canada visited The farmers had an unusually stove, shattering the stud by the Rev. Father Foley. prosperous season. The annual picnic of St. Patrick's chimney. It then passed into a breadRev. Dr. and Mrs.Whitaker attended mixer full of water, burning up the Church was held at Horton's Point. the golden wedding of Hon. and Mrs. Policeman Patrick Rabbitt of N. Y. Jonathan Ogden of Brooklyn at Lake water and spent itself. Mrs. Jewell's City, formerly of Southold,was stabbed face was blackened and she was George. shocked, but very fortunately was not in the face by a rough while arresting B. T. Payne built a substantial boat severely injured. The house was full a thief. wharf opposite land of R. L. Peters. Win. A, Tillinghast and Miss Isabella of boarders, but no other inmate was Turner were married. ell Pendent steamer Haverhillshocked. ow making regular landings at About the same time lightning struck Henry Jennings, who has been in the Harbor, &float having been tuoOTed an apple tree a few feet away from employ of the Government in the which to land freight. Sam'] Dickerson's barn.,4!2 S— Bureau of Soils for the past two years, Southold, Aug. 2, Thomas H, Wood, has been given a year's furlough in Miss Sara E. Read returned from order to complete his course at Cornell vacation at Hoosick Tunnel, Mass., aged S3 years. d home Monday, and the Southold Amine Peconic, Aug. 1, Mrs. Ann Glenn of 11 University. He has jqst arrive competent Prinei E of which she is the competent ,tWw SufW aged 64 years, 1Lp!22ths.JL �N�be Cornell Summer School we t -Five ears Age A S c,� Twenty-Five Years .Ago T wvoF ty 'F re" e There as a serious drought. S11 Z Most of the summer hoarders had Col. T omas Carroll and family re- Mr. Gordon's boat shop aerry`s returned. turned to their city home for the wharf was completed. There were 249 persons who registered winter. Dr. Graves of N. Y. City purchas at Norton's Point Lighthouse during Benjamin Adams purchased of Gen. James Allen's house on Bay- Ave. August. M. Howell the house formerly occupied Miss Minnie Hommel began h Prof, D. P. Horton went to Brook- by John Howell, deceased. work as teacher of the Arshamomoqu lyn to resume his work of teaching Dr, and Mrs. A. H. Terry were about school.. music in the public schools. to move to the city. Capt. George lowland had his I Southold Lodge, L. O. O. F., pur- E. L. Boisseau dug 100 bushels of seriously injured by having a bloc chased a Beatty organ, through W. A. potatoes with a fork in four hours. marble fall on it. Clark, for$125. Hiram Terry leased his property at Capt, Benjamin Cole had a Daniel H. Overton of Patchogue was fine Neck to P. Quarty for gardening successful season as manager of t again a student at Southold Academy„ purposes. Peconic House, Greenport. Miss Bertha Whitaker had charge of There was a big crop of potatoes and Walter Costello died, aged 80 yea the French department at 'Vermont the price paid was 45 cents. Academy. Miss 'Whitaker graduated� Joseph Turner and Miss Bridget Goose Creek Bridge from Wellesley College at the last Burns were married. The Town Trusters met on Saturday, commencement. and after viewing the proposed ne Mrs. Dolan B. Swezey died, aged 57 Through the agency of Albert A.Folk, 'road from Pine Nock to lay Vie ` years Miss Charlotte Chandler and mother have ranted the residence on Main "ave their consent to bridge Con z The Southold HighSchool will open street of Dr. A. H. Terry, and will (',reek Channel.el The badge is to e. p it1 feet between the. bul{cheadw, 16 teen next Tuesday with the following carps spend the school year there. Miss C. wide and 10 feet clear at low water. of teachers. E. W. Shafer A. B. is one of the Assistant Principals in There will be lifting doors in th Schenectady, N. Y. (Syracuse Univer' Southold High School, center, 12 feet clear for beat passage; sity) Principal; Miss Charlotte K Judge J. A. Whitaker has sold his The Trustees were entertained at Chandler,Auburn,Mass.,(St.Lawrence place at the Sound to Lawyer Richard dinner at Paradise Point by Silas A. H. University), Asyt. Principal; Miss C. Addy, of Brooklyn, a son-in-law of Dayton, Esq. The consent of the Eleanor Rowell„ Southold, (Oswego Dr. Marshall. To Board and Town Trustees has Normal), English and Music; Miss — Miss Edith Prince left on Monday to now been obtained for the building of Jessie M. Clark„ Parishville, N. Y. take up her duties as kindergartener in the road. (Potsdam Normal), Eighth Grade; one of the West Orange,N.J.,schools. Miss Anna L. Welch. Holcombe, N. Y. James Wickham has sold the Tuthill (Geneseo Normal), Sixth and Seventh Miss Julia Cassidy left Thursday to Terry place, in the eastern part of the Grades; Miss Alice G. Santry, East begin her,work as teacher in School 45 village, to George Remsen of Jamaica, Blomfield, N. Y., (Geneseo Normal) Jamaica South. L. L Fifth Grade; Miss Alice J. Tooke, Thompson, L, to J-8 Howa�'d, lot a is Dr. H. M. Bayne left on Monday to Fulton, N. Y., (Potsdam Norma!), Lower road, adj Old King's big way take up his duties as Dean of Mining'Third and FourthGrades; Miss and land of L Ttiompson,Southoid,nom, at West Virginia University, Morgan- Josephine Stark, Greenport, (Jamaica Rensselaer G. Terry has return town West Va. Normal), Second and Third Grades; from a trip to Lake George. Miss May Mitehell is teaching art in Miss Margaret Deale, Greenport, First Geo. C. Terry, Jr., leaves this week one of the hest manual training schools Grade. in the county , to attend the Albany Law School. y, at Muskegon, Michigan, Southold, Aug. 21, of heart disease, _ J_IVIt. Disco, N. Y., Set 9, Abh L.,,Dora Ring„ wife of Judge Baldwin T. Miss Elizabeth Elmer left on Mowidow of the late William D. Wines.Pa ne, aged 6 y, 2m, fid. for New Jersey to teach school. Interment at Cypress Hills. Wallace Merwin is clerking at F. T, Miss Bertha Hall of WaddinS L Sennett and wife, try D IIWells' store. N. Y., is teaching at Bay View. Horton, lot adj lands of S L 13cnnett Riverhead, 'Sept. 2,J. Henry Newina and D N Horton, Southold........nom J. Leo Thompson and family have aged 75 years. Dora Traylen, who has been' moved into Wm. H. Glover's house or., O(Anna' ient, Sept, '3,T Rev. Itilr. fills- Traveler 5t y Superintendent of the Eastern L. I. William F Vail of 11cconic, and Hospital since Niiss Offer left at the Bcrtha, daughte=r of Silas Stanton end of her year,terminated her Pntra e- The age of Mrs. Baldwin T. Payneient. m nt on Saturday Sept. 12. She gas was 67y, 2m, 6d, instead of 64y, 2m, ridian, N. Y., Sept. 9, William C. gone to assume gerteral conduct of a 6d, as stated last week. t of West Oran,pc, N. J.,fortner- targe Seminary for Young Ladies in Southold, and ]Miss Bertha Clark. Marylard, near the District of Colum- Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Golder haveerhead, Sept. 13, by Rev. L. P. hia. moved into Miss Frances Rockwell'sniska, Anton Jernick and Mrs. Miss Donahue engaged in New York. house on Maple Ave, for the winter Nastalenriz, both of Bay View. as actirsg SupEtintendent fur one mouth months. There is a big oyster set off or on a carne to the Hospital on Sunday, Sept, Point and the boats are;there dredging, 13, and is r ow in charge, 3, '" Road to I1rcy Yiswr Way -FIVA Tons" 0 �' �� * T6 Town Iloani mat at Stsuthss an Tuesday slid aunt; ovor ilia proposed ' � juanwftft tkft rttnt new rand to Day Vlow, which has boar, Black fishift at Towyn Martian ws# scilla The 1sdlesw surveyed by Albertson Case, FAq very gam" The&A Jane of torr asesm *** aY: After going over the rout.a, the Board Wrrt. 1.awrary ttltitMtsad M taarrOb of C4 U. Lo6vW Inst ",1 h. t' Y, unttnlmousllr granted the petition of: cauliflower In two weeks. AtkinaaartIft OW bu#hVfA of P.tALUVst. 81100 A. 1:1. Dayton to open the mad. Fast LoIcht moved from mom ww t stpt, gligaw t li,xrt*Yst of I:lu0ft.,0 i'ho read oemmancarw at lite Marti, J. Kent's stttrc Into K & Vrt�*r sugars wrest visfUn i s tt W ftje.*k. Eche i}sy View, and rune a North tonarttent housm At tho � sueelinIf at t�Yust Grad, Channel, which It ie ro tlartial 11. Overton asidr`GNW t1W Cir"vs the, � ,Meets wom N L lsr I°r sttrytarianut"UY�1°i'OMPOM" „ioctot) TtanoY Wm. it illwa bridge with a ! fi. bridge. pct lila trey. �. ,�. �tltls t;t►iiactsls', t1. rw Bay land road tart's entirely mlyiia ition rt€ t�ttf i tbaairi i�Pa rm P. i*a,�w,- � 'T.J. t9 t. y View side room Aft�sr bridging(cwrw Craalr Cham.r►ai it A ttatt was 'tly ImprYsvatf. At !ha r�1 aaiw at i►usrses over bsac.h belonging to Writ.A. C�auiigr i> I, t). t1. 'T.. msrt at t�rrrtUbo , li was rtatsrd 0 tett Haynes, rrtamdow bitlasnglrtg to Jsrswtsa 14. 8atttlts:kb 'w"suwd iii7[i to 'Tarry and wroodiand bvlang'tng to Missrrtt of aaulitlawr� l� � to, Christopher I.atcht and joins cite o"t.ern bwtrart. of &wtla*W SM, And It was vc d try t+do i br and of Cita Plan Neck ]toad. By going Wharf, ice+ the budta<itntttiox VOW to Won The Mug l to 04 over the Ctttk Lawn bridge tito rllstancr� W. A, and J. If. mart's awl between Southold and Bay View twill wag oamtYlatarly wrraaitad in tl�t 1ptio. v Wooled., Thwta% MOW Will.. !res materially loosened. The consent A tett was at 8t►arPurpthoW Wiawtrf faf ttatirie; , W� lwwstor Iw, of the Town Trustees to bri o Hoorn fruit, for tmultittt>g p'ift�v ' Croak C hanxtel will now have Ise beoatnts per bushel was � for wladi til T Wg, .obtained. We believe ilia road will be spplss, Sir, WA 'i�f. t eke& two tvP# a of teat banohi to tlto iiew. Wm. r'. Whitotrasr react W wok to ti►e city. g people of clay from a tri p.View and will tend to devalop property UM MoWt»'ott and dealitaw tMrrlltsead there and at Pine Nock. The monabsxrs tit Wm. Laway,$ from WtirYst„ A oarsel soilon was the oval of Jobe of the Hoard were the ,guests of Mr. Iralanrl. 1f" i w"iter. of 5"I" 41101"'t' Dayton at a most excellent shore dirtnrxr Julius . ttousa�t W. Un"Um. "s oyer at dart ' rstfaint.. Y o of Orient rsrbiat W' V, 11, Chtaterm"'s iaro arwawt mrti atilt of pileup: & (sthar. 71ra sort The reunion of t'ta. 11, 14711, Now rowtaumaut bunlnsarrr, wit for W00 tar lbs York Ilealwout, cera" h"Id at Psui+rank D. lteitrsumburg aaut Vtso aut"Attod of tbo woes of ph"- tuouok Inn, on TuorMay, Se tombar K. ' Hudgins wsrrrr n�Marriad Mary , m as tatbor* yo it. t#� 1'. by ju .r it was wall attended, twootyr alna of � �.» ri4wo4ont, 17wt,ttial t►s, Um"eat. Tbs tim ex-imtdiurs being prissant with Two ty-TIVo Yumrx Allta r^twlattre attorstayr. grain fi oLoir wivem and friaadc Tbie hesoli- tit'll, wooled to bitye Um 100 No all'11 r alae and well t=ouduotwil Inn In de- tt,snr. T C. 8060b woo Ibspostpf itlwssta,hrs Usr ��, 11w1j tt►ity situ►tterl tl►t this Wits of ame of Ws tomer padddonam . Won gt" s to We DomewWo ilia Hound, Mrs E iwrn.rds nud her U. & rteamor Didas.ow was to Town of G*DAitdorr. afirslp tfrIMBISt 'Is►M *I,- ; brother, Mr. Hammel, the taorlt and Hubor for"VOW day*, with a l riy oil to alta arse gotuR to trial.CWW. hoAtos►s, were unaparlost in their of- of rust sury yoI*on boorul farts to oatartaht this acttrtPA"Y, Pro' Mrs. Writ, F2111+y frill WW I►VAP her --"7U�`rswra�W �trlxtt lysat.tarl W. tlrntirun aad rate willing a bountirul diuuar and ptssat lvgt we. oerm of John L SWOMW ctrl. 811101 V, ant outortuin►naut lit their larim W. Win. It, Wilbur of tate Nasw York gworrssy, Iwo swat, writs 4isfohned by for, con"Isttng of ringing, ret•Ita� Mallett form was ptamted to ba rx � oto, � J' .Ialtaort IiR tltrspt^mrea t 't s! tilt►alYYir Si►ttith rrsada fourteen en a p illy t1r�.wrasit. of hhw itktcado Iahtrtri 1ledx atoll Ind$att year as Mail Ganur. StMim, tisarrrtrai V4teei►a int lsttrai his ttiatit Agent With Illpsta bo It►►nnorrr tit thy: Suffolk Cnu�nt "air tend took twt�rsty ttntr pratniurrss,Revaral on tsls rowt trip throdo rr rjjjUr sr lrwtiirrr Vniort'rt�lvarujib Co. to twat a pdt4+r'rsfir of tic+til Yriu'ciltltt, lr;vory bird eapturod' The following waro appo i '�to Urang" 11,411 an Kim"Night.., a prt�►trittut, axcopt u►rrt lona duck, ssmrs at Highway# in U* Vulirltya go that Kil who wish an roost theme for Mr. t�nsith ht inaking un oxhlbit at ti►o Ja►rraasa C:+rst;sisly, ttsrar I,. WOW, 14WW'y bw the Ploc fion vilurtxa. Tba bmblsr. Mitrtrula Fair tishl wook. CJ, Prince, illi W. Ilawwaall, Ulla., a of tickets Ins Itrrtlted to 1ttp. If friatt; Henry Jonr►in[�H, What has a year's Wells, Thornto I3. Wells, Kim L. Wish anti you itllrattid we Mr. Phillips at furlough from the IL S. tiovar nrnont, Coldwrnitb. orica, Already 00 have t o� loft titin Wook for Cornell University A branch of the Chautauqua Uterary Y price to 1110 ruts+. W tirtish hitt courao. and Sclandfic C:irclo was startr`I at , Iiommal to "alaartgiaq' a Jasoph 'l1, iinrtrtanft hats resumed his Southold with fourLo4m njomV.�ro. 4opsrr ina the tvotul on tit ligh atudlsa at Clio Philadelphia Iluslnusa ��� road lot, which w st lsodl with t�olla>ta. Addison M. (:oltlaaratlFi, Irtt+; ►t•ttt*al 'l" g sllvsrir tlah last ate, prrtpar,rtrasryr 1l, Ilkititnaro'w plaril, C.,k r,t7`»`i"rsfY,s� #1 stat-a Pt t,r"'(rectal!is 0, An old clock, over 130 years old, is Many regretd`are heard that the old The Old Jenni;,gs' boast now being put in running order by W. house at corner,of Tucker's Lane and F. Hammond for N. Hubbard Cleve Main-st.,an ancient landmark, is to be The house opposite the Presbyterian land, of Southold. Many years ago it moved. It is full of old associations, parsonage, sold recently to Dr. Stokes, occu lied a prominent position in the and of nleasant memories of former oc- was built by Moses Cleveland 1 p P cupants. One can see the venerable grand- steeple of the Methodist church at "Squire",hear the merry joke of "Un- father of N. Hubbard Cleveland, for Orient, and nearly all that used to setcle Johnny," and catchlimpses of dui- Lazarus Jennings, uncle of the late their watches by it have passed over et `Howard"and "Eve" ever ready to Hezekiah Jennings, and grandfather of the river. The old clock was taken gigg.e. But the years, the changing Metta Cook. "Uncle Larry's" first i years—how they roll on . down and for many years lay stored child was born in 1809, and the house away in a garret, until it was found by Mrs. Stuart T. Terry and Mrs. H. was probably built near that date. He its present owner, who is having it W. Conklin of Peconic have sold their owned the land to Horton's Lane, and agair put in order. place in this village, now occupied by its width from the railroad to the E. D. Goldsmith, to Dr. J. W. Stokes. creek. Ever T. ough the real estate agency of E. —_ y Saturday the floors were Leif t, the place of the J. Sidney The N. Y. &N. J. Telephone Co. is freshly covered with sand, and the Wells' Estate has been sold to Con rapidly advancing with its work of girls used to make even stripes in it Polivendo. putting up a telephone line to Bay with flowers creased by a saucer in Mrs. Helen Nasi and children, of 'View. rings, and within those circles, each Mrs. y overlapping the other, a cup made Galesburg, Ill., are visiting Harr G. Case has moven his bicycle another ring. They tip-toed around Neal's father, Gko. M. Howell. and automobile repair business to his carefully so that the flowers might be old place in the western part of the kept in form till Sunday noon, when JIll �:oiii�fisri]]I)WD SeIit.24,of heart di.s- both the "west room" and the "east' c;r- ,Jur,rr '1'" ri or, nge�l iii year . lSrre- village. room? would be filled with people h"1 iii Sag lrUri,or. Miss Julia Cassid' and niece Emil waiting for the afternoon meeting. Cassidy y Aunt Lottie' served cake and tea, Mr. John Turner, whose death at have moved to Jamaica. and the women filled their foot-stoves Southampton is recorded, was a native from the glowing of Ireland but early in life came to John Elmshauser has ren ed- the g owin coals in the large America and located at Peconic in this rooms over the hank of Southold. fireplace of each room. children Jen- town. He was an engineer for some pings died in 1835. The children were time at Glover's fish factory in Arsha- According to published reports ClayMary, mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Davis momo ue, and is remembered' by many ton King, an Orient carpenter, tsar dis- Case, who died a few years ago; Char- 4 lotte, mother of Mrs. Cook; Mehetible residents of this town. covered that if one will take a spoonful Goldsmith, grandmother of Eliza How- Southold, Oct. 5, by Rev. Wm. H. of sand after each meal he will not be ell Sharp; Harriet Thompson, David Lloyd, Frank L. M. Laurence of N. Y. troubled with indigestion, dyspepsia, or and Elizabeth. After Warren Carpen- City and Miss Dorothy Evelyn, daugh- appendicitis. He says he has been doing ter was married to Elizabeth he cov- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis F. Mitchell eyed the entire house, making the cor- it for some time. He claims to have nice trimming exact] like i was when of Southold. g y t West New York, by Rev. P. F. J. made a study of the matter and finds first built. The same tools were used Becker, George T. Brooks, formerly of that there are certain qualities In the as when Moses Cleveland worked upon Southold, and Miss Grace H. Earye. sand that are quite medicinal for the the house so many years previous. N. Hubbard Cleveland lent them to Mr. outhold, Oct. 5, Kenneth L., infant purposes named. Carpenter and they made anew the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Jewell, The correspondent takes all the blame devastations time had wrought. The. aged G months, 6days. for one or two misprinted words last chest of tools was willed to the first. TweT ty-IFive Years Ago week in reference to the old house at grandchild that should be a carpenter. 44�h � Not one followed that trade, but the 16 — t Tucker's lane and Main-st. `"Eve" tools wereiven to a great grandson, should have been interpreted from the g Win. Graham sold a lot, 5ox13f1, on pen's scrawl as "'Sall." She was a di- George Cleveland of Sag Barbar, son of John Cleveland of Cottage Place, to Mrs. Charles Barth- rect descendant from "Eve" in her most successful carpOrient. He isenter. The house e There were 480 barrels of cauliflower love for apples, and like her far off maternal ancestor wished others to to about the same as when built,except shipped from the railroad station one share the pleasant fruit, as many of the extending of the kitchen an the day. her schoolmates can testify. Aunt Mel- west side. If I remember correctly , Wm. L. Elmer was teaching the vina's sampporridge had great renown the old kitchen was an the east side of -Flay View school, among the girls, and it came hot in a the house. It o said that the old land- little bright tin ail to the academy, mark will a moved back and used for Col. Thomas Carroll was making g p y. a barn and a new house built in the improvements on his country residence. where all took a taste in rotation from the same spoon. Microbes were not in place of the old one, M. H. C. A Chautauqua Literary and Scientific fashion then. Quiet Howard, in a quiet There were 4975 barrels of cauli- Circle was organized here with the way, used to give pretty colored pen- following officers: Pres., H.G. Howell; cils and and writing paper to some, a flower shipped from this station the thing we girls were ever in need of first four days of this week, as fol- Vice Pres., Mrs. H. W. Prince Sec., and they were distributed between us, W. A. Clark. as each seemed to have a share in the laws: Monday, 12311; Tuesday, 1091; J. N. Hallock commenced the news- other's good fortune, in those days. Wednesday, 1300; Thursday, 1348. All paper business by entering the office of The old house can be taken away, but records are smashed. never the pleasant associations from the Greenport Timcs. the heart of those who knew it in the Henry Wilkinson has rented the olden days. house of the late Mrs. Sarah Horton. F. G. Prince has moved into t e „ nil no[U tic r,iia tint o1' wrl”, :=.. . Forty-two car loads of cauliflower east part of L. L. Glover's tenement 13o"'It,i, were shipped from. Eastern Long Island house. Monday. a_ _W Twenty-Five 'Years o �! �, v�v >l`i y- ive earIJ_ cr :. UG" tV �, Tlaa ood tii�n)a of the Mato has bee W. C. Albertson had an a itia'n Wm. Y. Pithian arrived ho e from vindicated. Thousands of Democrat, built on the east side of his store. contributed to this result, and to them Heaters were placed in the Presby- Newfoundland, where Ise had spent the terian church, instead of stoves. Summer, great credit-is due. When.an issue is + The Commissioners of Excise ro- W, H. and G. C.. Terry erected a fairly and clearly presented to the ceived$1,042,50 for licenses during the large ice house at Great Pond, People they can always be trusted to year. John Quarty closed up his oyster and give their verdict on the right side, i The Young People's Association ice cream business. The Republlcans of Suffolk polled tilt elected the following officers: Pres„ The following aprgest; majorities they have polled` Rev, A. S. Graves; Vice Pres„ Mrs, g were elected officers of i; W. C. Albertson; Ree. Sec., W.`A,. Manner Lodge, 1. 0. G. T,; C T �'i?ice1��6; electing all of their districtll Clark; Fin. Sec., Miss Jessic K. Payne; J. W. Gordon; V. T., Miss Mamie ir�d county officers. It was a clears Treas., W. A. Cochran. Albertson; Sec., J. 13, Young; F. S., i wbep from. President to Coroner. E. L.Conklin; Trees.,P,H.Cantermen; Tett carries.the county by 4,745, and Hughes by 3,943. Cooks is elected to Southold Lodge, 1, 0, 0. F., will en- Chaplain, D. T. Conklin; G., Fred Case; Congress by 9,000 majority. Hubbs joy a roast pig supper the week after S., Miss Carrie Korn. election. J. A, Baker has agreed to P. M. Harahberger, an account of defedito Hailey for Senator by 2,453 in donate a 40 Ib. pig towards the food. poor health, resigned the Principalship Shi '°lk and 3,800 in.Nassau. Platt for There are 826 votes registered in this of Southold Academy. J, C. Life took Sheriff wins by 4,662; Fitz for County district—enc more than last year. his place.. Treasurer by 4,147; Furman for District Mrs. Peter Sears has rented the H.0. Horton, of Cutchogue, took the Attorney by 3,916, and Hirsch for contract to sett both rooms of the public 'Superintendent of Poor by 4,296, rooms over 0. A. Princes market. the majorities for Taft b towns is school building. y A, M, Goldsmith and family have Mrs, Hubbard C. Payne died aged as follows: Brookhaven, 918; River- moved into T. B. Skidmore's house. 69 years. y ' g bead, 298; Southold, 568, Huntington, J J3 Jennings ors to Farley, The young son of Rev. A. S. Graves 782; Southampton, 880; East Hampton, lot ad' L I R It and land of T �- P1 1413,,,478; Islip, 350; Smith Farley, Southold..................nom died. t9n;r5helter Island, 105. Hisgen The Democrats carried New York ;ked 417 votes in the county. C Krabbo to G W Smith, 5 acres, State b about 15 000. The Legislature ,s s highway adj land of W Taylor, y q' Southold ..........................nom was Republican. James Otis, Re- There were 289 votes cast at the:. publican, was elected State Senator. Southold poll on Tuesday--the largest: l ho N. Y. 8c N. J. Telephone Co, lass Suffolk County went IZepubtican by 500, number ever polled here. The Demo-' recently run a lino connecting Bay Southold Town went Democratic by 12r). crate had strong hopes of carrying the'" View with the outside world and" The Result installed eleven telephones on it. Pluto district, but the returns showed 29`' can now talk with Chicago, if he likes, It was a landslide, avalanche and majority for Taft and 28 majority for Southold, Oct, 28, at St, Patrick's tidal-vsve all piled up into one, The Hughes, The people gathered at Church, by Rev. Father Holley, HenryRepublicans, swept the country on Grange Hall in the evening to.hear the,' H, Schultz, of Now York (pity, and tuesday, winning one of the greatest news by telegraph, a line having be Miss Teresa Agnes Carl, of Southold, victories on record. Taft has 291 run there. The returns were all one? Southold, Soot. 29, Frederick H., ,electoral votes and Bryan 180, with 'Nay and were of courso very pleasing; infant son of r. and Mrs. Andrew 'bol'orsdo and West Virginia in doubt. to the Republicans. It was known; Gagen, aged 8m, 28d. Taft's plurality on the popular vote is early In the evening that there had Reports of the bot weat'llfnr in' the likely'to reach one trillion. The people been a Republican landslide and that third weelt of October show some re- uortainly do rule. Taft's plurality in Taft and Hughes had both won by big;` markable figures. On Saturday, 1711), 1 90 degrees u) the shade is recorded at Now Rork State is 191,000, while majorities. The full returns for South sornc. places. Here it did not mount as Governor Hughes' plurality is 70,000. old Town appear elsewhere. hirh as that buL it went wnli u). The Republicans will contr6l the next Twenty-Five e p Yar> Y The thermometer registered six be- Mouse of Representatives by a good 1,4 low freezing Thursday morning and Ice majority. The entire State ticket in Cauliflower shipments were smaa 1, formed one-ha nch ick. f`f&V. ', New York Is elected by great majorities. 'Wm, T. Graham rented the Warren`+ E. J. O'Gorman has sold the corner` The Republicans will have a majority Carpenter house. a lot on the bay and the old house at of 65 on Joint ballot in the Legislature. Preparations were beingmade fo>:F' Harbor-Holm to Mr. Moore of Brook- Some of the pluralities for Taft are the observance of the tenth anniversary lyn, Mr. Moore will reside in the old enormous. New York gives him nearly of Southold Lodge, I. 0, 0, P. house during* the summer for some 200,000; Pennsylvania, 860,000; Illinois, Rev. W. A. Layton of.Mattituck ad time and later will build a handsome 200,000; Massachusetts, 100,000; Wis- dressed a public meeting of Banner' residence. It is one of the finest build- consin, 75,000; New Jorsey, 76,000; Lodge, I. 0. G. T. ing sites on Eastern Long Island, Connecticut,45,000; Michigan, 100,000; B. T. Payne contemplated.leaving,' Ohio, 60,000, and eo on, There has for the Pacific coast. He was to go' Boss J. E. Corey has taken the also been a considerable gain in the out as watchman on the new steamer contract to build a tenement house for Republican.vote in the South. The Olympian, Capt. 11, S. Ackley. E. J. O'Gorman at Harbor-Holm. great''victory for Governor Hughes is Many new scholars were present at Wm. H, Hommel has returned from no lea pleasing than that of Mr. Taft. the opening of the winter term off a trip to the Windward Islands, Southold Academy, s.e Election was held in the school on Twenty-Five 'Years' Ago TVIr6nTY-I!'I Tuesday with the following results: High School, Taft 18,Bryan 10,Chapin 2 Dr. Graves moved into�`his louse, The tenth anniversary of Southold Eighth Grade " 11 4 recently purchased Of James Allen. Lodge, I. O. O. F., was observed an Miss Welch's Room 20 17 1 John Wolf moved to Cutchogue, and Tuesday evening. The lodges of Green- Santry's " 21 12 Theodore Graham moved into his house. port and Riverhead came in a body Tooke'3 " 16 20 Mrs. Kane returned to Florida, after (the latter by special excursion pe Stark's " 16 24 Ispending the summer with Southold L. 1. R. R.), accompanied by th Denle's " 20 15 friends. cornet bands of the respective villaged — — B. T. Payne, who was about to go as and members were present from othiv Whole School 122 102 watchman on the new Pacific coasting lodges. After a brief session of t Plurality, Taft 20 steamer Olympian, was paid a farewell local lodge, the members of the Ordez High School, Hughes 23, Chanter 7 surprise by forty of big friends. headed by the bands, marched to W Eighth Grade 11 4 M. E. church, almost filling the midd!P, Miss Welch's Room 22 16 Soutbold Lodge, I. O. O. F., will tiers of seats, which had been reserve, " Santry's - 21 12 feast on roast pig, with all the trim- for them. The church was crowded. `• Tooke's " 19 21 mings, including apple sauce, celery, The meeting was presided over by M. " Stark's 21 19 pickles, mashed turnips and potatoes, B. Van Dusen, N. G., and the order of " Deale's 20 15 bread, pumpkin pie and coffee, next exercises was as follows: Music by — Monday night, Nov. 23. J. A. Baker, Riverhead Band; vocal music, Mrs. Whole School 136 94 for fear one won't be sufficient to ap- Prince, Mrs. Wood, Mr. Webb, Mr. Plurality, Hughes 42 pease the hunger of the big crowd ex- Van Dusen; brief history of Southold petted, insists on donating two eleven Lodge, by W. A. Clark; vocal music, Thomas W. Stack and family have weeks' old pigs, which Baker Bardorf Mr. Prince, Mrs. Prince, Mrs. Wood, moved to Brooklyn. will stuff and roast. All members, and Mr.Van Dusen; address,,l.R'Tresid, Boss R. S. Sturges is adding a large outside brothers in the district, are Grand Master State Lodge; vocal mull piazza to his residence. invited to attend. music by Greenport Band. At th Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Acker have John A. Bassarear, oTnpclose of the exercises in the church, _G—re7Frr, rented rooms at B. L. Prince's. was in Southold last week getting the the procession formed as before and Mrs. Emma Thompson has rented consents of property owners on the returned to the hall. Lunch was taken rooms in A. W. Albertson's house. Main Road for a franchise to build the at the saloon of J. B. Young, Miss Annie Fogarty was married to proposed trolley from Riverhead to , Hopping Bros. of Wainscott have Orient. George Canfield, of Troy, N. Y., by moved the "Hunttingburst" house for Rev. Father Foley, in St. Patrick's D. H. Horton onto the lot on Tucker's Mrs. William Evens of i Ow Hill Church. Lane next to the railroad. Mr. Horton has had her house on Main St. re- Prof. D. P. Horton and family went will;�d another kitchen and make a shingled and painted and will Occupy it to the city for the winter. two-family tenement house of it, for the winter. — M - Commission r Fleet has place new Edward D. Goldsmith has rented Recent transfers include: Fanning, road-signs on our streets. Miss Julia Cassidy's house on Beek- Eleanor A. to Chas. E. Case I acre e. I with Ave. s. Main-at., adj. land of Theresa Leicht, New York, Nov. 16,-Henry J.Tat' Southold, nom, New formerly of Greenport, aged Chas. H. Hummel is acting as driver Rev. Father years. New London, Oct. 28,by Rev. Father for A. D. Matthews' Sons' wagon a; O'Donnell Ernest L. Newcomb and Brooklyn, Nov, 20, Mary E., wife of 110 i - formerly of Bay Southold. �r e A. Griswold, daughter Benjamin A. Hallock, Miss Catherine Corona L. I., Nov. 7, John Elms- of W. D. Griswold. View, aged 49 years. Interment in causer of SDMr. aniel H. Horton, oTI Greenwood Cemetery. occupy their home On The cauliflower freight was taken off kx John Eimshauser and bride arrive Tucker's Lane for the winter. on Tuesday. There are not many at Southold Sunday evening and have cauliflowers left, but they are bringing commenced keeping house in the reams Fred E. Booth has been appoints the Southold post frown $4,00 to $5.00. The settlement over the Bank of Southold. special officer forfor shortage will be on Saturday, Dec. The newspapers announce the death, office. — 2. 1\,t6 v November 14th, at Washington, D. C.,' Dr. J. W. Stakes has sold the 0 11 Dickerson. George Henry Terry has sold the of Mrs. Lydia Moore Case Wass, in Jennings' house to Sam — Willis Horton farm at Peconic, which her 82d year, and the interment in the - (Dt SU nday with Mrs. Julia Danz SPposition he recently purchased, to Peter great cemetery of Greenwood, Brook- her son ho has a Sledjeska of Orient. Mr. 'Ferry has Iyn. She was a daughter of Judge Arnold,'rn Electric CO- Of Ebenczer W. and Mrs. Dency Gold- with the Weste purchased of G. H. Loper the Henry rooklyn- Talmage property at Southold. 1 snii i h case of Southold, and was mar- which ried in April, 1853, by the Rev. Epher, p. J. Mahoney received a carload OL G. F. Hommel l7a, old a lot West of ,;_ a Whitaker to Mr. Jerome B. Wass. 150 barrels Of Ul)-SLat(l apples, W ie Lighthouse Road to R. C. Davenport, She was conspicuously beautiful in per- sold---an.this,week -it$ w3,40 a barrel. who will erect a cottage thereon. son and life. TwoutV41VO °Y`OU111 Ago am has a�� the nM the fit a' Tsar Bawl 13tekerrs�an to Tweiat'� lhve 7 Jason I.J. "Darr l+tau fat the )tui baW nl I akp A t t Air, I)lnli tai (tot". 1 —� � " Payne piece for$d,r 111tthe n fair The l4. Ifo. iota l silastad the J. Il. your moved Into the wart tenement purpaeaam. � � tatlowtnw um ra pt.., M. 11. van part of tial, ckham's house. las n big future for 01& I.aWA Ara. far ImoIt, A b ptw, H, W, Prince tov. Wn►. F. Whitaker gave a fine building eltarm. ?Wet*Supt., Mrs, R. T. l'myra , Iacturo son "Sw1wrland and the Way Thither, The followim m the taws raters Ire ' ' W. Gordon; Trrwaa., The Comminsionors of Excise granted' the sovoral towsraa Babylon town,1.15; 1 Ubrsrtatl, D. & Tuthill. R liconso to Sain rill E, King. the now Incorporated rllloges of :AmItyrula and Fats" 1- Elmar tha44 tta tAdd flarr1 Clraiot e or, of the #a a Clouse, Babylon, .113; h ouUngton toym, .80# I+lettlr t rr~It�r .i 11 Islip . , day School Tompnra,nast lety, Itlrrrisll rr*vlrral meetings were hold in StalthCom ../},1 S. Hjuip�town, Hoa°. Zechariah Doha pam a the ter. V. rhureh, tartuar 551 UsI ata +or,.461 Brookhaven town, pastor of thin U. K clash;, died sit hit' .00; #"atath � .4111 l ivarb town, ..ht 10 ldara,� Wck, Ct. '11w Park Cowmirr�al„nars will moll the .fhl" Boutin tow .as- ar"Im apart exrry M. Ilaaaha aeald the U: 1v office building, blrildinrf on the wharf r1l a, .b$1 atter tslaars�, . : loiatb- � and platform scaler~ at public auction, svm aam l sm`I arl village+ .pf utas- eAt ther armnual , foe TW r tWte tfi on the promises, Saturday, 'Dos. 5, at' flrlaat•Riverbead Trolley f'rrslrytaarlan paramam,a, Itay. Dor. 1a. M. �aYla)taalror aW family iraaserlred l+lfar+1'xnrat I' c a amen s attasrdl�►g if►a The noraa.esry ronwontss for right of way of Ilan prrllww or11 trolley between wrarwoarxatlrkK to lid Albany lluNinakrr VAllage. (lrlent soil llivarhoad having beaurn a& Ilovonlr. Nov. '0d, rpt tiis home of lila Cored, mn im will be tlravru up by the alit:tnear�� trams atom for than holidays, bride's alaator, Mrs. Franklin F. Over* motors and Application tads to the two dW not ~nota hwt +gook, we" ton, by Ila:v. Wna. fl. Murray, Us n"t 4111dd for a franchise. 1-he C T"ry,Jr.. of the Albany lAw 1Davis r st.Fitz antihllrla► Be►th►ln ,lame taa'ttarW= 11" before the Public 1, Min Wiftboth Teary of moome,' ry rn am ld, N. J„ 'Dani Hhrrdr anal family. Mr. TCpwnty-Five o bit o t�'wej-jtR„.�,l�,cl �"e& lrtM William Q"rty of Clraags,' 11.1wrrrrl anfii anial Ila1 00 rrirrasrl +a — ' N. 'f,, Joseph R. Hartrabn at the bore frr,ro I1<a smog, Thera wma ane�=1:41br fru :tame of phllsdolphta Business, Ct salhIo, Mum Coral. Jahn Wirkham mold his form of slydghing. a ffgtb Pr)nao of West Orranite, N J.,' OW mora err Shelter Island, The following wore olocted offtgra of Rev. Dr, W1111ann Forcer Whitekor of The following:were elected aaMoorm of Southold I^JI(o, 1, D. 0. p<.; 14. 0., 141"both, N. J., llvn), U. la'dON a the Your I'eopta's Missionary oloty H. 11. Lewis, 1d, tl., F. Games; goo,, Amagaosott, Miss ito li,mue'arrar of of the sob torlan church: from., t?, A, Prince; l'. K. , Ham; � New d'an`k, Arthtrr Goldsmith of South Urs. 1�1. M. 'Whitaker° Vice )'roar„hllsar Job" Thorn; Trustee, W. t1, Yell . dJraange, N. J., Idtaa Iva l ewia of Bolen M, Huntting. Bien Jos►sp}aina & I; .Barin ter, N. J., Horton, Dania] I#n t7vertaan Hoe., Mlsm 1s sow a be.ral of M. A. Monsau NA May G. Horton;Asst, ores., Mato► Min. eaulidower hr$1& faintly of Oro port, Harry Lain and nie Id. Ilummul'Trass,. Wrrr.I.A. Elmer, At Was voted to wind up that affsf.taof faanily Mrd Williaria Itratovills send ilupt of i'►crlos icsis, Miss Minnie 1), the Southold Town A rlculturgl y of ftirr�rd, ljows.rd W. I. ##alleak. g f )1 Jninas 11. Kenney and Nina Mary The funds of tha ruariaty, about $W, kick of 141drrwr+m, Mr. and him Jam #trlfferty avers married in N. 1", t l�. agars donated to ting 11of Ur County A.nderum of Now Haven, CL, B. A, .Ic,itn arrt pure i ed thrs r111il.t* build. Agricultural 'soalety, provided it would Nslleak and children,(loam,fl,SitnO04,; irig at the wharf lest 8rlturtlay for $W,' area a building for tba tex,hibition of Mr. ao Brno, J. W. Hatt, Miss AlbertlJf anti will move It an his Ave, John pro aft the on VegetablesVegetables And poultry, Salmon, fat r. meed frig* a, 11��. KornKornMunch laetrahm�sod U. ratallra, 5iieeseaa ftutb Hart" atrtt< building on tho wharf, rand Chas, IL c;apr Terry, e have move into their now hamar in the of Brooklyn, Milan Bates � � tie aasi WOLtt f• �r a wmtarn art of that vili re, It is arra Van lJroen, l)r'rarr)c i.. id. ao r C.* gas " Qf the finest places en l�rataernr l,sr+ilr Mims May Horton was Attendingtyro if Wrm A. )t)chmand, Mrs, lailna, , Mlinton Avenue Institute, Ilrooklm imide and rapaats march Smith, credit err the Xdwsrde of Now York, r"raanrirr xoanq;' y bJr ,hnr1) sttok am to Thomas r , ltlahard Irraarels aged M. Mr. tarrrf 41 id�r.E�oFrrlan�Ilubthe llrn rllrat afoil dCutohatgr►a lot n a Mnln et, ad lana! of"i kr rwraar of Jamal mof antle �% l leer Anus falai t.lrrrriam W. anti &liras Ad 10 M. #laynem of I'ec►iadc parley, outhoki.j.,,..>, ...,., ,„ndow were emrrfe , liinelsaiv Smith ire maikinrr rwn+e>t ofJRoutthoas ll,►1r1i IfM10HelAttlefil',f13 Woon Plumbiinglat Elmer Stevens' now plata a a of hilIt i $h Island aMiaa ltMa ra the o Poultry tihaw, at Ms�trliMgan usr4r. of{lrssnralusrt w+ra rr►urrl►rri, tit peannic. (Jordon real his capable litchord sn, {;hsrrll"rt W 11u1,t1nrrl ts� {'.hrarlrsa l', Miss Ethel M. Beebe wean the �a.ptl l,on 11r1►ssuri ury, 1t' a(wUlt, r, ra Cox'„ Watormon !rural Fountsin Pon olCarod will attend the show the latter hart af; 1~1111,, cr+ij h(t1d of tl J llannrhury, may H. M. lla,wkino fa then inrwat popular nthv weak, Mr. )irnith's birch tea botlyVeltCutahoguo and Peconle. >.nwrr Southold B)gh Schsx"l girl, t ceiviag ihrat, "mud and third prizes at a: a ,F 4 votes. `!`here were ninatuarn coni tttstir I"oal rrbibitlon at C)tlaae« ANathan Davis won Ene quarter of fhe attention Of_0Ur reaaers is called Russell Versatility beef at the shooting match at S. W. to the card of Franklin F. Overton, If the Eagle were asked to suggest Petty's blacksmith shop on New Year's. M. E. Mr. Overton is a thoroughly a man of versatility, it would rather Wallace Merwin has one to the city, competent surveyor and engineer and pick several men than tie itself up to one Professor Isaac Franklin Russell, where he has secured a position, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever far instance would be recognized as an Fred G. Prince takes his place in F. T. employed. I Wells' store. excellent law lecturer, The Rev. Dr. G, Fred Hummel has accepted a fine- I gosh ion as teacher of languages in the 1. F. Russell would be revealed as an Chas. H. Hommel succeeds the late' 01,It attractive preacher. 1. Franklin Rus- F. C. Williams as representative in Military School at Ossining, N. Y. �1 sell writer learned law books in popular Sons, Brooklyn. LLD would be identified as a this territory for A. D. Matthews' Twenty-Fe Years Ap, " iv Mr. Hommel is well language. Mr. Isaac F. Russell would qualified for the position and we wish A public hall was being spoken of. be revealed as an eflIctive Y. M. C. A.,him success. There was good sleighing. r 0, A. Prince has sold his butcher officer. There would be nof t'10 O. A. Prince addressed the M. E. between these dignitaries, thatWIG business to his sons, Clifford and Sunday School Temperance Society. 'ul dignitaries, on theAt the annual meeting of the Board make it difficult to Put Walter Prince. The young men have same platform and to require them tc our best wishes for their future of Trustees of the Southold Savings address the same audience, without success. Bank, the following officers were Russelling one another. Their tempei Miss Sarah Swezey was found elected: Pres., R. T. Goldsmith; Vice is so optimistic that their c onjunc tion] her house Sunday Pres., F. H. Overton and B. H. Booth; jar or produce unconscious in See. and Treas., Henry Huntting; or combination would not morning and was taken to the Eastern any rustle whatever.-Brooklyn Ea-olved Long Island Hospital. Asst. Treas., H. H. Huritting; Examin- is moving J. F ing Com., A. Jerome, T. A. Hallock, Chas. T "Travels Martha H Worth and ono, to T. Gordon" " '!' '"� T "' 'or Corey's 's r shop from Travele 13 R B. H. Booth; Finance Com., F. H. Grey's carpenter M Helen R Mitchell, 13.72 acres, St. to t rear of r_ lot.St. to the rear of Mr. Corey's lot. Indian Neck road, ad} land of F W Overton, J. E. Horton,John S. Howell; Richmond, Indian Neck, peconic...nom Attorney and Counsel, B. H. Reeve. 24, Frederick C. Wil-i Rich Richard Cox of Mattituck and Miss Southold, Dec. Theron 0 Worth and ano,by spe liams, aged 41 years. cial guardian,to Helen R. Mitchell, Etta B. Simons of Southold were - a above de- Twenty-FR_Mears A 0 same property s ..$2,630.69 married. 1i - scribed............ ...... ... I d 81 A-$-L, "T- — / Charles Alfred Case died, aged 81 The ice crop had been harvested. Boss R. S. Sturges is building a barn years. Frank L. Hommel was about to go 'Ifo, Dr. J. W. Stokes. rton and wife, to H '] H. o .,ItoMattituck to learn the blacksmith Danlot D 9. Main road, Twenty-Five Years, A90 Fred K. Terry, - trade with Conrad Grabie. -k L--, ad j, land ofSam'I L. Bennett, At the Presbyterian parish meeting, One of Thomas,Conway's horses fell Southold D. Y. Hallock was elected a trustee, on the ice and had to be killed. Martha H_ Worth and another,. to succeed the late A. F. Tuthill. to Silas F. Overton, 3.16 acres e. S. William Gagen's house and contents highway, I. H. Billard's ice houses were filled adj. land of Lewis R., on Railroad Ave. were destroyed by with a fine quality of ice. Case, Indian Neck, Peconic n Nathaniel Wells secured a fine position Courtland J. Worth and another, fire. At the fire a subscription paper with a firm at Louisville, Ky. by special guardian, to Silas F. was circulated and more than $100 was rton, same property above de- There were eight New York police, Ove subscribed. men who were formerly of Southold. scribed The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Dr. Mann, Grand Worthy Counselor The greenhouse deal was closed church elected the following officers: of the 1. O. G. T., lectured in the Uni- week, F. Holtke having sold his in Pres., Mrs. Wm. H. Tuthill. Vice versalist church. He expects to move from our mid§ Pres., Mrs. B. T. Payne; Sec., Miss The condition of the Southold Savings the spring. Mr. Holtke and family Hannah Carpenter; Treas., Mrs. F. T. Bank showed resources amounting to held in very high esteem and they Wells; Directors, Mrs. R. H. Lewis, Mrs. J. B. Young, Mrs. A. R. Vail, $1,158,322.87, and liabilities amounting be greatly missed. Mrs. B. L. Prince, Mrs. W. H. Vail, to$1,019,643.96; surplus, $139,679.51. The thermometer registered 8 about Rev. J. R. Lavelle addressed the zero Thursday morning. 44-"- During the past year the receipts at Southold Temperance Society, the Southold Railroad Station have The Universalist Sewing Society Geo. C. Terry, Jr., who is attendin been as follows : Tickets, $9,386,30; elected the following officers.. Pres., the Albany Law School, through thinfluence of Assemblyman Lupton, h freight, $31,250.02; express, $9,900-83; Mrs. Addison Conklin; Vice Pres., Mrs. telegraph, v88,81-Total, $50,925.96. S. F. Overton; See., Miss Mary Rich- secured the position of Clerk of t This is an increase of $6,564.88 over mond; Tress., Mrs. H. H. Huritting. Fisheries and Game Committee, the year 1907. The freight tonnage which Mr. Lupton is chairman. amounted to 16,385 tons, an increase of Peconic, Jan. S. John Benjamin Vail, k, Ja-n. 24, Frank Coste o 1180 tons. aged 32y, 4m, 28d. aged 70 years. Interment '--Brookivn,Dec' 23 b- T( Vail Horatio A Biles and wife, to t. Patrick 's Cem son of the late Jas. F. and Tlarriei Joseph Krup,ki and wife, 50 Vail of Southold, aged 70 years. n a Main South road, ad' I& Conklin, i Rurigi in Greenwood. jklin, Pecom- - Tweally-!'i re Yeah i T 0 am too thiro Ik+wYRi . 'ii r1 N no&aBerlins h�a m twelve s tb it flouthowilw f>uatiltr , a. 1!, Slairia P . of Is" 1111��e I+oiM �' �.''� Iwo'�N.,��� bull W to R.L~ mans. 14 ! � � � rrl Nrrwir# 111!1 V ► iY1w1' M 1111110, chief 1kn tits 11�+s n iolt Dllws�r .s a »I tory. N. Y. CI Mitiilkrw twkw se+p oolsslad al�liss � � T Mr Awa Pie" asill 100416 at J. If I Climb I T. Conli tn, V. T.. Mm Was. Id.. t11s 1inrrs�lseassa A 1 s111 --� x i Sm.J. 11. Y111RI�..A F. &y C. 'W 46 IV irk». TML. P, H,Catili- I- N; CL, ■_ I 'W=a T. Wells; G- H. W. tlilllaewrs; 11L. islallw � 11� L Ila+ k7,of 1UPIN li 111i" simal ow ANWIDW Conklin, iY � 1 m le , C-as _ aft willm s" Louls 1111umann had the nh[tartWW MkeeM& 1 to so cup off the ands o! two Of �t �rltstlMarla �» ,O�tirp +11!11 oisrtltla# of bill hwi1rl11 �rtllla' a hay. 11+of tone ildss016 4 *wbp gawk. °� YNealtr �� Tb�tllt Edward Hantitoe Post G. A. It., N la�kk�� t11�11! ta�awla tam L�rr1k t+�lalk ok>t1t�A. 14wM« Dr. 'I�`hit= I'��' �Il,lhral �of re ' I ow�s+Moi CMtr1r , tt11s llltnit#tsid Hell, I lniis1. da f111bl1a�,�,��yt� to the Yf�. � y�� * ,, Omwl A1N. l!�. F. t�; alter gave as adti w H. !1l r 11CO A iii m rrllnaarka6 aettele wrtal�' by Now ilii wrlk shoo». ► A. 80ol« I lbws 'dao, �I+lo tout Gro lxxrt�IWA sWt t� 1: IOL.J.lid. �asl T1rM-L#.Xan1t�4' tree sinking and, redtat1o11s. 0. T. » .+� CBM. Or, MalrOsit�lt C IL Conklin prrsWoli. �C11r !liilC 1 it . !1. �» d+llios I. Tmy sail IMlim cam C # aerosMI lETM !!!lain at adj a 'etltoOHTem ' 4i foretell at #1 A�*Ntuw AWL fted 49, tib Esse» Southold now tbo irRnr�r C'wlnra�sl� 1#ullwlli rilerp lbw 1.s1r1, 1M1. 1st'w+ M r llurchovill to Tuato S. t11rgM of wi l at ilienl AL _l�t errinic, !loss L J. 14" -d -ill t4e1i t1 t� lYo'1Mr� rliaw � �'° �► I rl' � � ��tytl +« TYtltlit li. rlttl► 'Olq` new di room •J 'i'rank�1�1a11 h�rmw s AlSIM, url1 =Comot �r V.ke"111#111. To i 7 41 t Y rte•.»{«le» '4t'13atr�!K ',rte Jrtlnars Kolaney of the .Naar York 1 w•1wr'.n« 4 nataww ,at �1tivot wile . " ali er force wws frroinated be moods, 11`�A Was re. 0110 W6101x hft"'Wh !`,r+40M 11w �l,., 141:01 tic rO+►ii qI (.ve .lrllw�I learn at 1hMrY^ Il,alYlt►aX were being Iw Ira1tli $+aa 11411.»1 411wi `wenty of tier friends of Mr. a d •#a ioa .:lr w ra:r�olr� OV-p 41 boo the M. L a11ta1�. f11t1Mx ' i4rp. B. L. 1'rinca loll! \1ri1i1 tikitltl t0 Ai-mt ;.`:'d pryer«. aa"he sr�YwRi" Oil- O "too Is 1wtKl 'elr��11 60 Towl th,Rlra4ea.1s of a a 1 ip.lha Ixr I"till poo, weiebrate their third wadding a►nnirerea= Samuel L Vail See � ,,,,.,� l.ysl7urlhgr,g y 0�y rxc 1r t t oV it -0 N't twntlttr DI 1111 Coon, I.OdttBr .Ir �3. lry w� t1 IrQ%.skftj a4!KayVe taw".hois*011t. jAholowly soci11'tdr' of t6a l' otil1irtawlf� .1 Mr In lathe told In March, s 1dsd'd *a# tow In iOrttd+• w� tw11 1�rw�it+ 1 46W 4-leil to io 1aiip ' Mrs. Catherine tRliiier di1W+l, � � joarM, 1114 is Mill The IwsheOW00 niu—�lun Diol r ^"" wits w� lit AMw'191aCrry1'1M''via In-V104 tau 1110 1111 ' tlexnds;t Inlarning rIR11lI the culd+lwt 11f Jam 00"1an11IIrt11 tM1�dr aat�' `'r'�11it I*arxllr# rot Iroaa r+=yw.rle, Ur Vraaat: when the mercury i1RVverold a me 510111bold I1.11, Y1» ltYr+�iFxcwl 40'.*1 (,uiiylxl' ip t�Ra1; �� 91C�a®Mdai1'. �wr the zera mark. It wait hoped that � and ttRO to •a q�� A 1 aIflYlt"!r i Ur itemen rr11a1id 1x11 wilhr 111 All their 1i 1eR a ht. W. t�1t the wRewthrr im111terated' "wil adj1s1id'M�f't' a t rtd ektr, Jtlttt1a11 sy �reall eatata a1enry a 01►a» Il~» Jon'ilinrtla llumttslted !rte " n Ping»'Naolt.BoRut rod..,. ntit pal cht, Mrs. Through the car, soltlt a� 8 1 1, -00 u !Rae w #r last `t'hrt-ut the leat of � tllleiii hdvoet in to P'�eonl� to Frederick DrlMe a wx , �aartll Mettle Thursday, ofitAal �eltl� «ra1T�1« tt�. HAll ',' --- _- - f11rr Ti»10)4 l 1s+��rt►r ACtlertllrxn COW A daughter wrwa Morn t41 ldr.cad 111w.1$400. pur llarlld t1;r wowAlsold. 0 st,ro11, far �• Uq�lRall, of i�l�+►it+1r' 111Mki�d lleY+tkt A kar n Jen. 811«1. was Sinew a Tr iolear is " The 4-act comedy-drama, ",In Old n stem from Mattituelc sw,s that a Whitaker, an a contribute not alit f' €`•a New England," given in Belmont Hall €! e delivery route will be put in tle to the evening's enjoyment by Mast Thursday and Friday evenings byl 1"0.ati011 there rill :Airil l., his humorous and interesting talk on Southold Grange, scored a big hit. Colonial Dames recalling reminiscen- '�� g , g Southold Feb. 27, Mrs. Louisa J. � g uThe play is a rural one, of "The Old Thompson aged 81y., 8m., 28d. res of six generations. Homestead" variety, .and these plays - '- The Rev. C. E.Sharp from Korea had LOAN EXHIBITION a table fnllofinteresting souvenirs from the cast deserve great credit for the that country, which is attracting world manner in which they presented the The Colonial Loan Exhibition in the wide attention in these later times,with play. Many of them had never been Presb, church parlors was beyond what its rapid advancement in learning and on the stage before, but all had their was expected by most of those present. religion. Among the various things of lines perfectly and all took fine concep- The walls were decorated with drap- interest was an ancestral tablet found tions of their parts. Crowded houses eries of ancient spreads and quilts. One in a deserted Buddha's Temple. Slides greeted the performers both evenings, quilt made by a woman in Orient had cover two,grooves in which the souls of and the financial receipts were very over 10,000 pieces. "Samplers," old the parents are hid and prayers are satisfactory indeed. Excellent music paintings, swords used in 1812, etc., said daily by the oldest son, for three was furnished by the 'Southold Band. hung around; but the object of chief in- years, for thaseimprisoned spirits. Ko The play will be presented in Library terest on the wall was a bona fide let- rean brass urns with the finest possible Hall, Mattituck, Saturday evening of ter written by GEORGE WASHINGTON' in chasing; a Korean paper, a thimble em- this week, for the benefit of the September, 1795. It was addressed to broidered with initials, shoes made of Mattituck firemen, and we bespeak for David Hedges, Benjamin Horton,Abra- straw, and a Korean flag, werearticles the players a big house. We are sure harp Miller Jonathan Landon, Michel' 'of more than passing interest, as were that the audience will be well pleased. Floyd, John Howard and David Warner. pipes with stems more than a yard long Twenty-Five Yea,fg ,,$gp The letter expressed Washington's ap- and little bowls like a thimble. j preciation of their opinion of the treaty Light refreshments were served in D. B. and O. L. Wells recently pur- between the United States and Great the dining room, where a big blaze in chased 3,.000 bushels of wheat in this Britain. the fireplace made the huge iron teaket- section for Hecker's Mills, N. Y. City. Specimens of Samp'ers showing the tle in the crane steam merrily. B. T. Payne arrived at San Francisco skill of our maternal ancestors in emb- The receipts were about$25. on his sea voyage around Cape Horn. roidery and letters; old shawls, ancient Southold, Feb. 23. Cott. Suffolk County Lodge, I. O. G. T„ chairs (one over 200 years old), spinning met at Southold. J. B. Young was wheels and pieces of china and pewter. Twenty`Fivt3 Years go elected County Chief Templar, and l attracted due attention. The quaint 0^1 a,i'. '€'2—— Mrs. D. T. Conklin, County Secretary. I dresses worn excited much mirth; and An Indian Show was given at T,emper- According to the poll list 136 voters one "stove pipe" hat, very high, had to ance Hall. did not vote the excise ticket last Town be tried on every man's head, and an Rev. J. W. Earnsbaw of Greenport Meeting. Of this number fib were immense Washingtonian hat went the exchanged pulpits with Rev. Dr. Wbit- Republicans and 68 Democrats. rounds of the masculine brains, just to aker' John Singley, Sr., died, aged 81 see "how it felt." Mrs. Chas.Tillinghast sold the Tilling- years. Mrs.Julia Conklin was the honor lady hast place on the hill in the western' Late last week l:7loes +lr€pped off and no other costume quite equaled her's part of the village to Wm. E. Booth of in price to 80c. They heave freewill 85c Like a genuine Colonial Dame we have New York. since last; fall. The PscThUnhe re_ seen in pictures, she appeared with wig ; The friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 1,c7rterl slailnnaent €.mite brisk fca}• tlaiy and cap of real lace, quilted silk skirt Boisseau gave them a crystal wedding tinct of the near. it is said elect some in elaborate design, ancient waist, the surprise. of thepat atoes in c elhin, h vi, voisn- sleeves all trimmed in little points made At the Republican Primary the £ol- nnonced to grow quite ral,€d1, }S hi€'h by hand ; a bead embroidered hand- lowing were elected delegates to the has ca"sed the"drop ill trri€ : ('11 'the County Convention: C. E. Glover, O. other hand there is nam h real tf1Feu1 bag, with beads so fine one would F. Brown, Dr. B. D. Skinner, L. F. :Mock left}et. so it is11resnni€d that not believe but thatit must be silk; pin the price will 1,4t back gag un l<ati-r if and ear-ring made of olive pits with Terry, H. W. Prince, F. H. Overton, the,st(wk soak-sound corat.iun"-in that gold settings, the earrings of exquisite S. W. Tuthill and Sidney P. Tuthill. c,c,nditioa�. _ fineness, such as the people of Bhang- The annual meeting of the Woman's F H L Fickeissen and wife to A hai can work out; and a pocket book in Home and Foreign Missionary Society E Fanning, 15 acres w s South p of the Presbytery of Lon Island was ' L Harbor lane,adj land of J H Brown, good condition, over 100 years old. y y g i3r South Harbor Southold............nom, Mr. Richard Sturges in swallow-tail held at Southold. 1) W Grattan exr, to R B Grattan, coat, high-printed collar and old style ,-Si'acres woodland. adj land of J H cravat, presented a most court] and Moses Taylor has rented Mrs. y Elect 11 Horton and H Jennings, South- Williams' house in the western part of old ........................$400 dignified appearance. ........ w' Among the old books loaned were Jer- the village, Mrs. Williams has rented Same to W J Grattan, 1 acre a place in Greenport. meadow, s s Goose Creek, adj land envy'Taylor's Life of Christ and of The p of J H Horton, Southold............$15 Apostles. This eloquent preacher was Through the real estate agency of Bessie ones S Busby Allen, born in 1.613. They were loaned by Dr. Albert A. Falk, Dr. A. H. Terry, of lot n s econic Bay, adj land of Patebogue, has sold the Daniel Terry George H Fleet, Cutchogue........$400 place on Main St. to F. Fickeissen. Throug the real estate agency of I ITICU a juyv A terrible accident occurred on E. J. O'Gorman has The St. Patrick's Day Men's Supper new Pine Neck road, where the in Thomas Farley, sbyterian parsonage were hauling out stumps, on Wedn Th, em given at the Pre sold to Thomas J. Phillips a lot with Wednesday evening, will go down in day afternoon. The chain of the s u 250 ft. front on the bay at Harbor- the history of Southold as one of the puller broke, and Eugene G. Hortot? red-letter days of the village. Time Peconic, who was standing by, was and space forbid an extendedaccount. in the head by the hook on the end Bass R. S. Sturges has r 8—the contract Eve John Irelan 3 patron saint. The shamrock He was taken ere we were reminded of the chain and rendered unconsclu to build a fine residence for Dr. Everywhere to Andrew Gag W. Stokes on his lot on Main St, was freely in evidence and the deco- house and Dr. Hartranft was Bu rations were all green. The rooms and moned. It was not thought that Albert T. Dickerson has purchased a the tables, with their shamrock doilies was injured fatally and when he rec of and a decorated clay pipe by every, ered consciousness he was taken horn lot, 50 ft. front, on Beckwith Ave., plate presented a beautiful appearance. where he died that evening. Mr. Hor- Albert A. Folk. The menu was all that could be de%i red, ton's untimely death has cast a deep ----—_f on over the community, and his M. W. Golder has purchased a lot and the service by the charming waiters gloom Tucker's Lane of Daniel H. Horton. was excellent' Great credit for the family has the heartfelt sympathy of success of the supper is due Mrs.Martin, all. Miss Chandler has rented the upper Lehr and her capable committee. The - dinner was held in honor of St Patrick Peconic, March 17, Eugene G., oldest rooms in Mrs. J. B. Fanning's house. the son of Henry O. Horton,aged 48 years, and two of Southold's institutions, 6 mos., '21D days. Twenty-Five Y0 Bank of Southold and the Southold� I the ,jouthold Lighting ars Ago Lighting Co. Dr. J. H. Marsh.all. was Directors of 9 — / b-i/ toastmaster,and he makes an inimita"lill,Co. elected W. H. Terry a director in J. H. &C. 9. Case were erecting a one. Fine after-dinner speeches were place of Fred. C. Williams,deceased. building opposite J. B. Fanning's store made as follows. The Busy Bees in Twenty-Five ears`YAgo the Bank,Pres.Albert A. Folk; Country 4;�,( "_ — for a meat market. How /V� ��Y. . Lemuel Whitaker, a former Principal Banks, Cashier A, T. Dickerson; During the�filness of the editor of of Southold Academy, went to Galves- to Keep Snakes out of the Bank, At- THE TRAVELER, Geo. H. Hunt of, Corney Jesse L. Case; Southold Gas, JerseCity had editorial charge of the ton. Texas, to engage in business. Secretary F. K. Terry; City Gas, E. y I W. J. Voorhees bought between D. Cahoon; St. Patrick, Rev. Dr. H. C. paper. Fox of Greenport, Legends of St. George Fischer sold his farm oa Southold and Baiting Hollow, and Patrick, Rev. Win. H. Lloyd. As we BoiBseau Ave. to Albert E. Salmon. shipped, 10,000 bushels of potatoes listened to the toastmaster in his Steamer W. W. Coit was to cO within a few weeks, felicitous remarks and the different mence her regular trips to the city o The Cornet Band gave Town Clerk gentlemen who responded to toasts. we March 3113t. Cochran a surprise, felt proud that we lived in Southold, The Democratic Town ticket was so, proud of the speakers and proud of the follows: Supervisor, Henry A. Reeves;� Rev. J. W. Earnshaw of Greenport village. Town Clerk, Win. A. Cochran; Justic addressed a public meeting of Banner M F N U of Peace, Win. H. Morgan; Assessors., Win. C. Albertson, John H. Redmond; Lodge, T. O. G. T. oyster(30ektall Overseers of Poor, Evelyn Jackson, Sch. R. M. Clark, Capt. McMann, Roiled Fish with Egg Sauce Orrin Young; Commissioner of Hijah-1 was loading with potatoes at Southold Croam ]Potatoes Brown Broad ways, N. B. Schelleng, ' Collector,; 1,. Be, wharf. Malad Salted Nuts Fred G Terry; Game Constable. j:� Chicken Pie Potatoes W. Case; Constables, Oscar F. Tuthill,; W. H. Terry moved to the eastern succotasli Onions Turnips Geo. W. Young, Oscar L. Wells, Theo. part of the Cochran homestead. Pickles Jelly W. Horton, Thomas H. Reeve. ICE FACTORY IN CUTC]HE10 Pumpkin Lettuce and Tomato salad Pie Lemon Pie The Republican ticket was as follo%s: In Cutchogue March 13, a stock corn- Cheese Orackers Supervisor, Franklin H. Overton; Town puny was formed to engage in the Coffee Clerk, H. W. Prince; Justice of Peace, Jonathan W. HunttiDg; Assessors, manufacture of ice. It will be in-or — porated with a capital of $15,000 '11T11 M-nich 14,of Bright's dis- Chas. E. Overton, S. Harmon Tuthill; ea' after a hrief illuess, G Vrank Overseers of Poor, Henry W. Halsey, shares of$100. The following directors were elected for one year; Chas. J. utininiel, a int,mber of ('o. H., 127th Sidney P. Tuthill; Collector, Lewelen Re tt,t,N Y. S. NT.,a-_,ed 69 years. Bur- F Terry; Commissioner of Highways, McNulty, Jas. J. Kirkup, Rev. Jas. H. ial in the ilre,,b. Uemetery,with Grand Andrew H. Latham; Game Constable, Lynch, Henry Kaelin, Howard G. Army honors. Leonard S. Tuthill; Constables, John Tuthill, Geo. T. Billard, Dan, V. D. Cleveland, Elias P. Jennings, Henry Howell, Stewart W. Horton, Chas. In the death qf Frank Hommel, who The plant will be located at as bpried from his hate horns on Tues Gaffga, Arthur W. Turbusb, Jesse W. Bardorf. ay . . the Cutebogue Depot, and will have a im Wiih 'Ilevs."Dr. Whitaker' anr Tuthill. . I $Put,,)Qlj lose�s ape The temperance convention nomi- capacity of ten tons a day. Mr. 1pyd officiWng, of its most patriotic citigens. The cas- mated William Hollis Griffing as the n t. 'Lr-'N_o_ot'9 has taken the ket was enshrouded with the flag whicil license candidate for Excise Commi Su I contract build an acetylene gas he loved and served in the civil warand sionor. The license convention no storage tank, with a capacity of 2,000 the body was clothed in his soldier garb. inatedJoshua W. Terry for Exci, feet, for the Southold L-ighting Co. The Royal Arcanum and Odd Fellow so- Commissioner. cieties were largely represented among Newark N. j., June 28, 1908, by the many friends who gathered to pay Through the real estate agency Ilfsh'.Y, theirlast tribute of respect to one wh,s.e Thomas Farley, Eugene Walter, Rev. Carl Girtanner, Herbert A Fisher and Miss Emily M. Holtke, �oth er genial smile and merry greeting made noted play writer of New York, has Bay View, him a favorite with his fellow-men. At - his request the services were in charge rented the Tice cottage on the Sound. Huntington, March 4, Edward B., of Edward Huntting Post, G.A.R., who Tiffin, Ohio, March 20, Miss Ada S. son of John A. Berisenger, formerly of sadly followed him to his last resting Booth of Southold, where interment Southold, aged 33 years. place amid beautiful flowers, and then I lace, aged 35 years. purchased the they sounded the bugle's "Lights out."I took p Win. J. Conway has pu iF_ Milton R. Terry is learning t Martin Meyer farm on the North Road. carpenter's trade of Boise R. S.Sturges, IA bad fire occurred at Southold H. G. Booth, of Spring Valley, N. Twenty-Five Years Ago Wedne,d_a�_afternoon, Shortly before Y,, formerly of Southold, has returned Y I b S-7 i o clack L. L. Glover's residence an g purchased Capt. Policeman Frank Sisson rerno ed his to this village and has Hommel Ave. was discovered to be on Wm. M. Maynard's store busines3 in Tamil to New York. fire. The alarm was given and when Y F. the basement of the Brick Store 1M r. the Fire Department arrived, 10 min- Booth will feel at home there, for he i Mrs.'Shapherd moved into the seat utes later, the building was afire about kept that store for many years. wing of Mrs. Elmer's residence. the chimney from cellar to roof. The Bass J. W. Flack of Mattituck caa- 'tiw fire was first discovered by the family Boss A. G. Case has taken the con- tracted to fresco the interior of the on going down cellar after the noonday tract to build a residence for Harry R, Southold M. E. Church. meal, finding it full of smoke. The Vail on the lot east of his father's Tons of fish scrap passed through our patent and metal ceilings had held the house. Boss Case has also contracted village from the'Southold wharf, Nat. fire in around the chimney, and it to build a summer cottage for H. A. S. Tuthill-and Henry Wells of Promised took a path upward and downward. Ritter of Brooklyn on his lot, north of Land having consigned it to various The fire had got under great headway Rev. Mr. Wolferz's, at Bay Home. farmers in this section. when discovered, and only by the most heroic work of the firemen was The insurance adjusters have allowed Rev. George Taylor was assigned to the building Raved from ashes, Friends L. L. Glover $1,000 for the damage the pastorate of M. E. church. and neikhbors saved a good part of the caused to his house by fire. Eliza Gardiner died, aged 51 years. furniture,though much damaged. Mrs. Southold, Babylon, ;Islip, Huntington Glover, in trying to save the family ;Boss Geo. W. Smith has taken a and Brookhaven clected Demperatic wearing apparel, ran to a press and on contract to build a residence for John Supervisors. Smithtown, Riverhead, opening the door was met by a sheet Quarty on his lot at;Pine Neck. Southampton, East Hampton and of flame, which burned her about the Shelter Island elected Republican Su- Bridged face quite severely. The building is F, W. has a fine position with pervisors. badly damaged, both from fire and the Standard Oil Co. in Brooklyn. water. The loss is partly covered by Southold Lecture Course insurance. Much sympathy is felt for Thomas J. Carey has rented the Mr. and Mrs. Glover in their great Swezey Place of Geo. R. Jennings. The following is the Report of re- loss. The children, who had gone back ipts and disbursements of the South- to school a short time before the fire) Peconic, March 28, John Carroll, old Lecture Course Association for was discovered, did not know theirs aged 64 years, 9 months. _ _ home had been destroyed until their re- season 1908-9: John Purcell, 50 years of age, of RECEIPTS rn late in the afternoon„ 0%2tr. 4`7" Bass Geo. W. fth has commenced Peconic, was run clown and fatally From sale of seats..............$316.00 work on his new house in the western injured Sunday afternoon, by the 3:38 At door Concert...........•.... 10.00 westbpun�-ra`xn, 300 yards east of 11 Dunbar Co............. 3 .00. part of the village. Lecture.. 4 ........ 4,50 _ Southold station, in plain view of a ,{ Twenty-Five Years Ago crowd of people on the depot platform, Jubilee Singers .. 41.00 p $ P p P P Smith Ca. 8.50 4,� yr Z• -- +� waiting for the train to arrive. �h3t:7` Drew from Savings Bank, ,... 5.50 J. 11orton Case had a flock of 55 Purcell was running up the center of pullets that laid in two days 103 eggs. the track, intending to take the train $424.50 Frank B. Overton died,aged 18 years. for Peconic. The engineer blew his PAYMENTS For Supervisor Henry A. Reeves, whistle loudly to warn him to get off as Complimentary tickets. ........$ 6.00 D., received 717 votes and Franklin H. soon as he took the track at Boisseau Talent........... .... .... ...... 385.00 Overton, R., 657. For Town Clerk avenue crossing, and the emergency W A. Cochran, Hall............ 25.00 J. N. Hallock, Printing......... 8.50 brakes were applied. Wm. A. Cochran. D., received 7:16 votes and Henry W. Prince, R., 646. The man kept to the track and was - For Justice of Peace Jonathan W. run down by the engine, which threw $424.50 Hunting, R., received 764 votes and him against an embankment. The train Balance in Savings Bank$83.64, Wm. H. Morgan, D., 601. The Re- was brought to a stop in its own length, Respectfully submitted, Wpablican nominees for Assessors, S. and Purcell was placed on the rear car A. T. DICKERSON, Treas. Harmon Tuthill and Charles E.Overton, and taken to the station in an ancon were elected. The Republican nomi- scious condition. Dr. Hartranft was in P. E, Murphy, of New York City, nees for Overseers of Poor, Henry W. attendance five minutes later,and found who has just retired from the New Halsey and Sidney P. Tuthill, were that the back of the man's head was York police force, after 40 years' lected. The Democratic nominee for crushed In, a leg broken, and he was service was in Southold this week. Commissioner of Highways, N. B. otherwise injured. i , Schellenger, was elected. The Re- Purcell regained partial consciousness Long Island Solid For License publican nominee for Collector, Lewelen i forty minutes later, when the train F. Terry, was elected, I pulled out, and he was taken later by In each of the ten towns of Suffolk The contest on license was very closewagon to the Eastern Long Island Has- !County and the three towns of Nassau Joshua W. Terry, the license candidate, pital at Greenport, where he died on County the license advocates have wan, received 588 votes, and Wm. Hollis the operating table. He resided in Pe- The local option question was voted on Tariffing, the no-license candidate, 546. 11 conic, the next village west, and leaves in every town in Suffolk and Nassau, a widow and three children. On 1VIon ay evening,about 10 o'clock, and every town went ,wet.,, Both fire brie out in L. Dominick's house Rev. ''filbert C. Blakeman, the new aides put forth every effort, and the on Boisseau Ave. The fire alarm was pastor of the M. E. church, will occupy liquor interests have won the battle at sounded, and the Fire. Department was tit cul next Sunday. He comes baro soon ready for action. Fortunately its his pulpit the polls, and so assured themselves of services were not needed, as the fire from Corona, L. L In 1894-5 he was the privilege of selling intoxicants dur. ,was soon put out. A little of the stationed at Orient, ing the next two years. furniture m was burned and the house No less than seven school ma'ams R was damaged slightly. The fare was caused by an over-heated stove„M w.L� have found their husbands while teach- traveling salesman for the firm of mg in Bay View. PLUTO i Seaman Bros., New York City, mivuMeeting Kesults The Democrats remain in control in Southold Town Ele! Twenty-Five Years Ago Twenly-Five Years Ago Charles T. Gordon moved Harry G. /4 2- Case's bicycle shop this week from the 6 Miss Ettie Payne purchased a lot, Capt. E. W. Howell and B. T. Payne t of the village to the lot in north of H. H. Huntting's,on Horton's were re-elected Trustees of the M. E. west par Lane, and was to have a house built on church, the rear of Mrs. N. L. Beckwith's place on Beckwith Ave. Mr.Case has]eased the same. J. Monroe Corwin, lately a resident the lot for a term of years. Rev. Mrs. Hitchcock gave a temper- of Southold, purchased fiance lecture in the Universalist church. Harbor. a house at Sag Twenty-Five Years Ago The project of building a public hall Charles E. Katz, of New York City, /i-/,))/ '9 41' — , d Y,- - -in Southold was being agitated. rented J. Addison Goldsmith's place. ' Sloop Centennial was at �outhold Rev. J. R. Lavelle, after a year's! E. L. Boisaeau caught some bunkers wharf with a load of lumber from service, closed his pastorate of the in a net atLong Creek. Burlington, Vt., for J. B. Terry. T, Universalist church. Frank Diller and Miss Susie J. Warren Richmond and family, of Mullen were married. Brooklyn, arrived at Bay Side Farm Sc001-10fimer f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haight, o for the summer. ! At the basketball game last Saturday Arshamorneque, moved into L Case Benj. P. Mulford and family, of afternoon between Mattituck and Terry's house. Plainfield, N. J., arrived at Southold Southold girls, Southold won another 7-- S. S. Bryan for the season. victory. The game was closely con- From the Alexandria, La., corre- B. T. Payne returned from a fivc- tested, the score being 8-6, spondence of the New Orleans Times- months' trip to the Pacific coast, The pupils who have entered Miss Democrat, dated April 2, we take the George R.Jennings. of Southold, and Deale's class for the spring term, are: following item concerning the death of Ridge, were married at Bay Ridge. Mies Annie L. Van Cleaf, of Bay Walter Gagen, Helen Cochran, Frances S. S. Bryan. husband of Mrs. Jennie Adrian C. Hewitt, of Groton, Ct, �eicht, Leland Booth, Leslie Jewell, Salmon Whitcomb Bryan, formerly of and Miss Katie E. Bolles, of Southold, , tichard J. Sandlands, Jr., Anna ColSalmon this place: were married. klice Carroll, Daniel Vandermast, Wil- Joseph Carey and Mary Carey. "The body of S. S. 13 ry an, who died Mrs. Waitie Prince, widow of Wil- in New Orleans, arrived here to-night, liarn Prince, died, aged 85 years. John Quirk of Brooklyn entered the I Banner Lodge, 1, O. G. T., elected fifth grade tbis week, and will be interred from the Public will Library, where servicethe following officers: C. T., F. T. ,; l'be held at John Ziniski has left school and Wells; V. T.. Mrs. Belle G, Te moved to Cutchogue. 1 10:30 o'clock to-morrow morni ng- He See., B. T. Payne; Tress., P. H. was 60 years of age and a native of Cantermen; Chaplain, Geo. H. Hunt-, Gilbert Horton has returned to school Bossier parish. He had resided in M., Beni, B. Tuthill; G., George Korn; 'if ter an absence on account of sick- New Orleans and also in New York, S., Frank Cochran. fless. but for the past several years he had JWilliam Jewell, who has been em- Following is the registration for this been a resichnt of this city. He was year by rooms-, ployed in the J. S. Gaffga & Co. gas president of the Board of Directors of engine works at Greenport for some High School and Eighth Grade 47 Miss Welch's room the Alexazidria Public Library, to the time, has gone to New York, where he 40 founding and maintenance of which in' has a similar position. Miss Santry's room 38 stitution he had contributed $10,000. Miss Tooke's room 43 The doors of the library Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, o Miss Stork's room were closed 44 and marked with badges of mourning Middletown, Ct., have moved to South- Miss Deale's room 48 to-day as a token of ret,pect to his old, and Mr. Anderson is clerking for Total for the school 260 memory. Ile leaves a wife, two broth- F. T. Wells. ers, ope of whom, B. M. Bryan, is a Commissioner Fleet has appom Edward Butler and family have taken Melrose Y. Booth overseer of roads for possession of the residence of late prominptit resident of this city, and al- this district. so Edward Fogarty, and will conduct a sisler." boarding house this season. The will of Mrs. Dayton, of East- Brooklyn, April 24, George C. ett, Past Commander of Cushing Hampton, widow of Charles Boliver Day- G. A. R.,aged about 65 years. n pri eorge W. Smith, a former resident of Southold. inter- ton, M. D., whose death was publislued went at utchogue. ment at Willow Hill Cemetery. in the Express two weeks ago, leaves We The new safe for.the Bank of Geo. W.Smith,whose death in Brook- lyn is recorded, enlisted fron, N. V. homestead to Dr. John W. Stokes, of old was placed in the banking e .d e conduct taken I B, 2 k t Inter-late e t t 0 n 2 t e i . Smith, Brook- lyn 'I N. y (_,ity in the 137th (Monitor) Reg't, N. Southold, son of Rev. John D. Stokes. last Saturday afternoon. Thi Y. S. V., and served through the war: Herring safe and weighs 4200 b . _ he was wounded at Honey 11M, but af- D. D., of East-Hv�mpton, about 11 acres t About half of the safe is taken up ter recovering returned to the regiment. of land and the house thereon, on Main safe-deposit boxes. These will The remains were brought to Southold, ,. I i , where he had been a summer visitor, street, to Joseph Sherwood, which was rented at $2.50, $4.00 and $6.00 and buried in Willow Hill Cemeterv. previously deeded to him, about 100 acres year, according to size. If you ba. Southold, April 10, Mrs. Elizabeth H. of woodland to Julius D. Parsons of not a safe in your house or place rm at Dunn, in her 92d year. Interment at business, these boxes make Springs, a few minor legacies to certain White Plains N. Y. rented r in, place inwhich to keep your individuals, and the balance of the estate Mrs. William Evens has rented ber papers. place in the village to James Black. to be divided between W. H. an, Jttliun a t raonp of the 5prings. Toe -Five Yefllera AXo A petition is being circulated, asking Mr. Phillips, who purchased one of that the Town oil the road from 'the the water-front lots at harbor-,Holm, Sow"j� 1 Glover rebuilt the Pres- ran" in the western part of the village has arrived at Southold and is occupy- bytfrlan pataooage barn. to C. lid. Post's. The dust from the ing Thomas Farley's farm house on the C. X Ledyard and Charles Garvey automobile travel in the summer is North Road. loaded several can with potatoes, at something terrible, and oiling the road Mrs. Halsey Tuthill, aged 90, was 40 eenta. proves a splendid investment, both in out on Tuesday morning exercising the Sylvester P. Tuthill and lliiw Clara laying the dust and saving the road lawn mower. Nothing like push to Wheels were re-engaged as teachers bed. We believe it would be a good)put one through life ? _of the public school. idea,to oil the road the entire length of Frani: Strasser, who has been clerk- The Board of Health organized by the Town. ing f,r L. W. Koen, has obtained a electing Henry A. Reeves, president; We had three inches of white snow position as fireman on ferry boat Win. :t,. Cochran„ secretary; Ar. H. P. last Thursday, which made the trees 14tenantic. Terry, health officer, and B. H. Booth, look very beautiful. especially the firs, member. F. E. k'ickeissen has moved into his citizen and contrasting very strikingly with recently purchased property—the Daniel 'The Town Board appointed Abram the green lawns underneath which Gifford Justice of the Peace for Fisher's were protected by the extended Terry place. Island branches. This is said to be the "poor Richard Hogan and familq have The Board of Excise organized by 1 mans manure." 'a /"� � � moved into L. L. Glover's house on electing Joshua W. Terry, chairman, Hommel Ave. _ and Antese lrrancher, secretary and Charles E. Terry caught about 125,- Brooklyn,qday 4, Oscar Hartough, a treasurer- .o license fees were 000 bunkers in his two pounds at Bay veteran of the civil war and a native df placed as follows- Innkeepers', gip; View the first three days of this week, Huntington, where burial was had, storekeepers'.$30; ale and beer, $10. On Monday he took out over 75,000. aged 69 gears. The soldiers appointed the following Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Golder have _San Francisco, Cal., May 4, Mrs. committees to cam out a program for moved from Maple Ave. to Mrs. J. I3. Lura R. Smith, formerly of Peconic, Decoration Day at Southold: Speak-'Farming's house, where they have aged 131,, - 23d. ing, h. W. Prince, B.T.Payne; music, taken rooms. - J. B. Young, R. Jefferson; decoration, - TWAI3ty-Five YAS9 A�,'© Geo, C, Wells.J. G. Case. Joseph B. Hartranft has graduated241' — ' Charles L Fannuig and Miss Lottie from the Philadelphia Business College The Southold Cornet Band was mak- E Thomas were married. and has arrived home. ing arrangements for a strawberry ( Thomas M_ Burke and Bias Alice Mr. Joseph Hartranft, who has festival. I Gammon were married. been away at school in New Jersey, Boulhon & Schwartz were about to is home and assisting in F. T. Wells' open the Horton's Point Hotel. Bev. Chas_E. Sharp and family left store. Tuthill& Richmond caught a wagon Monday morning for the Pacific coast, load of chequit in their pound one day. where they will stay until August with Twenty-Five Years. Ago Otis F. Alford of Canton filled the Kr_ Sharp's parent& They will then 01. / �jr-k y pulpit of the Universalist church.. sail for Korea, where they expect to Vegetation was looking fine. At-the annual meeting of the Suffolk spend rine years in missionary labor G. W. Hooper and family, of Pat- County Mutual Insurance Co., J. before returning to this country. Mr, chogue, moved into D. J. Manney's Madison Wells of Greenport was elected Grp filled the pulpit of the Presby- house. a director in place of John 0. Ireland, terian church Sumday morning and the Wm. A. Cochran was appointed: deceased. pulpit of the M. E church Sunday Notary Public. Steamer W. W.Coit made three trips evening, and gave very graphic and Rev. Dr. Whitaker returned from his a week to the city. interesting accounts of their work in annual visit to his aged mother in New William C. Place died, aged 72 years. Lek gore& Special collections were taken oat, Jersey, cargo mti an a ny Jeifer- ter- trp m each thumb to aid Mr. Sharp in The pound fishermen were catching son have sold a lot on the bay at Indian his work_ L. large quantities of hunkers. Neck to Mr. Messenger of Astoria, nth- Papers have been served on Horace Rev. J. W. Earnshaw, of Greenport, 1. Mr. Smith has taken the contract ouse J. Booth is a suit for divorce instituted addr"sed the Southold Temperance to build a summer residence for Mr. is a by his wife. Eva. liars. Booth has Society. Messenger. lbs, established a residence at Broken Bow, Mrs. Jennie Reeve Tillinghast died at Maria J. Hallock to Robert J. with Nebraska. A similar suit brought in her hums in Arahamamoque. Kent, 5.14 acres. w s Peconic Bay, be the New York Supreme Court, was adjParadrae land d?oiof J. Ilsllock.nt, Southold . . .near per VW in Manhattan and decided in favor Panam have of the husband, who was fully ex- Mrs. Maria J. Hallock has sold 300 S. R Howell to P. J. Rooney, :e of +operated. Martin T. Manton was feet shore front (5.14 acres) of her lot w a Bay ave, adl land of S•nom safe for Mr. Booth and has been property at Paradise Point, next to „ ennett, Southold . cable ,wined in the present suit. Mrs. J. N. Hallock's cabin, to lieu. Dr. L, L. Glover and family have trove Beotb was Eva Neese before marriage Robert J. Dent, of Brooklyn. Dr. to Melville, L. I., where Mr. Glover w` Bpd liveid at Laurel. Kent will erect a summer residence on has purchased a farm. this property in the near future. r. ` Our occasions 91 u corre - racer I'aar,Ansel V.Yount. Ci' - r William T. Voorhees, of Greenport, porident, Prof. Charles Hallock, who Albert Tuthili, Pe m'r Highways-Geo 1.1 Ila.at, C has started on the road with groceries has been spending the past two montba hector-win.T. Gaeu,',outlolld { and will,gather eggs from the farmers in Southold, left on Wednesday for his notables-Mascui B loan(, t➢'seiat; for city consumption. customary summer quarters in Plain- B. Taylor. Greeni-11 Alfred It a Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd has a handsome held, Mass., among the Hampshire Southold; Win. W. `zterliug, Hill's, where he is booked for a da off Frederick E. Leon Nvar e, Matti new Buick automobile. Mr. Lloyd, in 9 Frederick C. S�±h,S'arn.r. Fiq ri company with Dr. Marshall and A. T. on a favorite trouting stream on May Island. Dickerson, brought the car down Satur- 31, and Inter on will attend a called pawn Trustees-Iilarens W, Terry, O clay. meeting of the able bodied survivors of President; Henry A Beeves.Greenpc7rt, the Class of 1854, of which he happens Jonathan B Terry,Southold: Wm. A. r '• Clinton Voorhees bas acceptea Cutchofrue;William 11.HudsonMattituck to be Secretary, at the Amherst Cal- " position as stenographer with J. H. lege Commencement in June. In July Basxn or strrastvcsons-t:xn-141t. Newins&Son, Riverhead. he will make his usual visit to Quebec # and Sunapee Lake in New Hampshire. Town. Ramo. P.O,Add Twenty-Five Y@RT8 Ago Easthampton George A Miller Springs / y --, Last year in Quebec he met a gray- Southampton Parer Ilipticl Sng Har The proposed observance of Deco haired driver of a caleehe, who boasted Shelter Island David H Yonne Shelter Is a: ration Day at Southold was abandoned. of having driven Mr, Hallock around zlouthald G.frank Tultill,Greenport Rev. C. F. Dodge of Branchport, N. town fifty years before. He insisted Itiverlidad Creo.ige F.Homan, itiVFrlJ0JLd -sroakhaven Dayte-n BA 1lgus Patchogue Y., occupied the pulpit of the ilni- on driving him to the Point Levis ferry $mithtown J.Evans Crane. Smithtown versalist church, and charged him double fare "'as a Branch The pound fishermen were catching compliment." During Mr. Hallock's (Alip C,biliton Rollers Sayville. immense quantities of shiners. sojourn in Southold he has been the iabylon Edward Daily Babylon i The clearing up of the public grounds appreciative guest of Mrs. F. C. Wil- R intington Edward SIreland Huistingtui: Chairman, George A.Millar. at the head of Town Creek was being iiams. He expects to return on Sept. irk.J.F.ed Flugrath. Patchogue. agitated. 20tb and it is said that he never misses i There was every prospect of an a date. Desired Olffcers,. abundant fruit year. OFFICIAL DiRECTORY. g ep.in Congress-r�ui,�V. Cockis, Old lVest The Suffolk Co. Mutual Ins. Co. re- (,bury elected H. H. Case, president and Greenport village officers. tate Senator-Oriando Huhbs,Central Isla I treasurer, and F. H. Overton, sec* iemberof Assembly, 1st District-John i'etary. P,eeldent, G. Frank Tuthill Lnptan,Mattituck Trustee, Wm. J. Mills Member of Assembly. and Dist-Geo, Long Island Library u H. Fletcher Fordham Thompson. Kings Park. Corporation Counsel Frod'k H.Tasker - ,s The Long Island Library Club met Treasurer, Fred'k B.Corey Countv 01ficers. a at King Manor, Jamaica, on Thursday, Clerk. Ansel V. Young May 27, At the morning session Mise Collector, John W Klipp Co.Jurlre--Timothy M. Grifling, hive rhead Street Com'r. Philip Nagel surrogate-Jo", ph M Belford,Riverhead Lucy Hallock, Librarian of the South- Police Justice J Willard Pre Rion 11Histo 's Clerk-Bob,W Duvall old Library, gave a paper on " '� 1 alive Constable 37ico. Hosvai•il Dist.Att'Y Goc+rge?-1.Furman,Pntchogue of a. Small Library," and Miss Sarah Fight Watchman Janice Heaney %beriH-Chas V Platt Riverhead B Askew, Library Organizer of New Pres't Health Board Isaac T Corwin warden at Jail-Thos F Pure y Riverhead „ Member ,. George B.Preston Turnkey" " Jersey, gave a paper an Library DfyronHOiertori,reenpor 3 John[Ieelireog Under E3heriPf--Ela tiK P lei mritn,Greenport Problems and Makeshifts.° These pa- se©.y Joseph W.Moore County'Treasurer-t.'hns It Fitz,Southanmf'm pens were followed by a discussion. Health Officer Clarence C Miles,M.D :ounta Clerk-Wm F Flr{nngau, I'liverheid Luncheon was served at Colonial Hall. Registrar VitalStatis'es Joseph W,Moore 1Der'ty „ JMelvin laoslson Riverhead The subject of the round table at the Pres't Board of Education Dr.C.C.Miles Supt.of Poor-Win.Hiraeh, Lindenhurst afternoon session was '`Problems of 'Clerk Lewelen F Terry U.S.Loan Com'r Joseph S. Osborn, East- Small Libraries," conducted by Miss , Chas, A. Jessup 44koolCom'r,lstDist-Chas H Howell.11'v'd Theresa Hitchler,of the Brooklyn Pub- Dr A C Loper rad Edwin S.ldoar€s, lie Library. Herman J.Wells shore Chic[Eug,Fire Dep't Samuel B.Taylor loroner -Dr Frederic 13 Finch.Arms Bans J. Tlfornton, Jr., and wife to E. list Aeis'r John E.Verity Frank D Peterson. [utchogaa i,'f3. McGinnis, 12 acres n s Pine d .. .. LetvisM tiritlins Wm B.Savage.East Islip. ^Neck road, adj land John Munch, " W B Gibson llunt.ington, outhtild nom Chas w Hedge.Fisher's Island,, ! Southold Town officers. t til J. B. Terry and others to E.L'S. McGinnis, 3 acres s s Town Creek, dapervisor G.Frank Tuthill. Creenpart The graduating class at Sou TM. -idj Town Harbor,Haller k`s Beach, Town Clerk Joseph N:Hallock,Houtholsi nom Academy comprises the folio ',outhold . . . . . , f ustio� Edward W.Latham,Orient q F, R. Vail and others to F. IL'H. Lewelen F Terry. Groenport members: Shorthand Course- Innis, interest in 5 acres Jesse Lewis Case.Peconic, W. Beebe, of Southold, Mab pw, n w s Hallock's Beach, Wm.B.Iweve, Mattituck Hubbard, Florence M. Bedell- :'If edell . f Town Creek,Southold . . nom ' Frank E.Hina, Fishers Is'd Melrose J. Diller, of Peconic. 3111111k.- -ors-John H. Brown, Orient; Henry A. Fismer and wife to H. A. nese Course—Daniel R. Gratt { C.Tuthill.East Marion: Frod'k C.Bee- Ritter and wife. lot w s Bay llama be, Greenport; George Henry Terry,, Soutlyoid; Maggie, Sadie and Ave, add land M. Kreutzer, South nom South.ild; Heltry Q. Horton, Peconic; Lindsay, of Peconic. Old Luther G.Tuthill Mattituck. Five Years Ago Twenty-Five Years Ago With its last issue the Corrector began the publication of its t 88th volume and the 51st under the Potato bugs were reported ' more THE TRAVrLEFt, which bad bereo- numerous than ever. fore been independent in politics, came present editorial management of the B. D. Sleight. In an interesting Col. Thomas, Carroll's family Of out as a Republican paper. Ilan. I Brooklyn were here for the summer. Cherries were beginning to ripen. editorial reference to the fact the Cor- J. notes that there,are.some 1,500 J. Hoary Cochran commenced to Miss Lidie Terry was in charge weekly papers in the State and that build Belmont Hill. the telegraph offlice at Orient Point. but nine of them antedate th � first There was a large crop of straw- Steamer Sunshine begun her tripsblication of the Corrector. The berries. between Sag Harbor, Greenport: and tong Island Fariner of Jainuica is the Wmonly Long Island paper older than thel,. L. Elmer took an examination Hartford, Ct. C reCtor—that paper is two years for entrance to Columbia College. The present and former students of alder. That was established by henry Samuel S. Vail celebrated his 94th Southold Academy had their annual C. Sleight, a relative of the editor of birthday. sail and picnic. the, Corrector. Even in 18,59 when th present editor of the Corrector tou The following were elected officers of I Rev. George Taylor was a great charge. there were hut five paper,i the Young People's Association of the admirerofJames G. Blaine, the Re- the county—the Greenport Wata-lim:L M. E. church. Pres., Rev. George publican candidate for President and the Sufro ik Doinof.,rat of Huntingbm Taylor; Vice Pres., Mrs. W. C. Albert- was highly pleased with his nomination. no%%, the Bulletin; the SafTolk Tinw,o Greenl)Ort, :L11d the SUtT01k 1101_:111� 111' of son; See., W. A. Clark; Fin, See., Daniel H. Overton, a student Patoliogue. umv the Argns, Ntm,I ht-re Miss Jessie Payne; Tress., F. T. Southold Academy, was to enter La- are [)aper.,;in the county, and a two Wells. fayette College in the fall. I olle. like 1,114. Danh.s, sprinks into being 'There was much complaint of seed At the trot at Oak Lawn Isaac almost Wmeld-v. The Corrector wws . startol U., :t Whig Paper. When Mr. potatoes rotting in the ground. Some Reeve, Jr.'s Harry was the winner in Sleight tmh ik car,,4�it began to espouse farmers plowed up their crop. three straight heats over E. V. Strong's the Democratio 'Luse, anti has stead- Daniel H. Goldsmith died, aged 73 Lady Alice. In the second race Fit% fastly adhered to th'Lt [)Olitit'al faith to h g years. Bros.' Black Bt esB was the winner over . beside beins The Republican National Convention ells Bros.' J. C. present clay. WYrind honorable.y. Alfred Downs' teresting and Nvell ediCorrectortt�d sheet. i an in- nominated James G. Blaine for Presi- horse beat 1. 11, Billard's horse in the dent and John A. Logan for Vice running race. "- Eva Mees Booth, dangliter o President. At the Democratic Town Convention John Mees of Laurel, has been granted the following were elected delegates to a decree of divorce by a court in One of the most severe thunder the County Convention: David A. Broken Bow, Nob., from her husband, storms that ever visited Southold took Daniel C. Brown, Win. C. Horace J. Booth Of SOU0101(1, fol-11terly place last Friday afternoon. The Albertson, S. Hallock, A. of Riverhead. Mrs. Booth is g-k-11 UiSgon to yeSlUlle ]jar Maidi'll WLIflei lightning was incessant and the cloud Reeves, Albertson Case and Geo. H. She first applied for all.irorce in this seemed to hover over the place for a Cleaves. was refuqed. Then tlie. long time. A bolt of lightning struck Steps were being taken for the State but it went to Nebraska. There herapplica- a R Petty,t Albertson, Cleaves. Steps y v t r e v a -'0 es p Da Albertson Daniel e r MillsM i r' 1" n s being H B e C a g be were a Case Brown, t 0 a w kn k and 0 nd nHenryI I Mrs. Win. Evens' barn, occupied by erection of a soldiers' monument. tion was not opposed. James S. Black& Son as a plumbing The Southold Temperance e Society I was addressed by Rev. Taylor. W ill, shop. The barn was set on fire and[. _ J ley of B Twenty Five Years A William J. Buckley of Brooklyn, T the fire alarm was sounded, but before formerly of Southold, and Miss Minnie J .1 the Fire Department could get to the Skidmore of Jamesport were married. Frost at Smith Harbor was reported. place the fire was put out by neighbors. Benj. Horton caught eight sheepsbead P.,. . M I M." 19. Layton M. - The barn was not damaged very much. Peconic, May 19, Layton M.Baldwin in his pound one morning. Mr. Black's goods were slightly darn- Greenport, May 21, Charles Rap-- Isaae Reeve, Jr., and E. V. Strong aged. Lightning also struck a tree in mond, infant son of George and Nellie of Greenport hired the Oak Law 0. A. Mayo's yard. Samuel L. Ben- Nagel. Burial at Southold. track for the season. nett and his mar, who were working in Southold, May 27, by Rev. Wm. H. The proceeds of the Cornet Band Mr. Bennett's shop, felt the shock. Lloyd, Volney Liddell,of Brooklyn,and festival were about$100. Several telephone poles on the North Miss Annie C. Wyckoff, of Mattituck. Town Clerk Cochran was confined to Greenport, June 2, b Rev. Father Road were shattered. 1,14L j -1 �' Francis Lin Moran and �MI. M. Goupil, Fran the house for several weeks with an mOO� Miss Stacia Fithian Jackson. affection of the eyes. Wm' H' Morana"'n' -" t"tup Father Oran and George P. Hahn, formerly of South- — Dr. A. H. Terry decided to locate at old, who is employed by the Middle- Southold, May 28. at the M E. 31 , Patchogue. parsonage, by Rev. W. C. Blakeman, town, Ct., Yacht Club, was terribly P' of South- Albert E. Salmon, of Southold, and Ernest Van Arqldale Wells, injured by the premature discharge of Hawkins, i 8, Miss Nellie Terry, of Mattituck, were - old, apd Miss Phebe Hubbard Hawkins, a cannon last Saturday. The charge of Greenport. married. of the blank ear&Rgaentered his face, Justice Jesse L. Case went to JudgeJ. A. Whittaker of Irvington, destroying one eye and it is feared he Franklin, Mass., on Tuesday to attend N. J., is in town and is having a bun- will lose the sight of the other and bethe Commencement Exercises of Dean I galow built on land at the Sound, re- totally blind. Mr. Hahn's son and Academy, at which his daughter E ney cently purchased of John Butler. daughter, George M. Hahn and Mrs. graduates. ects to enter Frank J. MMiss Case exp aier, have gone to their Wellesley College this fall. F—Pecoinic, June 11, Mrs. Julia A. father, who is now at the Middletown Dickerson, aged.A.INIM& 13. Hospital. -/_4 Y Twenty-Five Years Ago High School Commencement . VID 89 ou_,^0 2 S- — / The Commencement Exercises of the k_td.1.�) '2— — j There was a large hay crop. 'Wheat Southold High School were held at James Matthews and family I of aver looked better. Belmont Hall on Monday evening. The Brooklyn were at Southold for the The Trustees of the Southold Sav- people showed their interest in the summer. ga Bank paid four per cent interest. occasion by crowding the hall, and all Wm. E. Booth and family of I3r o' The following were elected officers felt that the time was well spent in lyn arrived at Southold for the soin Im Southold Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F.: N. G., listening to the entertaining and The contract for building Belmi rank Gomez; V. G., C. G. Corey;l instructive program. The class, the Hall was awarded to Corey & Sturg ee., 0. A. Prince; Tress., Dr. D. N. faculty, the clergy, the speaker of the Moses Cleveland was to do the mas frown. �evenin; and the Board of Education work. The Ladies' Sewing Society of tbeloccupied seats on the platform. The J. B. Terry returned from a trip Iresbyterian church elected the fol-11 1 Class of 1909 consisted of Harold Vermont and Saratoga. wing officers: Pres., Mrs. Annie Everett Tuthill, President; Marion Rev. J. F. Thompson of West Mil- 'pooner; Vice Pres., Mira. 0. Stuart Terry, Vice President, and Wil- ford, N. J., occupied the pulpit of the cyton; See.,Miss Elsie Elmer;cl`rea��: �]iam Germond Cochran, Secretary and Universalist church through July a iss Rhoda Tillinghast. Treasurer. August. The Ladies' Monumental Union elect-' f At the trot at Oak Lawn between d the following officers: Pres., Mrs. Milton K. Tyson and family, oI W. D. Corey's Lady Lillian and E. V. D. T. Conklin; Vice Pres., Mrs. W. Y. spring City, Pa., have moved to South- Strong's Lady Alice the former won. Fithian-, See., Mrs. J. H. Boisseau:� id, where they will make their future Elisha Conklin's Willie T. won the home. runninrace. Treas., Mrs. H. Jennings. 1g10 Stephen Simons and Miss Annie T. Commissioner Fleet and Surveyor The following were elected officers of Goldsmith were married. Albertson Case, in Frank L. the M. E. School Temperance Society Smith's auto, commenced on day Pres., W. A. Clerk; Vice Pres., M Eighth Grade Commencement to measure the roads of Southold Town, George Taylor; Sec., George H. Hunt. Very pleasing Commencement Eater- as required by law. - . Louis F. Freeman of Southold and Eighth Grade of our school, , Jr., has a position Miss Retta Himilibal of Greenport vises of the Eig Geo. C. Terry, were held in the school building last with the Thousand Islands Steamboat were married. Saturday afternoon. The program Co. this summer. One of the most severe un er, wgiven in the High School room, The will of Louise J. Thompson, late storms that ever visited this section' which ljchwas very prettily decorated for, lace on Monday afternoon. The, the occasion. The class consisted p of of Southold, leaves property valued at took I !Margery Williams, Anna Edwards, $3 50,0 to son, Daniel Edwin Thompson. lightning was incessant and it was one continual roll of thunder and the rain V Maier, Susie Terry, Agnes Scott, Miss IvaLewis has returned from fell in torrents. The storm started on been Vera &rmll, Joseph Gagen and New Jersey, where she has Joseph a rising tide and the Cloud started at Philip Danz. The President, Margery teaching school the past year. Williams, presided very nicely and the northeast and passed directly over John Dolan has returned to Southold. Fortunately ly there was but made the opening address. The invo-. after an absence of-several years. very little damage done here. Light- cation was offered by Rev. E. A Holley. Excellent recitations were, Miss Elizabeth Terry is taking an ning struck C. L. Bardorf's bakery; a gilven by Anna Edwards, Vera Maier, extended trip in the, West. She will bolt struck in D. T. Conklin's lot; F. Susie Terry and Agnes Scott. There visit friends at North Dakota and Fickeissen had his telephone burned out "A Cap- I take in the Exposition and Edwin and May Fickeissen, who was a very amusing dialogue, .Arizona and will in the store, felt the shock very able, Servant," by Joseph Carroll,'at Seattle,Washington. On her return were Joseph Gagen and Philip Danz. Mar-'home she will come by steamer from distinctly; a bolt exploded in front of H. W. Prince's house; another struck Williamsand Alice Smith played w Orl!an'. in O. L. Wells' lot, and L. W. Korn's gery New piano solos, and Vera Terry sang a� one of the burned out. Two reports solo. Avery practical, interesting and iiis. Marion S. Terry, telephone was es of the Southold High u could instructive talk was given by Rev. W. recent graduates were directly overhead and you School, will enter St. Lawrence Uni- bear the lightning snap like a whip. C. Blakeman, it would profit not Only versity this fall. In the western part of the village A the class, but the entire school and all� — bolt struck E. Willis Horton's kitchen, 11 h the real estate agency Of shattered a window screen in pieces, oug ro who heard him to follow'the advice 'F Through The diplomas were presented in a very noahmma, �aley, Miss Frances Rockwell apt manner by Prin. E. W. Shafer. has rented her cottage on Maple Ave. chipped the enamel off the sink and to Mrs. Josiah H. Post, of B from there skipped to a wind mi a sung. The Brooklyn.The class song was then I distance of one hundred feet, and entire exercises reflected much credit Southold, June K-a-F-tIF—r—esidence on the class and the school. of the bride's parents, by Rev. Win. knocked out some of the bricks of the H. Lloyd, William L. Williams and foundation. eJwws 2- Army worms have made their ap- I Miss Mildred W. Prince. The merry-go-round is located on pearance in considerable numbers and At E. L. I. Hospital, Greenport, F. K. Cochran's lot on Boisseau Ave. the farmers are digging trenches around June 28, George B. Wells, of PecO Weir fields to save the crops. a veteran Of CO. 11, 127th N Among those w —spent t Fourth I Emmet Sayrehas sold his aro p erty, Oiling the Street at Southold we noticed Don Salmon 'on Hill street, Southampton, to Ed- A meeting of those interested in oil- Whitcomb, W. A. Clark, Benj. G. ward J. Corrigan; reported price ing the street in Southold Village was Conklin, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Truslow held at the room of Protection Engine and daughter Grace, Misses Ruth 87,000, It consists of six acres of Co. last Friday evening. F. R. Mit- Horton and Ethel Walcott, Mr. and land with dwelling, barn and other cbell was called to the chair, and J. N. Mrs. H. C. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. buildinan. Mr. Sayre expects to move Hallock acted as secretary. The chair- Elmer Hirsch, J. Irving Panning of to Feconic where his son, Nathan H. man and F. K. Terry fully explained Brooklyn; Frank Gomez, William Sayre, resides and will build a house the situation. Commissioner Fleet Marsh, Mr. Sprague, William Jewell there. agreed to hone the street and put on and Conrad Buller of New York; Mr, Greenport, July 3, Wm. W Wet- the oil if the money for the purchase and Mr. Geo. G. Conklin of Bridge- more, for many years Keeper of Plum of the oil was raised by subscription. port, Ct.; Arthur Goldsmith of Orange, Island Lighthouse, aged 70y, 8m, 18d. The Village Improvement Society took N. J.; Spencer Jewell of Hartford, Ct. Southold, July 10, Hosanna M., wife the matter up and subscribed $100, and B—rook—lyn-,—June 28, Julia A., wife of of Thomas Carey. aged 38 years. a committee of the ladies has raised Capt. Lewis Allen Brown. of Micanopy, the balance of the sum required by I Mrs. Julia A. Edwards, subscription. Mr. Terry reported that Southold, July 5, Bethia E., wife of Fla., is visiting Mrs. H. G. Howell. oil could be purchased of the Standard E. Lucky Boisseau, aged 73 years, Months. 16 days.F.. It is stated that at Bay View, South- Oil Co., in carload lots, at four cents old, on the site of the old John D.Young per gallon. He estimated that it Le Roy Eaitace and Germond Coe house, which is to be moved 200 feet to ran took their entrance examination to 0 vottageis to be built would take about 7,000 gallons. It is The rear, a $15,00 Harvard College last week, proposed to oil the main street from Twen ty-41-ve—Y—ears Ago for Miss C. A. Brundage,present owner I the run" to C. M. Post's, and alsot" / 6 — / TWenty-FiVe Years Ago up Railroad Ave. to the depot and to The Democrats nominated drover2- S Protection Engine House. It was Cleveland for President and Thomas The friends of John Duffey, clerk at voted that a committee of three be A. Hendricks for Vice President. Horton'o Point Hotel, presented him appointed to act with the ladies, and the chairman appointed as such com- William H. Clark fell on a nail and with a fine watch. cut a deep gash over his right eye. The M. E. Sunday Sunday was mittee, Fred K. Terry, J. E. Corey and W. R. Newbold. It is hoped to The ladies of the Universalist church making arrangements for a chalk talk I were preparing for a Harvest Festival, entertainment. apply the oil in a very short time.,to be given in R. T. Goldsmith's grove, Sparks from the chimney set fire to One application will do for the Beason. peconic_ the summer kitchen of J. Ambrose Villages all through the Island are Charles N. Severance was engaged applying oil to their streets, and it hasi Goldsmith, but by prompt action the eas Principal of Southold Academy, fire was extinguished before much proved very effective in laying the dust and preserving the road-bed. The annual meeting of the Southolc damage had been done. —A Free Library was held at Belmont Hal F. D. Schaumburg, the Southold 'twenty-Five Years A o t on Wednesday evening. President jeweler, rented a store at Patchogue Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Salmon Jesse L. Case presided, and the Sec• and was to remove thereabout Oct.Ist. a began housekeeping in the house retary, Rev. W. H. Murray, recorded The M. E. Sunday School held its Fischer. ' of annus!picnic at Arsharnomcque. recently purchased of George scher. Th�;e t Treasurer L. W. Korri,, it SL Patrick's Church held a picnic at show report on band last year of 123 Miles.of Highway - Ito Horton's Point Grove on July 4th. $176,15; received from fines, $39.51; Commissioner Fleet and Surveys ry The Supervisor and Assessors met at from State, $100; from subscription, Albertson Case have finished measuring of the Town Clerk's office and selected $304.67; total, $620.33. The disburse- ck 316 persons liable for jury duty- menta amounted to $574.42, leaving a the roads in Southold Town, as required The Southold Cornet Band engaged by law, and find that there are 122.8, n's the services of E. S. Havens of Green- balance on band of$45.91 iles of highways in the Town, ex- rts port as instructor. W. L. Elmer was The report of the Librarian was read in elusive of the incorporated village uld ejected leader, in place of J. E. Corey, by Miss Lucy Hallock. The library Greenport. The roads were measur lip. resigned- was opened Oct. 5, 1905. The first,year by a cyclometer attached to Frank The Fourth of July was celebrated in 6,816 books were drawn out. Last year Southold. Bells were rung and guns 13,851 were taken out. This year the Goldsmith's au mobil en, fired. There was a mounted parade, number amounts to 15,489. Of these cer" handed by the Southold Cornet Band 9,644 were fiction. 910 solid, 4,086 Prince Bros. have 13 In and and EdwardHuntfing Post. The juvenile fiction, and 840 juvenile solid. market business to Henry L. Jewel t_ hl, a literary exercises were held in the There are now 2,600 books in the who will take possession next Monday. and grove at Oak Lawn. A. M. Salmon library. Clifford Prince will enter the employ of Music was furnished by a Justice Jesse L. Case and Gen. R. the choir, under the direction of Jennings were re-elected Trustees for Mr. Jewell, and Walter Prince will go Prof. D. P. Berton. Rev, Dr. Whit- five years. as fireman on steam yacht Vergana. akar offered prayer. The address ds the Rev. was Remarks were made by President Mr. Jewell thoroughly understands on delivered by George T3 lor, H. Murray, W. H. Case, Revs. W. business, and we, wish him abundant 3tor of the M. E. church. P. Ave. FiTlor sang The Sword of Bunker Lloyd, and W. C. Blakeman and Prin. success. Hi jhe r6eipts of the clam bake I,, W. Shafer. .g n b7 the Ladies'Monumental Union A hearty vote of thanks was extendedPrince is making bisannual given Joseph were $135. The society numbered 200 to Rev- W. H. Murray for his work in i meta visit at Southold. securing subscriptions to the library. i The shipment of potatoes has corn- The outer door was opened by re- menced from here. Irish Cobblers are moving a square_piece of the door just Twenty-Five Years � turning out very well indeed, 200 back of the ordinary hook, and then LAL 1 bushels and over per acre. Rose the burglars pasted fly paper over the D. P. Morton had an extensiod built' potatoes are not as good. On account Mass in the inner door, so it would on his barn. of the drought it is feared that the make no noise when cracked, and Cleveland and Goldsmith completed late crop will be light. The price paid broke the glass, reached in and the foundation for Belmont Hall and pulled back the spring lock. Corey & Sturges began the carpenter is 60 cents per bushel. clk.2y They tried first to drill a hole in the work on the same. Mrs. Katherine Prince has sold her door of the safe, but that was of such The following were elected officers of place on Main Street to C. L. Bardorf hard material that they had to give it Banner Lodge, I. O. G. T.: C. T., F, and will have an auction sale of her up. They then drilled a hole in the T. Wells; V. T., Mrs. F. T. Wells; household goods on Tuesday, Aug. 3. upper part of the side of the safe, See., D. T. Conklin; Treas., P. H,Can. Mr. Bardorf will rent the place to his inserted the explosive and blew a large termen; Chaplain, B. T. Payne; M.,F. baker. hole in it. The explosion was heard by S. Teague; G., J. Cleveland; S., Fred r - — Postmaster Horton, H. M. Hawkins, Case. H. H. Tuthill's spile driver arrived C. L. Barderf, F. E. Booth and others James M. Magee, for five years an at the Town Park at the head of Town nearby. Mr. Horton immediately came attache of the TRAVELER office, ae Creek last Saturday, prepared to drive out and looked at the back of the post cepted a position in the L. I. R. It. spiles for the bulkhead and make other office, but the door was shut and he station here. improvements planned by the L.V.I.S. could see nothing out of the way and Thomas Lester presented to tits The storage tank for the acetylene he went back in the house again, Trustees of the Presbyterian church gas plant is being put up this week by thinking it was a false alarm. Mr. $1,000, with which to purchase, erect L. O. Koven and. Bro. The Southold Hawkins then came over and he and in the steeple of the church, and keep Lighting Co, is now in a most excellent Mr. Horton looked again and this time in repair, a town clock. The Seth condition. the back door of the post office was Thomas Clock Co. was to do the work. H. H. Huntting and nephew, Israel open, and Messrs. Horton and. Hawkins The second annual Harvest Home went in and saw the work that had Festival at Oak Lawn was called for Terry, are spending twbweeks at been done. The burglars were evi- August 14th. Portland, liar Harbor, and other dently in the office when Mr. Horton places on the Maine coast. first looked and after he had gone in a will of Julia A. Dickerson, late r_TaWF and-family, o rooklyn, the house they escaped. They did not of Peconic,v proved Monday, leaved are again occupying the W. H. H. have time to finish their work and property valued at $6,ter rest and Glover place. break in the cash drawer in the lower $3'000 ng,perwith to daughter, Susie B. Memphis, Tenn., Jul 17, Mrs. part of the safe, where there was$250. Huntting, with the exception of $300- y which is given to the First Prest,yteri- Wilhelmina Tuthill, formerly of South- In their hurry to escape they left oId, where interment took place, in her behind them some of their tools, an Church of Southold. J. B. "Terry '7 tit year. hammers, wire, etc. They had evi- and J. H. Boisseau are the executors dently harnessed up the horse before of the will,which is dated Apr. 21,1906, J,.�, outhold Post office Robbed' " The people on Say Avenue raised / they entered the office and had it on a The Southold Post Office was Croke back street ready for them to escape. money by subscription to off that road into Wednesday morning, at 2 o'clock, The horse and wagon were seen at and the oil was applied this week, 1,000 l by professional burglars, a hole w Wading River Wednesday morning. gallons being used. Beckwith Ave, blown in the safe and $600 worth o At this writing the horse has not been has also been oiled by subscription. The stamps taken,as well as$7.87 in change found It is a bad horse to catch, and oiling of the roads has proved a great, out of the cash drawer in the office• when parties went after it it ran into success, both as a dust preventive and There was$250 in the lower part of the the woods. A gentleman in Northville,I a road-bed preserver. safe, in a drawer, that the burglars who knew the horse, saw two men E L Boisaftu to E 2 BoMeAu, did not have time to get. They took driving it through that village early 23 acres, w a Boisseau av, adj land Postmaster M. T. Horton`s horse and, Wednesday morning. LeRoy Jefferson's of D W Grattan; also 5 acres, Wm. H. Terry's wagon to get oil with. woodland, n s highway, adj land man saw it being driven through of W H Beebe, Southold; also 20 Post offices and railroad stations Peconic on a dead run. Sheriff Platt acres, known as Great Island, at have been entered by these prufes- was notified of the burglary and word Arshamomoque Creek, near South- sional burglars all over Long Island, was sent to other places to watch the old • • • • • . • • • • • • nam the safes cracked open and their early morning trains. A strange boat Southold, July , e ecceNnow led SO contents stolen, and the guilty parties was in Southold harbor the forepart of of Rensselaer T. Goldsmith, ai, Y� ever been apprehended. It is the week and Wednesday morning it 4m, 2t d. Funeral at her late residence have n only a never weeks ago that dee.Mat (tuck's was gone. The boat maybe a perfectly at Peconic, Thursday, at 1 P. 111- innocent craft, but some think a part Burial at Willow Hill Cemetery on post office was burglarized. Southold of the gang escaped on this boat, whsle Friday, private. has heretofore been immune, but early the other two got off with Postmaster Wednesday morning this place was Horton'of£the trail Theot t rmen did 1Nr. and Mrs. J. 'Trainor and family, visited. The entrance to the past of New York City, are visiting Mrs. not take a train from Wading River, Trainor's father, Thomas Earley. office was made tbrough the back door. but may have done so at a ------- farther west. This place is 29 miles' distance from Southold. 1 R. DITOR: S ou urglars st-Work? of the county as well a$city papers thatTwenty-Five Years Ago It tea: rt•ported in ltivellwrul this 1 took quite a prominent part iia trying 4z,�3; /< 1' k than at least thwe Routlinld own to catch the P.O. robbers of Wednesday Rupert Gill, of Brooklyn, move into morning last,at Southold. They speak of art of Mrs. Gaal a's house on the theretif itlats9txtilicelnrr,I t.,rlt me as Deputy Sheriff Booth, Irl the first a P g -ill that oflive for 10 minutes before place I am not a Deputy Sheriff, ;-nd I Bowery. made their final doparture. If have riotbeen for four years. 1 was a John S. Masterson, of New York Deputy for several years, but when I City, sold his place on Bay Ave., at is true it gives the affair aa.hu mor- was toA by one of the leaders that I aspect. must vote the Republican ticket or I auction sale, to John Singley, for Riverhead rxaan in Southt,ld a feet- could not be reappointed,I told him that $2,650. ago W:V; toitl that at rnaan tVho I wouldnot promise to vote that Mick- The Democrats were to meet on et or any other for that or any other of- Saturday to form a Cleveland ,and the explf,-iora invosta,ated tice ; but they succeeded in finding a h to see the nxncked ait•ti Ivorkitxt; man that trade the prornise—how well Hendricks Campaign Club. the ofliee. He war-a afraid there he has kept it the people of buutholel, The Blaine and. Logan Campaign especially the leaders of the relsublican Club was addressed by Ira H. Tuthill, ht be a w,atr h�r outside reattly to ),arty, can answer. Esq., of New York. Campaign music Aog the heaaal,�.f any who mane to 1 am employed as night watchman in re. So he,, believinlg it et�ise, like tlue Southold Savings Yank, and have i was furnished under the direction of flood Grourial workinawn of a few been for about twelve years,and stav- Prof. D. P. Horton. prior, kept still arld left 'Cil right by the bank until daylight of The proceeds of the Lawn Party on tars alone. Tire. Riverhead- the morning of the robbery. Whenever the Academy ,grounds, given by the ,buMan off cer is needed here there is a great ladies of the Presbyterian church, aW told of two other noon who cry where is Fred Booth? Now I do y ttsimUAr view,wd sinailarthoughts nor think this is fair to the two officers were$70. the watcher with aa, gin. :end of this place. I was asked to run dowa1 Rev. Robert Roden, of Orient, ad- too, wisely decided not to inter. a horsetnief and a man that was sus dressed the Southold Temperance petted of committing a murder a short lllverheader s.-till if lie had hewn time ago. 1 c.rught them hath and our Society• aad saw theist tit work he lie lu veg deputy sheriff complained bitterly to thu` Fred K. Terry, E. W. Shafer, Frank have tried his lut;k at a r-ap- Justice of the Peace, so I saw he felt Su to see ho- stru„ht their oonlcl ba.d about it I decided to cut it all out. D. 'Smith, John M. Howard, John V. or at least lie 0' ld hay.v gotten I am lookin„out for the Southold Sat- M. Dowell, Daniel H. Horton and b k door,taut aerar"s lots, and vings flank. I get no thanks nor no poo I Milton Terry, who raft last Friday on party of sharlr h(mlters t:a) for looking after the village or the P. () yacht Vigor, Capt. W. W. Overton, Off fruan antbuslt robbers ; but if any one attempts to ell;, out of the buildixt};, if ter the Bank at.night they will meet a ' returned Wednesday afternoon, having AtfwlC4' to riska,skin in warm xe:(:Ca)'tUn. Fra.r). E. BOOTIL 'I had a delightful trip. They visited ` ed capture or art attempt 'I'WBIIty-lr'1VB Years Ago Block Island, Martha's Vineyard, New .e c:tare`in the buil:fnsg. � Bedford, Newport, Stonington, Watch View of'tire fart that scirrie South-� �-� q �' wy Hill and Sag Harbor, and also spent 1,">ple tidlVlatt that. they heard the Mr. and"Mrs. Charles 0. Horton, of tri=,u and=44ele starve start oaf:tax in- Brooklyn, were making their annual iso some time f3shin wife. to M L ti,+p it �seeuus Possible that the an . tht, Piverhe tiler hrittt;s bark iS a' sojourn at Southold. Stevens, IS acres, e s Indian Neck Annie Cahill, a domestic employed at land, adj land of M L Stevens,. _ - F. Maxwell's died suddenly from Peconic . . . . . . . . . . . . . nom Postmaster Horton's Horse Found natural causes. G D Case and ano,to M L Stevens, Paatmaster M. t"HoAgn and F. E. A. Blaine and Logan Campaign Club 4 acres, e s Indian Neck lane, adj Bodrth started last Friday morning in was organized here with the following land of M L Stevens, Peconic . .nom Katharine Prince to C L Bardorf, aeareh of Mr. Horton e8 horse, wbich officers: Pres., Henry W. Prince; lot w s Main St., adj land S M t 'Southold post office robbers stole Vice Pres., Ira H. Tuthill, George Terry Est., Southold . . . . . . . nom Wednesday morning and drove to Horton Terry, R. V. A. Fitz, Wm. H. of tiding giver. Messrs. Horton and Glover, D. Y. Hallock, E. Willis Mr. and Mrs. Chas. a Byron,bin-Paradise s went oris the train to Riverhead, Horton, A. R. Vail, Geo. A. Maier; Brooklyn, have rented Ch tiller► for the month of August.. took Wm. H.Swezey's automobile Sec., M. B. Van Dusen; Treas., Geo, to Wading River, where they found C. Terry; Executive Committee, a members of the Southold Cornet yam, H. Terry's wagon and harness Franklin H. Overton, Dr. J. M. Har- Band have received their new suits. that the rubbers took. They towed tradtft, Daniel Terry. They are very neat. the wagon east, having learned.that a Patchogue, July 27,Ernest L., son of E. D. Goldsmith has moved into L. stray horse had wandered into Wm. Ernest hitman, formerly of Peconic, W. Korn's house on the new road to Melvin,s yard at Calverton. The horse aged 3 years. the wharf. had cotoe into the yard for a drink and Poquonoc Bridge, Conn., July 21, at Kr. Melvin caught and took excellent the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Starrett's Circus, Dag and Pony Adrian C. Hewitt, Jane Lucas Molls, care of the animal. The horse, strange widow of Henry Bolls, formerly of Show gave an exhibition here W ednes- tas,y,showed but little ill effects from Southold, ed 78 years. day evening to a large audience. ,r the hard rile of early Wednesday a.; morning from Southold to Wading Miss Maud Terry having resigned as Letters of administration of estate River, a distance of 29 miles. Mr, organist of the Presbyterian Church, of Mr's R. T. Goldsmith have been Horton hitched) up the horse and he Mrs. R. Sturmdorf has been engaged granted to Josephine E. Harrison, sod Yr. Booth drove home Friday for the months of August and Sep- sister. The estate is valued at$4I,50©. afternoon, tember. and was held only by The painter. Twenty-FIV-0-T—ears Ago Southold Lighting Co. Two bath houses belonging to, Rev. D. 4t,-5 2 & — / Y .- The annual meeting of the stock- W. Howell and E. M. Millard were Belmont Hall.was rapidly approach. holders of the Southold Lighting Co. lifted from their foundation; so thatingeompletion. Pn was held in Belmont liall last Saturday only the posts remain, d were carried I Miss Ettic Payne moved into her new ' evening. President J. H. arsball two hundred feet in t)e air up the house. Mr. Severance, the Principal presided, and S. Lester Albertson was bank and over the tops of the large of the Academy, was to occupy the elected secretary pro tem. The trees and fell in kindling wood in the second story. company is an excellent financial ,,- lot and street beyond. The cyclone John W. Gordon died, aged 33 years. dition. A storage tank has been pursued its northwesterly course, The second Harvest Home, under the erected, which will add greatly to the raising a cloud of dust hundreds Of feet direction of Prof. D. P. Horton, was efficiency of the plant. The directors high, filled with limbs of trees, debris largely attended. Fine martial music were able to declare a 3 per cent and wreckage. It tore off great limbs was furnished by Messrs. Davids semi-annual dividend and also put the of trees and when it struck the cement and Case, there was hearty congre- same amount in the surplus fund. This block works on Mrs. Bliss' land it tore gational singing, and addresses were company was started by our public- off a hundred feet of the east roof and made by Rev. Dr. Whitaker, Rev. spirited citizens as a public benefit, and carried the boards and tarred paper, William Force Whitaker and A. M. we are very glad indeed that their with which it was covered, hundreds of Salmon. The Ladies' Monumental public spirit is to he rewarded. We feet in the air and deposited it in a large Union realized $170 from the sale of know of nothing that has been of more tree and in the meadow beyond. The eatables. public benefit to Southold than lighting air was filled with the tarred paper and A Cleveland and Hendricks Campaign our streets and enabling people to have large pieces were strewn over the Club was organized with the following acetylene gas in their residences and fields and lawns for thousands of feet officers, President,BarnabasH.Booth; places of business. distant. It passed between R. L. Vice Presidents, Wm. H. Morgan,Ezra The following Directors were re- Hadley's and J. N. Hallock's Places L. Goldsmith, Selden B. Case, Wm. C. elected for the ensuing year: Dr.J. H. and struck 0. L. Wells' barn, wrecking Albertson, James Thompson; See- Marshall, Thomas Farley, L. W. Korn, one corner of it and tearing off the retary, Wm. A. Cochran; Treasurer, E. D. Cahoon, Wm. H. Terry, S. Lester roof. It whirled up Railroad Ave., and J. Edwin Cochran-, Executive Com- Albertson and Fred K. Terry. Mrs. passed between the express office and mittee, Wm. O. Davids, Michael Flora B. Bliss and Mrs. J. N. Hallock W. J. Conway's and then passed off Hodgins, John Singley, Geo. F. Tilling- were elected Inspectors of Election. over the fields in its northwesterly hast, Godfrey Hahn and John 11. Votes of thanks were extended to the course, tearing up a large tree by the Young. Directors and to the efficient and cap- roots on Horton's Lane, near Geo. E. able Superintendent, F. E. Booth. Horton's, and passed off over Great The Wm. Y. Fithian place has been At a meeting of the. Directors the Pond to Long Island Sound. When the sold to Wm. J. Conway and W. Core same evening, the following officers cloud was first seen from this village it Albertson. We understand the gentle- were entlewere chosen: Pres., Dr. J. H. Mar- was thought that Fred W. Carpenter's men purchased it for speculation. shall; Vice Pres., S. Lester Albertson, house was on fire and the Fire Depart-I See., Fred K. Terry; Treas., L. W. ment was called out. It was not Wm. H. Terry attended the sessions Korn. > 7 strange that this mistake was made, of the Grand Lodge, I. O. 0. F_ at for the cyclone looked from a distance Saratoga Springs, this week- Cyclone Sweeps Over Southold like a vast column of black smoke. A L. 1. Stock Car er y We often read of cyclones and tor- horse and wagon were caught in the A joint meeting of the Southold and nadoes that sweep over the West and cyclone and turned completely around, South, leaving death and destruction in cyclists were thrown from their wheels Riverhead Town Boards was held at, their track, but fortunately the East to the ground, hats and small packages Riverhead on Tuesday. Permission has been free from these terrible were carried high in the air and lost. was given to the Motor Contest As- visitations. But last Friday, just A second cyclone, about ten minutes sociation to hold an automobile race, bin before noon, two cyclones passed over later,passed over Mrs.W.H.Gardiner's, known as the Long Island Stock Car by Southold. The first, and the one with Martin Lehr's, Theo. W. Wood's and Derby, on Tuesday, Sept. 21, from it the greatest force and power, formed W. A. Williams' fields, tearing up corn a. m. to 1 p. m. The course is from as a waterspout in Southold Harbor, a and cauliflower and passed off in a Roanoke Ave., Riverhead, down the little this side of Paradise Point, and northwesterly course. We never had Main Road to Mattituck Presbyterian took a northwesterly course, directly anything like this before on Eastern church, then up the center Toad to for the village. People on the shore Long Island, and we hope never to Centerville, and down Roanoke Ave., a saw it forming and watched it with in- witness such a terrifying spectacle distance of 22J miles. The association terest and awe. It came on with a roar, again. -1-3, IF -9 41 F is also allowed 10 days to practice in, lifting the water three hundred feetBoss H. F. Van;yMck has erected in from 5 to 7 a. m. The road will be high. It struck the shore just west of policed at the expense of the association. He bw Rev. D. H. Overton's and F.D. Smith's ,willow Hill Cemetery a very handsomeThe association will also oil the road W". bungalows at Town Harbor, and then monument to Mrs. Lulu Williams La- and the towns will apply the oil. The the waterspout burst and it took the Forge, of Brooklyn. The Flint Granite association gives a $25,000 indemnity� form of a Western cyclone. A row Co. of Albany made the monument. bond, for the damages it may do. The- boatwas lifted clear from the water Twenty-Five Years Ago Two ty-Five Yl earm �LFQ James M. Carroll has sold out hie George Hahn, who had been for wheelwright business on Mechanic St. many years in the employ of J. B. Gen. W. Hooper and family moved to Joseph Gomez and Milton Post. Terry, entered the employ of James to Patchogue. Fecome, Aug. 2ay ew, son a Allen, of Greenport, and removed his Rev. and Mrs. E. Wilmot Curnings, Joshua and Mamie Baker, aged 1m, family to that village. of Elba, N. Y., visited Southold Southold, Aug. 30, John R.Anderson, Dr. Graves, and family went to friends. Dickerson purchased aged 25 years, 19 days. Sullivan County, hoping that the change the might benefit the Doctor's failing Israel Peck property here. L. W, Korn has been appointed by health. W. A. Williams was elected school Mayor McClellan a member of the E. D. Scott, jeweler, was to succeed trustee of the Locust Grove district. Fulton-Hudson Celebration Commission. F. D. Schaumburg, after the latter Win. A. Fleet's Unknown won the moved to Patchogue. trot at Oak Lawn, with Wm. E. $8,500,000 Escapes Taxation Rev. J. R. Thompson,of Now Jersey, Booth's Minnie second and E. V. From the report-, (;f the several town gave a lecture in the M. E. church, S.trong's Lady Alice third. 1-31,11MIN' Jilt'(i %N'ith the under the auspices of Banner Lodge, Geo. F. Stackpole, Esq., and J. N. 131ill'd Of tiliS C01111ty it 1. O. G. T. Hallock addressed the Blaine and i,4 toutal brat praotically S8'.)u()jlo0 It looked as if the potato crop in this Logan Club at Temperance Hall, escapes tamadull in "'!luffiffli III-A-ILLISU it section would be almost a total failure" D. Y. Hallock invented a potato is owned by either local, State, or on account of rot and blight. digger. F�doial Govt�runients, pellli(AW-1-S, VV'_ John C. Overton died, aged 47 years. CILurvii buildhip antl parwmages. At the annual school meeting the The Southampton Hospital has been school district pn�)porties, Goverainuilt incorrorate(L The Board of Maijag- li, following officers were elected: Trustee, ers is as follows: G. Warrington Cur- i(_' 6,4VIng properties. the (01111ty GeorgeC. Terry; Clerk, W. H. Vail. buildhig--;in Riverhu;Itf ,Ill,[ Yalihank, ' tis, president, William L. Donnelly, ti,e lildiall lre��ervati�)lls Collector, P. H. Cantermen; Librarian " the, ,r,.lire I secretary: ay P. ons. vcle, pt�rtie�� rf agricultural Principal BrrPRobbins. i Sylvester P. Tuthill. StuartLsylums, pnj president; David Gilmartin, troasur- s T. Terry was chairman of the meeting. 0(1ietios, Is tilt, 11,111tes It was voted to raise$(Zo by tax. er; Willis D. Vau Brunt and Alfred built %%-it[, i-iiioT, jwrrwy, are all E. Sebermerhorn. The hospital has exelliptfro.0111 it allpears Auntie" Lydia Tuthill, on her 91st now legal existance, and is qualified front the ti urea that their -1whil-d birthday (last Friday), went out auto- to own proDcrty, xeneive, legacies and worth in this county is quite t-ti'l-k- mobiling with flic-11ev. Win. H. Lloyd, transact all business requisite to con- The sevoml townAare (rei I it o(I wit I, . ductingthe institution, however large tile visiting Oregon, Cutchograp, Peconic, �."e"'illpte,41 properties ar, fulhl%vs: and surrounding eountry. She thor- it may grow iu the progress of time. Islip, $3,105,300; SinitIttowA, 1,ltrtl i110; oughly enjoyed the ride and made re-� CLARK—Willinin D. Clark! the Smitho - marks of interest on many houses She town crier of Nantucket is (lead. -$68 1,700; Ea th.inrlr- passed. On Monday another old lady ]'hag old ehar�tcter is well Irnown to toll, SN;0,150; 13fti)N-1011, River- of the same church, Mrs. Helen 110r- the old seftfpaing men 4,Loug Island lleil,d, 111111tif][�'ttoll, ,1'367.450; too, now in her 87th year, took a ride aLl(t the entire AtlantLe Coast. He Shelter lAand, :42,800. to Bay View to visit her old friend, wns paid by the year by the town to, Rev. Abram Conklin preached ar- Mrs. Thomas B. Wells. It was the allnounce all firos and startling ev- able sermon in the Univeralist church first time either of them had ever rid- nt.q. He notified the villa ge of the Sunday morning. He stated that it is thirty years since he occupied that den in a self-propelling car. a, proach of all steamships, The music was excellent and ar d pulpit. Through the real estate agency 01 smacks. In the old days when the I,- the entire service eniovabl. A. A. Folk, Spencer W. Petty has nal ski7mers u-sed to visit the port. Thomas Farley was the only repre- purchased the blacksmith shop,occupied tJley would pity the old man toocover entative from Southola at the Suffolk by him, of Dr. A, H. Terry. the town and cry out that there -,vap Co. Boar]of Trade Dinner on Monday to be a dane.e that nialit. His carers in Huntington.4 Mrs. S. Lester Albertson is spen ing was a very unique one. L, Dominick has sold his bar er usi- some time at Lake George. ness to Franco Freddo, who will rent Frank Stre%ser is clerking for Mrs. Anna Hummel, son, G. Fred the house now occupied by Mr. Dominick Hummel, and granddaughter, Anna for his residence. Mr. Dominick and Edwards, will leave this month for a family will sail on the 18th fax his old We erred in stating last week that trip to Germany. home in Italy. He wishes us to express Spencer W. Petty had purchased the On last Friday Albert A. Polk, from his best wishes to his friends here and blacksmith shop of Dr. A. H. Terry. 12 hives, took out 370 lbs. of pure to thank them for their patronage. He has owned that for some time. It honey, besides leaving about 100 Ins, Le Roy Eustac.e and Car is e Ise ran was the wheelwright shop, formerly for the beers to live on this winter. on Saturday caught 63 bonita and six occupied by Ralph Eldredge and J. M. James M. Carroll has purchased sea bass at Montauk, in an hour and a Carroll, that Mr. Petty has bought. of half. Some of the fish weighed six The sale was made through the real Wm. If. Glover the place on Traveler 1. of A. A. Folk. St., occupied by J. L, ThoinDson Leh. Becktold&Acker. G.o- C. Terry, Jr., arrived home on Twenty-Five Years, A. Twenty-Five Years Ago Wednesday, having completed his work 0,4 r- I" - / &I I Wednesday, as assistant purser on one of the St. Wm. 11. Vail purchased IF. D, presiding Efol/er B.M.Adams pre led River steamers. He left Lawrence "v in the M. E. church. I' Schaumburg's place. Southold Friday to complete his studies The new town clock was being The Southold town clock was placed in the Albany Law School. He was placed in position in the steeple of the in the Presbyterian steeple by Boss accompanied by his sister Marion, who Presbyterian church. Daniel Glover. enters St. Lawrence University. Rev. Dr. Epher Whitaker completed The Universalist Church extended a his thirty-third year as pastor of the call to Rev. J. H. Ballou to become its Southold. Sept. 14, Martha D. H., Presbyterian church. astor.pwife of J. H. Boisseau, aged 72 years,11 months. Daniel H. Overton of Lafayette Both the potato and cauliflower crops Passaic, N. J., Aug. 31, William A. College was admitted to the care of the were short. Neal, a veteran of the Spanish-Ameri- Long Island Presbytery as a candidate At the races at Oak Lawn, Capt- can War, and son of Mrs. Susan E. for the ministry. Geo. C. Gibbs' Hawthorn won the Neal of Southold, aged 46 years. --7 silver cup in the first class over Isaac Pacific rove, Cal.; Aug- 1 4 I Miss Southold Public Library Reeve's Harry and E.W. Strong's Lady Lucy A. Hale, formerly of Southold, in her 78th year. Interment at Norridge At the annual meeting of the Library Alice. In the second class, Wells Walk, Maine. Board on Monday evening the old offi- Bros.' J. C. Y. won the silver cup over At 771A1,011 Mary A. UIOVe cars were re-elected, as follows Pres., Isaac Billard's Frank. 1javc, sold to Jesse L. Case hit 11 13 Hoon, Alice. In the Isaac J C sase Bill rd' Jesse L. Case; Vice Pres., H. H Hunt- The Cleveland and Hendricks Club ,rel-ay., adj land of G Frank Hommel ting;Treas., L. W, Korn; Sec., Rev. was addressed by Hon. W. B. Donihee $I ,)oo. W. H. Murray. Miss Lucy Hallock, f New York and Hon. H. A. Reeves Twenty-Five Years A9,0 was re-engaged as Librarian for the f Greenport. Mrs Mary c r year. As an expression of their ap- Mrs. Mary E. Booth died, aged 58 Horton's Point Hotel was iosed for preciation of her services, the Board years. the season- ------ Columbia entered was glad of the opportunity offered by Company ti RetirLiOn W. L. Elmer the State meeting of Librarians at the College. Sagamore, Lake George, during the EDITOR T RAVELEI f the "boys" Sam,l 11. Moore, was in Southold a week of Sept. 20 to Sept. 27, to extend At the request 0 nt of the few days, previous to moving to 'Miss Halloek, unanimously and hearti- I send herewith a brief account - Brooklyn. ly, an invitation to attend this Reunion of old Company H, 127th N H. Vail confer- , which was held at the J. B. Terry bought of Wrfl- ence and to ask her to permit the Board y- Volunteers, rt, Sept. 8, the lot at the foot of Bay Ave. border- to defray the expense. It' was voted Wyandank House, Gr,oenp() ing on the bay. to close the library on the Saturday 1909• was most ProPi- St. Agnes R. C. Church at Greenport 44 The day, as usual, Bishop Loughlin. that her acceptance of this invitation was dedicated by B caeb would cause her to be out of town. tjous. At 12 m- the guests began to a"- d Democrats semble, and at roll call it was found The Republicans an The members of the Board for the were t 28 members of the company flung a campaign banner to the breeze. current year are as follows :J.L.Case, that Jas. Henry Young, Fred Tillinghast painted the Democratic banner, and Chas. N. Green, the ite G. R. Jennings, J. C. Eustace, H, H. present as follows: Huntting, Geo. Henry Terry, J. N. Wm. E. Shipman, B. D. Skinner, Wm, 0. W. Klipp, L. T. Butler, publican banner. Price, J n died, aged 66 Dickinson, L. W. Korn, R. S. Sturges, E. J. D. Cleveland. Jno, 1-1. Young, Geo. Mrs. Patrick May, Sr., E. D. Cahoon, Thomas Farley, and e, Robert ex 0 60, E. W. Shafer, W. H. Lloyd, C. Wells, Henry W- Prine Z years. .1T71 y Ebbitts, Henry Gafrga, Oliver We record with sorrow the death Of E. A. Holley, W. C. Blakeman and Mayo, H. N. Booth, B. T. Payne, D. Miss Lucy A. Hale on Aug. 14tb at the W. H. Murray. SECRETARY. N Chas. E. Terry, Chas. E. T. Conklin, home of her brother in Pacific Grove, Boss S. Edgar l'utnill has taken the Overton, Robert Jefferson, Geo. B. I Cal. Miss Hale was formerly a teach(r contract to build a house for A. T. Reeve, Henry 0. Horton, Beni. A. here, with the late C. D. Elmer, and Dickerson on his lot on Beckwith Ave. Horton, Wm- W. Sterling, Henry K. was highly esteemed by all who know Boss Stuart Fanning will do the mason Wood, Henry H. Wood, Samuel Har- her. The immediate cause of her work. ris, Theodore Overton and George C111- death was a fall, which broke her hip, -vv--H-Txaver_and_ wife to J M ver. Three of the members were re- and at her age she could not recover Carroll, lot s s Traveler st, adjported as having answered to the final from the shock. She was in her 78th land of H W Prince, Southold . . . nom, roll call and beenmusteredout" since year. Her body was taken to Norridge last annual meeting walk, Maine, for burial by the side of enters t Lawrence J. Addison Cor Miss MarionTerry e Frank Hommel and Geo. B. University next week. win, G. Fr her mother. Wells.University David M. Griswold is to enter a W ells. eb .................. ut ing a James Harriett, of Aqueduct, L. I., his r'0 _ '! :: is preparator a. H. Webster Gordon......................... View road, is now employed as ticket agent and y school at Mercersburg, P - store on his lot on the Bay atelegraph operator at the depot. Southold Sept. 6 Martin V. B. next to his residence. I Station Agent Phillips has charge of on, The firm ars, 9 months, 11 Gordon,d aged 74 ye, te days Funeral services at his late The I firm of Gordon the freight business, and Robert Cam solve ", residence Friday, at 2 o'clock. qolve partnership, of the express. River=e great auto race aver the on -Five Years &go Auto Race Sept. head-Mattituck course. for which so The Town Boards of Riverhead and much preparation had been made, was Steamer W. W. Coit made two trips Southold Towns met at Odd Fellows' run off in a few hours Wednesday a week to New York. Hall in Riverhead Tuesday, August morning. Several speculators who Wm, H. Vail moved into the house 24th, to consider the application of erected grand stands had but very few he recently purchased of F. D. Schaum- the Automobile Association for the seats occupied and sustained heavy burg. privilege of a speed and endurance losses. On the whole, the race was a George Russell of New York City I and it is said that the purchased the Southold Hotel property contest on September 21st on the pub- disappointment, under Lic highway from Centerville on Automobile Association, whose of Oliver Goodale of Peconic, for$7,000. Sound avenue to and through River- direction it was run, will lose about Samuel Weeks closed his ninth year head, going by the South road $3,000 in the venture. The special ten- of service as village mail carrier. Mattituck and back to starting point, car excursion train from L. I. City George H. Hunt addressed the M. E. a distance of about 22 miles. The brought but 125 people to witness the Sunday School Temperance Society. contest to take place from 8 a, ni. to races. The Greenport Band,which was The Republican Town Convention I p ni. Practice days were asked for engaged to play in the big grand stand elected the following delegates to the for 10 days previous. from. 5 a. in. to at the hair-pin turn at Mattituck, gave County Convention: Chas. E. Glover, 7 a, m. a few selections and then refused to Marcus B. Brown, Benj. H. Reeve, L. The Assooiarion offered to oil the play at such a melancholy affair and F. Terry, J. B. Terry, M. B. Van road the whole distaure if the Coin- quit the job. The race, which was the Dusen, Morgan Morgans, P. W, Tut- mission would apply it But one ob- fastest ever run, making a record hillL jection appeared and the aPplinatiou speed of over 70 miles an boor, was at- The Republicans stretched a Blaine in and Logan campaign banner across the was granted, provided the Association tended with the usual accident, street from the Brick Store to the Drug indemnify the town for any damage which one life was lost and another Store and then marched to Belmont resulting thereupon and a bond of seriously injured, which may prove was 00 $25.0offered and accepted. fatal. It happened a mile west Of Hall, where an address was given by —i - Mattituck on the north speedway, Mr. Knapp of the State Committee. F A Culver to K W Close, i interest in J acre, w a Main at, adi when Herbert H. Lytle, a famous The Democrats elected the following land of C R Case,, Southold . . . , nom driver, in attempting to pass a raevr, delegates to the County Convention: A S Denman and wife to E D encountered sand and took a wheel off, Samll K. Brown, Daniel C. Brown. H. Cahoon, lot n a Sound View av, adj upsetting his Apperson car while at A- Reeves, Wm. C. Albertson, Josepb L I Sound, Southold . . . . . . . nom highest speed, completely wrecking it. Thompson, S. Mills Hallock, Irad W. A Hommel to A Case, lot w a He was brought to the E. L. 1. Hospi- Gildersleeve. road to the Lighthouse, adi land of Belmont Hall was opened to the A Case, Norton's Point, South-$100 outh- 0 tal late in the afternoon, and chhis re- old . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10covert' is doubtful. His meanician, 00 public. J. Henry Cochran, the owner, Joseph E. Bates, was taken from un- 't received much praise. Addresses were W L Glover and wife to A S der the car horribly injured, and (lied made by Hon. 11. A. Reeves, Albertson Terry, acres e a South Harbor in a farm house near by soon after- Case, Rev. George Taylor, Ira H. Tut- I... j land of N R Hutchinson, ward. Every available auto in Green- s. port was pressed into service, South Harbor, near Southold . . . nom milly" hMand W. H. Morgan. A message C Hewitt, Le d from Hon. Perry Belmont, and Adrian C. Hewitt, of was read Mr. Mrs r.Adrian t T leaving as early as 3 a. m., so as to - 0 - ' - via after whom the hall was named. There Groton, Conn , are visiting at Thomas get a good place to see the races; and t was Baird's. Mrs. Hewitt was Miss Katie was excellent music. 1�1 I i every person that was fortunate -t , this v of Peconic Bolles when she lived in this village, or' carriage,i6 X and Hutchinson H. Case, ough to have a horse a President of the Suffolk County Mutual and she is very pleasantly remembered Lhuaded that way. Insurance Co., died, aged 89 years. . by thos, who then knew her. The race was won by Louis evro- The Republicans nominated the fol- L. W. Korn, who is a member of the lot driving a Buick in Class 4. The .1c lowing County ticket- Member of Hudson-Fulton Celebration COmmis- winner of the race was based on the ve, Assembly, Simeon S. Hawkins; County cion, H. F. Van Wyck, Chas. T. Gor- best average time. There were five h(r Treasurer, J. Henry Perkins; District don and Nicholas Carey attended the classes, as follows: of ind Attorney, Wilmot M. Smith; Super- Lew intendent of Poor, J. E.Ireland; School I Hudson Fulton.Celebration. Class I—Rainier(Disbrow);Mercedes her Commissioners, John J, Harrison and The will of the la I te Martin V. B. (Armstrong); Fiat (DePalma); Ap- Comm ed at$5,000 person (Lytle). property valued Ricbard M.Bayles; justice of Sessions, Gordon leaves Class 2—American(Hughes); Palmer iver Henry H. Preston; Coroners, B_ D. real and $2,500 personal, all to son, 78th Lillie Singer (Leacault); Rainier (Lund). �dge Skinner,Edwin L.Miles,L. S.Edwards. Arthur B. Gordon, and daughter, L 11' class 3—Sharp Arrow (Sharp). og The Democratic County ticket was E. Gordon, share equally. _— Class 4—Chalmers Detroit (Drog of as follows: Member of Assembly, The friends of Miss Alice Wheeler Buick (Chevrolet); Buick (Burman). Henry C. Brown, County Treasurer, gave her a kitchen shower at the class 5—Maxwell (See); Buick g Alice Wheeler �r at the I., john M. Price; District Attorney, Ben- r n residence of Mrs. Fred K. Terr 011 (Finch); Maxwell (Dorley); Maxwell and Jamin K. Payne; Supt. of Poor, Theodore W. Smith; Coroners, David Monday afternoon. S4,4T t 2-7 (Costello; Overland (Rees). pot. , Is C u Sixteen cars started. The course was of N. Brown, C. H. Vaughn, L. S. Brno n, 6ept. , a ittle Church I Post, of twenty-two and tbree-quarters miles, mmissioner, George Around the Corner, Milton Post, of Mabel Lillianles in all arey Edwards; School Co Southold, and Miss Mabel Liln covered ten times, or 227.5 mi EL Cleaves; Justice of Sessions, W. D. Simpson, of Brooklyn. for the biggest cars. — h " c - _ -- n cease our, Chevrolet, winner Acreage of long Island. Twenty-Eivt3 Yell�a ` e event in a Buick, hung up a nev American record of 70 3-100 miles ar Soule interesting figures in regard ° hour for the distance. He covered thEto the available acreage of Long Is- Joseph IL Thompson can(fli distance of 112 3-4 miles in 97 minutes,land for different purposes were given big sheepshe od sale of the Sots in his pounds 30 3-10 seconds. by President Ralph Peters of the The projectte Class five was won by Arthur See inLong Island Railroad Company in his Hotel to Mr. Russell of New York f a Maxwell, he covering the 91 miles inaddress before the Queens Borough through. 101 minutes, 22 seconds. Real Estate'Exchange., at Long Beach At the trot at flak Lawn. . In class three the single entrant, alast week. He said that practically Reeve, Jr.'s harry won first prize, Sharp-Arrow, driven by Sharp, covered all the acreage in Brooklyn and Long Fitz Bros.' Black Bess second. the 136 1-2 miles in 129 minutes. Island City was built up. J. Edward Carey was elected Class two was won by Lescault in a In the rest of Queens County there and James M. Magee, assistant 1'3k Palmer-Singer, who covered the 182 were 62,560 acres, of which 8a, of the Southold Band. miles in 179 minutes. were used for residential purposes, Class one was won by DePalma in a 25,000embraced in lot developments The Republican meeting was �"Fiat. He covered the 227.5 miles in 3,000 in private estates, 8,000 used by dressed by Wilmot M- Smith, of ' 218 minutes and 35 seconds, an average clubs, 4,000 for parks and cemeteries, chogue, and Benj. H. Reeve, of Greg of 62.35 miles an hour. Lund in a 10,000 for farms, and not cultivatsd,i port. Rainier was second, and Disbrow in a 13,560 acres. The Democratic meeting was Rainier, third. r In Nassau County there are 161,284 dressed by Congressman Perry I acres, with 25,000 occupied by towns'mont, Joseph Carroll, and Disbriet �`Wy-1�''1Pd Y@8108 Ago and villages, 15,400 for lot develop Attorney Pearsall of Brooklyn. meats, 35,000 in private estates, 8,040 The Southold Temperance Sa_iety. There was a frost. 1=: by clubs, 1,000 by parks and ceine- was addressed by Rev. Robert Pegamat Street lamps were placed in front of teries, 84,000 by farms, and of land `0,' .,net cultivated there were 57,the drug store and Belmont Hall. ,3 acres. Father Foley had a kitchen added to! In Suffolk County there are 555,804 The Watchman says: Dr. J. the Catholic parsonage. acres, of which the towns and villag Hartranf#, of Southold, who has rr: Seven young people were received es cover 40,000, lot developments, 20, member of the Medical Staff St into membership in the M. E. church. p00, private estates, 35,000, clubs, 85,- Eastern L.I.1309pital since its j 1. H. Hillard rented Col. John Wick- 0()(), parks and cemeteries 10,000, ment, finding it impossible to ham's promises, corner of Main St, farms, aoo,", and land not cultivat- time from the exactions of his and Railroad Ave. for a hotel. ed, 2;,i,500. practice, has signified bis Rev. J. R. Robinson, formerly The area of Brooklyn is 49,680 acres, sever his official connection ri Principal of Southold Academy, had a and of the entire Island 881,000 acres, Hospital early in the coming man y pastorate at Elmira, N. Y. which with tide land under water and laugh_ Elder J. R. Foster addressed the used for railroad purposes, amounting Miss Hazel Carpenter, Presbyterian Sunday School Society. to 16[},00o ages, made a total of Walter Carpenter of Brookly Fisher's Island was made a separate 1,841,004. All this seas arable land, of Southold, was number six election district. and what was not occupied by towns Brooklyn Eagle Grand 'OPS The Billowing were appointed Over- and villages could be developed for Contest. Miss Carpenter will r seers of Highways in this vicinity: market gardens for feeding the pope- six tickets for grand opera .fames Cassidy, O. L. Wells, H. C. latiou of New York. President J. B. Terry and T Prince, E. W. Howell, Geo. C. Wells, �irx. �r"ilux< t Ni. `niitll, v &l<,.� .,l`` H. li- IIuntting of the Sotltho Seth T. Wells, E. L. Goldsmith, R. V. 1 ' Ings Bank attended the funeral M J A. Fitt. t9te`=s��l'>>c�ise E'���irl Ju,�;tiee, i7 aesttil her Blue liriue 7'ea I1cy+ +7] .it 1tt `ti ing T. Finn of Brooklyn laza Friday Justice Gifford of Fisher's Island ,:trect, 13r"Iolclyn, last Saturday. ing. Mr. Finn was for many Yeats asked that highways be surveyed and Set 29, Brooklyn real estate agent of the J laid out on Fisher's Island. Died in Unionport, N. Y., p • - 19W Frank Darrow, youngest son of Valentine Heubel has sold his C. Mortimer Glover of Southold and the late Stephen O. Jennings, aged 47. Miss Emily Clark of New York were Interrnent at Southold, Oct.. 2d. business to Charles R. M■ married. Rev. H. Seymour, Ct., who touk Miss Josephine E. Wood died, aged DuboiSous Frederick N.on Oct. Dunwell and Miss Monday. 28 years. _ Ruby Wells, daughter of Daniel T. prank Stresser is clerking far Bass Geo. W. Smith is putting -a Wells, formerly of Cutchogue. Korn, lass front in Wm. A. 'Williams' Miss Alice J. Took ve ented figs Michael Purcella of Peconie plate g led reined her and they have rented Mrs. ing for F. Fickeissen. store at Peconic, which is to be Occup J by F. Fickeissen F"; a branch store. Metta H. Cook°s rooms at Mrs.Dam's• Fifty-two years ago to-d Edwin Fickeissen wiil be in charge of l Charles A. Breitstadt is to enter the Horton's Point lighthouse ;the stare. College of Physicians and Surgeons of the first time. W �Jcyost is ma ing varasus,New York. James M. Carroll has sold ,y �ii5pravements about his place. Bose Le Roy Eustace has entered Harvard lihop and lot, next to the gas plant, 3, leo. W. Smith is doing the work. College. Clar,arlas. i_t i n>�a,- Tam' F�—1 A606 Mr. James Black has moved his V, M'r. and MT alcntine Heubel haN v to or _q family to Orange, N. J., much to the moved to Mattituck. The chief interest in the election th rvel,,ret of all who knew them here. barber, year centered in the great contest Miss Lizzie Beebehasrented ber The family of the new d the control of Greater New York. I Charles R. Mueller, has arrive rooms in her residence on Oak Law- Suffolk County it was of course a for Ave. to Frank Gagen. Law Twenty-Five Years Ago _-er BE gone conclusion that the Republic W he firm of Becktold X e7er BE There was a light fall of snow. candidates would have substanti' dinolved partnership, Mr. AckerThe Southold Cornet Band gave a majorities, even if it was an "off year. retiring from the firm. pleasant social in Belmont Hall. dk J Y Mew ew oru In Greater The old picket fence on the south Judge William Amagansett, Oct. 3, Hannah T. Dee, J. Gaynor is elected Mayor by over, formerly of Southold, aged 85 years, side of Willow Hill Cemetery was re- placed with turned posts and piping. 70,000 plurality over Otto Bannard, the Shelter Island, Oct.7, Jacob Schaible, Rev. J. H. Ballow of Nicholson, Pa., Republican candidate, with William R. 8m 11,1 was engaged as pastor of the Uni- I n I Irle atof were_ Hearst Hearst third. But this is Sall th brat hemorrhage, 11ai 11 wh R., wite• of versast church. Tammany gets. With the exception li,hn Dn . Cleveland, jle5 gl . ears, I I The following were elected officers of won I h4 Banner Lodge, 1. 0. G. T.:. C. T., J. Mayor, the whole Fusion ticket I Twenty-Five Years A B• Young; V. T., Miss Mamie Albert- elected, and Tammany loses control of ?�;_ 1L_ — / Swe-V Zn; See., D. T. Conklin; Fin. See., the much coveted Board of Estimate. Clarence A. Goldsmith of 'Southold P. H. Cantermen; Chaplain, Geo. H- Tammany also lost its County ticket i and Miss Emily De Lacy of Brooklyn Hunt; Sen., Geo. ff. Korn; Mar., Manhattan, and is shorn of practical were married. Eugene Wells. every vestige of power. The greatest S. B. Corey was making extensive Rev. C. W. Fordham and Daniel H. political machine in this country can improvements to his out-buildings. Griffing addressed the Blaine and Logan look forward to four barren years, and Corey&Sturges were doing the work. meeting. there is deep gloom in the wigwam. The play, "Rip Van Winkle," was The Ladies' Monumental Union gave William A. Prendergast, who has been given in Belmont Hall by the Oliver W. The Feast of Lanterns in Belmont Hall. elected Comptroller, is well known Wren Co. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Stokes returneT here, as, he has frequently addressed Mrs. J. Andrew Hallock died at her from a brief wedding tour Sunday political meetings in Greenport. He is how in Newark, N. J. night and immediately went to house- one of the most brilliant, campaign keeping in their handsome new residence speakers in the State. Rev. Dr. Louis M. Sweet of Mt. on Main St., where the doctor has his We especially regret the defeat of Vernon.N. Y., one of the Professors office. Joseph H. D,eBragga, the Republican in the Bible College of New York City, I ! candidate for Borough President of filled the pulpit of the Presbyterian Through the real estate agency of E. Queens, where Lawrence A. Gresser, church last Sabbath, to the great de- Leiebt, John Bracher has sold his place the Independent nominee, defeated both light of his hearers, Dr. Sweet, who at Peconic to J. W. Carrington of Mr. DeBragga and Joseph Cassidy, is a son of Dr. Amos L. Sweet Brooklyn. Democrat. Mr. DeBragga is well of Geneva, N. Y., for many years a Twenty-Five Years Ago known here, being a summer resident physician in Southold, spent his boy- of Southold. food days in this village until he was Grover Cleveland was elected Presi- Isaac M. Kapper, Democrat, is ten years of age, and this was his first dent of the United States. Suffolk elected Justice of the Supreme Court visit to Southold :since he left thirty County, which the year before went in this district by about 8,000 plurality. years ago. Southold is proud of the 500 Republican, this year went 550 The Democratic Borough ticket in "me that Rev. Dr. Sweet has made Democratic. Southold Town went Brooklyn is elected. for himself in the theological world. Democratic by 111. While the County The next Assembly will stand 102 As a preacher, writer and educator Dr. went heavily Democratic on the Presi- Republicans to 48 Democrats. Sweet ranks high. He will give the dency, most of the Republican nominees The Republicans in Suffolk Coun evening address at the Sunday School for County officers were elected. rolled up about 2,800 majority for th Convention here on Thursday evening. Simeon S. Hawkins was elected Member candidates. Almet R. Letson, for Southold. Oct. 19, at the reodence ofthe bride?s mother, Mrs. Carrie J. of Assembly, J. Henry Perkins, County Supreme Court Justice, had 2,716 J&wil, by Rev. W. C. Blakeman. Treasurer; Wilmot M. Smith, District majority. William G. Nicoll, for Sur- &"bur be Lacy Goldsmith of South Attorney, and George H. Cleaves, rugate, had 2,798 majority, William ()range.N.J_and Miss Iva Marguerite School Commissioner. Perry Belmont F. Flanagan, for County Clerk, had Lewis. was re-elected Member of Congress. 3,166 majority. Frederick E. Finch, Swthoid, Oct. 20, at the residence H. Huntting, Jerry Fealy returned home after an for Coroner, had 2,712 majority, John of the,bride's uncle, 11. okes of East extended sojourn in Chicago. M. Lupton, for Member of Assembly =Rev. Dr. John L) t n, father of the groom, Capt. 0. E. Prince gathered 44 in the First District,had 1,688 maj,)rity, ijokied t Rev. Abram Conklin of bushels of apples from one tree. And George L. Thompson, for Member AL.., 6cle of the bride Dr' Jesse L. Case, Esq,, was one of the of Assembly in the Second District,Wallace Stokes and bliss Alice Peck, daughter of Mrs. Sarah E. speakers before the Cleveland and h"1,015 majority. Hendricks Club on the Monday evening Southold Town had nearly 300 Re- before election, publican majority. A very light vote Iwas polled, Southold Town Election Retu On recommendation of Town u rns—by Districts intendent of Highways Geo. H. Fleet East the Town Board has made the following Fisher's Ma r'n South- Cut- Nlatti- Island ortent G'port Greenport old Peconic chowne tuck appropriations for the care of they District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total highways for the ensuing year: For highways,i Justice Sup Court repair and improvement of Almet R Latson, R 9 74 82 $15,000; for building bridge at Matti-, � Isaac M KaD 9 79 74 118 65 82 158 741 $15,000; Creek, as voted at last Town pper, 21 83 61 71 108 24 31 45 453 Meeting, $11,500; machinery fund,' Harold D Watson, P 1 12 2 4 0 2 1 2 3 27 $500; miscellaneous fund, $150. The L B Boudin, Soc 0 0 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 9 first item of$15,000 includes the oiling R,obt Stewart, Ind 2 0 3 2 3 0 1 0 0 11 of the main North and South R Member of Assembly throughout the Town, and also so John M Lupton, R 7 76 73 79 66 118 63 79 172 7331 the principal cross roads. Ansel V Young, D 11 20 94 66 80 107 24 33 33 4681 Our cauliflower growers are shippi Wm F Halsey, P 1 11 1 4 1 2 3 3 1 27� all about one thousand barrels a da Surrogate The flowers sold at the depot Thu morning from$1.50 to$1.75. Win G Nicoll, R 8 75 81 83 73 122 65 79 155 741 Marion L Dawson,D 10 20 83 60 74 103 24 33 46 453; Twenty-Five Years Ago 1 - Geo, W Darling, P 1 12 1 4 1 2 1 3 3 28 �ryc 7 County Clerk There was a slight fall of snow. Wm F Flanagan, R 9 78 81 85 80 9, Wm. M. Maynard was granted a 0 64 87 161 735 pension by the Government. Wm A Coehran, 1) 9 18 83 59 67 138 26 25 40 465 A surprise birthday party was paid D Egbert Smith, P 1 11 1 4 1 2 1 3 3 27 Miss Helen Cochran at Belmont Hall, Coroner There were twenty applicants for the keepersbip of Horton's Point Light Fred E Finch, R 9 73 82 81 72 117 64 79 155 732 house. Elmer E Smith, D 9 21 82 61 73 1()8 25 33 46 458 George H. Korn, aged 19 years, C Louis Edwards, P 1 12 1 4 1 2 1 19 3 28 of John Korn, while taking a gun Geo. 1. Johnston left Southold on I his boat, accidentally shot hi ; Twenty- His lifeless body was found a few ro Monday for Baltimore, Md. "",/�X,/, /;2-Five Years A from the boat. J. Leo Thompson has moved into - - - Hammel Ave. 'Squire J. W. Huritting was the first E G Beebe and others to D H L, L. Glover's house on to cast a vote in the new Belmont Hall. Horton., Bergen; also 5 acres on aiin 10 acres land of T Bay Vie 8 s,nterest adjacent Joe Carroll ro e .a co ar one Fred B. Tillinghast went to the cityBeach RoI ad while playing foot ball Thursday after- where he was engaged in a market. Road and Cedar Beach Road, a - noon. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Horton celebrated jacent land of E H Brown; also 5 their crystal wedding. acres n a Bay View Road, adjacent land of Win Akscin, Bay View, E., tmoll ,)f Do,131 Y. lia]]"(11,fol'"'"y or Rev. J. H. Ballou accepted the call Southold . . . . . . . . . . . . .no ,-,Otis 11old, aged about 40 y,121','. to the pastorate of the Universalist P J Rowland by com to D H church and entered on his new duties Horton, } interest in above p Equalizing Taxes Sunday. erty . . . . . . 7_10M Following is the equalized valuations The friends of G. Wells Phillips gave D H Horton and wife to E H between the several towns in the him a pleasant surprise on his 60th Brown, same property above de. county as adopted by the Board of birthday. scribed . . . . . . nom Maria J=allock to E H Brown, Supervisors: Greenport, Nov. 5, Jeremiah. son of acre woodland, adjacent land E H Brown and Maria J 11allock, Bay Assessed Equalized the late Daniel Manney, of Southold, View, Southold . . . . . . . . . . Valuation valuation formerly of Arsbamomoque, aged 43y, Dom Babylon. . . . S 4524,914 1 4.913,910 5m. Interment at St. Patrick's Came- rs. ester Arb_erW61�h -- Huntington 7.041,lao 8.099,953 ter Southold, Southold. New Caanan, Ct., for the as gone to a Patrick's g I- h Southold,t cd C n 6 0 4 'm 0 li 1 3 0 d yb f Brown, N t to c their Rev. r the v hc e r Sunday. "'arls _The f' him a the de- birthday. bir day ,d of Greenport, of Smithtown. 2.79VQ0 The husking bee held at S. L. ber health. Mr. Albertson 1911P. . . . . . . . 12,161,7W NJ16.497 g, Brookhaven 15,o4i),9W it..479""(3 Bennett's last Friday evening, under her there. We trust she may return Southampton. . . . 9,721,02S iya-n,s g was s fully restored. ,lo the auspices of Southold Grange was Eas,L Hampton. . . a,s 1 3 t y 0 Dr. J. W. Sthes has been elected a .786.593 greatly enjoyed. There were plenty of Riverhead. . . . . . 3,641,um w t t at Southold . . . . . . red ears, and we all know what that member of the Medical Staff of the 615291.819 t 151161ter 1111%nd. . . . 1,834,77.5 1,822,771 means. Abundant refreshments were Eastern Long Island Hospital, in place Total. . . . . . . iserved. of Dr. J. M. Hartrarift, resigned. W."10.186 I - - — J H Marshall and wife to A M Nov. 17, at —Va4ek's Mr. and Mrleave moved into their house, vacateds. S. Lester Albertson' Southold,Addy, lot a a Sound View Av, adi R. C. Church, by Rev. Father E. A. land J Butler, Southold . nom Holley, James Francis Mahoney and by Harry Taylor. Miss Eve Gomez, daughter of Mrs. Lucy Gomez. Mr.and lllzs. Frank C. Horton, of Greenport, Nov. 29, at L. L, I. Southold Tax Rate Brooklyn,have returned to Mr.Horton's Hospital, Philip W. Tuthill of Matti- The Southold ToA n Tax Fate will be boyhood home at Southold and have tuck, aged 76 years,Il months,10 day®. unusually high this year. There are rented Mrs. Evens' house, formerly Albert A. Folk has sold to A. T. several causes for this. The Mattituck occupied by J. S. Black. Dickerson and B. F. Macomber his lot Bridge, for which $11,500 was ap- 33x130, on Beckwith Ave. The lot is propriated, is to be paid for. The County expenses are much higher than Twenty-Five Years Ago between Mr. Dickerson's and Mr. usual. It costs more and more to care A/aN, Z — / Macomber's and will add greatly to the for our roads, Town and County. Steamer W. W. Coit made her last value of each gentleman's lot. The rates are as follows: trip Thanksgiving night, H, W. Prince has sold his lot on Southold Town . . . . . . . . . . 96 The'Southold Cornet Band disbanded. Maple Ave., 100x1915, next to O. V. Greenport Village . . . . . . . . . 66 Thanksgiving services were held in Southold Light District. . . . . . 20 the Presbyterian, Methodist and LTni- Penney's, to Albert A. Folk. Southold Park District . 10 versalist churches. O B Goldsmith and others to Southold Fire District . . . . . , • 08 Thomas B. Wells and Daniel Y. Hal- 'Cutchogue Ice Co., i acre north This will make the rate in Southold aide L I R R, adjacent land of Village, 1.34J. lock were re-elected Elders of the Goldsmith & Tuthill, with right of Presbyterian church. way to Depot Lane, Cutchogue . . '$840 Boss A. G. Case has contracted to Miss Clara Wheeler resigned as FII Richmond to L P Richmond. build a cottage, 26x42, at Horton's teacher in the primary department of lot on Peconic Bay, adjacent land Point, for John Bolton of Brooklyn. our public school. Miss Carrie Wig. F Richmond, Indian Neck, Boss Boss Case has also contracted to build Sim of Greenport succeeded her. Peconic. . a bungalow, 22x36, for Rev. John G. Miss Nellie Huntting graduated as a Twonty-Five Years Ago Hehr of Brooklyn, on his lot east of trained name in one of the city hos- D �' c' `/(/ -- / Nat E. Booth's, in the eastern part Oak Warren Richmond and family of Bay of the village. pias tsroExti Side Farm returned to Brooklyn for the I arrison H. Tuthill has commenced There were 1610 barrels of cauli- winter. work on the bridge over Goose Creek, flower sent from Southold station Mon- C. M. l edyard and Peter Hazard connecting the Pine Neck Road with day morning. This breaks all records, loaded turnips at the depot at 25 cents the new road at Bay View. The d highest number shipped any ay,Per bushel. g Rev. Dr. Wbitaker's mother died at I Harrison Tuthill has taken the con- last year was 1506. The flowers were Fairton, N. J., aged 94 years. tract to build an 800-foot sea wall on sold at the station Monday morning for the southeast side of Paradise Point, Mr.and Mrs. H. G. Howell, celebrated to save the bluff from being washed $1.'25 per bbl. their china wedding. Ninety guests into the bay, - were present. Years Ago Uuiversalist Parish douse W J. Conway and W. Corey Albert- Twenty-Five ! [� The plans for the psrish house, to be son have moved the west shed on the Chas. E. Overton made extensive erected on the Universalist property, Fithian place to Hobart Avenue and repairs to his residence and out-build- now call for a two-flour structure. will remodel it into a tenement house. imgs There is to be a basement with a Erne Win L. Elmer had to give up his concrete floor that is to clear the floor Boss Geo. W. Smith is doing the work. beams seven feet six incht•s. This – studies at Columbia University on room, together with the main floor Thomas Farley has exchanged 104 account of ill health. room, is to be 46x25. Tht, main room feet of land on the Sound with Geo. G. Willard Ballou succeeded Miss Clara .s to have a double flour, top to be a Richmond for 104 feet on the North Wheeler as teacher of the rimer de bard floor. The sides are nine feet Road to Arshamom ue Creek. primary wall, with the roof heauis smoothed M Phillips and husband to H J partment of the public school. and stained and exposed. On the rear Hifton, lot north bide Pine Neck Corey&Sturges contracted to build is to he a kitchen, ne-ha will enable, Read,adjacent land of R E Ormsbee, a house for Daniel W. Grattan. and it is expected, one hundred persons Pine Neck, Southold . . nom The cantata of Daniel was very to be seated and frcY of once. The building sets at the rear of the lot and The Mysterious Vails gave excellent acceptably given in the Presbyterian teen feet behind the parsonage and church. coming flush with the first choir win- entertainments in Belmont hall Mon- Mrs. Henry Tuthill died, aged 81 Mon- low of the church, The new building. day, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. years. with the church and parsonage, will Greenport, Dec. 6, Charles Havens form three sides of a hollow square, ew even, Ct, Nov, 24, by Rev. and make a very sightly view from the (colored) for many years an attache of Father Marty, Martin W. Lawlor, of street, which will forth the fourth and the Clark House, aged 134 years. New Haven, and Miss Ellen J. Burke, open side o£ the square. There is still A A Folk to 14I Macomber, of Southold. a chance for any one desirous to be- west side Beckwith Av, adjacent soli -`crlieaa�ay. 21a. by Rev. Mr. come one of the hundred or one of the land A T Dickerson, Southold Horn Wright:, William P. Taylor and Miss fifty dollar subscribers that we are A A Folk to A T Dickerson, lot Irene E. Turner (colored), both of seeking to obtain. W. H. MURRAY west side Beckwith Av, adjacent Southold', land.M A Macomber,Southold . . . nom Charles Turner is learning the plumb- at iturk, Nov. 28, by Rev. Dr. ing and tinsmithing trade of Chas. H, Alvah M. Salmon, of Peconic, has Cbaa. E. Craven, Sherwood Case Beebe, I purchased of Mrs. Alice Evens her two of Cateb Becktold. ague, and Miss Olive Isabel, places on Railroad Ave., occupied by daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry S. Clifford Prince and family have John Brawn and Harry Burt. Robinson,of Mattitu moved into the rooms over L. W. - Korn's store. TlW QKUWA wood Five 9F re 0 st(�st. alter ad. f9fbsa lbs saw '" a,# �, J h r + 11 t did stat be" a rOW " . At sa welt " at 111 falkMft swat•41 o es�t c, p,.fm. gently fall to Ow � as aas�the IL K ttaasday 11absot. fiOPL, W- b Wsa- t.(It+sfMtttwwtaeed to 1larbor, k1liNWilit that a boWft � wM$4 Vit. Clark. Aust, l4ttpt., flag. H. Wells wbffs,he was tl►t+arr�an brtcl ,Qinn. bs bofbrs *a ass's! ■tsrewtwtrl. I.sasly Sutp .. Mrs. H. T. Payas, Sec.. I TM it,autbaid f`bntgamrice 1tociiaty rip- No great&gusset of wow fall, bell Use t.. W. (Kwa; Tn w• Was Haasah JI s • I'n�a al]. fr C+at Is, wind bWw a 110MA4 gats, std the (',aggrlta w-. Ubrar" B. R. Tuthill; , para t �Ita b h Oda r tttta.►� earNstli �,t, t lyres. I1• M. fla+wrl►Im OW Laosa, p. .' W. ate: tt �•• 1a aartaa retgaarta alts slar�r f*rrtaaitt T"S" Ttrasa., U, fr. l fa. R If. tress the!r et raver k �A sa (las T tonow~Il woo sdedw adive s of Rervarstltrea mads r Laetd'ie0latas�t, anal far tiatti >letwtlMtrrid l.rrdlC+, 'f. b. R.: lf. ., William Vok" Batsa diadww at dotma in 11W great t,ld,atard of Ilea. t* G, I w#y; V. (l;, U. A. Hiles; f"ar ie.. sged At years. The i tip.. W 11_ Van; Trsas.. Gaces• Presbylerian' l f� � srttt+e wmdt rais swory0bo Inlet.rhea• >dtaa. G. Halo; Trouts., ttatss it. ^,. !rat ea lues tetras o Milil+t harts twig k teL swollmitag J. LW fIlvMi i!ul H la. 111"011111111 _ Mlewt,lse�s X. contlact to rhapr tb" sdtrrnlw� br+ah� r twuais f�fsait�'s saillinery bwbw*s. Uw builihn�c«« w 11 t►a as i' 'Mre, pilitrich Ott diad, a�4 loss out wrli as a map+ t'"'Afu. lease» f� with Plans in trrotwt. lits aaa+s4 if11O t)WI4e AJW t•t1P- thatktapel, will to twill esa lbs' a ' a`sea > addiiian.►�3K'll be 4 tlt an i +Haut aloe The It"w t K�delt�i w a n lift vm put out a'dwe ly' t!s " �fl ;�'�0 T� � rear,to be used 'is a kitchen. TWIN 'r*&wai•bra^ktas rules. Ths rtilbtMd 1J�►*►. �. will be a colts ur¢der the b� wall twlsa hls bm tw to 8L [gabs. till sloes will MakeOf o flea tieas fair "tV er Me ti iter VW wltlt ✓ta@dam Llam' Mess own- 1 betdg;< thaw social meetings ut anar 1"ratt6+jtskltleM Th® laavretr of foals ftt. i riesrds. Qra wpsrt� w fk. . tai, Dec. ltd, at stmt fisatbia w'wr asset s�lWlim s tlws fat a w►' L'�+la.. s gtaraanta, its am Ura. �� greatly �• Lfior+tllf•. , SOL sad Teo&. J. B. } mith, Itev. W.R. MM iekvitatuan wired Ifias satett�i lbs Ito"*matt ■t t1 ptrrlt was OW9,•IL IL LOW14 W. L �•►_ yr ea alalia G,oWernith. not hart W The brute a at La'te+s BMW n Dec. 14. lir the Rev. W. wA the thew Ilwrlk*at l O*" ad AR tfaa sttsllaL Lwh. D. the Itlss Alberta word perry Truett. and the read 1ee�ttag to it *w a iawtalfad So P (Trtwr«"h. D. P. ddnttan. daughter of Mrs. extra'tt. the ttdas�, &IV b W" alsat�d a trusts.. in ptete Sagan f 0, a Raiwtton, and the #stat f Stephen t), 5slnacm lira hale, yr s won oa• wl�d olitresl n washamaS area tits btiia� ,ort of Ll. L.aa�lr*e► Tait3 Lys ivo ASra ,if`i~ the Bound and ltay ahori s„ UM aIf away rule foot. alto where before The teii�sa�riaagC sett Do c; L y � ,r f.�Com' 1. (f. (t. �.; N. Q. There was a heavy allow t+tWtrerf �'thus Mraa#1 Mutt! slant, tfwtlr bestirs sL ,. ;no w► are perfectly perpo dlte+nlar !►tad Cr fd. (;sae+y; V. Q. �.A.L'rtA••; fisc., whrer W. Wren's #tip`%lv W#Akt+r' TMOL, (1811x- was seas biliral again for .ahold in �Vobru- will of c*urso [gave in. [toy Vi w wall W. � Van,0. Inst W.. Cee � Crook and CAM(kesh Re+artyat etin s Vii• '. D. N. [lessen; R» EL carrier,the (saanuel�Weeks,veteran him is "ltwrlr,aai and fi t►atraea ermd Til N. B.41"•r' . L. Lt. ary. nearly n Wood, the su good ase s adrteft many tolasrs of their 1wator. Two of the oysterNs imon o -bolts fl. ta"k, L. 4., Md Steerage; Lt. S. 9.r good will. 1)savis. -- at'C�edar Beach sates swept sway alto M. jr. flgtsatari f.. Lk. 13., J. R. a ut avtnss an to over of ball was !las watrthattaa s gable ew► rdar 3teseih► As sill ltlahkwr•d h goilono fifty years A slid has never credited Mitt# lw",Nssdt. Iia L- its Dartasitorswith less than 4 per cent paint had trees east a# aerates tea lit. del" „ UP interest. and yet has been able to Le., The traits weevil tlgd sap by &Mbilsroard • CoiThe dam 6:0111*1114101 cum aiste a surplus of 12 per cent for and thus were wa0 Sunday trains from Md Oboe BMW.. their protection the west. This train from the city (W as liiw ad a Iii•. The full significance g ancc of the fact that arrived ltsstday afternoon. coming by J'21=f� has fi w bisko the Southold urti ulSavingscareer !hank to all its way of tport, The chief bUxkada lona and Careful[serer hes never credi- h wwo m at.(#trash heat# with ti Imb les, ted depositors with leas than 4 r was on the Hempstead pkairw- "i'tyts lied C.TM7 bs�ditWe bis 1'i0t " cent. intent v 1t1 be appreciated when caused great inconvrnlettea to the mony able week. We had laadbse geld anal" it is recalled that tai city banks have people who 1ta41 ca'rtate hwmw to p;send � night,sad awe TUOM"Monft cut their rates to 2 2 per cent. a tf the tuyllrlays seed wished to return t+�a Principal�and MM Ltul W. Shafer their work In the city. A train lief t to 4VW and the Misses$an 'Welch, will here Mandtay at midnight for the city, a 1 e oWe r* ice this ysPr spend the Christmas vacation at their respeetive homes, Kingston and East and on Tuesday treiria weer.running oat f natant�. hams liloattttteld, N. Y.seem nearly schedule tierna. bits Henry C. (*tela[.has add At[;lover's shop on lrlonda , Frank wifat of l William ,l, Conway, oteal iii' farm�win that artkiy id" owl V Gagen aho(I 17 horses all around in .l3 �4nttt f W t9Na°. �'_". iwway, t- ltd . lit hirer Thomas J. i httlipe of Wr hours, and on Tuesday,lle shod 1g in 10 Primes retains 11)acme*cloth side of the hours. That,a gaging corn for one masa. North Road. Among those here for the Christmas Bank of Southold tr The Trustees of the Southold Public days we noticed Miss Edith Prince The condition of the Bank of South-ipI Library have appointed Miss Elsir f East Orange, N. J., Mrs. Prank L. old, at the close of business, Dec. 31, Hommel Librarian, in place of Miss 1Y Laurence, Misses Harriet and Flor- 1909, is most satisfactory. The Bank Lucy Hallock, resigned. Miss Hommel Van Dusen, Percy I. Bergen,Geo• I opened for business April 13, 1905, and began her new duties this week. This Simons, Frank Gomez, Ray Maier its growth has exceeded the fondest is a most admirable choice, and we are Edward Dickinson of New York, expectations of its stockholders. The sure Miss Hommel will "make good-" ata Ruth Horton, Harry Phillipa of tresources amount to $125,920.70, Fred U. Prince has rented Albertson otal rooklyn, Charles A. Brietstadt of the and the surplus and undividedrofits P Case's house, about to be vacated by Island College of Physicians and are$4,991.77• There are 95 92$,93 on $ � Thomas Fleming. eons, Francis Keeney of Provi- deposit. e, R. I., Joseph B. Hartranft of A very complimentary communication Arthur c Downs has rented A. A. ladelphia Business.College, Mr. and has just been received from the State Folk's place y Horton'a Lane. G. Herbert Terry of Orient, Geo-1 Banking Department,as a result of the North Babylon, Dec. 29, Miss Jane Terry, Jr., of the, Albany Lav;+recent visit of the Bank Examiner. Maria Prince, s native of Southold, i, Miss Elizabeth Terry of Biooml aged 90 years. Burial in Babylon Cemetery. ekl, N. J., Miss Marion S. "ferry of Golden Wedding !Party New ort City, Jan. 4, Wm. Henry L Lawrence University, William Jew- ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Wells, of Helme Moore, of Greenport and New U of Hartford, Ct., William Blair and 226 St. James Place, Brooklyn, former- York City, aged 85 years, 10 months, ily of Orange, N. J., Rev. D. H. ly of Southold, celebrated their golden 21 days. Bursal at the family plot in verton and family of Islip, Elton S. wedding anniversary on last Saturday+Sterling Cemetery. th of Syracuse University, Herbert evening, when they were tendered a' Greenport, Jan. 6, by Rev. Dr. C. A. ells of Wyoming Business College, surprise by their three daughters, Mrs. Jessup, Edward H. Green, of Southold, William Wells of Wyoming Seminary, H. G. Irwin, Mrs. J. C. G. Bonney and and Miss Sarah Jane Raynor, of {� Mrs. A. R. Hot The pleasant func- Greenport. 13r. H. M. Payne of Morgantown,West Hoyt. I P Va.,Benjamin Wells of Amagansett, tion occurred at the home of Mrs. Twenty-Five Years Ago Miss Elizabeth Elmer, Conrad Leicht, Hoyt, 178 Gates Ave. 'The happy cou- R— 2 /— 1 �r -s- LeRoy Goldsmith. ple were warmly congratulated and 4orge Horton Terry was engaged as ceived a present of $50 in gold- The Principal of the Locust Grove school. Southold Savings Bank pleasure of the occasion was augment- At the annual meeting of the South- Ths 10:34 semi-annual statement of ed by the presence of two grandehit- old Lyceum Association, the officers well known institution, the South- dren, Elms, F. and Doris G. Hoyt. were all re-elected. Savings Bank, shows the surplus at The L. 1. R. R. will ran a mid- The M. E. Ladies' Aid elected the pat value to be$514,749.59; at market ,Winter excursion to Brooklyn and Long following officers: Pres., Mrs. H. Jen- value #552,806.38, and at investment Island City on Saturday, Jan. 8• Fare nings; Vice Pres., Mrs. B. T. Payne; value,$x74,267.69. The total assets at for round trip, $1.80. Train leaves See_, Miss Annie Howell; Tress., F. T. par value are$4,856,058.60; at market Southold at 7:09 a. m. and tickets will Wells. value,$4,&14,115.39, and at investment be goad to return on regular trains At the annual meeting of the South- value, $4,915,576.70. The total amount Jan. 8, 9 and 10. old Savings Bank, Jesse G. Case was oe depositors (including interest at 4 1' elected a Trustee in place of Thomas tent to date) is $4,:141,309.01. Mme• bdartfn Lehr is in the city for A. Hallock, deceased. assets of nearly$:'jko,000 and a treatment for falling instep. The following were elected officers of rplus of nearly$600,000, the Southold j Riverdale, New Yark City, Dec o the Universalist Ladies' Society: Pres., viugs Bank is one of the strongest i Mrs. Bridget. Cunningham, sister of a try b'ariks in the United States. Mrs. 'James Carey of Southold, aged 70 Mrs, A. B. Crosby; 1st Pre Pres., cora. Interment at St. Patrick's Mrs. J. H. Ballon; 2d Vice Pres,., Mrs. a officers are conservative business y Southold• H. D. Horton; Sec., Mrs. Flora Ballou; who have the unlimited confidence'''Cemeter , a � �Tress., Mrs. H. H. Huntting. 1' all. While many banks haveI aid Twenty-Five ears go p d L( / Mrs. Wm. H. Horton arrived home, are paying but three and three and L)Mis®Agnes Vail of East Marion after a voyage of ten months around half per cent, the Southold Savings succeeded Willard Ballou as teacher of the world with her husband. lies never paid less than four per HenryC. Phillips of Southampton, t. Southold Town has good reason! the primary department of our public and Miss Evelyn E. Booth were to be proud of its Savings Bank and of school. The hog guessed for at Southold married. i tta Condition, as shown by its 103d; Hotel wed 578 lbs and was won by statement. I ltilrs. Catharino Prince has rotura�ed Mr. Wiighenes of Mattituck and Mr. from a protracted visit in the South t Ninety-tbree horses were shod at Ketcham of Patchogue. Petty's blacksmith shop last week, as pail will do housekeeping Bois ea in the east p Lemuel Whitaker of San Antonio, part of Mr. J. H. 73oissoata's houso os, a result of the icy roads. 'Texas, formerly Principal of Southold 1,Horton's Point Road. 1Cra. Benj. W. Case and daughter Academy, and Miss Clara P. W heeler - a Marion are spending the holidays with of Greenport, a former teacher in tba Henry Fisher finishea his carpentry ]Pam Fanny Case at Franklin, Mass. Southold public school, were married. trade with Geo. W. Smith July 1st,and e then will take charge of his father's On Friday, Mins Miriam Fiekeisen A Evens to A M Salmon, lot W a farm. went to New York, where she will en- Railroad Av, adjacent land M ter Brown's Business 'School. Burns„ 'Southold . . . . . . . . .nom ornton an wife to C tastIan Southold, Jan, 27, S. Bailey Co ',['wen y-Five Years A90 Barnes and wife, 161; acres a s aged 82 years, 3 mos., 7 days. Inter a Avv- 7K — / 2r�S- Main highway, adjacent land J meat at Cutchogue. 2 Mrs. C, N. Severance went to the Thornton, Bay View. . . . . nom interior of the State to attend the —1i -E—Gr-a-thwohl and wife to JSouthold, Feb. 2, at St. Patrick's R. marriage of a brother. C. Church, by Rev. Father Holley,. Lenehan, 28 acres n a North Road, Ernest Clinton Maier and Miss Mary S. O. Salmon shot a wild goose at adjacent land L R Case, Peconic . nom Genevieve Mahoney, oldest daughter of the Sound. Denver, Colo_ Jan. 12, Mrs. Mamie Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mahoney. C. Henckle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Miss Mar . purchased a lot on, Peter A. Gaffga of Southold, aged 40y' F ve Years ,A go , Xwent�-Fi Cottage Place. 14d. Burial at Denver. At a meeting called for the organ- Twenty-Five Years Ago The fhermometer registered zero on ization of a Young Republican Club, Wednesday morning, Dr., Hartranft, J. B. Young and D. T. 5-�s A wire partition was substituted for Conklin were appointed a committee on I Chas./M. Ledyard had the misfortune,the wooden one at the railroad station. constitution and by-laws, and W. H. to cut his foot with an axe. I Chas. E. Overton and George Henry Terry, 0. A. Prince, F. Gomez, W. H. The literary and debating society Terry purchased the Daniel H. Gold- Vail and Geo. C. Terry a committee on was started by the pupils of Southold smith farm. permanent organization. Academy. W. W. Smith )eased the S. B. Corey James Gagen and Miss Mary A. J. C. Booth took the contract to house in the village for a clothing store. O'Neil were married. erect a house for Miss Mary Dunkel on Rev, J. H. Ballou read an orginal I her lot at Cottage Place. temperance poem at the meeting of the School Closed Miss Carrie M. Hutchinson arrived Southold Temperance Society. At a meeting of the Board of Edu- home from Chicago, after a year's Deacon Charles T. Cheater of Shelter cation held Saturday evening, it was absence. Island, home missionary of the Presby- voted to close school for one week, Richard Carpenter, resigned as sexton terian Church, was laboring officially because of the extremely irregular of the Presbyterian church, after many at Southold. attendance brought about by the scarlet years' service. H. N. Booth was__ -winter's 1:oldest UaY fever scare. It was decided that the elected in his place. Pdon3ay was the coldest day of the school building should be thoroughly The first two months of winter were1 iiit—er. The mercury took a sudden w' fumigated. This was done last Mon- remarkable for absence of snow. drop Sunday afternoon and night, and day. School will reopen Monday, Jan. Capt. 0. E. Prince sold his farm on,t,Monday morning thermometers regis- o 31. A full attendance is expected at Rred from 1 to 4 below zero. To add the Northad to Wm. B. Dalston of that time. Term examinations will be to he discomfort, the wind blew a held in the Hi h. School and y. gEighth New York Cit1 goale, and it was almost impossible to Grade Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 31 Terry Bros. completed filling their keep warm, even in houses, with th and Feb. 1. In the other grades the ice house at Great Pond. best of fires going. The icy blasts examinations will be Wednesday, The statement of the Southold Sav- penetrated everywhere. The cold wave Thursday and Friday of next week. ings Bank showed total assets of came from Alaska. Fortunately it wo Any pupil absent from the examination $1,118,443.37, and a surplus at market of short duration, and Tuesday was in any subject without a good excuse value of$146,087.77. beautiful dqy. The people are con- 'signed by his parents will be marked Andrew Sebuhultz and Miss Dora vinced that the ground-hog was right zero in that subject. Overton were married. when he sneaked back into his burrow E, W. SHAFER, Prin. A Young Republican Club was formed on Wednesday last and settled down to Amateur Poultry Raising with the following officers- Pres., enjoy another six weeks of sleep. MR. EDITOR:—As the time is ap. Wm. H. Terry; Vice Pres., W. H Charles E. Terry of Bay View.James preaching for the Farmers' Institute Glover, Geo. L. Penny, R. V. A. Fitz, to meet in Southold, we shall probably A. R. Vail; Cor. See., Chas. G. Corey; Henry Young of orient, Dr, B. D. Rec. See., B. L. Prince; Treas., M. B. Skinner and L. T_ Butler of Greenport hear some experts on poultry raising. have returned from their trip to the Perhaps it would interest some of your Van Dusan. South, where they visited many of he readers to see some figures from an amateur poultry raiser in Southold. I Albert T. Dickerson and family have places familiar to them when they here submit the following figures: moved into their pleasant new home on were members of the 127th Regiment. Beckwith Ave. Chas. A. Booth and They had a fine time and enjoyed the From 80 fowl in 1908: family will occupy the rooms at Mrs. trip from first to last. EggsCost Net Beckwith's vacated by Mr. Dickemon. dolens of feed profits I Southold, Feb. 6, at the residence of 471 $77.42 $122.00 C E Terry and wife to L Keden- the bride, by Rev. Dr. Epher Whitaker, From 80 fowl in 1909: burg, lot cor Cottage place and Albert Albertson Folk and Miss Lucy Eggs Cost Net Korn av, adj land of L W Korn, Hailock. at St. Augustine's of feed profits Southold . . . . . . . . . . . . . nom Brooklyn, Feb. 2 dozens R. C. Church, by the Rt. liev. Mgr. p 585 $70.00 A $163,00� Southold, Jan. 26, by Rev. Wm. H. W. McCarty, John Kenney, of South- N. B.-ibis statement is not fishy. Lloyd William Louis Gaffga, of Green- old, and Miss Nellie O'Neill, of Brook. NATHAN DAVIS— port, Luc!Miss Martha Jane Berry, of Iva. Southold. Twenty-F' e Years Ago ArtburM_.Te'rryson of Ur. A. 91;,4, 1 F_- / 4J2s,, -,L-a— / Y 1 -6— Terry of Patchogue, and a. student at N. H. Cleveland went to Washing- Thomas A. Terry bought Martin the College of Physicians and Surgeons ton, D. C., to be present at Grover Goldsmith'3 rights in the North Sea of New York, has distinguished himself Cleveland's inauguration as President. Commonage, by standing at the head of a class of P. H. Cantermen went to New York F. T. Wells, with a flock of 80 hens, one hundred and sixty in the competitive had since Dec. lat sold eggs to the examinations for appointment to hos- City to attend the funeral of his brother, Charles Cantermen. average amount of$5 00 per week. 1pital work. The examinations were Mrs. M. Magee was called to Green- Four inches of snow fell and there held by the three leading New York was good sleighing. hospitals. Mr. Terry had his choice of point on account of the serious illness Long Island Sound was frozen as far assignments and chose the Presbyterian of her brother, Rev. Father Murphy, as the eye could reach. James Thomp- Opital. His friends here who recog- Undertaker Win. H. Terry stated son walked out on the Sound over half P"e"and delight in his ability and social that the funerals of the last four a mile• harm rejoice in his splendid achieve- persons be attended footed up to 333 Mrs. Henry Williams and family ment. Mr. Terry will commence hospi- years, or an average of 831 yearp. returned home, after spending the tal work July 1—Patebogue Advance. Fred W. Carpenter retired from the winter in the city. firm of S. Freeman & Co., dealers in Geo.- H. Niver, Esq., gave a fine Letters of adininistration on the gram and flour, New York City. temperance address. estate of the late Minnie F. Conklin, The following were elected officers of I is of Peconic, were granted to husband, Banner,Lodge, I. 0. G. T.: C. T., J. Sam'l Dickerson, J. E, Corey, L. W. A Richniond Conklin; value of e..9- B.Young; V. T., Mrs. D. T. Conklin; Korn, H. W. Simons, F. T. Wells, A. .tate, $10,000. Sect, D.T. Conklin; Fin. See., B. B. T. Dickeron, H. F. Van Wyek, Chas. Tuthill; Treas., P'. H. Cantermen; T. Gordon and Sinclair Smith attended Brooklyn, Feb. 24, Caroli Chaplain, GeD, R. Jennings; Mar the Long Island Dinner at the Hotel Zitinger of Brooklyn,) wife of .' Frank Teague; Sen., E. D. Scott; G., Astor, N. Y. City, last Saturday even- King, formerly of Southold, aged about 24 years Mrs. W. H. Terry. 5 Ing, Twenty-Five Years Ago In 1894 there were in Southold Town, Southold, Feb. 21, John Quarty, aged /,%? _ 0 0 outside vy tside of the incorporated village of 59 years, 3 months. J. K. orbees bought the farm Greenport, 102 births, 43 marriages Twenty-Five Years Ago lately belonging to Daniel H. Gold- and 68 deaths. X, k7, — / smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunkel celebrated Capt. and Mrs. John Dunker-cele- Frank Simons was about to open a their silver wedding. brated their silver wedding. butcher shop at the old stand of J. Mrs. Elias Richmond died, aged 84 N. W. Godfrey purchased the North Horton Case. years. Sea Commonage of the seven owners, Lawyer Ira H. Tuthill, Jesse G. Mrs. Jeannette White died, aged 88 for $1,000. Mr. Godfrey expected to Case, J. B. Terry, H. W. Prince, Dr. years. start a gravel business. J. M. Hartranft and M. B. Van Dusen Joseph H. Thompson purchased the left for a Southern trip to New Orleans, Eugene Kahl and Miss Emilie Garbet Voorhees farm on the North Road, for F. D. Schaumburg moved his jewelry were married. $2,500. business from Patchogue to Greenport. Rev. Abram Conklin resigned his A —Tro-MM, son re a, him S.Lester Albertson has returned pastorate at Reading, Pa., on account Mrs. nnX from New Cwinan, Ct., greatly bene- of his health. granddaughter Anna returned on Mon- re ha to state. The price of potatoes advanced to 60 day from a six months' trip to Ger- many, Switzerland, Italy and other MM WM. H. Gardiner his sold her cents per bushel. Jamespo 3rt. foreign countries. They report a am to Frank L. Wells of James ort. Star of Hope Juvenile Temple was splendid time. Much of it was spent a shall be very glad to welcome Mr, instituted here by Geo. H. Nivea, with in Mrs. Hommel's old home in Ger- Mrs. Wells back to Southold- nineteen charter members. The fol-i lowing officers were installed- C T I many, which she left when a girl. C. ' � A Gardiner to F L Wells, 38 K. Terry has purchased of the Willie Billard; V. T., Emma Boisseau; acres e a highway leading to Bay W. Tuthill Estate the house in See., Fred G. Prince; F. S., AbbidView, adjacent land of J Breitstadt; he now resides. Teague; Treas., Mabel Boisseau; Chap-'also 1J acres w s Goose Creek, ad- Maier has sold nine acres of lain, Lydia Horton; Mar., Willie Clark; incerit.land G M Howell; also 10i S.'r acres e s South Harbor Lane., ad- south side of the Main Road, to G., Lucy Vail; S., Fred Quarty; A. jacent land Benj. Adams, South- E. Booth. Lulu Conklin; D. M., Lottie Cleveland; old . R. H. S., Lizzie Billard; L. H. S., Ahwhead. Jan. 8, by Rev. S' ysia- Ella Gardiner; P. C. T., Isaac Billard, H. M. Hawkins has purchased of Bruno wolgo, of Southold, and Jr.; Superintendent, Mrs. J. B. Young; Mrs. Lucy Gomez the store property Julia Garocka. of Greenport- Executive Committee, Mrs. J. L. occupied by F. Fickeissen. Air. Haw- Id. Feb. 16, Jacob, son of Mr. Conklin, Mrs. A. R. Vail, Mrs. W. C. Albertsonkine will continue to occupy the store Fred Dries, aged 11 years. . �1 he is now in. Feb.11—folia it 1 wite of The to S. Bailey Corey farm has been Mr. and M Greeley, who have Eo'd to John H. Lehr, through the been living in Greenport for the past agency of E. Leicht. five years, have returned to Southold. the will d, the late o Bailey orgy, The nomination of Moses T. Horton Pmt of Southold, was probated lkfonday. Archie Young of Green - The estate is valued at $7,500. The for reappointment as Postmaster of chased of Mrs. Anna Hoaamel a following bequests are made: To J. Southold has been confirmed by the ing lot on Hommel Ave., 190 f Edward Corey, $800, and to his wife, U. S. Senate. of Boisseau Ave, Mr. You a Betsey Corey, $lOq and to Bertha Her Corey, $200; to William C. Albertson, having radb rt e s si! returns Dome, build a house for his own Deco uated from the Wyoming the near future. S. Lester Albertson and Albert W. Business College. Wenty- ve Years Albertson,$1,000, to be divided equally; The will of John Quart:y-of Southold, / to nephew, George B. Corey, $300, and probated Monday, with Jesse L, Utse An earthquake was felt v to nieces, Amanda Horton, Sarah E. 11ppoaring for the estate, leaves an ceptibly on this part of Long Is Drake and Phebe J. Randall,$200 each• estate of$15,013 to the use of the widow Rev. George Taylor was at to Frances A. Wells,$300,and to Grace until the youngost child is 21 years of the New York East Conference. W, Wells, $100; to Seney Hospital, age, after which the widow is to ne— W C. Albertson purchased of J. Brooklyn, $200,and$200 to use for care ceive the income from }10,00()so long Champlin of Greenport the yp of Core lot in Cutcho ue Cemetery, as she remains testator's widow, and lot just west of Mrs. C.A.Goldsmi All the remainder of the estate is given the balance is to'be divided aencmg the Frank S. Teague took A.Iters to J. Edward Corey and William Corey childre. who get all of the est tte farm for the.season. , R Albertson, share equally. The ex- later. Time will provided that if any of Potatoes were selling for 50 cen t testator's heirs tried to set aside the bushel. eeutora of the estate are J. EdwardnotreeeivB a vent Corey, 'William Corey Albertson and of thleeeta.te. as �ill��was ex cutF I Oliver B. Carey was nomi A Lester Albertson. Aug. 12, 1801, and witnessed by H. H, the no-license candidate for =i_ Huntting and A. T. Dickerson. Commissioner. Twenty-Five Years A O Town Clerk Cochran registe 1 Twenty-Five Years Ago Rev. J. H. Ballou moved into J. /"4 V. 2 5`— / — births, 74 deaths and 43 marring Southold Town received $4,071 public, the Town, outside of Greenport, Singley's house on Bay Avenue. school money. past year. Capt. 0. E. Prince purchaser)of Joho Robert L. Hadley's mother died at The bills audited against Sou Wolfe his house and lot on Cottage her home in Riverhead. Town the past year amounted Place for$1,700. The cantata of Esther was to be $1,642.68. H. H. Lewis and Frank Gomez repre- sung in the Presbyterian church on Austin B. Booth died, aged 50 yeam sented Southold Lodge, I. 0, 0. F., at Easter evening. Among those who Michael Gagen, Sr., died. were to take part were Geo. Horton the District Grand Committee meeting ,w'Harry,„oc Mrs. A. A. Sooner, D. Y. The Republicans made the following at Babylon, 13alloek, Mies. Jennie Wood, Wm. L. nominations for Town offices: Super William 0. Williamson of South- Elmer, Miss Elsie Elmer, 0. F. Payne, visor, John F.,Booth; Town Clerk, ampton and Miss Fannie B. Mosier of Frank and Charles Hommel, Cortland Wm H Vail; Justice of Peace, Charlra Centreville, both former residents of Case' Howard and Daniel Hallock, Misses Mary Cleveland, Annis Billard, E. Glover; Assessors, Marcus B.Brown,. Southold, were married. Lidie and Helen Howell and Addie Wm. W. Sterling; Overseers of Poor, Rev. Abram Conklin addressed the Wiggins. Henry W. Halsey, Chas, H. Gould; Southold Temperance Society. Egbert V. Strong of Greenport and ,Commissioner of Highways, Robert V. Miss Mamie S. Terry of Peconic were J. C. Eustace will not occupy s married_ A. Fitz; Collector, Elbert W. Taber; country home at Southold this season, Alexander H. Overton died, aged 52 Game Constable, Leonard S. Tuthill;, years. Constables, John D. Cleveland, Elias we are sorry to state. He feels that it The Prohibitionists made tjie falIaw is necessary for him to spend the sum- ing nominations: Supervisor, John W. P. Jennings, Henry Gatfga, Arthur W. mer nearer his place of business. Wm, Duryea; Town Clerk. Wallace A. Tuthill, Warren L. Tuthill. t1 ' A. Cochran will occupy the Eustace Clark; Justice, E. Irving Rackett; The Democratic ticket was as follows: Assessors, Seth L. Tuthill, S. Bailey' Supervisor, Henry A. Reeves; Town place for a time. Corey; Overseers of Poor, Henry - ” 'r gFordham and Joel C. Howell: Com- Clerk, Wm. A. Cochran; Justice, E. 7<. Gen A Maier an wife o missioner of Highways, Daniel Y. Hal- Irving Rackett; Assessors, Orange D. tido V Booth, 9J acres a a Main South lock, Game Constable, Monroe Baldwin; Petty, Selden B. Case: Overseers of Road, adjacent land of Mrs Stuart Collector, Frank J. Tuthill; Constables, Terry, Southold . . . . . . . . . nom Oscar F. Tuthill, H. Fletcher Fordham, Poor, John W. Burns, Evelyn Jackson; Cts M Phillips and husband to A H P. H. Cantermen, Benj. A. HortonCommissioner of Highways, James U Taylor, lot 4, map property G W Charles Aldrich; Inspectors, Wm. G. Cassidy; Collector, David A. Petty,; Phillips, Pine Neck, Southold. . .nom Wilcox, Geo. A. Tuthill, J. Willard Game Constable, George Brown; Con Preston, W. H. Gridfing, Wm. H. stables, Cicero T. Terry, Henry N. ` Moses Taylor has purchased a build- Beebe, Geo. H. Wells, Geo. H. Case, Young, Oscar L. Wells, Chas. H. p .' ing lot of G. W. Phillips on Pine Neck Wm. Satterly; Excise Commissioner,' Horton, Thos. H. Reeve. and will build a residence there this Austin B. Tuthill. Theo. W. Horton was nominated for i sarin License Commissioner of Excise. Mrs. Louisa Sears has moved into W. I. Hagerman and family, of Brooklyn, arrived Tuesday and will the rooms over J. E. Coe hran°s stare, make their permanent home at their B. T. Payne has been appointed .,� vacated by Lawrence Stelzer. place on Boisseau Avenue. ._ _ census enumerator for this election Lawrence Stelzer and family left on district and will commence his du Tuesday for Laurel, where Mr. Stelzer Southold, March 24, Mary, widow ` has leased Mrs, s' farm. James Carey ing po pro a y , an attituc , Ernest Lelcht will give a lect :18.86. Shirley's Hotel was probably ure in New Principal j Fligh School Belmont Hall on Saturday evening, Ata meeting of the Board of Edu- our post office, and Barnabas Wines April 16. Subject: "The Wise and the cation on Wednesday evening*, it was brought the mail on horseback twice a Foolish." Music will be furnished by voted to invite Archie W. Symonds, week and it was all dumped in a box in the Southold Cornet Band. Admission, +distant Principal of the Greenport the tap room and everybody helped 25 cents. Doors open at 7:30. Band, High School, to become Principal of themselves. begins to play at 8. our High School, in place of Prin. E. The John H. Young farm at Ba Oh,dear me l We can't but arrleve W. Shafer,who has accepted a position For thegood.old tunes olAdam and I've." d lay Edwin H. Brown, h ao Principal of the ,Mamaroneck Hig Twenty-Five Years Ago been sold View, owned a Clarence Whitman of Ne Othool. Mr. Symonds is a graduate o >4.6 v'° / `ice` Rochester university, has had expert The receipts of the Town Meeting York City. Mir. Young will continu' as a district school teacher and ii dinner and social in the M. E. church to occupy it for the present, as h` night schools of Rochester, and fotbasement were over$100. lease has not expired. Past two ears has been Assistant C. M.Ledyard was shipping potatoes. Through the real estate agency of Prof. D. P. Horton was at home on cip al of the Greenport school. Mr,Tuesda It had been 35 ears since Thomas Farley,the Smith Simons farm, onds has a fine reputation both ache had passed a Town Meeting day in occupied by Thos. D. Baird, has been. man and a teacher. Southold. sold by the Tumbridge Realty Co. to All invitation was extended to Mise On Town Meeting the Greenport and Geo. H. Riley of Mattituck. slab to take the Eighth Grade Southold nines had a game of base ball Wm. A Williams has leased of A. M. art, at an advanced salar on the grounds of Wells Bros., result- on, ing in a score of 13 .to 4 in favor of 'Salmon the store now occupied by H. Southold. M. Hawkins. Mr. Williams will not The will of Jane 11. Prince of Ri by- The Presbyterian choir began to occupy the same until next spring, who is known in Southold t `vn, 'practice on the cantata of Ruth, to be ted Wedne.- �", disposes of mi given for the benefit of the Soldiers' when Mr. Hawkins' lease expires. to of$6.000. gibing all of tlic l,rul,_ Monument Fund. The opening exercises at the New f to a uun,l, r of naec ,s and Steamer W. W. Coit began to make Parish House of the Presbyterian i ws. After specifying articles of trips to the city. Church will take place next Sunday at a eIry and siiver etre to a number of Rev. George Taylor was again as- 12 noon. n relative,she gives the, residuo to signed as pastor of the M. E. church. Dr. and A large vote was polled at Town Mrs. J. W. Stokes are visit- rge s Prince. 13,nj 30. Prince, Meeting. Henry A. Reeves (Dem.) ink: frierais in Easthampton. We are j. L,.Prcnoe, l It. '+t,lc y, Carrie rie ,defeated John T Booth (Rep.) for glad that Dr. Stokes has recovered from 3 staler,Emik- 1 Dir kuy, 1Jmcwy B, Supervisor by 124 majority. Wm. A. bis attack of scarlet fever r,$attic i1 (_„uklin, and Helen Cochran (Dem.) defeated Wm. H. Peconic, April 3, Benjamin F. pore,, Abe equally The will was wii,- Vail (Rep. for Town Clerk by 82 aged 70 years. ` by Geo. 1'. u ekpole and Willis majority. The Republicans elected Peconic, April 1, Miss Matilda Moore;,. a Terry,both of lttverhea,l. Chas. E. Glover, Justice of the Peace; ed 89 years. Interment at Cut- Prohatbly few, if any, in Mattituck Marcus B. Brown, Assessor; Henry W. rogue. r. Halsey, Overseer of Poor; Robert V. d l; as Well posted along historical and A. Fitz, Commissioner of Highways; Pittsburg, Pa., April 3, Charles H. l phical lines as Theo. F. Miller of Elbert W. Taber, Collector; John D. Merrill, formerly place Southold, whore place,and to his unerring memory Cleveland and Elias P. Jennings, Cop- interment took place on Thursday, py rich fund of knowledge the writer stables. The Democrats elected Selden about 59 Years- rich deeply indebted for the est L' Case, Assessor; Evelyn Jackson, Washington, D. C., March 30,Charles ELS p y p Overseer of Poor; Oscar L. Wells, Wright Terry, brother of Mrs.42Charl s V. decades. Our post office now car- Chas. H. Horton and Thomas H. Reeve, E. Overton of Southold, ag y e three members on its force, with Constables. Theodore W. Horton Benj. core, age , years,of econ ,g: ons quarters, lock boxes and (License) was elected Excise Com- comu itted suicide Sun,4ay lay hangin boxes almissioner. The Prollibition Town ticket delivery y gore and a polled about 90 votes. The total ex- himself in his barn. His wife faun E. T. D. to boot, with receipts well in penses of the Town were $3,229.54. his remains. Two weeks ago be tried D thtaueaade. Miller says that in a Thecopying and printing of the two to die in similar faslriou, but was clic from the Postmaster General volumes of the Southold Town Records covered.just as lie was putting the rol of were completed. The work had been around M4 neck, transmitting a statement >n;, in progress for six years. The coin- 1es the net amount of postage accruing mittee to charge consisted of J. Wick- The new bridge over Goose Creek each poet office in the country for barn Case, Stuart T. Terry and Rev. Channel is completed and people going )n- year ending March 31, 1886, shows Dr. Whitaker for Southold Town, and to and from Bay View can now go that �n- y g H. H. Benjamin, Geo. F. Stackpole N. following to have been the receipts and S. Terry Hudson for Riverhead way” This new road through Oak H. various Long Island offices for the Town. The Ladies' Monumental Union Lawn Ave. over Jockey Creek bridge, year: Jamaica, $164.27; Hunt- was authorized to erect a Soldiers' through Pine Neck, over Goose Creek for $84.50; Suffolk Court House Monument at Budd's Park, Southold. bridge and through Bay View makes The sum of$300 was appropriated for Riverhead), $3.4.40; Wading Riv- the purchase of a new safe for the one of the prettiest drives in the Town, $274; Cutchogue, $10.20; Jericho, Town Clerk's office. and we expect to see property develop .ed 07; Jerusalem, $1,27; Oyster Bay, The new Board of Supervisors con- along the road. 00 Oyster Pond (Orient), $25.32• sisted of seven Republicans and three ies IEltthogue, $24.31; Southold, $35.35; Democrats. Shelter Island, East Wm. N. Carey has moved into L. L. 06 (account its whal- Hampton, Southampton,Islip, Babylon, Glover's house on Hammel Ave. Harbor, $117. Riverhead and Huntington went Re ' ;- publican, and. Southold, Brookhaven 11Y m. A. Cochran andfamily hav sod S moved into J. C. Eustaces s residence. Merrill—A telegram was received! I Twenty-Five Years g,gq soutnoin Longevity MR. EDITOR:—One of the things Suf- here by relatives Sunday night that Charles H. Meri-M, of Coraopolis. The,Juvenile Temple bad 68 members. folk County is noted for is the longev- W. C. Albertson loaded two cars:,ity of its inhabitants. nearPittsburg, Pa., formerly of with potatoes, at 50 cents. Your mattituck correspondent gave Greenport, had of suffered a stroke A petition was being circulated to a very remarkable list of octogenarians apoplexy and that he was in a crib- make Southold a money-order post in that village. cal condition. His brother, Harry Southold can do a little better, for W. Merrill, took the next train for office. of Brooklyn, was there is within the limits of the post Pittsburg but the sick man died be- Charles L. Frost, office district the following list of Per- fore his brother reached his bedside. to spend the summer at Southold. Bons who are 80 years old and over,and Charles Merrill used to live in South- Miss Jessie K. Payne opened her three of them are over 90. old and Greenport but has spent the new spring millionery. Seth L.Tuthill, J. A. Goldsmitb,Rev. The first annual contest for prizes byDr. Epher Whitaker, Henry Beebe, last 27 years away from his native the students of Southold Academy, G. Wells Phillips, William Harrison, town. He was an occasional 'Visitor under Prin. C. N. Severance, took J. H. Boisseau, Capt. William Horton, to the place of his birth, and the place at Belmont Hall. The contestants Conrad Adams, Benjamin Adams, MtL scenes of his childhood days. He in recitation were Maud Fithian, Susie Lydia Tuthill, Mrs, Nancy Tuthill,Mrs. was 50 years of age and was never Fordham, Mamie Cleveland, Helen I Helen Huntting, Mrs. Julia Jennings, married. The funeral took place at Howell, Addie Wiggins, Anna Prince Mr, Jacob Tuthill, . Mrs. Emily Simons, Southold Thursday afternoon and and Elsie Elmer. Miss Elmer won Miss Sophronia Goldsmith, Miss Nettle the interment—was in the family plot first prize; Miss Prince, second, and Goldsmith, Miss Helen Horton, Mrs. Miss Howell, third. The contestants in Eli Horton, Miss Mary Jane in that village. There survive him, A declamation were Chas. P. Elmer, 'Corwin, 19. Fanny Wood. III h a mother, Mrs. Charles Merrill, and Frank Overton and Eugene Conklin. Pive Years A90tl these brothers and sisters: Mrs. and Mr. Twenty-li Mr. Conklin won first prize, . -,I- 1('� L. T. Butler, Mrs. T. Frank Price, Overton, second. In the debate Willard mer principal Of Jr., Harry W.Merrill, of Greenport; Ballou won first prize, and Chas. L. W. S. Bennett, a for Mrs. George S. Prince of Southold; Case, second. The other debaters were the Southold school, was taking J course in the medical departmenl� of Mrs. T. W. Mason Of Brooklyn; Eugene Conklin and Frank Overton. c of the City of New Yrl'. t John C. Merrill, of New York.V+ The judges were Rev. Dr. Whitaker, the University h opened a clothing store 7 Rev. J. H. Ballou and Jesse G. Case, W. W. Smit e George -Warren Young resigned as on declamation; Mrs. M. B. Van Dusen, just West of the M. E. church. foreman of the Torrent StOaMOT9 Miss Mary H. Huntting and Miss Corey &Sturges completed work oil Greenport.Fire Department,Tuesday Minnie E. Terry, on recitation, and the new house of D. W. Grattan 00 evening on account Of his Physic%' Rev. Geo. Taylor, H. W. Prince and Railroad Av. Henry Waterman purchased the J. inability properly to lead the coin- D. Y. Hallock, on debate. A. Goldsmith Place in the eastern part pany of fire fighters to their duty. f the village. He has all admirable record,and one. Presbyterian Parish House 0 Peter Mahoney of Oregon and Miss p eclipse. He has Last Sund Letitia Hannabury of Bay View were that is not easy to e gal the new Parish House been foreman Of th"ecomPau"O"' for of the Presbyterian church was formally married. 4.5 yea's,; daring the 25 years that opened, with special services. Short __M groun C, were made by the pastor, Albert broken nt Engi�ac Co. has been in ex- addresses 0 Torre Mattie A. house on maple Avenue. istence, he has be011 the forenoon 24 Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd, Miss for his new house, Colonial E. G: Beebe,E. D. Cahoon It is to be a brick years. He has been a volunteer fire Wells, Mrs. F - an WY will do W -3 and Dr. J. 1-1. Marshall. Several songs design. Boss H- F. V 85 R. S. -Inan for 61 years and has also served were sung by the junior members Of the mason work and Bo gi I k lentaschief. Mr.Young School. The benediction Sturges, the carpenter work. the department June. the Sunday S the Rev. Dr. noticed in last week's Al will b6 78 years old in One of was pronounced by MR. EDITOR:-1 his proud possessions is a, uniform, Whitaker. TRAVELER among the names of South- on the sleeve of the coat, appearing The Parish House is very nicely and old old people who were 80 years oid, twelve stripes, representing 6(1 years conveniently arranged. There are two over, my ing with folding and some who were 90 and 0 Of active service as a fire fighter. rooms in front, connect Now I think your cor- nd a large kitchen in the rear. own name. It just a little Previous- Mx. Young is 90in-9 to the Southern doors, a s will be occupied by, respondent "H am old, and I never Now York VoluutefL3T F'renion's The front room . It. S. C. E. I don't deny that I t I reaft the Sunday School, the Y as ashamed of my age, bu et the -in rt next fall. The social _re, mdt Vnt[Ireel)o already shown and for prayer meetings. don't want to be 80 until 1 9 as. ueller has f the church will also be my that he intends to give Southold an functions o so don't burry Old Father Time on up-to-date barber shop. In further held there. by Boss R. S. account, for I have quite a few Years proof of this, he has secured Henry The work was done yet before I get to that venerable age. Seymour, of the staff of the St. Denis Sturges. Yours respectfully, Hotel, N. Y. City, to man the second Our Presbyterian friends are to be EMILY M. SIMONS congratulated on their finely appointed family have chair. His patrons say Mr. Seymour Parish House. Richard Hogan and Is a first-class workmww�,_4__ i Fithian place. ive Y ears Ago South Norwalk, Ct., Apiil ir-Alvah MR. EDITOR:—Although we may have Tuthill, formerly of Southold, aged 62 lost two from our list of people of W.Coit made three trips years• eighty years old and over, I think we to the city. Cutchogue, April 4, John Bush, aged can replace them by adding the names Boollibegan, the erection of a 46 years. Cutchogue, April 19, Ellen J., wife of Richard Griswold and wife. Margaret oa Cottage Place for Miss Mary of Charles Garvey and daughter of Griswold; also Mrs. Julia Hutchinson. Patrick Burns, formerly of Greenport, Should Mr. and Mrs.Griswold live until Lewis Williams was occupying aged 52 ears, 10_—nnths, 21 days. September, 1910, they will have com- Badiok residence for the summer. Twenty-Fivo Years Ago �picted 63 years of married life, �*L tad Mrs. U. N. Gordon left for f - , COL Georlte Quarty was at Southold for In response to the petition, the ang Jmw improvements were made about the summer. Island Island Express on June let will install a Park. Rev. John Brien filled the pulpit of a free delivery service, which will be TW 66th anniversary of Odd Fellow- the M. E. church. maintained during the entire year. in America was celebrated by The Academy was closed on account This will be greatly appreciated by all Lodge. About sixty were'of an outbreak of measles. t. Prayer was offered by Rev. J. W. Huntting was re-appointed _11%'enry L.Jewell has engaged Wallace Conklin, Mrs. Prince and Mrs. Postmaster at Southold.Jacob Gaffga, formerly of Southold, Mervin as assistant in his meat market, TA Dom sang a duet,Albertson Case, died at Port Jefferson. in place of Clifford Prince, who will go sq, gave an interesting historical The following were elected officers of as fireman on steamer Menantic. — - speeches were made by Rev. Star of Hope, Juvenile Temple: C. T., John E�Owri and ami y are to move Conklin,Rev. J. H. Ballou and B. Willie Billard; V. T., Emma Boisseau; to Jamesport, where Mr. Brown has Van Scoy, Mr. and Mrs. Prince and See., Mamie Fordham; Asst. See., secured a position on Mr. McLaughlin's Annis Billard; F. S., Eleanor Young; and Mrs. Van Dusen sang a duet. Treas., Grace Payne; Chaplain, Lydia summer place. After the program a fine supper was Horton; Mar., Willie Clark; D. M., Clara Horton; G.,Minnie Simons; Sen., Through the real estate agency of E. Ernest Boisseau; R. H. S., L,1*7.z*le I Leieht, Henry M. Beebe has sold his &&mrd F. Lewis and Miss Emma J. Billard; L. H. S., Ella Gardiner; . I farm to John H. Young. of Mattituck were married. Organist, Mabel Boisseau; P. C. T.: Banner Lodge, I. 0. G. T., elected Isaac Billard. I Boas J. E. Corey is making improve- tbe following officers: C. T., Rev. J. The Commissioners of Excise organ- ments on Mrs. J. L. Conklin's property B.Ballon; V. T., Miss Hannah Car- ized by electing Joshua W. Terry as on Town Harbor Lane. ter;Sec., Mrs. D. T.Conklin; F. S., chairman and Antone Krancher as secretary and treasurer. License fees Robert Carey is now freight agent at Tuthill;Tress., P. H.Cantermen; were fixed as follows: Inn-keepers', the depot, and Mr. PbilliPFJ is at the Plab, Mrs. W. H. Terry; Mar., H. $60; store-keepers', $30,- ale and beer, passenger station.. Simons; I. G., Miss Jessie Payne; $10. G., Mrs.J. B. Young. Potatoes were selling for 60 cents. Walter Lane, of Manorville, is clerk- t —&db=-- At the annual session of the Presby- ing for F. T. Wells. Ilei getting up from bed Sunday night,— terian Sunda School, Elder Stuart T. Sunday Terry resigned the office of Super- Nathaniel Wells has hired L. L. is Julia Jennings fell and broke her intendent, after filling it most accept- Her family heard her fall and ably for over 25 years. Prin. Chas. N. Glover's house on Hommel Ave. to her assistance and Dr. Hart- Severance was elected as his successor, Peconie, April 30, at the residenceof t was summoned. This is a great with Howard W. Hallock as Vice the brides parents, Mr. and - Floyd W. Vail, by Rev. F. G. I. Superintendent. Miss Mary I Hunt be of ipforMrs. Jennings, who is a ting was re-elected Treasurer; Miss Cutchogue, Frank Wesley Fanning, of active woman, and she has the Martha A. Wells,Missionary Treasurer; Southold, and Miss Alcia Vail. Sympathy Of the community, in 0. F. Payne, Librarian, and Eugene irkich she is so justly esteemed for her Conklin and Melrose 1. Booth, Assist- Cutchogue, April 27, Miss Mary ants. Agnes Shalvey,aged 21 years, 1 month, works. A permanent, society for Decoration 9A d Idsmitb-&-T-Mill are to put—up Day observance was formed with Jesse East Hampton, April 28, Benjamin G. Case as president; M.B.Van Dusen, H. Van Scoy, a former Principal of the her building, 20x40, for the use of secretary; Geo. G. Wells, floral corn- Southold Public School, in his 52d year. Long Island Potato Exchange, to mittee; D. Y. Hallock, Mrs. A. F. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Byron, Mrs. situate just east of the present Ex- Lowerre, Miss M. Louise Prince, Miss Littell, Harold Byron and Miss Rush- e building. The track will also May Horton, J. B. Young and M. B. Van Dusen, music committee. it was more spent the latter part of last week ex I tended as far east as Geo. C. decided to hold the literary exercises m at Cabin Paradise. Mr. and Mrs. s building. year and Byron have purchased a lot, 300 ft. r the Universalist church this omas J. Phillips has sold ten acres invite Rev. J. H. Ballou to make the front on the bay, of Mrs. Maria J. the H. C. Prince farm, that h address. Rev. Dr. Whitaker and Rev. Hallock. Boss Ge©. W. Smith it, to e Geo. Taylor were invited to.assist. y tly purchased,to R.K.Valentine of -M commence work immediately on a tic City, N. J. The land lies on Mrs. Win. 0. Salmon, L. W. Korn, bungalow, which they will occupy this i H. W. Simons and F. E. Booth attend- summer. Sound and Sound View Ave. m. J.Conway has rented his saloon ed the funeral of Beni. H. Van Scoy rs. Maria J. Hallock has Bold a lot, ty on Railroad Ave. to David C. on Sunday. It was the largest funeral 350 ft. front on the bay, next north of of Greenport, possession to be ever held in East Hampton, a thousand Rev. Dr. Kent's, to Lawyer Jenkins of ve May lat. Mr. Conway will re, people being present. 2), v,�,-k Z M hiLL6' Brooklyn. He will build a$4,000 house r -plaea an Hoton's Lane. on it this fall. xl Twen Ve ears LAgo an nse ouse estroye up . ee eomm /V ✓ i(Y-16___ A b.It.1'(fig 1,�u The Suny Schools were preparing Ing struok the Alan oil our streets the latter part of last, for Children's Day. hanset House, Shelter Island, at about week. The North and South Roads '0 W E. G. Terry moved into the Me- 1:8 Wednesday-morning and started as and the principal cross streets are to be Cormick house. fire, that completely destroyed this foiled. The oil is not very pleasant J. H. Cochran put a new upright famous hotel. when it is first put on, but it will lay piano in Belmont Hall. 811elle,Island and Greenport firenien the dust and preserve the road bed. Joseph Gomez was granted a pension. (lid everything possible to subdue the Mrs. Florence A. Merwin will open He served in the navy in the Civil War. flarut's, but they were powerless. millinery parlors in the Bardorf Build- Boss Albert Overton was enlarging It is Said tilat it cost,$W)(),000 to build ing,opposite the post office,on Monday, the residence of J. B. Terry. 'illsurarc()0111 itaniounts May 16. "'is"otellil)T Henry Waterman, who recently pur- to $200�0 -,The is It mortgage of H. W. Simons has placed plate glass chased the Joseph A. Goldsmith proper- $m-)'Ooo. windows in Frank Freddo's barber ty, added to his premises by purchasing It was one of tht.finest hotels iu this shop, also replaced the office windows of the Cochran estate the large lot to jxirt of the world. It was owlied by It SLOCk c0llwnny of which Thomas H. of Southold Hotel with plate glass. the west. Wood of-New 'York is the princiDal. IL George W.Smith has purchased from J.B.Terry was grading and beautify- isadded l)I;Lt P11--tiCalh,.all of his for- ing his property on the bay. i it I the enterprise, and that Mrs. Theresa Leicht, 500 feet of shore Rev. George Filmer, of Greenport, likely v the 1:ace will not he r(11huilt. in front at Pine Neck. ,In- L, 11496,it was partially destroyed addressed the Southold Temperance 1,y'us y ed floe but was relmilt tine' followirig 0. A. Prince bas accepted the position Society. ear. ------- ......... of purser on ferry boat Menantic. Banner Lodge, I. 0. G. T., held a Cutchogue, May 11, at the M. E. banquet in Belmont Hall, when the following toasts were responded to church, by Rev. J. T. Hamilton, John S. Lindsay and Miss Maude Price. The Ladies, B. T. Payne; The Men, Mrs. D. T. Conklin; 'The Lodge, F. T. l y May bO, Thomas B. Force, of South- Wells; outhWells; Good Templary, Rev. J. H. old, in the 79th year of his age. Mineola Hospital, May 6, Rev. John Ballou; All's Well that Ends Well, Pilkington, D.D., of Rockville Centre, J. B. Young. 6 a former pastor of the Southold M. & church, in his 83d year. Southold High School Ins Riverhead's new railroad statins i Southold High School defeated the nearly completed tll:Lt it is 10111Y it 1 lle-4 'Southold Giants at the school grounds 1 tion of two or three weeks befol tits Saturday afternoon by a score of tion Master Hill and his ofricW 1';tllkilT 14 to 5. The Giants started out in ag- > in charge of loc,--d railroad affair,will, gressive fashion and then laying goose movein, There i,-,noqil(-sLit)ribut that, 5Y-11 eggs until the ninth arrived, in which -i !35 (Ist and hand. 42 the station is one Of tile h they earned another run, which was 1: iF,0 0 as to interior finish, of any oil too late to overtake the High School somest, M the entire Island, either large or sluall. squad. The High School tied the I Giants in the fourth, then took the lead The building is Colonial ill The outside dimensions iff" in the fifth, and kept it until the eighth when they scored again. Gomez was Till,N%ait- with long sheds both eilils. :5 ing room is'20x30 feet aliciii inc he,;the rn on the mound for the Giants and allow- room office 16.4xl,_1,il� the hulie,,' nasus ing the High School]ads only two bits, " two bases on balls and fanning nine 11.4x)i with separate,toilet:the 13111leage batters, while Cochran gave the Giants i NKU rm)m is 10.6x14.3-,aDlI there isalso a !P7i;4 nine bits and struck out nine batters. men's room. Following is the line up- L Capt. Wm. M. Maynard has ren Southold Giants High School one of F. K. Cochran's houses houses Gomez.P Horton.lb J.Diller,2b /j, J.Gagen,of M Phillips& ano, to W Ta C1,1u ner A.Galgen,as J,Tu r; Cochran,p lot 6, map of property of G W Jennings.of Terry,a Phillips at Pine Neck, Southold....no Worth,3b Vail,3h Walters.If B.Diller,2b N Blakeman,Ib Booth,If Cutebogue, May 9, Dan'I Miller, Bent,a Van Dusan. rf 43 years, 8 months. Score by Innings: 1 2 84 6 as 7 8 9 many of our people witnessed the Hon. James W.Govert,for four Southold Giants 3 0 o o o o o o 1-4 awful conflagration of the Manhanset Congressman of this district,Southold H.S. 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 .-5 -000. House Wednesday morning, which the Hotel St. (Yeorge, Brookl, illuminated a the heavens move than any Y day, aged M years. He was fire ever na on the cast and. With Pneumonia last week. Menc h sh Hudgins,rf Twenty-Five Years Ago Pulver:rf Booth.If Twenty-Five Years Ago Diller,3b cL% being Ben All the pounds were in and fishing many gZ 2fi-Z were / <r� t to score by innings. started off very good. the city markets, but prices were low,1 i-:21-3-4-5-6 7-8 Pierson H. S. 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0- 5 Warren Richmond and family, of "I many cases not Paying the freight. t. Southold H.s. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Brooklyn, returned to Bay Side Farm The cantata of Ruth was to be benefit of they Two-base hit-Flochran. vens it . , 3tru. on June 17th for the bene �Cochrau(2l,Birs(2),Garyple,�J Ly. for the season. e,Fahy,,.183tru.ok 4 Southold Town purchased a Mosler Soldiers' Monument fund. out-By Cochran,11; by Brs. 14 balls-Off Oochran, 4-. off Birs, s. Lott v safe for the Town Clerk's office. Bouillon &Schwartz were preparingbases-Pierson,6: Southold,4. Dr. J. M. Hartratift purchased of to open Horton's Point Hotel for the H C Prince and wife to T J Col.John Wickham the house and lot season. Phillips, 30.3 acres, n a North cor Main St. and Railroad Ave. H. Jennings, E. L. Boisseau and L. Country road, adj L I Sound and C. M. Ledyard loaded in one week, H. Tuthill were re-elected Trustees of land W 0 Salmon,Southold........norn with potatoes and other vegetables, a the M. E. church. schooner at Orient, another at Shelter T. Baumann purchased of Col. John Boss A. G. Case is building a house6 Island, and a car at Greenport and Wickham the lot just West of his26x31, on the Pine Neck Road, for Mr another at Southold. premises on Main St. IAlice Taylor. Chas. E. Katz and family hired the', Twenty-Five Years Ago At the annual meeting Of the Suffolk house of Beni. H. Terry in the eastern' L/-,,) '-.I —_ / �_�_ 5- County Mutual Insurance Co., the rt of the village. George Horton Terry was a delegate' Board of Directors was re-elected, who Pa Stephen A. Simons, who for some from New York State to the Grand chose the following officers: Pres. and Tress., H. H. Case; Vice Pres., R. T. years had served as clerk for J. B. Lodge, I. 0. G. T., at Toronto, Canada. Goldsmith; See., F. H. Overton; Fanning, entered the employ of F. The Commissioners of Highways laid Counsel, N. D. Petty. Gomez, Gilbert Horton took Mr. out roads on Fishers Island. Jesse Lewis Case was elected Citizen Simons' place at Mr. Fanning's. A large delegation from Southold Member of the Board of Health. J. B. Terry was strengthening his Lodge., 1. 0. 0. F., paid a fraternal Wharf. visit to Roanoke Lodge of Riverhead. Southold Scores Another—Victory F. T. Wells was adding a large Geo. H. Skidmore was drawing plans for a new house for H. W. Prince on The Bridgehampton High School nine hennery to his place. paid a visit here last Saturday after- Great improvements were being made the site just east of his store, in place noon, and crossed bats with the strong On the road over Brush's Hill, Bay of his old house which he had sold to Southold High School nine, which re- View- G. F. Hommel. Mr. Hommel was to Wins on Errors move this house to his lot on Traveler salted in a victory for Southold by a Pierson St. score of 8 to 3. Marshall, who played Despite the cloudy skies and frequent Cbas. N. Severance, the Principal third-base for Bridgehampton,met with showers, Pierson High School and Southold Academy, decided to erM an accident in the fifth inning by Vail Southold High School clashed on the Yale College to study for the ministry. alliding to third, and was unable to diamond at the High School grounda Sylvester P. Tuthill and Miss Agnes finish the game, his place being filled last Saturday afternoon, and the repre- Vail were re-engaged as teachers of by Chase. The only runs Bridge- sentatives of sag Harbor carried off our public school. r5, hampton made were in fourth inning, the onoby the errors of Southold, Robert Gill died, aged 37 years. in a nice batting rally. The Southold honors,P�I ....was the first to put 5 0 . in the Decoration Day exercises were held High,School has played fine ball this �bwyii tplayacross the plate in the Universalist church. There was season, having won four out of five second inning. In the third inning excellent music under the direction of games, and have several more to play. Diller and A. Gagen crossed the rubber Prof. D. P. Horton. Prayer was The line up: and tied the score. in the sixth the offered by Rev. George Taylor. An Bridgehampton southold H.& Pierson's again Came to the front with original poem. was read by Rev. Dr. while Southold Hodges,If Horton,lb runs, A eloquent address was Schenck,�b 1.yagen,ea a lead of three for HalleY's Comet Whitaker. n Marshall.30 A.(4119011,ss was star gazing given b Rev. J. H. Ballou. Edward Hallock,P Coe li ran,p, through the clouds. In the last three y oat, G. A. R., was present. Terry.c i over Huntting P Hand,lb V innings Southold was unable to Schenck.-9 Bail'3b inni Shanahan,ef Hudgins,rf the score. Widespread interest C013klln,rf Booth.If take Among the bouts lost in the great ReLelder,c Lill ter,2b was centered in the game and a good Chase,3t) crowd was on hand to witness the flreatGreenport Saturday, when the Score by Innings: bran, who twirled for Eastern Shipyard was completely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S-9— struggle. Coe 01, pitched a masterly destroyed, were the launch Glad, owned I Bridgebamplun 0 0 0 3 o o o (I o—3 the High SchO form at by Dr. E. L. H. McGinnis, and the Southold H.S. 1 0 0 2 3 0 2 0 8 game and also showed some auxiliary yacht Sally Moran, owned by Tw,b,se h ith-i-torton,A.Gaice n.Hodg ins- the bat. Birs also pitched a good game Eugene Walter. Double. plays-Terry. A. (;ages, Horton. for Pierson. The line up: 01T closely contested game of ball Bases on balls-Gff Hallock.(1. struck out- Pierson Bout,hold H.S. d High School and n g,lb Gerry,0 score of 9 to 8 in favor of Southold,. Fahy,c, %1.41 h A,,hafor.2b Hit%-Off A"'ton lb between the Southold By Hallock, s. by Cochran, is played H61.1ock"o;off Cochran,5. Left on bases- Higgins,SS, J.Gage�,ef Riverhead High School nines was Gary of A Gagen,[isgridgehar�pb in ptorl,F); Southold,81 se-rfllof' P ere Monday afternoon, resulting Lindber i d it a 1 � win rows has sold a lot atT ®uty-Five Years .Aga The Peekskill Daily Union says: Paradise Paint, next ,south of J. N. fa:!o > — / V- Thursday evening the young people of 49 Hallock's cabin, to Gen. Howard ofSummer boarders began to arrive. the Methodist Episcopal Church at New York, Senator Elihu Root's law Isaac Terry returned, after spending Buchanan rendered, under the direction partner. several months in Brooklyn. of Mrs. Metta Horton Cook, a very I' T J Phillips and wife to R K Dr. Sackett, dentist, moved from delightful cantata, "The Queen of the Valentine, lot s a Sound View av, Greenport to Southold and occupied Flowers," by Fanny Crosby and George' adj Salmon estate; also lot n s rooms in Mrs. Flood's house. F. Root. The platform of the church Sound View av, adj land J H Henry 'Sanford was building a new hall was very skillfully decorated to Grady, Southold.......... .. .....nom represent a y 97r. E. L. H. Mc mule as egging a barn for Henry Waterman. P pretty woodland dell, and, channel from the new channel at Town Samuel L. Bennett was re-engaged the little girls and maidens fair who to teach the Port Jefferson school for represented the lovely flowers, and the Creek to his bungalow. the fourth year. more fortunate than Paris who awarded The free delivery of express went A jury was called to certify in regard the prize of beauty to the Rose, all into effect Wednesday. Fred Perry to the propriety of discontinuing the old sang their parts most admirably. Mrs, has the contract. road, formerly known as Benjamin's Cook was only a little over a week in _ Lane, now made unnecessary by the drilling them. It is remarkable that v-Soutbold, May 28, at the residence of opening of Oak Lawn Ave. she should have accomplished such the bride's parents, by Rev. W. H. The Commissioners of Highways de- results in so short a time. Murray, Francis Bishop Keeney, of signated Fishers Island as Road Dist. Providence, R. I., and Miss Bernice' No. 27. Miss Winifred Brainerd, former pre Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. R. W. Hawkins, of Bellport, moved Mitchell. the old house purchased by G. F. Hom- ceptress in the Southold High School, 'Southold, May 27, Miss I?sisy L. Anel of H. W. Prince to Mr. Hommel's has accepted a fine position in Indiana. 'Terry, aged 27 years, 9 months, 5 days. lot on Traveler St. polis as one of the teachers of manual - training. Indianapolis ranks high as Greenport $hyari_ Burned M. W Golder opened his branch drug an educational city and leads the west one of the worst ices (sreenport has store at Cutchof ue on Tuesday. John in manual training work. Miss Brain- ever had 000urreal last Saturday after- G. Kaiser, a graduate of the College of erd was offered strong inducements to noon when the.Eastern�taipyard build- Pharmacy and registered by the State remain in Oneonta where she is teat ings:and a number of yachts were de- Board of Pharmacy, is now in Mr. ing, but the new Geld offered greats stroy ed, causing a loss estimated at Golder's employ as prescription cleric. advantages in the character of the $1100,000. Fred G. Prince has obtained a position work as well as in an attractive Sala The fire started in the boiler ronin with the New England Navigation Co. and spread with great rapidity. That He is on the New York wharves and Twenty-Five Years Ago it did not consume all of that section Of checks freight as it is taken on and off J'."° / - the villago including the buildings and the boats. Mrs. Jane` idmore returned hom many yachts in the yards of the Green- May 30, at St, after spending the winter in Brookly bolt linsiu and c4biastruction Co. ad- )rloboken, J., May Rev. Dr. Wm.. St. Patrick's Church Society w loaning, is clue to the fine efforts of the Paul's Rectory, by aeenpt}rt fire Department. R. Jenvey, Harold Cornell de Loiselle, preparing for their annual Fourth ine Adele, my picnic at Norton's Paint grove. Several vachts beside those destroyed of Brooklyn, and Miss Carol ,ere in danger, but they were moved daugghter of Mr. and Mrs. Addison M.' The Town Clerk drew a jury t o safe places. One of the boats; de- Goldseaath, of gouthold. etermin;e upon opening Beckwith Ave. tac>ca-d was an 80-foot government d Traveler St.as a public highway. boat prcl•ti;dly completed, Wbic.lr was On 'Saturday afternoon of last week P g y° o cost t" -,[lpt). The oyster boat Colum- as E. Willis Horton was passing over James M. Magee, who had a position ia. with c6o gallons of gasoline in her the bridge on the road to Bay View, he n the Christian at Work, was in the anks, had been hauled a half hour be- saw a huge weakfish in the water. He telegraph office at Southold for the fore the fire broke out:. Although her g ull was charred she was saved after a spoke to Capt. Bond, who was in a Bummer. hard and brave fight, the presen,;e of boat, The captain struck at the fish, The thermometer registered,95 in the the great quantity of gasoline, makiu; but was unsuccessful. The fish then ehude. it extremely hawaaralc,us working actor started out under the bridge for the The Town Assessors and Town Clerk her. Cochran made their annual tri to Percy Tnthill, formerly of Nlattituck, bay, but Mr. Horton headed it off and p hrotber ,,f bars. A. E. Paavue of 11i-1'- drove it into shallow water, where he fishers Island. head, iu manager of the. burned yard. captured it with his hands. The fish Steps were taken for the formation weighed 8 lbs., and Mr. Horton divided f a village park at the head of Town The wife of the Rev.Epher Whitaker it with Capt. Bond. reel,. of Southold is uaade chief benel'oc;iary Prin. C. N. Severance closed his in the estate of thr late Thomas Bouton Prin. F. E. DeGelleke, of Sea Cliff, connection with Southold Academy. Force, her brother, whose will was pro- who has been taking a course of study As a mark of esteem his friends bated this week. It disposes of in at New York University, takes his presented biro with a purse of$55. estate of $5.000, Testator gives his Master's Degree (Pd.M.) at the annual The cantata of Ruth was given in the bouk� and ;a %watch to Rev. Dr. Whit commencement this week. He writes Presbyterian church, under the direction aker, and „fives certain personal good, us that lie hopes to get other degrees of Miss Metta Horton, for the benefit to two nieces, with the residue to bis some day, of the Soldiers' Monument Fund. sister. Dr, Whitaker is named as on of the executors. -LwwUbY-2r1EV0 Yearg A90 Throujili the real estate agency 'Jly'u 0"u"I Commencement zt-/ — ,, r�–s— Thomas Farley, the Tumbridge Realty The Commencement Exercises of the Corey& Sturges were making con- Co, Southold High School will be held in siderable repairs on the residence' CO-has sold to Thomas D. Baird 165 Belmont Hall and acres, with house on Tuesday evening, barn Dr. Hartrarift. and outbuildings. June 21. An admission of ten cents I Gen. H. Wells was re-engaged as Mr.Baird now occupies the place. The 1 will be charged to defray expenses. Principal of the East northeast corner of the farm, 3J Marion public has been gold to Thos, J. Phillips.acres, You also want to take an extra ten school. Mr. Parley bas ]eased his cottage on theof cents you to buy a COPY Of the G. Edwin Horton and little brother North Road to Mrs. E. Banzer 'ehpaper' ."Scarlet and Grey," arrived here from Buenos Aires for a 'whiocoh,will b. on sale 'Evergreen, L I. He has leased Mrs. ' few weeks' sojourn. Bridget Carey's cottage to Mrs. Nettie The graduates are Mary E. Kenney, Col. Thomas Carroll and family, of Luch) and Mrs. Daniel Manney " President; Gilbert V. Horton, Vice Brooklyn, arrived here to spend th cottage to Francis Vetro. s President; Carlisle Cochran, Secretary summer at their Southold home, and Treasurer. The large new safe for the To About automobiles went through l The program is as follows: Clerk arrived. the village Tuesday evening on their Music, Orchestra. B. L. Prince was building a barn f way to Greenport. They started from H. W. Prince. ON city that morning for Montauk and Invocation, Rev. W. C. Blakeman. I The following'were elected officers o then came back by way of Riverhead. I Introductory address,Gilbert V.Hor- the Ladies'Monumental Society: Pres., !be motto was "Montauk or bust," ton. Mrs. D. T. Conklin; Vice Pres., Mrs. and the ran was made under the Class History, Carlisle Cochran, W. Y. Fithian; See., Mrs,J. B. Young; vmpk*s of the Motor Contest Associ- 1 Song, "Rest Thee on this Mossy Tress., Mrs. H. Jennings. ation. The automobilfsts staid at Pillow,'" H. Smart, High School Glee James Matthews and family, 0 Sbelta Island that night and returned Club. Brooklyn, were again at Southold f to the city the next day. One of the ValedictoryMary EKenney, the summer. M , . Ccaught fire just east of Mill CreekRev. Abram Conklin be his br and was badly damaged. Music, Orchestra, g ge pastorate of the Universalist churches Commencement address, Rev. Dr. ee'C.Terry, Jr. Clerk of the As- at Greenpoint and the 25th Ward, ly C Fisheries and Game Committee C. A. Jessup. B 11; rooklyn. who has just graduated from the Piano duet, "Shower of Stars,"Paul Geo. H. Wells and Miss Mamie H. y Law School, is home. Wachs, Barbara Bliss and Caroline Albertson were married. Taylor, Miss Sara Read has been re-engaged Presentation of Diplomas. High Character of Management" Principal of Southold Academy. "Sweet and Low," Barnby; High The following letter from 0. Read is a very competent teacher School Song, High School Glee Club, Cheney, State Superintendent of Bank is doing most excellent work. Music, Orchestra. ing, speaks for itself. No comment i 9:1, Radler, of—Brooklyn, has Obiect to Saloon necessary: Kreutzer's,Park House for the State of New York and will run the same as a OLI the application of Nathan O. Banking Department r boarding house. Petty of Riverhead, representing I Messrs. George Henry Terry, R ib,,rt Albany, June 17, 1910 Walgo,the tailor, has moved into Jefferson, Chas. G. Gorey, Ben.j. Corey, Southold savings Bank Salmon's tenement house on John W. Carrington. and Silas F. over Southold, N. Y. Ave, t,)", GI Judge (;rilfing has issited Gentlemen:—It is a pleasure to be June 6, Mrs. Katazyna an order to show C,'ILLSO Why a lifitior able to write to one of the 'oldest sav- 66 years. (101-tili(Ilte recently issued to Joseph ings banks in our State and speak of e,June 11, by Rev- Father %wtoria of Riverlletd for a saloon in the high character of its management L I William as revealed by the recent examination 7 Is, Goodwin and Pooanfe sihotald not be revoked. Agnes Drumm. The order ireturnablo on.Saturday, by this Department. Janne"' Thomas O. June,18, It is alleged that the license I wish to congratulate your Board so of Cal„ Henry D. Horton, of uI illegally issued in that the 11ppli- upon the interest taken by them in the aged 40 years. Friends will eant did not get the proper consents. conduct of your affairs and to con- ae funeral later. The certificate permits Victo!-u-1 to 'gratulate you also upon the high Fanny Case, of Franklin, has a 4zbl`nl on street t character of your securities. 011-11 In the spending a few days with her ti illage narned, and Peconic ,e.1ide.1ts We have no criticism to offer of your b,ie(!t to a saloon tile She was accompanied by vulse iu their Village. re or institution, and we take this opportunity Anna M. Brown, of Vermont. _I71 I to assure you of our co-operation in any sailed for Naples, Italy, on Brooklyn, June 16, at the Southhelpful way should you desire our Hamburg Tuesday, and will Congregational Church, Gordon, son of services. We are anxious to see tbroagh Europe, England and Judge and Mrs. J, L. Case, of P le. maintained throughout this state the I arriving in New York about and Miss Edith Inez, daughter of high character of safe and conservative of September. Thomas H. Warburton of Brooklyn. banking evidenced in your institution. H. F. Van Wyck has laid a cement Faithfully yours, sidewalk in front of his house. O. H. CHENEY. Superintendent I bit- School Cornrs Abolished Charles Mueller has secured Itobert Twenty-Five Y ars 0 After Due. :11, 10il, there. will be no Scher to man his second chair. Mr. tA.".,I f — / �_ys— Scher is a competent manicurist and There a short hay crop. more SeAtool C,niiinissioners in the chiropodist. He has a certificate from her, B State. The title of that office is to be F. T. Wells bought of Wm. - Vs known as District Superintendent, Prin. Eugene Mitkowis of the Vienna eight acres of woodland adjoining h The terns of office sliall be for live, Hospital and high recommendations property on Boisseau Ave. years instead of three as at present. from the Sophien Bath, where he practiced for six years. This is a Misses Susie and Mary Fordham The new order of things is pronlul- chance for those troubled with corns, returned to their home in Southampton, gated in a.new laNx (the Whitney Bill) bunions, ingrowing nails and other after finishing the school year atsoutb- enztcbt-d by the,last Legislature. There afflictions of the feet, also an op- old Academy, area number of new feMures concern- Capt. J. Dunkel purchased a 2', f L portunity for those wishing their bands ing the gOVel'1111101A of cat boat of F. C. Beebe. manicured. Sulfulk County will ho divided into The Youth's Temperance Society of tin-ve siqwrvisory district.s with a Dis- f3oe Carroll is employed in Golder's the M. E. Sunday School elected the trict Superintendeat over each, instead following officers- Pres., Geo. H. of two Commissioner Districts, zs now. drug store. Wells; Vice Pres., Mrs. George Taylor; Mat7l'tuck, Tune 2-2, at the residence See., Win. H. Vail. At the town elections in 1911 each of the bride's parents, by Rev. Dr. C. town will elect two school directors, E Craven, Otis Grey Pike, of River- The following were elected officers of and each lift], year at subsequent town head, and Miss Belle Corwin, daughter Southold Lodge, I. 0. 0. K: N. G.. 4 TJ_ 4 M.. .1 M. Lupton. meetings one suds officur shall be P 0, A. Prince; V. G., Dr. D. N. Brown years each. - iPu_r_s_u_an*=o p6blished notice a meet elected, To serve for live ing of the Board of Trustees of South-i See., Wm. H. Vail; Treas., George The County Clerk shall summon the old Town was held at Village Hall, in Fischer. present School Commissioners and the Greenport, at 1 p. m., June 27—Pres't The Ladies' Society of the Presby- Supervisors to meet in Riverhead ou J. B. Terry in chair, Clerk H. A. terian Church elected the following flit! 3d TUe-SLhAy of April, 1101t, at 10 Reeves recording, and all members officers : Pres., Miss Helen Terry; Al� U_ and we comijine(I board will Vice Pres., Mrs. Annie Spooner-, See., divide the county into three super present except Mr. Hudson of Matti- Mrs. George W. Dayton; Tress., Miss visory districts. tuck. Mr. Albertson Case, counsel to Minnie D. Hallock. Then the school directors of eacli the Board, also attended and stated the supervisory distriet, shall meet for or- facts in the case of Geo. W. Smith of g:mizationon the 34 Tuesday of May Southold who makes application for a David Brown, accompanied by Harry fol lowing their election, and must elect lease of a narrow strip of land under Howell, will sail on Saturday for Mr. a uhairnian, clerk, and two inspectors water of Jockey Creek, in front of his Brown's old-home in E6`gTa_nd- of election. The County Clerk shall beach and below the upland bank(south Bi-60 I D, June 23, Everett T., oldest designate the place of the first meet- side of Creek), running eastward from son Of Irving C., and Edith 1. Storms, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. James ing. At thi,,, meeting the directors, near the bridge to the land of Albert A. Thomas of Southold, aged 2 years, who ,ball be known as a board of Freeman. From this strip Mr. Smith 14 days. I school directors, will designate a place desires to dredge and with the material Port Jervis, N. Y-7_June 2___�4, Henry for the holding of future ineetings. fill in, level off and straighten his beach Jennings of Southold and Miss Golden Following this the board of school line, at the same time cleaning and Alice Ackerman of Port Jervis. directors must meet for the first time improving the strand or shore. Mr. Chief Justice Ru 1.9-9-e- to elect a District Superintendent on Case submitted a form of lease which the 3d Tuesday of August,lt)li,and the he had drawn at the request of Mr. Mayor Gaynor has appointed as l3d. Tuesday of June every fifth year Smith, who desired that its term be 30 Chief Justice of the Court of Special thereafter, for like purpose. years and agreed to pay therefor$30 in Sessions, professor Isaac Franklin The person, either man or woman, advance. There was no question on Russell, dean of the New York Law whom the directors elect as a District the merit of this application or of the School. Judge Russell will have juris- Saperinterident inust p6.,3sess or be en desirability of encouraging similar ones diction over the court in Manhattan as titled to receive a certificate authors- from other beach owners, on behalf of well as in Brooklyn. Prof. Russell is needed improvements in various inland splendidly qualified for the high posi- ving him or her to teae-h in any publics schools of the State wiof the waters of the town; but there was a tion to which he has been appointed, � thout further examination. llo,or she must difference of opinion as to the length of and we join with his many friends here also pass an examination prescribed by the proposed term, and some opposition in extending hearty congratulations. the Uvinaiissioner of Education on the to making it 30 years was expressed. Southold is proud of Prof. Russell, and supervision of courses in agriculture. After discussion it was agreed to com- has good cause to be. He was a South- promise on 20 years; as so amended, on old boy and laid the foundation for his Miss Jessie M. Clark has secured a vote the lease was ordered and was success in Southold Academy. No mat- fine position as teacher of Latin and signed by all the trustees present, in ter what honors may come to him, we German in the High School at Machias, duplicate, are sure be will always have a warm Cattaragus Co., N. Y. Miss Clark has There was talk of a request for per- place in his heart for old Southold, been our Eighth Grade teacher for the mission to dredge a channel in the same where he spent three happy years of past three years and leaves Southold Creek, by a syndicate of shore owners,' his boyhood. with the best wishes of all for her who have subscribed some hundreds of M J Billard to C H Billard, J dollars for that acre, e a road leading to Peconic future welfare. adj land of C H Billard, 01 orde...... .... ..............$1, oilve Years Ago Miss Eleanor G. Howell sailed from Southold Lodge, 1. 0. m r 0. Fo.. L) � 4�r_ — / sl�— Philadelphia, Saturday, on: the steamer The semi-annual tefficers Th ZUrmometer registered 96 de- Merion of the American Co.'s line for grew in the shade. Europe. ,./k, '&4 C1 2- ty— Southold Lodge of Odd Fellows we The family of James Mallon. the E D Wilson to J D Moore,J acre, installed Monday evening by Past Brooklyn florist, were spending the a s North road, adi land of L R D. G. M. Samuel L. Bennett. Th rammer at the Southold Hotel. Case, Peconic..........I...I......nam installed for the July term were: N.G The Fourth of July picnic of St. SOuah_0ld, July3, Isabella, widow of F. T. Horton; V. G., C. T. Case-, R. Patrick's Society, held at Horton's Michael Lucey, aged 68 years. N. G., A. W. Albertson; L. S. N. G Brooklyn, July 2, Lydia G. Worth, John Breitstadt; R. S. V. G., J Point,was largely attended. widow of Capt. James M. Worth Of Elmaheuser; L. S. V. G., Dr. J. Prof.,I. F. Russell spent the summer Peconic, aged 93 years. Interment at Stokes; Warden, S. W. Horton; Co vwation in Europe. Southold July 4tb. fourth of July Celebration doctor, H_ J. Smith; 1. G., F. T. Je The Fourth of July Celebration at Twenty-Five Years Ago nings; 0. G., W. T. Prince; Chaplai Town Harbor Park was a great sue- JV,! � J 6-- / M-- F. K. Terry; R. S. S., W. H. Ric ease. The day was a beautiful one Star of )Hope Temple numbered 80 mond; L. S. S., R. B. Tyler; P. and a large company gathered at this members. F. C. Leicht. buutiful spot, that with wise fore- C. M. Ledyard took a trip to Niagara John Breitstadt was elected regul *ht has been secured for the use of �Falls, representative to the Grand Lodge, a the people forever. No matter how Robert L. Hadley returned to his A. W. Albertson, proxy represent' much our sbore fronts may be taken former place in W. C. Albertson's tive. isp,there will be one place to which, store. Before closing, Prin. E. W. Shaf the people will have free access. Mrs. Adam Bersenger, who had been gave a very interesting talk to t an invalid for many years, rode to the members on this, his last visit to t with Park Commissioner The exercises began at three o'clockp W. Korn i village for the first time in 20 years. lodge while a citizen of Southold. L. protding, and he made a most admira- , Rev. Abram Conklin was installed as resolution followed expressing the ble presiding officer, his remarks being pastor of the Fourth Universalist teem of the lodge toward him, and a verytimely. After singing by the Church of Brooklyn. its regrets on his absenting hims ggampany, Hon. John M. Lupton, Mem- The jury decided in favor of opening from its weekly meetings. Beckwith Ave. and Traveler St. as a At the close the newly elected Nob her of Assembly from the First Dis- trick of Suffolk County, was introduced public highway. Grand and Vice Grand invited the me w the speaker of the day. The chair- William G. Russell was engaged as bers down to Baumann's, where i man wellsaid that Suffolk was proud Principal of Southold Academy, cream and cigars were enjoyed in. atj t her representative at Albany, and The semi-annual statement of the outdoor parlor me had good reason to be proud of him Southold Savings Bank showed the Fell an a this day. He is a very easy and assets to be $1,121,137.78, and the The Rev. Dr. John D. Stoke pleasant speaker and his admirable ad- surplus, $108,635,94. East Hampton,who with his wife cam dress was listened to with close atten- — 0-111111 to Southold last Tuesday to spend don. Geo. C. Terry, Jr., Clerk of the Annual Library Meeting few days with his son, Dr. John Assam ly Fisheries and Game Com- The annual meeting of the Southold Stokes, fell down-stairs in his son'` mittee, who has just graduated from Public Library was held in Belmont barn on Wednesday and broke his ar the Albany Law School, made his Hall on Wednesday evening. Meeting It was nearly dusk, and Dr. Stok maiden public speech, and it was all was called to order by President Jesse thought be had reached the bottom at right and greatly enjoyed. We are L. Case. The Treasurer's report was when he was on the second step. eonfident that,Southold will have cause pead by Mr. Case, in the absence of returned to East Hampton Thursda y. to be proud of this Southold boy. Much r. Korn. The Librarian's report was Peconic, July 12, Evelyn Carolyn appreciated short talks were made by ead by Mrs. A. A. Folk,in the absence Styler, of Brooklyn, aged 7 moat Rev. Dr. Blakeman, Rev. W. ff. Mur- A Miss Elsie Hummel. Miss Hummel 28 days. ray, Rev. W. H. Lloyd and H. W. iad prepared a clear, simple, direct Southold, July 8, Albert Leicht, ag Prince. The duets by William Albert- ccount of the year's operations. On 24 years, 11 months, 20 days. son Wells and Charles Dengler, a col- notion Secretary Murray cast one bal- Brooklyn, July 10, Caroline Rua more, only daughter of William a lege chum were loudly encored. lot for Messrs. Thomas Farley and 11. Caroline Billard, aged 14 years. Int There were a number of picnic par- oward Huntting to succeed them- meat at Southold Wednesday. tip on the beach, and in the evening elves as Trustees. After informal re- West Hampton, July 9, Miss Chari is music was furnished by the Southold marks concerning the interests of the Appleby, formerly of Peconic, aged Comet Hand, and there was a fine dis-Library, Stanley S. Kilkenny gang sev- ears. Interment at Arshamomoq Is play of fireworks under the supervis-eral songs, which showed his vsice to Maday. Bok, July 4, Lero a ion of Fred Booth, ending with aadvantage. Mrs. Minnie Terry Smith, ,,Stoof f therolate WinfieldAlbert and Jennt genial lot of a thousand pieces. Re-Miss Anna H. Terry and Mr. George Overton Norton, aged 18 years. fresbuients were served during the af-Horton Terry united in entertaining the - - temoon and evening by the ladies, andcompany handsomely. Through the efforts of PostmaBt a ince sum was netted for improve- Mrs. Mary H. Dayton, Bon Silas an Horton we now have a through evenin alt the dark, daughter Mary sailed on Monday for a mail to the city. This is a great a trip to Europe. commodati ' I 111 1 all List of Successful Gaadidates meat English-Barbara Bliss 84, Ancient Hi tory-3 hours' eourae, 13arriet Booth 77, Clarence Glover 73, Claire Van Dusen 62; 5 hours' course, List of successful candidates at the Claude Hodgins 60, Dorothy Sayre 64,1 Barbara Bliss 86, Clarence Glover 68, June Regents' Examinations, Southold Alice Smith 65, Caroline Taylor 72 ,Alice Smith 62, Edith Vail 63. High School: Vera Terry 70, Edith Vail 66',. Richard' European History-3 hours' course, Reading and Writing-Liela Baker,I Vail 73,3 YearClaire l n Dusen se English-Edith Breitstadt; Carlisle Cochran 64; 5 hours' course, Edith Burt, Geo. Busch, Bennie Diller, g Gilbert Horton 73, Mary Kenney 83. Clarence Diller, Kathryn Fleet, Wilson 68. Mildred Cox 61, Nellie Danz 613, American History-Carlisle Cochran Ethel Grathwohl 65, William Hoinkis 70, Mildred Cox 71, Nellie Danz 72, Dudley Hagerman,Ann Hallock, Minnie Glover,Earle Goldsmith, lo Griswold, 61, Elinor Terry 77, Israel Terry 76. Florence Fickeissen 62, Claude Hodgins � . Hipp,Grace Horton,Marguerite Howell,.. 4th Year English--Carlisle Cochran 64, GilbertHorton 77,Mary Kenney 86.Elementary Drawing-Letitia Beebe Mary Lennon, Agnes Mahoney, Lettie 62, Gilbert Horton 62, Mary Kenney 86, 87, Barbara Bliss 83, Nellie Danz 80, Mahoney,Bartlett Moore,Otto Schafer, English Grammar-Mildred Cox 73, p ip Danz 83, Clarence Glover 61, Raymon Wid Terry, Carle Vail, Lewis Nellie Danz 64, Florence Fickeissen 76, Ethel Grathwohl 60, Alice Smith 70, lkinson, Merle Wilkinson, Emmett Gilbert Horton 62, Elinor Terry 88, Claire Van Dusen 65. Young. Israel Terry 74. Advanced Drawing-general, Edith Spelling-Liela Baker 90, Helen Binns Est Year German-Edith Breitstadt Breitstadt 60, Florence Fickeiasen 63,f 81, Grace Butler 93, Susie Dickerson 75, Mildred Cox 67, Nellie Danz 72, William Hoinkis 63, Elinor Terry 67, 76, Bennie Diller 75, Clarence Diller 94, Florence Fickeissen 81, Allie Gagen 70, i Kathryn Fleet 99, Wilson Glover 93,,Ethel Grathwohl 68, Elinor Terry 83, Earle Goldsmith 79, Wm. Griswold 83, Israel Terry 77. TWOMY-Five Y•ear6 Ago Dudley Hagerman 95, Ann Hallock 93, 2nd Year German-Carlisle Cochran 68. �/e 2 L - T Margu ire 99, Grace Horton 98, 3rd Year German--Germond Cochran Genera Grant died. ~ Marguerite Howell 88, Mary Lennon 85, William Hoinkis 82. Rev. J. H. Ballou rented W. H. 96, Agnea Mahoney 88, Lettie Mahoney 87, Bartlett Moore 77, Myra Newbold 1st Year French-Carlisle Cochran 70, Wells' house, cor. ,Main St. and Rail. 91, Raymond Terry 90,Lewis Wilkinson Gilbert Horton 69. road Ave 76, Merle Wilkinson 95, Gladys Wil- 1st Year Latin-Letitia Beebe 60, Rev. Father McKenna of Flushin liams 82. Vera Maier 63, Susie Terry 81,Margery g Elementary English-Helen Binns 75, Williams 60. was a guest at the Catholic parsonage {` The Harvest Home Festival was to Miriam, Boi.sseau 93, Clement Booth 82, Latin Grammar-Elinor Terry 63, "Grace Butler 75, Joseph Carroll 83, Israel Terry 74, Richard Vail 64. be held on Aug. 20th. Edwin Donahue 76, henry Fitz 78, Elementary Latin Composition-Edith Wm.A. Cochran was appointed Post. Kathryn Fleet 89, Mary Gagen 88, Vail 66, Claire Van Dusen 65. master of Southold. Mr. Cochran Dudley Hagerman 79, Mildred Hawkins 75, Mary Lennon 75, Richard Merwin Caesar-Barbara Bliss 77, Clarence rented the roam of J. Quarty, formerly Gl f,ver 79, Claude Hodgina 71, William 81, Dorothy Marcell 92, Myra. Newbold Hoinkis 62, Caroline Taylor 60, Vera used as,a pool room, for the post office. 75, Stephen Salmon 76', Carle Vail'75. Terry 60, Edith Vail 80, Claire Van Arithmetic-Miriam Boisseau 98, Cle- Dusen 80. Southold Station Robbed ment Booth 97, Grace Butler 78, Edwin Cicero-Florence Fickeissen 77,Elinor One of the boldest daylight robberies Donahue 84, Kathryn Fleet 100, Mary .Perry Gagen 84, Harold Gratbwohl 88, Edward 80, IsraelTerry 88, Richardthat ever took place occurred Thursday Grattan 75, Dudley Hagerman 76, Vail 86, morning at the Southold railroad station. Helena Jefferson 76, Mary Lennon 75, Latin Prose Composition-Elinor Terry At 7:15 a„ m. station Agent Phillips r Dorothy Morrell 95, Myra Newbold 76, 66, Israel Terry 72, Richard Vail 75. stepped over to THE TRAVELER of]ice Bryant Overton 75, Stephen Salmon 75. Latin prose at sight--Elinor Terry 86, Geography-Liela Baker 75, Helen Israel Terry 88, Richard Vail 80. and staid until 7:35, when Freight Binns 84, Edith Burt 77, Geo. Busch Greek Grammar-Mary Kenney 64. Agent Robert Carey called to him that `87, Bennie Diller 78, Clarence Diller 80, Elementary Greek Composition- the station had been robbed. During Kathryn Fleet 97, Wilson Glover 75, Mary Kenney 73, the time that Mr. Phillips was absent Vorle Goldsmith 77, Wm. Griswold 77, Anabasis-Mary Kenney 78. some one had broken in the office door, 'DudleyHagerman 81, Ann Hallock 88, Minnie Hipp 90, Grace Horton 80, Elementary Algebra Imogene Beebe gone through the safe, which was open, Marguerite Howell 84,Helena Jefferson 60, William Hamilton 75, Caroline throwing the contents on the floor. 84, Mary Lennon 85, Richard Merwin Taylor 61, Susie Terry 81, Margery The only thing that Mr. Phillips misses 75, Bartlett Moore 86, Dorothy Morrell Williams 60, 81, Otto Schafer 90, Raymond Terry 90, Intermediate Algebra-Edith Vail 76, from the safe is a check of Thomas Lewis Wilkinson 80, Merle Wilkinson Claire Van Dusen 72. Farley's for$10. All of the contents 84, Emmett Young 91. Plane Geometry-Nellie Danz 69, of the money drawer, except the Elementary U. S. History-Miriam Florence Fickeissen 65, Elinor Terry pennies, were stolen. None of the Boisseau 90. Clement Booth 99, Grace 81, Richard Vail 70. a� Butler 76 Edwin Donahue 84, Kathryn office help were at the station, and aa' y Physics- Hoinkis 78, Mary one saw anyone around.. Mr. Phillips Fleet 93, Florence Gagen 75, Edward Kenney 70, Israel Terry 94, Richard Grattan 75, Dudley Hagerman 90, Vail 83. wired in to the hood office, and every Dorothy Morrell 84, Myra Newbold 77, Elementary Botany-Imogene Beebe effort will be made to fend the guilty Bryant Overton 87, Stephen Salmon 78, 71,.Letitia Beebe 66, "Theodore Beebe party. Carie Vail 76. 73,"Jose h Carroll 68, Philip Danz 79, 1st Year English --Imogene Beebe 79, Harold Grathwohl 62.William Hamilton The L. I. R. R. Co. will run an Letitia Beebe 86, Theodore Beebe 78, 75, Cora Horton 73, Vera Maier 80, excursion to Manhattan Beach on. tl Joseph Carroll 60, Philip Danz 78, Agnes Scott 79, Susie Terry 80, Joseph Gagen 73, Harold Gratbwohl 64, Margery Williams 78. Tuesday, July 26, affording an oppor. Ruth Hallock 82, William Ilamilton 76, tunity to visit Coney Island, Train: Physiology-Imogene Beebe?0,Theo- Cora Horton 77, Vera Maier 75, Agnea dors Beebe 72, Philip Danz 63, Joseph I� will leave Southold at 7:08 a, m., Scott 77, Susie Terry 86, Margery Gagen 60, William Hamilton 72, Cora I returning at 9:30 g. in. Fare for round Williams 68. Horton 68, Vera Maier 63, Agnes trip, $1.25. Scott 63, Susie 'Terry 66, Margery Williams 69. 5_ A Se Se Metta . Cook met with a bad No rain of any consequence has fallen We are glad to report the v t recently. A section of the for over a month, and the weather has Pleasant voyage of our young frie Of R hotel at Highland Falls, N. been extremely hot besides, which has Harry Howell, who in company wi, M which were Mrs. Cook and about greatly aggravated the lack of rain. David Brown sailed for England so I children, whom Mrs. Cook was The drought in itself is no longer than four weeks ago. Hewritesbispassa - for a concert, collapsed and it has been in previous years, but sel- on shipboard was fine, and althou Mated 211 into the stone area, ten dom has there been such hot weather somewhat rough he was Pot sick at below. One girl bad her arm so long drawn out, and the combination The entertainment on board was gran ted and another her ankle broken, has worked serious havoc. Early po- Every night there was something n Cook was seriously injured and tatoes will not be much affected. Some to make it pleasant for the passenge removed to St. Luke's Hospital in fields in the town are yielding 300 bush- After a sail of nine days they sight b. els to the acre, while others do not go land, but everything was so diff eren B Sturges and wife to M J over 100 bushels. At Orient they have The wagons there are very queer loo lot e B Maple Ave, adi been shipping a thousand barrels aday, ing, as they only have two wheels. of W I Conway and W C Al- which have netted the farmers only states they do not have stoves at , Southold . . . i - - - - DOM about$1.05 a barrel. Car-load lots are and do all their cooking by the use of W A Williams and wife to John now being shipped from the principal fire-place, the fire being farm a" t y,5 acres adj land of W A stations and are selling for 50 cents a time by bellows. Harry haV 'Irea and G S Conklin, South- bushel. The Witt caused the late crop seen London and other place,. a no S Bis Florence-Fickeissen is to enter vines to die and ripen prematurely, the people are very fine and enterta' I&Hospital Aug. 1st to study for The early indications were for an im- ing and likes it very much. We wi mense yield of late potatoes, as they our young traveler good luck and a never1�i0ed seise. looked better, but the situation glad to know he does not forget has been decidedly changed, and it is friends, as many have received car Gd"wn,Texas, July 10 George Hubbard, iat Sealy ormerly of now feared there will be a small crop. with views of his travels. He w" aged 19 years. A rain would not help late potatoes receive a hearty welcome on his rete now, as it would tend to make a second in September. enty-Five Years Ago growth, but it would be the salvation I, 2- �— / �-�S— of the big cauliflower fields. Hay and H. H. Huntting and nephew, Israel Gondz moved into J. singley's grain were not affected by the drought. Terry, are taking a two weeks' trip to but pastures, gardens and lawns now Nantucket, Boston, Portland and other on Bay Ave. present a deplorable orable condition. Corn &Sturges received the contract is twisting and also needs rain badly. points Of interest. H. W. Prince's new house. P. S.—Since writing above, we had el S. Vail took a ride over his a fine shower Thursday morning, and Mrs. S. S. Shaw and daughters, of for the first time in two years. our cauliflower growers are happy. Central Valley, N, Y., are visiting at just passed his Stith birthday. Geo. C. Terry's. I W. Weeks again received the T No Clue to Burglars — Arsbamomoque, July 21, Chas. A. T t for carrying the mail from the No clue has been found to the burg- Haight, aged 65 years, 8 months, 1i �to the post office. lars who robbed the Southold railroad days. following were elected officers of station of about $60 last Thursday Southold Town Clock Lodge, I. O. G. T.: C. T., morning. Two detectives, with two J.H. Ballow; V.T., Mrs. W. H. bloodhounds, arrived on the noon train Mr. WaBsehk of the Seth Thomas Sec., Mrs. J. L. Conklin; F. S,, Thursday, but the dogs could get no Clock Works of Thomaston, Ct., over- Tuthill; Tress., P. H. Canter- scent, as everything had been handled hauled the town clock on Tuesday. Chaplain, F. T. Wells; M., F. S., by other persons, and the burglars left The clock was installed in the Presby- 'G.. Mrs. W. C. Albertson; nothing by which the dogs could follow terian church steeple 26 years ago and rt H.Terry; Trustees, G. W. them. The detectives hauled up a was the gift of Thomas Lester. This G.H. Wells, F. T. Wells; Lodge trump who was on his way west, but is the first time that the clock has been I A. R. Vail. J. B. young was nothing auspicious was found on him. overhauled and it was found in first- delegate to the Grand Lodge, A third officer arrived Friday, but all class order, the works being as good as Mrs.J. L. Conklin as alternate. the efforts of the officers to ferret new. Except that it needed some who committed the robbery were of no regulating, it was all right. It is avail. Lf-1q-1 2-.7 impossible for these large clocks to 74,Severe Thunder Storm On Thursday. Mr."and Mrs. E. W keep accurate time without regulating, ld was visited by a severe of left Southold for Portland. Me,* as they are affected by the temperature. storm early Thursday morning. where they will spend a few weeks lightning was incessant and some with relatives before taking U their Roxy, the railroad dog-, is spending a was very near. A tree on Oliver new work in Mamaroneck, N. T The short vacation with the. Hon. John L. 's place was strue i beet wishes of a host of friends attend Havens of Center Moriches. This sa- k. This them in their new field of endeavor. —teion 8 is, s dog has of late gi%,t.n uI ri(jipgy IW time in a few years that tree.I 00=0�� on The railroad trains an(] has enjoyed Mayo's place have been struck. The Southold baseball nine won from some inotoring with his new found also struck the annex of the the Orient team last Saturday, at friend, Mr. Havens, 16K damaging three rooms. Orient, by a score of 4 to 3. Southold will again play at Orient this Saturday. Twenty-Five Years Ago Universalist Fair—Childreas Matinee we e Years ,Ago 4-A,F ,�- — For the first time, the sale of goods 14-, / 2-- A B. T. ayne was engaged to teach and the matinee were held in the Par- The Holon's Point Hotel bad m the Locust Grove school. ish House. It made a picture, with guests than ever before. 0. F. Payne was engaged for the asparagus fern twined and festooned P. and J.Quarty were at home again, tenth time to teach the Arshamomoque everywhere, upstairs and down. In having sold out their business, school. one corner was a miniature stage erect- An application was made for two Ji Sheldon R. Downs of Northville and ed for the occasion by Mr. Cl.V. Penney mails a day from the city. Southold died. and Mr. J. M. Howard, Not in recent A. F. Lowerre took possession of G. The Commissioners of Highways met'years has there been as much goods F. Hommel's place on Traveler St. to take final action on the opening of nor as wide variety. Mrs. Moses Tay- W. A. Cochran, the new Postmaster, Beckwith AV. and Traveler St. as a for had charge of the lemonade, Mrs. ,'opened the post office in the east wig public highway. Elizabeth Terry of the candy, Miss I of J. Quarty's building. J.E. Cochran Quite a number of Southold People Marion Case of the toilet goods, Miss was appointed Assistant Postmaster. attended the funeral of Gen. Grant in Mildred Cox of the post office. Behind New York, the counter Mrs. C. E. Overton, Mrs. Southold Lighting Company Win, A. Cochran received his com-Wells Phillips and Mrs. Louis Sanford The annual meeting of the Soum:ad mission as Postmaster of Southold. were the efficient saleswomen. Lighting Company was bold at B(9 Rev. M. D. Kneeland of Fredonia, Franklyn Flin-d-ers, did a piano solo Hall Saturday evening. Vice Pr N. Y., formerly Principal of Southold about as neat and true as a boy of his dent S. Lester Albertson presided, an Academy,was visiting Southold friends. age could do it. Herbert Wells has al- Secretary F. K. Terry recorded. l ready the aplomb of an orator and was I Treasurer L. W. Korn's report showed Dredging the Creeks at his best. Miss Ruth Breen made a i that the company was in an excellent. Congressman Wm. W. Cocks of the dainty picture, costumed to the part, financial condition. An annual dividend First District was in town on Tuesday in the song, "Goin' to Mectin', and of six per cent, payable semi-annually, as the guest of Dr. E. L. H. McGinnis. later rendered gracefully a fancy dance. was declared. The following directors The Congressman was asked to view Master Moore, accompanied by Miss were re-elected- Dr. J. H. Marshall, the situation in regard to dredging out Hazel Hooper, handled the violin with Thomas Farley, E. D. Cahoon, L. W. a channel into the bay from Town real skill. He should improve his un- Korn, S. Lester Albertson, Wra. IL Creek. The matter was explained to deniable talent. Miss Edna Cahoon Terry and Fred K. Terry. Mrs. An. him, and he gave it his hearty approv- stirred things up as President of a B. Bliss and Mrs. J. N. Hallock w al, saying that the Government was youngster's club, which had met to re-elected Inspectors of Election. always delighted to have a place take hold a I I Mother's Meeting." Merwyll Ha bold of projects of this kind. The Buckley's face sbone like the sun he The many friends of Sidney dredge as Boon as it gets through dig- was telling about, and Miss Gladys ens, representing the cigar firm Of ging in Town Creek will go to work on Williams was a subject for an artist as J. H. Newins & Son, of Riverhhat c*adhe , dredging a channel from the mouth of Maud Muller. will be interested to learn t Town Creek Channel through the flats Interspersed were a series of tab- has severed his connection with that into the bay. When the work is leaux taken from the magazine "ad" concern. Mr. Havens has been trav- completed it will be a great improve- ages. eling through the County the past ment to Southold. Boats can get in Miss Emma Booth impersonated a thirty years. and out of the creeks much easier, and amiliar Baker's Cocoa illustration; "717S—Winifred Brainerd, a former we believe the opening of these channels ary Jane and Josephine Hobson, the of the Southold High will tend to bring much more water Gold Dust Twins; Gordon Taylor, Sun- Pireceptress course in Arts and into the creeks. The work has been Y Jim; Clement Booth, Cream of School, is taking a el) done by private subscription, and Dr. heat; Frieda Williams, Dutch Cleans- Grafts at the Chautauqua Summer McGinnis, the pioneer in the work, and r; Lyman Bliss, the Uneeda Biscuit -3,ho,l, Miss Brainerd is now a Manual all others interested deserve great boy in oilers. In addition, Alfred and Draining teacher and will take a fine credit. ollis Booth, John Bliss, Gordon Tay- position in Indianapolis this fall. or. Jean.Murray and Frieda Williams Geo. C. Terry, Jr., left this week for Miss Lillian M. Howell, who:has just id Robert Louis Stevenson's "Foreign Canton, N. Y,, where he will be returned from a four months' autonlo' Children," set to Music. These tab- employed in the law office of John L bile trip in Europe with Boston friends, leaux were unique, and the children Keeler. Mr. Terry studied law in Mt. is visiting her father, Geo, M. Howell- who took the parts did so well that in- Keeler's office before attending the dividual mention would be unfair, ex- Albany Law School. Jersey p City, Aug. 2, Charles, son of Donald Booth. b Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Ullerich of cet in the case of little Don Southold, aged 19 years. Interment at who did the Pear's Soap baby of the George B. Horton and family, of t Bridgeport, Ct., have moved to South- I Southold Friday- bath. "He was dear." Southold, Aug. 4, Miss Julia A. Sunny Jim's song was by Miss Rosa- Old and are occupying part of Geo. R. Cassidy, aged 49 years, 8 months. lind Case, and the words were original Jennings' house on the North Road. Greenport, July 28, Dorothy Ann with Mrs. F. D. Smith. IF-S—terrett's Circus exhibited in L. W. t Conklin. aged 68 years, Koan'sWednesday evening, Grace Schaefer, daughter of Negotiations have been completed 1 Twenty-Five Years Agcy It.and Mrs. Gustave Schaefer, form- for one of the largest retail drrig ' T 0 ti ,�, Z __ l�- 5 y of this village, was married at her combinations in the history e attendance at the opening of home in Copiague, L. I., on Aug. 6th of the country, by which the public school was larger than for leve to Bennett Ketcham, a young business firms of Hegeumn& Co., With twee- years previous. man of that place, ty stores in Brooklyn,Manhattan and Rev, and Mrs. Abram Conklin lef The price of potatoes is on the jump. jersey City, and the firm of W. B. South l to take up their residence la a Week`s time the price has advanced hiker&Son,with twenty-four stores yn 25 cents a bushel, raising 5 cents per in the same territory, will become Mrs. Emeline Ledyard died, aged bushel a day. The price Thursday was'one concern. It is stated that the years. William G. G. Bennett died, aged 70 cents. new company will be known as the years. bli:4s Marjorie 'Clement, superin- Riker-Hegernan Company, and Will Ninety-second Birthday tendent at the hospital, is enjoying have a capitalization of $15,000,000, On Friday, August 26th, Mrs. Hel' her vacation and Miss A. C. Konow one-third of which will be preferred Ilnntting reached her ninety-seeo. L,z seting Superintendent. �birthday, and though circumstan and.two-thirds of Which will be eom- Twenty-Five YearS Aga man stock, and that it will iusugur- permitted no especial celebration ori ;KVY_ ate a chain of stores in various cities the occasion, the day was made me Southol&had a morning and evening throughout the tTnited Staten. Ed- orable by the loving remembrances mail ward D. Cahoon and Dr. Joseph H. many friends. When one of advane J.Francis Gilder gave a concert in Marshall, wlao have country places age is numbered for several yea Belmont Hall. on the North Road, near Norton's:among the army of "shut ins,." it is Bev. Charles Palmatier of Webster, Point, are important figuresin the peculiarly cheering to be assured of a N.Y., and Miss Flora, eldest daughter transaction. Mr. Cahoon, who has place in the thoughts of friends, and ti'Rev.J. H. Ballou, were married. Mrs. Huntting wishes all who have so The annual Harvest Home was held been the treasurer of the hiker Co. lovingly remembered her in many Oak Lawn. Cutebogue's Veteran and largely interested in its growth kindly ways, not only on this occasion Hamm Corps furnished the martial and prosperity Will be the secretary but during the many days of her in- . Jesse G. Case presided. The of the new company. Dr. Marshall validism, to know how much of com- a was under the direction of continues as one of the stockholders, fort and cheer they have been, and rge B, Reeve of Mattituck. Rev. are, to her, and she sends to each and H. Ballou offered prayer. Address_ Twenty-Five YearIq A p all most hearty thanks. were made by Lawyer Ira H. Tut- A � . 4 e, � R Rev. $t4+ed Bell of England gave a C. B. Harmon, the millionaire of Southold, County Judge Thomas lecture in Belmont Hall on "Midnight aviator, crossed Long Island Sound Toning of Huntington, Nat W. Foster Scenes in New York." in his biplane last Saturday. He q1 Riverhead, and Rev. E. S. Wheeler The summer had been a very dry out :South Farmingham, Mass. The started at Mineola and landed in Greenport Male Quartette sang several one. the school election in Locust Grove fxreenwieh, Conn., covering the 28 seWtions. mile flight in S0 minutes. It was the following officers were elected: dark When he landed and his 10,000 The Town Board met at the Town Trustee, Bradley Wiggins; Clerk,Chas. accepted G. Corey; Collector, Elijah Hutehin- machine was.wrecked, but little did Clerk's office on Monday and Cls bid of the Southold Lighting O. to son; Librarian, B. T. Payne. he care. He had crossed the iSottnd. At the annual school meeting, it was B. 1 iKht the Southold Lighting District Mr. and Mrs. Archie Symonds sixty lights for one year for voted to raise$800 by tax. The follow- have arrived in Southold and are stop- rwft ing officers were elected: Trustee, W. ping at Mrs. Geo. R. Jennings' for the l I'000' G. Albertson; Clerk, W. H. Vail; present. Dater, they will occupy part e Ammi ville, Aug. 10, Anna R.,daugh- Collector,W.Hobart Glover; Librarian, of'1scar Wells' house. ur of Mr.and Mrs. Geo. H. Stelzer of Sylvester P. Tuthill. Judge and Mrs. Philip Meagher and Smmthald,where interment took place, y son of Brooklyn spent the Sabbath aced 7 Feria• pi Greenport, Au a fines Iiokanum 'Park, Westport, Conn., with Mrs. Albert A. Folk. Mrs. Cbereb,by Rev. Father C. F. Gibney, Aug. 17, Nat. W. foster, formerly of e, Meagher will be remembered as Miss William if. Furey, of Southold, and Riverhead, where burial took piece, Laura Henry,a former highly esteemed r• Was IS L Twome oreen rt, aged 77 years. � f Gteacher in our public. aCho01. Judge Bosi Geo, W. Smith is building a, Southold, Aug. 22, at Paumonok Inn, Meagher is a prominent Democratic. house and barn for John H. Young on Mrs. James Harper, of New York City, politician of Brooklyn and last year of the farm he recently purchased of N eX81 years. Interment at Kensico, was re-elected as Judge of the Civil lh- Henry M. Beebe. The house is situated Court for ten years, at a salary of Ii. just west of the Beebe homestead. Bay View, Aug. 29, Sate A., wife $8,000 per year. Of Harry J. MarreCella, aged 49y, 2m, M J Hatlock to J S Jenkins, lots 8d. Interment at South Orange, N. J. Through the real estate agency of E. S&sOuth half of lot 4,plan of New Suffolk, Aug. 18, ,Tames M. Leieht, Henry Duroski has purchased W. 13allock property on Hallock's Young, aged 67 years. Burial at. Cut- Tunis S. Bergen's farm at Peconic. Asi&L 'Great Hog Neck, Town of Ichogue. Twenty-Five Years Ago A battle dropped in the Sound off Dr. WbI r s Comment Horton's Point May 21st was found at The venerable Rev., Dr. Whitaker, Gear& kosher and family were about the beach at Bridgehampton July 3113t. who recently celebrated his 90th birth- to move to Jersey City. Mrs. Florence Anderson is employe-a day and whose interest in public offairs The Academy opened favorably under as stenographer and typewriter in the is unabated, sent the following letter Prin. Russell. Bank at Southold. that appeared in the Tunnel Number of per Miss Carrie Korn was sworn in as Cutchogue, Aug. 24, Clarence E. He]- the Brooklyn Eagle: second assistant postmaster. lock, aged 22y. 9m, 2d. The opening of the Penneylviwis Pj& The Wren Comedy Co. was billed to Cutchogue, Aug. 3, John J. Shalvey, road's tunnels to the millions who will present the drama, "The Two Orphans," aged 18y, 2m, 27d. throng them practically moves all LM New Suffolk, Aug. 1, Mary Catharine, Island fifteen miles nearer to the flaw- in Southold. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan, aged 6 months. cial and commercial center of the con- Stringham Killed by bas New Suffolk, Aug. 4, Winifred tinent. Poring over a law book in his apart- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Arm'- Long Island has been waiting many ments at 211 Twelfth street, Brooklyn, strong, aged ly, 3m, 2d. years for the coming of its day of im- Edward B. Stringham, 50 years of age, Brooklyn, Sept. 4, Edward B. String- mense increase in population and wealth a lawyer, met his death by asphyxia- ham, ed 50 years. Interment at —the increase which benefits the island's xla- Southold Tuesday. tion Sunday morning. A friend and a P — unique geographical position, peerless policeman forced the door of his room Lorig Island R.R.Time Table climate, beautiful scenery, rich fields, and found the lawyer, his head resting Effective September 8, IP10 attractive shores, and the living and il. on his arm, still bent intently over the LEAVE SOUTHOLD FOR NEW' YORK limitable treasures of its waters, book, as though he had merely fallen (Pennsylvania station),Brooklyn and prin- All these peerless advantages of the asleep while pursuing his reading. Near opal intermediate stations,week days,7.06, island are brought into greater prom• by a rubber tube attached to a Stu- 7 48 a.m.,2,61.1,7.08 p.m. Sundays.7,43 a,M., inence by this enriching enterprise of dent's larnp Jay detached from its 4.88 p.rn. EN- the railroad. socket, and from it streamed the poiS_ TRAINS LEAVE SOUTHOLD pok ORE The effect must be far-rearching upon PORT. week daYs,9.60,11.34 a.in.,, onous fumes. Ambulance Surgeon 7.64,9.58 p.tit. Sundays, 12.17,7.10 P.M this maritime suburb of the city in the Bell, who came from the Seney Has. TRAINS LEAV13 SOUTHOLD Pop SAO growth in numbers,energy,productive- HARBOR AND MON FAUK, via Manor and pital,gave it as his opinion that the Eastport,also con-jeting with west train ness and wealth of the people. man had been dead several hours. Ti. from Eastport on South Side DtVISIOU. 2.37 ..Ip.m,: peco.utc,2.41; Cutchogue,2.46; Mat- The value of land must rise; the is believed that Stringharn had fallen tituck.2.51. Traw leaving Southold at 7.08 p.M.also connects with Beall, Side DiVis- means of pleasant and attractive inter. i tn the growth n( asleep while reading, and that the tube ton going west. course must increase the desirableness 01 bad slipped from the lamp. Although LeAVH NEW V09K Pennsylvania 8111, 4' the island as a place of residence tient. 6M. 8.26 1L.in., 4.06. 5.00 P.To. Sun- the window was partly open, it was daysa.in., C20 P.m. nod rest. of Trains leave Brooklyn, FlatbuBh Avenue not enough to counteract the effect station.about the Same time as that shown 1 The Eagle does well to mark this aus. Be the gas. Mr. Stringham was a grand- from J#ennsYlVa1d4 station. This time- icious advance. Ron of the late Barnabas 11. Booth and table sublect to ausinire without notice- EPHER WHITAKER, D. D. was well known in Southold. His many friends here will regret his un- Tubes In Operation Twenty-Five Year A.20 timely death. The beginning of Long Island Rail- So/it, road service throiiOL tit(, East ltivr Miss Bertha Whitaker left for Steu. Mrs. Ormsby of Providence, R. I., is tubes froth tbo. ni-N% 11onns.0%:i1lia St:1 benville, Ohio, where she was to teach building a fine cottage at Pine Neck, -).-i - tion. in New -1� wcurred Tkffl',�,&I% French in the school at that Place. and with Capt. and Mrs. Wm. a(.,cor(,iL]g to New desks and seats were placed in Bacon will occupy the same whenju the Primary Department of the Public On Thursday the fir,4 t1ir n Lr pleted. Boss A. G. Case is the builder. out 0 f t -Y- School. he Pen. IVLlli�[, J-ohn Elmshauser and family will leave ingpassengers oil L comust rcial Mr. and Mrs. O. I. King moved from Southold next week for N. Y. City, and drawn by out;o ,fd the. lio-w ric New York to Southold. where Mr. Elmshauser has secured a motors, was the Geiopmail,ai!, it, W. A. Cochran was elected Treasurer position in the L.I.R.R. machine shop, charge of Condtwtor lt—lin-re. of Southold Lodge, I. O. O. F.,in PIM! Silas A. H. Dayton and his motherengineer was Pete"J011-- ,t- of George Fiseber, resigned. 110 I and sister returned Saturday from their Mattituck. The elertric 11tUr aN Prof. Isaac F. Russell became Pro. European trip. cutoff and steaul l)(.ouloLiN-e skjjjrj i- fessor of the Law of Contracts and Harry Howell and David Brown have toted in the l-,Ujjny-i(_112 Ya rdS nt Long Procedure, as well as Professor of returned from their trip to England Island Citv. political Science, in the University of and report a great time. The train, w1ii(!Ij is Lu make tht.t rim the City of New York. Misses Julia and Emily Cassidy have regularly in the hiture, is nlwif! "P "f At the Republican Town Primary,the the new .steel vestihitleeats; tl-kl.v candidacy of Henry W. Halsey of has gone to Jamaica, where the former upholstered and elevtrie lighted. Therc Greenport for Sheriff was endorw& -a fine position as a teacher. were but eighL pas..-.engersou the trai it', i tunnel trip one of thum being L. C'. en Sept.Burt and family have Austin of i4verheall. The Bay View school will OP Harry 26th, with Miss Jacobs of Aqu moved to N. Y- City. all teacher. Twont;y-Five Ye g0 'Through the real estate agency of E. T - ive Year Ago o/ / T=Wen Leicht, John H. Lehr has sold his farm ] " The Van Houten family, of Sag in the eastern part of the village to Silas Hortaa; ex Member of Assembly g Harbor, gave a concert in Belmont lWitzel Poliwodo, and ex-Sheriff of Suffolk County, died Hall. at his home at Bay View, aged 90 Col. Thomas Carroll was offered a Greenport, Sept. 25, at Holy Trinityi years. osition in the New York Custom Howse. Church, by Rev. Dr. C. A. Jessup, J. N. Hallock was engaged as teacher P Herbert Spencer Seale„ of Brant Rock, A Herring safe weighing 7,300 lbs. Mass., and Miss Ency Harrington, of the Bay View school, arrived for the Southold Savings Bank. daughter of Justice and Mrs. Jesse L. Steamers W. W. Coit and Frances The Republican County Convention Case, of Peconic, now made two trips to the city per made the following nominations. Mem- To Divide Estate of Jacob Appley week. her of Assembly, Henry E. Huntting; Capt. Wm. H. Horton arrived in New Sheriff, Henry W. Halsey; Surrogate, Litigation over the estate of Jacob York after a long voyage from New Jamea H.Tuthill; County Clerk,Ho1meH forinure Appley, which has been in the courts Zealand. W. Swezey; County Judge, Thomafar mare than twenty gears, was proh- Frank J. Maier and Miss S. Lizzie Young; Superintendent of Poor, Wil• ably ended recently, when Judge Gie- Hahn were married. liam W. Hulse; Justice of Sessions; gerich signed an order permitting the Jesse L. Case Es Henry H. Preston. final distribution of the estate, which 9•, of Peconic, and �•• is valued at $1,000,000. Miss Mary H. Harrington, of Oneida, Elton S, Booth left Southo'd Frida. N. Y., were married at St. John's for Syracuse University, where he wi. Jacob Appley, who made the founda- tion Episcopal Church, ©acids. begin his Junior year in the College a of his fortune by cornering the cheep market in the thirties of the last The will of Julia A.Cassidy of South- Applied Science. He was accompanie century, had a son, Jacob A. Appley, by Germond Cochran,who will enter th old, disposing of$8,7x00, has these he. who is now dead. The son separated quests; Julia M. Cassidy, niece, piano; College of Liberal Arts. y P'' from his Brat wife, Mary Brown AP_ Emily Casydy, niece, gold watch and Miss Eleanor lfawell has return pley, and married Marie Rockfellow sewing machine; the Rev. Father from her European trip and commence Appley, by whom he had several zhil- Thomas Hanselman, Jamaica, $200 for bar duties in the Southold High Schoe dren. masses for the repose of the soul of Wednesday. After the death of Jacob Appley, testatrix and$1200 for masses for the L P Jefferson and are, to E M Sr., who left all his property to bia son repose of the soul of her mother, Mary cArdle and ors, 3.41 acres, s s and his issue, a will contest was start- Cassidy; residue to Julia Cassidy and ian Neck road,adj land of Jeff er- ed in which other relatives, the deseen- Albert T. Dickerson for use of Emily & Smith, Indian Neck, near darts of Barbara Shrady, a sister of Peconic............. ...... ........none Cassidy until she is 21 years of age, C Leicht and wife to E A Burger, the elder Appley, questioned the legal when the principal is to be paid to lot a s Pine Neck rd, adj land. C right of inheritance of the sons issue, her. Leicht, Pine Neck, near South- Treadwell Cleveland, counsel for the Old.................................nom Appley heirs, advocated a bill that was The YJ3,li7 estate o t e a e ulia A, eased in the State Legislature, mak- Dickerson is exempt from taxation, Horton & Preston have com feted according to the transfer tax luipers P ing the children of couples who after- filed. but the$980 estate of Martha D. digging the channel from the creek wards married legitimate. Bowland of Northport is subject to into the bay. Following the passage of the law a tax of $46.50. Estate of Fred C. Williams, .South,- 0 B Goldsmith and wife to G H Judge Beekman married Jacob Appley, old;$4,177.16;exempt, Case,lot w New Suffolk lane, adj Jr., and his second wife in the Su- Mrs. Nancy Beckwith is spending' land of A W Beebe, Cutchogue....nam prem, Court. some time with her grandaughter,Mrs. New York City, Sept. 11, Julia I., A compromise was affected by which'I Hettie Stevens of Jamesport. Wife of the late Christopher Grattan, the Shrady heirs were to get two- aged 60 years. thirds of the estate and the Appley John Reubsamen is attending Wil- children one-third. The parties to the braham Academy. Twenty-Five Ye11 go 1 suit are all grand nephews and nieces George Harper sold about 330 baskets '' 'of Jacob Appley, Sr. of peaches this year. e Allam CI. Becker, of Delaware Co., In spite of the compromise the ease A. N. Y., was employed in THE TRAVELER dragged along in the courts until a few Southold, andOct3,. Gr Rev,. Edward s Holley, Richard K. Griswold and Miss office. months ago, when the original attor- Bridget P. Quinn. We bad an unusually dry summer. neys who took the ease of the Appley Southold, Sept. 29, by Rev. Wm. H. �f Capt. Benjamin Cole died, aged 77 heirs on a retainer held 'up the final Lloyd, George Monroe Hahn and Mrs. Df yam, distribution of the estate, on the Emma L. Moare. The Republicans nominated Ira ground that by the terms of their re- Michael Fisher has contracted with he Davenport for Governor. tainer each of the Appley heirs bad J, M. Lowden of Mattituck to furnish of _ bound themselves to pay them twenty him with flowers and overs,,his flower Geo. S. Prince attended the G. A. R. per cent of what they recovered. beds and lawn the coming season. Mr. Pt Encampment at Atlantic City, N. J., Judge Giegerich disposed of the at- Fisher has also contracted with Thomas ;ue lost week. The reunion of his old reg- torney's liens by allowing them the J. Phillips of Soutbold to furnish him invent, the Sixth New York Cavalry, sum of $23,000 for their fee.—N. Y. with flowers and oversee his flower was held at the same time. Herald. beds. Patrick H. Callahan, who died at his from t ie s art. I t is eat 1 re was wenty PIV r98I'g home in this village last Friday night rated as a nrillion•aire and as one of the ac t. 2 1 — of stomach and heart trouble, at 57 foremost pub]ishers in the city. Dr. C. A. Sackett and bride arrived He w gugoodnraarr and generous at their borne on Railroad Ave. years of age, had been a conductor on man, andd his tragic end is mourned by the Long Island Railroad since May 1, all the residents of Mtattituok as well The Oliver W. Wren Comedy Co. 1880. He began his railroad career as as by many other people• presented the "Two Orphans 11 here to conductor of a freight train an the His brother, A,,sernblym ri John M. a frill house. WadingRiver Branch and served at afternoon. Mr.to Brooklyn Thursday L. Brainard, of Mr. and Mrs. J. that for nearly twenty years. He wasBrooklyn,became residents of Southold. then promoted to the position of con- T'lrff'e ty-Five Yeas Ago Josiah Albertson and William doctor an s passenger train to River / �/— / f"s Albertson were a C. J. B. Terry, accompanied by Mrs. the Thomas S. Lester Estateeeutors of head, and for several years had been in Terry, went to Bangor, Me., to pur- charge of the Greenport express. He The tenth anniversary a the marriage' was stricken on his train at Ronkonko- chase lumber. br Mr, and Mrs. O. F. Payne was cele- was on an eastbound trip about a week Henry re-elHuntected ng and Stuart T. Terry braced ago, and.it was feared he would die be-. were re-elected Elders of the Presby- fore reaching Greenport. But he re_ terian church. Wm. J. Conway and LeRoy Jefferson Rev. J. H. Ballon attended the Uni- purchased 2,000 sheep at Gardiner's covered partially from the attack and afterward.grew rapidly worse until his versalist State Convention at Fort Island. James and Christopher Grattan p Y Plain, N. Y. death. Cx.•u a ,98 /7f Y Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Jewell were ' have purchased Air. Jefferson's share. The sheep are being brought bare in a Dr. Henry M. Payne sails to-day tendered a tin wedding. schooner and Ianded at Sanford's dock. from New York on the Ward Line At the annual Parish Meeting of the About 300 are brought to a load. steamship Merida for Havana, and Universalist church, S. D. Goldsmith, Vera Cruz, Mexico, for the purpose of.C. E. Overton., W. H. Terry and S. F. Antone rtutkoske, of Cutch—, has inspecting and reporting on the exten- Overton were elected Trustees, and M, sold his farm to John Bauer,of Peconie, sive coal areas recently acquired by T. Horton, Secretary and Treasurer. through the real estate agency of E. New York capitalists, in Mexico and Rev. J. H. Ballou was requested to Leicht. Central,America. He expects to return remain as pastor another year. Rev. Dr, Louis M. Sweet, of New in about three weeks by the all rail Thomas S. Lester died, aged 74 York City, filled the pulpit of the M. route. years. His estate was valued at more E. church last Sunday evening very President 14ft has issued an order'than $200,000. No will was found. acceptably. placing all assistant postmasters under Rev. E. D. Kelsey, of Cute ogee, addressed the Local Tem eranceSociet E st a oc sn ono, ex , to Civil Service regulations. This means p Y° J E Sullivan, lot s s Main et, adj that they are not removable except for —7--7-77""" 2d 2d st and land of G E Webb, cause. It looks as though Asst. Post- Dr. Ferdinand Kranenburg, one of New Suffolk.. ...................•.$1,400 master Cbas. A. Booth might hold his the Holland delegates to the Interna- present tit position in the Southold post tional Prison Conference, has been office for life, if he wants to. spending several days in Southold. home by C. A. Barwise, Mins Elyra Wilhelmina,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. s G. Fred Hummel is taking P. Ghristiun to Mr... William Burnett Cutchogue, Oct.2,Mrs,Lsvina Well, g a course norton of Pecouie. aged 77 years, 5 mos., 10 days. in Columbia University for a Doctor's Cuteho Cutchogue, Sept. 30, Mrs. Rose Ma- degree. gue,--Oct. 12, John V. Sander- honey, aged 80 years. son, aged rut years, 1 mos., 24 days.. Jamaica, Oct. 8, Russell Fithian, son pton a Suiciae of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hadley, Speaking of the Orient crops for 1.II0 The sa nca�1;r4tar.laetl this end of the formerly of Southold, aged 17y., llm., a writer in the lE glo says :This has 8d. Interment at Southold Tuesday. been a good year for•t.lre fanners in tiris Island Thursday noon that Frank M. Brooklyn, Oct. 6, Frank M. Lupton, Lupton, a native of Mattrtuck, and a aged 58 years. Intertnent at Mattituck. section as a whole. -1,s an average the summer resident there, had cvrunrittt d Greenport,Sept.30, Patrick Callahan, potato crop here w,as,a gond yield, but the pr ices were low, starting' out at suicide while .alone in his Brooklyn aged 57 years. Remains taken to $1.05 ger barrel and r e as bins t-he high- mansion the night bcfcare, He used a Jamaica for burial._ east price at$1.70 per barrel. They are .penknife, being found dead in his bath Hartford, Ct., Oct. 12, Spencer Mc- now selling for 81.35 per barrel, but tub Thursday morning. Ile had been Clellan Jewell, formerly of Southold, there is tittle or no deoiand. There and Miss Alice 'Germaine Bernard, of are thousands of barrels here which dead several lwtus' Hartford. are still to be marketed, As it costs Mr.Colston had been in ill health for Greenport, Oct. 9, by Rev. Chas. A. 84 cents a bushel to raise potatoes in some years, and it is believed he took Barwise, Charles Oliver Morse, of this section them iia; been no money his life while more despondent than South Jamesport, and Mrs. Ruth in the crop this year for the farmers rrsual. His wife was visiting in Hart Firmly Howell, of Southold. at tlto lnrWe5 thou have received. Those ford at the tiura, who raised onions made finite a hit, Mr. Lupton was born in Mattitut k 51i re a am of Orient caught a 351 receiving 83 sa barrel for there. ca_ oars ago. He learned the lb. striped bass in Iris pound last week. cumber;+have brought from $l,2 tri 8:I J' printer's per barrel. trade,commencing in the Salrolk Tutu., This makes him the king pin fisherman ! office, Greenport. Shortly, howeti-er•,]re of the East End. The Montauk fisher- There were 342 names registered at went to Now York andstarted in buss- men will have to catch another sea ser- this election district by the Board of for himself, He wras srrt cessful pent or else take a back seat. Registrars. Sannd Avenge, Dict. Rev. '1'W©IIty-T+'1P8 Ye&I'8 ego Twenty-Five Years ego L Luce, +Clarence B. Tutbill, of N 01 1F- � � fir'� ��U�/ , / 1 5r'�—�--- Suffolk, and Miss Rosette J. Luce. Rev. fir. Wiswell Formerly of South- Frank Bramson was clerking in W. New Suffolk, Oct. 26, at the r old, resigned the pastorate of the W. Smith's store. dente of the bride's parents, by R John H. Young was engaged as clerk F. G. Beebe. Clarence el Cornell, Green Hill Presbyterian church, Phila- New York, and Miss Helen, daugh delphia. for J. B. Fanning. �''of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Hort `. Rev. C. S. Williams, of Brooklyn, Miss Helen M. Huntting graduated �CharIes french, who was thought to formerly S Southold, delivered , from the Brooklyn Training School for have perished in one of the severe formerly gamy address el Belmont Nurses. storms, last winter, Nvbile out in his Henry Segmond, who had been boat, surprised his r;l nds the other Hall. employed by G. F. Hommel as a shoe- day by making his appearance again. kmaker for four years, opened a shop at Dr. C. A. Sackett. of Southold, and lie is in the escalop business,. Miss Cora S ettof Afton, were M married. attituck. Mr. Lupton had $].,540, Presiding Elder B. M. Adams held The will of the late Frank 31. Lupton The following were elected officers of three days' religious services in the of Brooklyn and Mattituck, disposing Banner lodge, I. O. G. T:: C. T., M. E. church. of ail estate estimated at a million and . F.T. Wells; V. T., Miss Aggie Terry; The members of the Presbyterian a half, was filed in the Surrogate's of- Sec., Mrs. J. L. Conklin; Tress., P. II. lice, Brooklyn, Thursday. It names the Cantermen; Chaplain, Miss Hannah choir began to practice on the oratorio ss idow and son in-lass, 4lias. C. Hoge, Carpenter; M., Mrs. Jennie Albertson; of Elijah. as executors. as Young People's Missionary The following cash bequests are G., Mrs. Jessie Wells; S., B. B. Tut- Society of the Presbyterian church made: To the widow, $50,000, also the hill; R. H. S., Mrs. ,Emma Vail; L.. H. elected the following officers: Pres., property at Alattituc.k, the Brooklyn S., Miss l ttfe Beebe; A. S., D. T. Mrs. Epher Whitaker; Vice Pres, hone, automobiles, horses, yacht, etc. Conklin; D. M., Gilbert H. Terry. The daughter, Mrs.Hole receives$100, Miss Elsie Elmer and F, C. Williams; 0110: 1-1-arry B. (nos,,-deceased) and John The Rev. Joseph H. Gill, a former See-, Miss. Minnie Hallock; Treas., M, Lupt«n, brotlfers, each $10,000; and pastor of Southold and now superin- Miss May Horton; Organist, Miss Lide to nephews and nieces ;+*,0+10 each, as below; Belle C. Lupton (now Pike), tendent of Moradabad District, North Howell; Roll-keeper, Miss Anise Robert M., I;.ussell E., Edmund R., India Conference, was married at Ba- Dillard; Librarian, Miss Addie Wiggins. Olive M., and Mildred 'Lupton. The reilly, India, July 22d, to Miss Mary David B. Hill was elected Governor residue of the estate goes to the widow, E. Wilson, missionary of the Woman's of New York by 11,000. Suffolk and at her death to the daughter. Foreign Missionary Society at Pauri, County went solidly Republican, the c Thu lsill, which hears date May 's 1JUi, also provides that deceased's pt, Garhwat majorities ranging from 150 on As- lishing business in New York sliall Through the real estate agency of sembly to 900 on County Clerk, South- continued by the executors. E. Leicht, Mrs. L. M. Newbold has old Town went 13 Democratic. sold part of her farm at Oregon to ---� Twenty-'ive 'leaf's Ago Joseph Rice of Cutchogue. Mr. Leicht 'Ralph Eldredge has rented Spencer A/Lr/,/' / /*4-S has,also sold Antone Rutkoske's farm W' Petty's wheelwright shop. The Tennessee Jubilee Singers were billed to appear in the M. E. church. at Cutchogue to John Bracher of Pe- C B Hudson and wife,to C Hearn, Letters of administration of th conic. lot a s Jackson at, adj land J H Holmes, New Suffolk......... estate of Thomas S. Lester we Gomez $t Past have moved their nom granted to Josiah Albertson and Wi wheelw€ight business to their old stand New Suffolk, Oct, 15, Mary, daugh- liam C. Albertson. in the eastern part of the village. ter of Charles and Susan Pugsley, aged 11 months, 29 days. The Board of Excise granted an al J Bolton to E A Lack, lot on and beer license to Philip Newart o private road, adj land A Hummel, The Suffolk County Medical Society Orient. This was the first license eve near Horton's Point, north of held its annual meeting in Riverhead last granted in Orient, village of Southold...... .........nom Thomas C. Bennett and Mrs. Sara J L Conklin to J B Terry, lot e a week, electing the following officers: E Overton were married. Town harbor Lane, adj land Bnom President, James L Halsey, Islip ; Vice- Chandler, vr an Southold.husband, ..t President, Dr, Hugh Halsey, Southamp- Geo. C. Terry, Jr., has passed t M A Glover and husband,. to J L Vie, lot n a Hummel av, adj land tori; Secretary, Dr. FrankOverton, State Bar Examination and will so IA Hummel, Southold.............•nom Patchogue; Treasurer, Dr. B. D. Skit,- be sworn in as a practicing Attorne E A Lack to J Bolton, half and Counselor at Law, We eaten interest in lot on private road adj nor, Southold ; Censors, Dr, W. N. Bard- hearty congratulations and predict o ;land of A Hummel, near Horton's hart, Dr. Lawrence Coffin and Dr. F. F.. young friend will make his mark at th' Point, north of village of South- old............................... nom Benjamin, Bar. Thomas Farley bas sold his east During the transaction of business, it The 10 p. m. train last We n house and 20 acres of land on the was agreed to raise prices, and hereafter night killed a deer between Pall North Road to Dr. H. G. Werzel of it will be "legal" to charge, according to and Southold. Brooklyn. this Society, the minimum price of $1.50 C Leicht and wife to C L Smith, 11 smith to C Leicht, lot"e s Pine Neck road, adj land of C y �for each da visit $2.00 for a night calf lot s s Main highway, adj land of E Leicht, Pine Neck, near South- Land $1.00 for an office call. A Burgess, Pine Neck, South- old. old................................ nom Democrat, defeats Geo- -RA Mr. Sheide, Demo Southold Town Election Returns L. Thompson in the Second District by Fast 861. n is elected Justice Fisher's Mar'n South- out. Matti- Garret J. Garretso Island Orient G'Port Greenport old Peconle chogue tuck of the Supreme Court from the Second District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . Total District by 4313. gives Stimson 72 ma- GOVERNOR Southold Town Stimson, R. 18 107 109 96 94 123 92 86 161 886 jority. The Republican majority in the Dix, D. 13 32 122 109 145 145 61 77 1.10 814 Town'on Coroner was 138 Hopper, 1. L. 1 1 6 7 6 4 3 3 2 331 Bound to Vote, Anyway Russell, Soc. 1 0 7 10 2 1 0 1 0 22 Engineer Charles E. Beach of this ,NlacNicholl, P. 0 7 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 is place arid Charles Ii. Tuthill of Solar - CONGRESS o d r— were,put to considerable trouble in Cocks, R. 20 111 118 106 95 130 94 88 169 931 casting their votes Tuesday.81WYA Littleton, D. & 1. L. 12 28 117 108 154 142 61 75 103 800 Mr. Beach's train had to pull out just s-,ven minutes before the polls opened, SENATORand as it wouldn't get back until after Hubbs, R. 18 109 121 103 104 117 84 67 108 831 the polls closed, he jumped on a train Long, D. 13 27 110 103 138 145 67 92 159 854 as soon as lie reached Long Island City, ASSEMBLY arrived here before noon, cast his vote, Talmage, R. 18 106 117 102 95 130 93 84 162 907 and went baek in the afternoon to Brennen, D. 13 27 112 103 144 133 59 78 108 777 bring his train to Riverhead that night. Thus he had to ride almost the length CORONER of Long Island twice in order to vote, Gibson, R. 18 107 114 102 98 133 93 83 164 912 When Mr. 'Tuthill went to vote in Thorpe, D. 13 26 114 104 142 132 69 77 107 774 Southold he found his name had been omitted from the register. It was School Directors afternoon then, but be hastily procured Kirkup, R 18 107 115 102 96 131 93 86 170 918 a inotor oar, rode to Riverhead, and ex- Iflained the case to Judge Gifting. The Shipman, D. 13 27 114 104 144 135 59 77 105 778 C,)urt gave him an order to serve on Terry, R. 18 109 118 102 100 114 90 84 166 901 the election officials, who then allowed Bennett, D. 13 25 110 104 141 154 62 78 106 793 hilt to asvote. w 4 o'clock when lie left River- ub I licans did manage to save Penn- head, and the hurried ride back to and P By It was an avalanche. landslide and sylvania, Delaware, New Hampshire Southold through tile, ulud was aDY- cycloneall combined in one, and the thing but a pleasant experience. i d and Rhode Island. Itepu6iiian elephant is buried under- Death,but he is not dead, though sorely Iowa goes Democratic, but the Pacific ']' E) Years A90 slope states and Western states remain TW0UtY-Fi) battered. In the words of Teddy, we in the Republican fold. The Republicans I put i',t�Kiee kands were —licked to a frazzle." Our Demo- also gain Tennessee, electing a Govern- David L. Herter and cratic friends certainly did t up brown of his two grandsons, GeO 000 or, James L. Horton, a capital of $4 this time. The biggest surprise was the defeat me of starting a mac!bine New York gives about 70,000 for of Congressman Win. W. Cocks in this for the purpose John A. Dix for Governor and he shop at Port Jefferson. district, Mr. Littleton being elected by Ballou accasionally held carries all his associates on the State 4,685. He carried Suffolk, Nassau and Rev. J, H. in Peconic ticket with him. The Democrats carry the 4th ward of Queens Sunday evening services both branches of the Legislature, which d Orlando Hall. meetingof the Suf- willelecta United States Senator in James L. Long defeated The 35th annual place of Chauncey M. Depew. Hubbs for State Senator in this district folk County Temperance Society was by 1141, carrying Nassau by 663 and The Democrats will have 48 majority Suffolk by 478. held at Sout:110ld-, at in the House of Representatives, and Nassau County was swept by the Mrs. Alfred R Sandford died Champ Clark will be elected Speaker. Shelter Island, aged 74 years. New Jersey elects Woodrow Wilson, Democrats. Dix carried Suffolk County by 60. Stephen Salmon broke his collar bone President of Princeton University, Stimson carried Huntington by 223; Governor by 36,000. Mr. Wilson ill Wednesday afternoon. while playing Presidential timber. We consider him Smithtown, 3; Brookhaven, 7; River- head, 9; Southold, 72; Shelter Island, foot ball. the greatest Democrat in the Nation. 3; Southampton, 165; East Hampton, Through the real estate agency of E. Ohio re-elects Judson Harmon Govern- Mary Hammel has sold or by 60,000. Mr. Harmon is also 103. Dix carried Babylon by 278 and Leicht, Mrs. Bowery Lane to Mrs. Islip by 378, her property on Bo Presidential size. Gibson, the Republican candidate for Theresa Leicht. Massachusetts and Connecticut break Coroner in Suffolk County, was elected Father' from their Republican moorings and C ebogue, Nov. 16. by Rev, elki; Democratic Governors. Every- by 349. John B. Lyle, Horatio Seymour Ander where in the East and Central West itDeWitt C. Talmage, Republican, is son and Mises Winifred M. Delaney, was a Democratic landslide. The Re- elected Member of Assembly from the both of New Suffolk. J,; '' Fkat District by 693. S,'aeeapasrt, Oct. 29, by Rev. Dr. H. M. W. Golder has closed his drug' William H. Hummel started on his Q lbs,Charles H. Meredith and miss store at Cutchogue. annual trip Friday. This year his pelma Jefferson, both of Peconic. destination was New Orleans and he Greenport, Nov. 7, Dan'1 N. Thomas, Greenport, Nov. 14, by Rev. C. ]A. left by steamer direct to that port Fri- 78 sere, 3 da s Barwise, Emmons Dean, of Greenpoday afternoon. 'William can certainly Med y y and Miss Elizabeth Barbara UlleriGreenppoort, Nov. 4, Helen C., daugh- of Southold. be called the great Southold traveler, ter of Wm.J. and Catherine Conway, Ftiehmond Hill, Nov. 17, at the ras he has undoubtedly covered more lgred years,9 mouths, 9 da s' dence of the groonn's brother, by Rev. territory than any other resident, not Elizabeth, N. J., Alexander S. Den- Dr. W. E. Evans, S. Forrest Preston, only in this country, but in the West man, a former summer resident of of Greenport, and Mrs. Laura B.Terry, ladies and other ports. aouuthold, aged 73 years. of Riverhead. Joe and Clinton Carroll have started �'W@II p V6 @�pg g New York City, Nov. 20, George J. a lunch roam in Theo. Hoinkis' store, g Tillinghast,formerly of SouthoJ"ere corner Railroad Ave, and Traveler St. interment took place, aged 70They keep sandwiches, cake, home- A wild-eat engine in passing H. Jena lllar. Marr C. Bnllock has bmade pie, coffee, mills, cigars, etv. aiags'premises killed one of his cows The boys are enterprising lads and s,rdt for absolute divorce fa The property of the late Thomas SI hnsbaud, Geo. W. Bullock, deserve success. When you feel the Laster amounted to fully$300,000. IDuring the heavy easterly storm am for r'f the psi"ls at Paradiseneed of anything Sn their line, call �a pleasure resort frequented around and held them out. They will part of Mill Creek bridge was washedPlyA the summer months by picnicappreciate it. Union Thanksgiving services ofthe Mrs. Bullock,. in her complaint, Geo. C. Terry hasleased his coal, 11 E and Universalist churches were names Miss Elsie Dickerson, a young wood and feed grinding business to laid in the M. E. church, the Rev. r pretty girl, and a daughter of Nelson Wm. T. Gagen, for one year, with the H.Ballou, pastor of the Universalist Dickerson, of Bayview. near South- privilege of buying. The lease was ehareb,preaching the sermon. Services old, as the co-respondent. Bullock made through the real estate agency were also held in the Presbyterian and the girl are both missing from of E. Leicht. Mr. Gagen will take ebb,with preaching by the pastor. Southold. Silas A. H. Dayton, has Possession Jan. 1, 1911. Mr. Gagen is Howard and Daniel Hallock left obtained an order of publication a hustler and a good business man, and Southold for a sojourn,in Kansas. against the defendant, George W. we are confident be will make a success g of the business. Mr. Terry will devote --�• _— Bullock, and the summons in the his time to his large ice business. L. Baumann sells chain chowder by action is to be served by published Lk plate or quart, We acknowledge a notice in the local newspapers. He G. hied Tillinghast has recently been generous supply of the chowder andis very Hauch older than Miss engaged as factory manager of the pronounce it all rigbt. There is nothing g better for a supper than a plate of hot Dickerson, who is, maned in the largest linseed oil refineries in the world which with their acres of build- chowder. proceeding". It is said by in s complicated machinery and chemi- chowder. Try Baumann's chowder, g , P y and take our word for it a friend of Mie, Bullock that she cal apparatus will keep him very much you will find will continue to conduct the Paradise ge P it delicious. engaged. The factory is at Buffalo, 31r- Ad 'son Goldsmith is in New pleasure Park resort. Mrs. Bullock N. X. has the sympathy of the village Tork Uty for a time, having an op- Capt. and Mrs. Wm. T. Bacon an folk. daughter, Mrs. Ormsby, portnnity to do business with a _ g , y, have mov commiWon film. Twenty-Five pears A90 into the latter's new cottage at Pin Neck. Geo. Terry, Jr., was sworn in as 7-.)v ca, 2– — / k-yJ The Arshamomoyue Minstrel Co. gave the winter Borough Ball, Brooklyn, on Wednes- Attorney and Counselor at Law at an entertainment in Belmont Hall. F. W. Bridge is taking course in agriculture at Cornell Uni- James Al. Magee returned to his day. _ position on Christian at Work. versity. Yr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Wells have The Tennessee Jubilee Singers gave Earl T. Hagerman has left town to vacated L.L.Glover's house on Hommel a concert in the M. E. church. take a position with the N. Y. N. El. Ave and have moved away. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel.Dickerson cele- &1l. R. R. Edwin Fickeassen and family have brated their 20th wedding anniversary. Moved into D. T. Conklin's rooms over Taeoth with a the meat market. servicefriends naner them Announcement is made by Azel D. Barnsbas H, Booth of Southold and :Matthews e en Fenimore St., zel D. Mrs. Mary E. Tuthill of East Marion were married. n,of the engagement of his daughter, i Miss Gladys Matthews, to Stanton Mott Harry G. Case has leased of Geo. R. of 911 President St., Brooklyn. Jennings a lot on Main St., next to Cauliflowers are selling well, the Thomas Farley's, on which he will. best grade selling from $6.60 to $7.60 erect a garage andbicycle shop 40x60 in the spring. 'Twill Not Be Long Twenty-Five Years Aglir Riverhead, Dec. 5, Dr. Henry P. Of the men who went from Southold 10 j, Terry, aged? years. town in 1862 in Co. H, 127th N. Y. V., Rev. . H. Ballou rented Malaise's house on Beckwith Ave. AIr. 113ullock States His Case. there are now forty-three—including Mrs. 11. Williams' house was raise George W. Bullock, of Paradise Gen. Woodford—known or believed to�one story by Boss Glover. Point, whose wife is suing him for be living. Thirty live in the town, J. Wickham Case purchased of Win an absolute divorce, in which she seven in the county, and four out of H. Wells the Lawyer Goldsmith proper- ' Miss Elsie Dickinson as the. the state. Of these, five have reached!tY, corner of Main St.and Railroad Ave. names the 75-year rate of pension—twenty! Win. C. Albertson purchased of Col. co-respondent, has made,a statement dollars per month; thirteen the 70-year 3 Obn Wickham the property corner o, concerning the case, which is some- rate—fifteen; and the twenty-five Main St, and Railroad Ave. what remarkable, according to the The property of the late Thomas S. in this statement others are entitled to twelve. Lester inventoried $31Brooklyn Times.6,000, exclusive e An examination of the list of these of real estate. Bullock says: "vets" would undoubtedly convince J. E. Corey was around with a sub- "I don't(we about Myself. lint it any thoughtful person that about half scription paper to start a fund for a is wrong to wrong the innocent. As of them will probably receive their hook and ladder truck and equipment. far a,,;;I know. Elsie Dickinson is 'is five years more will carry away the final discharge" in five years; and Sheriff-elect Henry W. Halsey re- signed the office of Overseer of Poor. pure as gold." Henry N. Young, of Greenport, and Bullock., whose whereabouts lip to larger part of the others. Mrs. Emma L. Knight, of Southold, this time had been unknown to So it seems not an unreasonable re-were married. Southold people for more than a quest, now made by those who still re- Martha Virginia, wife of Rev. Dr. main, that Congress should pass the Carson W. Adams, died at Bay View. month, writes a letter to a local dollar-a-day Pension bill; for, as one newspaper. The letter is postmark- says, "The pension money is not J-First Snow Storm ed Roxbury, N_ Y_ November 23, locked up for speculation and gam- The first snow storm of the season, and in it Bullock says: bling, but goes to 'the butcher, thewhich began Monday evening, became 'I wish to state that recently I saw I baker and candlestick maker,' and at a regular blizz-a—M—during the night and nt of George W. Bullock once relieves the necessities of millions Tuesday, whirling down IT, blinding an account of men, women and children in the flurries, piling the roadways and streets eloping with one Elsie. Dickinson, ordinary walks of life." with drifts. Not in years has the first which I wish to deny. The facts are snow storm Of the season been such a these. She found I was going to Nov. 30, 1910. B. T. P. big one. The storm was very general, Burgla— going as far south as Tennessee and as leave Southold, and asked me to get b-Three Places rzed far north as New England. her a position. She took the same Some time Monday night three of our In 1857 the eastern end of Long Is- train I did. She paid her own fare business places were burglarized, The land was cut Off from communication 3, and on that date. I store of F. Fickeissen was entered by with the world for nearly eight weeks. on October 1 r her referenve. She prying open the back door. The sum The trains did not get through from stood up fo of $8.13 was taken from the cash Dec. 23, 1856, to Feb. 7, 1857. On hired to a lady in an employment' register. The register was entered Dec. 22, 1880, a snow storm completeland.ly bureau on Atlantic avenue, Brook- without breaking the lock. The drug blocked the eastern end of the is store of M. W. Golder was broken into With an occasional break, the trains lyn. for $22.50 per mouth as wait- ere stalled for nearly y three weeks.t and I went to Ridgewood. N. J, by taking glass out of a back window dropped to rens,a On Dec. 30 the mercury dr -I I and the window of the cellar was also Whether she is home or in Jersey broken. Mr. Golder lost between $5 eight below zero. and $6 from his cash register. Mr. Sam'l Dickerson did good work wit am unable to state. MY wife refused Golder purposely leaves his register his snow plow Wednesday morning• to run Paradise Point with Me." open, so if parties should break in they is of some alleged meat Bullock then tel would not break the combination, The Arthur N. Smith has started a burglars also broke into H. G. Booth's store at grievance and interference on the store by fitting a key to the front door• market in W. A. Williams' Is relatives. Mr. Booth's store was broken into econic. O. A. Prince is employed in part of big wife 1,1 still love my wife, willing to about six weeks ago and since then be the market. sorrows has left no money in big cash drawer at support her, and share her s night, go the burglars were fooled there. E W Haynes to B H Haynes, J or joys. I never wronged her, and None of the gentlemen miss any goods, interest in 28 acres adj estate of J she.is suing fora divorce I hope though considerable might have been Overton and L H Case, Peconic....nom, if taken and they not know it. J M Terry and ano to H Horton and pray that she gets it. I shall Later it Was found that the burglars and ors. 2 acres, n s The Narrows, let it go by default." broke into W. H. Terry's shop by adi land of A B Tuthill, Peconic...nom Bullock then complains because going through the trap door, but he --g—Te-Dr. !& v. misses nothing. home, IF_Y_ Nov�-_R Y ublic sympathy, he says. "is 81- There has been considerable petty Topping, Arnold P. Danz, of Southold, ays with the woman." z thieving around Southold lately, and and Miss Elizabeth G. Nisbet. now four stores have been burglarized. roo ' ov. 28, at the ftellpo Michael A. Furey, bag sold his arm It is a pity that the guilty parties can. St. Char e Barromeo, by the Reverend Mich lo farm)to Albert not be caught and punished to the full James E. Bober, pastor, assisted by of 10 acres (the Costello estate extent of the law, This latest burlar —the Reverend- - Tobin, Mary E. E. Salmon, through the real is a states prison offence. Walker, of Brooklyn, to Henry Jacobs, gency of E, Leicht. .New Suffolk. T*entv-Five Years Agp_ Southold, Dec. 20, Capt. William M. uty-Five Years Ago Maynard, aged 76 years, 2 months, 20 e, la — / -ad L( days. YOUD9 was clerking for J. B. Potatoes were selling for 70 cents a clerking in WM- bushel. Clarence Glover in 9 Southold Social Club held its H. C. Prince added a 40-ft. shed to�A. William's rat—a- hop of the season. his barn. es M. Magee became assistant The Tennessee Jubilee Singers were TwentY-Five Years Ago agent at Flushing. '3 Trustees of the Southold Savings met by a fall house. Phtrick May enlarged his kitchen. decided to pay four per cent per A. W. Aiken, of Brooklyn, leased Sneak thieves were around. Benj. H. Terry's house in the eastern Col. John Wickham Purchased Dr. ence Freeman died, aged 74 part of the village. C. J. Graves' placeBay Ave. Mr. Moodinger purchased a building Fire destroyed the large barn of ord came on Wednesda to Mr.Wm. 1 site of Wm. B. Dalston on the North Frederick Maxwell, together with all Griffin that ,ain' 41 SOD, a iorm. 1 Road. its contents, except the horses and Conductor on the L. I. R. R., long Daniel W. Grattan made noticeable cows. There was an insurance of$1,500. Mident in Greenport, where he Joined improvements about his place on R811- The following were elected officers beanie Lodge F.&-A. Ni.,con tinning ev- road Ave. of the M. E. Sunday School: Supt., &since to be,affiliated with it,, had died At the annual meeting of the South- W. A. Clark; Asst. Supt. 'at big rF sidenep, 225 E 48th--t., N. Y. , E. L. 'Rehad been for many years, and still Old Temperance Society, the following Boisseau; Female Supt., Mrs. B. T. in the employ of the Staten Island officers were elected: Pres., D. T. Payne; See., L. W. Korn; Tress., B. bpid Tra-gait R. R. Co. His age was Conklin; Vice Pres,, H. W. Prince, B. Tuthill; Librarian, F. S. Teague; *tit78. '1he funrral was appointed la P. H. Cantermen; See. and Tress.,Friday (yesterday) at 8 p. m., at �Assistants, Geo. G. Conklin and Wil- Jehouse; and the remains will be tak- 0. F. Payne. Mr. Payne bad held this liam Goldsmith. The missionary coi- ea by rail today to Dover Plains, N.Y., office for the past 20 years. lection for the year amounted to $54. fic burial in the family plot. Adelega- The Temperance Society was addressed do from Peconic Lodge, consisting of Goo. C. Terry, Jr., is home for by Winfield Hartranft. ,W.M.Chas. R. Lyon, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Christmas, after spending some time Id. Wells, and )erhp s others were to Charles H. Overton and Miss May E. dthe funera.�'and trial. (),C;. 7 up-State. He will return on Monday Bishop were married. to Wellsville, N. Y., where he bas Mrs. Emma F. Lewis died, 16 opened a early morning train for the city d law office. Wellsville is a aged .33 y ears. stuck in a snow bank in the cut I of Boisseau.Ave. last Friday morn- live town of 5,000 inhabitants, situate and it was 11 o'clock -156-fore the 90 miles southeast of Buffalo. It seems Miss Mary B. Henderson, of Por left the station. Since that time a fine opening for our young friend, Chester, N. Y,, has been engaged as railroad company has run a snow i and we wish him every success. Mr. teacher of English and History in the every Morning, believing that an Terry is a gra of prevention is worth a pound eluate of the Southold Southold High School, in place of Miss tore. 0 ri t High School, St. Lawrence University Eleanor Howell, resigned. Miss and the Albany Law School. For the Henderson is a graduate of Cornell H.W.Simons is putting a metal past two sessions he has served as clerk University, has had experience as a e roof on Belmont Hall, of the Assembly Fisheries and Game teacher,and comes highly recommended. Silbert Tillinghast, of Southold, Committee. He was admitted to the The Board of Education is very sorry ,Wbo wasindi(-ted for forgery, it Bar this fall. He is a young man of to lose the services of Miss Howell, vas said, was not in his right mind.i fine character and unquestioned integ- who is a very superior teacher. 1khas lately been in the Central Islip rity, bright, alert, affable, and*Is bound While skating on the creek Monday Otal but is now in Riverhead sion. He has the best wisbes. of his to make his mark in his chosen profes- night, Germond Cochran, who is home In ro The State authorities at the many friends for his future welfare. �from Syracuse University for the boli- 'tal said he was not in his riizht. I days,fell and cracked a bone in his leg. when he committed the alleged Some of our busingss rnen contem- We are very sorry that the joyful plate making changep in their P14res of holiday season had such a bad ending es, and that he is not navy. business about Jan- J. W41. A. Wil- for our young friend, but hope he may josise went over and it is prob- liams will move his stoc4- into L.he store that a new commission will be. or H. M. Hawkins; Mr. 114wkins willsoon recover and be able to return to move into F. Fickeissen's store, who in his school work. ted to examine hien. turn will move into the store vacated fficerthe are the o 'Southold Town Tax 3 e by Wm. A. Williams. 1�Senior Class of the Soutz; of he Southold High tax rates for Southold Town have Last F�r_iqu was the coldest day of School: President, Israel Terry; Vice e definitely settled,but the rates the winter, the thermometer register- President, Elinor Terry- Secretary, about as follows: Southold Town, Southold Ing 5 above zero early in the orning. Edith Breitstadt; Treasurer, Claude .Greenport Village, 5� Boss Geo. W. a I Smitlp%as trken the Hodgins. r s d register- g day r i' n in e 0 r f g 9 istrict, 20; Southold Park ken the t 8; Orient Lighting District, contract to build a cottage for E. N. Howard W. Hallock, formerly of n ent .re District, 6; Mattituck Bennett, of Br2alyn, at In District,14; Southold Fire District, Southold, has purchased a large farm ;e L. P. Wilkinson and family have in Florida. expenses of the Town are con- moved into Sam'] Dickerson9s house in Clifford Prince, Walter Prince and ly less than last Year, but the tax has about doubled. Last the eastern part of the village, formerly Fred T. Jennings are firing on L. I. To n rate zas 26 occupied by Capt. Wm. T. Bacon. R. R. trains. Among those Who,spent the holidaTwenty-FiveTAS tnly-Five Years A 110 ys Years Ag at Southold we noted Mr. and Mrs. u4,,, 6 CJ& �a ft yr4� Terry Bros. began to fill their ice Benjamin G. Conklin and son, Miss Alfred C. Simons was clerking for Ruth Horton, R. C. Addy and family, B. Fanning. house at Great Pond with 5-inch ice. George B. Simons, Harry Phillips, A. R. Vail was sworn in as Deputy Geo. J. Tillinghast was clerking for Don Salmon Whitcomb and family, Sheriff—the first one under Sheriff W. C. Albertson. Mr. and Mrs LeRoy Goldsmith, Harold Halsey, J. B, Fanning and H. N. Booth were Cornell de Loiselle of Brooklyn, Miss At the shooting match on New Year's elected Trustees of the Presbyterian Ernestine Howell of the Jamaica Train-'the quarter of beef was won by C. M. church. ing School, Willard Howell of East Ledyard's club of three, Dr. Ilartranft sold the kitchen ad- Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis At a meeting of the Town Board, dition on the rear of his house to P. of Sag Harbor, Mr. and Mrs. G. John F. Booth of Greenport was ap- warty, wl�a moved the same to his lot Herbert Terry, Frank Rackett of pointed Overseer of the Poor, in place on Railroad Ave. Orient, Frank Gomez, Percy L Bergen, of Henry W. Halsey, resigned. .- The Ladies' Society of the Universal- Mrs. Mina H. Edwards and daughter The following were elected officers of ist church elected the following officers: Anna, Mrs. Edgar T. Smith, Mr. and the M. E. Ladies' Aid Society: Pres., Pres., Mrs. A. F. Lowerre; 1st Vice Mrs. Richard K. Griswold of New York Mrs. H. Jennings, Vice Pres., Mrs. Pres., Mrs, J. H. Ballou; 2d Vice City, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Maier of George Taylor: See., Miss Annie Pres., Mrs. H, D. Horton; See., Miss c B was officers s Board, A 0 a rs Pres., M Annie I a place f r'I 0 p c 0 s Mrs. d n r e f 8 is r house W I Mamie Richmond, Treas., Mrs. S. F. Huntington, F. W. Bridge of Cornell Howell; Treas., Mrs. F. T. Wells;, M Overton. College of Agriculture, Charles A. Directresses, Mrs. G. W. Phillips, Mrs. M The thermometer registered three Breitstadt of the Long Island College M. F. Ruland, Mrs. E. F. Jewell, Mrs. of Physicians and Surgeons, Rev. Dr. Geo. B. Simons. below zero. Williams Force Whitaker of Elizabeth, J. Havens Case died, aged 77 years. N. J., Miss Marion Terry of St. We had a very heavy rain fall the Sarah Overton died, aged 40 years. Lawrence University,G. Fred Hummel forepart of the week- It rained of Columbia University, Germond incessantly from Sunday afternoon 1 I-Tarry G. Case has commenced work Cochran of Syracuse University,George until Wednesday morning, when it 'on his new automobile garage on the Leicht of Jersey City, Misses Elizabeth turned into hail and snow. lot on Main St., ]eased of Geo. R. Jen- 1 nings. the Terry and Elizabeth Elmer of New While skating last Saturday after- Boss A. G. Case is doing Jersey schools, Joseph B. Hartranft of Won, LeRoy Pottinger fell on the ice work. Philadelphia Business College, Mr, and and broke his collar bone. We are J E Corey and ore, to J IT Lehr, Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith of Orange, N.�glad to state be is getting along nicely. 6 acres. a s Main South road, adi J. South Harbor lane and land of G M F. Fickeissen is to move into the easl Howell, Southold................$6,000 Geo. C. Terry and J. Addison Bakerl part of the Brick Store this month. are filling their large ice houses at Clifford IT. Prince and family have Great Pond with 7 to 10 inch ice. William Booth succeeds Fred Perry moved to Brooklyn, as driver for the L. I. R. R. Express Southold, Jan., 9, Joseph A. Gold- Edward C. Carey and family haveCo. smith, aged 86 years, 5 months. moved into Mrs. Mary Turner's house. Southold, Dec. 31. by the Rev. Epher Deposit, N. Y., Dec. 19, George Whitaker, D.D., John Demarest Cleve- Twenty-Five Yeare A99 Osbor-a Wells, of New York City, land and Mrs. Carrie Stanley Rackett, formerly of Peconic, and Miss Eayt I both of Orient. Terry Bros, finished filling thei?ice Cromwell Keeler, of Deposit. East Bloomfield, N. Y., at the R. C. house at Great Pond with 9 inch ice. Church, William Nicholas Carey, of Ladies' Monumental Union gave Mrs. Catharine I The Southold,, Dec. 24' Southold, and Miss Alice Genevieve Maier, aged 81 Years, 10 month-, 2 Santry, of East Bloomfield, a former an entertainment in Belmont Hall. Leacher in the Southold High School. Fred E. Booth was employed as a Dr. . M. Payne is spending a few Jarnesport,Jan.2,at Hotel Miamogue, carpenter in Southampton. past by Rev. F. G. Beebe, of Cutchogue, days with his family. During thea year be has traveled 83,484 miles, and John Goldsmith Downs, of Cutchogue, Rev. Father P. F. Mathews, former- and Miss Edna Ca le, daughter of Mr. ly pastor of St. Patrick's R. C. church, visited 220 coal mines in this country, and Mrs. Edward 9. Jones, of James-i transferred by Alaska, Canada and Mexico. The last Port. — at Southold, has been of of next week Dr. 'Payne will make a Southold, Jan. 2, William Henry I Bishop McDonnell from the Church trip to Mexico. Harrison, aged 84 years, 7 months. the Holy Innocents, Brooklyn, to the Interment at Woodlawn Cemetery. Church of the Holy Cross, of the same Raymond H. Glover and mother have Peconic, Dec. 30, William C. Buck- lace. moved into A. A. Folk's house on Hor- inghann, aged 87 years, 8 months, 7 The house has recently da s. Miss Amelia KliPPI of Greenport, i ton's Lane. ti lligh been remodeled and is now a very cosy William Batterman is building a substituting in the Soutillol place. Boss H. W. Simons did the large barn on Mrs. Lucy Gomez's prop- School, in place of Miss Torrey, who is work. erty, occupied by him. Mr. Batterman sick at her home in Dalton, Mass. B bl t l is to keep a horse saes sae. Boss 77 installed in his Louis A. Tuthill is spending some F. FicueIssein is now l H. W. Simons is doing the work. uarin the Brick Store: timein Florida. fine new q mond and wife to W A Brooklyn, an. o. John Bolton, F. T. Wells gave another scallop and, lot s s North rd, adj a summer resident of Southold, in his dinner at bis store last Friday evening, Dr Winslow and Long Creek, 73d year. and it proved a great success. Mr. Id...... ....................nom Yaphank, Jan. 13, Gilbert H. Horton, Wells also proved himself again an A Furey to A E Salmon, 9.59 formerly of Southold, aged 73 years. excellent toastmaster. Jude Jesse L. s s North rd,adj estate of M Interment at Willow Hill Cemetery. g Southold..............I....nom Babylon, Jan. 24, William Carroll Case, Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd and Sam'1 srrime o rc , scree; formerly of Peconic, aged about 43 L. Bennett gave fine speeches. Robert iBowery, adj land of L 1-t Case, years` Batterman gave a humorous monologue old..........................nom The annual statement of the Suffolk and recitations. He specially prepared ^S Bergen and wife to H Doro- County Mutual Insurance Company ap- a funny verse on each guest present, 33 acres, n e Main rd, ad' pears elsewhere. The statement shows which caused lots of laughter. Geo. C. Of J M Worth,Peconic......lnom the company to be in a most excellent Wells was the caterer, and he convinced ARutbkuaki and wife to J Bra- financial condition, and it makes the all present that be was "some cook.'" 12 acres, n s, L I R R, adj best showing in its history. The com- hd F Burns, near depot, Cut- pany bas been especially fortunate in Boss George W. Smith is remodeling e..............•.............nom the matter of fires the past year, the H. M. Hawkins' store property on the Y McCarthy an of ore o losses amounting to only $953.72. The corner of Main St. and Beckwith Av. waki and wife, 30 acres, e s admitted assets are $88,533.78. J. B. The store will be lowered level with A s lane, adj land of J A Hal- Terry,after a long service as President the sidewalk, doing away with steps to bek, utchogue...................nom and Treasurer and Director, declined a enter. A plate glass front will be put E. G. I. Hospital, Greenport,Jan. 16, re-election, and Vice President Sam'1 in, and will also extend four feet on the Clirrles L. Bardorf of Southold, where interment took place. in his 45th year. Dickerson was elected in his place. S. east and west sides. Windows for Twenty-Five Years 2d Lester Albertson was elected Director light will be put in the back. of the i n Mr. Terry's place. stare. It will be lighted by gas and Mrs. Wilhel ina Tuthill purchased aTho suit for absolute divorce brought will be thoroughly up-to date in every louse at Jacksonville, Fla. g �respect. The rooms above will also be y Mrs. Mary C. Bullock, of Southold,I remodeled. David Griswold returned home after her husband, George W. Bul- en absence of nine years, during whichck, formerly of Paradise Point, was Miss Sara Read left Southold on he had visited nearly all the seaports tried before Justice Scudder in the Tuesday for her home at Montague, of the world. Supreme Court Saturday afternoon. Mass. As Principal of Southold Aca- The coal sheds which for years had The defendant did not appear. Silas demy, Miss Read has been a very suc- lined the railroad to the west of the A. H. Dayton was attorney for plaintiff. cesaful teacher and has trained many depot were removed. Justice Scudder took the papers and of our young people for fine business Moses T. Horton was to act as clerk 1reserved decision. positions. During her stay here of five 'for W. C. Albertson. Twenty-Five Yea ,B -Ago years, Miss head has made many T,,, YZfriends, and the best wishes of all will At the annual meeting of the Trus- rS 2� follow her. tees of the Soutbold Savings Bank the Col. Thomas Carroll began the duties following officers were elected : Pres., of Police and Excise Commissioner of Miss Martha.Pallace, of Syracuse, N. T. Gold3mith; Vice Pres., F. H. Brooklyn. Y., succeeds Miss Read as Principal of vertun, B. 11. Booth; Sec. and Treas., There was plenty of snow and the Southold Academy. Miss Pallace has Henry Huntting; Asst. Tress., H. H. thermometer registered seven below had several years' experience as a Henttirg; Counsel, B. H. Reeve; Fi- zero. grade and High School teacher, is a erne Corn., F. H. Overton, J. E. Hor- Southold Hook and Ladder Co. was graduate of the Albany Business Col- J. S. Howell; Examining Com., organized with the following officers: lege, and comes very highly recom- $ H. Reeve, B. H. Booth, A. Jerome. Foreman, H. G.Booth; Asst. Foreman, mended. It was voted to reduce the rate of in- W. Hobart Glover; Sec., Wm. A. Cochran; Tress., John Singlet'; Ex- Melrose Diller of the Class of 1910 of terest on mortgages of undoubted Be- Southold Academy has a as Writ from six to five per cent. The ecutive Committee, J. B. Terry, W. C. y position w 9 p stenographer and typewriter in a law total assets at par value were $1,150,- Albertson, A. R. Vail. The committee office in Mineola. Robert Lindsa of 8173,77, and the total amount due de- was authorized to purchase three dozen y .. offered 'the Class of 1909 has a position as positors buckets at once, Mr. Bingley was $1,042,212.94, leaving a to donate two ladders and build truck stenographer and bookkeeper in New earuaruc plus of$108,120.83. York City. cheaper than anyone else. Miss Josephine E. Morton of Bay William I. Hagerman and Miss Jessie Mrs. Chas. L. Bardorf has sold her View died at Norfolk, Va., aged 25 yrs. K. Payne were married. bakery business to Christopher Swann, - - Mrs. Bradley S. Wiggins died, aged of Islip, who will take possession Jersey City, Jan. 18, by Rev. E. F. 49 years. Saturday. IJ wen, Ernest Husing and Miss Florence Conklin,formedy of Southold; We are much pleased to state that Mrs. J. G. Huntting had the mis Peconic, Jan. 26, Miss L Henrietta Mrs. A. F. Lowerre, who has been fortune Wednesday to break her wrist orton, aged about 80 years. very ill with pneumonia, is now on the by tripping over a rug. Southold, Jan. 23, Mrs. Nancy C. high road to recovery. Mr. Lowerre is Wickham and ors to A kwith, aged 80 years, 5 months, 28 Rutkoski and wife, 70 acres h s e, also getting along nicely. Kings highway, adj land of P J Monahan,Cutchogue.............$8,000 Potato Crops Compared Twenty-Five Years 4L.go I 'men -Five Years Agp /_J A-A From the Crop Reporter /7, published 7 by authority(if the So - After considerable repairs, W. C. The'following were elected offiArs;of orotary ofAgri I Albertson was occupying his handsome the Uriversalist Sunday School: Supt.,El culture, the Long Islatid Potato x- residence, corner Main St. and Bach- Rev. J. H. Ballou; Asst. Supt., Mrs. change officials culled some interesting ng elor Ave. A. F. Lowerre; See. and Tress., figure, relative to the potato crop of 1910 as compared with the same crop in Thomas Donahue of this place got Willard Ballon Librarian, Mrs. H. H. 1909 and 1903. caught in the machinery at the Long Huritting. Replies to inquiries inade by tile Bu Beach phosphate works and received Prot3etion Engine Co. was organized reau of Statistics witting potato growers, injuries, from which be soon died. with the following officers: Foreman, and dealers in the principal potato Southold Hook and Ladder Co. H. H. Huntting; Asst, Foreman, R. S. growing sections of the United States authorized John Singley to build a truck Sturges; See., E. L. Conklin; Treas., indicate that-the percentage of stock in for $100. 0. A. Prince. the hands of the growers Dec. 31, 1910, D. Y. Hallock, S. B. Corey and D. T. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Cleveland cele. 1909, 1008, was as follows: Conklin were appointed delegates from brated their crystal wedding, 1910 . . . . . . . . .89,5)per cent. the Southold Temperance Society to the The Arion Society was organized lqO9 . . . . . . . . 40.9 Suffolk County Convention at Sayville. with the following officers: President 1908 . . . . . . . . 33.5 Henry Eimer-, Vice Pres., Ada Booth-, In the hands of the dealers The Long Island Railroad has is-1 See., May Case; Tress.,Frank Horton; 11 two . . . . . . . . 10.7 per cont. sued a report, giving the number Leadeo, Miss Metta Horton, I 14109 , . . . . . . . 5).- -- ,- Nat'ian Davis and Miss Mary E. 1908 . . . . . , . . 11.�! " and class of buildings erected in each Dunkf.l were married. 9 The total percentage in both rowers' village of the eounty along its line of Miss Annie J. Malone died in Brook. and dealers' hands railroad, during the year 1910. lyn, aged 21 years. 9 1910 . . . . .2 per cent. Greenport is credited with 33 build- L d. t9W . . . . . . . . 50.6 �I " n 1908 . . . . . * * , 44.8 -, Ings, divided as follows: IS dwell- Mr. Otto FicT;ise-,to,-erly of South The total potato crop in bushels for ing$, 6 stores, 4 factories, 5 miscel- old, has leased the bowling alley and yl the three years wasas follow.� laneous. Riverhead is credited with pool room of Mr. F. W.Swain on Main- W 10 30 buildings, Montank6, Mattituck st., and will conduct the business,solic- 78,98"),1 R10 81, Amagansett 11, Cutchogue 12, ing a continuance of the patronage ex- These figures would indica be a ile Jamesport 5, Laurel 6, Peconic 10, tended to Mr. Swain. He took charge crease in tile IWO crop aL11011t1tJUg tt) Sag Harbor 11, Shelter Island 8, on Thursday ev'g, qth.&Woa),, 37,7126,000 bushels as compared wwitlrtl,e Southold 14._ Central Islip, Feb. 3, at tFe_ State �' 1009 crop. but when compared With t Hospital, found dead of heart disease, crop of 1908 we find an increase 543,8:YI), E. D. Cahoon purchased a very fine Dr. D. H. Longnecker, of Islip, 000 bushels, colt at the sale of Senator Bailey's formerly of Southold, aged 56,years. On.Dec. 31 we find in the hands, of horses at Madison Square Garden last Brooklyn, Feb. 9, Lester W.Beasley, the dealers and growers; week. The Texas Senator sold all of a former summer resident of Southold, 1910 . . . . . . 170.083.120 90, his horses, forty in number, at this aged 86 years. or"'-' 'o "L) 1 . . . . . . . . . 124,983,280 LSale. Mr, Cahoon paid $1,000 for the I Cutchogue, Feb. 4, John Bracher, These figures would indicate that colt. aged 50 years, 9 mos. there was 20,444,600 bushels less on hand Dec. 31, 1910, than at the same Dr. H. G. Wenzel, of Brooklyn, has Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 2, Captain' time in 1909. anti 43,007,842 bushels sold his place of 20 acres on the North E, A. Bowman, aged 42 years,formerly more than on Dec.. 3t, 1908. d to Wm. H- Swartwout of the a trusted employe of J. )3. King Trans- During November,1908, potatoes wRoa ere portation Company and son of Captain selling on Long Islaud for 35c.per bllsl, Nassau Brewing Co. The sale was W. L. Bowman, of Southold, N. Y. el. This price held to April t, then all made through the real estate agency of Brooklyn, Feb. 5, Julian L. Langdon, vanced to90c,cIosing out inJuneatNlr. Thomas Farley. husband of Martha J. Langdon (nee On Dec. 31, 1909, there were -1)-r7iff G. Longenecker, of Central Smith, of Peconic ), aged - years. 442 more bushels on hand titan on the Islip formerly a dentist in Southold, Burial at Lynbrook, L. 1. same(late in lf)0�4, and (luring Novem- died at that place on Friday last. He Dr. Henry M. Payne, who. has g front well remembered by the older resi- traveled bei, 1909. potatoes were movin, IS W extensively in Mexico, in the farmers' hands at 75e anti 80c. ad vacing to 85c in December, and hold dents of southold- riinterview in the Evening Herald of ing at this figure through January, Christopher Swann (the new baker) Waynesboro, Pa., said that he firmly 1910, failing off in February to 75e, anti and family, of Islip, have moved into believed that by 1915 the United States ;losing out in April at 55cand (10c. 7,'A will be exercising a protectorate over On Dec. 81,1910,there were 45.09 1412 Mrs. Bardorf's rooms at the Southold bushels more on hand than on tile SMMe, Bakery. Mexico, if we do not actually own it, date in 1908, and 20,444,000 bushel:less I - baker) and the Philippines will be Japanese ,d]n into 'hold than. there was on hand Dec. 31. 1001), Southold, Feb. 6, Miss Florence possessions. Rest and the price paid the grower (luring Gagen, aged 15 years, 7 months. Atat: '1' u '"'r me of November and first half of December Gagen, . .ffi In the suit of Mrs. M�ary C. Bullock Sol Cutchogue, 3 at ttic home of was 60o. per bushel, when they ad- . r Feb.Fe s r, I g, for divorce from her husband Geo. g off in his mother, Mr Mary M. Griffingt - gu vanced to 13.7w and 70c, fatlin E. GrIffiDg, aged 45 years. I'l ffi January to 60C. Lewis W Bullock of Paradise Point reno%\ii, ferment at West Hampton, C or_ term Judge Scudder on Feb 7 Si 11"d a eenport Feb. 3, Charles L. Cor- tacdl �w 2 e, S. Ti9nr aged 9�years lacking 6 days. tree in her favor. There wa:, no fense, New York City, P'eh, 11, Mrs. pbehe to Ill 6 y interest11016 s+rrea,I# "T'weilty-Five Yearn; Ag M. Graham. wife of Win. T.t38 Graham, lana»_ kod of I vim formerly of Greenport. aged `lore "°'' 2- ` ✓ interment at Willow Hili Cemetery, i~ A tw aw L I Mr, Aiken, s Brooklyn author, 1 aced } $. H, Terry's house in the eastern part 'jrelreLlty.Five YORre of the village, / The members of Eagle Hook and /�{x' `� -----At tthegtr trustees Firemen's Ladder Co. adopted a uniform of blue Association,t me wort instruct, tbroonli the allemy art 'IL shirt, belt and derby fireman's hat. ed to purchase a Rumsey lire errglAe at acres of cleared "air A44010 U40016 W, Y. Fithian, J. Singley and W. C. $326. The trustees were 9100 aathar- on Pi0e Fleck roved, Albertson were elected trustees. ized to several engine lrouse examine as to 9 site f0r talao chiirrh by Windeld Hartranft, after livingwith ltattlttiek his uncle at Southold or s J. Alvrne Squire and Herbert Craxea" 1�ear�r t' months, returned to his home in New Squire of Peconic graduated frons the ly a and Mlle lltl�wtwa l iltup. Jersey. Medical Department of the University dao filer of r P. Qaarty opened a pool room on his of the City of Near York. t� iinsc. 'Ylwri•h 1, *tow premises on Railroad Ave. Henry Huntting presented the Pres- the bride's pet"`'`, mo o! If; Prof. Joseph M. Belford delivered an byterian Sunday School with new hymn Murray, it ass wk» , itstt3� able and eloquent lecture in Belmont books. yo+J Mme' lxiw'r Hall on "Man Alive.'" We had one of the worst snow storms tuck, and lieiss d►rei� The parishioners of Rev. J. H.Ballou in years. of if, and� J. L gave hirn a substantial donation. Suffolk County lodge, I. 0. G. T., 1300thold. Morels 1. M ISO 1104sesi Go"44. The ladies of the Monumental Society met at Southold. Dr. D. H. Mann aged 76 yam` tra1wral ew w6ft s ll 64W. gave notice that they intended at no day a�at Harbor Gamel a lat> t •b gave an distant day to erecta Soldiers' Mona- excellent lecture in the M. E. Sowiht� ment at Budde Park. church. Southold. Feb. Me* what l- A jury was drawn In the matter of widow of J. Albrrtt �ilttx�tttwer, alfa � Mrs. Orrin E. Prince died, aged fig widening and extending the road to YCAM 8 11osit1w years. South harbor. Estella of alas tabs t)W**th)r A We have had genuine winter weather 1!oakliu. of Cereus OVOI'tTUO V40- this week. On Monday we had the Those who attended the long Island ,pj OW 1hk propwter Glass"40 illi biggest snow storm of the season and Dinner from Southold were Samuel q*5?,390.14 e" do hiss lwr l"11" we have had line sleighing. Fortunately Dickerson, 0. .F. Payne, J. E. Corey, The atiRMhomill of tho Ali the wind slid not blow and it did not H. F. Wan Wyck, Win. H. Glover, J. � asdrift much. 14A, :� 0 Leo Thompson, L. W. Horn, H. W. 1�i As Samuel Dickerson was cleaning Simons, H. L. Albertson, Cb9s» T. 13rrtJett. �1t1w9.1 lft X&O X out the paths with his snow plow Tues- Gordon, A. T. Dickerson, F. T. Wells Thompson. 1W9013,4S. 7%aawa* J, day morning, he was thrown off the and Robert Fiattermcn. Mrs, Samuel 'Verity,lj#,1169;msi-risen for 1"A#.*0 plow, and the team ran away, One Dickerson, Mrs. O. F. Payne and Miss Welalk,05,5" Kiim Coro fur` lkm%A,eby horse cut his leg badly and the other L±r1ha Corey were present in the boxes. A. Thoinliarrm, 115,111il8i Kim-tslKww tote bit off part of his tongue. Dr. Emerson is to build a large a +c'h.ililren of Thr-soma J, Vvest,y, 177. At the last meeting of the Trustees handsome harp at Bay Side Farm. It Execntord for ZwWW4 Wim. of the Southold Savings Bank, Fred- is to be concrete on the first story and $3,639Cherie" 41. 9,04% OcIft Wil erick K. Terry was elected 2d Asst, terra cotta on the second, R, V. A, loam 1. sloe+, 49.50t John 'Va*lty Treariurer. Fitz has the contract for the mason 01#900, 11hM40 A. Zits TJ6, ti. Germond Cochran will return to work, and J. E. Corey for the carpenter Hrihriiy M. IlrAkpll, i11.90i11. �4vracuse University this week. work:. 011. Thomas D. Baird wishes us to deny E Addison M. Goldsmith has secured ata ` 'l ' the report that his horse broke its leg. I position with a large laundry firm in soutlrolil,tr�JowsTh H,Hrltttrir>sltltlMw < Orange, N. J. He'ttir N. str Votes Estato+r i IW4 at Southold, Feb, 23, at Ht. Patrick's H. M. Hawkins is moving into the Church, by Rev. Father Holley, Chris- topher J. Grattan and Miss hose rooms over his store this week. He H M o9waaw end No to ,f Ehxabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. will move into his newetore nexte►sek. land P,J. Mahone at a e�9e. Mfttague, Maas., Feb. if, Edward The Cassidy Plate In the eastern part H. . _.__— _ _ of building Iota, has been sold to Lester TalkIt', ltrerit t Hitoy, N X Chatterton and Miss Sara Emma of the village, consists of house and Read, a farmer Principal of Southold Park 1�1oleJ la A 7, old iWairr Academy, Southold, Feb. 2i, Mre. Helen E. Albertson and Il. W. Simons. It is ru- city, litrniting, aged 9 years, ii months, 2li inured that a number of cok days. The funeral services will be be erected. tagee will Mlea Mabel ltr sal3ad 139 ya conducted at the Presbyterian church Steamer Priiie w hawse for ete1d. on Friday afternoon, 'Feb. 24, at 2 H G Wenzel and wife to T F o'clock. ► tle�.lM,J lot a s Sound View av, ad j land of 72 ya„d 1"1 dem A Taylor, Southold. The will of Henrietta Horton ofPe- The County Tax T W€laty-F1Ve Y ears go aonir!, disposing of an estate of owtr Following are the sums raised 1y $20,000 givesthe Southold Presbyterian County Tax by our Board of Supervi- A. P. Rogers of West Hampton was Uhaua+lr 000, and thvides the balance as sors for thesix ast follows: Henry D. Horton, brother, p years. The tax- asking as station agent here during the payers should be interested in the fig- absence of liar. Lowverre. $4,000: his wife, $500„ Mary E. H.Terry urea. The comparisons are interesting. Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Tillinghast cele- and Nannie W. H. Cackling, Sisters, l'he totals of the County Tax are as brated their tin wedding. each$aUO; Henry D. Horton, nephew, follows : use of $.;.000 until he is 21, then alae The jury decided in favor of widen- 1905 $86,106.68 ing and extending South Harbor Lane. Jprincipa,l; Molly M. Horton, niece$500; 1906 {�13w�5eie Goldsmith Horton, niece X200; I $78,457.68 Henry Huntting was nominated fot 1907 $101,201.80 No-license Excise Commissioner. 7jKAtc Canwvay sanri H. Franz, eaa.ta 42001, 1908 'Henry D. Horton, One-half aC realty; 1909 Steamer W. W. Coit was making Phillip H.Horton,nephew;,three-eighths 1900 $179.637.97 regular semi-weekly trips to the city. iof realty; Barry e Horton, -eighths hth $276,567.00 A sufficient amount had been col- ane ei rhtla of reap The 1910 budget, we understand,does lected to purchase a fire engine. y; retiirine between a:r)t include jail bond either. The following vvere re-elected officers1enry D. ]]octan, brother, and Philip of the Southold Agricultural Society: l 11. Har ton. aJeplaewa. oss 14;, Gorey is putting -_ a plate President, Stuart T. Terry; Vice Presi- Wilcox—William G. Willcox, for glass front and making other improA dent, J. H. Boisseau; Secretary, C. E. menta in the Salmon store to many years a resident of Orient, Overton; Treasurer, Sorra'] Dickerson, occupied by Wm. A. Williams. David B. Wells died, aged 30 years. died at the home of his son in Tort H. M. Hawkins' new store is a fi Smith, Ark., where he has been addition to the village and is great] making his home for several years. Belmont Ball was taxed to its utmost The body-wasadmired. His rooms over the store are as brought here for burl- capacity an Monday evening, when "A al and the services were held in also very pleasant. Hay at the County Fair" was given by Orient thus Friday. k Edward. Fickeissen is to move as local talent;under the efficient manage- family to Southampton, where he has a ment of Miss Margie E. Walle, for the Mr.Wilcox.was a frequentoontrib benefit of the Village Improvement position in s stare► ntor to the columns of this paper Society. The play is a most laughable and his articles were read with Fred W. Bridge has finished his one, and Miss Walle has the faculty of great interest all over the county. course at the Cornell Agricultural getting the best out of the players. ' He leaves two sons and two daugh- College. And the players were certainly at their 4 ters, A. G. [Wilcox, of Orient; Wil- A new metal ceiling is being put in best Monday evening. The laughter Barn Wilcox, of fort Smith, Ark.; St. Patrick's R. C. Church. that greeted the appearance of the visitors at the fair and the attractions Mrs. Carleton E. ;Brewster, of Bay A Gagen and wife to C G Terry, at the side show showed the appreei- shore; Mrs;. Benjamin McKinley, of 1 acres s a Pine Neck road ad' Shore; land of E G Simons, Pine Neck, tion of the audience. The drilla by J Hempstead. near Southold......... nam. the young people were excellent and TW9I1Lp-FiFe Year$ go A L Moore and ors, trustees, to licited much applause. /4 (,r F Ronik, lot s s Main South road, Q. A. Prince and Ed. Goldsmith A very happy surprise waspar Rev. adj land of C H Reeve, west of have at last succeeded in getting Father Foley. The company left a fine Greenport........... ...$20,000 silver service and other tokens of their Eastport, March 3, Hannah, widow their vessel from Patchogue which esteem and appreciation. of Jeremiah Wilbur of Manorville, at has been Dept there by the ice in the one time a resident of Greenport, aged Great South Ba since last Decem Henry Eugene Davids and Miss Nellie 88 years. Burial at Manorville. Y LTemperance Brush of Peconic were married. her. Prince and Goldsmith will 90 rs. J. Reeves Goldsmith died, aged Southold, March 15, Joseph Seiter, into the escallop and fishing busi- ears. aged about 75 years, ness. ommo— Y. Hallock and S. B. Corey were George and Antone Strasser have just ichael Pereell has recited the inted delegates from the Southold' finished a quilt. flue had 2,000 pieces' residence of the late Mrs. Nancy Society tothe County and the other 5,000 pieces. vention. Beckwith and will with his mother Peconic, March 10. Mrs. Georgianna and sister occupy the Name. ACutchogue, March 8, Jerusha M., Bennett Page,aged 55 yprs, 11 months. Orient, March 23, Martha S., widow idow of Grover Moore, in her 87th Greenport, Marek 13,Thomas ivarty, of Capt. Edwin P. Brown, aged 89 ear. Funeral at her late residenceon aged.62 years, 1 month, 10 days. ears, 6 montesaturday at 2 p. m. ai r1C arcother, Mra Philp . The handsome new brick and stonHoward E. Dickerson has purchase oi' tha brideRa�lrr sBeebe Grbuilding of the Sag Harbor Sra,vings Tothill, h of Cutcog , Bank is about coma leted aand the bank the general merchandise business of Go1dernith Fleet, p Topping & Dickerson at Stony Brook. Miss Emily Goldsmith Tuthill. will move in in a short tin]e. 7'lle Pe. Mr. Dickerson is one of our bright [u i'aatc.hogov wi,arr it 19, Sarah, wife Cuni(� Bank will alio have a home there. Southold boys and we wish him abund- of.)raaaoe� 11. Boild aged 0 year•]. The l.ruilding cost$45,200. ant success. [u t'ew•�rariv March 1,i, �`velyn, 'rnfaaart - alaualrtea at Ju1an ww'erla. Twenty-Fine Years Ago A'?,tr. I / --- / F- ,_,,.f �� r + .? ection Ct1�rris The 'Southold weather signs pole was erected on the brick store. 1AArict 1 1 0 Total At the license caucus, Antone Kran- cher, Sr.., of Greenport was nominated '' 14 27 1;S 24 1',7 146 ;- i:• 7 t 1J for Excise Commissioner. i3:y 1'!1 1•..J 1:�4 :`'i' lii 31' J. B. Terry, A. F. Lowerre and Wm. H. Terry, the committee, went to the '+ 10 28 1+3 1:" 17z 17r ;' 1 14 city and purchased the engine and hose 12 129 1 7z ar' i t;9 -Cr:, for Protection Engine Co, J usC.iues of Lhe Peace The total expenses of the'Town were Jesse L Case 20 153 322 265 Z27 269 189- 192 290 2027 $1,820.97, Joseph C Albertson 10 31 150 125 170 141 84 143 36 890 The Democrats nominated Henry A. ' illiam B. Reeve 12 121 171 140 157 123 104 57 250 1145. Reeves for Supervisor, Wm. A. Coch- Justice of Peace, Fisher's Island ran for Town Clerk, Salem R. Davis Flank E. Hine 21 151 321 266 325 265 133 190 290 2012 for Justice of the Peace,John T. Gallup Assessors and Joshua W. Terry for Assessors; Nathaniel B'Schellenger 10 24 153 121 174 137 71 102 82 87 Henry L. Fleet for Commissioner of Willard E Rackett 10 29 151 M 177 135 73 102 80 8 Highways, Evelyn Jackson and Harvey Stuart Thomas 10 25 144 120 171 134 73 104 81 86:. S. Brown for Overseers*of Poor, Melrose I Booth 11 26 151 124 173 146 69 107 75 Horatio N. Booth for Collector. Horace G King 10 31 152 121 171 151 99 100 88 9 The Republicans nominated Charles J gimes L Reeve 10 25 152 123 171 139 77 114 81 H.Tuthill for Supervisor, William Y, Jahn H Brown 11 182 171 145 15.3 127 113 92 208 115- Fithian for Town Clerk, Barclay P. Henry C Tuthill 11 125 175 141 162 130 112 92 210 11 Adams for Justice of the Peace, Ebe- Frederick C Beebe 11 127 182 151 157 131 111 93 206 11 nezer Clark and Zophar M. Woodhull George Henry Terry 10 128 172 144 154 131 121 88 214 11 for Assessors, John F. Booth and Wil- Henry O Horton 11 123 171 146 156 119 88 104 200 11 liam M. Beebe for Overseers of Poor, Luther G Tuthill 11 128 170 142 156 129 Ili 85 211 11 Sidney P. Tuthill for Commissioner of Overseers-of Poor Highways, Charles M. Ledyard for Irving P Hallock 11 43 140 119 165 138 76 105 83 Collector. George W Volkman 10 112 187 1566 166 122 102 86 204 11 is time last year most of the Po- Charles H Bechtold 10 27 151 123 171 143 78 124 80 tstoes were in, some being planted the William H Glover 11 126 171 141 157 129 109 75 207 11 first week in March. We have not Superintendent of Highways heard e a potato being planted have yet. George H Fleet 13 49 152 124 181 146 71 143 112 90' yet. F Overton 9 105 174 144 149 126 115 62 182 1 ' It is a very backward spring. Collector The Anowt notable result of Tuesday's Andrew J Case 11 49 160 127 182 192 106 132 95 1054 town elections is the fact that after a Gilbert D Case 10 108 164 142 148 81 84 73 192 1002 period of Democratic; supremacy cover- ing:some 15 years the Republicans re- Local Option gain control of the Suffolk County No. 1—Yes 14 28 160 156 228 140 101 111 136 1074 Board of Supervisors. The Board. fur No 7 116 141 110 72 120 70 91 147 874 the next two yearswill stand six Re No. 2—Yes 14 28 150 147 217 141 99 104 133 1033 publicans and four Democrats, the No 7 112 140 109 66 110 64 87 137 832 membership being as follows: No. 3-Yes 15 70 166 92 223 179 107 111 139 1100. East Hampton, Oeh. A. Miller, D. No 6 73 115 95 59 74 64 82 133 Southampton, Peter Dippel, R. No. 4 -Yes 15 35 153 154 212 144 96 113 133 10 ' Riverhead, Dwight T. Corwin, R. No 6 108 131 102 70 107 81 83 133 Southold, L. F. Terry. R. 141: Mr. Terry w-in ill Southold by Miss Eleanor Howell and he Shelter Island, David lI. Iotitig, R. about 'M40i Mr. Ireland its 13untingt0l, fiance, Lawyer Kronenbtirg, left o Brookhaven, Dayton fledges, 1). by Some,',00; Wir. Daily in Babylon by Monday morning for BrrJokly Islip, C. M. Rogers, D. 300; Mr. Rogers in Islip by 200; lir. Babylon, Edward Daily, D. N. Y., and on Wednesday. the happ 1)ippel g Southampton by ap and twain were united in wedlock at th Smithtown, J. Evans Crane, R. 1I r. llacl;ges in I3rctul;bavert by apliresi Huntington, Edward 8 Ireland, R. iu:ately riilil. hcirne of Mrs. Francis Corwin, (stun It is noteworthy that iu all of the I In uoutb+-dcl of the bride), who gave at ltandsom ,l l,r•il 4. by Rev. W_ H. towns where there was contest for Lll) it, %Vui >tclrrs_,y- ,lull to Mlya Annfe wedding for her beloved niecae. Mt the upervisorslilp the result watt Allen. call cPt`oiitfculcl• and Airs. Kroluentittrg will tratvd reached by substantial figures,whet her Jn ",M[thold April ii, at the bride's th]•ou h this c€}altltr and will sa•. h�anie� I,yr Iit•v. W 1:3. Murray. He"Je<r.t, 3' they went Relaulilican c r Detuocratic. 'Solt of Geo 14. wells eiY l'r€vinic,to "Miss for their home in Holland the Thus Riverhead elected AIr. Corwin by Louise. dticighter of Win. A. Williams 9f April. Twenty-Five Year,, AF of Fred W, 611"PrOLUK F enty-Five Years A o shocked 14,� 1114 1H The community was greatly "Caste- was played Hall land grieved Tuesday evening to hear Frank J. Maier moved to Greenport. for the benefit of the Monumentalof the suicide of Frederick W. Carpen- The farmers were jubilant over the Creek. Mr. fine warm weather and vegetation was Union. ter, at his home on Town C well advanced. Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. gave a Carpenter committed suicide by shoot- Miss Metta Horton entered the hop at Peconic Hall. int; himself in the mouth with two, Boston Conservatory of Music, Protection Engine Co. adopted for its pistols. on Wednesday of last week Prof. E. C. Taylor, magician, was uniform, black helmet cap, blue shirt Mr. Carpenter had an attack of billed to appear at Belmont Hall. and black leather belt. I appendicitis and was operated on at hie l B. T. Payne addressed the Youth's home by Dr. Pilcher, the noted surgeon The Men's Dinners, given by the Temperance Society of the M. E. Sun- of Brooklyn. He was doing as well as Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian day School, could be expected, but it is thought Church, are eagerly looked forward to The Thomas S. Lester administrators that he became temporarily insane by each year. The third annual event of paid a special State tax of $15,183.75 worrying about his condition, and this this kind took place at the Parish House on the personal property and$356.25 deed that last Thursday evening and proved a OA caused him to do the rash Every of the real estate. ended his life. Mr. Carpenter had sent great uccess. the delightfulness of the occasexpectationion was Mrs. Alfred Wells of Bay View died, his brother George over to William fully realized. Just about one hundred aged 73 years. Lowery's for milk, and. the nurse 'n sat down to the tables. The Miss Salmon and Dr: men House presented a most pleasing ointed at t e las housekeeper, red it. Rev. W. H. The committee app arif t were down stairs. He got I scene as one entered meeting of the Execu*ive Committee o Hartr Murray, in "king the blessing, struck the Eastern L. I. Hospital, e&nsisL]n out of bed to get his pistols and shot I the keynote of the occasion, when be an him elf with both weapons. on bear- gave thanks for the good fellowship of Dr. C. C. Miles, Pres't Reeves, the family rushed up that prevailed and ft t brought the SeclyTasker,h,is engagcdMigsROse ing the shots , Carpenter had killed people together around " f estive Wells, now of Flanders, who has ha stairs, but Mr. board. The tables looked L, itiful and many years of experience in hospital an himself instantly• s ne of the ,the service by the ladies was all that nursing service, to become Superintend Mr. Carpenter wa a a could be desired. place of Miss Marjorie Clement wealthiest men in Southold and hadha The menu was as follows: entin which he had recently resigned. She takes charge today, A beautiful home, oyster Cocktails ril 1. miss Wells is a sister-in-law 0 built, on Town Creek. He was a Salted Nuts Saltines bachelor and leaves one brother,George, jockey Creek Clam Patties Mr, Robert W. Penny. to deeply mourn his loss, besides hosts Pickles Macaroni and Cheese Roast Turkey We had a very heavy fall of snow of friends. The deceased was of a very Dressing and Gravey last Monday night, but it soon dis- genial nature, and, though possessed of Creamed Onions Mashed Potatoes ,appeared. *.Oy fi great wealth, was very Plain and Turnips Brown Bread Clement p and hada cheery word for Cranberries and Celery Boss H. W. Simons is building a unassuming In early life he was in busi- Fruit Salad Arrow-root Crackers house for Wm. A. Richmond on the everyone. where he was very lee Cream ness in the city, Sponge Cake Angel Cake North Road. ===MEMO— successful, and having obtained a Coffee ias qL new Anchor car competence he retired and came to After the dinner came the speech- out make his home. making, with E. D. Cahoon as toast- out old, April 11, Frederick W. Southold t Carpenter, aged years, 11 months. The funeral services (private) will master, and he proved, as everyone 54 Private funeral at residence, Friday, at be held at Mr. Carpenter's late resi- expected, a past master in this import 2 p. m. at 2 p. m. Rev. Wm. ant role, Toasts were responded to by deuce on Friday. Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd, Arthur G. Stone, Mattituck, April 10, Captain Ells- r,V. M. Howell, H. M. Hawkins making, ex an R, worth Tuthill, aged 83 years, lacking 3 1 H. Lloyd will officiate. job] a and Rev. Willard P. Harmon. The days. speeches witty, timely and full of I—Through the kindness of a very gen g,, c " were I were greatly enjoyed. In the Traveler's notes of 25 years ago goad tb�gs sand erous Southold friend we have enjoyed be e,' Dinner of 1911 i' B, it is stated that --there was a heavy the "Men's Suppers" Pf the Parih red will a t , easterly storm on Town Meeting Day, Clouse since their incept.-n, and just red letter day in memory's Ca what those fine Presbyterian cooks will and as a r"� ult taut fow came to South- do ten years from now if they keep on Boss H. F. Van Wyck is laying old from the east and west ends of the adding to their laurels passes our cement sidewalk in front of A. M. town. These localities were strongly I;nowledge, but we trust we shall be Salmon's and H. M. Hawkins'properties Republican. The consequence was that here to sample their culinary art. We on Main St. This is a most commend- the entire Deiumratie ticket was elect- have eaten some migbty good things in able enterprise and tells much for ed by large majorities." lion. Henry our day, and can truly say the woman village improvement. A. Reeves was elected Supervisor at who made the clam patties for that that time, There,was a heavy easterly -upper last week deserves a statue in I A reception will be given to the new reception e given t' stomia last week Tuesday, too, but aP- the Hall of Fame. From start to fin- e ' n I b gi r parently everyozie was able to get out ish it was one grand symphony of gas- pastor of the M. E. church, Rev. Dr. and vote, and the.town.went as heavily tronomicart. The after dinner speeches, W. H. Lawrence, and wife, at the itepliblican as it did Democratic a quar cleverly dovetailed in by Genial Mr. church parlors, Thursday evening Of , � P' ter oetitury ago, Cahoon, the toastmaster, were fine, this week. I I Southold ought to feel very proud of such Peco—nic, Apirit 14, Leroy P.Jefferson, goldep milestones" in her C . vuK4/ ,raged 39 years, 10 months, 2 days. history. Vbt�" C.,. TYU.&Z'/ "Phe will of Charles L. Bardorf arpenter leavs M. W. Golder has purchased of-Mrs. . Firid vy. his entire estate to his widow, Anna Charles L. Bardorf the Southold Bakery The will of the lati Frederick W. Bardorf. Value, $7,500 real and $3,000 property, subject to the lease of Carpenter was admitted to probate on personal. ChristopLer Swann. Mr. Golder will Monday. I The papers do not 91,70 the Miss Bergaminie, Principal of a New take the east part of the building value of the estate, but, it is said to be York High School, was a guest last where the living rooms are, and ad� 000 or more. The will is in Mr. weekat Geo. R. Jennings'. enough to the east to make a 25-foot $100 it front drug store. A drive way will be Carpenter's own hand writing. . Charles A. Booth has moved i4o the left next to the Library. Mr. Golder makes the following bequests' Mrs.- rooma over L. W. Korn's store. will also extend the building to the Charles D. Terry, $500; Mrs. Helen A. W A1ft1_cb`m`on_da_ncTwife to—(-, 71, rear. Mr. Swann will continue to Beebe, $500; Alice C. Salmon, $2,000- G G occupy the Bakery. Mr. Golder will .00; Robert B Richmond.Q acres s a North road, Mrs. Jacob H. Tuthill, $1 add land of T Farley and Long creek, build a handsome up-to-date drug store Miller, Brooklyn, $300; Mrs. Mary near Southold......................nom with plate glass front. The location' Halligan, $100, All the rest. of the J Bond to E A_U—8t—1n-,7 of n s cannot be beat. estate is left to Albert E. SaIM011, Main South highway, adi land of G N. Greeli of Greenport will open a Samuel Dickerson and J. victor Wilson, IT Billard, Cutchogue............nnIrn fruit and vegetable store in one of L. as executors in trust to hold and to Pay Twenty-FiVe Years Ago Baumann's stores on Saturday of this Mrs. Susan T. Salmon, of Southold, X 1'�- 2- CV1__ ir her natural Steamer W. months foW. Coit was 4aking week. He will also handle a choice $100 every six income to 90 three trips per week to the city. stock of imported Italian groceries. life. All remainder of toward the Support of brother, George Rev. J. H. Ballou was invited to re- Through the agency of Thomas Far- L. Carpenter, for the term Of his main pastor of the Universalist church ley, Miss Rockwell has rented her cot- natural life, and the executors are another year. tage on Maple Ave. to Mrs. Francesgiven power to use part of the principal Geo. S. Prii Commander of Ed- H. Corwin of Brooklyn. toward his support, care and medical ward Huritting Post, attended the Sixty-four tickets were sold here o attendance. Provision is also made for Grand Army encampment in New York the Long Island Excursion to the city Mrs. Salmon's income should she sur- City. Carpenter; but at the The fire engine for Protection Engine last Saturday. for vine George L. Ca death of the latter the entire estate Co. arrived and the firemen turned out N. Greeli, of Greenport, has ft is to moved le be divided into twenty-four in uniform to testit. The engine threw into the Cassidy place on Beckwith parts, of which Mrs. Charles D. Terry, water to the height of 60 feet and 105 Ave. of Orient, gets two parts; Mrs. Helen feet horizontally. Christ9pher Swann has opened a A. Beebe, Orient, two; Henry Car- About fifty were present at the an- grocery in connection with his bakery. penter Prince, SouthOld, one; William .w,. 0. salmon, - Albert E. nual celebration of the odd Fell New Suffolk, April 16, Mrs. Ellen Southold, three, Rev. Mr. Prescott, the Episcopal rec- Salmon, Southold, three; Alice C. for at Sayville, made a fine address. Jennings. onty-Five Years A 0 Salmon, seven; Samuel Dickerson, An excellent supper was served. Id -1. Prince, Pe - At , one; George I At the late Town Meeting three UNitor�� con rt B. Miller, Brooklya, trustees were appointed to grant the J. N. Hillock became associate conic, two; Robe of THE TRAVELER, under M. B. Van one; J. Victor Wilson, Brooklyn, one;' making of improvements at Town Dusen. and D. Salmon Whitcomb, BcooklycL' Creek Park. Dr, J. H. Maguire of Riverhead one. If any of these die before George The following were elected officers located at Southold. L. Carpenter, their share is to be of Banner Lodge, I. 0. G. T.: C. T., The Town Board of Health organized divided among the survivors equally. B. B. Tuthill; V. T., Ettie Beebe; as follows: President, Supervisor H. The will provides that if any of the g Jr eC 0 New J f h T r r e -e THEn W Ns g E9 e Suffolk Dr. J located ' The T. a, fl See., F. T. Wells; F. S., L. W. Korn; A. Reeves; Secretary, Town Clerk W. legatees enter a contest they will be Tress., P. H. Cantermen; Chaplain,; Cochran; en Member, Jesse L is probated A. Cochran; Citiz L. cut off from the will if it Gilbert H. Terry; M., J. B. Young; C 13 Terry. Mrs. Charles Case; Health officer, Dr. H. P. against their objection, S., A. S. Terry. Th I The Board c" Excise organized by D. Terry of Orient died recently.- At the meeting of the Southold Town electing Theod6re W. Horton,president, The will of Capt. F_11swortli Tuthill received and Antone Krancher, Sr., secretary of �Iattituck, probated Monday, gives K,too Board on Friday,a petition was for building a sidewalk on Tucker's and treasurer. The rate of licenses was all of the estate, valued at about from the Soldiers' fixed as follows' Innkeeper's, $60; to his son, Nat. S. Tuthill. Lane, Southold, Monument to the railroad crossing, and storekeeper's, $30; ale and beer, Supt. Geo. H. Fleet was authorized to Mr. Moodinger Was busy preparing Word was received last Sat urby , L.I., for the erection of his summer residence afternoon from Port Washington build such sidewalk, at a cost not to on the North Road. of the death of Daniel F. Buckley at exceed$25. At a meeting of the citizens of South- the Mineola Hospital.. H. G. Case has sold his building on old, J. B. Terry Was appointed super- John Bader, of New York, an experi- Beckwith Ave. to Schuyler H. Bonny, intendent of the improvements to be enced barber, is assisting Chas. R. who will move it to the rear of the made to the town land at the head of Meuller in his tonsorial establishment.: Hoinkis building, cor, Traveler St. and Town Creek, and committees were Railroad Ave., for use as a garage, anioninted.to carr v On the Twenty-Five Years Ago Following the announcement that The Rev. W. H. Murray, pas .r 5r"), the L.I.R.R.will increase the accom- of the Universalist Cbureb, of e Col. 7Chomas Carroll and family of modations for passenger; and com Southold, has a plan to improve the Brooklyn took possession of their maters in the Pennsylvania station local railroad service on Eastern country residence Gere. Il Manhattan,the officials of the taus- Lou-Island. This is Mr. MurrayMarras i Robert L. Hadley was clerking for 2n have approved of the plans ac- Rail- Mr. 1 Mr. Payne of East Hampton. p` y plan. To have tlrt�Long Island Rail- cording to which the work will be road Company put on a gasoline car, Charles E. Katz was to manage ' Horton's Point Hotel this season. done. The principal feature of the one of those that makes its own At Prof.Taylor's entertainment Mon- new plan is an up-to-date waiting power, to run between Riverhead day evening, George G. Conklin drew room which will adjoin the tracks and Greenport, and to snake several the grand prize—a set of dishes. Harry that will be used by the trains of the trips during the day and ev ening. Billard was the lucky one Tuesday Long Island Railroad. Heretofore if This would be a sort of shuttle ser- evening, drawing$10. patrons of the road were required to vice and would take care of all the Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. was await for a train they had•to use the local travel on the road. At first organized with a company of thirty general waiting room in the station. Mr. Murray submitted his plan to members. They were about to order This was some distances away and the officials of the Long Island Rail- hats and uniforms. Committees were isintonvenient. 'Phewaitingroom appointed from tbig company and Pro- waroad Company, and he received tection Engine Co. toward uniting the that will be for the exclusive n:se of word that they had investigated the two companies in a fire department. Lung Island passengers will tae the gasoline car idea,and found that At a meeting of the citizens it was one-half the size of the waiting room it would not pay. Mr. Muray voted to bold memorial services here on iiithe old. Long Island Station thought differently, and he has the Sunday evening before Decoration in bong Island City. It �vi11 be taken his case to the Public Service Day. fitted up in the same manner as Commission,has filed a petition and J. Wickham Case, one of the most all the other apartments in the big asked for a hearing. _ prominent citizens of Southold Town, station. While making this change Twenty-Five Years Ago died in his 80th year, for Lona*Island, the company has de- 1� , 1f — 1 W4 A Cornet Band Association was S. Beckwith, S. B. Cory and organized here with the following tided to add to the trackag'k? in the officers: Pres., Rev. J. H. Ballou; stat on. Heretofore only one plat- Gilbert H. Terry were elected Trustees See., W. A. Clark; Treas., Dr. J. M. form has been used for trains, but as of the M. E. church. Hartranft. :soon as a connecting way can he A great improvement was made in built to an additional platform this the road to Pine Neck. It was [From the Sag Harbor Corrector.]7 will be thrown open to the Long Is- straightened out and made three rods ULD TIMES. down to the creek. it was all done laud coxixiz7nt:ea•s. At present i4Z by volunteer work. Can you tell me something about the tragus arrive and leave the station The hotel kept by I. H. Billard was first newspaper in Sag Harbor? each day. This number will be in discovered to be on fire near the fire- Answer. ,Frothingham's Long Islano creased by twenty when the summer place, but the fire was extinguished Herald was established in ziag Harbor i schedule goers into effect. I before much damage was done. May 10, 1791, by David Frothingham, Geo. C. Terry, Jr., has moved from Protection Engine Co. nominated A. In 1842 it was sold to Sellick Osborn, Wellsville to Canton, N. Y., where he F. Lowerre for Chief and J. E. Corey and changed to the Suffolk County Her- has a lave office, Mr. Terry spent four for Asst. Chief of the Fire De art- and In February, 1804, it was sold t( years in Canton while attending St. meat. Alden Spooner, and its name was Chang Lawrence University and naturally has Rev. F. N. Cooper of East Marion ed to the Suffolk Gazette, which waw many friends there. lie writes us addressed the Southold Temperance discontinued in February, 1811. that the outlook is good. Success to 'Society. The Suffolk County Recorder was es- him. At the annual meeting of the Suffolk tablished in Sag Harbor Oct 19,1316, by County Mutual Insurance Co. the fol- Sam'l A. Seabury. Its name was Chang Drowned in the Hudson River off lowing directors were elected: H. H. Coeed to the American Eagle. Two ear; Brooklyn April y, Michael old,Gaffa, of g y" y formed of Southold, aged Case, H. P. Hedges„ D. R. Rase,H. H. after it was discontinued. Teri S. L. Seaman, R. T. Goldsmitb, 55 years, 7 months. y, The Corrector was started in Sag Ha' F. Fi,ckeissen is,now occupying both J. S. Havens, J. B. Terry, N. D. bor in 1822 by H. W. Hunt. Purchased sides of the Brick Store. Petty, J. S. Howell, H. T. Smith, J. Madison Wells and Jonathan Baker. by B. D. Sleight in 1851. H. H. Case was elected President, R. The Republican Watchman was conn- H L Fordham referee, to S A H T. Goldsmith, Vice President; F. H. menced in Sag Harbor in 1826 by Sam% Dayton, 3 acres,e s road leading to Overton, Secretary, and N. D. Petty, depot, ad) land' of C B Terry, Cut- Attorney. Phillips. Moved to Greenport in 1844. 250 Miss Hazel Carpenter, Itie well- J G Weller to M F Weller, 5 On Sunday T. M. Burke found in a n child pianist of Brooklyn, gives acres, adj creek and land of G E lot at the Sound, on the old Payne know a concertnch ld the Brooklyn Academy of Tuthill,Little Neck,near Peconic.,nom farm, a turtle, marked `"B. T. Payne, Music next Monday evening. J Breita to F A Breitatadt, 1866." 14 acres on Pine Neck road, adj land of C Leicht, Southold.........no but the reiii,01 1118 family was unhurt. Second ad, says: The Hippodrome Club gave its first Mrs. Overton did not move- She .was Wanted: A male stenographer for social function at the clubhouse on last 8 evening 3 1 Thursday evening, May 4, when the believed to be stunned and the King the v , ing of May 8 to accompany members entertained their families at Park hospital was at once notified by ;me to Southold. Address 0. W. supper. On Thursday evenh.g of this bringing Dr. Hagenbuch to Bullock. Roxbury, N. Y. week, Mrs. H. L. Jewell and Mrs. D, telephone, bring in short the scene in his automobileBullock says he is going to put UP t t H. Horton entertained the Whist Club order. After examination he pronounced at the clubhouse. I - urred instantaneously. to and declares that it is his du- , I death to have occ ty to exonerate a young lady whose The two forgery indictments against the party The other members of Albert Tillinghst of Southold were Islip in the doctor's name has been connected with his. likewi.w. dismissed. Tillinghast was in were brought to When "The law says I am guilty, I say' jail L long time hocawse of the charges. machine, arriving about 7.30 Once he was ad,udged insane and uoni- friends had verified the report of Mrs- ain not guilty!" writes the clam mitted to Central Islip. Later lie re- Overton's sad death, Mr. Overton wtLs,chowder mixer. "I do this upon covered and was returned to jail here. rind le upon honor and in the name Now he is free again. called upon by them and the announce—prluclp ' ment of his wife's death thus reached�of justice, not for revenge, injury or At the 41st annual session of the him shortly after his arrival from the sympathy. I am innocent of the acts West Virginia Great Council of Red convention at Southampton-" charged and will prove it." Men, Dr. Henry M. Payne was elected Funeral services were held Sunday GreatSachem. The Huntington Herald- afternoon in the Islip Presbyterian This lecture is Bullock's defense • Dispatelt speaks of Dr. Payne as a man church, of which Mr.Overton is pastor, He claims he was sick when thecase of brilliant attainments. and were in charge of the Rev. Dr. F. against him was brought to trial. He I E. Leic t has rented the rear of the M. Kerr of Hempstead and Rev. F. T. never defended his wife's divorce west part of the Brick Store, where he Young of Brooklyn. There were many case and the testimony showed that will carry on his shoe repairing. floral offerings and they were unusual- Mrs. Bullock was entitled to a n di- ly beautiful. voree and the decree wasgrant 'a Rudolph Leicht has gone to Smith ought 1 141 town Branch, where be will work at The body of the deceased was lor last fall in the Supreme Court 01 bhi. to Southold, the girlhood home of Mrs. State The co-respondent named i the blacksmith trade. Overton, Monday noon, and the inter- E-1 n n the Old Presbyterian the case w'as Miss Elsie Dick�ISO Kings Park, May 11, instantly, i meat was in old, who left Southold on t automobile accident,Carrie Terry, wife Services were held at the South d Cemetery. of Rev. Daniel H. Overton of Islip an Rev. W. H. Murray, of the Uni- same train with Bullock last I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Terry grave, I South 0 of Southold, aged.44 years, 11 months• versalist church, officiating, assisted by Bullock has not been back it Interment at Presbyterian Cemetery, Rev. Win. H.Lloyd of the Presbyterian since. Witnesses testified to the so- Monda Me 15, 1�onlplailicd of and no Hio+i0u h Southold Terry averton chrh, default. Southold, Vel Mrs, Overton was a daughter of Mr. ever been made to open the default. This community was greatly shocked and �rs. Jonathan B. Terry of this Southold people will be surprised to by the news of the death of Mrs. Daniel place and is survived by her husband, learn that the former man proprieter H. Overton of Islip last Thursday after- and two sons, Jonathan and Daniel. who made Paradise Point famous is noon, as the result of an automobile coming back to Southold as a lecturer accident. Rulloelc On The Job on morality. We take from the Bay Shore Journal The Brooklyn Times says that Airs Bullock Still lives in Southold be following details of the sad accident-. the "Mr. and Mrs. John E. King with George W. Bullock, former pro- where she is mueh respected by heir youngest daughter Helena, Mrs. prietor of Paradise Point, has been village folk. It is her intention to obn C. Doxsee and Mrs. Overton, beard from again. He is coming back open the season at Paradise Point if of Rev. Daniel H. Overton, set to Southold, he says, on May 18, to and to conduct the pavilion there this ut early Thursday afternoon in Mr- deliver a lecture i, Belmont H", summer. ing's new car for a spin. When and to tell the good people of South- On May 14. J. H. Boisseau celebrat- etween Smithtown and Kings Park, old that the, devorce proceedings ed his eighty—,econd birthday. A party coming down a bill, a bed of sand was in his honor was held at his home on encountered in the road, the machine against him were all ,inistake; that Monday- Mr. Boisseau is especially ac- skidded, turned across the road and he is "not guilty" E�ud that. the co-re- tive for his great age, and has done all his spring plowing by himself. He can turned turtle, pinning all its occupants spond,,mtnatned in his wife�s di,orc/a put many younger men to sbarne by his under it with the exception of Mrs. suit is innocent. activity. May he enjoy many more Doxsee. Bullock, who gained a reputation birthdavs. Paradise Point will open for the sea- r Mrs.K n ne d 5 Realizing the need of prompt assist- by serving clam chowder and shore ance in order to remove the heavy dinner,, son of 1911 on Decoration Day, under automobile from those beneath it, is at, Roxbury, N. Y. He the management of Mary C. Bullock. Mrs. Doxsee set Out at once for the sends a eouple of ads. to a Southold Everything will be in readiness then Mills House nearby and soon returned newspaper this week. One of them I for serving shore dinners at this charm- with the necessary help. When the reads� ing resort. As a place for spending an at "A lecture w be given at Belmont outing it cannot be beat on Eastern machine was righted it was found that in Mr.King had sustained several bruises, Hall, Southold,N.Y,,Thursday even- Long Island. Mrs. Bullock thoroughly ing, May 18, at 8 o'clock, 1)y (x, W, understands the busines and you will be well pleased with the service. Bird ay sets it f ree zn a safe pace; when a Twenty-Five Years © "When is Bird Bay? Isn't it 'most number of interested people are observ- INQ Ir t-t'1 time for Bird-Day?" a farmer asked ing and keeping lists from year to year *5' � Capt. E. Prince bought-tvOo lots across from his place of Hiram Terry. with real interest. His face positively of birds seen, each year adding to the Corey & Prince were making im- fell when the reply came, "There will number and their knowledge? Eyes provements on Henry Waterman's be no Bird-Day this year." that are opened to see birds will see house. What would Bird-Day be with the other things, and there is no end to the E. E. Hulse, Principal of the Aura- Bird-Woman left out? Mrs. Lowerre good that will follow. "A. B. c," gansett school, was engaged as Prince- is not quite equal to leading her band Dr. H, M. Payne will give an inter_ pal of the Southold school. this spring, as she has done for the esting address, with photoseopic views The weather signal flags were moved Past six years. Her first, second and third lieutenantsfor various reasons could not take from Photographs he has taken on re- from the brick store to the depot. , , cent travels, entitled, "Scenes in Rev, Abram Conklin filled the pulpit her place. So what America," at the next session of the Universalist church. could the humble rank and file followers Of Southold Lodge, No. 373, I. 0, C. M. Ledyard was loading potatoes do but honor their leader by making 0. F., Monday evening, May 29. Re- at 60 cents per bushel. every day Bird-Day? freshments will be served after the Rev. Wm. F. Whitaker represented It is not necessary for Mrs. Lowerre address. It is hoped a large attendance the Presbytery of Morris and Orange to go to the birds. They have come to will greet the speaker, who has so kind. at the General Assembly at Minneapo- her. Sitting on her porch or by her ly consented to entertain the brethren. lis. window, she had seen last week sixty Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. nomina- different kinds of birds. Probably by Twenty-Five Years g ted H. G. Booth for Chief and A. R. this time the list is approaching seventy- UJ L-,t%0 2 - I five. J, E. Cochran caught 000 shiners Vail for Asst. Chief of the Fire De- in his ound one mornin partment. Her list is as follows: Chickadee, pg. Percy Albertson Wells graduated starling, English sparrow,downy wood- Strawberries were selling for 12 from the law department of the Uni_ pecker, brown creeper, golden-crowned cents a quart• versity-of the City of New York. kinglet, grey gull, tree sparrow, crow, Isaac Terry returned home, after Great improvements were made tc robin, purple grackle, purple finch, spending the winter in the city. the park at the bead of Town Creek. Phoebe, bluebird, flicker, goldfinch, At the Fire Department election, H. A bulkhead of 150 feet front was junco, redwing blackbird, meadow G. Booth was elected Chief, and J. E. erected and sand was carted in to fill lark,song sparrow,Virginia rail,veery, Corey, Asst. Chief. the entire plot to a level with the bulk- chipping sparrow, rusty grackle, king- Memorial services were held in the bead. Nearly all the male inhabitants bird, catbird, house wren, wood pewee, Presbyterian church. Rev. Dr. Whit- of the village assisted in the work. chimney swift, hermit thrush, hawk, akar read the Scriptures and offered - - - redbreasted nuthatch, barn swallow, prayer. Rev. J. H. Ballou read an Bullock Didn't Lecture the following warblers—summer, black original poem. Rev. George Taylor and white, black throated green, gave the address. There was fine "I ani afraid the people would not myrtle, baybreasted, Maryland singing by the choir. understand and wouldn't stand for it,- Yellow throat, chestnut sided, black On Sunday evening F'. C. Landon's is the reason given by Gen. W. Bullock, Poll, magnolia, and prairie, redstart, ice house at the bead of Town Creek formerly of Paradise Point,Southold,as crested flycatcher, cbewink, cowbird, was discovered to be on fire. Protection to wlt,%,, he called off his proposed lec- red-eyed vireo, warbling vireo, fox Engine Co. soon arrived and the flames ture on morality that he was to deliver sparrow, black-throated blue warbler, were quickly subdued, and thereby the in Soul hold this week, oven bird, parula warbler, Baltimore most of the ice, which belonged to Bullock was recently divorced by his oriole, orchard oriole, scarlet tanager, Beni. Horton, A. R. Vail and 3. E. wife, Later lie said lie was not guilty blackburnian warbler, Canadian Cochran, was Saved. of eloping with Miss Elsie Dickinson or warbler, indigo bunting, least sand- Capt Chas.T.Brooks of East Marion, Southold, and stated that lie had hired piper. on Monday May 22, in his schr. smack Belmont Hall, Southold, to tell all A comparatively new comer said Bertha & Pearl arrived at Fulton about his troubles and Miss Dickinson's innocence. People were expecting a recently: "I was never in any place Market with the larvest fare of weak- fish ever landed in New York,weighing spicy time, and some were sorry to where so many people take an interest about 120,000 pounds, beside 2,OOOlaMe learn the lecture had been cancelled. in nature and the simple things of life bluefish. All this great catch of fish Bullock says lie has hired a Riverhead as they do in Southold." A fine was in first class condition, sure to lawyer to open the divorce obtained by bring top prices, and naturally C L hi-Swife. Ile says he still loves her and compliment for the old place. The I ill he can, adding, present widespread interest in birds is splendid success. The fish were n is ready to help her. Brooks was highly elated overati, too, that he has an affidavit from bliss owing entirely to Mrs. Lowerre's off Cape.Henry and at market price Dickinson, for whom lie secured a good genuine love for birds. is it not a were worth over$3.500. position in. Ridgewood,exonerating him from any wrongfulact. Bullocksay,. Dr. H. M. Payne, who has just been hopeful sign when little tots carry in he was in a sanitarium when the divorce their pockets the Baby Bird-Finder and elected Great Sachem of the Order o, was procured. talk knowingly of the indigo bunting Red Men of the State of West Virginia', Our pound fishermen are making good and red-eyed vireo; when one high is to devote the month of Julie to hauls of weakfisb. They are very large school boy captures a strange bird alive visiting lodges in the state and deliver- and fine. and sends it by another student to the ing lectures before the order. Bird-Woman to be named, and then I The oil for our roads arrived last Saturday and Supt. Miss E'sie Hummel attends., e Fleet had it put on El on S. Booth is clerking in F. at once. meeting of the Long 7sland LibY Fickeissen's store. It is a little nuisance when Club at Garden City recently. first Put on, but the benefits derived F. Fickeissen has a new auto delivery greatly outweigh the inconvenience. Miss Agnes Goldsmith of Peconic has wagon.. Oil will Jay the dust and preserve the moved into part of Mrs. Julia Danz's en's flay - road bed, and is money well expended, house. Exercises appropriate to Children" e mem ers of the Graduating Class A Hummel to 0 W Young, lot Day were held by the Primary Depart of the Southold High School aren a Hommel av, adj land of A went of the Presbyterian Bible ScbGo 19raelP. Terry, President; Elinor H. Hummel,Southold.................nom last Sunday morning. The Methodist Terry, Vice President; Edith C. Breit- congregationSouthold, June 7. at St. Patrick's R. united in the service and stadt, Secretary; William Hoinkis, C. Church, by Rev. Father Holley there was a large audience present. Treasurer; Nellie B. Danz, Mildred G. John Francis Coleman, of New York The program was as follows: March- Cox, Ethel R. Grathwohl and Richard City, and Miss Annie Agnes Carey, Of iDg song and chorus, by the school; R Vail. Southold. Ten Commandments, recited by Miss I.. W enty-Five Ye rs Ago Hall's class; prayer and baptism, the Mrs. Annie A. Spooner and mother t./u," e / — /T�y Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd; beatitudes, re- have moved into the Presbyterian Miss Bertha Whitaker returned home cited by Miss Harper's.class; song, parsonage. from Steubenville, Ohio, where she had Gordon Taylor; recitations, Harry F. K. Terry and F. G. Prince have be,, teaching. Case, Eugene Lehr, Jennie Albertson, been elected ushers of the Presbyterian The Firemen's Aid Society voted to Hilda Goldsmith and Merwin Buckley; ichurch. hire the basement of the Cochran song, Dorothy Van Wyck and Helen Y., homestead for an engine house for the Terry; prayer, the Rev. Dr, Law- ,mas Stacy of Pelham,Williams'. use of Protection Engine Co. rence, pastor of the Methodist church; argent the week end at W.A. - Louis 0. Pike of Mattituck was song, by the Primary Department, Twenty-Five r Years go assisting A. F. Lowerre at the railroad recitations, Rita Dickerson, Floy MO-1 station. Van Wyck, David Lehr, Marion A r Strawb6ries were selling f eight John Quarty started a branch barber bertson, Martin Lehr, Raymond Dick. Cents a quart. shop at Cutchogue. erson, Flora Albertson, Altba Smith,. The members of Eagle Hook&Ladder 'The Ladies' Sewing Society of the song, Josephine Addy; recitations, Co.ordered their suits. Presbyterian church elected the fol, Beryl Horton, Margery Van Wyck, Jahn Dunkel caught 700 lbs. of blue- [owing officers: Pres., Mrs. Annie A. Frances Leicht; song, Ruth Hummel, 6-4 in a draw seine in one day. Spooner; Vice Pres., Miss Minnie D. Freda Williams, Isabelle Boisseau; col.! There was a general complaint that� Hallock; See., Miss May G. Horton; lection and prayer, `"Blessing the Pen. aeed potatoes had rotted in the ground. 'Treas., Mrs. Gen. W. Dayton. nies," by the Primary Department; The strawberry train commenced Wm. H. Beebe's house at Bay View song, by Miss Pallace's class; closing running. Eight hundred crates were was struck by lightning, but little hymn, "America"; benediction, th ,taken the first day, damage was done. Rev. Dr. Whitaker. J. B. Terry went to Wilmington to we the new steamer Shelter Island. We received a pleasant call ThursdayOne of the largest congregations that Rev, Father Cahill was appointed from one of our former "boys" in the ever gathered in the M. E. Church wall assistant to Rev. Father Foley. office, H. Robinson Shipberd. Mr. and present Sunday evening, at the annual W. A. Cochran was elected Foreman Mrs, Shipberd are spending a little time Children's Day exercises. The program of Eagle Hook and Ladder Co.,in place with Cutchogue relatives. Mr. Ship- was as follows: March, Processional; of H. G. Booth, elected Chief of the herd is Assistant in English at Har- recitation of 23d Psalm by school and Fire Department. vard Universisy and has charge of'congregation; prayer, Rev. Wm. H. At a meeting Of the Firemen's Aid Composition and Methods of Teaching Lloyd; singing by school.- recitations, Society, J. E. Corey, R. S. Sturges at the Harvard Summer School. Robbie Newbold, Gussie Mueller; exer- and Geo. C. Terry were appointed a Mi iss Ethel Beebe is employed at tl.e- (Ase, Daisy Chains, class of girls; committee to draw plans fora pro- Bank of Southold durinP, , the al)sjrc: recitation, Spencer Petty, duet, Evelyn spective engine house, and the trustees of Mrs, Florence Anderson, iviao i, ill and May Bixby; recitations, alph were requested to investigate for a site at her parents' home at Middletown, Glover, Helen Cochran; solo, Lucy' for said house. Ct. Kanold; exercise, Strong Heart Boys, class; singing by school; recitation, Whitcomb has I Mrs. M. Belle Van Dusen left on & n Salmon a M" Ethel Tyson; duet, Leslie Jewell and e Tuthiii's.house on Railroad Hired Tuesday for San Francisco, Cal.,where with him family will occupy it this elle will attend the 13th International Marjorie Hagerman; recitation, Cath- Sabbath School Convention. arine Shafer; exercise, The Katydids, - five little girls; recitation, Agnes Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Peck of—' Miss Violet Beebe is stenographer Gordon; exercise, Conquering Banners, returned from enwich, Conn., have and typewriter for Tasker & Co,, six boys; solo, Merlin Young; reel it with Southold relatives. om Greenport. tations, Louisa Mueller,George Thomas, Mr. is a brother of the late Israel Peck. Percy I. Bergen of 0he New York Theresa Fielder, Merlin Young; sing University Law School, is hurne for the ing by school; recitations, Max New-' summer vacation. bold, Myra Overton; song, five little girls; Collection Drill Ili joifij ladle g'; Twenty-Five Yealra 1 0 hymn; America and Doxology; ben- The Comet dtnl-0�— ediction by Mr. Lloyd. Vol I, No. 1 of The Comet, the paper Summer boarders were arriving. The Children's Day exercises were published by the Class of 1911 of the There had been plenty of rain so fa this season. held in the Universalist church Sunday Southold High School, will be on '81" The following were elected officers of morning, when the following excellent at the Commencement Exercises of the the youthful bucket company. Fore- program was rendered: Voluntary; school at Belmont Hall next Monday main, Willie Billard; Asst. Foreman song; prayer; song; Scripture reading; Fred Prince; See., Edward Carey duet, Misses Mildred Cox and Rose evening. The price is 10 cents and you Tress., Isaac Billard. Case; recitations, Robert Booth, Don- want to take some money with you to J. E. Cochran caught 10,000 porgies ald Booth, Margaret Baker, Hollis the hall, as you must surely have a in his pound one morning. He expected Booth;song-, recitations, Ray Young, paper. This is the largest paper ever to clear$100 from the catch. Helen Booth, Frank Sanford, Eunice published by the school and consists of Strawberries sold for three cents Cox; duet, Emma Booth and Leroy 32 pages. Israel P.Terry is the editor; quart. ,Hutchinson; recitations, Allen Baker, The Monumental Society elected t Leroy Wilkinson, Lois Baker; Little Mildred G. Cox, assistant editor, and following officers: Pres., Mrs. D. Birds upon the Wing, Primary Class; William Hoinkis, business manager. Conklin; Vice Pres., Mrs. Alberts recitations, Leroy Hutchinson, Alfred The contents include editorial, Snap- Case; See., Mrs. H. W. Prince;Tress,' Booth; song; recitation, Herbert Wells; shots from Faculty Row, The Value of Mrs. H. G. Howell. The ladies had 'Collection; song; Children's Sermon; a Purpose, Class poem, class prophecy, over$700 in the bank. song-, benediction. class history, class will, Southold Fifty Warren Richmond, the proprietor of Years Hence, Leonardo Da Vinci, Our Bay Side Farm and prominent in the Capt. Elijah L. Tallmanaged Portsmouth, Rhode Island, June 73 veers, Modern System of Advertising, The affairs of Brooklyn, died. , , 4 months. Pbilomathea,Southold Debating Society, Brooklyn,June 13,Azei D.Matthews, Baseball, Ilymeaneans, Lemons, Bits Miss Grace Boldry of Troy is a aged 46 years. from Letters Home, Reminiscences of Southold and will hereafter make Southold, June 11, Mrs. Sarah Den- Class Room, Epitaphs, Who's Who, 1home with her sister, Mrs. J. N. H nison, aged 68 years. Degrees Awarded, Imaginations, We lock. Southold Again Defeats Pierson Would Like to Know, etc. Our busi- ness Rev. Dr. Louis M. Sweet and fa .— The annual sail of the High School men have been very generous in their advertising patronageThe of New York City are occupying one`.. Department took place last Saturday, the Dayton cottages at Paradise Pin . when the school set out on Capt. Bond's Comet is a mighty bright paper and yacht Christine for Sag Harbor. An, every friend of the school should have Don Salmon Whitcomb and family of exciting game of ball was played there a copy as a souvenir of the Class Of Brooklyn are occupying Mrs. Phebe, between the nines of the Pierson High 1911. Tutbill's house on Railroad Ave. for School and Southold High School, $500 REWARD OFFERED. the summer° resulting in a victory for Southold by a I • — Throrigh the real estate agent score of 1 to 0. This was the second 11:verbeaLl, L. I., June I.- Coroner game of the season. By the good work Pelerson and r)Wrict Attorney Furman of Charles R. Lyon, Mrs. Lydia A. �iro co-oiler tiiig it, an endeavor to to Moore has sold the land to the west of their pitcher, Cochran, who struck of her residence in Peconic to Mrs. out 15, and only allowed 3 hits, the eat,�-the persons who are guilty of the Charles Hamill. Also through. the Southold boys were able to shut out nurder (if a male iniant, 3 or 4 dl-ly,, C their opponents. The batting order of olu, whose body was found a few days agency, the land to tho evit In, the teams was as follows: -igo in a fi;h pound off Bay Vie—, South- n rear of her residence to Anton old, as told in the Ea-le. The body Stolzer. fj- Peconic. SOUFHOLD PIERSON was that of a normal, finely formeii L A Moore to M HaminH11, lot n s Terry, c Higgins, c, boy. A cord was tied tightly about hit Main highway, adj land of G H Gagen, lb Moench, 2b neck,eaus�i g strangulation. The corPS( Terry, Peconic........ ... .. ...... C. Booth, If Heller, 3b was found by J. N. Dickinson and J It. L A Moore to A Stelzer, lot n a - Cochran, p Cook, p Yourig in their pourld. Main highway,adj land of A Stelzer, Vail, 2b Keating, as Peconic.............. .......... C-Jroner PfAerson was notified and h, Diller. 3b Wagner, lb at once communicated with the district A cyclone in miniature struck Ma Hodgins, ef Van Nostrand, If utor ney. The I atter i�as offered a i e tuck Tuesday afternoon. The center H. Booth, ss Bath, c - information that rriy uA cyclone tuck Tuesd- ward of$500 fo, of it seemed to be right on Lamonte Griswold, rf Perrottet, rf on] f rm cad to the arrest and conviction of till 7Goulds farm, though the village felt Van Dustin, of �Sammers, ef its efr"t, ild, guilty persons. Two or thre�- clewk it, etTeCtEt also. Immense hailstones, Score by innings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 h,oe been examined but have fuil,6_ fell, some large as robins' eggs; big:� Oth(rs are Luing fulluixed up, with a trees were uprooted and blown over, Southold 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 — I of their leading to something and small fruit and garden truck were Pierson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 —Eagle, whipped to pieces. It was really mail cyclone and gave us a taste I § J Hits—Cochran 2, Diller 2, Terry 1, G I Tuthill and wife to G F Cook 2what a Ka as or Nebraska R, Wagner 1. Struck out—BY Grathwohl. 15 acres, w a 5th at, adj n If Cochran 15. by Cook 12. land E LCODkiin, New Suff olk....nom could do. 40 . On Monday evening t Commence- s- - Twenty-FIVO YO 9 inent Exercises of the Class of 1911 The will of Helen M. Green, of U�It – — was probated Thursday. - .7 were held it) Belmont Hall The hall I Southold, It w,A2 in the sbade. was prettily decorated with coflege,The sum of$25 is given each to Harry Edward Griffith went to the city, pennants and foliage and Ithe class' I motto "nihil sine, labore"; in green G. Case, jr., Harry G. Case, Ijelen R. where he had a position in a restaurant. and gold letters hp.nging from the G. Mulford and May C. Case, nephews A party of about thirty persons had stage. It was done by the Junior and nieces,and the residue goes equally a picnic at Great Pond on July 15th. class and a member or two of the facul- to Harry G. Case and May C, Case; ty. Following is the 1)rogranl: March, Eugene L. Conklin passed the ex- Caroline Taylor, Invocation, Rev, W. J. C. Booth has rented a cottage at aminations for entrance to Hamilton H. .11loyd: Salutatorv. Richard Penny the Sound to Lawyer A. W. Moyniban College. Vail; Essay, "Leonardo De Vinci" of New York, who wild. again summer Jerry Singley was about to build an Elinor HoweliTerrv:Essay"The ?h11o_ in mathea Society," Ethel Rae Gratbwahl at ML Beulah. addition to his barn for a truck house 1� Music, Orchestra; Class History, Emil Christopher and Daniel Grattan, Jr., and meeting room for the use of Eagle William Huinkis: Essay.' "Our Modern have purchased a farm in Connecticut Hook and Ladder Co. System of Advertising", Edith Claire -1. 0, 0. F., elected Breitstadf; Essay, "Southold Fifty and will take possession next January. Southold Lodge, Years Hence.- Mildred Goidsmith Cox: After July 1st the minimum freight the following officers: N. G., Geo. A. Clas4 Prophecy, Nellie Barnes Danz;FTfl Maier; V' G., Ernest Loicht; See., Valedictory, Israel Peck Teary; Music; charges on the L. 1, R. R. will be 35 Wm. U. 'Vail; Treas., W. A. Clark; Awarding of Diplomas, Principal Sy- cents per 100 lbs., instead of 25 cents. W., 0. A. Prince; G., J. E. Davis; C., morids;Song by class, "Alma Mater During the eyertin6r, copies of the class Mrs, C. L. Bardorf has moved to her F. Gomez; R. S. N. G., C. G. Corey. patwr, the "Comet,', were sold. The house in the western part of the vil- W. A. and J. E. :Cochran bought of ,,C,jjnet is said by some to be th lage. 0. V. Penney the store occupied by -best class paper yet published4—) Cutebog e. June 29, at'he h of L. W. Korn. Twenty-Fivo Years A90 the SacredFatherHeart,by Rev. Church 'r UrL YI" The new steamer Shelter Island , John Edmund Maloney of Riverhead ad arrived at Southold wharf for the first Miss Minnie Rommel TE from and Miss Catharine Carroll of Peconic. time. The dock was full of people, Mount Halyoke, where she had been A tax r x;1,111.73 has been Imposed who went down to see her come in. attending school. in the transfer tax matter in the estate New seats were being put in the L. The Youth's Temperance Society of of Henrietta Horton of peconic, from depot.. the M. E. church elected the following which there will be a rebate of 5 per The Southold Fire Department had a officers: Pres., Goo. H. Wells; Vice cent. if the tax is paid before July 2;-). very successful parade on July 5th. A Pres., Mrs. George Taylor; See., W. The estate is valued at $33,742.66, of short speech was made by Lawyer Ira which Philip H. Horton of PecOnic, a H. Tuthill. Flags and bunting were U. Vail, nephew, gets$11 278.412. displayed. Mr. Moodinger presented The members of Eagle Hook and The initial trip of the first -ro ey to Protection Engine Co. with a silver r Ladder Co. received their belts and run through Patchogue Was maAleWed- trumpet, and Eagle Hook and Ladder hats. nesday, when a nulliber of the road's was one of otficials rode fr0ru m itin street west to Co. presented Jerry Bingley with a Howell Miss Ernestine I L. the graduates at the Jamaica Training Blue Point—aud the wisll and dreamnice • chair. of t)veuty years were r-alized. st 'Schnol this week. Miss Howell will Ree(ir.(I U111,t,.�al[...tank Miss Marion C. Stickney has been teach the Third and Fourth Grades in lto engaged to fill the vacancy in the is likely the Southold High School next year. A duvelopeinent that Eighth Grade and High School work in le She was one of the brightest students have an important bearing on the our school. Miss Stickney graduated ,st who ever graduated from our school long-talked-of Plan to establish the from St. Lawrence University in Jun Dn and made a fine record at Jamaica. biggest steamship terminal in the and comes very highly recommended. w Miss Leah Benedict, a graduate of country at the eastern end of Long The many friends of Miss Julia Geneseo Normal School, has been Island took place Sunday. The Cassidy will be pleased to learn that 50 aged to teach the Fifth Grade of event was the run of a special train she was united in marriage with our school next year. Miss Tooke, the from the Pennsylvania Station, Theodore R. Francis of.Jamaica, L. present teacher, takes the Sixth and Manhattan, to Fort Pond Bay, on last week. 'Seventh Grades. which were officials,of the Interna- miss Mary H. HunLUD9 has returns Strawberries have been ver:�_p_lentifulp tional Merchantile Marine COMP811Y from Hendersonville, N. C., where she rer' and unusually delicious. The rain came and of the Long—Island Railroad. has been spending some time with her save them. It was It was about 7:,3o A. M. whey the sister. ite jest in time to sa would lbo elt ;feared by the raisers that they w train left New York, and at 9:55 New Potatoes are selling for $1.50 ies be a fai'ure. The raspberry and black- o'clock it arrived at its destination, per bushel. " w won" t I black- to he a in 1 .train I a c It i 0 L "10 berry picking promises Ve n w left .k i c. t t a' ' 'o Ne U 7 t arrived big covering the run of 117 miles June 28, at the Eastern one. er, hour and 55 minutes, including a Greenport, verge L. I. Hospital, of Bright's disease, n W England, e m n I stop Woodside. The James Goffett, a native of Er ere three-minute S resident a Mrs. Tooke and daughter, Ali' , I 'rate d was 62 1-�2 formerly for many years a le E Urs. E. average rate of speed T L t floor of Urs� there but latterly with Dr. T.I Of rented the firs I p r our, one stretch, )ush. L. miles per hour, and on Ireland at his residence in Flatl t at from ya 68 ye )rm ingos residence. thatfr , yapauk to Manor, the L, age ars. Burial in the Ireland from in Cemetery. D10t at Sterling 5 -red in 4 minutes. 5 _% ;lam wns nnvp FIRE DAMAGE IS $80,00[} Current Is On. Potatoes Are 9 According to promise made early in The shipment of Orient potatoes Riverhead Had Worst Fire in June the Riverhead Electric Light Co. tO New` York Markets commenced Many Years Early Thurs. turned on its day current on July I— on Monday, prices being the highest daY Morning last Saturday. Those people having for along time. Commission men The baptism of fire which Riverbead fans in their homes found the day cur- paid$3.30 per barrel for potatoes on rent very useful Sunday ana Monday the Orient' dock. The early crop has dreaded for years, but from which during e excessive beat. we have hitherto Been the I will be large. mercifully pre- Business motors for all purposes are Mrs. ElectaB. Williams has rented served, cane on us Thursday morning, Dow humminga merry tune during busi her place in the western part Of he -ted that many village to Mr. Porter of California, for when Burnes swept the earner at Main uess hours, and it is repoi street and Roanoke avenue, substan. people are about,to do away witil gaso- tially ruining the buildings and stocks !ene motors in buaiuess places and will one year. of merchandise in their path, and put- install electric. L J Roache to B F Webb and The day current fills a long felt want tiD9 ten firms and individuals temper- ors, [at w s 4th av, adj luid of B F aril; out or busines and Riverhead people are giving it. a s, and causing a hearty welcome, Webb and ors, New Suffolk.. gross loss estimated at $80,000, at least. Southampton, July S. Mrs. Mary The buildings destroyed were the TWenty-FiVO Yean A-go Jane Ginty, formerly of Cutchogue, property of Frank Mueller, M.F. Benja- %1-111-4 /L/ where interment took place, age d 77 min's Sons, the Terrell estate, and the The F&rnen's Bazar nettedEagle :.years,- Perkins people., Hook and Ladder Co. $83. Talent F178 The business firm-,; and individuals Steamer Shelter Island made the run Wa who are crippled, though in the rutinutin from Sag Harbor to Southold in 37 E. E. 9u new rul Pat of the protected by jusurance, are minutes. I public school, rented rooms of D. T. W. N. Burnite, jewelry store. Edward Huntting Post, G. A. &, Conklin. 1. Finberg, music, bicycles, geik 11Jg was to bold a camp fire at Riverhead The wheat crop was never better. machines. on Aug. 11th. Presiding Elder B. At. Adams held H. Cohen, tailor. Nathan Davis purchased the house quarterly conference in the M. E. The Henry Bakery, and lot in the eastern part of the church. Lane& Hallock, grocers. village, formerly the property of Wm. The next receipts,of the M. E. fair, M. F. Benjamin's Sons, druggists. H. Richmond, Mr. Davis also purr were about$100. Charles McCabe, confectionery and chased two or three acres of land of J. Dolson Vail returned from an news vtore. the estate of Austin Booth, deceased.' extended visit with Now York State ,John Hagen. shoes. Prof, Isaac F. Russell and Miss Ruth and Chicago friends. J. Fred Downs, Photographer. Ferriss were married. The Southold Fire Department was Perkins& Co., clothiers. Miss Sadie Salmon was engaged to to go on an excursion to New London, The estimated gross losses and tile take charge of the primary department via str- Shelter Island, on July 30th. in,mrauce are as follows: of the public school. The semi-annual report of the South. Frank Mueller, $6,000: insurance, Rev. Mr. Dusenberre of Greenport old Savings Bank showed total assets $4,0110. addressed the Southold Temperance amounting to$1,223,585.98,amount due Mr. Burnite, $?,Ooo; insurance,$1,000. Society. depositors, $1,043,675.53; surplus,$179,- Mr. Finberg, $2,000: insurance,$1,600. 511's. Mulrooney, (Henry bakery), Adam Bersenger died, aged 74 years. 91,0-45- $1,000; insurance, $1,000. The annual Harvest Home Festival Lane & Hallock, $2,500,, insurance, $1,500. J a The lJoll Waye was billed for Aug. 5th. Benjamin's Sons, buildings mud stock, The hot wave, after a respite of a Capt. Charles L. Gardiner of Green- VA,000; insurance, $10'.1,00. couple of days to suffering humanity, port, formerly of Southold, and Mrs. Terrell building, $8,000; insurance, returned- Monday. At 3 o'clock the Elizabeth A. Hulse of Moriches were e. 1$3,600. temperatu Nlr.McCabe, p),00o; insurauv �e was W,in the city. It was married. Mr. Hagen, $500: insurance, $3,400. within a degree or two of that in the The—price of potatoes still keeps at Mr. Downs.$500; insurance, none. country. Only once before this year 0 a bushel, and our farmers are Mr, Cohen, $800: insurance, $60o. above that, "" Perkins & Co., building and stock, had the temperature gone it climbed getting them off just as fast as they $2,15.000; insurance, 02,000. and that was on July 3, when can. Three or four cars a day are J S Jenkins to C L Jenkins, 7 to 98—the hottest day in ten years. being shipped from here. Mr. Feeney acres on Shelter Island Sound, adj Constant breezes and a humility of ArBbamornoclue has the largest yield land of the Rev R J Kent, Hal- percentage greatly lower than Monday of anyone we have beard of in this locks Point, Great Hog Neck, near ay' e bearable. Southold ........__..............nom made Tuesheat more sectlon-225 bushels to the afire. The The glass, ever, showed that the average yield is about 125 bushels per B F Webb and ors,to L J Roache, real temperature was just about the lot e a 5th av, adi land L J Roache, same as that of Monday. on Wednes- ; New Sutrolk........................nom elief came from the hot E. Mortimer Jewell of Hartford, Cl. day morning r ,! business udson to L J Roache, lot wave by a welcome thunder shower, who has given up the railroad w a 4th Bt, adi land L J Roselle, greatly cooled the air and broke for insurance, has been visiting his New Suffolk.......................nom parents. the drought. -Post Office Robbed RAILROADUTO IN THE '60s. Postmaster M. T. Horton went up to "'I �/ - Wading River last Friday morning, in For thel�coil time in two years,the The "Brooklyn Times" of last Sat- A. G. Case's automobile, and found his Southold post office has been broken urday night gave some interesting facts horse, wagon and harness, which were into and robbed. The robbery took on pioneer railroading on Long Island, stolen by the post office thieves early place early W2 Anesd a morning. It stated that in June 1860, two men Wednesday morning. The horse, which Fortunately the burglars did not get were sent by the company to Corning, had been unharnessed by the burglars, much for their trouble, as Only about N. Y.. to get the first coal burning lo- was found by LeRoy Hulse, between $4.00 worth of postage stamps and a cornoti v= ever used on the Long island Wading River and Calverton. The Tattle change are missing. The cracks- railroad, In .864, a Picture was taken wagon and harness were found in the men must have got seared and left of this locemotive at Yaphank, and this woods at Wading River. Horse, wagon before they finished their work by cut was published in the Times. In the and harness were found in just about blowing up the safe. They drilled one picture are shown F. B. Chichester, the same place as two years ago, when hole in the safe and tried to drill two conductor;Alike Ryan, baggage master; the post office was robbed by probably other holes. A broken drill and wrench John Coles. brakeman;Stephen Swayze, the same parties. It is thought that were found in the office. The robbers brakeman. it further states that of the robbers took the early train from also stole Postmaster Horton's horse the hien ien show', with the eng:ne only Wading River on Wednesday morning.n and wagon. It will be remembered one now survives, Stephen Swayze, ' that two years ago this month the who is today a conductor running be- we congratulate our ambitious young, burglars(lid the same thing, only they tween Sag Harbor and Bridge-hampton. friend, Jonathan Terry Overton ofl took W. H. Terry's wagon then. The I —PS H News. Islip, on his first start in business. He', horse and wagon were then found at —S. H. R. Stoddard of Saratoga has his cards out, Overton & Crozier, Wading River. It looks as if it was Springs has been engaged as Principal electrical contractors, Islip. Jonathan the same gang of post office thieves. of Southold Academy. Miss Stoddard took a fine course in an electrical school Entrance to the post office Wednesday is a graduate of the Saratoga Springs in New York City and is well fitted for morning was made by the front door. High School, the Corinth Training his work. Two holes were drilled by the lock and School and the Albany Business College. _*. Corey Albertson is building, the door pried open. After getting She has had eleven Years' experience addition to his livery stables at inside, they evidently crawled over the i as a teacher, having filled fine positions, partition at the delivery window, Be i and comes very highly recommended. Southold. marks of their feet were found on the The fall term of the Academy begins Several wagon loads of- gypsies shelf. They then unlocked the back I Sept. 5. The school offers complete passed through here last Thursday door and left that way. A little beforel shorthand and business courses, afternoon, bound east. 2 o'clock Mrs.Horton thought she beard Shelter Island, July 15, Caroline il., their wagon house door open and spoke Twenty Jive Ye Ago widow of Sam'l G. Lester, aged 89 to Mr. Horton, but he, being half U,,I'. .2-S- 0 h years, 24 days. asleep, thought nothing of it and went The excasion of tw, S old Fire off to sleep again. The robbery was Department to New London was a Twenty-Five Ye. Ago discovered by W. A. Cochran when he great success. All the tickets (350) I -7 Festival, un went by the office Wednesday morning, #a"r AistHome were sold. The YIS " and be informed Postmaster Horton. The following were elected officers of the direction of Prof. D. P. Horton, Banner Lodge, 1. O. G. T.: C. T., B. Oak Lawn, was a great success. The The post office authorities and the B. Tuthill; V. T., Mrs. W. A. Clark, procession was composed of the Matti- Sheriff were notified. Two years ago, when the robbers broke into the post See., Miss Helen Tuthill; F. S., H. M. tuck Band, Cutchogue Veteran Drum office, they stole about $600 worth of Hawkins; Treas., P. H. Cantermen; Corps, Southold Hotel String Band,- stamps and$8.00 in change. Chaplain, F. T. Wells; M., F. Teague. Southold Fire Department, horseback Sheriff Platt telephoned Postmaster G., Miss Louise Case; S., Elbert riders and many wagons. "Uncle Sam" Horton Thursday morning that his Sweezy. Vail, in his 97th year, enjoyed a view horse had been found by LeRoy Hulse, J. E. Cochran caught 800 chequit in of the procession. 'Address6s were between Wading River and Calverton, his pound one morning. made by Rev. Robert Aikman, D. D,, This is just about the same place the Edward Huntting Post, G. A. R., of Madison, N. J., Rev. E. D. Kelsey borse was found two years ago. There was to hold its annual camp fire at the of Cutchogue, Nat. W. Foster of Riv- is no track of the wagon yet, but it is Suffolk County Fair Grounds on Wednes_ erhead, and Rev. W. F. Whitaker of doubtless in the woods at day, August 11. Addresses were to be Orange N. J. Music was furnished by River. There is no clue to the identitya Wading given by Judge Thomas Young, Hon. the Mattituck Barld and the Cutchogue of the robbers, but it is without doubt N. D. Petty, Hon. H. P. Hedges and Drum Corps. The Ladies' Monumen- t same gang that robbed the office Prof. J. M. Belford. Music was to be tal Society served refreshments. furnished by the Riverhead Cornet just two years ago. Band. Boss Geo. W. Smith is building a Miss elen Wright of Smith Basin, Ouse and barn for Mr. Kooke at Bay N. Y., and Miss Millie Stoutenhoro of Messrs. H. H. Huntting and 1. View. The house is built on the site Brooklyn are visiting at Geo. C. Terry are taking a trip to Halifax, Charlottetown and Quebec, They will of J. N. Dickinson's old barn, and a Terry's, return home by way of Portland and magnificent view of the bay, creek and Boston. surrounding country can be seen. Thomas B. Skidmore has sold his fine Miss Violet Beebe has accepted a 11 Last of the Old Court House place at Southold to Chas. H. Beck told. position as stenographer in the Office The dent di of the Perkins and This is one of the handsomest places in of the L. I. Potato Exchange at River- Terretl buildings. damaged by fir� re- Southold. head. cOutlY, wars completed Weduo�dav, alld Mrs. Addie Glover has moved to Glen t) M Phillips and ano to E B Sweet Ins passes the first Court House t lie lot n s Pine Neck road, adi land of Cove,where her son Raymond is at county ever had, A H Taylor, Pine Neck, South- work at the carpenter trade. It is said the original building was old... ........I..............nom Scotch Plains, N. J., Aw—JI,—George erected in 17,28 and enlarged in 1700. �` I S. Harper, formerly of Southold, in his 'Many pei)plo stood by and admired Twen tV-Five Ye rs gO 36tb year. Interment at Greenwood.AL I I . e sev� thennei Leander COOIL structure as it. was beim,torn down. The boarvdAg houses were full of sum- Greenport, July 31, ent. hand-hewn timbers in the mer guests. Case, aged 91 years, I month. Burial Some of these beams wereinches, Southold.The people of Southold were to meet at Southold. of Solid oak, and of course were will Iron. Perry Belmont at Belmont Hall Another_0107-7 gine from Us. preselwed and almost as hard as iroln, on Aug. 21st, in relation to a break- 6 rEv, even after having been in use so many _"st 3rd, 1911. years Some of these timbers w(tre Z5 water at Horton's Point. Leand i�r Cook Cc.,se, second son of the feet long. too. Thus it must have taken E A union praise service, under the late Elder� 14uses Case, lived his allotted ati iargtree to produce them, slluare4, at rvesco,-, and tttreat en Years and More, forlength, and it must have called direction of Prof. D. P. Horton, wa rlinetY-011e Yea-, and a4month were giv- for much_hard work in prepariug so held in the Presbyterian church. en him, with v`gjr and faculties undim- many timbers of that size. J. B. Terry advertised his entire "i'Ll ti:1 tae t.-ast yehr. A man foi;dly lLtnd made Alio les, fastened ,n by business at Southold wharf for sale. '-)vc'd 'Y Old 'A you g, biking a long real ]land made nails, were on tlie west Outlook, 0:1 life like most-seafaring men, side of the building. Rev. D. Taylor of Catchogue ad. and tel;ing Mally a thrilling, arn of wha- This building was One of tile first I dressed the Southold Temperance ling vcY29f,,"., 1 hipwreek.-i and cannibals erected in Riverhead, and d.lu'btless Society. flow we s'.all miss thee.dear old man! linich of the timber in it was t-ilt On the Mrs. John S. Howell fell down A. M. T. site where it stood, open trap door and broke her leg. East Haven, Conn., July 25, Hen- rietta Green,aged 10 Months. Remains Old Dan, tl:e l';lithful beast that for Went to the Same Schoolbrought to Southold for burial. loamy years drew tile. (Iridin House F "Best in the State" 'bus, is dead. Of bite years lie IiLa�s One day last week Albert A. Folk lived "on a pmsi�m, with noticing to and W. A. Williams of Southold, John At last it has come—the official rec- do but take it easy anti exit good focal. P. Smith of Brooklyn, A. W. Moyni- ognition of the fact that Suffolk Conn. Late last week it was seen that lie han, John Graham and Moses Wolf o ty has the best jail in the State of New could live but a few hours longer, so he was ars Thehorsewasover New York, and Augustus Williams, York. The "grand old sunrise county 40 years old, met at the post office and swapped ofthe first state of the Union," hasi stories. All were pupils in the old thus again demonstrated that itisstill LARGEST SHIP IN Won��tu7D"lllllll=l Fifth Street School of New York. ,soine pi.1111-ins.- London, July 2-1--The Plan.,: for the Mrs. Sarah Jane Thomas of Southold] "It is a modern jail in every respect, new stearner Aquif.ani-x, which theCun- passed and the old boys saluted. She with the "lost complete equipment of and Com,)any is hNildini,, nt Chd,bank, is the oldest of the old girls of the any jail in the State, writes Com- have be,,, modili-cd to njake, the vessel Fifth Street School. With one excep- missioner John McNamee of the State the largest in the w.).rid. Ht•r length tion all the old boys have turned the Prison Commission in his offlcial re- be 10 feet three score mark. port,of the iu�Pcctjou Of the jail sent greater than the iengt h of the 50,W)o Salem D. Goldsmith was knocked to the Supervisors Tuesday; -,and it ton liner 1mverator, which the l-lani- down by a bull last Wednesday evening is a.credit to the county and especially b(irg-ArnLric-ul line will putinto service and quite badly injured. A Polish farm to the Board of Sul)ervi6orz, and its in the spring of P)V'. ,hand ran to Mr. Goldsmith's assistance building committee_,, If. is a1su stated chat lho Aquitania -ii - knot faster than her Ger- and rescued him from being gored to The report—_t_e 11_"—i some---—0 r T rl_0 prim I—i-- will Le ont Ger- death. Mr. Goldsmith was helping to cipal features of the jail as follows: meal rival. The original specifications feed the stock, when the Jersey bull Men's jail 120 cells; women's jail sep- called for a length of e85 feet and a broke its tie rope, got loose and plunged arate with three departments of live speed of 23 knots an hour. She will out of the Vtall and knocked down Mr. cells each;separate departments also accommodate 4,000 passengers.—Eagle. Goldsmith. Fortunately no bones were for juveniles, wituesses, and debtors; On July 27th Marion Berry, w o as broken, but Mr. Goldsmith was badly two large ho�pital morns;offices for been on the battleship Michigan for bruised and shaken up. Sheriff, warden, turnkey, etc.; work- some timetook examinations for an ' ' room in basement, 104x23 feet; laun- , Yenny cott Folk B" came from the dry with modern machinery, electric officer's position and passed successful press of J. S. Ogilvie, 57 Rose St., motors, etc., 25x4.-)feet; bakery, 14x14; ly and is now rated a I I gun captain." New York City, Aug. 10, 1910. Since kitchen, with steam cookers. etc Mr. Berry has been visiting his par- then one thousand copies have been 23x4:55 feet; water tanks holding 15,0()etc,., ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Berry. sold in Suffolk County. Congratulations gallons intop of building; ventilating The "Bird Woman," Mrs. A. F. tothe author, Metta Horton Cook of system run by motors; two jailyards Lowerre, certainly draws the birds to Southold. for men, each yard 104x36 feet, and a her. For the past few days a white yard about Pr" half as big English for women. English sparrow has been on her lawn. I IANHAWSET PROPERTY 801M. The steamer Wyandotte of the-.NeW Dr. Haven Emerson, who is some- Shelter Island, Aug. 4.-Anaounce- London route has been placed on the thing of an enthusiast in the way of went is made of the purchase of rhe New York route of the Montauk Steam- improvements in barn construction, in- fiRMOUS MKnhU1JSCt M-nor, Shelter 1,,j. boat.Co., taking the p1twe Of the Shin- iand, by Charles Lane Poor, of New necook, which is laid up for ripairs ow- v1tes the people to inspect his,new barn ing to the 1)14jwing out of a cylinder at Bay Side Farm on Saturday after- York City, a summer resident of the I head Inst week Wednesday. noon, Sept. 2, from 2 to 6. Island. Contracts have been signed. The annual Harvest Home picnicPeck_�f—Stratford, Ct., and the actual transfer will be made to- which was held on Wednesday was a Elliott W.h the Island last week in morrow. The purchase price is said to came throug hays bt,en$85,000. great success financially and otherwise. his auto-car, calling with his wife and The purchase includes 170 acres of In the afternoon 1here were addresses daughter Dorothy on N. Hubbard Cleve- shore front property and all the im by Dr. Wm. H. Lawrence of Southold land and others. pruvernents that are left on the place Pnd Rev. F. G. Beebe of Cutchogue. -Eugene Eldr-e-Jg—e of Roseville, L. L" since the disastrous fire of two Years The Southold band furnished appropri. ago which destroyed the famous hotel, ate and pleasing rnusic, visited Southold friends this week. ereet-d at a cost Of $660,000. TwentV,-Five Year Who Wants a Postoffice? While it will not be given out for � ,?Ago A_"�rF-Xrr mc several days just,what will be done with Congressr y �e mont and Postmaster Terry of the Orient Point the property, it is known that the New Darwin R.James were given a reception office w,,iDts to resign his job,but so far York Yacht Chib will have enlarged in Belmont Hall. The meeting was UO one has been found who will take it quarters on the west side of the prop- held to boom a'breakwater at Horton's Off his hands. erty. facing Daring's Harbor. A ca- Point. Flags floated from many build- Mr. Terry has been postmaster for a logs. The Cutchogue Drum Corps quarter of a century and has given eat- swo wi'l also be built, but no arrange. isfaction to the Government and the The hall was I oients have been completed for the con• paraded the streets. patrons. He says that if the Govern= struction of any hotel. It is probable crowded with enthusiastic citizens. mout doesn't find his successor soon lie that a section of the shore front will be Stuart T. Terry was chosen chairman, will abandon the office, which means that the office will be closed. divided into choice building lots- and M. B. Van Dusen,secretary. Prof. The job doesn't Pay much over$130 a haurested with Mr, Poor in the deal D. P. Horton, in opening the proceed- year, and that probably explains why ars hall a dozen other local men. At ings, spoke of the need of a breakwater there aren't a-plenty of job hunters. prL!sent nothing more definite than that at Horton's Point. Addresses were which has already been told, will be made by Congressmen Belmont and Twenty-Five Years Ago 5 4,A '00 given out Brooklyn Times, James, Henry A. Reeves, Rev. Dr. Thom"'�A.�Terry bL�ht f the Twenty Jive Years Whitaker and M. B. Van Dusen. Mr. Davids' heirs 46 acres of land, west of p Reeves, Prof. Horton and R. T. Gold- Charles Davis', Bay View, for $1,500.' There wa iry� about smith were appointed a committee to Rev. Win. *F. Whitaker returned , �general complaint I confer with Congressman Belmont and from his six weeks' vacation at South potatoes rotting in the field. Engineer McFarland on the breakwater. old to his charge at East Orange, N. J.a Geo. A.Maier engaged to Mr. Stearns as superintendent of his grounds at At the close of the meeting the party At the annual school meeting it wa Rocky Point, Shelter Island. drove to Horton's Point and inspected voted to raise $925 by tax. The su The ladies of the Presbyterian church the site of the proposed breakwater. of $300 additional was voted to resew announced an excursion to Fisher's A concert in Mr. Belmont's honor was the principal's room with patent seats Island, per str. Shelter Island. held in the hall in the evening. The following officers were elected H. H. Huntting, foreman of Pro- Trustee, Gilder S. Conklin; Collecto The price of potatoes fell to 80 cents tection Engine Co., ornamented the Beni. L. Prince; Clerk, M. B. V this week, and on Thursday there was walls of the engine room with pictures Dusen; Librarian, Prin. E. E. Hulse. of the Darktown Fire Company. a further drop of five cents. Rev. Wm. F. Whitaker of Orange, ay In Boss H. W. Simons has taken the N. J., preached in the Presbyterian New ROad at B I contract to build a house for Wm. J. church. At a meeting of the Town Boar, Grattan on his lot, east side of Rail- Chas. L. Case and Fred C. Williams held at Paradise point on Saturda road Ave. were preparing for college under the consent was oven for the opening of 4 instruction of Dr. J. H. Maguire. road at the east side of Bay Vie Southold, Aug. 12, at "The Maples," by Rev. Won. H. Lloyd, Stanton Mott Protection Engine Co. and Eagle connecting the Cedar Beach road wi and Miss Gladys Matthews, grand-,[look and Ladder Co. voted to attend the North Road, With road to nort daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James the Firemen's Tournament at Pat- connecting with Dayton property at Matthews. ellogue. Paradise point. This road has 10,19 0 0 b d Simon, b.' take, the I , hu,_ �m 't, east for f �'J. side Rail- Cutebogue, Aug- 6, by Rev. Father A fire broke out around the chimney been needed and will be of great public John ohn B. Lyle, James Joseph Heffron of Mrs Beulah Goldsmith's house, but benefit. The Cedar Beach road, now and nd Miss Della Marie Raynor, both of New Suffolk. it was subdued before much damage two roads, will be widened to three was done. Southold, Aug. 12, Agnes G., Wife of roads. Charles E. Overton, aged 54 yea, Joseph M. Coleman of Jacksonville, The Bay view school w open Sept. days. Fla., and Miss Lillie J. Booth of South- 18, with Miss May Locker, of Green- old were married. port, Principal Edward Pappen r ng, Clerk of e I At tilemeeting or the board Of Su' Camp William Carey City Court, New York, will spend his pe i,ryisors on Monday, L. W. Korn was How true it is that one half the world vacation in Southold. Mr. Pappen- elected Election Commissioner, receiv- doesn't know how the other half lives, bring is a Civil War veteran and a ing nine votes to one for John McBrien , AlcBr n and that other half may be the former's graduate of the old Fifth street school. of Huntington. John J. Kirkpatrick next-door neighbor. When this school was opened on May of Patchogue was elected 88 the Re- The Boys' Club of Now York, num- 7, 1838, Miss Sarah A. Glover was ap- publics' representative. The com, bering now 8,000 members, has been in pointed Principal of the Primary De- missioners receive $1200 a year each existence since 1876,when it was found- partment. Miss Glover was the moth- and expenses. The many Southold ed by the late E. H. Harriman, For er of Albert A. Folk of Southold. A friends Of Mr. Korn, regardless of the past seven Years relays of boys, few yards from the schoolhouse, at party, are heartily congratulating him fifty or sixty at a time, have been con.- Fourth street and Avenue C, was the on his election.• He is a,good fellow, is ing from this Club to Camp William Fourth Presbyterian Church, and its well qualified for the position and Carey at Sound Avenue. pastor, Rev. Dr. Hovey, was one of certainly deserves well of his party431 This Camp, named after a member the ablest preachers of his day. HeA special meeting of the Board of of the governing board of the Boys' resembled in many respects Rev. Mr. ,Supervisors nof Suffolk Counly was held Club, is a most interesting example of Lloyd of the Presbyterian church. Rev. I at Riverhead, on Wednesday after- voluntary industrial work. Ithasnow, Dr. Whitaker, now in his 91st year, noon, August 16, at 1 p. m., for the instead of tents, several comfortable preached in the famous old church in purpose of making answer to a suit buildings for dormitories, dining-room, the early days of his ministry, under brought by John McBrien, of Hunting- club-house, etc., all having been built Dr. Hovey. Dr. Hovey died half a ton, against the Board of Supervisors by members of the Club. Driveways, century ago, and not one of his original to oust Lewis W. Korn, as Election flower-beds, and tennis courts, made in I congregation is now alive. I Commissioner, and compel the appoint- the same manner, give the grounds the went of Mr. McBrien. e YeMa Papers in the suit were served on appearance of a little park. The di- Twenty-Fig Ago r/6 t7--? rector, Mr. Jack B. G. Lester (an I! The finiversilist Sunday School held Chairman Ireland, on Monday, and Englishman, by the way) is in 'perfect a picnic at Calves' Neck. after some discussion it was decided by sympathy with the work and deeply Boss J. E. Corey was building a truck resolution to employ Judge T. M. interested in the problems that the house for Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. Griffing as chief counsel, wil h John R. Boys' Club and other social settlement on Jerry Singley's lot. hunk, of Patchogue, as associate coun- organizations are trying to solve in the Willard Ballou opened a private schoolsel, to make answer to the proceed- crowded districts of large cities, in the basement of G. Hahn's residence. ings. The matter comes before the The most interesting thing about the Eighty-six pupils were registered at Special Term of the Supreme Court, Camp is its management—or rather the the opening of the public school. next Monday morning and Supervisor apparent absence of management, The At the last meeting of Eagle Hook C_ Milton Rogers was delegated to usual tightly drawn institutional reins and Ladder Co., W. A. Cochran having represent.the Board at the hearing. are not visible,. in their place is a resigned as foreman, and J. B. Young Justice Putnam of the supreme court spirit of comradeship, good-fellowship, as secretary, A. R. Vail was elected 1has handed down a decision ousting and good times. The boys come for a foreman, and G. Fred Tillinghast, see- from office Lewis W. Korn as Election play-time, two weeks of perfect free- retary. C,)mmissjonar of Suffolk County. The dom in the open. Associating court directs the Board of Supervisors as they (fin V d either do, daily, on equal terms with young Last Saturdn ka�T_the ft6t of Suffolk County to convene an I men who expect and demand only such of the Postal Savi ugs Batik in green- appoint John McBrien, of Huntington, fair play and good conduct as well. 1`01-- Eight a"'raits Nvero opened or some other person recommended by � ,, e I meaning, growing boys are capable of, an, tho t-)t,,Il any)unt of inone� de- the Chairman of the Democratic County the result is good behavior and the cut- goo-sited is $181-10. Nearly all Committee of Suffolk County. vation of nliness. of tfiis, or $170, was kleposited by The many friends of Mr. Korn that foreign ey lentent. The mons regardless of party, are bitterly disap- "Traveler Lake" is overflowing its, banks. will dntvi interest at the rat&- of pointed at justice Putnam's decision. two per cent. and inay he used liAtey The Board of Supervisors will un- New Suffolk, Aug. 26, HenryH. for the pnr�,hase at par of Uiilted doubtedly appeal the case to the Ap- Wood, agqd 68y, Bro, 24d. Interment p,hate Division, and Mr. Korn may States governmunt bonds, - Mrs. Florence Anderson has re- usmeSS win yet. We earnestly hope so turned to her duties in the Bank of N. Grilli is to move his ITUM The L. 1. R. R. Co. will give an ex- Southold, after a prolonged absence in from the Baumann store to the Hoinkis cursion up the Hudson River as far as Middletown, Ct., at the home of her store on Railroad Ave., formerly oc- West Point, Saturday of this week, parents, where she was ill with typhoid cupied by Carroll Bros. Mr. Grilli is by train to Long Island City and from fever. to move his family to the rooms over there by steamer Shinnecock. Excur- the store. sionists will go on regular fast train, C. H. Te Bly of Hendersonville, N. which leaves Southold at 7:10 a. in. C., was calling on old friends here this Boss J. E. Corey has taken the con Returning, train for Greenport will week, after an absence of fourteen tract to build a bungalow of hollow tile leave L. 1. City at 6:36 p M. Fare years. for Charles Emerson, at -Bay Side for round trip from Soutbold, $1.70. fare,Fsrm. Half 90 cents. Co, H A nn 'a ern 9 rt F' Yearg .1-1190 Last Friday twenty of the Mrs. J.B. Fanning has gone to reside 3�- 6_2Qf, of Co. H, 127th N. Y. Vols., met at C. M. e yard was loading po toes Paumonok Inn, Southold, and celebrat. with her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Tuthill t 50 cents per bushel, ed the 49(h anniversary of their muster at Cutchogue. Mrs. Chandler and S. L. Bennett was re-engaged as into the army. Their enjoyment was daughter have taken Mrs. Fanning's Principal of the Port Jefferson school. fully up to the standard. Of the rooms for the school year. After teaching twelve terms in Arsh- ,boys" present, two were older than I" amornoque and four elsewhere, 0. F. Gen. Woodford who was one of the Misses Edith Breitstadt and Mildred Payne opened school at Locust Grove twenty. Cox, two of last year's graduates of on Sept. Gt& Several who were present last year' Southold High School, are attend- Rev. Dr. Whitaker preached an ap- were absent this year, while on the(lug the Greenport Training Class. propriate anniversary sermon on the qtber hand there came Comrades G. L. Rev. J. H. Ballot, a former pastor completion of his 35th year as pastor of F. Booth and Samuel Ash—the latter of the Universalist church, will preach the Southold Presbyterian Church, for the first time, and the former after in his old-pulpit next Sunday morning. Gilbert W. Wells of Bay View died, sevieral years'absence. Only one mem- aged 30 years. ber of the Company was reported as Mr. and Mrs. Tiffany (nee May having responded to the last roll call in Ballou) are visiting at Dr. J. G. Hunt- Dr. Henry M. Payne was a welcome the year—Comrade Henry H. Wood-, a ting's. visitor at meeting of Southold Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F., Monday evening. Under year ago, none; two years ago, three— —There was a-sligbt frost in various Comrades George B. Wells, G. Frank places on the island Tuesday and good and wellfare, upon being invited Comrade to take the floor, he responded in a Hommel, J. Addison Corwin. Wrn. E, Shipman was reported to be Wednesday nights. - very forceful and interesting manner, Mrs.Tooke and daughter have rented giving an address on "Fraternity," in too ill to meet with us. which he went back several decades in The pleasant meeting and cordial A. A. Folk's cottage on I- Iortoii's Lane. bistory, to the time New York State greeting between Gen. Woodford and Waddington, was inhabited by the Indians, and how Sept. y the."boys" who enlisted at his call and Rev.Mr.Middleton,David Arvine Dick the different tribes, who were at war, went with him to the war added very inson of Bay View and Miss Bertha much to the enjoyment of all The tie Lillian Hall of Waddington, a former finally were brought together in a that binds together the old soldiers is teacher in the Bay View ard Southold league of fraternity. After the ad- strong indeed and grows stronger as schools. dress, the members repaired to the re- the years pass. Twe _-Five Years Ago caption room, where ice cream, cake q6 at / I/ X and cigars were in great abundance. Before leaving the table we sang J. 13. oungso?d'his cX cream and several of the favorite songs of the war oyster saloon business to H. G. Booth. Mrs. Susan Prince Salmon celebrated times, with Miss Leila Young at the Boss J. E. Corey was making im- her eightieth birthday last Friday. I piano, after which Gen. Woodford res- provements to Albertson Case's house. Many of her friends called to pay their ponded with much fervor to a call for The store building and contents of J. tributes of love and esteem and many a;Lalk." He declared that be was B. Terry at Southo'd Wharf were unable to come; sent their felicitations. thoroughly enjoying this renewal of the destroyed by fire. It was supposed the Two of her callers were older than her- friendships of the years 1862-5, and fire originated in the apartments of self, Mrs. Betsey Tuthill, eighty-one, that be considered it exceptional that Joseph Seither, who occupied the and S. L. Tuthill, eighty-tbree. Mrs. this day—forty-nine years from our rooms over the store. Mrs. Seither Julia Jennings, eighty-three; Mrs. muster ig—one out of every five of our was alone in the house. All of Mr. Nancy Tuthill,eighty-eight; Mrs. Phebe Company should be present at this Re- Seither's goods were burned. Capt. Tuthill, ninety, and Mrs. Lydia Tuthill, union; and be doubted that so large a Chas. L. Gardiner lost nearly all his ninety-three, were unable to call, but proportion of any other Company could clothes and valuables, which were sent testimonials of their loving regard. be gathered. Comrade James Henry stored at Mrs. Seither's. The only Estate of Frederick W. Carpenter, Young sang in good voice "The Sword insurance on the property was $300 on The dinner was thoroughly satisfac- Brooklyii and Southold, who con,_ of Bunker Hill." the building. nutted suicide a few irionths ago, G ond Cochran is at Dr. Alar- �51,856.87;taxable value total value, tory in quantity, quality and service. It did honor to Paumonok Inn, and Com- -erin He $48,28q.04; tax, shah's in charge of the autoinobilO $1,736-16, which is pany H wants to come in 1912. -et1nTniDg to his subject to a 5 per cent. rebate if Later, the Company gathered in the for a nionth before i Maid by Oct. 11. The largest legatee parlor and transacted the regular busi- college at Syracuse' isa life estate in upward of 1;15,0(10 ness. A committee was appointed to Miss Mary E. Kenney has entere by George R. Carpenter, brother. prepare resolutions on the death of Syracuse University, where she will J.victor Wilson, D. Salmon Whit- Comrade Henry H. Wood. t ke the classical course in the College comb and Robert B. Miller', all of Each guest received a souvenir book- of Liberal Arts. Brooklyn. are also beneficiaries, let, containing the menu and eight or ten favorite songs, and in it the ladies There was never known to be such a Mr. RensEelaer Terry has returned -secured the autographs of many, if not i plague of mosquitoes as we have had from his vacation spent in the vicinity all, of the veterans, and each veteran recently. of Lake George and Smith's Basin. I - — — —C_1 had a bouquet in his button bole. 0 B Goldsmith and ors, to VETERAN Beebe, lot a s Main Bt, adj land of L I Hand, Cutchogue................nom N. Grilli has moved into the Hoinkis The prizes for the finest kept lawn Isaac Franklin Russell, LL.D., Chief store, corner Railroad Ave. and Trac-- and band8omest flower garden have Justice of the Court of Special Sessions eler St. The rooms above the store been awarded by the judges, who were of the City of New York, gave an are being fitted out for his occupancy, out-of-town gentlemen. Sinclair Smith address in the M. E. church Friday A 16 Pouxid Black Fish received prize for lawn, and Capt. Geo. evening, under the auspices of the Fishermen have talked aroundWilliamson for flower garden. Hon- Southold High School. His subject Greenport for many a day of hand- orable mention was given to Mrs, Van was "Some Principles of Historical Dustin, Mrs. Caroline Howell, J, N. Criticism." Justice Russell is a man in in a ten porind black fish, but Hallock, John M. Howard, J. G. E us- of brilliant attainments and great the records were all smashed to tace and others. Places had to be scholarship and is a very entertaining smithereens last Sunday when on Main St. speaker. Some of our ideas on history George Mitchell hauled in one that Mrs. Annie�Tillingbast, who has been may have been somewhat shocked at weighed 16 pounds and a quarter, at her home here during the summer, the lecture, as the speaker interpreted In the bout with Mitchell was has left for an extended visit among heroic myth, but the ability of the man John Hoffman and they were hav- relatives in Chicago, Minneapolis, and is unquestioned. We mayor may not ing good luck: They had pulled in St. Cloud. agree as to the wisdom of exploding a couple of seven pounders, and Twoe the "myths" that we have learned to ,y i Vive Y AgO believe from childhood, but at any rate were in a gleeful mood. / it is always an intellectual treat to a, Suddenly one got ahold of & S. Sturges was making a aerations in G. Wells Phillips' house. bear this gifted speaker and honored Mitchells hook. It was a big one. At the Southold Town Democratic son of Southold. Miss Vera Terry very Mitchell had about all he wanted to following were elected delegsweetly sang a solo before the lecture. Prim tackle. When he got him up to the Primary, tihoe the County Convention: J. Q Eustace arrived home from his surface, the monster was hauled 1Geo. L. Edwards, Harvey S. Brown, European trip on Sept. 28Lh. He aboard with a graft hook. Henry A. Reeves, Wm. C. Albertson, writes us that he enjoyed his trip very So far as is known this is the,I lorn, S. Mills Hallock, Chas. F. much, as he has many friends in Eng- largest black fish ever hooked Smith. land and on the Continent.' Mr. Eus- hereabouts. Dr, W. S. Bennett, a former principal tace's trip abroad was on business, and Benjamin Latham of Orient Point of Southold and Mattituck schools, was he is well satisfied with the result. A caught one in his traps some years married at.Fatebogue to Miss Eugenia plan to launch a Lloyds in New Yojk a o that weighed 35 pounds. J. Terry, City, having a large number of Lloyds, Warren Carpenter died, aged 64 London, underwriters as its under- At last the postal savings bdnk con- I years. writing members, is being pushed by netted with the Riverhead office has a � Lewis Stelzer died, aged 44 years. Willcox, Peck & Hughes, of which firm depositor. Noticing in the News that James Gagen died, aged 39 years. Mr. Eustace is a member. the bank was still without a depositor —-T late last week, Orville R. Young took Southold Town 3 valuation On Monday there was a fine trial pity on the institution anti decided to at Justice Case's Office, Mr. E. deposit a whole dollar so the treasury The assessment roll of Southold Town. Leicht having disturbed the peace would not be completely empty. has been completed, and the totals are to such an extent that the lawabi.' Twentv-Five Years 0 as follows: in citizens inade complaint. r P-A Acres in town, outside of Greenport, am L. liner entered"A mbia verdict was unanimously r Willi, , t,�, "T " I g, 27,312. in fav College. Real in town, $3,375,650. of having him visit Riverhead f An earthquake shock was plainly felt Personal in town, $299,750. thirty days. Moral, keep sobor. at Southold. Non-resident real in town, $1,307,690. Miss Eunice Huntley, formerly a William Albertson was having a large Acres in Greenport Corporation,1791. member of the Presbyterian church of addition built to the rear of his resi- Real in Greenport, $1,285,100. Southold and for many years a resident dence. Personal in Greenport, $50,400. of Bay Side Farm while the Richmond Mrs. Robbins Howe, the woman Non-resident real in Greenport,$132p- family owned that property, died last soldier, spoke in the M. E. church on 050. Saturday at her late home at New "The Prodigal Son." Acres oyster grounds in town, 13,- Woodstock, N. Y. Miss Huntley was The Congregational Sunday School of 6971, a sister of Mrs. Henry C. Richmond. Greenport held its annual picnic at Value oyster grounds, $250,611. Horton's Point. Acres oyster grounds in Greenport, Miss Elizabeth Elmer has returned from Europe, after having spent the We *such a great fruit 7011. Value oyster grounds $12,731. summer with Mrs. Eleanor Howell , year. The apple trees are literally le town, Kranctiberg of Amsterdam, Holland, loaded with fruit. Thousands of barrels Acres corporation in who will be harvested, including Greenport, 1,005, Willis F. ]Mitchell, who for several Value corporations, $392,980. years has been proprietor of the Alb r. Elton Booth left- thisweekfof__ his third year at Syracuse, N. Y. Franchises in town, $47,000. son House, is to move to Greenport. Franchises in Greenport, $17,300. 1 Halpri F. Booth, who has been cler - Wallace Merwin takes his place as clerk including at Fieckiessen's. Total valuation in town, ing at East Hampton this summer, is Greenport, $7�271,262- home. 0 �L_ - - Denjam n A. Horton of Peconic has Our farmers who have cauliflower Robert J. Freeman is attending rented rooms over the meat market. are making good money this year--7 Tuskegee Institute, Ala., of which the Sea Ca lf, Sept.— — -4, Rob't SWilliam- $4.00 and $5.00 per barrel. Quite a noted educator, Dr. Booker T. Wash- ' -- Sol)of Brooklyn,formerlygood many are being shipped every ington, is the head. Robert is learning 0 Of Cutchogue, ! aged 47 years. morning. to be a fireman. Southold, Oct. 18, U_fFe residence act arson, Sept. M, William Peconic, Oct. 9, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Carrie MaDneY Horton, aged 81 years, 8 the bride's parents, by Rev. Dr. Chas, Lewis, by Rev. Dr. W. H. La rene' months. E. Craven, Frederick T. Rackett, of Walter C. Grabie, of Mattituc7 an Peconic, Sept. 292, Mrs. Mary D. Orient, and Miss Helen Adelia, daugh- Miss Eleanor Hagerman Lewis.'k, Morrell, aged 84y, 4m, 6d, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson L. Petty. Southold, Oct. 14, at the residence On Monday, Prof. 0. F. Payne The report of the Bank of Southold the bride's parent., by Rev. Dr, W. Lawrence, Henry W. Cowlisbaw, was foland prostrate just outside his at the close of business on Sept. ,)9 Richmond Hill, and Miss Jessie Calvert, house, having had a paralytic stroke. showed loans and discounts amounting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Kind neighbors carried him into the to$69,138.93;due from trust companies, Glover. house and summoned a physiciau, banks, etc.. $17,180.88, mortgages Cutchogue, Oct. 14, James Golden, Everything possible is being done to owned, $12,150, wit], other items mak. aged 83 years, 4 months, 14 days. bring him out of the trouble. Dr. ing total resources, of $136,109. The bank has deposits of $103,742.07; its The many friends of Mr. E. D. Ca H. Al. Payne, who was in Nsew surloluq and undivided profits amount hoon will be pleased to hear that be is York on business.was at his f atlier'6 to its capital stock is$25,000• improving and was able to leave the Albert A. Folk is its president and Al- hospital, where he went two weeks,ago side as soon as possible, and his re- Bert T. Dickerson is the cashier. lativos Etud friends are now tiopeful for serious eye trouble. Mr. soahoon of improvement. has been for over a year the w�11 be - {yd Five Years A we "Perry"Havens Retires C9 I , 90 loved teacher of a large bible class oi Thomas Quarry moved' M11 ply to men in the Presbyterian bible school. Sidney Havens, familiarly known Greenport. as "Perry" Havens, who has sold Joseph Thompion caught 27 cheeps- Mr. Orrin Payne, who has been very tobacco and cigars the length and head in his pound one morning• ill for two weeks, is still in a critical breadth of Long Island thirty-one J. B. Fanning enlarged his store. condition. years, is making his last trip this Rev. Dr. Whitaker attended the New F. G. Prince is employed in F. Fick- week, and is to retire. "Perry" York Synod at Elmira. cissen'E store. Rev. Father McKenna, formerly of Q'V 2 e q^ &a M--q--- Havens was with the late J. ]EI. Some ilays ago a,ve§sel at Main-st. this village, returned from a trip to wharf hadon board 1,000 of hardshell Newins for about thirty years and Europe. has come to be well known all over crabs from Good Ground, whi--h wer T6,�nty:dungand James Henry Young sold at 5c each. Thev are more plenti the Island— of dressed a Prohibition meet- ful than they were early in the seasor" TwenV-Five Ywa , Ago ing in Temperance Hall, but not up to the average of ot her year* aim trvl It was suggested that a driveway, O. V. Penney was trav ing for next north of the railroad track, be Twerltv-Fir Yo ro '0'.1 ry L — Edward Hen, the New York tobac- built between Railroad and Doisseau Dr.J. C. Graves, w o re/CODiSt. I Avenues. from Southold, died. h Rev. George Taylor and daughter Charles 11. Overton died, aged 44 Susie, Mrs. F. T. Wells and Miss years. Elmer E. Smith of East Ham ton a Annie Howell attended the Sunday former Southold boy, was married. School Convention at Southampton. WON Ton Mr. and Mrs. Camp were in charge of Bay Side Farm. The following were elected delegates The fond hopes of the Ladies'Village James Richmond died at Peconic, to the County Convention at the Re- Improvement Society, to dredge out aged 78 years. publican Town Primary: J. Brown Town Creek, are about to be realized. L Young, Daniel T. Tuthill, J. F. Bootb, Already several hundred dollars have ' Between 6,000 and 7,000 barrels of Benj. H. Reeve, L. F. Terry, J. B. been pledged by parties to aid in this cauliflower were shipped last Friday. Terry, D. T. Conklin, M. B. Van DuBen, great and needed improvement, The This is the biggest shipment in the J. G. Tuthill, S. P. Tuthill, H. P. L. V. 1. S., with the aid of public history of the association. Eleven Terry, spirited citizens, will goon take hundred barrels were shipped from Mr. and Mrs. George C. Terry cele- hold of this proposition and push Southold on that day. brated their tin wedding. i t t o completion. The work On Monday 1286 barrels of cauliflower J. N. Hallock, associate editor of the that has already been done in dredging were shipped from Southold; Tuesday, TRAVELER, was taking a two weeks' in Jockey Creek and from the channel 1000; Wednesday, 1356. The price trip to Washington, Philadelphia and into the bay, and also by Dr. Mc- ranges from$1.25 to$2.00 per bbl. On Albany. Ginnis, has been of great benefit. Monday flowers went in in bad shape Benjamin C. Glover and Miss Nellie With Town Creek dredged out, vessels and some sold as low as 60 cents per Baldwin were married. of considerable size will be able to bbl. Fortunately the long Spell of wet come up to the village and land at weather (one week) came to an end Town Creek Park. the first of the week. J. Irving Fanning is clerking in F. T. Equalization Figures of All 1 W nty- ve ears Wells' store, Horace J. Booth having ^ U-V 1, 1 J resigned to go into the clothing busi- Suffolk Co. Towns M. F. Rulan moved"t,#1 hots I of mess. The Board of Supervisors of Suf, the late Col. Lester. folk Countlate Tuesday received Frank Penny rented S. S. Vail's County John Ruebsamen is attending the tenement house. Friends' Academy at Locust Valley. the report of the Equalization Com- Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Wells took a J Mahoney and wife to JR Mc-— mittee and then went to work to trip to the central part of the state. Kibben, lot n s Oregon North road figure out the amounts to be raised The following were elected officers of adj land of J J Drum, Oregon: by taxation in each of the several Banner Lodge, I. O. G. T.: C. T., north of Cutebogue................nom towns. The report of the Equal - E. E. Hulse; V. T., Carrie Korn; P. C. Peconic, Oct, 19, Annie M., wife of zation Committee is the basis for the T., B. B. Tuthill; See., H. M.Hawkins; Wilson L. Petty, aged 49 years, 10 months, 15 days. Interment at Matti- apportionment of all county and Treas., F. T. Wells; F. S., Frank S. it tuck. State tax. The Equalization Com- Teague; Con., Gilbert H. Terry; W_ — go mittee consists of Supervisors Mrs. F. T. Wells; G., Minnie Thomas; Twerity-Five Years S., Nannie Beebe. /�.. . 13 / vir- Young, Crane and Rogers. The "Basset Singin' Skewl" as CHO!'Wra. M. Horton wahme — after a year's absence. The report shows that there has held here. Prof. Martin gave a spiritualisti been an increase in assessed valua- Rev. D. B. Vosseler of Mattituck entertainment in Belmont Hall. 9 1 tions in the C01111ty t) $7,81):1,476-17, addressed the Local Temperance Rev. U. D. Kelsey of =,ogue Cut and the assessed Val-11c of the real Society. s , t 8 zed value Miss Jerusha Hallock died at Bay u to give a course of le property with the e(lualizO chogue. is given to the ten towns as follows. View, aged 79 years. M. F. Ruland sold his bakery busi Assessed Equalized ness to Bryant Moore. Towns Value Value M M Horton to H D Horton, 3 The Suffolk County Ministerial As sh,iter Island$1,8()6,025.00 $1,677,096.40 acres, e s highway, adj land of J M sociation of the Methodist church me Southold 7,183,493.56 6,993,441.16 Terry; 4J acres, adi land of J A in Southold. Riverhead 3,910,905.00 3,747,0W.43 Appleby; 2J acres woodland adj East Hampton 4 256,613.00 4 282,128.48 land of J A Appleby; also beach John Breitstadt and Miss Katie :741,436�00 10',628,676.(,B at Indian Neck; also 4 acres adi Adams were married. Southampton 10 16 390 768.66 land of Appleby; also 2J acres adj Brookhaven 17,107'765-00 , I t7,131,010.00 land of Appleby; also beach on bay; In the election the Democrats carried Islip 7,131,010,00 14,361,510.25 New York State by 9,000. Abram S. BabYlOn 5,497,223.00 7,900,250.35 also 4 acres adj land of Appleby; 2J acres adj land of H D Huntington 9,527,195-00 11,275,646.99 also Hewitt was elected Mayor of New Smithtown 3,585,230.00 3,490,876.26 Horton; also beach on bay; also 6J York City. Theodore Roosevelt was ilurcs UUJ land of Appleby; also 2J the Republican candidate. Henry Total $80,746,895.56 $80,746.895.56 acres adj land of N W H Conklin; also beach on bay, Indian Neck George was also a candidate. Perry The assessment of personal prop- near Peconic......................nom Belmont bad 837 majority for Congress- erty in the seyeral towns of the man. Suff-olk County gave 45 majority Mrs. P. A. GatTga of Southold for the Republican candidate for Judge county is as follows: Shelter Island, took her first auto ride Monday and 55 03 $10- Southold, $3550,65)0; River- of the Court of Appeals. McCormick, I $98 is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chris- the Republican candidate for Congress, head, $106,650', East lHampt'on, titin Reichart. Mrs. 6affga bas had 215 majority in Suffolk. Henry A. 000; Southampton, $577,80o; Brook- not been in Greenport for nine Reeves, Democrat, defeated Capt. haven, $1,028,300; Islip, $443,700; u Henry E. Huntiting for Member of Babylon, $142,500; Huntington, years- Assembly, by 6 votes. J. Madison $835,800; Smithtown, $228,300. �m ®rton &Preston's mud digger iv at Wells, Republican, had 368 majority Total for county, $3,915,250. This work digging out the channel in Town for Superintendent of Poor. makes the total assessed value Of the Creek, for which funds have been subscribed. It is proposed to have a Dr. Henry M. Payne attended the comityboth real and personal prol;i- ,banned so that boats can come up the American Mining Congress at Chicago erty of $84,662,145.56- 'reek to the Creek Park. as delegate from West Virginia. He The report of the committee also _' Gen. A. Maier is in Connecticut with bad the honor of being a member of shows at what ratio to its full value President Taft's reception committee property in the several parties to buy farms. He says there towns , are many good farms for sale in that and of Hitting on the stage with him assessed which it gives as follows; state. when he made his memorable address Shelter Island, 65 per cent.; South- on Saturday, confirming Secretary old. 62;Riverhead,63;East Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Peck of Port Fisher's advocacy of Governmental 6o:' Southampton, 61, Brookhaven, Chester, N. Y., are visiting at A. F. Lowerre's. control of Alaska. 63; Islip, 72; Babylon, 42; HIRuting- Walter Prince is firing on the "Cape tun, .51; Smithtown, 62. Mrs. J. B. Fanning bus rented thi Horn" train. he average rate at which prop- I first floor of her house on Main St. to 'We bad the first ice of the season erty is assessed 0-170ugh011t the Frank Strasser. Saturday morning. 0-,4, z county is found to be about 60 per' MOregon, Mattituck, Oct. 17, Fanny widow of Bradley S. Wiggins,aged 55 years, 5 months, 3 days. p The election was very quiet in Sn'- The 11OSJUlt folk, yet the county swung back to its The Republicans T carrrr every di The Re�u6lieans had the,best of it in old-time Republican majority. The trio in Southold Town on every vfTa ,.,_. 1 turn-about from last fall is astonishing except Superintendent of Poor. Ansel Tuesjay's electiune, to even the political leaders on both V. Young of Greenport made a good In New York State they wrested the sides. A yt ar ago the county went Irun for that office in this Town. control of the Assembly from the Dem_ Democratic by 88 as to the head of the! The majorities of Brush for Sheriff ocrats: The Republicans will have ]01 ticket, and there were many who be-lin Southold Town by districts were: lieved that the Republicans would have 1. 5; 2, 78; 3, 7; 4, 7; 5, 23; 6, 21; 7' Assemblymen; Democrats; 48, and a hard time to get a comfortable ma- 65; 8. 24; 9, 95. Socialists, I. jority this year, particularly as it was The majorities of Fitz for County The landslide against the Democrats considered an off year and a light vote Treasurer were: 1. 3; 2, 97; 3, 3; 4, was not-confined to the rural counties was expected. 15; 5, 13; 6. 31; 7, 73; 8, 19; 9, 72. and the cities outside of New York. In However, the Republicans were well The majorities for Greene for Dia. the fiye,batoughwcomprising the great- organized and worked hard, while the trict Attorney were: 1, 5; 2, 71; 3, 1,; er city, tliv Democrats host twenty Democrats were but little: organized 4, 9; 5, 26; 6, 16; 7, 62; 8, 30; 9, 94. Assembly seats... Last year the Demo- and worked only spasmodically. The Gurney for Supt. of Poor carried die, Brats'had 2.1 majority in the Assembly. result was a bigger Republican maiori-trict 1 by 3; 21 30; 6, 5; 7, 56; 8, 12 New Jersey is Republican, despite ty than has been rolled up in many9, • Young, Dem., carried district {Governor Wilson, the Republicans con- years past. by 45; 4, 30; 5, 16. troling both branches of the I egisla- The entire Republican county ticket Talmage for Assembly carried dis ture. won out. Melville E. Brush was elect.trict 1 by 5; 2, 80; 3, 7; 4, 14; 5, 25; 6,;: In Rhode Island the Republican Gov- ed Sheriff' by 2,330 majority. Charles '7Peeonic, 7 62 8 27- 9, 98. error is re-elected by an increased ma- R. Fitz defeated Rev.William A. Was . 2, Mrs. I izzie M. Cor- jority. eon for County Treasurer by 2,577. ears, 11 months2A5 days.In Maryland the Republican candi- Ral h Cy. Greene was elected District �'1V Y0 tl 0 Pdate for Governor is elected by small Attorne b 3,535 majoratyJ majority. F. Gurney defeated Ansel V. Young Gen. Stuart Wood o d called Governor Foss, Democrat, is re-for Superintendent of Poor by 2,692. Southold and Cutchogue friends. elected Governor of Massachusetts by The Republican candidates for Coron- Steamer W. W. Coit was laid up a reduced majority. ers, Dr. C. C. Miles, Dr. E. S. Moore Southold wharf for the winter. CapE. The Democrats elected their candy-and Charles W. hedge, are elected by Harvey Reeve was in charge. dates for Governor in Kentucky and big majorities. At practice, Eagle Hook and Ladder' Mississippi byoverwhelming majori- In the First Assembly District, Han. Co. ran 12 rods and got a man at th ties. DeWitt C. Talmage is re-elected by top of a 24 ft. ladder in 13 seconds. Th8"Repiblican candidate for Mayor 2245 majority. Boss J. E. Corey contracted to bui of Philadelphia was defeated. The biggest fight in Suffolk County a handsome summer cottage for M The Democrats elect their Governor was in the Second Assembly District. Moadinger, on the North Road. in New Mexico, but the Republicans Former Assemblyman George L.Thc,mp- There were,56 pupils enrolled in carry the Legislature, thus insuringson defeats Assemblyman Frederick grammar department of the publ two Republican United States Sena-Sheide, chairman of the Democratic school. tors. County Committee, by 93 majority. Rev. J. H.. Ballou and Prin. E. The Tammany ticket was successful Taking the vote on Coroner as a cri- pulse made addresses at a publi in Manhattan, but the Republicansterion, almost a strict party vote being meeting of Banner Lodge. swept Brooklyn, electing all 1heircast on this office, the Republicans car- Mrs. Alvah M. Salmon died, aged 45 county candidates and a majority ofried every town in Suffolk County, ex- years. the Assemblymen. cept Babylon, by the following major- All three Republican candidates forities: Brookhaven 568, Riverhead 213, The winter time-table of the L. I. Justices of the Supreme Court in this Southold 336, Shelter Island 50. Sonth-, R. R. went into effect Wednesday, and district--Russell Benedict, Charles Hampton 634, East Bampton 204, Hunt- as a result we have the poorest service Kelby and James C. Van Siclen-wer(ington 416, Smitbtown 168, Islip 107. we ever had. All we have now are elected. Van Siclen defeated WilliarrB,ab lon gave a Democratic majority two trains to and from the city and the Willett by 15,664. Benedict bad 5,56°of 15. "Cape Horns' The train leaving here majority, and Kelby, 3,654. In Southold Town the candidates for at 7.08 a. m. and arriving here from The overwhelming Republican major-Justices of the Supreme Court received the city at 6.22 p. m. is taken off, also ity in Suffolk and Nassau Countierthe following vote: Van Siclen 981, the early morning train, arriving here saved for that party its entire judici-Benedict 907, Kelby 918, Ketcham, 590, at 9.55. See corrected schedule else- ary ticket. Suffolk gave 5,194 yateECallahan 587, 'Millett 557. Southold Iwhere. for Kelby. 8,214 for Benedict, ani Town gave Brush for Sheriff 325 ma- Rev. Dr. Whitaker brought u 8,700 for Van Siclen, the Republican jority, Fitz for County Treasurer 326, week magnificent, prize-winning candidates, and 5,522 for Ketcham ,Greene for District Attorney 313, Gur- imens of his Fallawater apples. 5,495 for Callahan, and 5.144 for Wil ney for Superintendent of Poor 101, Whitaker planted the tree 16 3r lett. the Democrats. Talmage for .r.+ssembly 349. 1 ago, and this year it bore 9 bbls. apples, 5h barrels of which were hand- picked. - Postmaster Hatton has receEve mor There is being built a million dollar 'about$25 worth of coupons, sent by J. extension to the Hotel Woodstock, Wood Wickham. The open letters from the Post Office Department that Times Square West, New York City- were found under the Episcopal church the Southold post office is to be mads All decorations and wood-finishing are sheds. Hudson & Co's factory was a postal savings bank on Dec. 18th. under the entire supervision of W. B. then visited and the outer door and We see no call whatever for the estab- Tillinghast, formerly of Southold. combination of the safe were found lishment of a postal savings bank here. battered, but the burglars were unable The Southold Savings Bank meets Claude Hodgins is attending the to g(t in. The men then drove to every requirement in the Town. Poughkeepsie Business College. Riverhead and left Mr. Smith's Place visited I• Case Terry of Miller's Sou Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 9, Mrs. Anna E. and wagon under a shed. They pro thold and Peconic friends this week. Shipherd, formerly of Southold. In- bly took the early morning train from terment at Oberlin, Ohio. Riverhead, as three men were seen Grady, A M, to S E Gagen, lot S Peconic, Nov. 9, Franklin W. Rich- walking up the track to the depot. Goose Creek, adi Ian.] of A Dunkel, Pay mond, aged 52 years. Interment at They were unable to buy tickets and View, near Soutro!d, nom Brooklyn. p aid cash fare on the train. Sheriff Cutebogue, Nov- 4, Mrs. Frances i Platt was not notified of the robberies Tway-Five Years Ago Horton, aged 83 years. until after the train had got into D Robins Island, Nov.5,Forrest Ander- u The Southold Fire epartnient was son, aged 4 months, 28 days. Jamaica, so be could not apprehend out for practice on Thanksgiving Day. Greenport, (North Road), Nov. 5, them on the train. It is believed the The following were elected officers of Ruberta H wife of Jacob Dierner and men were in Mattituck at 2 o'clock, Protection Bucket Co. : Foreman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester P. Tuthill, aged 28 years. Burial in the for Mrs. Richard Cox, who lives near, Clement Elmer; Asst. Foreman, Harry family plot at Cutchogue. thinks she heard a muffled report at Vail; See., Fred Prince; Treas., Ernest Brooklyn, Oct. 31, Miss Ann A. that time. The burglars are undoubt- Boise,,. Smith, aunt of R. S. Sturges of South edly the same ones that have operated A union Thanksgiving service was old, aged 78 years. before in this section and other Long held in the Universalist church. Rev. Post 01py Burglars Here Island places. They always steal a George Taylor of the M. E. church Aj horse to make their escape and always preached the sermon. For the thir time the Southold post drive to a nearby station to take an Rev, E. D. Kelsey of Cutebogue office has been broken into and robbed. early train. The same night H. Web- gave an illustrated lecture on Italy in The last time was Sunday night. The ster Gordon says his store was broken the Presbyterian church. burglars forced open t5e rent door and into on the Bay View road, but there New patent seats and desks were crawled over the partition at the de- were only a few cents in change in the placed in the principal's room of the livery window. They first tried to pry money drawer. This is the third time public school. open the east swinging door, which in about two years that the Southold The barn of Southold Hotel was opens outward, and failing in that post office has been broken into .and burned, together with five horses, a pried open the west door. After getting robbed. On the other two occasions cow, several valuable wagons and :in, they first tried to open the inner the burglars took Postmaster Horton's harness. The barn was owned by door and then crawled over the window. horse and wagon, which were found Oliver Goodale and the stock by Isaac The burglars had first gone down into on both occasions in the woods near Billard. Wm. H. Terry's furniture store by Wading River. A hundred or more of the temperance away of the trap door on the stoop and On Monday night an attempt was men of Southold Town met at Belmont 'got a wrench. They twisted off the handle to the door of the post office made to rob the Hauppauge post office Hall and organized a Southold Town and village store. The safe was badly Anti-Saloon League. safe, but were unable to get in. They wrecked with dynamite, but the rob- found a little change in the money hers were foiled in their attempt to - The Tax Rate drawer and a few stamps. They then broke in the rear door of Belmont Hall, open it. The robbers stole a horse that goes under the stage, and broke from B. F. Prince, brother of Geo. S. The rate of taxation for Town, Prince of Southold. The horse and County and State purposes will be open the closet that contains dishes, spoons, knives and forks belonging to wagon were found the next morning at 1.22 in the Town, .76 in the incorporated Brentwood. No V. 9, village of Greenport. the Village improvement Society. The The rate for the Southold Lighting .ware, not being silver, was not to their Southold Park District, liking, and so they left it. They Stole Tweik,-Five Yea s Ago District is .20; S District, .07. With *V0 , os. Southold Fire S. J, 1 C," 11 �d own, this makes George W. Smith's horse and wagon Mr ickham Be domestic e T LOY Buff 0- a rate of 1.12 in tb and with that they went west,stopping'l and Miss May Case were nearly the rate in Southold village 1,57. at R. T. Morrell's blacksmith shop at I cated with coal gas. This is first time we have had a State Peconic, where they broke in and got I Nathan Davis greatly improved his tax in many years, and County taxes property in some tools. Their next stop was at pr n the eastern part of the have also greatly increased. Mattituck, where they blew open the village. post office safe. They got about $9 John E. Bly of Rochester purchased A cold wave from the West reached and a few postage stamps and the of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Vincent bere Wednesday night. 21 ab registered mail. One registered letter Tuthill, her Willow Hill farm. The thermometer registered J. B. Terry was making big changes ruing. contained a fifty-trip ticket, containing on his property at the wharf. zero Thursday morning. Eneafilmenfids I` qy Erve�Y Ago Twoll V0 g0 The new primary law which provides Fred Booth went to acksonville, Wm Hail sola to A be qon Case for the enrollment of party voters is Fla., to spend the winter. iii feet east of the latter's premises. not well understood by the voters. On The Stevens Family were billed to Miss ,Minnie Hummel was elected the first and second Tuesdaya in De- appear at the Universalist church, vice president of her class at Mt. Holyoke Seminary.. cember the boards of h t t t H inspectors in J. L. Horton went Patchogue to p Rev.. E. D. Kelsey of Cutehague. every election district will meet at the engage in the butcher business. gave a lecture in the Presbyterian polling place from 12 o'clock noon to 9 Stephen A. Simons bought of Edw. church11on "Temples and Tombs of o'clock in the evening, during which D. Goldsmith his interest in the Warren E gypt hours voters may enroll, stating their Carpenter farm. Isaac Terry went to the city to spend Protection Engine the winter. party affiliation in writing on blanks g' a Co. and Eagle The mild weather gave place to a furnished by the inspectors which they Hook and Ladder Co. nominated the driving snow storm on Thursday. seal in envelopes furnished for that following for Department officers ; Chief, J. E. Corey; Asst. Engineer, G. Steamer Shelter Island made her last purpose and return to the inspectors, F. Tillinghast; See., Fred C. Williams; trip for the season, who after entering the name of the Tress., W. H. Vail. W. Albertson.engaged to clerk for voter deposit the envelope in a box. J. B. Terry sold his business at Town W. After the last day of enrollment the Harbor, including the lumber yard, The following were elected officers of inspectors will mail to every voter store-house and stock and two acres of the Southold Fire Department: Chief p land, to Wm. A. Buel of Orient. Wm. Engineer, J. E. Corey; Asst. Engineer, whose name appears on the registry A. Prince of New York was to conduct G. Fred Tillinghast„ Sec., Fred G. Wil- list and who did not appear personally, the business. Mr. 'Terry and family liams; Treas., W. H. Vail. a blank and envelope for convenience expected to spend the winter in the At a meeting for the organization of in enrolling by mail. One of the re- South. a reading room in Southold, H. H. quirements of enrollment is that any The Firemen's Aid voted to build Huntting, H. W. Prince and R. S. two fire cisterns. Sturges were appointed a committee voter who is not enrolled,thereby show- There was talk of establishing a on constitution and by-laws. _ Ing his party affiliation, cannot vote in reading room in Southold. Mrs. Mary Ella Penny died, aged 32 either the official or unofficial primaries J. Ellsworth Appleby and Miss Flora years° of his party. It is on the same principle G. Overton were married. •a as registering for an election—if you The annual meeting of Protection are not registered you cannot vote at Engine Co. was held last Friday even- are y L. W. Dorn is still holding down his ing, when the following officers were the election; if you are not enrolled, job as Election Commissioner, we are elected : Foreman, R.S.Sturges; Asst. you cannot vote in the primaries of pleased to state, and the prospects are Foreman, F. K. Cochran; See., O. V. our art during the coming year. ood that he will sta The Su er. Penney; Treas., A. F. Lowerre; Trus- t' party _ g y p tee, for three years, H. H. Huntting. Road Overseer Geo. H. Dickerson is visors at the last meeting rejected the J. N. Hallock, F. K. Cochran and S. greatly improving the roadbed by claims of Mr. McBrien to the office. L. Bennett were reappointed Auditing putting on gravel from Southold Hotel Committee, with the thanks of the to Belmont Hall, E. Leicht has moved his shoe-repair- chairman for the efficient service ren- ing establishment to the Baumann dered in the past. A fine clam chow- Barber 4leuller is a great grower d' store. der was served by F. K. Cochran, who celery. Ile showed us a stalk 3 ft. 6 will perform a like duty at the next Monday was the coldest morning o meeting. in. long, weighing 2 lbs, the year—the thermometer registering 7 Boas R. S. Sturges is uM ing an 16 above zero. Angel Young, ti°i ll:rgH clerk of addition to the east side of 'Geo. R. Gre€*nport,lias resigne=l nis position and Jennings' house. We had the first snow storm of the Village President Tuthill has appointed season Monday. No great amount of Miss f l]=� I�hfllips, his niers€+ as chCrk. Potatoes are selling 75,per snow fell here but in the cit about sixt�°ie. light in Y bushel, but there are verinches fell. Geo. W. Smith has moved the house, Southold to sell. Southold, Nov. 30, John W. Carring- former! belonging to J. N. Dickinson Southold, Nov. 29, at St. Patrick s ton, aged 67 years, 3 months, 22 days. at Bay View, to his land at Pine Neck Rectory, by Rev. Father Holley, Frank. Martin Strasser of Southold and Miss Cutchogue, Dec. 2, Mrs. Harriet M. and will fit it up as a bungalow. Beulah Elizabeth, daughtsr of. r. and Wickham, aged 78 years, 9 days. ;goes J. E. Corey is making extensive Mrs. win. O. Davids of ecOnlc. The will of Agnes C. (Overton, late alterations in Chas. H. Becktold's hoose Mrs. Florence Anderson has resigned of Southold, leaves property valued at at Southold. Bay windows are being her position as bookkeeper in the Bank $3,404 personal. as follows: To her added to the front and side. p mother, Maria P. Terry, is given all of Southold, on account of ill health, clothing; all money is given to her Seney Hospital, Brooklyn, and has returned to her home in husband, Charles E. Overton, and be Arthur N. Smith of 'Southold, aged 28 Middletown, Ct. Miss Ernestine Bout- is given all residue for Iife and upon years. Interment at Mattituck. his death articles of jewelry and fur- cher of Mattituck takes Mrs. Ander- niture are given to niece, Arlien Terry, The friends of the E. L. I. Hospital son's place in the Bank. brothers, Edwin B. and Charles W. will be interested to know that the Terry; cousins, Jennie G. Norton and Nurses' Cottage is now quite comfort- Owing to the heavy express ship- Flora Appleby, Ellsworth Appleby, ably furnished. only one or two pieces menta of cauliflower, an extra train sister, Harriet J. Terry and mother, that are really needed are lacking. will leave here about 2 until Maria P. Terry, with the request that 'These will come in time. The superin- p• m., they remain in the family. Husband, tendent cannot sufficiently express her further notice, for the purpose of tak- Charles E. Overton, is named as the appreciation and gratitude for this ing cauliflower and through express. executor. homelike resting-place that is afforded he nurses when they are off-duty. To BE TWIOZ AS HIGH, Twent -,live �W? Ago Twenty-Five Yoar4go ..W.. usen put a,ne Babcock W:-9,0 'Elmer of Colum, is allege The new plant of the Telefunlien M.y h X was, spending the holidays at home. Wireless Telegraph Co., which is being printing press in the TRAVELER office Eugene L. Conklin of Hamilton Ewected near the railroad a short dis- and was preparing to issue the Fishing College was home for the holidays. tance west of this village, has not made Gazette. Col. John Wickham sold his place progress of late, the weath- The following were elected officers of on very rapid proL e Town Harbor Lane to Wm. A. Buel er being unfavorable for iron work at the M. E. Sunday School: Supt., E.L for $2,500. that altitude. The thin little tower, Boisseau; Asst. Supt,, Geo. H. Wells; John E. Bly and family of Rochester hi,h has now reached a height of Lady Supt., Mrs. B. T. Payne; See., a. were Settled at their home at Willow ` aboutTuthill; Hill, 'bout 270 ft., sny2 perceptiE.y L In the L. W. Korn; Tress., B. B. Oliver Goodale sold the Southold Hotel wind, and some of the workmen on the Librarians, Frank Teague and George to John Stephens of Northport. job. although accustomed to ;taking G. Conklin. M. F. Ruland purebased a home and all sorts of risks, have little hesitation Henry M. Beebe purchased the place lot at Patchogue and was going in the in saying they don't like this job, 'It formerly owned by the late Mrs. bakery business there. certainly requires men of the dare devi Rachel Overton. The Southold Reading Room As type to erect situcLures of this kind, sociation was formed here with the Among those who spent the holidays following officers: Pres., H. H. Hunt- for we are reliably informed that the at Southold we noticed Mr. and Mm ting; Vice Pres., Albertson Case; See., plans call for this tower to gi almost Benjamin G. Conklin and child, George, J. N. Haltock; Treas., R. S. Sturges; tivice its present height, or to be more Trustees, W. H. Terry, G. F. Hummel, exact, 480 ft. The tower at present S. Simons, Miss Clarice Bennett, Miss J. E. Corey. It was voted to hire stands on jack screw but some beavy Helen Vedder, Mrs. Jennie Bryan, F. rooms over store owned by S. B. Corey, s - M. Dorsch and family, Mr. and Mrs. The following were re-elected officers of 'glass 18 inch", in thickness Edgar F. Smith of Brooklyn; Miss of the Southold Temperance Society : are now aL the Sayville station and are Carrie Scott,Frank Gomez,Miss Harriet T. Conklin; Vice Pres., 11. ,o be used f(_r insulating purpusej, W. Prince and P. H. Cantermen; See. Plans have been preyeircil by Archi- Van Dusen, LeRoy Howell and family and Tress., 0. F. Payne, te A 1 H G�,,e; for a2 story brick built of N. Y. City; Gen, C. Terry, Jr., of Canton; Miss Elizabeth A. Terry of The Trustees ofthetbe Southold Sa-7 ing, 45x100 ft,, whhich is intended, we Bloomfield, N. J.; Miss Marion Terry Ings Bank direct that interest be credit- belive,for a power plant, and plans and ed depositors Jan. 1, of St. Lawrence University; Miss Eliza- 1911, for the past ipecificatiDlis for thi�� structure are t1ow beth Elmer of New Jersey; Elton S. three and six months, at the rate of out among 'the builders, who are four per cent per annum. We notice Booth, W. Germond Cochran and David that some of the city savings banks preparing estimates. Other buildings,, M. Griswold of Syracuse University; have reduced their rate of interest to,especially some cottages for the Recoil). Percy 1. Bergen of the New York Law 3� per cent. The Southold Sayings)modation of operators, Are now being School; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowlishow Bank has never paid less than four per talked of, taut nothing definite about cent, and there is no likelihood that it of Freeport; E. Mortimer Jewell and ever will pay less than that. Deposits them has been done as yet. William Jewell of Hartford, Cf.; Mr. made on or before Jan. 12th will draw According to one rumor experiments and Mrs. J. F. Coleman of Jamaica; interest from Jan.1st. The Bank will be in wireless telephoning are to be made Rev. D. H. Overton and eons Jonathan o en until 4 p. M. on Saturday, Jan. 6. from this plant. In any case, it is and Daniel of Islip; Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Jennings was married on"luite certain that this new undertaking Francis Keeney of Providence, R. I.; Wednpsd ass rite 1 11 a I ,as at Minneapolis, Minn., to will add much to SayVille's fame ne i 1 Claude Hodgins of Eastman's Business E. Walle. They are now parts of the Worid.—Savville News. College; William Hoinkis of Stevens 'as argle E on a trip to Washington, D. C., and other places of interest. Their hosts Total Taxes $1,119,320.14 Preparatory Institute; Miss Lillie of friends wish them long life and Howell of Boston; Miss Ruby Wells of At abundant prosperity. -Z e .. 2 0 N the session of the Supervisors here New Haven, CC; Rev. Dr. Vl' F. last Friday the tax warrialts.for the ten Frank L. Bersenger of Greenport hasWhitaker of Elizabeth, N. j., rioward sold his wheelwright business to Green towns in file countY Nvere signed, and Dickerson and family of Stony Brook; A Sweezey of Southold, who have been the tax colle(,ting is now under way. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence T. Case, Lewis conducting a shop at Cutchogue. The warrants call for it Total of$1,119. Bennett and family of Glen cove; LaurAl,_ 1,20.It, by far the largest amount evk�r Dec. q, Mrs. Joseph Benjamin Wells of Amagansett; Mr. mother of Mrs. H. W. Prince of South' asked for from the taxpavers,of Sulfolk' old, aged 93 years, 4 months, 17 days. County in a r4ngle year. .Of C"Jurse not and Mrs. G. Hubert Terry of Orient. all of 01i5 will be collected. E. Willia Horton complains of parties The individwal warrants are for the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fickeissen enter- E. off two of the letters- from his following amounts: tained Mr. and ?_'rs. John Evans of terrace, "The Gables." The letters Riverhead . . . . . . $57,880.9,;,New Jersey and Miss May Fickeissen taken were L and S. Mr. Horton has Southampton . . . . . 142,381.55�of New York, on Christmas. found the S and it will be well for the Babylon . . . . . . . . 17 _Jbaepb B. Hartranft, who has a po. Brookhaven . . . . . . �37:414(,.�, parties to bring back the other letter, Shelter Island . . . . . 111,.410-96 sition with F. W. Devoe & Co., New If this occurs again, Mr. Horton will [!'ast Hampton . . . . . 110,163A)17 York, spent Christmas at home. do all in his power to bring the guilty Islip *2 4 8,;)6).149 parties to justice. Southold,Dec.25,at the PresbyterM 'Smithtown . . . 41352ti-o parsonage, by Rev. Win, H. Lloyd, Mrs. William venaisspending the [hintington . . . . . . 140,4 . Raymond H. Glover of Glen Cove, winter in the city. formerlyofSouthGId,audMiuG8r. a I . . . . . . .$1,119.1 11,2 0 14 L. Bennett of Southo Dr. Henry M. Payne as recen y Twenty F�Zj V�Ye TS o D �u h`itl Al �S �16 B been appointed Chief Engineer Ag and r c,� ' 6ertson n Y. city Assistant to the President of the Clinch- Bass . Coreg contracte7 � build sent a check of $50 to the Reading field Corporation. This corporation is a house for Col, John Wickham on his Room• the holding company of the Carolina, I lot on Railroad Ave. Miss Metta Horton gave The Flower Clinchfield and Ohio Railroad,the Clinch- Dr. D. H. Brown was home, after Queen at Patchogue and Sayville. field Coal Co., and their subsidiaries in spending some time in New Jersey. :Qpccial meetings were held each the states of Virginia, Kentucky, William Maier purchased the place of evening in the M. E. church basement, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Mrs.. Warren Carpenter for $2,500. under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Carolina. Dr. Payne will assume his The following were installed officers under t e dire, Capt. John aster,Tibbaand Rev- new duties Jan. 1st, but will retain his of Southold Lodge. I. 0. 0. F.: N. G., GeuRev, a Brown. Creat interest was connection as Consulting Engineer in Ernest Leicht; V. G., J. E. Davis; 'felt in the meetings. Mine Rescue work, and his office in See., B. L. Prince; Per See., W. H. The district sings. went on a sleigh Morgantown, West Virginia. Terry; Treas., W. A. Clark; Trustee, ride e Greenport. school — Chas. G. Corey. Scottish. Spuds Arrive The net receipts of the firemen's The following were elected officers of supper,held in Belmont Fall, were$90, Protection Engine Co.: Foreman, W. 11a spite of the arr ival Tuesdav of Eagle Hoak and Ladder Co. received H. Vail; Asst. Foreman, Fred C. Wil- ,i00 tans of potataas from Sootland g liams; See., B. L. Prince; Tress,, 0. potato dealers here and tire.fewIsland 270 votes far the handsome silver trumpet, and Protection Engine Co. A, Prince; Trustees, H. H. Hnntting, farmers who are holding potatoes say, p R. S. Sturges, Albertson Case. v serious reduction 223• Wm. A. Prince drew the ebinar the do not fear any, , hanging tea set, and. B. L. Prince the han i Word was received of the death of in price here be^arise of the imp)rta lamp. C. Preston Goldsmith at Honduras. tions. J. B. Terry gave the members of the It is said there are fewer potatoes on Meetings were held in the Methodist Long island now tdriku it, any other and Presbyterian churches every night Reading Room a clam chowder, at H. recent year at this date. and the few Burin the Week of Prayer. G. Booth's oyster saloon. Speeches left will sell high regardless of the trctwere made by Rev. J. H. Ballou and sbipments froin abroad. The following were elected officers of A car wvi�s loaded at Riverhead this the M. E. Ladies' Aid Society: Pres„ Albertson Case. Many invited guests week at$1-'�5 a bushel; and some say Mrs. Wm. H. Tuthill; Vice Pres., Mrs. from away were present. the farmers are not anxious to cart at H. Jennings; See., Miss Annie Howell; The statement of the Southold Sav- that price. Treas., Mrs, F. T. Wells. ings Bank showed total assets at par Miss Anna H.Terry sails for Havana, M. B.Van Dusen purchased the Fish- value to be $1,183,087.07; total amount Cuba, next week, for a stay of several ing Gazette. due depositors, $1,075,462.19; surplus; weeks. Mrs. Laura A. Goldsmith died, aged at par value, $107,624.88; surplus at Mrs. C. F, Hummel is to spend the 7'8 years. market value, $182,276.13. _ winter in N. Y. City with her son, G. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Iiryron of The first genuine winter weather we Fred Hummel, and daughter, Mrs. Brooklyn have been spending a few have had this winter came the latter Mina H. Edwards. William H. Hum- days at "The Woods," their summer part of last week, ri day-Fit begun to mel is to take a trip to California. home at Paradise Point. Boss Geo. W. get colder and that night it blew a gale. Misses Agnes and Rose Gagen of 14. Smith is enlarging their bungalow, by On Saturday morning thermometers Y. City spent Christmas with their the addition of four bedrooms and a registered 4 to 6 above zero. It was parents. bath room. Mr. and Mrs. Byron are very cold and disagreeable all day on William A. Wells is frame from cal- true disciples of the "simple life." account of the high wind, It moderated lege for tli,-,.N;3Vdays. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Maier have some Sunday, and Monday we had been visiting Southold friends. Mr, flurries of snow and at night a great One of th'e most high]y appreciated fall of rain, Another cold wave struck gifts the pastor of the Presbyterian Maier has a fine position as superin- us Tuesday, and Wednesday morning `t church received at Christmas was a tendert of a city gentleman's place at was 10 above zero, with a high wind piece-work quilt made b Mrs. Lydia Manorvi9le. p it y } Word comes from Chas. M. Ledyard Geo. G. Terry and J. a er ar Tuthill during her 93d year, and sent filling their ice houses at Great Pond with her greetings. His parishioners of San Diego, Cal., that very severe weather is visiting that section and a with fine 6 inch ice. also presented him with a purse of fifty dollars in gold, and 'ie -was the the rllilt,n dollar lass in oranges alone is Frank W. Richmond, of Peconic, he result. recipient of other costly remembrances. _ leaves$16,000, all to widow. Milton R. Terry left Tuesday morn- Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Jennings fns far California. He took steamer Sheriff Brush has appointed Daniel returned from their wedding trip last for New Orleans and from there will W' Grattan as a Special Deputy Sheriff. Sunday evening and are keeping house for by rail Orleans his destination. here w B. B. Tuthill, our milkman,offers his in the east part of the Jennings' home. milk business for sale. - - Peconic, Jan. 1, Robert Jefferson, W lid Twomey to F R Twomey, The late Judge 11. P. Hedges of aged 67 years.. Bridgehampton left an estate valued at. er 1-5 interest in 2'6 acres, a a New $104,000, g ] .t- potatoes are selling for $1.86 p road,. ad• land of J. Wickham, Cu chogue....,....... $ - bushel.. Through the real estate agency of Twenty-Five Years Ago This is a great potato country, E. Leight, J. R. Tuthill has sold his I Q yet H. L. Jewell had to send to the 7— farm on Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue, to f city for a barrel of Scotch potatoes for Harr L, Fleet of Cute The thermometer registered two below him customers. At the price they are ——_--- fi,� ue. zero . selling, potatoes are a luxury now. The story is told from Orient, and is The coal dealers were about out of James M. Magee, form erly of ouk it] to be true, that Iloward Lathatu The and a coal famine was feared. Id, has been promoted to the responsi- ound b ly trying to cover 91i eggs, piled 0 f is Guinea lion the other(lay vain- Rehearsals for the Mikado, under the ble position of chief train dispatcher of upon tier, i t'"' direction of Prof. C. O.ID Ot "stolen"net, I held nearly every evening.Moore, were the L. I. R. R. Mr. Magee has been ,Brooklyn. Dec. 31 George Watson day assistant train master. Drake, husband of Anna E. Mrs. E. E. Hulse and Miss Nellie Conklin. Gould opened a millinery store. Services at his late residence, and Treasurer H. H. Huritting of the interment at Newark N. J., by Lincoln Officers of the Firemen's Aid Society Southold Savings Bank attended a Post, No. 11, G. A, K were elected as follows: Pres., Henry Meeting of bankers at Albany last Fri- Southold Savings Bank W. Prince; See., H. H. Huritting; day, The 107th semi-annual statement of Treas., Win. C. Albertson, Trustees, J Thompson and wife to T J the Southold Savings,Bank shows the Daniel Terry, J. B. Terry, Win. Y. Phillips, lot n a Old Kings Highway, total a.-sets at par value to be $5,175,- Fithian, Win. C. Albertson and John adj-land of T J Phillips, SouLbold,.nom 822.81; total amount due depositors, Singley. The trustees were instructed New Steam oil $4.577,225 58; assets at market value, to procure the old "triangle I from the The Steamer Manhanset of the $5,181,011-27; assets at investment trustees of the Presbyterian church and The Steamboat Company has value, $5,226.673.34; surplus at par have it hung in the cupola of W. C. started on anew route. Instead of value, $598,597.23; surplus at market Albertson's barn for a fire alarm. n, value, $603,795 69; surplus at invest- Miss Harriet LaGrange, principal of plyinv between east-end ports and ment value, $649.447.66. the Female Seminary at Tripoli Syria, New London, she now runs from The above figures are eloquent of the spoke in the Presbyterian church. Sag Harbor to Brigham's dock. standing of the Bank. This institution This is no joke. never has paid less than four per cent Coldest Weather The_GT,_!e.port Taures__n_0r_e$_=M_9T last interest, and there is no likelihood,tbat Friday morning Capt. Harry Jones of it ever will pay less than this. With a The coldest weather known since 1904 j Jamesport was notified that his services surplus of nearly $650,000 at invest- was evidenced last Saturday morning, as 'captain of the old and broken- ment value, and with its able and when thermometers registered three down steamer Manhanset were no conservative management, the South- below zero. On January 5, 1904, four longer needed. He is succeeded by old Savings Bank stands as one of the below was recorded. The next lowest Capt.Rayiaor. In its story of the change very strongest country banks in the temperature was on Jan. 25, 1907, when the Times severely criticises the ser- United States. The people of Southold zero weather prevailed. The last cold v iceability of the Mannanset, s%�ing that the "old hulk" has made about Town have good cause to be proud of wave lasted over a week. On Satur- four trips in three weeks. this financial institution,and the unlimit- day, Jan. 6, it was 6 above zero. On Tweip-Five Years Ago i� ed confidence that the people have in it Sunday, Jan. 14, it began to moderate k* 7 is well placed., We can imagine of no very rapidly. But the warmer weather isafer investment than an account in was of short duration. On Monday The Ladies' Society of Z,Universal- the Southold Savings Bank. night the temperature fell rapidly and ist church elected the following officers: __ Tuesday morning it was 10 above zero. Pres., Mrs. King; Vice Pres., Mrs. EnroliMent 0 In the city it was I above. It was cold Henry D. Horton, See., Miss Mary The voters of Suffolk County enrolled all day Tuesday, but Wednesday it Richmond;Treas.,Mrs, 11, H. Huritting. by towns as follows : Shelter Island, began to moderate again. The revival services in the M. K 162; East Hampton, 489; Southampton, At the meeting of the Board of Su_churell 131111 continued. 1209; Southold, 902; Riverhead, 674; pervisors on Monday night, Lewis W. There were 84 pupils enrolled in the Smithtown, 423; Brookhaven, 2026; Korn was unanimously appointed as the higher department of the public school. Huntington, 919; Islip, 1679; Babylon, Democratic member of the Board of Petition was in circulation, asking 839. Total for Ccunty, 9,332. Elections. This ends the long contest Congress to enact a law providing for The voters of Southold Town enrolled over the office, and Mr. Korn's friends the Construction and Maintenance of a as follows : are warmly congratulating him. breakwater near Horton's Point. Dist 1-9 Rep, 6 Dem, 1 Pro. Mrs. H. M. Hawkins bad an operation Port Jefferson papers said that the Dist 2-66 Rep, 11 Dem, 4 Pro. performed at the Woman's Hospital, public school at that place, tinder the Dist 3-55 Rep, 45 Dem,3 Pro, I Sac. West 110th St., N. Y. City, on Mon- principalship of Sam-1 L. Bennett of Dist 4-87 Rep, 28 Dem, 2 Pro. day. We are glad to state that she is Southold, was among the best in the Dist 5-87 Rep, 46 Dem, 5 Soc. getting along nicely. state. Dist 6-86 Rep, 95 Dem,1 Pro, 1 Sec. Dist 7-54 Rep, 33 Dem, 1 Pro, I Soc. J. A. Baker has filled his iee houses Capt. Thomas F. Price has been Dist 8-42 Rep, 32 Dem, 1 Pro. at Great Pond, and Terry Geo. C. has elected president of the People's Na- Dist Rep, 19 Dem,5 Pro, 1 Sec. his houses nearly full. The is 10 tional Bank, Orepriport. succeeding inches thick. Goorge F. Tuthill, who lind been th, .ink's president,more than1.5 years. . Horace J. Booth has rented the Cas- Eastern L. I. Hospital, Jan. sidy house on Beckwith Ave., and on Twent.y-Five Years Ago I 1_71� �k7 Philip J. Monahan, of Peconic, aged 76 Monday night will have a display of years. Burial at St. Patrick's R. C. Ladies' Dress Goods of all kinds, He E. Dtldsmith moved his family to Cemetery, Southold. has had three years' experience with Brooklyn. Brooklyn, Jan. 21, Cassandra P., w John Wanamaker in this line. Ile will widow of Joshua 0. Robinson and for also continue to sell men's clothing. P. H. Cantermen moved his auction 46 years a member of DeKalb-ave. M, and commission rooms to M. Stelzer's E. church, aged 72 years, Burial at Mr. Booth will be pleased to see you at basement. Southold, her native place, on Jan, 24. :his new home any evening and show Blackbirds were seen on Feb. 31 —Ya—rnes A. Thomas, one of-—our olde you his goods. J. L. Brainerd, rented of B, L. Prince and most respected residents, died Charles Overt-on received word:on the house occupied by Chao. M.Ledyard. suddenly Wednesday afternoon, about Saturday of the death of his nephew, Presiding Elder B. M. Adams held 5:20, while sitting at the supper table. Capt. C. Wells, of Stony Brook. special services in the M. E. church. The cause of death was heart disease. Although a young man, be was not Frank Horton started for Buenos able to survive an operation for %p- Ayres. TwentV-Five Years Ago pendicitis. His mother was Miss Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Epher Whitaker, 2�. �.—O_/ki_7 Lillie Overton, who married Capt, on their 35th wedding anniversary, Henry Gaffga was appointed indp' ector Robert Wells of Stony Brook. were presented by their congregation of the Grand Army Posts of Suffolk I with a beautiful china cup, containing County. The Arizona Republic(11?, published 1$122 50. As a result of the revival services, at Phoenix, Arizona, in its locals, says: I The Mikado, given here under the thirty-two joined the M. E. church on M. R. Terry of Southold, N. Y- 'direction of Prof. C. 0. Moore, was a probation. spending a few days in Phoenix. great success, Samuel Dickerson tendered his resig- Letter,,of admiuistration in the$3,- In response to invitations by Wm. A. nation as keeper of the County Alms- 000 estate of Le%vis, L. Griffing of Cut- Prince, about fifty men gathered at house at Yaphank, to take effect April chogue. havo been grauted to Mary M. Temperance Hall to do honor to J. B. 1st. He was to be succeeded by Griffing, mother. Terry. A social hour and an oyster Jonathan Baker of East Hampton. - Letters of-adri=ation in tile$10,- supper were greatly enjoyed. Speeches The Mikado, under the direction of ,jU0 estato of John W. Carrington, for were made by Rev. Dr. Whitaker, Rev. tuerly of South,..)Id Town, have been J. H. Ballon, J. B. Terry, W. A. Prof. C. 0. Moore, was given at South granted to his widow,Mary E. Carrie old, Riverhead and Greenport to bi; ton of Chica-0. Prince, Dr. Hartranft,M. B. VanduSeD, audiences. r e Albertson Case, Capt. S. T. Preston Mrs. Elizabeth Donahue died, aged C 3 Grattan and wife to Grattan, lot Rd )and of M and A and H. H. Huntting. Conway and J J� Gagen, or, South- 78 years. -old...................I............nom Harry G. Fitz and Miss Mary Rich- Eagle Hook and-Ladder Co. elected mond of Peconic were married. the following officers: Foreman, A. R. Potatoes From Abroad Vail; Asst. Foreman, Thomas Mc- Thousands of sacks of potatses are Boss Geo. W. Smith is Building Carty; See., James A. Fealy; Tress., arriving almost daily from the British barn for James J. Donahue and Boss W. A. Cochran; Trustees, W. A. Coch- ports to meet the shortage in this Charles Nagle of Greenport has put a ran, E. G. Howell and M. Kenney, Jr. country, despite the duty of 25 cents a eery large cellar under it. This will be I one of the largthe following officers: C. T_ L. W. est and finest barns inj Banner Lodge, 1. 0. G. T., elected bushel of sixty pounds, levied under `Southold. Southold. Mr. Donahue is one of the the Payne tariff bill. As these sacks most successful farmers in the town. !Korn; V. T., Miss Aggie Terry; Sec,, contain 168 pounds each, they pay 70 1 .H. M. Hawkins; F. S., Elbert Swezey- cents duty and are selling at $3.50 all The L. I. R. R. Co. has put on an Treas., P. H. Cantermen; Chaplain: sack. On the other side they are sold express train, leaving here Monday D. T. Conklin; G., Mrs. Theresa Davis; for$132 a sack, which allows a large mornings at 7:13 and returning Friday's, S F. S. Teague. margin for duty, freight and hauling, leaving Pennsylvania Station at 3:52 The housewife in the city pays the P. m. The daily express service will Miss Frances W. Booth is teaching grocer at the rate of 20 cents for a be restored on April 1st. the primary grade in the Higb School small measure, said to be two quarts. Bridgeport, Ct., Jan. 26, b_yk_mMr. this week, in the absence of Miss This is at the ratt, of$3 20 a bushel of Davenport, Benjamin Alva Horton Of Deale, who is detained at home by ill- 60 pounds. Southold and Miss Catherine Louise ness. Deveran of Bridgeport. One of the last steamers from Liver- Ossining, N. Y., Jan. 28, L. Deming Dr. B. D. Skinner, James Henry pool brought 795 bugs of turnips, which Jackson, formerly of Southold and Y ung and L. T. Butler are visiting old pay a duty of 25 per cent ad valorem. Miss Emma Marie Maidstone of Southold, scenes of the war in the vicinity of In the Dublin market these cost from ing. Charleston, S. C. 25 to 27 cents per 112 pounds. Southold, Jan. 30, Mrs.James Cogan, First grade butter is selling in Ire- aged 77 years. Peconic Bay is covered with ice. We land for 27 to 30 cents a pound. Amer- Cutchogue, Jan. 25. Emily Tuthill are having a genuine old fashioned ican baron is selling there f(-r 11 cents Moore, aged 75 years. 9 months. winter this year. a ound- M Y. City, Jan. his home. 240 Audobon Ave. Rev. Horace W Byrnes, Southold, an. 31, James AA G C Morrell to J S Morrell, J Southold M Thomas, aged 78 years, 9 months, 10 a former pastor of the Sout. F. acre, e s Depot lane, adj land of h days. Fogarty, Cutchogue.............. ix There have been a lot of uiOlIbtiug Twenfty-• ive ears AL Twoaq-Five Years AThornmas anent the recent statement 'f',61 0-r--., ,, 1-6--._ q- from Coram that one ni;lat Burin Jan J E. Corey took the eon Blue birds were seen here. nary the mercury in at least one then- utoraieter went to.10 degrees'below zero. build a house for Col. John M. T. Horton, who had been clerking on Railroad Ave. for W. C. Albertson, moved to his To settle all doubt an the �luestuun the Col. T. S. Lester's estate footed u farm, and W. A. Clark took his place Gurtltrt c'rrespoude o of the E.lus ,lyes to$342,057,65, exclusive of real estate: in the store. store conclusive Proof, as Follow The sum of$30,850.32 was paid to ea J. B. Terry and family and Jesse G. Without any reflection arl:aott the way of rescuing or wellmeaning of the Mt. heir. Case and family were, spending some M. B. Van Duren attended time at Jacksonville, Fla. Sinai reporter concerning what he terms Fisheries Convention at Gloucest H. N. Booth resigned as sexton of the til degrees below zero yarn from Mass. the Presbyterian church, and Ernest Coram we state the 1'ullowiug facts, A, W. Aiken.and family moved int Leicht took his place. lac�vcing flee terrtperature of tlro weather J. H. Boisseau's house. Mr. Boisseau George Hahn of Greenport entered it, the middle of y r Island on Saturday moved to the.J. Azariah Horton place. the employ of Wm. A. Prince at South- night and Sunday 1.Davis t .Fru. 14. m- The PLeading Room Association moved old wharf. the home of Dliriel Davis the theranoni its charters to the roam of Protection �o below The Young People's Missionary star registered 30 degrees below at 3 Engine Co. Society of the Presbyterian church oclocsk Sunday morning anti at,7 o'clock:. at the home of Edward S. Jenkins&Hunt had a portable photo elected the following ofFteers Pres., Still it registered ,w,i at 7 A, hi.; at the graphic gallery here. Mrs. II, M. Whitaker; Ist Vice Pres., home of E. Everett Davis it was 9''a be- R. S, Sturges was making improve- Melrose Booth; 2d Vice Pres., Fred C, Bow at 1'2 o'clock Saturday night; at, ments in. W. H, Terry's store building. Williams; See., Elsie Elmer; Trees., the home D. Benjamin Still it was 24 below around 7 o clods surlday morn- May room was being built over flee H. H. Ma Horton; (toll Keeper, Anise in In yeldeu, at the house o!Samuel Lewis store for the heading Room y , Billard; Librarian, Charles Hommel' Dare, the thermometer registered 22 Association• Organist, May Horton, ' below:at 10 o'clock Saturday night,,and J. E. Dors built a kitchen on S. B. ` in Middle Island, at Judge Willard �' Breaking 1� Records Bartlett's lace, it was 26 below about Corey's store building. o'clock to the morning--a first class The Ladies' Monumental Society This winter holds forth promise of time for an 'lair 000led"aritca 4111on ordered a soldiers' monument of F. H. sel.ting anew Enure as the coldest stration• Hill, to be erected by Decoration Day, r winter on record. There have been Fetters of mrnrstrat on have been a on Budd's Park. colder single days in winters past, but granted to Rufus T. and Melville the Ba r cAoss this season has been remarkable for its Morrell, sons, in the S2),200 estate oWalking f Wednesday Across of this protracted cold spell, which has been Mar} D. Morrell of Peconic. brol en by very few days of thaw. J A Tuthill and wife to 5chniGchik, was the first time in many Fears Last January was the second coldest 1lntnestead F arm, late A4,O `Cuthill, that the people could walk across, Cutchogue, 45 acres.... Peconic Bay from Shelter Island on January in the history of the Weather d Bureau. The ice has newer been so S S Wicks and wife to J W ickham, the ice to Greenport. l�j lot w a Peconic Bay, adj land M thick in the bays and rivers since the Fitzpatrick, New Suffolk..........nom Along the oras s are, ace te: year of the great blizzard. Peconic formed for a long distance on Farmington, Me., Feb. 7, Newis Bay is frozen over and there is ice in Ormund, youngest son of Rev. and Capt. Juba R. Wynne was in tow Long Island Sound as far out as one Mm. H. E. Latham and grandson of the first of the week, and be sal can see. Last Saturday was a day of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Horton of South- that the Sonnd: was a solid mass o steady cold, the thermometers register old, aged 5 years, 14 days. ice from the Battery, New York, ing 2 below zero in the morning and it 11� e� � � ht� �,� Stratford Point, Conn. only rose a few degrees above all day. N gE111 q p I — On January 13th the mercury sank to 3 Terry Warner, a young farmer of Treasurer H. H.. Huntting, Counsel. below z:-ro, On Sunday morning it was Aquebogue, entertained a party of Herbert L. Fordham and Trustee J. N. 1 above zero and Monday morning 8 seven men friends with a novel trip Hallock. of the Sbuthold Savings Bank, above. On Tuesday the backbone of last Wednesday—a sleigb-ride across attended a hearing on bills before the l':3Committees on Banks of the Senate the cold wave was Broken. e�'a+�.(tr two bays to the ocean. Nearly all of Merle and Roy Wilkinson, Elliott Me- the week he had personally enjoyed and Assembly at Albany on Wednes Cormick and Richard Hogan, Jr., on some excellent sleigbing on Peconic day. Sunday afternoon walked across the Bay, which was solidly frozen from Mr. Warren, of the Now York, New ice'from Paradise Point to the cottages shore to shore. Wednesday he hitched Haven and Hartford Railroad, is acting at West Neck, Shelter Island. Many a team of mules to a bobsled, got his as operator at the station here. have walked across the ice from South- companions seated, and started across Moradabad, India, Jan. 17, old to Paradise Point. I/ the bay. In ten minutes he landed in Joseph 11. Gill, for 40 years a mi off—BFlanders. Thence over the Pleasure ary of the Methodist Church, a sating o ow, Feb. 6, at the reel. Drive to Tiana Bay, and then across former pastor of the Southold M. dente of the bride's sister, Mrs. L. church, a ed 65 ears. young, by Rev. W.1. Chalmers, Serena that to the ocean. The return trip was g Y H. Smith of'Southold and Miss Amorette made the same way. It is said to be A. F. Lowerre a the n i.f rtu Elallock. thirty-five years since a hoses and fall on icy steps last week and sleigh have crossed the bay. one of his ribs, 'went, Years Ago, Southold Station Robbed Frank M. Lupton, the Manhattan Done]] A. Snyder, alias Andrew D. publisher left an estate valued at a Wan. A. Prince was making/some Warren, aged 23 years, was held Mon- million and a half, according to the improvements at'Down Harbor, day evening by Justice Jesse L. Case report of Transfer Tax Appraiser Wil- A. R. Vail rented the east part of to await the action of the Grand Jury, liam Schnitz pan, Real estate and 11 the W. C. Albertson store for his on the charge of grand larceny, second railmad securities make up most of the butcher business. degree. After working four days at estate. The St. Mark's avenue house. F. M. Wheeler purchased of H. M the Southold railroad station as tele- Is Valued at $75,000, and property at Beebe the Facbel 23-27 City Hall place, Manhattan, at Overton place on the graph operator, Snyder disappeared $275,000. In addition to that Mr. Lup- roading leading to Bay View. Monday morning. Fifty-two dollars The Board of Ex6se granted a hotel and seventy cents in cash, which were ton owned one house on Macon street, license to John Stephens for Southold in the safe, disappeared at the same and a fine country estate at Mattituck, Hotel, time. As soon as Station Agent Phil- Shares in the Frank M, Lupton Publish- Suffolk County Lodge, 1. 0. G. T., lips discovered the robbery, when he ing Company, owners of The People'L, reet at Southold. In Suffolk County opened the station Monday morning Home Journal, are also included. The there were twenty lodges, with over and found that his assistant was miss- widow' Annie E. Lupton, gets the 1100 members. ing, he telephoned to the Montauk principal part of the estate, $50,000, and all personal effects, outright, And a S. Lester Albertson, George Dressler, Steamboat Co, at Greenport. believing life interest in the remainder of the Samuel Dickerson, Chas. T. Gordon. the robber might take the New London estate, which amounts to $1,106.027.46. Joseph B. Hartranft, L. W. Korn, steamer from Greenport. Officer How- Mrs. Edna Lupton Hoge, a daughter, Win. F. Moore, Heibert W. Simons, and had a description of the supposed gets$100,000 forthwith,and the residue of the estate at the death of her George S. Simons and Henry F. Van burglar. He found Snyder in a saloon. m,th,,. A brother, John M. Lupton, Wyck attended the Suffolk County In his pockets were$50 in bills and $4 of Mattituck, Vets $10.000, and six Dinner at the Hotel Astor, N. Y. City, in change, passes over the Long Island nephews and nieces $5,000 each. The Saturday evening. Railroad issued to Andrew D. Warrentotal assets of the estate are $1,522,- ' 830'90, and after necessary expenses In t e partition safe ot passes over the N. Y., N. H. and H. are deducted the net remainder becomes 1"4'y Railroad in the name of Donell Snyder, $1,414,760-46. vs. Michael Fisher, Herbert Fisher and copies of the signal systems of three Emily Fisber, held at the Fisher different railroads and four, jackknives, Twentv-Five Years Ago property at Bay View last Saturday, as well as a letter written to a Middle- /*4Uqe,. i—_o___/W the whole property sold for $13,125, all town, Conn., man. The pGhcehave A fancy dress ball was held in Bel. of which was purchased by Michael and withheld the name of the Middle- wont Hall. Henry Fisher, except one piece of five town man, hoping to catch him, Miss Suqie Taylor arrived home,after acres of woodland,which was purchased for it is believed he has been in- spending the winter in the city. by John S. Jenkins, Esq,, of BrookiSn terested in some of the Suffolk County fur$525. Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. passed a I store, post office and de of t thefts. In resolution to go to Peconic in ease of James J, Gagen. Sr., has obtained a part this letter told the Middletown fire if notified. position as superintendent of Mr. friend, "It is a soft pipe to go through Charles Benedict returned to South- 'Templeton's place at Greenport, and these stations. It is so easy that it is I old, af ter spending the winter with Dr. L. Sweet at Geneva, N. Y. moved there this week. Mr. Gagen is a shame to take the money." When A. well qualified for the position. first arrested Snyder said, "'You've The administrators of the Col. Thomas S. L. Bennett has ]eased his farm to got the wrong man." Later he partly Lester estate presented $250 to the Charlie, the Polish man who has work. confessed by saying, "Well, I guess 1 Presbyterian church to keep the Lester d for W. R. Newbold, am caught with the goods again." plot in the cemetery in proper shape. Snyder also left a note for Station r Gc:-r. A. Maier was to go on the E T, Roissesu to E 11 Brown, 4 Agent Phillips, saying his brother was Warren Carpenter place. Es at lt�4Y View, Southold, adj in trouble and he had to have the man- Franklin ' her lands of Brown....,. .,. ...Dom W. Taber, a Brooklyn ey to keep him out of jail, and further- lawyer, well known here, died at his I H Boissenu and ors to E H more that he would make up deficiency home. 5 acres, Bay View South- r w home.y n a a k e. ' w in' ell" k adi Veconic Bay............ and explain matter when he Raw him. ------ 13 C T 11 thill and ano to E H It was later found that his applies- Atarneetingof the Board of Edu- ,I-o, 5 a,Creq, on Town Harbor, tion to the Long Island Railroad for a cation on Saturday evening, Frederick View, Southold...............no m position was a fake one, as the persons K. Terry was elected a member of the he gave as references knew nothing Board, in place of L. W. Korn, The steamer *MannAset broke about him. Deputy Sheriff D. W. resigned. Mr. Korn had to resign on through the ice to the pier heads Grattan went to Greenport Monday account of holding the office of Election in Sag Harbor Monday and opened afternoon and returned with the pris- Commissioner. uavi,,-ation for the first time since oner. The hearing was held before James M. Grattan will start in the January 7. It has been nineteen Justice Case that evening. Irnrnedi- milk business on March 13th and will Years since the harbor has been ately after the hearing Deputy Sheriff deliver bottled milk at nine cents per closed with ice for so long a perio(L Grattan took Snyder to Riverhead in quart. Mr. Grattan would like all who an automobile and lodged him in River-I wish milk to notify him at once. head jail. Fred C. Le eht has rente t e ftsbt Rural ree vert/ land of Jas. J. Gagen, Sr., who moved 1J to Greenport with his family this week, Application has been trade to the John Stephens, the new prop:ri tor, where be has secured a fine position as Post Office Department for the establish- moved into Southold Hotel. superintendent on the estate of Mr. ment of a rural free delivery mail route F G. Terry maned in J. H. Coch- hteen miles fang, and t Templeton. at Southold. The and takes route s in Bay y ran's tenement home on Boisseau Ave. eig . N. Y. City, March 5, at t e residence View, the North Road, as far east as EdwardGriffith obtained a position of the bride's sister, Mrs. A. W. Rahn, as fireman on a New York tug boat. 946 Teller Ave., Benjamin A. Ilalloek Arsbamomoque Lane and as far west M. F, Ruland and family moved to of Brooklyn and Miss Carrie R. Young' as O. F. Paynes. On the main road of N. Y. City, both formerly of South- the route will go as far east as Arab- Patchogue. old. amomoque Lane and as far west as W. Seven persons united with the Pres- Hartford, Ct., Feb. 29, Horace J. A Williams' store. Places within one- byterian church on Sunday. Booth of Southold and Miss Mae C half mile of the post office will not be `— Grogen of Hartford. r Brooklyn, Feb. 27, Mrs. nna in the district. Mail will be collected Ann(yersary � Rackett, widow of Benjamin Rackett and delivered once a day. The mail The banquet-beld by Southold Lod and daughter of the late Charles carrier will leave post office as soon as No. 373, I. O. O. F., in Belmont Overton of Southold, aged 80 years. noon mail is sorted. If the application last Thursday evening, to celebrate! Interment at Willow Hill Cemetery. for the establishment of the route is ninety-third anniversary of the found- Brooklyn, Feb. 29, Frank J. Cogan, ranted, and it probably will be, bills in of Odd Fellowshipin America, wa Ron of James Cogan of Southold, aged g p p p y a great succuss. About 140 sat do 40 years,4 months, 11 days. Interment will be posted in the post office, calling at St. Patrick's Cemetery, for applications for mail carrier. to the well-filled tables, Caterer G Southold, March 1, Chas. B. 'Ullerich, A meeting of the Town Board was C. Wells furnished the following agfd 53 years, 11 months, 3 days. cellent menu: Oysters,olives,radis held at office of Supervisor Terry, turkey, potato, turnip, dressing,cele W H Thomas to C L Fanning, 15 Greenport, 'Saturday afternoon, cranberry sauce, white bread, ice aereR, n s North road, adj land of The Town Superintendent was em- y M McCabe, Southold..............nom powered to straighten out the road in cream, fruit, cake and coffee. B A rrowbridge to G S Trow- front of Wm- H. Taylor's, Soutbold• After the banquet Larne the toasts. bridwe, land a s main highway adj F. T. Wells, who was billed as toast- Town Harbor, Southold; also J acre, The following roads were named : master, was unable to be present on a s main highway, adj land H J Road opposite Cox's Lane and going to account of the death of Mr. Boisseau, Glover, Southold....,.•...........nam Bay Avenue, Peconic, Eugene's Road. R M Prellwitz to W T Robertson and H. M. Hawkins very kindly can- ,and are, trus, land w R Indian Neck load from Indian Neck Road to Bay rented to fill his place. Mr. Hawkins lane, adj land C R Icing, Peconic,.nom Avenue, Peconic, Leslie's Road. Road makes a fine toastmaster, as all can - from Bergen Avenue, Mattituck, to A. witness who have ever heard him, and Twenty-Five Years A9 I L. Downs', Cox Neck Road. Road be never appeared to better advantage from North Road to Sound, opposite than be did with his brother Odd Justice Wm. B, Reeve's, Reeve Ave- „ 0. A. Prince and J. L. Brainerd Fellows. The Occasion was re- nue.returned from a business trip to nsponded to by Philip R. Tuthill; " Cha®• E, Case has sold his grocery Indiana. Fellowship" by Albertson Case; " Capt. Fordham of New London was store business to John Emmel of Sag Ladies" by Justice Jesse L. Case, an loading a vessel with farmers' produce Harbor, who has taken possession. Mr. speeches were trade by Rev. Dr. at Town Harbor. Emmel and family have moved into S. H. Lawrence, Dr. H. M, Payne, Steamer Shelter Island commenced L. Bennett's tenement house. Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd. The speeche , her semi-weekly trips between New Brentwoad, Feb. 29, at the R. C. which were full of wit and wild York and the East End. Rectary, by Rev. Father Connelly, were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. E. B. L, Prince was completely reno- Steven, son of George Walters, forme°•`- Tuthill gave a piano solo; Miss vating his tenement house• ly of Southold, and Miss Abbie, daugh- Terry and Sereno H. Smith, v Fred I,. Booth returned from a three ter of Frank Blacker, all of Brent solos, and Mrs. F. T. Jennings, a r wood. ing. The fine musical selections. months' stay in Jacksonville, Fla. • Rev. Father O'Hare gave a lecture Southold, 'March 12, E. Luckey the splendid reading by Mrs. Jenm Boisseau, aged 78 years, 5 months, 3 were very pleasing indeed. At in St. Patrick's Church on St. Patrick •___ and Ireland. days. n o'clock the toastmaster bid the di James m. t;'rat an wts ea us o an Al World's Largest DUCk Farm good night. The evening will go d. nounce that he will completely wash At the largest duck farm in the world in the history of Southold c Lodge as one and sterilize the milk bottles used on in Speonk, owned by A. J. Hallock, it the most delightful celebrations in his milk route every day. A wrong' 1,200 eggs are daily picked up; 120 its annals. im ression had one out that this was The Entertainment Committee con- impression g incubators are in operation and 10,00(7'sisted of F. T. Wells, H. M. Hawkins to be left to the customers. The cus- ducks have already been hatched. This and H. W. Simons; Refreshment Com- tomers are of course expected to wasb year the farm will supply the metro- mittee, A. W. Albertson, S. W. Horton, out the bottles, but Mr. Grattan will politan markets with 100,000 ducks, W. M. Beebe, John Breitstadt, P. R. see that they are perfectly clean and which sell for from 20 to 25 cents a Tuthill, I1I, A.. Goldsmith and li. sanitar laefare wain A Protestant St. Patrick SEry ce a�a a 6uifd ng a bunga- non Va a eH rve a ra-et, low for Joseph A. Wells of Oradell, some pretty hard knacks, and the aud'. There were a number of Roman Cath- N, J-, at South Harbor. ence evidently agreed with him. Itev Wm. H. Lloyd was assigned the ,t olics at the Methodist church Sunday os® ea. . .ml fhas taken the of being a rover, and he rpaste night. Pastor Lawrence took the contract to build a fine house for W. F everyone, and reminded the ladies the ground that while Saint Patrick wasMoore on his lot at Town Harbor. it was Leap Year. R. S. Sturg unmistakably a Roman Catholic of the closed the speechmaking by giving - very amusing account of the visit o Fifth Century, he could be claimed by Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dennis of the Bible Class to Mr, Cahoon's, O Protestants in a modified sense in which high Bridge, N. Y., have moved to behalf of the men assembled h Sts. John, Paul and Peter were claimed. Southold. thanked the ladies for their splend' service. The Men's Choir favored u" He lived m the fifth century, long be- service. Florence Van Dusen is at Macon with Years R—P-1 —1—;....� �l fore many dogmas which now distin Ga., where she is in a large millinery rrW�ill �_�1V�; t� gulsh the Roman Church were taught. establishment. G� � go His character was a beautiful copy Of l r [A_-t,z i " / Y�-/ the character of the Christ. Jesus told h men's D1 Owing to extreme low tide, steaZr his followers to preach the gospel from. The fourth annual Eden's Dinner,giv- Shelter Island ran aground while com- Jerusalem, the place of His Crucifixion. en under the auspices of the Ladies' ing into Southold wharf. Succat Patrieius, an English nobleman, plod Society of the Presbyterian church, Big improvements were being made' enslaved by the Irish and fleeing from in the Parish House Wednesday even- on Wm. H. Terry's house. that slavery back to England, never ing,, was a record-breaker in point of II. O. young of Greenport started a rested until he bad carried to them who attendance. These dinners are getting' livery stable at Stephens' Hotel. had injured him the message of salva- so popular that it is impossible to ac- Geo. A. Maier moved from Shelter tion. After nearly fourteen centuries commodate ail who want to attend. Island to Southold. the Irish venerate him as their great Over one hundred sat down to the laden The temperance electors of the. Town apostle. This is a spontaneous homage tables, The Men's Dinner is the social nominated Capt. Benjamin R. Griffing rendered by our common humanity to event of the season. The Parish 1-louse for Excise Commissioner, embodied gentleness, heroism, piety never presented a more inviting or at- and self-sacrifice. HEARER. The walls were The license electors of the Town, tractive appearance. renominated Joshua W. Terry for Spring "Train Service decorated with flags of all nations, and Excise Commissioner. the tables were charming with flowers Henry H, Lewis and Miss Carrie J. On April 1st train No. 20 will be put (the gift of Mrs. Marshall), candle- Korn were married. On to run daily to Amagansett and sticks, silverware, napery, etc. The The audited bills of the Town amount- Greenport,leaving Pennsylvania Station menu and the names of the speakers ed to $2,167.39, fat 3:52 p. m, The cars for Greenport were on dainty Shamrock cards. The The Republicans nominated Charles, JI will he cut off at Manor and will arrive blessing was invoked by Rev. Dr. W• H. Tuthill of Greenport for Supervisor, at Greenport at 6:30 o'clock. The first H. Lawrence, stopon Main Line will be at Calyerton, Wm. Y. Fithian for Town Clerk, The menu consisted of raw oysters, Jeremiah G. Tuthill for Justice of Returning the train will leave Green- salted nuts, pickles, bouillon, saltines, part at 4 a, m. arrivingat Pennsylvania Peace, S. Barman Tuibill and Chas. 1.> y turkey, potatoes, turnip, dressing, cel- Overton for Assessors, Edward W.' Station at 8:36 a. m. cry, creamed onions, banana salad, Latham for Commissioner of The early mail service will be restored white and brown bread,ice cream,eake, CoI-lllect, , ways, Daniel W. Webb for Collector,; to Greenport by means of a shuttle cheese, crackers, coffee. The service John. F. Booth and Charles H. Gould train running between Eastport on the by the ladies of the church was perfect. for Overseers of Poor, Chas. T. Davisa Montauk division and Greenport, leav We ga to prase Thursday morning Elias P. Jennings, Frank T. Wells,: ing Eastport on the arrival of the mail and have not the time or space to do Arthur W. Turbush and Jesse Warre train from the West and delivering the justice to the occasion. Dr. J. H. Tuthill for Constables. mail at Greenport at 10:0$ instead ofMarshall was the toastmaster, and you The Democrats nominated Henry A 11:40, as at present. The mail train can't beat him. He has the happy fac- Reeves for Supervisor, William A, with which it connects on the Montauk ulty of being perfectly at home and Cochran for Town Clerk, John E'; division leaves Pennsylvania Station at making everyone else feel the same ,Gildersleeve for Justice of Peace 5:24 a. in. way. F. R. Mitchell recited Kipling's Atwood E. Brown and Charles E. Cas The spring time table will take effect ,,open the Old Cigar Box," and if he for Assessors,. Ilarvey S. Brown an on May 24 and will provide 25 or 30 does not enjoy a smoke himself, he Evelyn Jackson for Overseers of Poor. more trains than those on the present fuels for others, as was evident by his N. B. Schellenger for Commissioner a schedule. appreciated talk, and then the toast- Highways, Orrin B. Young for Co, master had cigars passed around, Rev, Christopher J. Grattan and Daniel p D. H. Overton of Islip gave a splendid lector, Cicero T. Terry, Wm. Grattan, Jr., left on Monday for Wind- address on God's Need of Man and Men. Thornhill, Oscar L. Wells, George ham, Ct., where they have purchased a ttev. William H. Longsworth of Orient Tuthill and Isaiah T. Reeve for C; farm. The young men are bustlers gave a fine talk, Getting Together and stables.. and thoroughly understand farming, Being True Gentlemen. Capt.Chas,L. Sanford was at his best in one of Kip- F. Fickeissen has moved his grocery and they will doubtless succeed in the ling's poems. James Henry Young of Nutmeg State. Orient sang -The Sword of Bunker business into the west side of the Brick TTM" a d si3oke entertainingly. E. D. ,Store. Word has been received here of the 17 RVE) Y ar ggo Tuthill. —'Sylvester Tuthill (lied death of Mr. Tiffany of Hop Bottom, `" suddenly at his home on the North The wdr 1323 votes ca t Town Pa. Mr. Tiffany married Miss May Meeting. The Democrats elected their Road in Greenport at an early hour Ballou, formerly of Southold. Last ticket except the two Assessors, Col- Monday morning in the 72nd year summer Mr. and Mrs. Tiffany and Rev. lector and one Constable. Henry A. and Mrs. J. H. Ballou visited SoutholdReeves defeated Charles H. 'Tuthill for of his age. He had been failing in Supervisor by 161 majority. Wm. A. health for some bine. Forty years and Peconie friends, and Mr. Tiffany Cochran defeated Wm. Y. Fithian for made many friends while here. He Town Clerk by 99. John E. Gilder- ago he was principal in the Green- was the principal citizen of his town, sleeve was elected Justice of Peace; port school. He was also principal held manyt positions of trust and `�°Harman Tuthill and Chas. E.Overton, in Southold, Cutchogue and other Assessors; Harvey S. Brown and responsibility, and was very highly Evelyn Jackson, Overseers of Poor; places. Two sous and a daughter esteemed. Nat. B. Schellenger, Commissioner of survivr him. Interment took place At a meeting of bird-lovers at Mrs. Highways; Daniel W. Webb, Collector in Ctltchogne,. / x A. F. Lawerre's on Monday afternoonPhilip Newert, Game Constable; Cicero, T. Terry, Elias P. Jennings, Oscar L. an Audobon 'Society was organized, Wells, Geo. E. Tuthill and Isaiah T. Beebe, H M, to J H Young, 30 acres, with Mrs. Lowerre as president, and Reeves, Constables. Joshua W.Terry, n a highway through Bay View, adj Mrs. F. D. Smith as secretary. the license candidate for Excise Com- land of C E Terry. Smithold, norn. missioner, was elected by 112 majority. M. Salmon is to build an addition The Prohibition party town ticket poll- Kent. R J & wife to J ll`alloek, lot to the rear of the store occupied by ed 95 votes. The sum of $475 was on Great Hog Neck, a(l,j Peconic Bay raised for Commissioners of Hilzbways, ,k H J Hallock, Southoid. Wm: A. Williams, which will be used $400 for support of poor, $1700 for by Mr. Williams for a harness depart- contingent fund. A resolution to work 1n :"anthold ,tin:l IV, at the bride-'R, ment. roads by contract was laid on the table. hotoc•by Rev. Mr. Murray, Thor. A The .hoard of Supervisors stood six Re- .alley of J'Ohanl,N. Y., 01 blips Edith Wilbert Eldredge is at Southold again publicans to four Democrats. ,i„-c,I ihine,dnughIer of Win. A.W!IIiean! and is assisting M. W. Golder in his Sam'l Dickerson and family moved drug store. to Struthald. Twent - five I Card J. B. Terry and J. G. Case and I __ Southold, March 21, Miss Margaret families arrived home from the South. 401– O_ /99 Voorhe®s, aged 61 ears. Nearly 1,000 eggs were shipped from Miss Minnie L. Thomas returned Riverhead, March 23, Clinton T. Southold one day. from a winter's visit with friends in Voorhees and Mrs. Anna Adams. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church the city. gave a dinner and entertainment in the AnseI V. Young, of Greenport, basement on Town Meeting Day. Erastus Griflitb entered the employ Takes Orient Point House The Youth's Temperance Society of of E. S. Brown, Shelter Island Heights. the Presbyterian church elected the E. W Howell„ J. H. Boisseau and Ansel V. Young has leased the following officers: Pres., 0. F. Payne; B.T. Payne were re-elected trustees of big Orient Point House, and 'will, Vice Pres., D. E. Hallock; Sec., B. T: Moore; Tress., Clement Elmer. 'tbe'd° E. church. l Tun it as a summer boarding house John Carey died, aged l years. Eugene Conklin of Hamilton College and hotel during the coming season, was spending his vacation at home. Special attention will be paid to Jahn Scott is clerking for P. F'ickeis- Dr, J. M. H;:rtranft addressed the dinners for automobile parties. A sen. Youth's Temperance Society of the M. select bar will be maintained. Ac- Treat Merwin is clerking for F. T. E. Sunday School.. commodations will be made for Wells. County Sheriff henry W. Halsey died, aged boating and bathing. The Griswold omestdad, at Bay Tillinghast years. G. Fred moved his paint There will be considerable im- View, occnielc TY the families of shop from the wharf to Korn's store. provements made before the open Capt. David Griswold and. Capt. The teachers in the public school ing of the seas,)n. Mr. Young wil Henry Clark, was completely de- were attending Teachers' Institute at dispose of his grocery business i stroyed by fire Tliursd y afternoon. Huntington. Greenport. Trave=lers 11, the esp3`es 111"' yi Qe Large quantities of chestnut post and timber washed ashore in the round. Friends of Conductor John �"+�:s- were glad to welcome back as can- J. E. Corey was building a barn for genial s a genia Cello, of the L. I. H. Il., who was dt�ctc�r, their old friend, genl John Stephens on Railroad Ave. some time ago injured '(while on Mercer. George always hal Rev. W. L. Douglass was appointed duty, will be pleased to Know of his smile and a kind word to bright=en pastor of the M. E. church. Rev. slow, yet permanent recovery. He the morning and cheer the evening. George Taylor was sent to L 1. City. b now able to go about with the aidMiss Elsie Hummel is spending thr Ex-Supervisor Franklin H. Overton of crutches. - II week in the city. Miss Margery Wil died at P'ecanie, aged G9 years. The foundation is being laid foil]isms is the librarian pro tem. Daniel H. Horton is building a barn the new Casino, to be built at Mais- Mina Ella Cady, who has been occu- on his place on Tucker's Lane. t� Babylon, April 10, Mary 5., wife-f hanset Manor, Shelter Island. The pyin the Bardorf house this winter, new structure will be east of the hag mored to Pine fleck. Lgbert V. Strong, formerly of Peconic, Miss Helen. Wright of Smith's Basin aged 55 at Cutcho uears,4 months,5 days. Inter- old Manhauset House. ment is visiting Mrs. Geo. C. Terry. - Our readers havf ! td full particulars New Library NMI from the daily 'paper i of the dreadful Twenty-Five Years Ago The Trustees of the Southold Publicdisaster--declared to be the most horri'- Library have entered into an agree- fyinix in marine annals—which befel the Wm. A. Prince was to h tel 1 hone to connect Town Harbor ment with H. M. Hawkins to rent for monster White Star liner Titanic on bar e d te five years the building in the rear Offirst trip across the Atlantic; w-1- need wi ublic library. refer to it only in general terms. She the yillage. p Mr. Hawkins' store for a building re- struck an i<-el')erg in mid ocean slid Bank Repairs were being made on Sout Mr. Hawkins will have theup -date fuer hours later. at.abaut.2.21). a.m.-an old Hotel. modeled into a handsome, U Andrew Bohlen rented B. H. Terry'` - The sides will be shingled. A Monday, April 15, while attempting to I Y. library eside the house. door and windows will be built in front make her way to Halifax. B Richmond &Tuthill caught 10Q riv and a large double window in the north crew of about 7U0 men she had on board the roof. The a few over 1500 passengers, including shad in their pound one morning. . side, with sky-light in Steamer Shelter Island made tbr inside will be veiled, and book sbeives many prominent.perscins. Of the 200 trips a week to the city. will go up to the top Of the bujl4r4. known to sail in her only 745), nearly all G. F. Hommel took his son Charl A gallery, with stairway going UP to it, women and children, are reported sate. into business as his partner. will run around the upper Part. With They were put in the steamer's lifeboats' The following were elected officers this arrangement a very large number and dropped into a churning sea of ice Banner Lodge, I. O. G. T.: C. T., of books can be shelved. Boss R. S masses on a bitter black night, and suff- E. Hulse; V. T,, Mrs. J. L. Conkli Sturges is to remodel the building and ered almost the panks of death ath it,ejf See., H. M. Hawkins; F. S., Geor will begin work very soon. in the long hours of agonizing suspense Johnston; Tress., P. H. Canterme before the morning broke, TheCuuard Chaplain, B. B. Tuthill; Mar., Fran The will of Margaret Voorhees, of liner Carpathia,ia, caught by a wireless Teague; G., Nannie Beebe; S., Erne Southold. gives furniture and wearing message, arrived in time to pick up the Boisseau. apparel to sister-in-law, Annie Voor- boats, but the Titanic, largest and sup- We had a way mail twice a day. hees, and all residue to nephew, Clinton poscdly the safest vessel ever built,had At a meeting of the Board of Healt T. Voorhees. of Riverhead, The value disappeared in the ocean depths with a Jesse L. Case was appointed Citiz of estate is$800. great holocaust of precious human lives Member, and Dr. H. P. Terry, Heal The Class of 1911 presented a picture The Carpathia headed for N, Y, City, Officer. Of Washington to the Southold High whereshe was due to arrive night of 18th Warren Albert Richmond died, ag School. The presentation speech was Greenport has a deep human interest 36 years. made by E. William Hoinkis, and the in this tragic tale as briefly outlined a- — picture accepted on behalf of the school bove. Three of our residents were on The Southold nig"Ring (,O. is renew- by Claire Van Dustin. the doomed vessel, and one of them is I in the pipes in the street lamp posts. among the lost. Mr. and Mrs. James V The pipe under ground seems to be all Mrs. Flora B. Bliss, with daughter Drew, of Second-st., and their nephew, right, but the part that is above ground Eleanor and son John, is at Southold, Marshall Drew, son of Wm, Drew, & in the post is rusted out. getting her place ready for rental to brother and nartner of James, had spent I H W Fisher, strip Mr. Corsden, President of the Riker several months in a visit with his aged N A Wells to of beach land, s s Bay View, Drug Co, Mrs. Bliss and family will mother at Constantine, Cornwall, Eng., Southold... .. .. .................. spend the summer at Windham, N. Y. and they waited a short time to take j H Young and wife to H W Southold, April 12, Richard M. Gris- passage on the Titanic. They were in Fisher, strip beach land Bay View, wold, aged 84 years, 9 months,21 days, the second cabin, Mrs. Drew, who be- Southold...... ...... .. .... ...... Southold, April 14, Mrs. Kathryn A-1 fore marriage was Miss Lulu Christian, Mrs. C, L. Bardorf is moving out of Fielder, aged 31 years, 3 months, 15 daugb ter of Mr. & Mrs. Henry P.Chris her house, rented to J. E. Howell, and days. 10, Daniel H. tian of First-at, was one of those put in will occupy part of her house in the, East Quogue, April Moore, formerly of Peconic, aged 96 the boats and taken on the Carpathia; Central Dart of the villave. years, 11 months. Interment at Willow her husband was certainly lost. and UP The will of the late Ezra L. Boisseau, Hill, April 13. — till yesterday morning the boy was be- of Southold, was probated before Sur- Josephine E. Harrison to John lieved to have shared his uncle's fate, rogate Nicoll Monday. The estate is W. Casilear, land and buildings for, by some strange confusion, in the valued at$6,300. Two daughters,Jessie thereon, about 80 acres, bounded north by L. I. Sound, south by printed lists his name appears among F. Wells and Mabel C. Boisseau, are North Road', west by land of H. C. the dead. On yesterday Mr. Drew,who, given$1,000 each. The homestead at Goldsmith, east by land of the late with Mr. Christian, went to N.Y. to a- Southold and eleven acres of land are George Vail, Peconic. . . . I . . nom wait the Carpathia's arrival, telephon- given to son, E. Ernest Buisseau. The Josephine E. Harrison to John ed that hie son, a bight [Ad of 8 years, son, E. Ernest Buisseau, is also ap- W. Cagiler.r, about 25 acres,bound- ed north by North Road, east by was safe with his aunt., pointed executor of the will. land of the late Franklin Overton, The villagers who knew Mr. Drew all Central Islip, April 22, Sarah M., south by L. L R. R., west by'land came to like and respect him, and their of the late Gordon Case, Peconic , nom widow of Charles Merrill, aged 83 J Kujawski and ors to J Kujaw- sympathy for the stricken wife and years. Remains brought to Greenport brother is p ofodnd.. Jas. Drew was a- and funeral service at the home of her ski jr. 12;acres e s Bay av, adj eau ighter, Mrs. T. Frank Price; burial bout 41 aldd with his brother land J D Wells, Peconic...., nom yers o , an later in the day by the side of her J Kujawski to K Kiijawski, had a marble pard and shop at the '*Qt husband in Southold. -property above described..........nom of First-st, Greenport. Lo!'�_'T"IT-VIANIT-M-777 MA_ -h Twent, At Mattituck Boss George Riley's teachers employed for the a suing y. .7-Five Years Ago moving gang is making preparations with their salaries.cost of maintat 'Ili_o_/ ' ' to move the James L. Reeve store The estimated co the school for the ensuing year was e. Presiding Elder Simmons made his building from its site near the rail- first official visit to the M. E. church. . . read, and the budget Prepared by the Fred C. Williams was to enter Wil- ad station to a new site adjoining read' was unanimously adopted. The liams. College in the fall. Grabie's varage on Main street. It estimated expenses are $7,970 00, and Rev. C. E. Hiscox of Greenport ad- will henceforth be used in connection the estimated receipts, $1,265.00. This dressed the Local Temperance Society. with the garage. This building Was leaves$6,qO5.00 to be raised by tax. The Commissioners of Excise organ- erected in 1879 by Thomas Reeve George 11. Dickerson and J. N. Hal ized by re-electing T. W. Horton chair- and its first,tenant was the young lock were re-elected members of th man, and Anton Kranclier, secretary firm of Wilson& Reeve—Charles D. Board of Education for three years, and treasurer. Fees were fixed as Wilson, now of Wilson Bros.,Brook- and Fred K. Terry was elected a rnern follows: Hotel, $60; store, $30; ale lyn, and James L. Reeve. A few her of the Board for one year, to fL and beer, $24. years later the firm sold out to Reeve out the unexpired term of L. W. Korn resigned. The attention-of our readers is called & Tuthill—Thomas Reeve and it was voted to build piazzas over th to the adv. of F. G. Prince, who has Warren L.Tuthill. After the death north and south entrances of the scboo opened the east part of the Brick Store of both partners (they died within a building, with fire escapes leading with a fine assortment of shirts of all few months of each other)the busi- the ground. kinds, underwear, hosiery, neckwear, ness was taken up again by James dress suit cases, umbrellas, overalls, L. Reeve, son of Thomas Reeve, and Twentv-Five. Y----- Ago etc. He has the agency for the hig a member of the first firm. After line of Royal Tailors' Clothes.es. a few years he sold out to J. Ernest H. G. Booth was appointed Depu Prince has a fine display of goods, that Howell, now of Southold, who later Sheriff by Sheriff Griffin. it will pay you to see- We wish him old the business back again to Miss Carrie Hutchinson returned fro abundant success. James L. Reeve, who conducted it a visit of several months in Illinois. The Board of Education has voted to Frank Young went to Sag Harbor to engage Miss Helen Van Dyke to take until this spring, selling out store work in the Sag Harbor Express office. and business to Gildersleeve Bros., We had way mails, both morning and :the place of Miss Stickney, who de- who later sold the building to Mr. evening. clines to come another year, as teacher J, E. Corey bought of Col. John L Q�1 Grabie. The upper floor of the build- of the Eighth Grade and High Wickham a lot an Railroad Av., on work. Miss Van Dyke graduates from ing has been the scene of many a which he was to build a house for his 0 Vassar College in June and comes very merry gathering. For years it was own occupancy. He also leased 1,,r ten years a lot of John Stephens , highly recommended. known as Apollo Hall and dances and Traveler St., on which he was to build George W. Smith has moved the entertainments galore were held a carpenter shop. former J. N. Dickinson house at Bay there. It was in that hall the old Weak fish arrived. View to Pine Neck and has remodeled Mattituck Dramatic Association gaveJoseph Thompson saw two black it into an attractive bungalow. many fine plays, earning money eagles at the Sound. D. P. Horton, H. G. Howell, M. B. J. Leo Thompson and family have which subsequently purchased the Van Dusen, W. C. Albertson, Samuel moved into the house of James J. Ca- handsomest drop curtain on the east Dickerson and George C. Wells were appointed a committee to make ar- gen, Sr., on Railroad Av. end of the Island and which was pre- rangements for Decoration Day. M. W. Golder has rentedofGeorge I sented to the new Library Hall soon &**- W. Smith his bungalow at Pine Neck, after its completion. The Jr. 0. U. Wanted: Dead House flies for the summer. - A. M. has of late occupied the old Ten cents per hundred (one cent for Town reek Park is being graded hall as a lodge room. ten) will be paid to children under 15 and improved. The Annual School Meeting of the years of age, of Southold and Pecome, M J Lindsay and wife to S W Southold High School District was held for flies, on delivery to Fickeissen's or Horton, 1 acre, s a Main road, adi at the school building Tuesday evening. Jefferson's stores, May 20, 4 p. in. land H E Overton, cutchogue.....nnm of meeting was called to order by J. A prize of $5.00 will be paid child Southold, May 2, Francis E., son o N Hallock, President of the Board of catching the largest number. Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe, aged 6 Education, and on motion Mr. Hallock Traps may be obtained for 25 cents years, 4 months, 8 days. Mattituck, May 2. Seth Wickham was called to the chair, and Secretary at Fickeissen's, Wells', Korn's an Tuthill, aged 78 years, 21 days. Inter-W. H. Terry recorded. N. Carey and Jefferson's, on Saturday, May 11. 01 ment in Cutchogue. A. W. Albertson were appointed tellers. child from a family, unable to pay f Flatbush, May 2, Margaret J.Bishop, The minutes of the last meeting were trap, may make special arrangement a native of Southold, where burial took read and approved. to obtain one on credit, by applying at: place, aged 71 years. Treasurer A. T. Dickerson read his Fickeissen's or Jefrerson's, on Satur. Glendale,Mass..May 2.in St.Jnseph Fr eport, which was accepted. day, May 11, at 4 p. m. R. C. Church. by Rev. Jas. F. Mahar, William J. Grattan of Southold, and The Secretary read the names of the h Announcements of later contests w' Miss Agnes Elizabeth, daughter of c made in due time. and Mrs. Edw. 'Young. Executive Com. of Fly Ca%P_ Twenty-Five Years AgO Bos i J. E. Corey has taken kk-17 contract to build for John S. Jenkins, Twenty-Five Years Age Twen Puy 7 ty tons of fish were shipped Esq., of Brooklyn, a very handsome from Southold station to Fulton Market summer home, 65 feet front by 45 feet lrad W. Gildersleeve of Ma tituck in four days. deep, at his lot on the bay at Paradise was elected a director of the Southold Point. Capt. W . M. Maynard caught a Savings Bank. 12-1b. salmon in his pound. A Talk on Flies Win, U. Terry moved into his new Arrangements were being made for A Talk on Flies, illustrated by stere- house, the dedication of the soldiers'monument opticon, will be given in Belmont HaP, Miss Blanche Freeman was home on Decoration Day. Monday evening, MayzO, at 7:45 sharp, from Ozena, Va., where she had been by Dr. G. W. Fitz. The habits of flies, teaching. W. C. Albertson and N. Kaplan sold their power to transmit disease, and William Tuthill and John Dunkel to D. C. Sage of Cromwell, Ct., 168 their elimination will be discussed. All caught eleven boxes Of fish with their acres of land at Arshamomoque, on I are cordially invited. draw-seine in one day. which he was to erect a brick yard. Simons has tui Sixteen tons of fish were shipped to At the annual meeting of the Suffolk I- Boss H. W. Fulton Market from this station in four County Mutual lusurance Company, the I cottage for Henry A. Clark at Bay days. following officers were elected: Pres. View. Te—clure on The Fly and Treas., J. B. Terry; Vice Pres., R*. _77,Mry jZ_re`utzer, been who has lecture on The Fly, T. Goldsmith; See_ Silas F. Overton, spending the past year in her native The illustrated I Attorney, N. D. Petty. country, Austria, has returned home. given by Dr. G. W. Fitz last >4londay Marked changes and improvements ." This spring is�fikelyto break all evening, in Belmont Hall, was well at were being made at Southold wharf. records for the fall of rain. tended by both old and young, and was highly appreciated. It was a cornpre- Dr. J. H. Maguire returned to his old -n- s home in Salem, N. Y., after spending a it, Greenport May 10,after a long III hentatioq of a subject thaive, scholarly, yet popular prest aging year in Southold. ne,;s, Capt. ;Samuel Ti°uriittn Preston, t. oldest son of the late Levi and Stilly public attention quite widely at prEsell Isaac Ackerly died, aged 85 years. A117,.le9ton of Greerivort,aged 71 Yrs, The lantern slHes, were excellent and Gilbert R. Hawkins died at Denver,1. nlotlt,, 3 days.. Funeral I!'0111 the by means of them the structure of the Col., from an accident. hottse itt,I P. "I-"J"flayl May r2' fly, its habits, and consequent menace It[ Southold, May 10, Mrs. Rosanna to cleanliness and health were shown Dr. Henry M. Payne has severed his Haven, Williams, aged 68 years, 4 clearly and impressively. A,4ide from . Fitz's care connection with the Clinchfield Cor- months, 27 days. fulness in statement their practical value, Drand choice of poration to become Vice President of words make his talks interesting and 1pe'S Nec House Burned valuable to our p 'I I E .Ijpl s�in English and the Stephen T. Williams and Staff Co., The P.p and efficiency engineers,of New York City, I als Neek House, a summer science. Dr. Fid i,.i a Physician and will leave New York May 25 for hotel, at Arshamomo(lue, was burned scientist, but above all he is a teacher. Surds morning. The Dr. J. H. Marshall presided and ,;e of Dawson, Yukon Territory, to ouperin- to the ground operated the lantern. At the close tend the completion of a large railroad fire is supposed 15—bane started from a the lecture, the Southold Hygiene So- terminal and gold dredging plant, dur- defective flue- Loss is upward of$10,- ciety was organized with the following ing the open season of navigation, in 000, partially covered by insurance. officers: the "land of the midnight sun." re- The hotel is owned by Mrs- A. C. Cor- President, Dickerson; Treasurer, ff. Howard Huritting; Seerctary, Miss turning to New York in September. win. Living at the hotel with her at Susie A. Dickerson. The Executive The Talk" of the Great the time was her daughter and her son- committee consists of Rev. Dr. Wm. Sachem of the Improved Order of Red in-jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Cortland Brooks F1'.HLawrenH. Ll ce, Revd. Wevm Brooks theev. Win. y , R . 14. Murray Father Ed, ks was awakened by - Men of the State of West Virginia, Dr. Mrs. Thinking burglars ward A. Holley, Dr. J. H. Marshall, Henry M. Payne, delivered at Hinton, barking of their dog. Dr. J. W. Stokes, Dr. J. M. Hart- W. Va., is before us. were around, she aroused her husband. ratift, E. D. Cahoon, Justice J. L. The building was then in flames, and Case. S. A. H. Dayton, L. W. Korn, P. Fickeissen, FDayton, Donnel A. Snyder, the telegra—pT the four occupants made their escape Mitchell, i. V. M. Howell, John H. operator who robbed the Southold with difficulty. The annex was also Young John H. Lehr, Albert A. Folk, station, and a colored man escaped burned. The piano and a few person, Q Lester A!),)ertsr)n, Moses T. Morton, from Riverhead jail last Thursday belongings were all that were saved. Joseph N. Hallock, Mrs. 111. B. Van afternoon. They were out exercising The house was R favorite stopping Dusen, hell, H.'Lawrence, Mrs. in the yard and crawled over the fence o F. R. Mitchell, Mrs. H. N. Booth. place for Brooklynites. It is DO i Money is necessary for this campaign and got away before they could be believed it will be rebuilt. MaiJ and contributions may be handed or captured. Snyder was caught the same 1-1. M Hawkins is to erec 1 a one sent to H. Howard Iluntting, the treas- night at Manorviile. story store buil(ling, 16 x 22, on Beck- -re- just south of the Free Li- Mr. Corsden, president of the Riker Boss J. E. Corey is building a store with Ave.. * flI b Drug Co.,and family will occupy Mrs. for A. M. Salmon between the barber b,ary Building. This building Flora B. Bliss' place for the season. The build- for rental. ing will be occupied by H. G. Booth as D m Salmon wilitcomb and family of Mr.Corsden' s chauffeur will occupy Miss shop and Williams' store. in Mrs.- Jacob Frances Rockwell's Place on Maple Av a cigar, confectionery and fruit store. Brooklyn are occupying A v. for the -on Railroad rothurs house :jumrnpr. Nor,77 �� Lll(, U; :L .�t-anfji in true vil-VO. f Lam' ' ;�e� .�.✓.sro.i`w _ './'-� _r � y ' �f. Rural Delivery Service �`wnty-Five1Jxs Aga` A't ofi , , ha€ limen the,estate of James C,oldin of Postmaster M. T. Horton has received /'Q�� / o e� ue the taxable propeFty being notice from ne Post Office Department g that a rural delivery service from Swell fish and sea robins were plenty. rt Souftold will be established daily, E. F. Taber graduated from the law Fair Haven, Vt.,at the bride's orae, except Sundays, beginning Aug. 1, depaztment of the University of the IMay 22, Charles B. McKee of Salem, 1912. The route will be designated as Cit of New Yorls. N. Y., and Miss Harriet Jane Vaughn,', No. I. There will be one carrier and y a former teacher in the Southold. High. he will leave the 'Southold post office W. L, Elmer was home from Columbia School. _ for service on his route at 12:10 p. m. Carliege. Greenport, May 24, at the E. L. 1. daily and will return with collections at A race between J. D. Young's horse Hospital, Mrs. Mary G. O'Neil of 4 p, m. A U. S. civil service examf- and John Stephens' horse from South- Southold, aged 50 years. Interment at nation, for the position of rural letter p St. Patrick's Cemetery. carrier at Southold, will be held at old Hotel to the Greenport Catholic Riverhead on Saturday, June 8. Infor- church, for $100, was won by Mr, Ocean Grove, N. J , May 28, Rev. Stephens. The time was 14 minutes, mation and application blanks can be S William 1-1. Russell, a former pastor of h obtained at the Southold post office. Mrs. Margaret Conway had charge the Southold X. E. church, aged 87 Mail will not be delivered by rural years. carrier to persons living within one- of the Horton's Point Hotel. quarter of a mile of the post office. The Soldiers' Monument at Bu€lil's � �lfl � i�� Association 'Th. length of the saute is 18 miles. ,park was unveiled on Decoration Day. The following have joined the South- Starting at the post office, the carrier will o to ArshamomogThere was agrade in the following p ue school house g old Hygiene Association : Dr and Mrs corner, then to Arshamomoque beach order: Marshal,Weteran Drum Corps, j J H Mareball, P M Bridge, Frances corner, then to Beulah Ave., then to Edward Huntting Post, G. A. R., 'Rockwell, J V M Rowell, Rev Edward Sound View Road, then to Horton's Mattituck Brass Band, Southold Fire A Holley, C B Byron, S A H Dayton, Point Lighthouse corner, then to North eighteen g,Department, ei girls 1 s wit h Road, then to W. L. Bowman's corner, De p g R S Sturges, W M Goldsmith, Minnie then to Jennings'corner,then to Bowery wreaths, ladies of Monumental Union, Flipp, Ida Goldsmith, Mrs J Berry, B Lane, then to Prof. 0. F. Payne's and invited guests, citizens. The unveiling T Payne, N H Cleveland, W C Albert- repeat to BoweryaLane corner, then to was done by Edith Prince and Fred son H M Terry, Esther S Bauer, M J Willow Hill Cemetery corner, then to, J. H. Lehr's corner, then to W. A. Ilumme]. E. W. Taber read the G. A. Cary, Tunis Bergen, I,ettie Mahoney, Williams' store and repeat to Lehr's,R. service. An eloquent oration was J Scott, E Haynes, M Furey, H N corner, then to Goldsmith's corner,i delivered by Rev. Dr. S. H. Camp of Booth Harry Carroll,L Gertrude Booth. then to Bay View Road, then to Bay Brooklyn, and Nat. W. Foster of River- ' ViW school house corner, then to D. Bertha It Stoddard, Nellie E Stoddard, 'H.'Horton farm and repeat to Bay head made remarks. The services were Agnes Goldsmith, Julia Danz, Emma View school house, then across Goose interspersed with music by a large C.1;,,isseau, Adelia Tooke, Alice Tooke, Greek to Pine Neck corner, then to choir. A collection was taken to built] Etta Payne, Mrs W H Murray, Mrs Willow Hill corner, then to Universalist a fence around the monument. The church corner, then to post office. Lizzie B Terry, Mr and Mrs Fred K monument was a very handsome one Terry, Mr and Mrs G R Jennings,Mary upreme Court Justice Jaycox on and was free from debt. A prominent Henderson, Marion Stickney, Mr and Saturday heard the case against Dr. C. feature of the day was the presence of Mrs James Donahue, Rev W H Lloyd, Milford Vail of Bay Shore, which was "Uncle Sam"' Vail, a veteran of 1812, M Lehr, E G Beebe, F G Prince, E brought by his wife, Mrs. Ada Byrnes who was 97 years old. Swezey, F Fickeissen, R P Booth, J Albertson Vail, formerly of Southold, H Lehr, A T Dickerson. F T Wells, for absolute divorce. Mrs. Vail charg- The L. V. I. S. is circulating a H M Hawkins, W L Wi'l'eams, J N ed her husband with infidelity. Horace petition, which is being generally Hallock. _E. Byrnes, her brother, appeared as signed, asking the L. 1. R. R. Co. to Reginald Donahue won the$5 00 prize, her attorney. Dr. Vail did not defend build a new station at Southold. This the action. The Vails were marriedvage certainly r.Marshall,for catchin illneeds a neva station. presented by Dg eleven years ago and have one son,ninethe largest number of flies. The car- years old, who is in the custody of his Visitors on arriving Isere do oast get a tort closed on Monday. Reginald caugh mother. Judge Jaycox granted Mrs. very favorable impression of Southold Vail counsel fee and$12 per week ali- l'y seeing our railroad station. 2,053 flies. The other contestants, and mony for herself and son, pending the — number of flies caught, were: Spencer further action of the court. The New York Telephone Co. ys Petty, Jr., 350; John Purcell, 400; Thµ Cross-Islatrcl Trolley has been placing poles through our village, pre- Louise Mueller, 20; Elizabeth Mueller, completed lret4va>tn F1tc bogus ;and paratory to stringing a cable. This is 200; Baylis Munch, 0i0; Roy Wilkinson, Hu1t:�vilIe, and a ear run,, crc-er tha3 much more satisfactory than having so 700; Eugene Lehr,200;Katrina Shaefer, 1'mit:e. The work of building tike many wires. When completed South- 1,050; George Strasser, 1,800; Helen ruaa €3ntirely across the Island to old is to have a central station. Payne, 150; Robert Newbold, 110; Donne] A. Snyder, the railroad tel- Margery Van Wyck, 90; Gracie Glover,Fort Je This is steadily probably .egraph operator,-who robbed the South- 1,140; Kenneth Dickerson,1,510;ing. This trallay will Probably . 170. H. connect with trains from Greeupork old station of$.5r2, received a septa>_ncaa Horton, 1,020; lsima;r Quarts, of thirteen montbs.in the Elmira Re- Howard Huntting, the treasurer of this 611 the uia n line and will tae a con- formatory. movement, will be glad to receive Vle:nt wry to reach 1>erint.s on the David Griswold, who is taking the contributions for this cause. south and north sides of the Island law course at Syracuse University, has After that service shall have beeB been spending a few days with his S erly,Ata' May 29,veteran George of Co. formerlq of Peconic, a veteran of Ca • lrlished. i narpnta. I3. 127th Regt., aged 73 years• Twer,ty-Five Years Ago e ,`at,St. Patrik'a R. MIm C. Church, by Rev. Father Halley, "�Laci-yer" Fete Gaf t of Southold, o `6� Daniel Robert Grattan of Scotland, J. B. Torry accompanied his brother, Ct., formerly of Southold, and Misac a� si sibout rtl years, has been hung .•y B. H. ferry of Amagansett, to the Agnes Veronica, daughter of Mr, anal the neck and lives to tell tloe tale, Mrs, P. J. Mahone of Southold. according to his complaint to ill, ice mountains in the interior of the state. Case of Southold. Because of The strawberry train ccmmenced Southold, ,May 30, Mrs. Mary A. Bennett, aged fog he has caused thearrest . running. ed 62 years, 2 months,— Furey of Southold,a brother b U. S. Grant, Jr., was a guest at the Contest in Freston Will Furey; of the Suffolk County ,jail. Albertson House. J. Frank Baxter gave an address on Formal objeol ions to the probate of Gatfga bays that he attended an a Spiritualism, in Belmont Hall. the will of the lore S. Trimimi Preston ti'm at Samuel Bennett's barn abou Mr. Moodinger had an artificial pond of Greenport were file,[ witli Surrogate month ago: that while ther, someo on his place, which he stocked with Nicoll Mon,l'ay by Jahn Ann Preston, up in the ha��tuow let down :r rope wi German carp. the widow, and Lucinda A. 11<ts,tirtcr, a noose at the end of it. then Fur Walter Carpenter bought out F. Max- S. Forret PreSton. Julia Belle Darhy placed the noose around hi., i,Ga well's saloon. and Eugene S. Preston, children. By- neck, and other wi'll'ing haud.- Chas, P. Inga'ls of Newark, N. J., Side tite statutory objectious tine cosi- down on the other earl,the r(+Rllt entered the employ of the TaAVELEU testants relate that at the tune that sliortly, GafFga was kicking William L. Elmer was engaged as the will was executed, July 5. struggling clear of the floor. He in Principal of Southold Academy. I907. testator was in such a State of aged to get lrisnself loose and did Samuel Robinson of Bay View died, nientral and physical e-Alalo,>,-4 to foe suffer a broken neck ww•Len the " aged 76 years. unable to understand or appreciate fell. Mrs. Alvah S. Mulford, formerly of the property which lie had. Ile charger Furey with third Southold, died at Plainfield, N. J. Cochran & Manton appear for the :iysault for placing the noose ar Itis neck, and I ikeww•ise threatens t T�s oontetitants; F. If. Ttsker a,nel Juiltie those who helped mvimoz hi Frank Straus er, who -has been ern- Grifling for the will. otallthe cloild arrested, too. A jury trial_is to ployed by L. W. ,born for four years ren join in the contest. lace btfore'Squire Case Friday,:. has left to take a position as driver of It is estitn;atecl that Mr. Prest trt left Evelyn S. Garnett appearing. for complainant and Albertson Case f the Standard Oil wagon. property valued at about tit#l.tltifl. The the defendant. It promises tobe liv Ralph Booth left on Saturday for bequests include: Julia Belie Marr'•- and amusing. 5; liaruestead an ;wl eni,strco.r. t.reeu It is said that Gaffga Ims had mor? Easthampton, where he will enter the niers arr-sted in his lifetime than -the employ of S. E-'Field. port. to widow for life, then to Lillie oldest inhabitant"can readily remeb, May Preston, ,laughter; George B. ber off]land. Because of his intinutr,; Supt. F. F. Overton oiled the roads pteston, lane[ and b rildirrlZs and laxed with the law Ile haus freeluentiy tried; of Southold this week. The first ap- under water at foot of Main street; his own cases and has been named! plication is rather disagreeable, but the also other half of business. lie to gi.e "Lawyer"Iaete. end certainly justifies the means. The hair the net income to his mother for Hundreds of dollars wereaid oil not only lays the dust, but is a life: S. Forrest l'reton, lot rnr<and p p East Hampton land owners las great road preservative and builder. street, HaarvFy L-vi Preston. lot ria William Rages and family of N. Y. sante ~trent:Eugene S Preston, lot rats week by flower merchants wh Sterling tret_t.:Nellie Alice No I:at 'Came out from New York and pu City will occupy the Carpenter place a g chased quantities 4f bloo>uin l` Town Creek this summer. Mr. Rogers, nn Main :street.no bequest is made to g Macs when a boy was a resident of New [,uoinda A. Ma.arter lies+,Luse of a,i As high as$75 to one man was pai- Orleans, La., and used to spend his varices previously, excseptingr that shr> for the privilege of picking th is to in the residuar after her lilacs on his farm. summers at Bay View. residuaryafter John Dixon, Sr„ fell from the rail- mother's death; residue to widow for - life, then to children named abgve. Elton S. Booth graduates from Syra- road trestle over Bowery Lane Monday The will was witnessed by A.D1.Tauhker cure University this week. Mr. a night and broke his leg and injured his Fred B. Core and May Hartley. Mrs. F. E. Booth and daughter Hattr hip. Be. was taken to the E. L. I. y' and Mrs. L. W. Korn are attending the Hospital'Tuesday. We wish to convey to our many Commencement Exercises. Mrs. Booth friends and neighbors, who, in our sad and daughter Hattie and Mrs. Igor Theo. Hoinkis is building a shoe sop bereavement, rendered words of com- will also visit Hattie ars Falls a for Joseph Freeh on Railroad Ave. fort and acts of kindness, our heartfelt g Boss H. W. Simons is doing the work. appreciation. Buffalo. HORACE G. BENNETT AND FAMILY Flies Across the Sound N. Grille will occupy the whole of the store on the corner. Telephone poles are being erected along the Main street of Southold, much Iseekwith Havens of New York [Mrs. Mary Bullock has opened to the regret of many of the property $ew in a, hydro-aeroplane with a Paradise Point Pavilion and many owners. passenger, over Long Island Sound, are availing themselves of her delis- An epilemic of mumps has played from Sea Breeze Is'-and, off Bridge. ions shore dinners. havoc with the attendance in grades, Port, to 'Eaton's Neck Light, near out has moved into his new ' rine room having had 21 out of 33 ab- Northport, last Saturday ravening, and pleasant store opposite the post sent during the greater part of the making the distance against the office. Mr. Booth certainly has one of week. wind in 18 minutes. The return at stands in the village. trip was made in,15 minutes. The entire Maine coast is locked Auto It'd; CHOKES FERRY �. uty- 'eve xCar,,4 g i+ in ice, many steaaxners are jammed` Southold, Feb. 2, Mrs. Adelia C. 1919 Meld H�1 k ,Aute ills Bud � ~�� r � in floes, and the fisher villages, sit-. bowe, aged 78 years, 6 months, 23 �Dake Farm a•e !terra Sita w� •-. utitecl on several nee hborin isl- dayq.._ : . I Geo.W. Hallock &San {7r' A fatal secolt°1st utreact } SitaiCla, o and From iihoIter Inland is ai Re,al Terry Bras, fininhcd filling their ice I D , �' � > . rent, tlsy,ofternoon, %&,1�t zr Ai1i'.ktki,y . ,lob 'I`liese Days bouses, lie nil 'fres marooned, and short of T�e>llty.Five y��rS Ago Potatoes,35 5-8 acres, 5,977 bbls., Illi, 7a vnr old Platz or k4r, isiltl t a s Azi .}}cal has been made / ),I �4" . -i 163 bills,per acre. y It is is azzzinri ala ell jcili tltt~sr «laty> frank A. Illy ^vent lr> North Cara-; t r 'tla avtai killed 1sy :art si,rt'+zrita- 1 for iz ti-liir�akers; i e t r . las , tivair� r ei r S iejlter I.slalrnil via )iva iter the I+t!nplit of lairs health, { t Allad 0.. Becker, formerly of this Onions, 141-3 acres, 8,802 bills., zial4 tlaiv+"ia lea ,$r,9iti f,lzara,T «f 1 to «i tit iarkrl fr_z t t Mev. joinirs ll. F rtloa t t"f St, l�aa !1, I office, became editor of the Weekly 265 bills.per acre, Ilia !tail with othere' wsA c`notµ` the fl.rry, Tit(, ivo r;, noithaez «,tarn Cil>azl ties pulpit atf t,lat 1'rasnf,y-' Review of Nyack, N.Y. Carrots earl tar as f. thing, nor thvx otheei-At is n t wlitay Minn., } } M In slrtwu tiles drivaiv'4y 'If Keep Right on lire' at4nttt«,al tea tan «rl,airoah, Sure we want elekctritity. Dots of it. Rev. Daniel H. Overton was installed y, 6X-4 acres, 162412 Ing ,i aa:raalam tt;4r zar,btar thick raiieiiigh t,si 1b£izllt tett sties! }rat is , ,. �� bbls,,259 bbls. r t Smit,,s flap k alid ., tVe lta«t flap..cllhlc,;st weather ire four-f Dont let all tka�<talk be just hot air. ( pastor aF the Greene Av. Presbyterian late 4 3-4 per acre. Ca,rrata ' tool thick to ztr'tke e.t.y «1i fr lumi4 '„ , acres, 1060 sacks, 223° l tar a'y. Itis alfi°«1 etre«t rRsat Drat«» flap„ s teem ars the, tlatsxzravrtD«.i.eaz° regisixr-Iw `• a«yp it before the people. Lets; Church, Brooklyn. lz tt I sacks per acre. Carrots,.late rent- lot as Mr, Mrirrll caaraata alaazoyt gratkoiri }i«a:- alelex . fiat! «laze':it}* }s1.:t y 7 We had a bid snow storm and the, laistsaa,ty „}a ,. «. l s« feoa flee Ing f.,iltr taelrtry cro, all get the id 1a! Wouldn't it be fine h tree siitiirtet.tpitei, I lr three alto l,. wa ny have.ai, z 1 i s fee-5� have the streets 14,01ted on cloudy trains were blocked faraday. ed land,4,350 bushels, 870 bushels fr:•rzr lire r eat with eq , Y Wove al a was a in ? a ddres ed p ` 1 «err tarn lii,tes tent re<ia tiara wlicrt lrisa.;tra►ztd' Ifris!),rr'" wt ill Iimv, l:)r, J. M. Buck et sa is c t 114ti:fr ,�,+rnrow tore in the V. Lecture Course on,i uightrt, even though there, lieu: James B F'reem n a s . per onto th" tai«lowa N, ci,r grji,g be built. the Local Temperance Society.t1r4«t st alis z bout has •"fietuliarid(ti;of Clre�iat Orators.'" i Of course there'd lie times when we � y eats,early,5:1-2.aeres,1114 bills., wever, tho lttgy. 1111Vr:'r At tunes the l:ttlo ferr,,l r4r t lea 10, est-la,,,iratl fuel! ezedzd irtrire ""'secs." Well therta!lave i Capt:William.H. Squires, formerly, 202 bills.,per acre. Beets,late,91-2 the, x1e41, llc o,l ai,,, boom about t"broo hours crosrshig, from That engine. ref t r n j zii•,chine, heel r«salt,} wakaitiraileed a little, a=;..%t sat' llois-'4 been tittles when wo needed more as. I place, acres, X573 bbls., 165?®2 bills. per sit to tt,is . ,. > train * g of this lace was drowned zu the Desacs ,. to the i"elle «€f tis s t.rti', Certen,4rart to :shiFltr i Itllatzi«l, tar s°te+. e o lee :a}urlkta ill Wrra. k3. W� of ai«tn the:ugh. We knew we�f off Lone Hill life-saving station, when i acre. zea } 'ray t.qh,F° ver ar stud thein it Swatzi ai iiisae «at laazr«t seaau"Av, Clrr t t l a g "Supt." ti was trying as hard his three-masted schooner Lewis Y.i Ce Which !feast°d sa44 r !liras. lie ,, r e»tl era• Vail'it rrcrmt�Drsg had her n raised I,y Hier hail a Supt. wilt) Y lery,4 1-2 acres, 1756 cerates, cfli.e° tsar «}i-i iaz ii few ,aiay ehr rt rktrrrrc $.«aulrl !i. tabs li v"llion otrurk it., ° I as h"could to give us light. Likely he Place went ashore; five other mem- ,, to lir. .tttak.�aa , � ., frost azzrl tlz,. m m, 39U half crates per acre, 4 rib°r;el zi�:zaz,'r:::s wa•rt:' Ktt'rtcl of at tilt- r,a Marr �wltarvv., Of) 1 i rrlitzutvii= l It4a f i farizi4ls 3'lar4 lard t fraszntl it ret.a« fizzy #«a worried more than folks jawed. Prob-i hers of the crew were also drowned, Cucumbers, 26 3-4 acres, 76 bills. Y of awful! I ttewlil a+r1 '!°ae s;l,ty as,,: tilt" 1i,ttrraic4+rat a i1 t.t riff rat' the, 1."!!sand lzte4'r laud ti«t o m gp q ie,a v tr..a i„„ rabl . At art rate be g Y 1 ,vert f!r�sa,Wi i',1« t `"t oa nd-about 64"Da4 , and the rn til ha", gDBIR�t Y:r;: 3@&3�s,eial - '' f �i1Sp routs,Crop wasre , 62,re„ era tri , ae.rp t9 if r nz ,I Itairn,d trying to trove the plant, Af- t ,81� St®�' r i<e foie fill lrt;rrr lazrrdfir,l fat ""salralct t erre t,lt! +alale�tr." a ,. le:ctticit a spell we'll i moved Sprouts,19 3-4 acres, 62,0 0 ehreAue, Greaat ii-olai«,tay a. 4","r'.ri?+y �r lw grim-4111"", ,• w, '-111«1 He. ter woe"ve uwd e Y 3,10D t8, 1, o leases 1st t9,a it i The snow storm of teat week lt- q per acre. Sprouts, 10i Ar. slut Mrs. Smith tai iia The viirollazwot in the" r".a*t o'ra41 towns ,ct,rtiik to toxi ut arra; "=r,Wi:l the, g yonder how we surer gat elan without' acres rented ]incl , `' i.•t :las }'oillcitvra: �' Coo one of lila worst Did record. The Taaads t � G0,800 qts., j stzzz> , tr groutisllsoa„ awa+kew d fro:ai IdA vria,t.or'n are not yet dug out in some sections, rtt cilia tit ,flOA q it, Ilan«!feat t}airig in the world. C 2;040 qts. This i#asaya ai Y it,-r, it,a,« s°' 1'a, v':t !i!:!, , ,cal«1st relauut zirtoara a,t1 «lwnaea oezt«Rf 1,ancrakes rzglat on the t:able, curette cof- There were bad drifts and the Ileavy q per acre. .,, ,iia ;.ti, ,tl tit, a.a0! i'atnYiei,.a,« .', D;4 t,11g4 r a1, 13 u,., �l f r ar i ' etc. etc Hay,41-4 acres 21 tans.: ri !sill as"r«a^,ir 'req - t;w,i ir..r€,vPoft 1,1"3 #,r t, 41 8 ' T his hole tit tifi'«t VWhtAt Pd 94th �r81 r31y lot �a #ieq t)flil egg', 9 , .q fast .,1Sn'. slrrs sa<it,a' E.;,®sa,t ;:r,, ++ ' r # r ,a INTEFt1 ST�n duet on the snow mad'!YeT�.lDard dDl- Carrot seed, 75 lbs. C . stta}t1Dee«,1. It i,, a1>to a i t ..>ati:,.i.i t.t^=r x Wa a fi t.9aa eielel. lies sav; low rlt..d,tva, trot h ging. Telegraph and telephone !trees ,. l *1 „.wr MVI! ii<, z,•. r " 1zz,d ts'*r+gra Bred HAS PECULIAR ILLNESS sr Sprout seed 0 lbs. r.. Stag n ricer to s.t ,_, ,a,=„ i a E.t i,""1i S1ia i i1 : a zzatzitt leave t:«Trued tail! 1 were blown down and there was 9 It , 2 r ks,.'YsruA# ,, bi'> 311 ."S 13 Ill 6, right 1:411!till1. zex:,z3etcsk„re ia;a i t.e, .;ii 4ii +„t Ft> bi4ek intra trier healaa, litre tit" «+oitiritr°y, or ; w' „ � tial paralysis o! traffic an+3 btiiinaz®ss, Onions for setts, 11p2 acres, $00` t s=rpaisia+t" n`:' :"!4* a; i'M 3 W,'° i its ��`liich tike sort was Patriotic peconic Woman A'te 'Too a Suffolk ta ¢e <' ; e;l 3a •4, i";tali t"3 �3 4 f,o tilt, }tUrt,til f There was 110 elect light in River- bushels. f Calle acne! Insurance Us a d'.•a;` , , ,c,, : z.°-,* V; I'M Ili r.a: e,elw more of ` ' he vill rke east for saveTal Corn,1$acres, bushels 2,000 i;"` a"" shii,inv, %ill hasps 1,ix w l�Itich Corn, Watchman Says head and t sig , t The AwAtiaal rrta,p'tliog,,, ,if ties; toulf«slit a 1'.„c+17 .s,t',at 1"cA 442 i°.:i 3111011 wiz '.tar, days. No freight trains have been sheaves. Mrs. George, W. Fitz, wife of Dr., County 14iur;i al lis ia:r;ti:rr• t'is, as elks It='1«t ;r ,{ of Isegcanic is in the. Green rt tanning, and passenger trains were Home farm,1st crops,721-8 acres,' It A. ll. z,.,wtie zz, !,,arae ri M. C.raatt iii ane. Colde4St lute of inter Fitz, , � at its ra oto i in ;i:far Lot i,ars l ur k,zlaay. r • , t z"in« 1") Hospital recovering from pellagra; aa.; several hours late. This winter Der late crops,49 1-4 aeras. # , 4 elle«arzz I, 44"ttitlatzl k la eti r,. ltc rr rzl}car 'Thr xilr4twltl It,z.t.r,tikr tiet.1 t. ,«•,1e•«;t-�� � "G"'ae have !sari some genuine whiter tSouthern cli:iease of the nerves, which fainly makes up for the mild one a Rented land,43 1-2 acres. following t,':f sae as i4ii,tiztg C`zanzziaitteet to net was hard baffled many of the xthysicians ,0: Malian 0 1" 01, h omilr;tri l,atl,a r �weather this year, but ►Saturd:xp had least year,. There has been iso 'l retitle deep liti,iid ail' l,.dilcdatz"err in the � ,,1 iia dais localit , says°the Watchman, got in.. � s r ,l lisclreti.r,a, Nlpit•u-4 W. l e+rr, the climax-the coldest dap tit the sea • yMrs. s the case was up wnce ➢hinter --1 Trains on kvu"<,�llt Saving era ii , 5.s «,rvvti,m tit dila irasw «ko lt=i,.1 hlailetzrig. Pellapra, in , - 7919 . „ 'l eine m A l"1,0, f ret,item F, Overt,iat, loon, I haeme was a sudden drop in the, caused by over-patriotism in stibsti RAINFALL FOP. YEAR1919 The Long 191 nL] IRvileoad has an-,,.; t ,. urda much corgi into a restricted c"b W. 0. Davids , ., 1 r>viter„ t, l:=st., Atr'.zt,t;kt ;°,, la.zar it=, Frank li 1 4'11 r:»«,ra &'% to William It rrzercuzy Igriolay night, must that y tuting•too Registered at Peconl Y pounced that it vii a! .q.,.. its trains to . tt'Loe :t at•-fourth of .art stere' #e t r re turday�e '. diet. This disease is rare in the �aiatr't�l ?t, Ilrelgril. : . Lohtt r Allwrt 1Ca.t kiizrzi a morning the thertnotne e g Januarp 4:09 a ree with the I'Lyi;s;it Saving ordf ., ., t•s bird 1st, adj laza«eta now rat' iatt«.« lt,_a North, and none of the many physi- g n.ara, ilei>kta 1#, t,ariw4°x rite t J. �lra'ra- a }«gat zero. It was not satisfied with! esti; who saw her were able to diag•- February 0.`13 nance adopted by the 6aard of Alder- of a.' .tat Jolazz 1•a stillivalt, New sutrulk1 11,11it > c 5.92 i,lsri 1,"eller, l'`e,r„«ae r ,ag"n r+ra star li,aa'iri r , that and at i0 a, m. it was two below nikse the trouble for some time. Mardi encu of I�Tew x'161:+ t;'ity. When the. ,. Stephan la lrwz r• ,w to Paul ,li.ryiax- _. ...,� 4,38 11, tt"4svig of,«.,.a,.r 1..t 4 .,,a.z,le tt«l s t, , ilial zero mark, It never got above i last week to April clocks are set vh t,".c, its Greater New i lap(oa,azl•x A'41`10, ,.,,t UCrON e+ s Alviala a Saturday llgry C.. Wilktnson left 5.37 e ,,..' s learn^«°t,.r i,i i?;cc, fit tr, 1,,tr 1fq nryk s »,z . ,1 `la�tat live above all day, and on Y , May ,.all: I 1 ii., a i )anti of William A , enter the; e=mplt v of the .Myatt Roller York on the lag-� era Mardi lI, t'ri•ist.it, C'utchoigue, it Om oiatbt it again touchvil the aero mark, N June 2.97 trains of the d i 3. tR, will run br,, Sitrads morning, 1 " 134+x11 �ai Cao. at Harrison, N:J,, where "1#gee Itzroot,arrs e.lv, t,d the f„11w.vinrf ,; ,, It was two above y July 6.63 thetiewhouruntie lie }est Sunday'' e z t t•aotutbttld, Tan. 21, by Rev. VYm. H. his brothers hleatio and Lewis have rrlllt,+rr, l rs"i,,".,.i to d 1 r,it. ore r,, I,lo r Du l eas 'rice: and Miss Frow that point the mercury rose rap- August 6.13 October. yd, !!stet!t r i, n I wave was heen onip!o}ed for scbnae time. 4.87 c ,t,t,ol"lsi4vrhu,,; `t vdee l tr�r.s+vet, ;, Vern Luelle Petty, both of Peconle. icily all day, orad the cold September George Goldsmith end his son ` loci rr r`llhvrtos,ra; B'c°ztwtt r„, , tis>zt Il over. Who dares peep that "olcl tasb- Mina Elsie Hummel is acting as October 3.29 daughter,are at Southold. r. Gtold,.' i Southold, Jam 2a"'r, Anthony Smith, rt a are a thin of tbepast? 1, C. AlberteCsn Co. November 3.44 AtOirni y, N itta,tra Ca. I ttyq, I ,,, ref Mr, silt! I4dras ler"#«rr arnitli, aged �zoned winter g bookkeeper at the W, December, 3,2(9 wrlith spent his boyhood days inP A 10,41t; a`z limit A. I'`i,•a-r, t•°;-od.lin F, Oviir•i 7 r t yr>strt«, .a months, It o}tzy€i. Interment r t �+ ttaroa, ____ with his aunt, yrs. Jesse G. Ca = trtn tine! S, 1.+" t"•r Balli rt•«t,ri w"esry etleert„1 at, C,ota�lrri ue. I�"; orst Storm of Total for year, 60,62 inches ,knee thin he has been nearly all bier g The deer! for the sale of t'he Samuel r=r lir is of tire+ li;siazzaitairr t'rieil«1 , t t, t , ri srtaw alter! sliest irickerson farm of 55 acres at South' - the world. He has been in all but tour err r4s am. 9c t C< tr lrezz ilo, Jan. ,ala, bliss Martha sz ;, C)n X41 In ki lz 3 , s 1t«1,11 CJ '�".`"'"" "__ •" •7d to George H. Wells wars retarded .Mr. and Mia. Robert N. !fetlock, rriltt it, ak tittorn, axtd 84 years, st,arrri viaaaael tin and io 1st",r1ty d cal, night who have been err Chicago for some States fa the United States Wlaatrl ",seer e 1t. JvIntiin>at. t;tirarleiss li, i 1 t til 'ttttt'I line tl t4iaata.aiz; i' 'lac wt,rs"a. n Riverhead this week. The wax tax a8 Cr g k , _ _, A iev K oA, 1, t„d Jk bite and 1 art i y• tamps on the deed show a purchase tithe,have returned to$brook? n,great. the war broke out be was in C Terry acid 10-wis 14, 3.ilkirtlon were l� strarati of the, +�•zwj,r. The rinow drifted err' f 3fa C 00. Y and ealisted and reeved with tram U. Y >k „viva ,,,,,y t. rt,, ;«,+e si tho shorthand � 1 ,l ice o � , Iy to the Pleasure of all enxemrned; zea- m in !fiance. Before that be re asleciaral lti*steel"kiarit of I°.,zcti„ri. tilt fl , aan,l zt. %v" ve,yr l going it ,, v Army s a r;,,t, e,>,,.t at,e:+eta-r1,y rant Jar), n 3' tlr and wife to V Ovsian clndin Ilfrt~. Hallock s sent some time in Australia :tri excellent Birk<,v rllrtrlr was ere t;r't+tr;. ft,_ permute, r. a,, , •, i Phut:,olrty n ornir}n 9laa' lt•si'ri;iael sriaiw A Bak p � i..,7 ie. t,•,r.a} h,oi ,a 1,, z.z,.z, ill tla4 settee Ori ltfAiple Av adj lassi ' seed Az#a J,=•E'.Ccttey, Cdr. Hallock Zealand and Mexico. He cants 0 rd at the&uthol+l I"fame+l„ s , plow went u f i,,zzt t,r+cit}a xt ;lltizrr+day� Feconitc � "h a nl w l^I^atrzn fSiiz;:,sa t,1la+sz 121vraias isif, I p „ . filliatirtq _._. _. .._ has a responsible:positien ,with A,Ci. morning, and the t qa ri zaat,rrthig trDiit s k a from Louisiana. ,e paaldiig 8e:Co. followed, though throne-fluarters of an hour � .l