HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12389 P 123Btm/Id N.Y.B,T.U. FmlW _ _~'}~'_*-B~ mid Salkl n,,,~ dh ~ agMlt~ ~ Aole4Jnt~m ~&.,,,~ BE1WEEN JO~.PH W. HAWYJNS and CATHF_R~E K. HAV, ffJNS, Ids W~e both tasking at 7085 Horton Lane 8outhoid, New York 11971 pa~bj of th-, fk,at pad, and JO6EPH W. HAW~fJNS and CATHERINE K. HAWIONS,:bi,WM~' teth re~k]ing at 7085 Hmton Lane Southnid, NewYotk 11971 ~; IN COM&K)N lying and being in the Tovm of Soulhold, Cou~ of ,~lfnik, Silo of N~v '(at. boundod -nd doscdlxd ~ follows: BEGII~ING et a point on the southweatedy Erie of Ho;ton Lane dinlar~ soulheastedy 250.00 feet from the comer formed by the ~emeclion of the southea,qtedy fine of 8ound View Av~me with the southwestedy ine of Homm Running thence Mono the said southwe_~__,~ly line of Homxl Lane South 47 degrees 48 minutes 00 seoonds Emit 150.68 Met; Running thonce along other land of C.W. Booth, 8oulh 48 degrees 53 minutes 40 secon4s W~4 270.00 feet to land Running thence along said land of Kempner South T2 deg~es 23 minutes 00 sec,)ntis west 106.41 k~M to land of KrmleC Running thence aton9 said land of Kramer Nodh 47 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds West 64.12 ~eat to bind of Ben, man; Running thence along said land of Ben~jfnen No~h 42 degrees 51 mln,,ees 00 seconds East 200.00 fon~ to oUler land of C. W. Bondt; Runrdng thenon atong sak:l other land of c. W. Bonth, No~h 40 degn~on 44 minutes 30 onconds EASt 160.0,1. h~et to the said smaU~mstody fine of Hmton Lane at the point of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE pad of the s~ ~ onnveyed to JOSEPH W. HAWKINS AND CATHERINE K. HAWtqNS by deed datnd den,-n/~, 1975 and re=mJed in the 8ufl'olk Cour~y Clmk's Offl~ on in Uber 77~3 at pege 0t. IN WllNE88 WHEREOF, the p&'t of the flint part has du~ e0~ecutnd this deed the day and year 1bat above wfilten. IN FRESENCE OF TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWI~K_n~IUKNT lB MA_hE IN NEW YORK 8TAT(' · 8t~te ol' New Yo~ Courtly of 8utfolk Onthe/~/t~y(~ Apr; k~meyaar ~ s=te of NMYoW, Coup/of m, mk name(u) is(~e)subsatbedtotheq~in Insmm~snd name(u) k(~re)lubimbedk)theMINnm~medmd TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE AC_~_~_ _ _C,~a = _r,~-~l~ I~ MADE OU'l~!rt;_ ='.'~.,',; YORK BTA¥~- ~u,__--__~u~u m ute wnnm insuument ~in~ acknowh~ged to me that he/sheAhev ~ tim ~n,m b) hi~m,=Mk, pm:i~y~, and tha~ bY I~Mw,lhd; signm#e(s) on me in~lmmenl, the IndMduM($), or the pason upon belmlf ~ wN theindvidual(s) re:md, exacutecIthelnslmment, and that ~_-,~_ hldMdualmade suc~ 8ppemml~befmethe undersigfled the BARGAIN AND SAL~ D~;n WITH COVENANTS AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Tille No. JOSEPH W. HAWKINS and CATHEIUNE K. HAWKINS, his Wif~ TO JOSEFH W. HAWI(INS and CATHERINE lC HAWKINS, his Wife as Temnts in Common SECT[ON Bt. OCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN ~ OR TOWN ~lxE~' ADDRESS SAFE HARBOR TTi/.E AOENCY 1529 Main 8~met Polt Jelfemon, NY 11777 'Katherine Z. Pope, Esq. 218 Front Street, Suite 2 Greerlp=t, NY 11944 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate #. Prior Qr. # ' 41 ._1 . . Deed / Mongege Instrumenl Deed I Moflgnge Tax Stamp F~ES RECORDED 2~ Amj 1:~ 12=~s26 Pti Edk~a rd P.Roeame ~ OF L {)00012~7 P 123 DTg 04'"40718 Recording / Filing Stampa Page / Filing Fee Ilandling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 {Count)') EA-$217 (State) ILP.'I:$.A. Camm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Othcr ~ OO __ Sub 'l'o~al -- GRAND TOTAL / gR Moflgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Ad~ilianal Tax ' Sub Total Spac./AssiL Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual 'l*own,~ DUnl Omnty __ Held for Appartionmmd __/...~r~ Trm=s fer Tax Mansion Tax 'llle property covered by this mottg, age is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES__.or NO__ If NO, see appropriate lax clause on page # oft 5 Real Properly Tax Sentico Agency Verification Dist. Se~:ti.o.n · .. B I.ock_ I.o~. 05018252 1000 05400 0700 001004 CPFTnxDue $ /' Stamp Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Properly Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Fund Considerntion Amount $ Improved Vacant Land /0 TD TD [ s [ Tflle Company informntmn . · Co. Nnmc___ Suffolk Count Recor&n & Endorsement Pa e 'Ibis page fomu lr, m ofthe attached ~/m--~_.~ made by: (SI~EOI"Y TYPE OF INSTR--) The premises herein is situated in SUI.TOLK OOUNTY. NEW YORK. in the VILLAGE or HAMLET of IR}X -I-I~ 5 'ITIRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECC)RIXN~ OR FII3NG. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDB/DDD Number of Pa~es: 3 ReceiptNumber s 05-0051841 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-40718 Districts 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section s Block: 054.00 07.00 ~U~TSXD A~D C~A~ED AS FO~.LOWS $o.oo 05/13/2005 12:55:25 PM Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument P&ge/Fillng $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS BRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Coptes RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Corms. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER~ 04-40718 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THZS IS NOT A BILL D0001238'7 123 Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County Lots 001.004 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $149.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO --- .PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www:orps.st, ate. ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 , ~o. co... u,E o. Lv _ ~. c,. sw~ ~, /-/,'7,,~, ~ ,~', ~ t ~ RE~. PRO~Em~ ~S~R 795 I l~'¥.u~ AVI~lU~ j sou~acz,o I zo~ o~ som-do~ 1~1971 I ~ I Ixl Io.I .... .4.0 I I I ~ INFO"MATION I F I,~ Commemial J I~ Induslr~l Gl.._j ,~r.r,m K~,..] HL~ EmenainmentlAmirnanl LJ J For~ I 04 / 08 ! 05 I 12. DateM~alllTrln~M J O~ / ~C~ / 05 I la.~o~ [ , , , ~ 0 , O I S~~M~ I O. O, OI I ~E~ME~ [NffiRMA~N - Dine s~M m~ the Mt~ Final ~nt Roll a~ T~ ~ll I ~[Y~d~;~ I 04J051 ~;.T~V~b.~l A B C D E F G H I J ....... 4,2,0,01 ! ! ,&p,o~vo~# I 2,1 g I-I I 1..Sd.x4Dat~tN..~ ISCX,'z'ttc:[o I ~0. Ti~ V4p kWs) I RMI Mlnl~im~) (11 m~e ~hln ~ur, M~da M wl~h ~d~d~M I~) 1000-052.00-05.00-006.000 I I I I I I I I C~RTIRCATION I 631 .I BUYBVS ATTORNEY 298-11 O0 NEW YORK STATE J COPY