HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12406 P 461 ; ~GVCB-2 Rev. ,8~J9 · tuniform Kk. CQNiIJLT YOWl IAW111 llPOII SIOIEQ TIE INITEIMIIT--TNlS INJTEIMIIIT IHO41O Il mm, BY MW'lEftS ONLY. Tlfl~ lI~F.~ll~r~ made the /~ ~7~ Augus~ ,inmex~ 2005 ZOUMAS CONTRACTING CORPORATION, 263 Ropte 25A, Wading River, New York 11792 CRAIG OOBES & KIMBERL[~JOBES, both residing at 3365 Kennys Road, Southold, New York 11971 lzrty of the ~ lmt, .WT~.. E~EffTH~ th~ t~, pail7 of the first lint, in consideration of Ten D?lhrs and .other valuab, le consi.de?i.oa pe~d by the lxsfly of .t.he secend part, doe.s..hereby .L,Z)mt an.cl, releue unto tAe party et me r*emno ,pert, the hezrs or su _~c'~_~ora ~nd usains of the ~y o~ tM ~x~a ~ torever, SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED. Being and inte~'ded to be the same premises conveyed to the grantor herein by Deed dated December 22, 2004 and recorded Ossuary 13, 2005 in Liber 12365 cp 876. This conveyance is being made in the ordinary course of business of the grantor. TOGETIIER with ell right, title and interest, if any,'of the ~artv o[ thc first oart in and to any roads abutting the above, described premisef to the center lin.es' the'renf: T. OG~ItHE~ v~h the ~'ppurt' .a.nd_.al_l tl)e estate, and. rz .ghts of the. party .of the first put :n and to smd p .?aSses; TO HAVE-AND TO IIULU lite prenuses Mrmn Krantea unto the plfly of the second Fart, ~c be~rs or succ;:~s ~ the party of the second part forever. ~A~D,th.e..party..or' thc.first, pa~.envenanu 'that t.~ larry o! the,first pan ~ not ~ne or sufl'e~J, anything ercoy me sam .premsses nave .oeen enc~.]nueren. In any way whatever, except as a~oresald. ' AND the Forty of the first part. m comphanee wzth Sectlo~ 13 of the Lien Llw. envenents that the lx~rty of the .~rst part will .rec,.ire .the eo?ideution for this conveyance and will hold the right tb receive such consid- erztson as a trust tur~l to oe m~ppImed first for (he purposc of lzlyine the cost of the improvement and will stroh, the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvunent I~efo-re using an)' part oJthe total of the s~er~ any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as il it read "parties'* whenever the sense o! this indenture so requires. IN M~I"NF.~S ~IF, REOF, the lxirty of the ~u'st part has duly executed this deed the day and year first dzove v,~lten. IA* PBASENCt O;: IOANNIS ZOUMAS Fidelity National Title Insurance Company TITLE NO. 05-7404-60572-SUFF SCHEDULE A-i AMENDED 7/I 8/05 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being al Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and design~l as Lot No. 4 as shown on a co~ain map entitled "Map of Oakridge Hills" and filed in the Suffolk County CleriCs Office on April 30, 1962 as Map No. 3555, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Jcnnings Road distain 145.00 feet southwesterly as measured along, the northwesterly side of Jennings Road from the corner formed by the intersection of the northwesterly side of Jennings Road and the southwesterly side of Horto~ Lane; THENCE South 48 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds West along the northwesterly side of Jenniags Road 135.00 feet to a point; THENCE North 41 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West 153.63 feet to a point: THENCE North 48 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds Fast 135.00 feet to n point; THENCE South 41 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds Fast 152.50 fe~t to the northwesterly side of Jennings Road, thc point or place of BEGINNING. TIlE POLICY TO BE IS&'UED u~gi~r this commitmcm will bzvur,' the title to such buildings und impr.~mcms on tl~. premisez whwh hy law constituw reol property. FOR CONVE FANCING ONL Y: Togettlwr ~tit ull the right, title atul interest of the por~. . af dte fir.~t I~rt. of bt atwl to the land itt the street ht /rtmt of at~l adjomtng said pre~iseJ. .r, CIIEDULE A.I (Description) Rev. (03/04) STATI~' OF Ns'W YORK) ) ~*.: couN'rv oF $ ~ F ~ 0 ~ ~ ~e~yor Augus~n~OOS~e ~i~.~lly~.~ IOANNIS ZOUMAS , the within i.~ ~ ~kmwl~ to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in hi~h~ ~p~i.~ ~ ~ by hi~r ~Sn~s) ~ ~ ~t, the ~i~(s~ ~ t~ ~ u~ ~fofwhi~ ~e i~ivid~(s)~ ~Ku~ ~he STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUntry OF .) undmi~ntd, permnnl]~ ~ ' ' -- Slpatur~ mhd olnt~ of State, District or Columbln, Territory, Posusslon, or Foreign CoanttT owm~dlm~nt the__ d~y of in Iht y~r __ befme me, the undersigned, penondly ~ · ~lly ~ m n ~ ~v~ m ~ ~ the ~b orm~o~ ~ M ~ ~ ~i~Ks) ~ n~,) is (~) su~ m &e ' wi&in i~ ~ ~l~g~ m ~ ~m ~y ~m~ the ~ in hi~r ~ies~ · e J~ ~e i~iv~(/), ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lr o~ whJ~ t~ i~ividunl(s} m~ ~m~ the ins~l. ~ I~t ~u~ i~ivid~l ~e ~h ~ ~om ~ ~8n~ in ~c . (In~ ~ city m o~ ~litic~ su~ivision ~ ~ sine m ~n~ or ~ pl~ the K~I~I wu I ~mtu~ and ~ of Ind~dunl tnklnB *' For mcknowledgments taken out~[de of New Yo. rk Stile, ~.:~fn an~ ~eit ~tt~ · Wll Il COVENANT AGAINST GItAN*I 0~C$ AC15 'Illth NO. First American ~tle Iflsuranee Company of Nero York " · ,,~lON 054.00 n~ 07.00 t~r 003. 000 ~Y m ~w, Southold : . Re~mded At Request o( Ir~t A. nm4am Title Innmm,~ ~ompany d* N~m .Yo~ Gary Flanner Olsen, £~q. PO Box 706 ! Cutchogue, NY'.: 11935-0706 Number of pages L~ TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage lnstmmem Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-$84 Notatio~ Deed / Mortgage Tax $1amp EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 ISutte) R.P,T.S.A. ~ '""- Comm. of Ed. 5, 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Other Real Property Tax Service Agcncy Verification Sub Total Sub Total Grand Total !~-- I .,_.,? ~o I, 05033670 zooo os4oo o?oo oosooo 6 [ Satisfactions/Di~harge, s/Relenses List Property Owner~ Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: 2005 I:lug '50 12:42-'2:~ PI'I Edward P, Rc~aine L~. E~' OF L P 4~1 DTI~ Recording / Filing Stamp:; Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG, TAX Dual Town __ Dual County __ Held for Appo. j~lment Tr~nsl'er T.',x/ Man.~ion T-' / · The prope Iy covered by this mortgnge is or will I~ improved by a one or iwo family dw .'lling only. YES or NO If NO, ~e )propriate t~x clau~ on pa~e #__ ~.. of this in,qrument. Community l~m~rvation Fund CPF Tax Due S '~. '~ Improved Vacant Land TD TD ~___~,~'c,~,,~,~ ~ //.Y..?.F'-o ')~, 17 [ Title Company Information · :r ..... Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement P_n_ge This page forms part of the altached ~ made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein i~ situated in In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 8UFIPOLE COUNTY CLERE R.ECORD80FFZCE RECORDZNQ PAGE TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-04421 1000 ~-ZBER PAGE Bsot~.on; Block; 054.00 07.00 $585,000.00 08/30/2005 12142~23 ~ D00012406 461 Lot · 003.000 the Fo11~ng Fees For ~ ~.trument zxe~t P&ge/Filing $12.00 NO Knn~l&ng C0~ $5.00 NO NYB BRCHG RA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 GS,00 NO Cert.coD~em aPT $30.00 NO SC'n( Tre. ns£er tax $2,340.00 NO Fees Pitd TRANSFE~ T~ N~BF.~z 05-04421 THIS PAGE IS A PART 0~ T~ INHTRD~ENT THZ8 IH NOT A BTLL $5.00 $15.00 NO .$?s.oo No $o.oo $o.00 NO $8,700.00 NO $11,192.00 County Clerk, ~u££olk County PI~E~,SE TYpE OR PRE~ FIRMLY WHEN'WRITING ON FORM ' · ' INSTRUCTIONS: .http://www.orps.state.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 '1 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY I C1. SWlS C~d. I PRO~ INFOR~ATION · ~ .~P~ ~dV ~ I ~,~,~, D~ ~.~ v~ ~ ] ~ INF~MA~ON I Marm mW Y.~' F . ~,~,0,o, o, o, 14.1~h~1 ] : , , , , , , 0, 0 I ~ A$$~SMEMT INFO~MA~N ~ .hould ~l Ihe ~st Fi.al ~em ~11 and Tax ~11 I I I I I [ ~t;~l i fl'II~ATIClN BUYER ~R'S A~RNEY ~ELLER NEW YORK STATE COPY