HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12394 P 421DISTRIC'r lO00 SECTION 054.00 BLOCK 0'/.00 LOT O0g.000 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNINQ THI~ IN,~IRUMEHT-1NI~ iNSll~UMENT SHOULD BE U~ED BY LAWYER~ ONLY THIS INDEHTURE, mede the ~ day of /4~4~t~,I 2005 BETWEEN Renee Sileo, residing at 189 Oak Street, W. Hempsteed, NY 11552, as surviving joint tenant of Catherine party of the first part, and Michael Nicotstti and Norms Nlcolatti, his wife, residing at 116 Old Country Road, Deer Park, NY 11729, and resan~lng unto the grantor a life estate in the premises PaW of the second pad, wrrNESSETH, that the pady of the first pad, in considarstJon of TEN dollars and other good and veluable consideration paid by the party of the second pad, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second Ipad, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pady of the second part forever, ALL that oe~tain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE A'I-rACHED DESCRIPTION The grantor herein reeswes a life estate in the above referenced premises. TOGETHER with all right, ti0e and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any stree~ and roads a~tting the above described premises to the center lines thereof;, TOGETHER ~ the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the helm or suc<~essors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the pady of the r~st part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premless have been encumpared In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first pad, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the fa'st part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as n trust fund to be applied §ret for the purpose o! paying the cost of the Improvement ,,nd will apply the seine first to the payment of the cost of the improvement bofore using any part of the total of the same for any other iouq~oes. The word 'party" shall be constnied ss if it read "parties' when ever the sense of this indenture se requires. IN WITNF_~$ WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly exe~ufed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: Standard N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002 - Bnrg,,~n and Sale Deed, ruth Covenant agninst Omnt~s Acls - Umfo~m Admov4~dgment Form 1000-7 at ~outhold, in the To~n of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: SE6INNING at a point on the southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue 530 feet southwesterly along said line irom the southwesterly line of Horton Lane~ running thence along the northeasterly line of a 50 foot private road and parallel to said line of Horton Lane, South 47 degrees 48 minutes East a distance of 220.0 feet~ thence along other land of the party of the first part and parallel to said line. of Sound Vie~ Avenue, South 42 degrees 51 minutes west a distance of 134.08 feet to land of Jenninge~ thence along the last described land, ~lorth 36 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 224.01 feet to said line of Sound View Avenue~ thence along said line of Sound View Avenue, North 42' degrees 51 minutes East a distance of 89.37 feet to the point of ~GINNIN~. TOGETHER with a right of way over said 50-foot private road from Sound View Avenue southeasterly to the easterly corner of the premises. TOGETHER with the right to use (in common with others) of a right of way 50 feet in Width over said private road along the southeasterly line of the premises from Sound View Avenue 220 feet southeasterly to the southerly corner of the premises, subject, however, to the reservation hereinafter set forth. RESERVING, however, to the Seller the right to dedicate the aforesa%d private road 50 feet in width to the Town of Southold as a public h~ghwa~ and th urcha e b ~cepta c of he eed f cony a ce he · nd , ~onsen~ ~o euc~ ~d&~a~ton an] ~oes ~ere~y_re~e~s, ~ ~Own o~ ~ou~old from ail ~i~Ii~y =or aamages ~y reason o= SUCh oeu~ca~on. TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT I~a MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Onthe ~ d,,yof /f.f~..~l~ In the year 2005 Ontha dayof intheyear me, ~e undemlgnad, personally ap~ Renae Sllao before me, the undemlgned, personally appeared pemof~l~y know. to me or proved to me on the basl~ of pemonally known to rn~ or proved to me on the heala of sat~._~___~/evidence to be the Ind~ldual(,,) who.e ~m(.) is me t~ ~ ~ ~a ~m in hi~ ~), .~ t~ ~ hi~ ~) ~ me irish. ~ i~(s~ ~ ~ ~g~t) 12~ ~ 8311 milkC~)ry evidence to be the individual(l) whofa name(s) Ii (ere) mJbacdbed to the within InatrumeN and acknowledged to c~m.), and th~ by hi~hm~he]r .ign.tum(~) o~ the In.mme., the Indlddu~(-). or the pemon ul~n behalf of V~liCh the Individu~(I) .ctad. executed the InltmmenL (~gn~ure and office of individual *=king ad/mowledgment) TO BE 1.18ED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE State (m Dlaalct of Columbia. Terdto~/. or ~=omtgn Country) of &s: On the day of in the ye~ before me, the undamlgned, peraonally appeam¢l personally known to me or ixoved to me on the basia of satisfactory evidence m be the individual(,,) where name(B) ii (are) sub~.cribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/lhevlhey executed the ~ame in hie~hedtlleir capec~/(Jes). ~ thet by hie/her/their lignatum(i) on the inMmment, the individual(B), or the person upoo behalf of which the individual(s) acted. executed the In~ment. and that lUCh individual made luch appearanoe before the undmig~ itl the (Ineeft the City OZ o(her poliUc.l auixJlv~lon) (~ncl inamt the 8rate or Count~ or other place the Icknowtedgrn~t v~s takerl~ (signature ancl office of individual takJnO eclmewledgment ) SILEO TO NICOLE'n'I IRARGAIN AND SALE ~EED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'8 ACT8 Title No. SECTION 054.00 BLOCK 07.00 LOT 009.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Southold STREET ADDRESS 12040 Soundview Avenue Southolcl, NY 11971 Recorded at Request of Lraen~y TPJe Agency, LLC RETURN BY MAIL TO: Steven Kramer, Esq. 330 Vandaerbilt Motor Parkway Hauppauge, NY 11788 · Scri~ # .C~ir .Eate # · Deed / Mor~qc lnslrmncflt .21 · DU~d..! M~gase Tax Stamp RECORDED ~ 3q,.-~ :24 11s40;07 Ed~a ,'d P. Roea J.r-,e (~EI~ OF ~FFO~ ~ L P 421 · DT4J Recording / lrdir~ Stamps Mm'tSa~e Amt. I. Basic Tax Handling" 5. 00 2. Additkmal Tax .~?-5~ ' · '. '~' Sub'Total · ' . · Spec./Assit. FA.52 n (.co~)~ . . S.b T~ s~. · ~-52i7ts,:,-)' ' ' -- · . ......_ .. TO3'.~TO.T~X " ' '~O ~ .' · ~ ". Dual Town Dual County -~o~. .'5. ~. ',~'~'::~!~ " .~,.. ' ~ .'~~/..~~ . ,.~o.,~,-' ~ , . " ~. · '.. ~' ~y cov~d by ~is m~ u ~S ~mh.~ ]5 ~ ' hmdy dwcJlJflB only. ..~--~°' ;' .. *~ Sub~otal . ' ~' . ~ ~O~ . · ..... . · ' .~ ~,~ I t~L;2 . , ' ~ ~ . I I ............ '--I I ' ..... I I ~hdorsement Pa e This pale forum p~ of th~ atUtche~t ' ~..,.,_ ' .~ ..... ,nude by: {SPFJ21F~ 'l~l~ OF INS'I'RUMF.~T} The promi~e~ herein i~ ~ilaalgd in SUFFOLK COLfNTY. NEW YORK. · in th~ V. IL~OE .=_.=__ or HAMt. E'F. of __~~ · BoxEs 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECOKIJlsqG OR Fii. ING. (over) I IIlllll]]l]ll]lllllHI BUFFOLE COUlqTY CT.ERE RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDTNG PAGE Typo o£ Znetrunont: Dmu~8/DDD ~'mher Of Po. gee; 4 Receipt ~mher s 05-0066794 TRANSFER TAX ~u~ER: 04-46374 Diekrict: 1000 Deed&mounts Recorded; Att LZBER: PAGE: Sec tton: BXock [ 054.00 07,00 uwaJfl:NgD AHD CHARGED A~ FOLLO~H $0.00 o6/24/20os 11z40t07 AM D00012394 421 Lo ~.; 009.000 Received ~he Following Fees For Above Znetnment Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO HY5 BRCHG EA-C'I'r $5.00 NO EA-BTATB TP-584 $5.00 HO Care.Copies RPT $30.00 MO BCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Cmm. Pres Fees Pa~d TRANgFER TAX I~JiBERs 04-46374 TKZB PAGE ZH A PART OF THE ZIqHTRUM~HT THZB ZB NOT A BZLL $5.00 $15.00 $~es.0o 80.00 $0.00 $0.00 $242.00 F, xan~t: NO NO NO H0 NO NO F~lw&rd P. P~tne County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://wWW.orp-,.~late.ny, uB or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IF~R COUNTY UM ONLY _ ~.~ I · -- / I I~A ~ A. ITATE~FI~WY(NB( ~o. Tm Mil IMMW I M IMIk~ (11 ~ ~ k., mmi mlmm wll~ mimml kllm(mll L ] I I I c..~o,, I BUYI~ m:LLER I NEW YORK STATE COPY