HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 690mwmBunm my gklilF4rcelg~, Inc,, CONSULT YOUR LAWYIR IIFOIE SIGNING THIS tNSTRUAAENT-THIS IHSTRUMENT SHOULD B! USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made on 2.1 day o~ J~ne; ~wo ~:ltou~und end £'~ve Eluil~e Bohi:u]ls ~-uzviv±n9 niece of Alic~ Eei£ert, forG~rly Alice Featherstolthaugh~[a[e u£ ~uffoZ]; Cuul, ty~ rou~d~ng at 360 ~ ~ne, ~outll61d. New York pa~y of the fi~ para -,d Elaine Behruns re~£ding at 360 Dogwood La~e,. ~uuthuld, Nuw Yet]: arid Liilfred B~ren--,...~pounc: a:~ join~ to~luntu, with ~ight of ~grv.[v6rship party of the ~econd part, ~TNE.q,bL'IH, that the party of the first park in cicic;~ensideration of Ten Dollars at/d other valuable comideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereb~t\and releme unto the party of the second part, the heirs or p. aceemere and assi~ of the party of the second4p."r'--"h~fo~e~er. ALL ,hst certain Idot. piece or I~rce] or land2['wi.th_' 't.he heildrel~s and improvements thereon e.ed, situate. ~&eee o~. [xu~ee[ oE Y~-an~/~s ~t:co~ded on Ja~uo~v ~] .2005 Libor 12365 Page 34~o~[5. I.B~.~k ii ' ' Oog~ood Luna N 27 dogro~. ~-I0" Ii: at 119.05' to land ,Bt(.~ or formerly o~ned by Hegeli;.t~ ~along uuid ~and ~44 degreu~. 29: - AO"E (105.32") to tit ,and no~ om formerly owned by H~c~=burg; thonc~ aloltg said 'lan,~ ~o~u£1y o~nud by Park-.~ ~27d~gruQu 12' -10" W (123.63'} to ~at~d rot'marly ~hul~cd :'-lolig -"-a~d land N42degruo 10~--20'W (~06.85~ ) to a ~oint of neg,£mlillg. (12,/34uq.ft.) TOGETIIEK with all right, titlc ami i.terest, ii any..I th~' I~lff.',· u| the ~rsl part iii und to an)' strcets attg r.ads sbu.ins the al.w~', dcscHhed premises to the ce.tar Ii.es the..~f: TOGETHER with the appuffcnances end all the estate and riFhts -f the party of the first part in ami to said prenlises; TO HAVE ARD TO HOLD the ptx, mise~ herein fire.ted unh* the party of the .~.nd part. the heirs .r su~'css.*rs and s~ii~tsF .f the part~' et' AND the party of the first Part c.venants that thc puffy -f the first part has not do.e .r suffered atlythinF whereby the ~id p~,.~ ~ ~n encuml~ iff a,sy way whale.er. ~ as aFor~id. ' ' AND the ~flv of the fir~ ~rt. m ~mpha.ce wuh ~tmn 12 .f the I.ien I]w. ~nan~ ~ will ~ive lb conMderati.n for this c-nveyan~ a.d will h.~ the right t- ~iw trust fund to ~ a~li~ first f.r thc pur~se of~yin~.~e c.st .f the impmven~nt and will ap~y t~ ~m fi~ to t~ ~vment of t~ ~g of the imp~)ve~ni ~fore ~m~ any ~ff o~ the I.tal o~ the same for ny o~er pur~M. Tho w~rd "~rty" ohell ~ ~n~ru~l as if it read 'partly" w~n~'er ~ ~n~ of this indentu~ IN ~ WH~OF~ the ~..f the first ~ has duly ~x*,ru~d this d~ the day and year fi~t almv~ wriU~. IN PR~ENCE A~ ~d NEW yONX 8TATE ~I~L ~%4) State of New York. Count)' oF .,,~..c.~ ss.: On ~,/ ..~e.~ht~/ ~=O~'.~beforc ~. ~ un~ign~. pen;anally known to me ~ pmvad Io me on ~he basi~ of smidac. tory evi(~ lo ht ~h~ indivlduai(s) v/nme nmne(s) is (nc) athscribed to the within insmm~mt m.,d sL'know~ to me that he/she~tbey executed the same in his/her/heir capacity(ies). md rial by hLn/ber/their signamee(s} on the inslmmem, the indi- vidun!(s), or the person upon belmlf of which tim individual(s) nc~ed, executed the i.n.qz~nent. NOW./Publl= State c,~*~K/~ ( Otmllfled irt Suffolk Gouflty commisslo. Exp~r~ May aO..~ State or .~ county or rt~.. ~.: personally nppanred perdonally known lo m~ or proved m me on the b~is of satJs- fnc~o~ evidence m ~ ~ i~i~(s) ~ ~s) is (~) ~ m ~ ~thin in~t ~ ~k~l~ ~ ~ ~ ~y ex~ ~ ~ in h~ ~-~i~ ~1, ~ ~m by hi~ir si~am~s) ~ ~ ~t. ~ i~i- vidu~(sL ~ ~e ~n u~ ~half ~ whi~ ~ ~, ex~ ~ i~L ~ ~a s~ i~ivid~l m~ s~h ~ ~f~ ~e u~i8~ in the sulx~cribing wimess(es) lo Ihe foregoing insmm~.'nt, with whom I am personally acquainted, who. being by me duly s~orn, did depose ami say that he/'she/~hey reddcfs) in ,D&, dmt h~she/they know(s) to he the individual(si described in and who executed the fore- going instrument: that said subscribing wimes~es) was (were) present and saw said execute the same; and that said wimess(es) at the same time subscribed his/her/their name(s} as a wimess(es) thereto. witness{m) msde .aah appeanmce before lhe unden;igned in .) SECTION 54 BLO~ 8 LOT 2 COUNTY OR TOWN SouLhol d RETURN BY MAIL TO: Wilfred & Elaine Behrenu 360 Dogwood L~ne Southold, New York Zip No. 11971 i Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage [nslrument Page / Filing Fee 7 Handling 5. O0 TP-584 5"'" Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A, Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 =,:co.¢ NYS Sumhnrge 15. 00 Sub Total Other Grand Total RECORDEp Jun 21 01:52:1:S PH Edward P. Ronaine L DOOO1299~ P 69O DT~ Reeording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecYAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment -- Transfer Tax ~ Mansion Tax The property cove. md by this mortgege is or will be improved by n one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # __ of this imtmment. Impmved ~ Tan Service Agency Verification (RjME A) ASatisfactiom/Diseharge.qReleases List Properly Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: / j71 Title Como my Infomation - 3~.-r'/,o/J .'v'~,~ 3/~'~K I1~/ Tide# Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonus part of the attached //~ ~"~'.~ made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The promises heroin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Towmhip of ---Y'~' ~ 7',6 ~ ~/ ~/ ~ ~ /~~ ~HAM~ of BOX~ 6 ~RU ~ MUST BE ~PED OR PRieD IN B~CK INK ONLY P~OR ~ R~RDING OR FII JNG. (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pagesz 3 Receipt ~lmher z 05-0065549 TPJUqSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-45800 Distrtct~ 1000 Deed Amount~ Recordad~ L IBER PAGE Section; Block ~ 054.00 08.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED A~ FOLLOWS $o.oo 06/21/2005 01z52;13 PM Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Yillng $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 1,,10 NYB 8RCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cort.Copies P. PT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Coin. Pre8 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-~5800 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INBTRUME~T THIS IS NOT A BILL D00012393 690 Edward P.R~maine County Clerk, Suffolk County Lot: 0O2.000 $5.00 Szs.oo $75.00 $5.00 $o.oo $o.oo $154.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:# www.orps, state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I Family Riiidemial C(]mmme~ , J,W InClu~UlM fle~denflal V~ ~ A~ K~ ~bl~ ~ce INFOR~TION J "-~ I / / I I~.F.II~i~iI~i ,~ ....... 0 , 0 I ..... 0,01 ~ ~ME~ INFORMA~ON - D~a sh~l~ m~ct the Is~l Final ~se~me~ ~11 and Tax Bill ~ 1LY~M~~ I O~ I 17, T~V~b~l . . . 18,~ ~ I.O I=~ ~..~i~,l .~T~L~ -- ~a~ bio J I J '1 I M' ~ w~ ~ll~e J;~MMlttEM M' .l~tlIJ~ fJKt bL'~t~l~ t~i~ SM~L'~ ~e Io IIm I~pT~ M' tire ~lal I~W I~lMJte ~ ~ makl~ ~ mi-: ~ ~ ~ $EU, ER BUYER'S AI'rORNEY I NEW YORK STATE COPY