HomeMy WebLinkAboutPosillico, WhitneyBOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 Re: ]~{ k ~e~,[ ~oa, r'" Pages: CC: [] Urgent [] For Review [] Please Comment [] Please Reply [] Please Recycle 06/01/05 1;3:50 FAX 633. 7523.008 BLUE WATER ENVIRONMENTAL [~001 Posillico Montauk Associates 1610 New Highway Farmlngdal~, New York 11735 631.249.1872 Septemb~ 9, 2004 Board of Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Soufithold, New York 11971 RE: Bulkhead repair/rom ~003/200~ w~te~ ice 4306 Wurmeweta Road, Nassau Point Gentlemen: I hereby request a waiver of need of permit, to perform repair work 'to an existing wood bulkhead at the above address. This repair work would consist of replacing ~e existing timber piles, top bracing and steel tie rods. The existing wood bulkhead face woald rema/n. Thank you for your attention regarding th/s request, Very truly yours, President · ' 0 Box 733 Wu~ne WetaRoad Nassau Point Southold, New York Septmmber 25, 1986 11971 Town of $outhold Board of Trustees TowaEall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Att: Mr. H. Smith - President Town Board Re: Bulkhead Repair Gentlemen; I hereby request a waiver of need of permit, to perform repair work to an existing wood bulkhead at the above address. (TeChet - Posillico Property) This repair work would consist of replacing the existing timber piles, top bracing and steel tie rods. The existing wood bulkhead face would re- ~i~o Thank you for your attention regarding this request. very truly yours, Mr. Joseph D. Posllllco, Jr. JDP/em Please remitt response to J.D. Posillico, Imc. 1610 New Highway '~ Farmimgdale, NY 11735 ? . HENRY P. SMITH, Ptesldent JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Res, P~DLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPS]f], JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, $3Q95 Main~ Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (5].6) 765-1~9~ October 1, 1986 Mr. Joseph D. Posillico, Jr. J. D. Posillico, Inc. 1610 New Highway Farmingdale~ New York 11735 Re: Bulkhead Repair Techet- Posillieo Property Dear Mr. Posillico: Pursuant to your letter of September 25, 1986 regarding repair work for the above captioned, pleass be advised that the Bay Constable has conductadan on site inspection and determined that this is a repair to the existing structure. In accordance with Article I, 97-12 (5) no permit is required for this work. However, if your original request is modified a new determimatiom will ba necessary. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, if you have any q~estloms or concerns please do not hesitate to contact this off,ce. Very truly 'yours, Henry P. Smith, President Board of TOw~ Trustees, Ilane Pfifferling Secretary to Board RPS:ip Attachment cc: file FIELD REPORT ~ POLICE DEPT., ~FO~N OF ~OUTHOLD, N,Y. Tim. Ou~ T~eln F~ * ~ T~t ~CIMr~ By.A est TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Pursuanf to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of ]89:3 of the State of New' York and Chapter 404 of the Laws of 1952 of.the. State of New York und In accordance with the resolution of the Board. of Trustees of the Town of Southold adopted at a m~eting of said Board on ........... ~...¢~..~....3..0..~.....~...g~....4. ............ andin consideration of,the sum of $.,.~.,..,4..3...., lawful money of the United States, paid by ...... ~..~.e--q-~....e~.. ..................... residing at ............................................................ ;.. ............................... ~ York, the said Board.of Trustees of the Town ok Southold, Suffolk County, t'qew ,York, .-hereby authorizes and permits said .................. ~I.~..~'...eg..~...~.~ .............................................. to ~redge mad Bulkhead ~Ln ~ront o~ ~ .25 and 167 ~cls of Work fro.be done £n accordance with the application submitted. The said ... r:..~....~.....~.....~...et: .................................................... , as part of'the consideration for the issuance of this permit does hereby · release the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Suuthold from any 'and oil damages, claims for damages or suits that may arise or occur directly Or indirectly as a result of any operation carried on under and pursuant to thls permit, and wilt~t his own expense, defend any end oil ~uits which.may be brought by.third parties as a result of any operation carried on pursuant to or in accordance with the terms of this permit, and assume full liability with respect thereto to the complete .exclusion of said Board o~ Tru.~fLa~ THIS P£RN~IT is subject to the following terms and co~iticns: 1. That there, shall be no unreasaneble interference with navigation os work herein outhorlzed. 2. That there shall be no interference with..fl~e right of.the public tqlpass and repass (ilong that portion of the beach between Iow c~d high water mar~, 3. That the Work shaU be subject to the supervision and approvoJ of the said Board of T~ustees or its ~gents, IN WITNESS WHEREQF, the said Board of Trustees of the Town .of Southold has caused its. corporate .sea[ to be hereunto affixed and these presents to-be subscribed by o majority of the said Boo~d of' Trustees, the day and yqar above writter~¢ · . .......................................................... (L. S,) STATE OF NEW' YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK . ) ON THIS....,..'~....doy of.....~i~.~i~f~. ............................... , ~9.6.4.., before me oll pe~lly ~own to me; ~o, being ~y me duly sworn, s~er~lly ~id thot th~ etch resided in the Town of ~uthold, C~n~ of Suffolk, Stere of New York, end ~m m~bers of ~e B~ of Trustees of s~id To~ of ~old end consti~ted ~ mojori~ of' ~e Mme; t~t they ~"Oll.~g NO. 1 Town OF BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ........................................ 19 ............ , .................. ~.~u~...~: ..... chairman, B°ard df 'Trustees ' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT . · · ~' iRSTRUCTIONS A. This application to be completely filled in by type, writer or in ink and submitted to the Town Trustees in duplicate. B. Plot plan showing looatioh of lot and buildings on premise~, relation to adjoining p~'emises, public streets, par~, etc., and giving detailed descript on of proposed layout of prdje~:t must be drawn or~ diagram which is part of this appli- cation. C. The work covered ~y this application may not be commenced before the issuance of a permit. D. Upon, approval of thJs application, Town Trustees wrll issue a permit to applicant, Such permit shall be kept on the premises and available far inspection at all times. E. Applicant shall notify the Board of Trustees upon completion of the work covered by parrot. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the knvs, ordinances and regulations governing construction of: docks, piers, bulkheads, jettys and dredging in; under, and over the waters of Town of Southold. The applicant agrees to comply with all appli- cable laws, ordinances, regulations and conditions specified by said truste~,' s, and to hold the Towr~ of Southold, and all Town officials free from liability and damages of any kind. ~ Name af owner of premises ........... ¥:...~.~..~c. ................................................................................ Street Address of Property .......... ~~.]~,~ ~... Home Address If Other Than Location ............ ~ ................................................................................................................... Creek, Bay or Hater Fror~ng ?r~erty ........ '~'~""~'~"'~'"" "~4' ...... ~: .................................................... Permit Requested To: ..... ~,~.~.......~.....~~,. -~. ....................... ] ...... ;J ...................................... : .............. S,ze of Proposed Work: Length, ~)~,.~'.~J ......... Width ...,'~ ................... He,ghth Above H,gh Water....~.......~....~... ..... Depth Below Law Water .~..,..~..., ,~....... Average Rise In Tide ..~-..~.~ .............. Yards To Be. Excavated ../.~.~ ............ Width of Canal, Creek or Bay Fronting P,~petty ....~..---~...! ......................... Depth at Law Tide ...~...:....~....~... ..................... Is This For Private or Business Use.? ..~(~ ............................. Area Zoning ........................................................ Complete plot plan to be drawn on reverse aide of this'application. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF