HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12221 P 711OO~i~UI.T ~# L~WVER BEFORE SiGNiNG TIII~ INSTRt ;MENT * Tfll~ LN~TRUM E~ [ SiIOUI,D BE ILq£D B% i~W% ERS ONL% THIS INDENTURE. madc the ? d.ay ut'November, 2002 BETWEEN MARGARET E. SMIDT, re~idlng at 25 Hickory Road, Southold, New York. 11971 ~rry of the first part, *HILLIP J. VAN MANEN and DONNA M. VAN MANEN, husband and wife, both residing ut 426 Madison Street, Franklin Sqn~re, New* York, lJ0ii0 part), of,,hc second pan, WITNESSETH. that thc party o£ ~he first pan, in considerati on of TEN (S 1o.00) doilars. lawful t~oney of Ihe United States paM by thc party o f the second pun, does hereby grant and relea~ unto the party of the second par. the heirs or succcs~rs and assigns of thc party of the .~-cond part forever. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the huilding~ and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE aA" ANNEXED ttERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first purl by deed dated December !, 1993 recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on December 10, 1993 in Liber 11655 page 484. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, i£~ny, of the party of the first part in and to any stxects and roads abutting the above de.~ribed premises to thc center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of thc first part in and to .~id ~ernises- FO HAVK AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto thc party of the second pan. the heirs or succeSSor~ and ~sig~s of thc pat~y of the second p~ tbrever. AND the party of the first pan covenants that the party of the first pru't ha~ not done or su flared anything whereb.v the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND THE pazl. y of the first part, in compliance with Sc-c~ion 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first pa~ will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first tbr th~ purpose of payinl~ the cost of the improvernem, and will a_pply the same first to the payment o£the co$1 o['the improvement belbre using any ~ o1' Ihe lotal of the same for any other puqx~se. The word ~'party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of thls indenture ~ requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc pzr~, of thc fi~t pa~ has duly execmed ~his deed thc day and year first $ abovc vt~ittcn. I~A~ARET~. SM1DT STAT£ OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: On the .~n day of November, 2002, before mc, the undersigned, personally appearccl MARGARET E. 5MIDT. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence !o be thc individnal whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledgcd to me that she executed the same in her mipaeity, and lhat by hct signature on thc instrument, the individual, or ~ person upon behalf of which the individUa[ a~ted, executed the instrument. M~"EOPOL[TAN ABSTRACT CORPORATION One Old Country Road Carte Place, New Y~rk 115i4 SCHEDULE ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, piece or parcel o£ land, sito~l¢, lying and I~ing in the Town of So..hold. Coun~ of Suffolk and State of New York, particularly bound, ed mgl described as follows: BEGINNING at a conch, re monurra:m set at thc intersection of the southwesterly line of Hickca3' Road with the norlhwesledy line of Chesmul Road; RUNNING along said northwesterly line of Chestnu'l Road, South 47 degrees 49 minutes 40 s~:oraJ$ West, 130 feet to lan~ now or formerly o£ Epp; THENCE along said la.,~l of Epp, North 42 elegies 10 minutes 20 seconds West, 93.22 feet to l~md of Domumt Bros.; THENCE along said land of Domurat Bros., North 47 ch:g.,'~es 49 minutes 40 t, econds F. as~, 130 tL~el to said somhwesterly line of Hickor~ Road; THENCE along said soulhwestcrly linc of Hickory Road, South 42 degrees 10 minutes 20 s~conds East, 93.22 feet lo ~he point or place of BEGINNING TORRENS :Serial ~ Ce~dicate # . ~ior cir. # Handling TT-Sg4 ~. o~L ~ O0 ~ifi~d ~y P~ C~y · Inilia~ L~ed ! Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording / Filing Slmnp Sub Total Sub Total Real {~ur~rly TaX Serv'ce Agency V,:a'lficailmx 0~ 1000 05400 0go0 009000 .} M0rlgaga Ami. 1, Basic 1*ax 2. Additional Tax , , Sub TOIal Ot ~c./A~ TOT. M~, TAX Dual Town '. ~al Count)' ,,,, coveted by Ihls nuxlgage is or proved by a one ot Iwo family Page 'Conaideratiott A CPF Tax Due ,t $,298,000.00 $ [lli~rved X Suffolk Count' page forms pan of the attach~ Nai'garet E. Sm/dr TI) -rD TD .Title Comp.any lnformatio, Co. Name PIetropolitan Abstract Corp. Title # S3395! 2 Recordir & Endorsement Pa e Bargain end Sale 0eed (SPECIFY TYPE OF ffqs'IRUI~ .413qT ) The pr~nises herein is situaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO Phillip J. Yah Manen nnd 0onna M. Vas NeeeA' In thc Town.ship of Southold in lhe VILLAGE, ~, Souchold or HAJvlLET of BOX-ES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE'I'YP~ OR PR[NII:.D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. made by: l ll l ll{llllllllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllil I II!!1111111111 '! ~u~OLK COUNTY CLERK P~CORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Numbe~ of Pa~es: 4 TRANSFE~ TAE NI]~F.R: 02-16580 D£stgict: 1000 Reoorci~d: At: LI~: PAGE: Section: Block: 054.00 09.00 $298,000.00 11/25/2002 11:06:02 ~M D00012221 711 007.000 Received ~he Followi_nq Feem For P~e/Filinq * $12.00 cog $5.00 ~A-C~Y $5.00 TP-584 $5:00 ~eT 830.00 Trans£er tax $1,192.00 ~SF~RTAXNU~ma~R: 02-16580 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF ~ INSTRUMENT $5.00 NO $15.oo $25.00 NO $o.oo $o.oo NO $2,960.00 $4,254.00 Counter Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM I~SIRUCTiONS: http:, wvcw orps.statv,1 ¥ us or PHONE ~5!8~ 473 7222 P~P~RTY NFQR~A ~0~ ~ I Southo18 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP- 5217 and Donn~_~L 09 / 0;,~ 02 I 2 g 8 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 ] (~-!o-o~.~,~! .oo~9.oo-oo7 ,oo0 I!;r ! cAz~ou J tluwel ~, ~:~q. George A,