HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12372 P 531THIS INDENTURE, made thc 4TM day of Fcbrnary, in the year 2005 BETWEEN PrB, [.LC, HAVING A PLAC~ OF BUSINF, SS AT 30 STERN COURT, FARMtNGDALE, NY I 1735 pafly of the first part, and SOFNIK, [.LC HAVING A PLACE OF BUSIN 'ESS AT 58 HILL DRIVE, OYb-II:R BAY, NY I 1772 party of thc second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the: first pan, in consideration of Ten dollars a~d other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby gram and release unto the party of the second part, thc heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the secxmd pa~t forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of ~d, with the buildloo and improvemems thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED ]3EhNG AND INTENDED TO BE ~ same premises conveyed to the patty or' the first pa~t by deed dated 9/26/03 ~md recoeded in the Ol'~oe or,he CIo~ of the Coumy of Suffolk on I 0/20/2003 in Liber 12278 cp 782 as conected in I_ibcr 12331 cp 734. DIST I000 SEC. 033.00 BLK. 03.00 LOT 019.1109 TOGETHER with all riEhL lille and interest, f any. of the patty of the first pan in and to any sUeeLq and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof: TOGE'ITEER with the appurtenances and all tl'tc .estate and tis. his of the party of the first pan in and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises h~rem granted unto the party of the second pM, the heirs or successors end assigns of the party of the second p~m forever. AND ~e pafly of the first pan covenants that the party of Ibc first part has not done or suffe~d nnylhing whereby ~.e.~ p~.m ~es .h.a. ve _been encu.mhernd i.n any ~,.ay ~atever. except as nfo~=~aid i,~, wm ,~.c~vc mc cop. stoorutJolJ lot ~ls conveyance and will hold the fight to n.'coive such colt~ideralion as a trust fund to be applied first for the puqxtse of paylog the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first ~ i/l~.. ~Pa..,y ,._n~. t ?.,f,. ~fl~.,,c~s~_t _Of ~ im~two .?neat ~b~,f_o. re.us!,ns any part Of the total of the same for any other p~lrpo~. · . ,.,,.~u pm %y a~laJ] ue~ coltsltUe~ as tl It ren~ parlle$ w]lello~'er the ~p~ie of thLq Jndantum ~ requires. w,~itten.lf*l WITNF_.,SS WIIKREOF, the patty of the first pan hasduly execu~deed the~,y~l ye at first above 'STAT[/ OF NEW YORK, C00NTY OF On ~he ~ day of F'ebma~ in the year 2005. before me. the undclsigned, permnally appea~"~...~'~ pe~ona~ly known to m~ or proved to me on the basis of sarisfa~:tory evidence to be the iedividunl(a) whose namels} is (are) .~lbsedbed to Ihe within in.~ mont and nchnowlo:l~d to me that heIsho/tbey eaecuK"d ~ same in his/her/t~ir and ~hal by his/ho~beir siip~are(a! on the instrumem. ~he individual(s), or the potion on behalf of which Ihe individual(s) NOTAI~Y PUBLIC Not~y No. O1MA48~2~, Quallfi~:l in N~u Gountv ~,mission STATI; OF , COUI~I'Y OF On thc day of in Ihe ycw before me. the unde~gned, a Notary Publk in ~nd for said S~c, pem'm;lly apl~.m'ed · subsaribinJ witness Io the foregoirsg instmmonk ~.'ilh whom I am pe~onully acquainted, who. bating by me duly s~s~-n, did daposa and say that hotsl~they resida(s) in [hmd~tlml he/abe/they know{s) lo be th~: individual described in ofld who execarc'd ran R~goiflg ins~rum,:nt: tluu said subscribing witness ~ pre, fit and saw said caesura thc same; ~ that said witness at the same time sab~'rib~l his/her/their name(s) as a witness thereto ladd de folIowin~ if the aekflowl~l~lenl ia la~en ~d ~a ~id ~bin~ wit~ ~ ~ ~ ~fo~ · e ~g~ in thc (~ Bargain and Sale Deed WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S Ac'rs TITLE NO. PTB, LLC TO SOFNIK, LLC Distributed By r Chicago Title Insurance Company STATE OF Oa the dny of in the yenr be fo~. mc, the undersigned, pers~3~dly apFe0A-d , penoflnlly knovm to me ~ t~)ved to me on ~ho ba~ of sati~fatnory ~,idance to h~ the individual(s) whoso camota) L~ tare) subsafibed lo the wilhin il~,~-ument and .al. knoM~d, ged to me that ~bey executed the same in ~.i .s/.Iw~hetr enpa~ty{.'.es.k, and ~al by his/he~heir ~ignature(s) on u~ tn.qmmenl, the individuaJ[sL o~ the peno~ on bchnlf of which the individunJIj) ntned, eaecuted the inmumem ladd the foilowin~ if the aelmowksJ~m~ is m~n outside Ny nisei and Ibat said individual mede su~ nppeanmce before Ihe unde~igfled in the ¢imert ~he city ~ ~ politkat subdivision ~1 tt, e STATE OF , COUNTY OF On the day of in the year before me pen~onally came to me known, who. being by me duly sworn, did depose ned say tlut be resides at thnl he bthe of the cotporatiml des~ibed in and which eaecuted tho forgoing instmraent: that he knows the seal of sam coq~orarion: that the seal affixed to sakJ inatmmmt is such coqx~ate seal; thai it w.~ so affixed by o~der of the board of dire~ors of said cmpor~ion. and Ihat ho slgned h name thereto by like artier. RL~I'URN BY MAIL TO:. STEPHEN REMUZZI, ESQ, P.O. BOX 465 ROCKY FOINT, NY 11778 SU]~RISE ABSTRACT LLC. DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as lot No. 9 as shown on a certain map entitled, 'Map of Rockcove Estates" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on June 11, 2001 as Map No. 10637, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Rockcove Lane where same is intersected by the division line between lots 8 and 9 on said map; RUNNIN~qiENCE North :LO degrees 53' 40' West, along said division line, 183.25 feet; ~"~ENCE North 50 de,tees 36' 10" East, 142.98 feet; THENCE South 10 degrees 46' 23" East, 230.24 feet to the northerly side of Rockcove Lane; THENCE Westerly, along the northerly side of Rockcove Lane, the following 3 courses and distances; 1) Along an arc of a curve bearing to the left, having a radius of 60.00 feet a distance of 42.63 feet; 2) Along an arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 40.00 feet a distance of 32.09 feet; 3) Along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 600.00 feet a distance of 56.31 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. $crial# , ;, · . : Prio~ Ctf: # : Pt~e / FllinS Fee ,. Hnndling . . :' . .5. TP-584 , Notation EA-52 ~? (c°u"t~) . EA-5217 (Stule) . ,' Comm. of Ed. $. '00 ' Affidavit ".: EB.,'"0RI~ D 2005 Feb 15 I0114:24 Eq:fl~ rd P. Ror,.aine CLERf( CF 9,FFOLK eigHTY L I)00012372 P 531 DT# 04-295'20 Dcal/ M(-d~agc Tlut Stamp Sub ~ ~ealified Copy. Reg. Copy ' "" Sub Total O~her 4' District BloCk Lot Rex. rodinS / Hling Stamps Motlpne Amt. 1. Bmdc Tax 2. Additional Tax __, Sub 'rotal SpecJAs~it. or Spec./Act(]. TOT. MTG. TAX Doal Town __ Dual County __ tie. id for Appointme,nt.,,.==_/~.. ' Mansion Tax ' The p.mpe~ty covered by this mbngng¢ is or will be improved by a one or two famil~ dwelllng only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on Real ~.OOt~, .; 0~0/~07~ 1000 0:3300 0300 019009 · Agency Contm"nitT Preservation Fund Amount Verification ; ........... i Improved · ' ......... Ynmlnl ].,and 6 5ntisfac~ioos/Di~. es/Rel~.a~ M~ ~y Ows~ Mdliq A~s s Suffo 'C & Endorsement Pa,, SUFFOLK CODNTY Cr-1;RK RECOEDS OFFZC1; RECORDZNG PAGE Type of Instruments DEEDS/DDD ~--~er of Pages; 4 Receipt Number s 05-0018649 TP~NSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-29520 1000 Deed A~unt~ Reoorded: Ate LIBER: PAGE= 033.00 03.00 EXAM~N~DANDCNARG~DAB FOLLOWB $317,500.00 Received the Following Fees :For Above Instrument Exempt Page/F:Lling $12.00 NO Hendli~u3 cee $5.00 NO NYS BECHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Coptee RPT $30.00 NO 8~£W Transfer t~x $1,270.00 NO C~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFEE TAX N~MBER: 04-29520 THIS PAGE Ig A PART OF THE ZNSTRD]~NT THIS I8 NOT A BZLL Edward P.Romalne County Clerk, Suffolk County 02/~8/2005 lo;14=2~ ~ D00012372 531 Lots 019.009 Exm~..t $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $4,850.00 NO $6,362.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITINU UN FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp://ww~.orpa.$tate.ny, us or PHONE {518) 473-7222 LFOR COL~NTY U~ ONLY 3. Tu I.)L~ No41-ResideflUal v~,lel Land III I EnleneJnmentlAmusame~ L~{ Facto COPY