HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12425 P 930 I000 0~.oo 05.oo First American Title Insurance Company of New York I BARGAIN and SAI.g. DEED, with COVENANT AI~. Imst Orantor's AeI~ - Individual or C~rl~.ration THIS ! NDENTURE, made the 18 day of Novamber. in the year 2005 BETWEEN Name: Joannn Cnlabresa Address: ~ Cuteogne, NY 1193S party of the first pan. and Name: Carl W. Patehke Addre~ 130 Lee Avenue, Roekville Centre, NY I I ~/0 Name: £1enn M. Pntehke Address: 130 Lee Avenue, Ro~kville Centre, NY I IS?0 party ofthc second part, WITNESSETH, ~t the party of the first pm, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideratico i~id by the party of the second pan, doe~ hereby grant and release unto the pany ofthe second pan, the heirs or successors and ansigns of the party of the second patty forever, SEE SCHEDULE A FOR PROPERTY DESCRIPTION TOGE~.IER wi~ all righk title and inte~ iffy. of~e ~y of the fi~t p~ in abmt~g the ~ve d~c~ ~ to ~ ~nm lines ~f; ~ER wi~ ~e a~ ~d all esm~ and r~a of~e p~y of~ tim ~n in ~d m said p~cs; ~ ~AVE AND ~ HOL~ the p~mi~ he.in grant~ unto ~e p~ of~e ~nd ~, the ~i~ or su~ors and louver. AND the ~ of t~ f~t ~ cove~ ~ the ~y of ~ fiut p~ h~ not d~e or suffered ~y~ing whe~by thc said p~i~s have b~n enamored in ~y way w~ver, ~ccgt ~ afom~id. AND the parly oF the first pat% in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of thc first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration ns a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of payin~ the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any gaff of the total of the same for any other pu~0nse. The word "patty" shall be construed ns if it read "parties" whenever thc sanse ofthis indenture so requires. IN WITNESS ~HF41~EOF,Athe pany of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year [ N PRB~CI1 OF: ~/ Pa rlslu and Sob bed, wUk OA~aat of Suffolk, STYe of New York, known snd demgnn~ea as hp~ ~ on Map o~ Kocgcovc Bsm~e~", filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Coun~ of Suffolk on June 11, 2001 as Map No. 10637 more pLrficularly bo,,nded and descn'bcd as follows: ' BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of htle~ Pond Road ~,hcrc same is intersected by the division line of Lot 7 and Lol 8 on the aforesaid map; RUNNING THENCE north 79 dngees 54 mlm~tes 43 seconds east 160 feet to the division line of Lot 8 and Lot 9 on the aforesaid map; . RUNNING Tt.IENCB south 10 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds east 183.25 feet to die northerly side of Rock Cove Lane; 'RUNNING THENCE westerly along the northerly side of Rock Cove l~,~e along a curve having a radius of 600 feet, a length of 106.18 feet to a point of curve; RUNNING THENCE alon~ a curve bearing to the rip, ht having a radius of 40 fcct, a lehigh of 65.57 feet to said curve connecting the northerly side of Rock Cove Lane with the easterly side of Inlet Pond Road; RUNNING THENCE northerly along the easterly side of Inlet Pond Road, Id_ong curve having a radius of 1306.8 fcet, alengdiof 160.11 feet to the point or p ace o~l, BEGINNING. First American Title Insurance Company of New York BARGAIN and SAIJ~. DF. ED, with COVENANT Aphut Graotor's Acta - Indlvida. l or Corporation * STATE OFNEW YORK / ss.: COUNTY OF Suffolk ) On thc 18 day of November in thc year ~0~ befo~ mc, ~e undated, pe~onally ~ Joanne Cabby. ~nal~ ~own m me ~ ~v~ ~ me on ~e ~is of ~fa~o~ evid~ ~ ~ t~ individuals) wh~ n~s) is (a~) su~rib~ to ~e wigan in~m~t ~d ~know~g~ lo me t~t h~sh~ey ex~t~ the ~e in hi~er~e~ ca~cit~ies), ~d ~t by h~ signatu~(s) on ~e i~nt. the individaal(s), ~ ~e ~n u~n ~half of which ~e individuals) ac~d, execu~ ~e i~tmmem. S~naturt and O~ of Individual takln~ .ekno~ment * For acknowladgmen~ ~n in New York Slate. · argain anaCSafe cDeear WITH COVENANT AGAI,~IST ORANTOR'S ACTS PREMISES Joanne Cnlabrese Skeet Section TO Block Lot Carl W. Patchke & Elena M. Patcbke Plate ,. ...... .. Volume Dbtrkt t'~rs~ ~medmn ~tte Inmmnee ¢~ Tax Map D~. of New York Coumy or Town I.oq hitnd Street Numlnr Otr~l ~ JJJ/~r/e ~ ($1~) Olq,ooS' 130 Lee Avenue 1000-033,00-03.00-019.008 Suffolk 16'/0 Inlet Pond Road, Grt'~nport, NY 11944 Re~orded At P..-'~-st of Carl W. Patchke, Esq. 130 Lee Avenue Rockville Centre, INN' I I S'/O Nmlll~r of lingos Se,iai # Ce~lil'icale # I'riorCtr. # TORRF_.N$ Deed / MoJlgage hmlmutent Page / f"iliug Fee I.Imldling 'rP-58,1 N~datim~ EA-52 17 (Couuly) ~A-5217 (Slatc) R.I;'I;$.A. Comm. or Ed. Affiduvil Gcrli fled Copy NY$ Surcharge Olhcr 5. 0O 1.5. OO 2005 Dec 16 11:48:16 RN Edward P.Roaaine CLEI~ O~ SUFFOLK COUNTY L DO0012425 P DT# 05-19~43 Dced I Mortgage Tax Slmnp: Sub 'Iblal Rcal Property 'lhx Service Agcflcy Vc] ificqlio]] Sub 'lbtel ' .. 05049'16;3 zooo ossoo osoo ^) SalisrucliunslDischnrgeslReleuses Lisl Property Owttcra Mniliag Add~s RE, CORD & RETURN 'iXJ: Co. Name Tide # Read,ding I Filing Slamps ' Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic 'lax 2. Additioual Sub 'l'~tal SpccJAssR. or Spec./Add. ,,, 'ITJT, MTG. TAX Dual 'lbwn Dual County Iteld fur Appointment Trmtsfer Tax ~ ~ Mm~sion 'l'mt The inope~ly cuverexl by Utis mm18age i! or will be imj}mved by a one or Iw~ fmuily dwel/~6to]dy. ~, YF-~qX~__ ur NO.__ _ If NO, see appropriate 'tax clause mt pag~ # of lids instrml~m]L / ~ . S Commanl. ty Pre_ne_~mtion. Fuad Improved. Vacm]! Land TD TD CPF Tax Due Title,Cum ' lnfi~rumtion Suffolk' County Recording & Endorsement Page 'ri]is page forms pan of thc attached ~ (SPEC~y TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: C)'o o.a,'~.. Ox:d"b,.cs-.~ Thc I~'U,,,isc~ heroin i, silu.t~d in $u~:~OLX counn'v. ~w,,'orx. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages= 4 Receipt ~her : 05-0130495 TP~NSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-19643 District= 1000 Deed Amount: Section= Block: 033.00 03.00 ~=~MINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $895,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exem~= Page/Fili~ $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO SC'TM Transfer t~ $3,580.00 NO C~.Pres Fees Paid T~ANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-19643 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Recordeds Edward P.R~maine County Clerk, Suffolk County 12/16/2005 11:48s16 AM LIBER: D00012425 PAGE: 930 Lot = 019.008 $5.00 $15 00 $75 00 $o oo $0 O0 $14,900 O0 $18,632 00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM - INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 47~-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY . ~ ~ I C2. Date Deed Reoorded STATE BOARD OF REAL PROI~R1T ~LqVlC~8 =~, /z?../~ .~p,~,q~,~.. ,] ~[-., RP-'5217 1.~ 1670 I Tnlet Pond Road 2. Buym { Patehke [ Carl ~,/, 1 I Patehke I Elena N. I , /I #ofPamals OR [] PirtofePamel I e. h,k~ I Calabrese I Joanne I I I I A B C D E F O H I J 51U ~ fgsr~-.,,u..?y./ SELLER NEW YORK STATE COPY Carl ' BUYER c__;:_., 1000 ~.-hen 033. oo I I Block Lot 01~. ~ I I d~' w~ r~ ~ ~ k~ ~l ~ ~ to ~ e~ ur ~ ~1 ~ ~h~ te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~