HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 353THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ ~'~-- day of May 2005 BETWEEN E~t of Eden, L[.C, a New Yod; lira.Ired llablli(y compaay, w~ ~caa nt 230 Ea~ 85th S:~et, New York, New Yod( 10028 party of Ute f~rst part, and Squire~ BNd. Development Corporation 45 DougtsB Court Hampt~x~ Bays. New York 11030 party of the second part, WITNES~ETH, thai ~he party of Ihe I1mt part, In conaldoraUon of . . Tan (S10.00) D~dlars and other good and valuable conaldoration dollem paid by ~he pmty at ma second part, dose bemby grant and raleaae un'fo the party of Itm secund part, the haim or sucr~- _-.'~s. and mign~ of the party of the ___-econd_ p~l forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of lend, with the b~ildingl and improvements Utemon a _m~__=d. sltuato, ! lylr:~] and being In the See Attached Exhibit A SubJecl Io t~e burdara of the Covenant~ and Re~ric~on~ raeordad In the 8uffe~ Cotm[y Cle~k~ eEta at Uber 11811 page 219, Uber 1';928 Page 225. Ubor 12106 papa 575, Ubor 12236 page 484 and Ubor 12236 page 483. Being a p°rti°*q °f the pmmim conveYnd to t~a pm'ties of Um first par~ herein by deed recorded In Uber 12216, papa 336. ~ TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all Ute setsts and rights of the party of Ute first part In and to ~ pmmlm~; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prem~sse herein granted unto the patty of the ~ pa;t, the halm or lu__,:ce__-sors and aaaigna of the party of Ute second part forever. AND the party of the flint pa. covenorda that the party of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby Ute seJd prentiaes have heart encumbered In any way whatever, aacept aa aforesaid. AND We parly of the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of Ute I. Jan Law, (~overmnts that the party of the as a I~uot fund to be applied Itmt for the pu~cee of paying the cost of the Impmvemunt and w;~l apply Ute sema first to the PaYment of the coal of the Improvement before uaktg any prat of the total of the seine for any ntber puq~ose. The word 'party' shall be ce~al~ued aa If It read 'partes' when eva' the BoJ'I~O ~ thJ~ Indmlture sO mquiraa. IN WITNE$8 WHEREOF, the ;]arb/of t~e f'~t part ~se duty executed this deed Ute day and year first above Schedule ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel oi land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, known and designated as Lot 19, on 'Map of Rockcove Estates,' filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 11,2001 as Map No. 10637, (the "Map") being only a portion of the promises conveyed by Sal Caiola and Benny Caiola, Jr., as joint tenants in common without right of survivorship, by that certain deed to Lot 19 and other parcels, dated as of June 19, 2002, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County at liber 12216, page 336. The streets, courts, drives, lanes and roads shown on the Map are reserved Io the party of the first part for dedication purposes to the Town of Southold. The party of the second part is granted an easement for the purposes of ingress and egress over such streets, courts, drives, lanes and roads. Specifically excluding each of those certain parcels of land designated and identified on the aforesaid Map of Rockcove Estates as (I) Recharge Basin, (ii) Sound Drive, (iii) Inlet Pond Drive, (iv) Rockcove Lane, (v) Caiola Court and (vi) the Homeowners Association Beach Ama, respectively, such parcels aP'=o being a portion of the aforementioned premises so conveyed to Sal Caiola and Benny CaJola, Jr. TO BE U~FD DULY Wlfl~l ~ A~O~ I:~rAl~:z~r ig u~r~ ~N NEW yORK ~rATF State d New Yed;, County of New York ss: 8Mte of New. York. COl~ty of Onthe II dayof f~ In the ye~' 2005 Onthe dayo~ in~heyeer bef~.e me, the Llnddrllg ~n~UpejAonally I~ppeBl~d before me, the underslgnad, penormlly alfred pemonBIly known ~)~ or pmv~ to me on the b~ail u! per~ty k~own to ma ~ proved to me on the b~l of i~ti~f~y evidence to be thl lndMdual(i) .~ nmme(~) J~ B.~flc~ evidence (.m) mJblcdbed to the wflhln Inltmmenl .nd m:knowladged to (~m) ~ub~clfoed to t~ within ln~t~nmnt and .cknowledged to me thai he/sha/ttmy executed ~he ~me In hls~ner/thelr me Ihlt he/~he/t~ay executed the 8~me In hl~herhhelr cap~Jty(lel), Ind thlt by hb~er/thelr llgn~ll'e(I) o~ the i~lolty(la~). ~nd thmt by hll/her~helr $~natum(i) on the Irmtm men r. b~Je IA~[VidU"I(I.~ Or J~]mf~on ulxin behiif ~ whlc~h Ir~nt, tim IndJvidulU(i), (a' the perlo~ upon behalf of VA~Ctl the ino3vtd~ufT~ )/8c~~t nnn6 nt. the incfividual(.)acted, executed the iflltmmonL (liono~J(Bnd ~tfl~ l{~(~oldng acknowledgment) (signet ,re aAd office of individual taking ockflowtodgment) '~,mnmillml Exptrel May 11, ~. 'T(~ RI: US~3 ONLY ~N ~ AL~(/4QMn l=~V=ul=NT B M~np ~ [r~uW 'yC2RK STA. iT State (or Distd~ of C~umb~, Te~, or F~i~ On ~e day of In pe~ ~ ~ mo ~ ~ ~ mo ~ ~e b~18 of ~8fe~o~ e~ ~ ~ t~ indl~u81(8) w~ na~(e) ~ (~) su~ ~ ~ ~]n ins~t a~ ~ m ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ In ~r ~t~bs), end BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Title No. East of Eden, LLC TO Douglas Schme~der IM.qRISON, NY 'L~__~ 914-~1-67~0 · BMi-211-TITLE DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 033 BLOCK 03 LOT 019.019 COUNTY OR ToWN Southold STREET ADDRESS I~J~od at Request ~ THE JUDICIAL TITLE INSURANCE AGENCY LLC RETURN BY MAIL TO:. Jay L. Yackow, Esq. 1400 Old Count~/Road Suite 309 Nestbuty, New York 11590 u~ECORDE.o' . I 13 ll. Ol. II ~1~ Ed~rd P. I~:~aine CLErk OF ~-F~ L D00012~97 BT! 04=4~9 This ~ f~ ~ of~ anached SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDTNG PAGE T~pe of Inst~,~e-t; DEEDS/DDD ~,--~r o£ Pages~ 4 Receipt Number ; 05-0072473 TRANSFER T~X NUMBER: 04-48739 District~ 1000 Deed Amount: At~ LIBER: PAGE= Section; Block; 033.00 03.00 EXAMZNED ANDCHARGEDASFOLLOWB $436,740.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrmaent Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYB HRCHO EA-C~Z $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Cop~ss RPT $30.00 NO Trans£er ~a~ $Z,748.00 HO Cc=ma. Pres Fees Paid TIUt.qBFER ?AX NUMBER; 04-48739 TNI8 PAQE I8 A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County 07/13/2005 11~01~11AM D00012397 353 Lot: 019.019 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $7,234.80 NO $9,224.80 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK RP - 5217 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'J/www, orp$.state.ny, un or PHONE {518) 473-7222 RROPEI~'Y INFORK,ATION ~ I ~llff~r~d[~h~dNd I d I I #ofP;reek OR P~ol.l~n:ol I A ~:~ Ona Flmlly RIIidenl~ i~ Commun;ty Sewice DI I No~-~e~enU~ Vm~n~ ~nd I ~ INFORMA'I~ON I g. New CCIlllnJ~on M~ Vaoam Land [] [] [] ' i ISLL 03.~ i: C~L I I NEW yORK STATE COPY