HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12372 P 532THIS INDENTURE, mnde the 4TM dny of Februmy. in the year 200~ BETWEEN I'I1:1. I.LC. I'tAVING A PLACE OF BUSINES.S AT 30 STERN COURT. FARMINGDALF. NY 11735 pany of the second pan. W1TNF. SSETH, thai the party of the Cu"st pan. in consideration of Ten dollan and other valunblc Consideration pakl by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the ~..-'ond pail the heirs or ...ucces~s and assigns of the party of the ~econd pan forever, ALL that certain ptoL piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements ~ereon e~.-ctcd, ,ituate, lying SEESCHEDULE"A#ANNE,V~rrD BEING ,4~ND I~TENDED TO BE ~ samc p~'mise~ conveyed m the party of'the fi~t part by deed dam:l 9/26/03 and reeon~'d in the Office ol'the Clerk o£the County of Suffolk on 10/20/2.003 in la"oer 12278 cp 782 as conectnd in l.~'her 12331 cp '/34. DIST I000 SEC. 033.00 BLK. 03.00 LOT 019.022 aTbuO~uinEI~ ibeHffnl~i, th a~ll rig.~ht,~title a~. intenna., if any, of the parly of the first pan in and 1o any sm,ets ~ ro~;L~ o II u~ aeove oescnoeo premlaea to ~ center IJlles thereof: T(X~ET[-IER wilh Ihe nnnunennn,~e ~e .estate and .rights o.f the pa~y of Ih, first pan in and to said premisas; TO HAVE AN~¥i~'~[~b' nereLn grantee unto me party of the second pan. the heli~ or su~'essors and as~ie.n.~ of the oartv of A · Y .Y ' Pt M ne°re'ale' .ND ~e ..p~t. y of. the.tim ~ m .com. pl~ .n? with Section 13 or' the Lien Law, covenants that Ihe pan~ of ~trstm~tl~f~_wJ~_ Ltt~e_ ive..me.~n~?ra..tmn mt mis conve~yanco and will Imld the right to receive such cons~da:ation as urns to oe app.ea .m mr me purpose of paysnR thc LOSt of the imnrovement nnd w ann v ~- ..m,- ~,., // NOTARY PUBLIC STA~ OF , CO~ OF On I~ day of in t~ ~f~ ~. t~ ~ n N~ ~1~ in ~ for ~d Sine, ~ally ~ , sa~ib~g wit.s m ~n~ly ~u~, n~ ~y th~ h~y ~mo~thnt he/she/~ey kno,,~s) to be thc indlvklunJ described in and who execated ~e for~oin~ in~tument: that said sab~n'blng WJtnesa ~ pr~dmt and saw sa~d exet~tu t]~ same and that said witness ut the same time sab~'tbed his/be#thoir name(s) t~ a wime~ thereto [add the follo~ if the acknowled~nem is token outside NY StateJ and that said subscribing witness made such spremmee before thc undc~gned in thc (~s~'a thc cio' m ~ political subdiviskm Bargain and Sale Deed wfrH COVENAIVT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Trn~ No. ZOUMA~ C~ACTING Chicago Title Insumnca Company STAT~ 0~' On tho day of in the yeur before me. the undersigned, pgmxudly ~%oe, nred . pem~dly knovm to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfac~o~ evidence to he the indiv~uaJ(s) whose nnme($) is (nrc) subsc~bed Io ~ within inszmm~l and ~knowl~l~l ~o me that be/she/they executed the same in h.* .zd~thelr capncit, yfi.es.}, and Ihnx by his/horflbeir signatureh) on [~ .m~..merit. tbe ifldtvidual(s), or' the person oa behnlfof which the zndwidun~s) nc~ed, e~cmed the ns~mment and d~ ~d indiv~dun) made suc~ r,~,~...,~e befm~ Ihe und~signed in tbe ([n~ ~e c~ m' odin' poUtk:al m~dt~sim and ~g STATS OF , COtJ'NTY OF Onthe dayof in ~ year bet'nre me per~tnally c~ne to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depos~ nfld say thnl he resicks at Ihat he is the of the corpomJofl described in and which exccuted the fmeeoir~ instrument: that he know~ the seal of said coq~ration; that the st, al affixed to stid ]mtmment is tach eo~ ~-aJ; thai it ~ :o affixed by order of tM board of'dirKtors of said ctnporation. and[hat he sii~ncd h flame thereto by like oaJer. RETU]~I BY MAll- TO: ~,- t Ir:.PHEN REM UZZI, ESQ. P.O. BOX 465 ROCKY POINT, NY 11778 SUNRISE ABSTRACT Lr.C. DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or,arcs1 of land, situate, lying and being et Green~ort, Town o£ Southold, Co~u~ty Of Suffolk an~ State of New York, known and designated as lot No. 22 as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Rockcove Estates, and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Of£ice on June 11, 2001 as Map No. 10637, and being ~re particularly bounded and described as follows: B~G~NNING at a point on the westerly elde of Inlet Pond Road where same is intersected by the division line between lot Nos. 22 and 23 on said mep; RUNNING THENCE Southerly, along the westerly s~de o£ Inlet Pond Road, on an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 1356.81 feet° a distance of 144.40 feet; THENCE South 74 degrees 45~ 20" West, 154.97 feet; TH~NC~ North 15 degrees 14' 40" West, 161.50 feet; 'r~C~ N~rth 80 degrees $1~ 12" Rest, 16).57 feet to the westerly side of Inlet Pond Road at the ~o~nt or place of BEGINNING. ' ' L ~1~ ~ ~ . . P ~2 = DT~ ~21 ~-52 { 7 (C~ty)~-. j Sub ~1 S~c./A~.  . DuM ~ ~nl County ~ A~vit Ma~on ~ ~ ~y ~ve~ by this mortgng~ ~ ~B~PY. "' ' ~ ~Jl ~ impmv~ by n oneor two ~g ~py ,.. f~ly dwelling only, ~[ Suffo~ cOn~ty Recordmg & Endorsemen~ Page .This l~..{e fonm P{~t. of Ih~ aqnr. hed ' ~ · __ made by: .. ' · (SPEcIF'/TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~ ~ t.. ,L-C,; . . Thc prcmis~ here. in is aitualcd in : S~LK COUN'I~ NEW YORK. {{IEEII{IIIII{{IIIIllE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RKCORDINO PA~E T~pe of' Znstrumentz DEEDS/DDD ~sr of Pm3es: 4 Receipt ~gr : 05-0018649 ~SFER TAX 14UMBER: 04-29521 District: 1000 Deed~unt= Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block~ 033.00 03,00 EXAmPleD J~D CHARGED A8 FOLLOWS $317,500.00 02/18/2005 10,14=24 AH Received the Following Fees For Above Xnstrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 HO HYS SRCHO KA-C~ $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 HO Csrt.Copies RPT $30.00 NO BCTK T~ans£er tsx $1,270.00 ~O C~.Pre8 Fees PaAd TI~MqBFER TAX H~MBER: 04-2952:]. 'I'HZB PAHE ZS A PART OF THE Zlt'HTRUM~NT THTH ZB MOT A BZLL D00012372 532 Edw&rd P. Rmna~ns County Clerk, 8u£folk County LoCt 019.022 $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $o.oo $o.0o $4,850.00 $6,362.00 Exempt NO NO NO i' ' PLF_,~ TY~RI~I'LY WkEN WR~'~'OR~I .......... ~ INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orp~,$tate.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I ~E ,.~o.M~.o. I C D I J J ~,T~MEN? INFORMATION - Data fhould reflect the lataet Final ~ Roll end T&~ Bill , BUYER I NEW YORK STATE COPY