HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12412 P 372f DIST. 1000 SECT. 033.00 BLOCK 03.00 LOT 019.024 019.026 THISlNDE~WI'URE, mndeihcc~'.c~O~' dayof August .intheye~r 200S BETWEEN EAST OF EDEN, LLC, a New York limited liability company, ha51ng its principal place of business at 230 East ~th Street. New York, New York 10028 TOWN OF ~UTHOLD, a municipal agen~, ha~~;placemtbu~mss at ~3~ Route 25. Southold, New New York 11971 party of ~e second parl, WITNI.L~SETH, that the p~ty of the Iirst part. in con..~ideration ofTen Dollan; and other valanble consideration paid by the party of the second pan, Ih~e~ hereb)' grant and release unto the party ,~ 'ibc ~cond pan. thc heirs or snecessor~ and as.qgn.', of the pa~ty of the second pan forever. Al,I, ~at cc~l~in i~t. pi~c~ or parcel of land. wilh Ibc buildingq and improvcment~ thet~m creeled. ~imat~. lying and being in thc' at Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk. State of New York, known and designated as the roads and recharge basin shown on "Map of Ro~kcove Estates". filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on ,lane Il, 2001, as Map No. 10637; more particularly described in SCHEDULE "Al" and SCHEDULE "A2" attached hereto and made a part herenf. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE part of the same premises conveyed to Grantor by 4ced dated June 19, 2002, and recorded in the Offico of the Suffolk County Clerk on October 23, 2002, in Liber.12216, Page 336. TOGETHER with all right, title and inrere~, if any, of the party of thc first pan nf. in and to any sweets and nn~,d s 'abutting Iht, ',dxwe-de~;rib~ed premiss to thc center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurte 'nances and all thc e~,tale and fight,; of the party o~ the tirol pan in and ttu, aid premi~cs; 'rD HAVE AND TO IIOLD Ihe premises herein granted nnlo the party al'iht. · secum~ pan. the heir. or succesnors and us.,.igns of the party of the second pan forever. AND thc party of the first pan covanane; that the party .f the first pan h~ not d.ne or suffered anything whereby the said premim~s have been im..umhered in any way whatover, except as al~.resaid. ANDthepalayofthe firstpan, in¢omp anec with Secti,m 13~ fthe LienLaw. covenanlsihatihepa, rtyofthefirstpatt will ro.-eive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration ns a lest fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the co.~1 of the improvement and will apply the ~ame fin,t to thc payment of the co,;t of the impmv~mem befnfc using any pan of the total of the sa,nc for uny mher purpose. The word 'puny" shall he c.n:,trucd n.~ if it read "panics" whenever the ,~nse of Ibis indenture ~, requires. IN WITNE:.Lq WHEREOF. thc party of the first pan h;t~ du y executed thL,. deed the da)' and year first above written. IN I~tF2~ENCE OF: EAST OF EDEN, LLC B.vs.~Y'Cniolo, Member TITLE NUMBER: PAC-1994 Amended 8/15/05 SCHEDULE "A~ DESCRIPTION "ROADS" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as the "Sound Drive, Inlet Pond Road, Caiola Court and Rockcove Lane" on "Map of Rockcove Estates", filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on 6/1112001 as Map Number 10637, said roads being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Sound Drive where same is intersected by the division line of the northerly side of Lot 23 on the above mentioned Map; THENCE'along an arc of a curve bearing to the.right, having a radius of 600.23 feet, a distance along said curve of 128.3Tfeet; THENCE North 87 degrees 00 minutes 35 seconds East, 23.35 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 62.85 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the left, having a radius of 1356.81 feet, a distance along said curve of 492.78 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 100.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 163.87 feet; THENCE South 69 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, 85.80 feet; THENCE South 15 degrees 14 minutes 40 seconds East, 50.25 feet; THENCE North 69 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, 90.81 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 150.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 1.52 feet; (page 2) THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 48.87 feet; THENCE South 41 degrees 32 minutes 56 seconds East, 54.02 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius Of 40.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 34.53 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to'the left, having a radius of 60.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 292.08 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 34.53 feet; THENCE North 41 degrees 32 minutes 56 seconds West, 54.02 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 48.87 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the left, having a radius of 150.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 139.54 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 1306.81 feet, a distance along said curve of 42.49 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 64.02 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 550.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 143~08 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the left, having a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 37.42 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the left, having a radius of 60.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 291.86 feet; (page 3) THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 32.09 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the left, having a radius of 600.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 162.49 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 65.57 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 1306.81 feet, a distance along said curve of 300.21 feet; THENCE along an arc of a ci,we bearing to the right, having a radius of 40.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 56.55 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve hearing to the left, having a radius of 215.35 feet, a distance along said curve of 214.78 feet; THENCE North 19 degrees 54 minutes 57 seconds East, 94.09 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 106.08 feet, a distance along said curve of 100.26 feet; THENCE North 14 degrees 44 minutes 56 seconds West, 56.01 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the left, having a radius of 156.08 feet, a distance along said curve of 147.52 feet; THENCE South 19 degrees 54 minutes 57 seconds West, 94.09 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 165.35 feet, a distance along said curve of 193.63 feet; THENCE South 87 degrees 00 minutes 33 seconds West, 109.16 feet; THENCE along an arc of a curve bearing to the le~t, having a radius of 650.23 feet, a distance along said curve of 139.06 feet; '(page 4) THENCE South 15 de. grees 14 minutes 40 seconds East, 50.00 feet to the first above mentioned division line and the point or place of BEGINNING. TITLE NUMBER: PAC-1994. Amended 4/18/05 SCHEDULE "A~DESCRIPTION 'RECHARGE BASIN" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as the "Recharge Basin" on "Map of Rockceve Estates", filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on 6/11/2001 as Map Number 10637, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Caiola Court where same is intersected by the division line of Lot 16 and premises about to be described; RUNNING THENCEalong said division line, South 77 degrees 10 minutes 51 seconds East, 223.56 feet; THENCE North 12 degrees 49 minutes 09 seconds East, 30.00 feet; THENCE South 77 degrees 10 minutes 51 seconds East, 161.27 feet; THENCE North 15 degrees 55 minutes 50 seconds West, 307.62 feet; THENCE South 74 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds West, 104.48 feet; THENCE South 08 degrees 37 minutes 36 seconds West, 220.04 feet; THENCE South 77 degrees 10 minutes 51 seconds West, t61.36 feet to the easterly side of Caiola Court; THENCE southerly along an arc of a curve besdng to the right having a radius of 60.00 feet, a distance along said curve of 30.32 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. behalf of which tbe ifldividu~,nt. ~ate og New Ym'k. Omn~ or } ~: Onthe dayof inthe year befu~ me, the urv. k'~gm'd, ffm,onaJly apl~a~.'d the :,ui~cribing wimess to thc foregoing ingmment, with whom I am per~,nally ~'qu~nh..d. who, being by me duly swo~, did .4.-g~,~.e and say that be/she/they re~idels) in (if the ptat.t of n:sidtntcr Lv bt a cio'. inc(ude the street uttd.~Treet number. ff mO'. thenn~: thai hc/sha/they m be th~ individu'J.I de<~hed in and who cxcculed the fu~gothg instrumef~:; that said ~,td~:vibing wita~. ~ yin3 pt~,ent and haw said his/hen'/their namc(s ) ~ a witness thcreto. Stttt of New York. Count' of } ss.: On the day of' in tl~ year beforc me. the undt'r~igncd, f~r~mally appeared pel~m'ally km~wn u~ mc tw pmvcd to mc on thc besL'; of ~ti~fac'Wf~ e videm.'e m I~.. the individuals) whc~c name(s) is (are! subscribed to the witl~n iftqmment anti ackrknwiedged to me that hc/~be/d~.' cxt%'utoJ the .,amc in hi~/bef~cir capachyl~), and that by hi.',~-'d~ir ~',~nature~s~ on the io.~a~n~nt, the h~lividnah~t, or the ~n'~m ulx~n ~half of which the individually) actcd, executed thc innmmcnL otht'r ptuce the a.'~t,,wl~tm, nt wa~ BAm;AI'N & SALE DF~:I) * : :/)'fm-:NO. Peconic &b'stract~ ~AC-1994 EAST OF EDEN LLC TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FIDELITY NATIONAl, TITLE OIN.qt'RANCE COMPANY D~malcr lOOO SECTION 033.00 BLOCK 03. O0 LO~ 019.024 & 019.026 COl I'N'l~t' OR TOWN SOUTHOLD · IqdeUty Nntim~ Tide Istnurance ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLER] TOWN OF SOUTHOLD P.O. BOX 1179 $OUTHOLD, NY 11971-0959 Serial # Cerlificate # Prior CU. # Deed. Mongage Instmmem Page / Filing Fee Deed / Mongnge Tax Starap I~EES Handling TP-584 Notation EA-5217 (County) SubTotal EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other ] 1000 4 I District Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Sub Tom] I o33 ,, O0 Section Block 051 3.7' 22 iooo a3300 0300 0L9~024 " S", 6 J Sadsfac~tion/Diseharge.qRelease List Propetny Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD P.O. BOX 11[79 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971-0959 REI~RDED 2005 Sop ~0 03:04;51 PH Eduard P. Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012412 P 3?2 DT# 05=09145 Recording I Filing Stamps Mo~'Igage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. / Assit. or Spec. / Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual Counly Held for Appointment Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this motgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, sec appropriate tax clau~ on page #. of this instrument. Preservation Fund Consideration Amount CPF Tax Due $ O Improved Vacant Land Title Company Information Co. Name PI:CONIC ABSTRAC? ~fle# PAC-1994 s I Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page EAST OF EDENt L:r,c TOWN OF SOUTHOLD This page forms part of the a~tached _~ae,-a~r~ ~_=? =av.~, ?,'~q (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~ pmmisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE made by: or HAMLET of G Ri: gNP o RT BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Ty~e of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~her of Pages= 8 Receipt ~,~her = 05-0103249 TRANSFER TAX. NUMBER= 05-09145 District:: 1000 Deed Amoun=: Recorded: At= LIBER= PAaE: Section: Block: 033.00 03.00 EXAMINED AND CRA.HOED A~ FOLLOWS $o.oo 09/30/2005 03=04:51 PM D00012412 372 Lot: 019.024 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $24.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $50.00 NO SC'I'M Transfer tax $0.00 NO Ccmen. Pres Fees Paid TEANSFE~ TAX NUMBER= 05-09145 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $274.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMlY-WHO'll' ~NRITING ON FoRM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps,$tate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 1.~-~dv/ I MiddLe Road (C.R. 48) I I Southold I Green?oft I 11944 I 2. h~, I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I I I s^,~ INFORMATION I o8 /~%~/ os I A B C D F, I 1000-33-3-19.26 J L J 100()-33-~.-.19.24 I [ J I c~,m.~'.o. I Southold I NY j 11971 EAST OF EDEN, L~-'~-~ ,'~: Benny Caiola BUYEIrB A'i'~Y Finnegan ~atricia A 631 j 765-1939 NEW YORK STATE COPY