HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12479 P 798THIS INDKNTURK, medu the 291h day of May BETWEEN Edw;ud T. Sicherh rcMdJn~ st 92~ McCafln Lug, Greenpork Now York 11944 · in the year 200~ ns executor~,cxccuu~x ) of ibc last will and testament of Elinbcth A. Sicban late e,f Greonport, Now Yofl~, SufFok County party of the fi=r p.Yt. and Edw~nrd T. Sieban, n,,'siding a~ 92~ ~..cCann Lane. Groenpo~t, New York 11944 Cnunty, deceased, patty of the second pnfl. . WITNF, SSETH, that the pafly of lie f'ust part. by virtuc of the power and authority given in and by said last will and restatuct~ und in consider~io~ of Ten dollars, paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant ~nd release unto the pmty of the Fecund part, ~ heirs or successors and assigns of thc party of thc sccund pat/fce'cvcr, ALL that ce~ain plot,.piece or i~acel of land, with the build~n~ and improvements theorem crccttxl, situate, lying and beiag in, thc Sc~ Schedule "A" attached horowith. Prctniscs known ns 925 McCann Lane, Greanpart, New Yo~ 11944. ' Premises also known ns District 1000, Section 033.00, Block 03.00, Lot 029.000 13cing and intunded to he thc samc pmnisc convcycd to thc a__e~__ _'-3,~___t by deed dated Fcbmary 24, 2005 which was recorded in thc Office of the Suffolk County Clndt on ~q~RI/d~" in Dead Liber/'/'~/~'Pnge ,/ SCHEDULE "A" -and~-~%N~x near Greenport, To~n o~ Sou~hold, County o£ Suffolk :and State of New York, known and desigfiated as.Lot ? on a certain 'map entitled °Map of Eastern Shores at Suffolk on April :27, 1964 as Map Nc,. 4021 said .lot being more particularly bounded and ' d~cribe~[ as follows~ BEGINNIN~.a~'a..point ~9 the westerly side of McCann Lane Where the same ~S intersected 'b~"the.'di~ts[on line' b&tween Lots'6 and 7 on the abov~ mentioned map~ RUNNING THENCE from said ~int or place of beginning along the di6ision line betwee~ Lots 6 and 7 south 74 degrees 04 minutes 10 seconds west 160 feet 'to land now or formerly of Caiola~ · RUNNIN~ THENCE along said land north 15 d~grees 55 minutes 50 seconds west 110..0 feet %0 =he division l~ne between Lots 7 an~ 8~ THENCE along said division ~ine north 74 degrees 04 minutes'10 seconds east l~0.0 feet to ~he westerly side of McCann'Lane; THENCE along the westerly side of McCann Lane South L5 degrees 55 minutes 50 seconds east 1~0.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING.. · i ( Im~ d~ ~ or ~,~r ~IL, A'4i ~ ~,d IAe.~w' or comir)' or od~r ~ rM ~AnowL.~n~mu DEED TO Sicban FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE OCOMPAN'Y OF NKW YORK BLOC~ Lot Cot~'rY oR TOWN F.d wm:l T, Sichn 925 MoCann Lano Grempofl, New Yo~ 11944 TOGKTHEIIt with ail tigh~ title and intovcs~, if any, of the party of die first past of. in and to any streets and roads abutting fi'= chove described premises to thc center line~ thereof; TOG~,THFAt with die appazlenanccs, and alan all the estate which the said dcccdent had at ~ fin~ of dncedent's de, adt in said premises, and also the esmto then:in, wbic, h the party of the first pan has ~r has power to convey or dispose of. whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the psemises he. reln gnm~ed anto the party o f the sncond ptux. the buirs or m~ccessors and a.~signs (if the pn.-ty of di~ second pm louver. AND the patXy of the first pa~ cove~qrdt that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whel~by the .emid premises have been incumbered in any way whozever, except ~ afon:said. AND the party of the fir~ pm. in ~omollance with ~cthm 13 ~f ~ Lien La~, covenants that the pat~ of the t~ust p~ will receive the con.~ideration for this conveyance and will hoki the right ht receive such consideration as a tn]st fund to he applied fiv~ for the p .repose of paying the co~; of the improvement and will apply thc same first to the I~iymant of thc cost of thc improventeot before using any part of the tond of dte same for any other puqx~se. The w~wd "party" shall be consuued as if it read 'parties' whenever the sense of this indenture an t~luires. IN WITNE~,SS WHEREOF. thc party of the feast pm has exccmed this release thc day and year first above written. Nun:~her of pages TORRENS Ser~l # Certificate # Pri~r Ctf. # De'ed / Mortgage Instrument Page / Filing Fee Handling Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (Connty) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of' Ed. A~davit C. enilied Copy NYS Surcharge Other Sub Total 5. 00 15. 00 -- Sub Total Grand Total /~'~'"' Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Lot ,~,.$.,~ - O~ O' dm,mlg' ' ' 1000 03300 0300 029000 2006 No~ 22 08:55:02 lan ..fod~.t.h Iq. Pascale CLERK OF .SUFFOLK COUHTV L D00012479 '. P ?98 DT# 06-13799 l~ecording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. !'. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./A&sit. or Spec./Add. TOT, MTG. TAX. Dual Town __ Dual Counly __ Held for Appointment .=~ Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this raortgage or will he improved by n one or two family dwellhlg only. or NO If NO, ~n appropriate tax clause on page # __ of this instrument. ! Community Preaemtion Fund Consideration Amount $. CPIr Tax Due $ Improved Vacant Land __ TD TI) TI) BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RF. CORDINO OR FILING. rover) or HAMLET of ISPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT} The premises herein is siluated in In the VILLAGE J Satisfactions/Discharges/Releeses List Property Owners Mailing Address RF. CORD& RETURN TO: £d d -7- C~r~" /~/~' N / m fl /~ ~ I? I TjtleCompanylnformation · · [Title# ~7-- ,5 '- [ Suffolk County Reeordmg & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached __ ]~__~ rrmdc SUFFOLK CO~AJTY CLERK R~CORDB OFFICE RE~OI~DZNQ PAGE Type o£ Zn~tz~z.mmntl DEEDB/DDD Re=o~pt ~,mh~r I 06-0112786 TIUtZiSFER TAX NOMBER: 06-13799 1000 Deed Reco~ded~ LIBER~ PAGE: Section: Blook~ 033.00 03.00 EXAM:L~ED AHDCHAR~EDAS FOLLOWS $0.00 11/22/2006 08:55:02 AM D00012479 798 Lot: 029.000 Recei~d the ~11~ Fees Mr Above Instrument Page/Filing $15.00 NO Kaz~dl'l ng COB $5.00 ~0 F,&-CTY $5.00 ~ ~-8TA~ TP-584 $5.00 ~ Ce~ · C~iea ~ $30.00 Tr~a~er t~ $0.00 Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX ~I~BER; 06-13799 TNzH PAGE IS A PART OF THE INBTltU~ENT THIS IH NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.oo $75.oo $o.oo $o.oo $0.oo $155.00 Judith A. Pasc&le County Clerk, 8u££olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . . .INSTRUCTIONS: hep://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 "I FOR ~OUN'r~ USE ONLY , . ~ ~ I , , RP' 5217 I I {OaJy if PeR og · Pau=d) Chidt ~ tlmy .plsly: 4A. Ma~ing Bea~ wilh Subdtvlsio~ A~ty F.~ [] 48. SubdJvlliofl Appl~ll wa. ~ for Trar~fer [] A One Family Residential ~R I A,SSES~M~NT INFORMATION - Date should reflect the latent Rnal AHessment Roll end Tax Bill I ½ ' ' SELl CR BUYER BUYER~ ATTOI~MEY , NEW YORK STATE COPY :