HomeMy WebLinkAbout33976-ZFORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-33375 Rte: 11/05/08 THIS CERTIFIES that the building SOLAR PANELS Location of Property: 24190 MAIN RD (HOUSE NO2) County Tax Map NO. 473889 Section 18 subdivision Filed Map No. __ ORIENT (STREET) (HAMLET) Block 5 Lot 18.5 LOt No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated MAY 29, 2008 pursuant to which Building Per~ait No. 33976-Z dated JUNE 11, 2008 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is SOLJ~R PANELS ON AN EXISTING ACCESSORY GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR. · ~ne certificate is issued to GLYNIS BERRY & of the aforesaid building. HIDEAKI ANIIZUMI (OWNER) SUFFOLK COUNtrY DRPART~9~T OF HEALTH APPRO~%L RLEt-£KICAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLIERS CERTIFICATION DA'r~u N/A 3056481 08/04/08 N/A Rev. 1/81 I1 ~o. i~ '~ FormNo. 6 :{ TOW OF SOUT.O O ~ ll~[I BUILDINGDEP~TMENT O~ t~I T~L DEPT. S~O~O IPPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: ho For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Conunercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. Bo For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. Co New Construction: Old or Pre~--2xisting Building: Location of Property: ~,Q~I t~0 )U(o4{dO~ O ~r I~ Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwellnig $25.00,¢.Alterations to dwellina $25.00_ . Swinnning pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy- $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy- $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. ///'5[0 ~ Stre~et z/75b- Block Date of Permit. Filed Map. Applicant: Underwriters Approval: House No. or Owners of Property: Owner Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section Subdivision Permit No. ~. Health Dept. Approval: (check one) Hamlet Lot /~. ~D~ Lot: Planning Board Approval: Request for: Temporary Certificate Fee Submitted: $ Final Certificate: (check one) ( Al~licant S~gnature I ' BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE NEW YORK BOARD Of FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 40 FULTON STREET ~ NEW YORK, NY 10038 ' CERTIFIES THAT Upon the application of upon premises owned by GREEN LOGIC 425 COUN3~' RD 39A SOUTH HAMPTON, NY 11968, GLYNIS BERRY 24190 MAIN RD. ORIENT, NY 11957 Located at 24190 MAIN RD. ORIENT, NY 11957 Application Number: 3056481 Certificate Number: 3056481 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: 0 BDC: ns11 Described as a Residential occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: Ou~ide, A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 4th authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the Day of Au0ust, 2008. Name QTY Rate Rating Circuits Twe AdditionalCharges photovoltaic system Alarm and emergency equipment Inveder Unit I 0 Solar Panel 20 0 Wiring And Devices Disconnect 2 0 1-30 amp 1 of 1 seal This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated, FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUISDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 33976 Z Date JUNE 11, 2008 Permission is hereby granted to: GLYNIS BERRY PO BOX 444 ORIENT,NY 11957 for : INSTALLATION OF SOLAR PANELS TO AN EXISTING ACCESSORY GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR at premises located at 24190 MAIN RD ORIENT County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 018 Block 0005 Lot No. 018.005 pursuant to application dated MAY 29, 2008 and approved by the Building Inspector to exlDire on DECEMBER 11, 2009. Fee $ 100.00 Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 September 15, 2008 Michael J. Verity Chief Building Inspector Town of Southold 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Building Permit Number 33976 (Glynis Berry) Dear Michael J. Verity: I am writing to certify that we, GreenLogic, LLC, have completed the installation of a solar electric system at Glynis Berry's house at 24190 Main Road, Orient, NY 11957, to the specifications of our Professional Engineer stamped plans and according to Solar Mount code compliant installation manual 227. Thank You, Ashlee W. Reiniger Project Manager GREENLOGIC, LLC · www. GreenLoglc corn SOUTHAMPTON/CORPORATE 425 County Rd 39Ar #101 Southampton, NY 11968 Tel: 631.771.5152 Fax 631.77].5156 SOUTHOLD 52875 Main Rd., Box 435 Southold, NY 11971 Tel: 63]7650404 Fax: 631.771.5156 MANORVlLLE 40 Woodlar/d Aver~ue Manorville, NY 1 ]949 Tel: 631.7715152 Fax: 6317715156 ROSLYN HEIGHTS 200S Service Rd , #108 Rosyln Heights, NY 11577 Tel: 516 6256880 Fax: 516 625 6881 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ]FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [//]~FI NAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION DATE INSPECTOR FOLrN]DATION (1ST) t FOUNDATION (2ND, EN-SE~ATION PER N. STATE ENERGY CODE , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 SoutholdTown. NorthFork. net Exammed ~'~/ ,24 Approved 6// { ,20~ Disapproved a/c Expiration ~' ~/[ / ,2gO ~ PERMITNO. r2~..~? 7~'~ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health g A 4 sets of Building Planning Board approval Survey Check ~'~ Septic Form ~'~ N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Flood Permit Storm-Water Assessment Form Contact: Mall to:gl~.~ (.OLI~ (~B u~d il~g-h s~[ ec-tor APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT , ~ INSTRUCTIONS ~ ~ ~ST~[¢9~tely ~lled in by ~ter or ~ ~ ~d sub. Red to the B~ding Inspector ~4 s¢ts ofp~, a¢¢~ ~1~1~ ta's~¢~F~d~g to ~ ~h6~mg l~ion of lot ~d of build~gs on p~es, r~la6o~p to adjo~g pre~scs or public s~ee~ or ~. ~ work ~vered by ~is application may not be god.ced ~for¢ issu~ce ofB~d~g P¢~t. d. Upon approv~ of this ~plication, ~ Bulldog ~pe~or ~11 issue a Bufld~g Pe~it to ~e a~lie~t. Such a pg~t sh~l ~ kept on ~¢ premises av~lable for ~pection ~ou~out ~¢ work, ¢, No build~g sh~l b~ o~¢upicd or used in whole or ~ p~ for ~y p~ose what so ever ~61 ~e Buil~g I~pector issues a Ce~ficate of Occup~cy. t Eve~ bufld~g pemt sh~l expke if ~e work au~omed hm not co~ced M~ 12 monks afl~ ~e ~te of issu~ce or hm not b~n ~mpleted wi~ 18 monks ~om such date. If no zomg ~en~en~ or o~er relations affecting prope~ ~ve been ena~ed in ~e ~t~i~ ~e Buil~g Impector may ~ohze, addition six mon~. Them~er, a new pe~it sh~l be required. ~PLICATION IS ~BY ~E to ~e Buil~g Dep~ent for ~e issu~ce of a B~lding Pe~it p~s~t to ~e B~ld~g Zone ~d~ce of~e Tom of Southold, Suffo~ Co~, New York, md other applicable Laws, Or~s or Re~atiom, for ~e ~m~ction of building, ~tiom, or ~ter~om or for remov~ or demolition ~plicmt ~ees to comply wi~ ~1 applicable laws, ord~ces, buil~g ~de, hous~g co~, ~d reg~iom, ~d to a~it au~ohzed ~pectors on pre~ses ~d in buil~g for necess~ ~ctiom. (Sl~a~o~ applic~t or me, ifa eo~mion) (~l~g ~dies; of appear) ~ State whether applic~t is owner, lessee, agent, ~chitect, engine~, gener~ ~n~actor, electrici~, plm~r or builder Nme ofown~ of premises OU~;~ ~ (As on the~ roll or lmest d~d) If applic~t is a ~ipn, silage of duly ag~orized offic~ ~e ~ title of co.rate officer) -- I - Builders Lic~se No. Plmbers License No. Ele~rici~s Lic~se No. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Other TrMe's License No. ~ ~ 1. Locmion of l~d o~which pro~se~work~ll be d~e: House Nmb~ S~eet Hmlet Co~WT~MapSo. 1000 Se~ion [ Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot State existing use and occupancy of premises end intended qse,and occupengy of proposed construction: b. Intended use end occupency ~OIt¥1,_~ 3. Na~'e of work (check which applicable): New Building_ Repair Removal Demolition 4. Estimated Cost ~i~. ~ Addition Alteration Other Work .t~._.e,~,~ I_l. g'_~ Ir~o~-~r~_ (Description) 5. I f dwelling, number of dwelling units If garage, number of cars ~J. 6. If business, commemial or mixed occupency, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions ofe 'x.~ures, if any: Front ~.0 t Rear "~0 t Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ~/' ~' Rear Depth Height. Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ~ ~ Reer Depth Height Number of Stories 9. Size oflot: Front. 2~"'6 t Rear Z~O ' .Depth (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor "LOt 10. Date of Parchase Name of Formor Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ~ ~ttt,~ 12. Does proposed construction violate eny zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YESI NO__ 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES__ NO I,//'Will excess fill be removed fi'om prenifises? YES NO 14. Names of Owner of premises bk~n& BO't~, Address tglq0 ~ Iht Phone No. ~[. Name of Architect ~ Address Phone No ameof¢on or Ad ss 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetlend? *YES __NO * IF YES, SOLrlHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERlvlITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this preperty within 300 feet of a tidal wetlend? * YES NO * IF YES, D.E.C. PERlVIITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to prol~'ty lines. 17. Ifalevation at eny point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. 18. Are there any covenants end restrictions with respect to this property? * YES · 1F YES, PROVIDE A COPY. NO v STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF ~fl'~lff)S: ~;~ ~ ~[t~ ~__ being daly sworn, deposes end says that (s)he is the applicant ~e of ~ivid~ si~ ~) ~ve ~ (Con--r, Agen~ Co~ 0ffi~r, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make end file this application; that all statements contained in this application are tree to the best of ins knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. .~befo~ym~?is.~j~ ~ 20 ~)~ tary ' 9 ' //~4otary Ousllfl~ in I~aaalLGounlv; ~mmla:,lon Explrea OWNER STREET ~O ,~--.~. ~ ' ~ " ] ACR. ! REMARKS TYPE OF BLD. ' FRONTAGE ON WATER ~ TILLABLE FRONTAGE ON ROAD WOODLAND DEPTH MEADOWLAND BULKHEAD HOUSE/LOT M. Bldg. Extension Extension ~E~e.l~on .~ Deck Garage O.B. Pool i? ~22... Foundation Basement Ext. Walls Fire Place Dormer COLOR TRIM SLAIB Bath Dinette Floors Kit. Interior Finish Heat Woodstove ~-~ Attic Rooms 1st Floor Rooms 2nd Floor D.R. BR. Fin. B. i .e.w .Y ork lnsuFanCe Fund 8 CORPORATE CENTER DR. 3RD P,..R. MELVILLE. NEW YORK 11747-.3129 Phmxe: (83't) ~J2oo CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS~ COMPENSATION INSURANCE NY 11932 POUCYHOLDER GREENt. OGIC tLC 24 SUNRISE AVE ~ON NY 11932 CERTIFICATE NUMBER PERJOO COVERED BY THIS CERtiFICATE I DATE 08/11/2007 TO 08/11/2008 I 8/8/2007 OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK. TO THE POUCYHOU:NER~ REGULAR NEW YORK STARE F. MPt.~ ONLY. IFSAJDPOUCYI8 CkNmlt m~ORCHANGEDPRIORTO08/llt20i)8 IN 6UCH MAICERA6 TO AFFECT THI6 CERTIFICATE, -10 DAYS Wl~it[cN NOTICE OF SUCH ~IJ~TION WILl. BE GNEN TOTHE CI~r'rlFICATE H(X.DER ABOVE. THIS C,~=K~'IFIC~rE D(TES NOT APPLY TO 8UE. DIN~ DEMOUllON. NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND Suffolk Coun~ Executive's Office of Consumer Affairs VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY * HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK 11788 12/10/2007 SUFFOLK COUNTY DATE ISSUED: Master Electrician License No. 43858-ME This is to certif~ that ROBERT J SKYPALA doing business as GREENLOGIC LLC having given satisfactory evidence of competency, is hereby licensed as MASTER ELECTRICIAN in accordance with and subject to the provisions of applicable laws, rules and regulations of the County of Suffolk, State of New York. Additional Businesses NOT VALID WITHOUT 'DEPARTMENTAL SEAL AND A' CURRENT CONSUMER AFFAIRS ID CARD Director Town 'of Southold Erosion, Sedimentation & Storm-Water Run-off ASSESSMENT FORM ~em Nm ~ LOCATI0fl: 8.C.TAL ~ THE FOLLOWING ACTION8 MAY P. EQUI~E THE.SUBiilSSION OF A nb~d~ S~on ,k~ t~ A ElU~' A OFNE~LAN O40'rE: A C~,e~ M='k (4') ~ each Oues~n ~s ~qu~md for a ~ ~) Yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Is them a Nalural Wat~ Ce~me Ruanlag tl',mugh ~he Site? Is this project ~hin the Trustees J~iclk~ or wilh~ One Hundred (leO') feet ~ a Wetland or Beach? WI11 them be Site peep~ab~ on E.,~&~ (3nade Slopes wNch Exceed Fl~a~ (15) feet of Vertionl Rise to One Fkmdred (100') o~ HOFK.~ ;,~ ~? Will this Project I~te Site Pre~atk~ within gte One Htmdmd (100) Year ~ of any ~? Not~. If you AnSWenKI yes to thls Question. a Stomt-Water. Grading. DrMnage & Efoslofl Contnd Ptan Is NOT Req~bedl __ STATIg OF NEW YORK, ~ Ii~ ' cot~,rr¥ o]~....o....o...'U¢~....! ................... :. ss. ' - , ~St~ I~lcttt't~ .IL- · , ...... That I~..~..,r ............................... bein~ duly ,avora, ~ ana sars "-.~t he/she ~s the applicant ~or renmt, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ........................ .~.~.~;.......~.~. ....... m.c.c.~ ............ Own~ and/or t~-pre~n~fi~t of the Owner of O~ner's, and b duly auflmri"'~ to Perform ~ ~e ~o~ ~ ~ ~ ~d m make and file ti~ applicalion; that all taates~e~m contained in dli~ applicalion m'e txue to ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ha! fl~e ~m~k will be performed in t~e mariner ~et fo~h in the applicatkm tiled he-'~wi~ Sworn to before me fids; ................ ........... .................... / No, 01SC6117269 Qualified in Comml~on Expim~ FORM = 05107 GREENLOGIC ENERGY May28,2008 Town of Southold Building Department Town Hall 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Building Inspector: Please find attached a building permit application on behalf of Glyuis Berry who has engaged us to provide a roof mount (flat roof) solar photovoltaic (PV) electric system on her garage at 24190 Main Road, Orient, NY. In connection with this application, please find attached: · A building Permit application · A Erosion, sedimentation, & storm water mn-off assessment form · Survey of Premises · An engineers report approving the plan · A One Line Diagram of the electxical system · A Visio Diagram of the proposed system · Spec. sheets of the solar panels (Sharp 208 watt panels) · Spec. sheets of the inverter (Fronius 4000) · Suffolk Count Home Improvement License · GreenLogic Certificate of Liability Insurance · GreenLogic Certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance Coverage · Master Electrician's License Please let us know if you need anything else in connection with this application. Yours truly, Alexandra McNear Office Manager GreenLogic Energy GRELNLOGIC LIC 34 Squires Path East Hampton New York 11937 tol: 631.771.5152 fax: 631.771.5156 East Hampton / Hempstead / New York City May 17, 2008 To: Code Enforcement Division From: James A. Marx, Jr. P.E. Re: Engineer Statement for Berry Garage, 24190 Main Road, Orient, NY - Solar Photovoltaic Installation I have verified the adequacy and structural integrity of the existing TJI roof rafters for mounting of solar panels and their installation will satisfy the structural roof framing design-loading requirements of the New York State Residential Code -2007 For the installation of the Unimc SolarMount, the rails will be anchored to the TJI beams with L-feet supports located on the center of the 2x4 cross rafters and will be securely fastened to the TJI with lag screws that have been designed for wind speed criteria of 120 mph Exp. B and snow ground criteria of 20 psf. Wind loads will exceed seismic loads. Other climate and geo design criteria are not applicable to this solar installation. The design will meet or exceed Table R301.6 ~om the NYS Residential Code. The solar system and the mounting assemblies will comply with the applicable sections of the New York State Residential Code-Chapter 23 "Solar Systems" and loading requirements of roof-mounted collectors and roof penetrations. Thereby, I endorse the solar panel installation and certify this design, to be structurally adequate. Sincerely, ND'fIFY BL:[L?": - ": ,2--~7 AT 1. FO,,: ', 3ATION ' '('; F':Q~ RED FOP, POURED CC';CRETE L ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING James A. Marx, Jr. Professional Engineer NY 56467 10 High MottoS; Ringwood, NJ cc: GreenLogic 3. INSULATION 4. FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODF? ~ NEW YORK ST~T? N .... ,._ ' FEaR DC-'; ~ ©' %;r,g31r ST;ON ERRORS. RETAIN STORM WATER RUNOFF PURSUANT TO CHAPTER OF THE TOWN CODE, ALL CONSTRI ~' ~ , ,~ N SF¢,LL MEET THE REQUIRZ;Z,NT$ OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. (8) 18' SolarMount Rails 2" x 4" over Vertical TJI TJI . ~gi¢, LLC Proposed 4.16kW ~ C_mmge Roof (SI) (20) Sharp 208w Unirac Solarmount Azimuth = 142 degrees Pitch = 20 degrees Scale 3/16" = 1.0' Surface Dimension= 24' x 25' Panel Dimension = 3' 3.1"(39.1") (39 1/ 8") x 5' 4.6"(64.6") (64 5/8") Array Length = 21' 6 7/8" Array Height =!6. 9" 24190 Main Road Orient, NY 11957 .~,~,/' / Layout Created By: PJM Date: 5/8/08 (8) 18' SolarMount Rails 2" x 4" over Vertical TJI CONSTRUCTION NOTE: ~ SOLAR ROOF CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TAKING ALL PRECAUTIONS AND APPROPRIATE INSTALLATION MEASURES TO PR~ TH~ ROOFING FROM DAMAOE DURING THE INSTALLATION. UNIRAC L-FOOT WITH 3/~' DIA. LAO SCREW, LAG SCREW LENGTH TO BE FIELD MEASURED TO INSURE THREAD EMBEDMENT INTO TJl FLANGE, DRILL PILOT HOLE~ ON CENTER AND THRU THE 2x4 INTO THE TJX. Surface Dimension= 24' x 25' Panel Dimension = 3' 3.1"(39.1") (39 1/ 8") x 5' 4.6"(64.6") (64 5/8") Array Length = 21' 6 7/8" Array Height =16' 9" GreenLogic, LLC Proposed 4.16kW! Berry Garage Roof(S1) (20) Sharp 208w Unirac Solarmount Azimuth = 142 degrees Pitch = 20 degrees Scale 3/16" = 1.0' (Vertical TJI' ~ ......... TOF Berry 24190 Main Road Orient, NY 11957 Layout Created By: PJM Date: 5/8/08 Berry Hanger Bolt Installation Detail GreenLogic, LLC Proposed Berry Garage Roof(S1) 3/8" Flange Nut 3/8" Flange Nut EPDM Gasket Glynis Berry24190 Main Road, Orient, NY 20 Sharp 208 watt panels 2 strings of 10 Sharp 208 panels Array total 4.16kW AIIpanels ~be grounded asper NEC code 30AMP two pole DC switch from panels to inverter FRONIUS IG 4000 INVERTER / 240 VAC / 30 AMP 3R switch near utility meter 240 VAC from inverter to a 30 Amp switch near utility meter (8) 18' SolarMount Rails 2" x 4" over Vertical TJI (Vertical TJI) GreenLogic, LLC Proposed Berry Garage Roof (S1) 4.16kW 20 Sharp 208w Unirac Solarmount Azimuth = 142 degrees Pitch = 20 degrees Scale 3/16" = 1.0' Surface Dimension= 24' x 25' Panel Dimension = 3' 3.1" (3' 3 1/8") x 5' 4.6" (5' 4 5/8") Array Length = 21' 6 7/8" Array Height =16' 9" Magic # = String Configuration String of Panels Inverter Layout Created By: PJM Date: 2/1/08 SHARP MULTI-PURPOSE MODULE NEXT GENERATION. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE. POLY-CRYSTALLINE SILICON PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE WITH 208W MAXIMUM POWER This poly-crystalline 208 watt module features 12.8% module efficiency for an outstanding balance of size and weight to power and performance. Using breakthrough technology perfected by Sharps 45 years of research and development, these modules incorporate an advanced surface texturing process to increase light absorption and improve efficiency. Common applications include office buildings, cabins, solar power stations, solar villages, radio relay stations, beacons, traffic lights and security systems. Ideal for grid-connected systems and designed to withstand rigorous operating conditions, Sharp's ND-208U1 modules offer maximum power output per square foot of solar array. FEATURES MULTI-PURPOSE MODULE Maximum Power Voltage (Vpm)' 285v Short Circuit Current ([sc) Module Efficiency Maximum power (tim) Maximum System Voltage boovo¢ Series Fuse Rating 15A O0 A B C E F G Design and specifications are subject to change without notice, D In the absence of confirmation by product manuals, Sharp takes no responsibility for any defects thai may occur in equipment using any Sharp devices. Contact Sharp to obtain the latest product manuals before using any Sharp device. Cover photo: Solar installation by Pacific Power Management, Auburn CA SHARP, Sharp Electronics Corporation · 5901 Bolsa Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Tel: 1-800-SOLAR-06 · E-maih sharpsolar@sharpusa.com · www.sharpusa.com/solar S5D-208-80S ©200S Sharp Electronics Corporation Printed in the USA FRONIUS IG GRID-TIED INVERTERS FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS Light Weight More Energy Lower Cost LCD Display Powerful Reliable Warranty At 42 lbs, the FRONIUS IG inverters are the lightest grid-connected inverters making them both easy and cost-effective to install. MIXTM Concept allows your system to output more energy under part-load conditions. Integrated UL approved DC & AC disconnects which reduce installation time and complexity - often eliminating the need for additional disconnects. User-friendly and comes standard with every FRONIUS IG; tracks more than 20 critical system performance parameters. At 4000, 4500 and 5100 watts, these inverters deliver more power output for higher performance installations. Fronius has been in business for over 60 years and has more than 200,000 FRONIUS IG inverters installed worldwide. 10 year Premium Warranty. POWERING YOUR FUTURE DC Input Data //FRONIUS iG 4000 / FRONIUS IG 5100 FRONIUS IG 4500-LV Recommended PV power [ 3000 - 5000 Wp./ 4000 - 6300 Wp 3600 - 5500 Wp Max. DC input voltage [ 500 V / 500 V 500 V Operating DC voltage range \ 150-450,~' 150 - 450 V 150 - 450 V Max. uSable DC input current~ 33.2 A 29.3 A AC _n._~.~..~ Data FRONIUS IG 4000 FRONIUS IG 5100 FRONIUS IG 4500-LV Maximum output power @40° C 4000 W 5100 W 4500 W Nominal AC output voltage 240 V 208 V __ Utility AC voltage range 212 - 264 V (240 V +10%/-12%) 183 - 227 V Maximum AC current 16.7 A I 21.3 A 21.6 A Maximum utility back feed current 0.0 AI 0.0 A 0.0 A Operating frequency range 59.3 - 60.5 Hz (60 Hz nom) Total harmonic distortion < 5 % Power Factor (cos phi) 1 General Duta FRONIUS IG 4000 I FRONIUS IG 5100 I FRONIUS IG 4500-LV Max. efficiency 95.2 % 95.2 % 94.4 % Consumption in stand-by < 0.15 W (night) Consumption dudng operation 15 W Enclosure NEMA 3R Size (I x w x h) 28.4 x 16.5 x 8.8 in (720 x 418 x 223 mm) Weight 42 lbs. (19 kg) Ambient temperature range -5 to 122 °F (-20 to +50 °C) Cooling controlled forced ventilation Intecjrated DC and AC disconnects standard UL approved DC & AC disconnects Protections Ground fault protection Internal GFDI, in accordance with UL 1741 DC reverse poladty protection Internal diode Islanding protection Internal, in accordance with UL 1741, IEEE 1547 Over temperature Output power derating Surge Protection Internal DC & AC protection, Tested to 6 kV Compliance UL 1741 Safety __ EMI FCC Part 15; Class A & B Anti-Islanding protection UL 1741, IEEE 1547 Ground fault detector and interrupter Compliant with NEC Art. 690 requirements. UL 1741 Miaceliansous Maximum AC over current protection Two-pole, 30 A circuit breaker AC wire sizing Use maximum AWG 6 194°F (90 °C) copper wire ~DC wire sizing Use maximum AWG 6 194°F (90 °C) copper wire AC disconnect 32 A DC disconnect 40 A Warranty 10 year Premium Warranty is Standard Distributed by Fronius USA LLC Solar Electronic Division 10421 Citation Drive Suite 1100 Brighton, Mi 48116 Phone: 810-220-4414 Fax: 810-220-4424 E-Mail: pv-us@fronius.com www.fronius-usa.com ACORD.. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION LoVulIo Associates. Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 6450 Transit Rd HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, Depew NY 14043 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # iNSURED GreenLogic, LLC INSURER.~ SCOI'rSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY 41297 PO Box 38 ~NSURER B: Brldgehampton, NY 11932 INSURER C: INSURER D: J INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POUCIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTV~THSTANOING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUEJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. J CI..AfMSMADE [] OCCUR MEDEXP(A~yo~pef~n} $ S,000 $ CERTIFICATE HOLDER Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 ACORD 25 (2001108) CANCELLATION © ACORD CORPORATION 1988 SOLARMOUNT Code-Compliant Installation Manual 227 U.S. Des. Patent No. D496,248S, D496,249S. Other patents pending. Table of Contents i. Installer's Responsibilities ............................................... 2 Part L Procedure to Determine the Design Wind Load ........................................... 3 Part II. Procedure to Select Rail Span and RaH Type ............................................. 10 Part I~. Installing SolarMount [3.1.] SolarMount rail components ................................................ 14 [3.2.] Installing SolarMount with top mounting damps ............................... 15 [3.3.] Installing SolarMount with bottom mounting clips ............................. 21 [3.4.] Installing SolarMount with grounding clips and lugs ............................ 25 ....-UNIRAC Bright Thinking in Solar -'"-' U NIRAC' Unira¢Code-CompliantInstallationManual SolarMount i. Installer's Responsibilities Please review this manual thoroughly before installing your SolarMount system. This manual provides (1) supporting documentation for building permit applications relating to Unirac's SolarMount Universal PV Module Mounting system, and (2) planning and assembly instxuctions for SolarMount $olarMount products, when installed in accordance with this bulletin, will be structurally adequate and will meet the structural requirements of the IBC 2006, IBC 2003, ASCE 7- 02, ASCE 7-05 and California Building Code 2007 (collectively referred to as "the Code"). Unirac also provides a limited warranty on SolarMount products (page 26). SolarMount is much more than a product. It's a system of engineered components that can be assembled into a wide variety of PV mounting structures. With SolarMount you'll be able to solve virtually any PV module mounting challenge. It's also a system of technical support: complete installation and code compliance documentation, an on-line SolarMount Estimator, person-to-person customer service, and design assistance to help you solve the toughest challenges. Which is why SolarMount is PV's most widely used mounting system. The installer is solely responsible for: · Complying with all applicable local or national building codes, including any that may supersede this manual; · Ensuring that Unirac and other products are appropriate for the particular installation and the installation environment; · Ensuring that the roof, its rafters, connections, and other structural support members can support the array under all code level loading conditions (this total building assembly is referred to as the building structure); · Using only Unirac parts and installer-supplied parts as specified by Unirac (substitution of parts may void the warranty and invalidate the letters of certification in all Unirac publications); · Ensuring that lag screws have adequate pullout strength and shear capacities as installed; · Verifying the strength of any alternate mounting used in lieu of the lag screws; · Maintaining the waterproof integrity of the roof, including selection of appropriate flashing; · Ensuring safe installation of all electrical aspects of the PV array; and · Ensuring correct and appropriate design parameters are used in determining the design loading used for design of the specific installation. Parameters, such as snow loading, wind speed, exposure and topographic factor should be confirmed with the local building official or a licensed professional engineer. $olarMount Un ra¢¢ode-Com liantI stallationManual d UNIRAC Part I. Procedure to Determine the Design Wind Load [1.1.] Using the Simplified Method - ASCE 7-05 The procedure to determine Design Wind Load is specified by the American Society of Civil Engineers and referenced in the International Building Code 2006. For purposes of this document, the values, equations and procedures used ia this document reference ASCE 7-05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. Please refer to ASCE 7-05 if you have any questions about the defmitioas or procedures presented in this manual. Unirac uses Method 1, the Simplified Method, for calculating the Design Wind Load for pressures on components and cladding in this document. The method described in this document is valid for flush, no tilt, SolarMount Series applications on either roofs or walls. Flush is defined as panels parallel to the surface (or with no more than 3" difference between ends of assembly) with no more than 10" space between the roof surface, and the bottom of the PV panels. This method is not approved for open structure calculations. Applications of these procedures is subject to the following ASCE 7-05 limitations: 1. The building height must be less than 60 feet, h < 60. See note for determining h in the next section. For installations on structures greater than 60 feet, contact your local Unirac Distributor. 2. The building must be enclosed, not an open or partially endased structure, for example a carport. g. The building is regular shaped with no unusual geomeu'ical irregularity in spatial form, for example a geodesic dome· 4. The building is not in an extreme geographic locadan such as a narrow canyon or steep diff. 5. The building has a flat or gable roof with a pitch less than 45 degrees or a hip roof with a pitch less than 27 degrees. 6. If your installation does not conform to these requirements please contact your local Uhirac distributor, a local professional engineer or Unirac If your installation is outside the United States or does not meet ali of these limitations, consult a local professional engineer or your local building authority. Consult ASCE 7-05 for more clarification on the use of Method I. Lower design wind loads may be obtained by applying Method II from ASCE 7-05. Consult with a licensed engineer if you want to use Method II procedures. The equation for determining the Design Wind Load for components and cladding is: pnet (psD = AKd pne~o pnet (psf) = Design Wind Load = adjustment factor for height and exposure category = Topographic Factor at mean roof height, h (ft) Importance Factor pnet~O (psf) = net design wind pressure for Exposure B, at height =30, I=I You will also need to know the following information: Basic Wind Speed = V (mph), the largest 3 second gust of wind in the last 50years. h (ft) = total roofheightforflat roof buildings or mean roof height fer pitched roof buildings Effective WindArea (sf) = minimum total continuous area of modules being installed Roof Zone = the area of the roof you are installing the p~ system according to Figure £, page $. Roof Zone Setback Length = a (ft) Roof Pitch (degrees) Eaposure Category [1.2.] Procedure to Calculate Total Design Wind The procedure for determining the Design Wind Load can be broken into steps that include looking up several values in different tables. Step 1: Determine Ba.~ie Wind Speed, V (mph) Determine the Basic Wind Speed, V (mph) by consulting your local building department or locating your installation on the maps in Figure 1, page 4. Step 2: Detel~mtning g. ffectipe Wi~d Area Determine the smallest area of continuous modules you will be installing. This is the smallest area tributary (contributing load) to a support or to a simple-span of rail. That area is the Effective Wind Area. ]r-gN[~' VniracCode-CompliantInstallationManual SolarMount lso(4e) · t3o{s8) Figure 1. Basic Wind Speeds. Adapted and applicable w ASCE 7-05. values are nominal design 3-second gust ~ind speeds at SS feet abo~e groumi for Exposure Category C. 1'10(40) (meters per second) Step 3: Determine Roof/Weft Zone TheDesign WindLoad will vary based on where the installation is located on a roof. Arrays may be located in more than one roof zone. Using Table l,'determine the Roof Zone Setback Length, a (ft), according to the width and height of the building on wkich you are installing the pv system. Table I. Determine RoofANall Zone, length (a) according to building width and height a = I 0 percent of the least horizontal dimension or 0.4h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of the least horizontal dimension or 3 ft of the building. Roof Least Horizontal Dimension Height(fi) I0 15 20 25 30 40 $0 60 70 80 90 I00 125 I$0 173 200 300 400 $00 I0 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 12 16 20 IS 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 12 16 20 20 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 16 20 25 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 I0 I0 I0 I0 12 16 20 30 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 12 12 12 12 12 16 20 35 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 12.5 14 14 14 14 16 20 40 3 3 3 3 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 I0 12.5 15 16 16 16 16 20 45 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 12.5 15 17.5 18 18 18 20 50 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 12.5 15 17.5 20 20 20 20 60 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 12.5 15 17.5 20 24 24 24 SolarMount UniracCode-CompliantInstallationManual ,PUNIRAC' Step 3: Determine Roo. f Zone (continued) Using Roof Zone Setback Length, a, determine the roof zone locations according to your roof type, gable, hip or monoslope. Determine in which roof zone your pv system is located, Zone 1, 2, or 3 according to Figure 2. Figure 2. Enclosed buildings, wall and roofs Flat Roof Hip Roof Gable Roof ( 0 < 7°) Gable Roof (7° < $ < 4S° Interior Zones End Zones Rods - Zone [/~/alls - Zone 4 Roofs - Zone 2/VVal[s - Zone S Corner Zones Roofs - Zone 3 Step 4: Determine Net Design Wind Pressure, pnet3o (psD Using the Effective Wind Area (Step 2), P, oof Zone Location (Step 3), and Basic Wind Speed (Step 1), look up the appropriate Net Design Wind Pressure in Table 2, page 6. Use the Effective WindArea value in the table which is smaller than the value calculated in Step 2. If the installation is located on a roof overhang, use Table 3, page 7. Both downforce and uplift pressures must be considered in overall design. Refer to Section II, Step 1 for applying flownforce and uplift pressures. Positive values are acting toward the surface. Negative values are acting away from the surface. -'.- UNIRAC Unira¢Code-Com~liantInstallationManual $olarMount Table 2. p.e~3o ipso Roof and Wall 90 I00 I10 120 130 140 I$0 170 I0 5,9 -14.6 7.3 -18.0 8,9 -21.8 10.5 -25.9 12.4 -30.4 14,3 -35,3 16.5 .40.5 21.1 -52.0 20 5.6 -14.2 6.9 -17.5 8.3 -21.2 9.9 -25,2 11.6 -29.6 13,4 -34.4 15.4 -39.4 19.8 -50.7 50 S.I -I 3.7 6.3 -16.9 7.6 -20.5 9.0 -24,4 10.6 -28.6 12.3 -33.2 14.1 -38.1 18.1 -48.9 100 4.7 -13.3 5.8 -16.5 7.0 -19.9 8.3 -23.7 9.8 -27.8 11.4 -32.3 13.0 -37.0 16.7 -47.6 10 5.9 -24.4 7.3 -30.2 8.9 -36.5 10.S -43,5 12.4 -51.0 14.3 -59.2 16.5 -67.9 21.1 -87.2 20 5.6 -21.8 6.9 -27.0 8.3 -32.6 9.9 -38.8 11.6 -45.6 13.4 -52.9 15.4 -60.7 19.8 -78.0 50 5.1 -18.4 6.3 -22.7 7.6 -27.5 9.0 -32.7 10.6 -38.4 12.3 -.44.5 14.1 -Sl.I 18.1 -65.7 100 4.7 -IS.8 5.8 -19.5 7.0 -23.6 8.3 -28.1 9.8 -33.0 11.4 -38.2 13.0 -43.9 16.7 -56.4 10 S.9 -36.8 7,3 -45.4 8.9 -55.0 10.5 -65.4 12.4 -76.8 14.3 -89.0 16.5 -102.2 21.1 -131.3 20 5.6 -30,5 6.9 -37.6 8.3 -45.5 9.9 -54.2 11.6 -63.6 13.4 -73.8 IS.4 -84.7 19.8 -108.7 50 5.1 -22.1 6.3 -27.3 7.6 -33.1 9.0 -39.3 10.6 -46.2 12.3 -53.5 14,1 -61.5 18.1 -78.9 I00 4.7 -15.8 5.8 -19.5 7.0 -23.6 8.3 -28.1 9.8 -33.0 11.4 -38.2 13.0 -43.9 16.7 -56.4 I0 8.4 -13.3 10,4 -16.5 12.5 -19.9 14.9 -23.7 17.5 -27.8 20.3 -32.3 23.3 -37.0 30.0 -47.6 20 7.7 -13.0 9.4 -16.0 11.4 -19.4 13.6 -23.0 16.0 -27.0 18.5 -31.4 21.3 -36.0 27.3 -46.3 50 6.7 -12.5 8.2 -15.4 I0.0 -18,6 11,9 -22.2 13.9 -26.0 16.1 -30.2 18.5 -34.6 23.8 -44.5 10.5 -21.5 12.4 -25.2 14.3 -29,3 16.5 -33.6 21.1 -43.2 I00 5.9 7.3 8.9 I0 8,4 -23.2 10.4 -28.7 12.5 -34.7 14.9 -41.3 17.5 -48.4 20.3 -56.2 23.3 -64.5 30,0 -82.8 20 7.7 -21.4 9.4 -26.4 11.4 -31.9 13.6 -38.0 ~6.0 -44.6 18,5 -51.7 21.3 -59.3 27.3 -76.2 50 6.7 -18.9 8.2 -23.3 I0.0 -28.2 11.9 -33.6 13.9 -39.4 16.1 -45.7 18.5 -52.5 23.8 -67.4 I00 5.9 -17.0 7.3 -21.0 8.9 -25.5 10,5 -30.3 12.4 -35.6 14.3 -41.2 16.5 -47.3 21.1 -60.8 I0 8.4 -34.3 10.4 -42.4 12.5 -51.3 14.9 -61.0 17.5 -71.6 20.3 -83.1 23.3 -95.4 30.0 -122.5 20 7.7 -32.1 9.4 -39.6 11.4 -47.9 13.6 -57.1 16.0 -67.0 18,5 .77.7 21.3 -89.2 27,3 -I 14.5 50 6.7 -29.1 8.2 -36.0 I0.0 -43.5 11.9 -51.8 13.9 -60.8 16.1 -70,5 18.5 -81.0 23.8-104,0 I00 5.9 -26.9 7.3 -33.2 8.9 -40.2 10.5 -47.9 12.4 -56.2 14.3 -65.1 16.5 -74.8 21.1 -96.0 I0 13.3 -14.6 16.5 -18.0 19.9 -21.8 23.7-25.9 27.8 -30.4 32.3 -35.3 37.0 -40.5 47.6 -52.0 20 13.0 -13.8 16.0 -17.1 19.4 -20.7 23.0-24.6 27.0 -28.9 31.4 -33.5 36.0 -38.4 46.3 -49.3 50 12.5 -12.8 15.4 -15.9 18.6 -19.2 22.2-22,8 26.0 -26.8 30.2 -31.1 34.6 -35.7 44.5 -45.8 I00 12.1 -12.1 14.9 -14.9 18.1 -18.1 21.5 -21.5 25.2 -25.2 29.3 33.6 43.2 -43.2 10 13.3 -W.0 16.5 -21.0 19,9 -25.5 23.7 -30.3 27.8 -35.6 32.3 -4i.2 37.0 -47.3 47.6 -60.8 20 13.0 -16,3 16.0 -20.1 19.4 -24.3 23.0 -29.0 27.0 -34.0 31.4 -39.4 36.0 -45.3 46.3 -58.1 50 12.5 -15.3 15.4 -18.9 18.6 -22.9 22.2 -27.2 26.0 -32.0 30.2 -37.1 34.6 -42.5 44.5 -54.6 I00 12.1 -14.6 14.9 -18,0 18.1 -21.8 21.5 -25.9 25.2 -30.4 29.3 -35.3 33.6 40.5 43.2 -52.0 I0 13.3 -17.0 16.5 -21.0 19.9 -25.S 23.7 -30,3 27.8 -35.6 32.3 -41.2 37.0 -47.3 47.6 -60.8 20 13.0 -16.3 16.0 -20.1 19.4 -24.3 23.0 -29.0 27.0 -34.0 31.4 -39.4 36.0 -45.3 46.3 -58.1 50 12.5 -15.3 15.4 -18.9 18.6 -22.9 22.2 -27.2 26.0 -32.0 30.2 -37.1 34.6 -42.5 44.5 -54.6 100 12.1 -14.6 14.9 -18.0 18.1 -21.8 21.5 -25.9 25.2 -30.4 29.3 -35.3 33.6 -40.5 43.2 -52.0 I0 14.6 -15.8 18.0 -19.5 21.8 -23.6 25.9 -28.1 30.4 -33.0 35.3 -38.2 40.5 -43.9 52.0 -56.4 20 13.9 -15.1 17.2 -18.7 20.8 -22.6 24.7 -26.9 29.0 -31.6 33.7 -36.7 38,7 -42.1 49.6 -54.1 50 13.0 -14.3 16.1 -17.6 19.5 -21.3 23.2 -25.4 27.2 -29.8 31.6 -34.6 36.2 -39.7 46.6 -51.0 I00 12.4 -13.6 15.3 -16.8 18.5 -20.4 22.0 -24.2 25.9 -28.4 30.0 -33.0 34.4 -37.8 44.2 ,-48.6 500 10.9 -12.1 13.4 -14.9 16.2 -18.1 19.3 -21.5 22.7 -25.2 26.3 -29.3 30.2 -33.6 38.8 -43.2 I0 14.6 -19.5 18.0 -24.1 21.8 -29.1 25.9 -34.7 30.4 -40.7 35.3 .47.2 40.5 -54.2 52,0 -69.6 20 13.9 -18.2 17.2 -22.5 20.8 -27.2 24.7 -32.4 29.0 -38.0 33.7 .44.0 38.7 -50.5 49,6 -64.9 50 13.0 -16.5 16.1 -20.3 19.5 -24.6 23.2 -29.3 27.2 -34.3 31.6 -39.8 36.2 -45.7 46.6 -58.7 I00 12.4 -15,1 15.3 -18.7 18.5 -22.6 22.0 -26.9 25.9 -31.6 30.0 -36.7 34.4 -42.1 44.2 -54.1 500 10.9 -12.1 13.4 -14.9 16.2 -18.1 19.3 -21.5 22.7 -25.2 26.3 -29,3 30.2 -33.6 38.8 -43.2 Source: ASCE/SEI 7-05. Minimum Design Loads ~or Buildings and Other Structures, Chapter 6, Figure 6-3, p, 42-43. 6 $olarMount UniracCode-CompliantInstallationManual :i:UNIRAC' Table 3. I~,~so (ps0 Roof Overhang ~ (~ 90 I00 I10 120 130 140 150 170 ~ 2 I0 -21.0 -25.9 -31.4 -37.3 .43.8 -50.8 -58.3 -74.9 2 20 -20.6 -25.5 -30.8 -36.7 -43.0 -49.9 -57.3 -73.6 ~ 2 50 -20.1 -24.9 -30. I -35.8 -42.0 .48.7 -S5.9 -71.8 'a 2 I00 -19.8 -24.4 -29.5 -35.1 -41.2 -47.8 -54.9 -70.5 ~o 3 I 0 -34.6 -42.7 -51.6 -61.5 -72. I -83.7 -96.0 - 123.4 o 3 20 -27.1 -33.5 -40.5 -48.3 -56.6 -65.7 -75.4 -96.8 I 3 50 - 17,3 -21.4 -25.9 -30.8 -36.1 -41.9 -48. I -61.8 3 I O0 - I 0.0 - 12.2 - i 4.8 - 17.6 -20.6 -23.9 -27.4 -35.2 ~ 2 I0 -27.2 -33.5 .40.6 -48.3 -56.7 -65.7 -75.5 -96.9 ~ 2 20 -27.2 -33.5 -40.6 .48.3 -56.7 -65.7 -75.5 -96.9 e~ 2 50 -27.2 -33.5 -40.6 -48.3 -56.7 -65.7 -75.5 -96.9 ~ 2 I00 -27.2 -33.5 -40.6 .48.3 -56.7 -65.7 -75.5 -96.9 $ 3 I0 -45.7 -56.4 -68.3 -81.2 -95.3 -i 10.6 -I 26.9 - 163.0 e, 3 20 -41.2 -50.9 -61.6 -73.3 -86.0 -99.8 -I 14.5 -147.1 I 3 50 -3S.3 -43.6 -52.8 -62.8 -73.7 -85.5 -98.1 - 126.1 3 I00 -30.9 -38.1 -46.1 -54.9 -64.4 -74.7 .8S.8 -I I0.1 ~ 2 I0 -24.7 -30.5 -36.9 -43.9 -51.5 -59.8 ~8.6 -88.1 -~- 2 20 -24.0 -29.6 -35.8 -42.6 -50.0 -58.0 -66.5 -85.5 .~ 2 50 -23.0 -28.4 -34.3 .40.8 -47.9 -55.6 -63.8 -82.0 , ~. 2 I00 -22.2 -27.4 -33.2 -39.5 -46.4 -53.8 -61.7 -79.3 ' ~ 3 I0 -24.7 -30.5 -36.9 .43.9 -51.5 -59.8 -68.6 -88.1 ~ 3 20 -24.0 -29.6 -35,8 -42.6 -50.0 -58.0 -66.5 -85.5 ~ 3 50 -23.0 -28.4 -34,3 -40.8 -47.9 -55.6 -63.8 -82.0 ~o 3 I00 -22.2 -27.4 -33.2 -39.5 -46.4 -53.8 -61.7 -79.3 Sourc~ A$CE/SE/7-05, M~imum Design Loads for 8uildlngs and Other Structsres, Chapter 6, p. 44. Step 5: Determine the Topographic Factor, K~t For the purposes of this code compliance document, the Topographic FacWr, K~t, is taken as equal to one (1), meaning, the installation is on level ground (less than 10% slope). If the installation is not on level ground, please consuk ASCE 7-05, Section 6.S.7 and the local building authority to determ/ne the Topographic FacWr. Step 6: Determine Eq~sure Category (B, C, D) Determine the F~cposure Category by using the following defin/tions for Exposure Categories. The ASCE/SEI 7-05' defines wind exposure categories as follows: m~osu~ B is urban and suburban areas, wooded areas, or other terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of single family dweUings. ~n, osu~ c has open terrain with scattered obstruc- tions having heights generaUyless than 30 feet. This category includes fiat open country, grasslands, and ail water surfaces in hurricane prone regions. ~xa, osue. E o has fiat, unobstructed areas and water sur£aees outside hurricane prone regions. Tkis catego- ry includes smooth mud fiats, salt fiats, and unbroken Also see ASCE 7-05 pages 287-291 for fur~har explanation and explanatory photographs, and confu-m your selection with the local building authority. ,i-'UNIRAC' v ir.c Code-CompliantlnstcdlafionManual SolarMount Step 7: Determine adjustment foctor for height and exposure category, A Using the Exposure Category (Stop 6) and the roof height, h (ft), look up the adjustment fucwr for height and exposure in Table 4. Step 8: Determine the Importance Factor, I Determine ff the installation is in a hurricane prone region. Look up the Importance Factor, I, Table 6, page 9, using the occupancy category description and the hurricane prone region status. Step 9: Calculate the Design Wind I, oad, pnet (psf) Multiply the Net Design Wind Pressure, pnet3o (pst-) (Step 4) by the adjustment f~ctor for height and exposure, A (Step 7),the Topographic Factor, K~t (Step 5), and the Importance Factor, I (Step 8) using the following equation: Table 4.Adjustment Factor for Roof Height & Exposure Category ~:~) B C 15 1.00 1.21 I A7 20 1.00 1.29 1.55 2S 1.00 1.35 1.6 I 30 1.00 1.40 1.66 35 1.05 1.45 1.70 40 1.09 1.49 1.74 4S 1.12 1.53 1.78 S0 1.16 1.56 1.81 55 1.19 1.59 1.84 60 1.22 1.62 1.87 D pnet (ps~) = AK~tl pnet~O p~t (ps~) = Design Wind Load (10 psf minimum) A = adjustment factor for height and exposure category (Step 7) Kzt = Topographic Factor at mean roof height, h fft) (Step 5) I = Importance Factor (Step 8) pne~o (ps/) = net design wind pressure for Exposure B, at height =30,1= 1 (Step4) Use Table 5 below to calculate Design Wind Load. The Design Wind Load will be used in Part H to select the appropriate SolarMount Series rail, rail span and foot spacing. Table 5.Worksheet for Components and CladdingWind Load Calculation: IBC 2006,ASCE 7-05 Building Height h ft Building, Least Horizontal Dimension ft Roof Pitch degrees Exposure Category 6 BasicVVind Speed V mph I Figure I Effective Roof Area sf Roof Zone Setback Length a Roof Zone Location Net Design Wind Pressure prier30 Topographic Factor Kzt adjustment factor for height and exposure category A Importance Factor I Total DesignWind Load pnet 2 ft 3 Table I 3 Figure2 psf 4 Table 2,3 x 5 x 7 Table 4 x 8 Table 5 psf 9 SolarMount UniracCode-CompliantInstallationManual --.~UNIRAC Table 6. Occupancy Category Importance Factor I Buildings and other A~ricul'cural facilities 0.87 0.77 si:ruci:ures thai: Ceri:ain Temporary facilities represenc a Iow Plinor Storage facilities hazard to human life in the event of failure, including, but limited to: Afl buildings and other II structures except those I I listed in Occupancy Categories I, III, and IV. Buildings and other Buildings where more than 300 people congregace structures that Schools with a capacity more than 250 L 15 I. 15 III represent a substantial Day Cares with a capacity more than 150 hazard to human life in Buildings for colleges with a capacity more than 500 the event of a failure, Health Care facilities with a capacity more than 50 or more including, but not limited resident patients to: Jails and Detention Facilities Power Generating Stations V~ater and Sewage Treatment Facilities Telecommunication Centers Buildings that manufacutre or house hazardous materials Buildings and other Hospitals and other health care facilities having surgery or I.I 5 I.I 5 structures designated emergency treacrnent IV as essential facilities, Fire, rescue, ambulance and police stations inc[udin~ but not limited Designated ear. quake, hurricane, or other emergency to: shelters Designated emergency preparedness communication, and Power generating stations and other public utility facilities required in an emergency Ancillary structures required for operation of Occupancy Category IV structures emergency aircraft hangars VVa:er storage facilities and pump structures required to maintain water pressure for fire suppression Buildings and other structures having critical national defense fenctions :i:UNIRAC' UniracCode-Corn liantInstallationManual SolarMount Part II. Procedure to Select Rail Span and Rail Type [2.1.] Using Standard Beam Calculations, Structural Engineering Methodology The procedure to determine the Unirac SolarMount series rail type and rail span uses standard beam calculations and structural engineering methodology. The beam calculations are based on a simply supported beam conservatively, ignoring the reductions allowed for supports of continuous beams over multiple supports. Please refer to Part I for more information on beam calcuhtions, equations and assumptions. In using this document, obtaining correct results is dependent upon the following: 1. Obtain the Snow Load for your area from your local building official. 2. Obtain the Design Wind Load, pnet. See Part I (Procedure to Determine the Design Wind Load) for more information on calculating the Design Wind Load. 3. Please Note: The terms rail span and footing spacing are interchangeable in this document. See Figure 3 for illustrations. 4. To use Table 8 and Table 9 the Dead Load for your specific installation must be less than 5 psf, including modules and Unlrac racking systems. If the Dead Load is greater than 5 psf, see your Unirac distributor, a local structural engineer or contact Unirac. The following procedure will guide you in selecting a Unirac rail for a flush mount installation. It will also help determine the design loading imposed by the Unirac PV Mounting Assembly that the building structure must be capable of supporting. Step 1: Determine the Total Design Load The Total Design Load, P (psf) is determined using ASCE 7-05 2.4.1 (ASD Method equations 3,5,6 and 7) by adding the Snow Loadl, S (pst), Design Wind Load, pnet (psf) from Part I, Step 9 and the Dead Load (pst'). Both Uplift and Downforee Wind Loads calculated in Step 9 of Part 2 must be investigated. Use Table 7 to calculate the Total Design Load for the load cases. Use the maximum absolute value of the three downforce cases and the up[iff case for sizing the raft. Use the uplift case only for sizing lag bolts pull out capacities (Part II, Step 6). P (psf) = LOD + 1.0S1 (downforce case 1) P (psf) = 1.OD + 1.0pnet(downforcecase 2) P (psf) = 1.OD + 0.75S1 + 0.75pnet (downforce case 3) P (psf) = 0.6D + 1.0pna (uplift) D = DcudLoad (ps, f) S = Snow Load (psf) pact = Design Wind Load (psf) (Positive for downforce, negative for uplift) The maximum Dead Load, D (psf), is 5 psfbased on market research and internal data. ~ Snow Load Reduction - The snow load can be reduced according to Chapter 7 of ASC£ 7-05. The reduction is a function of the roof slope, Exposure Factor, Importance Factor and Thermal Farton Please refer to Chapter 7 of ASC£ 7-OS for more information. Note: Modules must be centered symmetrically on the mils (+/. 2 *), as shown in Figure 3. If this is not the case, call Unirac for assistance. SolarMount UniracCode-CompliantInstallationManual -' UNIRAC' Table 7. ASCE 7 ASD Load Combinations Dead Load D 1.0 x Snow Load S 1.0 x + __ Design Wind Load Pnet Total Design Load P Note: Table to be filled out or attached for evaluation. 1.0 x psf 0.75 x + -- psf 0.75 x + -- psf psf Step 2: Determine the Distributed Load on the rail, w (p~ Determine the Distributed Load, w (plo, by multiplying the module length, B (ft), by the Total Dedgn Load~ P (l~f) and dividing by two. Use the maximum absolute value of the three downforce cases and the Uplift Case. We assume each module is supported by two rafts. w = PB/2 w = Distributed Load (pounds per linear foot, plO B = Module Length Perpendicular to Rails (ft) P = TotaIDesign Pressure (pounds per square.foot, ps~ Step 3: Determine Raft Span/L-Foot Spacing Using the distributed load, w, from Part II, Step '~, look up the aiiowable spans, £, for each Unh'ac raft type, SolarMount (gM) and SolarMount Heavy DutT 0-1D). There are two tables, L-Foot SolarMount Series Rail Span Table and Double L-Foot SolarMount Series Raft Span Table. The L-Foot SolarMount Series Rail Span Table uses a single L-foot connection to the roof, wall or stand-off. The point load connection from the raft to the L-foot can be increased by using a double L-foot in the installation. Please refer to the Part III for more installation information. Table 8. L-Foot SolarMount Series Rail Span UNIRAC' Vnira¢ Code-¢ompliant Installation Manual Table 9. Double L-Foot SolarHount Series Rail Span SM - SolarMount HD - Solariqount Heavy Duty SolarMount Step 4: Select Rail Type Selecting a span and rail type affects the price of yottr installation. Longer spans produce fewer wall or roof penetrations. However, longer spans create higher point load forces on the building su~uccure. A point load fore is the amount of force transferred to the building structure at each connection. It is the installer's resoonsibilitv to verify that the ~uildin~, forces. Step 5: Determine the Downforce Po/hr Load, R (lbs), at each connection based on raft span When designing the Unirac Flush Mount Installation, you must consider the dowlfforee Point Load, R (lbs) on the roof The Downforce, Point Load, R (lbs), is determined by multiplying the Total Design Load, P (psf) (Step 1) by the Rail Span, L (.ft) (Step 3) and the Module Length Perpendicular w the Rails, B fft) divided by two. (lbs) = PLB/2 R=PointLoad(lbs) P = TotalDesign Load (psf) L = Rail Span (ft) B = Module Length Perpendicular to Rails (fi) It is the installer's responsibility to verify that the building structure is strong enough to support the maximum point loads calculated according to Step 5. $olarMount VniracCode-CompliantInstallationManual :i-'UNIRAC' Table 10. Downforce Point Load Calculation Total Design Load (downforce) (max of case I, 2 or 3) P Flodule length perpendicular to rafts B Rail Span L Downforce Point Load R pst Step I x ft x ft Step 4 /2 lbs Step 6: Determine the Uplift Point Load, R (lbs), at each connection based on rail span You must also consider the Uplift Point Load, R (lbs), to determine the t~luired lag bok attachment to the roof (building) structure. Table I I. Uplift Point Load Calculation Total Design Load (uplift:) P pd Step I Module length perpendicular to rails B x fi: Rail Span L x fi: Step 4 Uplift: Point Load R lbs Table 12. Lag pull-out (withdrawal) capacities (lbs) in typical roof lumber (ASD) Lag screw specJflcatJons per inch thread depth Douglas Fir, Larch 0.50 266 Douglas Fir, South 0.46 235 Engelm~nn Spruce, Lodgepole Pine (MSR 16S0 f & higher) 0.46 235 Hem, Fir, Redwood (close grain) 0.43 212 Hem, Fir (North) 0.46 235 Southern Pine 0.S$ 307 Spruce, Pine, Fir 0.42 20S Spruce, Pine, Fir (E of 2 million psi ~uld higher grades of MSR and MEL) 0.S0 266 Thread depth L Sources:American Wood Coundl, NDS 2005,Table I 1.2A, I 1.3.2A Notes: (I) Thread must be embedded in the side groin ora rafter or other structural member integral w~ the butJdiag structure. (2) Lag botts must be located in the middle third of the structural membec (3) These values are not valid for wet service. (4) This table does not include shear capacitJes. If necessary, contact a local en~neer to speciffy !ag belt size wlt~ regard to shear forces. (5) Install lag boks w~h head and washer flush ta surfoce (no gap). Do not over-tarque. (6) Withdrawal design values for lug screw connections shall be mu/'~plied by applicable adjustment factors if necessary. See Table I 0.3. I in the Amerkan Wood Council ND S for Wood ConstruclJon. *Use fiat washers w~ idg screws. Use Table 12 to select a lag bolt size and embedment depth to satisfy your Uplift Point Load Force, R (lbs), requirements. It is the installer's responsibility to verify that the subsu'ucture and attachment method is strong enough to support the maximum point loads calculated according to Step 5 and Step 6. -'."UNIRAC' Unirac ¢ode-Corapliant Installation Manual $olarMount Part III. Installing SolarMount The Unirac Code-Compliant Installation Instructions support applications for building permits for photovoltaic arrays using Unirac PV module mounting systems. This manual, SolarMount Planning and Assembly, governs installations using the SolarMount and SolarMount HD (Heavy Duty) systems. [3.1.] SolarMount® rail components F~q~re 4. SolarMount smmJard rail components. Rail - Supports PV modules. Use two per row of modules. 6105-T5 aluminum exixusion, anodized. Rail splice - Joins and aligns rail sections into single length of rail. It can form either a rigid or thermal expansion joint, 8 inches long, predrilied. 610S-TS aluminum extrusion, anodized. self-drilllng screw - (No. 10 x ¥4'9 - Use 4 per rigid splice or 2 per expansion joint. Galvanized steel. L-foot- Use to secure rails either through roofing material to building structure or standoffs. Refer to loading tables for spacing. Note: Please contact Unirac for use and specification of double L-fe~t. L-foot bolt (3/8" x 3/~,) _ Use one per L-foot to secure rati to L-foot. 304 stainless steel. Flange nut (3/8 ") - Use one per L-foot to secure raft to L-foot. 304 stainless steel. Flattop standoff (optional) (3/8 '9 - Use if L-foot bolt cannot be secured directly to rafter (with tile or shake roofs, for example). Sized to minimize roof to rail spacing. Use one per L-foot. One piece: Service Condition 4 (very severe) zinc-plated-welded steel. Includes 3/8" x V4" bolt with lock washer for attaching L-foot. Hashings: Use one per standoff. Unirac offers appropriate flashings for both standoff types. Note: There is also a flange type standoff that does not t~quire an L-foot. Aluminum two-peiee standoff (4" and T') - Use one per L-foot. ,,Two-piece: 6105-T5 aluminum extrusion. Includes 3/8~ x 3)4" serrated flange bo~t with EPDM washer for attaching L-foot, and two '/36" lag bolts. Lag screw for L-foot (5/16") - Attaches standoff to rafter. Top Mounting Clamps Top Mounting Grounding Clips and Lugs Installer suppUed materials: Lag screw for L-foot - Attaches L-foot or standoff to rafter. Determine the length and diameter based on pull- out values, fflag screw head is exposed to elements, use stainless steel. Under flashings, zinc plated hardware is adequate. Waterproof roofing sealant- Use a sealant appropriate to your roofing material. Consult with the company currently providing warranty of roofing. SolarMount UniracCode-CompliantlnstallationManual U NIRAC [3.2.] Installing SolarMount with top mounting clamps Tkls section covers SolarMount rack assembly where the installer has elected to use top mounting clamps to secure modules to the rails. It details the procedure for flush mounting SolarMount systems to a pitched roof. Mid Clamp SolarMounl' Rail End Clamp Figure $. F~aloded view of a flushmount instrdlation mounted with L-feet. Table 14. Clamp kit part quantities r End Mid '/,' module '~'x %~ ~' flange A Modules clamps clarr~s clamp bolts safety bo~ nuts 2 4 2 6 2 8 3 4 4 8 2 10 4 4 6 10 2 12 5 4 8 12 2 14 6 4 10 14 2 16 7 4 12 16 2 18 8 4 14 18 2 20 Stninleas steel hardware can sei~e up, a process called galling, To significantly reduce its likelihood, (1) apply lubricant tv bolts, preferably an anti-sei~e lubricant, ctaailable at auW parts sWras, (2) shade hardware prior to installation, and (3) avoid spinning on nuts at high speed. See Installation Supplement 910, Galling and Its Prevent/on, at www. un/rac.cotr~ Table 15.Wrenches and torque Wrench Recommended size torque (~4bs) hardware ~ 15 hardware 9/~6~ 30 '."UNIRAC UniracCode-Corn~liantInstallationManual $olarMoum [3.2.1] Planning your SolarMount® installations The installation can be laid out with rails parallel to the rafters or perpendicular to the rafters. Note that SolarMount rafts make excellent straight edges for doing layouts. Center the installation area over the structural members as much as possible. Leave enough room to safely move around the array during installation. Some building codes require m/nimum clearances around such inst~llations, and the user should be directed to also check 'The Code'. The width of the installation area equals the length of one module. The length of the installation area is equal to: · the total width of the modules, · plus 1 inch for each space between modules (for mid- damp), · plus 3 laches (1¥~ inches for each pair of end damps). Peak Gutter F/gure 6. Rai/s may be p/aced para//el or perpendicular to rafters. SolarMount Vnirac Code-Compliant Installation Manual -'-'-' U NIRAC [3.2.2] Laying out L-feet L-feet (Fig. 7) ere used for attachment through existing roof- ing material, such as asphalt shingles, sheathing or sheet metal to the building structure. Use Figure 8 or 9 below to locate and mark the position of the L-feet lag screw holes within the installation erea. If multiple rows ere to be installed adjacent to one another, it is not likely that each row will be centered above the rafters. Adjust es needed, following the guidelines in Figure 9 as closely as possible. P/gure 7 25% of module -~- ~- Overhang 25% L max . / . width ~ Foot spacing/ ~, / / ~ ~_ojlSgan_'[" ~,_ ~j ~ . ~ / / ,, [I H II, , Figure 8. L~you~ with rails perpendicular to rafters. Installing L-feet Drill pilot holes through the roof into the center of the rafter at each L-foot lag screw hole location. Squirt sealant into the hole, and on the shafts of the lag screws. Seal the underside of the L- f~et with a suitable sealant. Consult with the company providing the roofing werranty. Securely fasten the L-feet to the roof with the lag screws. Ensure that the L-feet face as shown in Figure 8 and 9. For greater ventila- tion, the preferred method is to place the single-slotted squere side of the L-foot against the roof with the double-slotted side perpen- diculer to the roof. If the installer chooses to mount the L-foot with the long leg against the roof, the bolt slot closest to the bend must be used. 25% of module width 1¥2' -~ _ 50% of module width Lower roof edge Rafters (Building Structure) . / Overhang 25% L max ~ter~ ~o~y on the mil* (+/- 20. If this is not the Figure 9. Layout with rails parallel to rafters. · - UNIRAC' UniracCode-Com~liantInstallationManual $olarMount [3.2.3] Laying out standoffs Standoffs (Fignre 10) are used for flashed installations, such as those with tile and shake shingles. Use Figure 11 or 12 to locate and mark the location of the standoff lag screw holes within the installation area. Remove the ~e or shake underneath each standoff location, exposing the roofing undeflayment. F~suro that the standoff base lies fiat on the underinymant, but remove no more mate- rial than required for the flashings to be installed properly. The standofj~ must be firmly attached to the building structure. ri~e 10. l~i~ed fl~e stamiog ami flot top stando#used in conjunction with an £-.foo£ Overhang 25% L max L / M 13/~'' J Lower roof edge ~ Foot spacing/~J 25% module width each end "j ' 50~module ~¢ffeB ~ (Building SbuctureJ ?ig~re 11. Iayoas with rails perpendicular to rafters.perpendicular to rafters. Overhang 25% of ---, module width (TYP) 7/16"-~-~- spacing/ -- Span "L" ( Overhang 25% L, max Lower roof edge j ,1% I% /, Rafters (Building StnJcture) If multiple high-profile rows are to be installed adjacent to each other, it may not be possible for each row to be centered above the rafters. Adjust as needed, following the guidelines of Fig. 12 as closely as possible. Installing standoffs grin 3/16 inch pilot holes through the undeflayment into the center of the rafters at each standoff location. Securely fasten each standoff to the rafters with the two 5/16" lag Ensure that the standoffs face as shown in Figure 11 or 12. Unirac steel standoffs ( 1 5/8" O.D.) are designed for collared flaskings available from Unirac. Aluminum two-piece standoffs (1 1/8" O.D.) take all-metal flashings, also available from Unirac. Install and seal flashings and standoffs using standard building practices or as the company providing roofing warranty directs. Figure 12. Layout with rails pam//e/W rafters, SolarMount VniracCode-CompliantInstallationManual .'.-' UNIRAC [3.2.4] Installing SolarMount rails Keep rail slots free of roofing grit or other debris. Foreign matter will cause bolts to bind as they slide in the slots. In~-~lllng Splices. If yons installation uses SolarMount splice bars, attach the rails together (Fig. 13) before mounting the rails to the footings. Use splice bars only with flush installations or those that use low-profile tilt legs. Although sttucntral, the joint is not as strong as the rail itself. A rail should always be supported by more than one footing on both sides of the splice. (Reference installation manual 908.1, Splices/Expansion Joints.) If using more than one splice per rail, contact Un/rac concern/ng thermal expansion issues. Figure 13. Splice bars slide into the footing bolt slots of $olarMount rail sections. Mounting Rails on Footings. Rails may be attached to either of two mounting holes in the L-feet (Fig. 14). Mount in the lower hole for a low profile, more aesthetically pleasing installation. Mount in the upper hole for a higher profile, which will maximize airflow under the modules. This will cool them more and may enhance perfonuance in hotter climates. Slide the ~-inch mounting bolts into the footing bolt slots~ Loosely attach the rails to the footings with the flange nuts. Ensure that the rails are oriented to the footings as shown in Figure 8, 9, 11, or 12, whichever is appropriate. Aligning the Rail Ends. Align one pair of rail ands to the edge of the installation area (Fig. 15 or Fig. 16). The opposite pair of rail ends will overhang the side of the installation area. Do not trim them off until the installation is complete. If the rails are perpendicular to the rafters (Fig. 15), either end of the rails can be aligned, but the first module must be installed at the aligned end. If the rails are parallel to the rafters (Fig. 16), the aligned end of the rails must face the lower edge of the roof. Securely tighten all hardware after alignment is complete (28-32 ft lbs). Mount modules to the rails as soon ns possible, l~arge temperature changes may bow the rails within a few hours if module placement is delayed. Figure 14. Foot-w-rail spike attachment Edge of installation area Figure 15. Rails perpendicular to the r~ Edge of i~sla[lation area Figure 16. Rails parallel to the rafters. -'?UNIRAC VniracCode-CompliantInstallationManual SolarMount [3.2.5] Installing the modules Pre-wiring Modules. If modules are the Plug and Play type, no pre-wiring is required, and you can proceed directly to "Installing the First Module" below. If modules have standard J-boxes, each module should be pre-wired with one end of the intermodule cable for ease of installation. For safety reasons, module pre-wiring should not be performed on the roof. Leave covers off J-boxes. They will be installed when the modules are installed on the rails. Installing the First Module. In high-profile instaflations, the sa/ety bolt and flange nut must be fastened to the module bolt slot at the aligned (lower) end of each rail. It will prevent the lower end damps and clamping bolts from sliding out of the rail slot during installation. If there is a return cable to the inverter, connect it to the first module. Close the J-box cover. Secure the first module with T-bolts and end damps at the aligned end of each raft. Allow half an inch between the rail ends and the end damps (Fig.18). Finger tighten flange nuts, center and align the module as needed, and securely tighten the flange nuts (1S ft lbs). Installing the Other Modules. Lay the second module face down (glass to glass) on the first module. Connect intermodule cable to the second module and close the J-box cover. Turn the second module face up (Fig. 17). With T-bolts, mid-clamps and flange nuts, secure the adjacent sides of the first and second modules. Align the second module and securely tighten the flange nuts (Fig. 19). For a neat installation, fasten wire management devices to rails with serf-drilling screws. Repeat the procedure until all modules are installed. Attach the outside edge of the last module to the rail with end damps. Trim off any excess rail, being careful not to cut into the roof. Allow half an inch between the and clamp and the end of the rail (Fig. 18). Check that all flange nuts on T-bolts are torqued to 15 ft lbs. Figuee 17 1/2" minimum End clamp J Figure 18 module bolt .~ nut Rail High-lipped module (cross section) section) SolorMounf roil SolorMount rail Figure 20. Mid clamps and end damps for lipped-frame modules are identical. A spacer for the end clamps is necessary only {f the lips are located high on the modlde frame. $olarMount Unira¢ Cocle-Com~liant Installation Manual ~-P U N I RA C' [3.3] Installing SolarMount with bottom mounting dips This section covers SolarMount rack assembly where the installer has elected to use bottom mounting damps to secure modules to the rails. It details the procedure for flush mounting SolarMount systems to a pitched roof. Table 16. Wrenches and torque W~ench Recommended s/ze torque (fi-lbs) "hardware ~6~ 15 hardware ~6" 30 Stainless steel hardware can sei~e up, a process called galling. To significantly reduce its likelihood, (1) apply lubricant to bolts, preferably an anti-sei~e lubricant, available at auto parts stares, (2) shade hard~vare prior W installation, and (3) avoid spinning on nuts at high speed. See Installation Supplement 910, Galling and Its Prevention, at ~.unirac.com. · -'.'-' U N I RAC' UniracCode-Corn~liantInstallationManual SolarMount [3.3.1] Planning the installation area Decide on an arrangement for clips, rails, and L-feet (Fig. 22). Use Arrangement A if the full width of the rails contacts the module. Otherwise use Arrangement B. Caution: If you choose Arransement B, either (1) use the upper mounting holes of the L-feet or (2) be certain that the L-feet and clip positions don~t conflict. If rails mnst be parallel to the rafters, it is unlikely that they can be spaced to match rafters. In that case, add structure supports - either sleepers over the roof or mounting blocks beneath it. These additional members must meet code; ffin doubt, consuk a professional engineen Never secure the footings to the roof decking alone. Such an arrangement will not meet code and leaves the installation and the roof itself vulnerable to severe damage from wind. Leave enough room to safely move around the array during installation. The w/dth of a rail-module assembly equals the length of one module. Note that L-feet may extend beyond the width of the assembly by as much as 2 inches on each side. The length of the assembly equals the total width of the modules. lag bolt cenler$ bolt Figure 22. Clip Arran~ments A and B SolarMount VniracCode-CompliantInstallationManual =rUNIRAC [3.3.2] Laying out the installing L-feet L-feet are used for iustallation through existing low profile roofing material, such as asphalt shingles or sheet metal. They are also used for most ground mount installations. To ensure that the L-feet will be easily accessible during flush installation: · Use the PV module mounting holes nearest the ends of the modules. · Situate the rails so that footing bolt slots face outward. The single slotted square side of the L-foot must always he against the roof with the double-slotted side perpendicular to the roof. Foot spacing (along the same rail) and rail overhang depend on design wind loads. Install half the L-feet: · If rails are perpendicular to rafters (Fig. 23), install the feet closest to the lower edge of the roof. · If rails are parallel to rafters (Fig 24), install the feet for one of the rails, but not both. For the L-feet being installed now, drill pilot holes through the roofing into the center of the rafter at each lag screw hole location. Squirt sealant into the hole and onto the shafts of the lag screws. Seal the underside of the L-feet with a sealant. Secusely fasten the L-feet to the building structure with the lag screws. Ensure that the L-feet face as shown in Figure 23 or Figure 24. Hold the rest of the L-feet and fasteners aside until the panels are ready for the installation. Figure 23. Eayout with rails perpendicular to rafters. tafters ~ First Figure 24. Layout with rails ~arallel to rafters. UNIRAC' VniracCod¢-CompliantInstalladonManual $olarMount [3.3.3] Attaching modules to the rails Lay the modules for a given panel face down on a surface that will not damage the module glass. Align the edges of the modules and snug them together (Fig. 21, page22). Trim the rails to the total width of the modules to be mounted. Place a raft adjacent to the outer mounting holes. Orient the footing bok slot outward. Place a clip slot adjacent to the mounting holes, following the arrangement you selected earlier. Assemble the clips, mounting bolts, and flange nuts. Torque the flange nuts to 1S-foot-pounds. Wire the modules as needed. For safety reasons, module wiring should not be performed on a roof. For a neat installation, fasten cable clamps to rails with se~-tapping SCi%~vVS. [3.3.4] Installing the module-rail assembly Bring the module-raft assembly to the installation site. Keep raft slots free of debris that might cause bolts to bind in the slots. Consider the weight of a fully assembled penel. Unirac recom- mends safety lines whenever lifting one to a roof. Align the panel with the previously installed L-feet. Slide 3/8 inch L-foot mounting bolts onto the rail and align them with the L-feet mounting holes. Attach the panel to the L-feet and finger tighten the flange nuts. Rails may be attached to either of two mounting holes in the footings (Fig. 25). · Mount in the lower hole for a low, more aethetically pleasing installation. · Or mount in the upper hole to maximize a cooling airflow under the modules. This may enhance perfor- mance in hotter climates. Adjust the position of the panel as needed to fit the installa- tion area. Slide the remaining L-feet bolts onto the other rail, attach L-feet, and finger tighten with flange nuts. Align L-feet with mounting holes previously drilled into the roof. Install lag bolts into remaining L-feet as described in"Laying out and installing L-feet" above. Torque all footing flange nuts to 30 pounds. Verify that all lag bolts are securely fastened. Footing bolt slot 'gM t Flange SolarMount VniracCode-CompliantInstallationManual UNIRAC' [3.4] Installing SolarMount with grounding clips and lugs UGC- I Top Module T-bolt SolorMount~ roil (any type) dip into mp mounans slot o. fraiL Torque module~ in pla~e on mp of UGL I UGL SolorMount~ roil {any type) Figure 28. Place grounding dips, lugs, and copper ~ire (6-10 AWG). [~] PV module , , SolarMount rail (any type) A Rail splice X Grounding lug I Grounding clip -- Copper w're Single grounding wire for entire array Alternate widng ~-ITne splices :PUNIRA Unira¢Code-Com[ liantInstallaCionManual 10 year limited Product Warranty, $ year limited Finish Warranty SolarMount Unirac, lnc.,warr~nts to the original purchaser ("Purchaser") of product(s) that it manufactures ("Product'~ at the odginal installation site that the ~roduct shall be h~e from defects in material and workmanship for a period often (10) years, except for the anodized finish, which finish shaft be free from visiMe peeling, or crocking or chalking under norrnal atmospheric conditions for a period OF five (5) years, from the eadier of I) the date the installation of the Prociuct is completed, or 2) 30 days after the purchase of the Product by the original Purchaser ("Finish Warranty"). The Finish VVarranty does not apply to any foreign residue deposited on the finish. All installations in corrosive atmospheric conditions are excluded. The Finish Warranty isVOID if the practices specif~l byAAMA 609 & 610-02-"Cleaning and Malm~nance for Architecturally Finished Aluminum" (www. aarnane~org) are not followed by PurchasenThis Warranty does not cover damage to the Product that occurs durin~ its shipment, stor~e, or installation. This Warrant7 shall beVOID Jf installation of the Product is not performed in accordance with Unirac's written installation instructions, or if the Product ha~ been modified, repaired, or reworked in a manner not pre~ously authorized by Unirac IN WRITING, or if the Product is installed in an environment for which it was not designed. Unirac shall not be liable for consequential, contingent or incidental damages arising out of the use of the Product by Purchaser under any circumstances. If within the specit'md Warranty periods the Product shall be reasonably proven to be defective, then Unirac shall repair or replace the defective Product, or any part thereof, in Unirac's sole discretion. Such repair or replacement shall completely satisfy and discharge all of Unirac's liabilYcy with respect to this limited Warranty. Under no circumstances shall Unirac be liable for special, indirect or consequential damages arising out of or related to use by Purchaser of the Product. I~lanufacturers of related items, such as PV modules and flashings, may provide written warranties of their own. Unirac's limited VV~rrarrty covers only its Product, and not any related items. · .-".. NIRAC I I 1411 Broadway Boulevard NE P-' ,I ~,d Albuquerque NM 87102-1545 USA 26 ROD~.,ERICK VAN TUYL, P.C. LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS GREENPORT NEW YORK SUFFOLK CO HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL H S. NO ~!'~-r~-~_ STATEMENT OF INTENT THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR THIS RESIDENCE WtLi. CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF THE SUFFOLK CO DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES. APPLICANT SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT. Of HEALT~ i SERVICES -- FOR APPROVAL FOR! DATE:CONSTRUCTION ONLY 1 H S. REF NO {~iO-~-~';.[ APPROVED: SUFFOLK CO. TAX MAP DESIGNATION: DIST SECT. BLOCK PCL OWNERS ADDRESS: DEED: L.: -,'A~ TEST HOLE. STAMP SEAL MAP OF' PP.:OPEI2T¥ AT o t .L4I ._% _,_,-?,'.-- ,. .,._,_ A~: '2:j['~,~V 'r;, ROD~RICK VAN~YL, P.C, GREENPORT NEW YORK SUFFOLK CO HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL H S, NO P-.10-'~,~ STATEMENT O,F INT~ENT THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR THIS RESIDENCE WlL~ CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF THE SUFFOLK CO DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES tsl , APPLICANT SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT OF HEALTP SERVICES - FOR APPROVAL .-"OF CONSTRUCTION ONLY DATE: H S. RE'F NO APPROVED: SUFFOLK CO TAX MAP DESIGNATION: DIOr SECT BLOCK PCL '~)WNERS ADDRESS: DEED: TEST HOLE STAMP SEAL