HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12387 P 381=.. 1000 s~. 052. O{ B~.. 02. O0 t~.)015. OO NY ~O~ - I~ and S~e D~d ~dth Covmm~ ..~.lnat O~nl~'s Acts Indl 5~dunl COI~ULT YOUR LkWYRR B~/~ORR ~IGNINO ~ INSTRUMKNY - ~ [NgrltUld~NV SHOULD Bg ~ BY [.kWVgP.~ ONLY 'I'dlSINDENTURF~-",~'~o 3rd dayof l. la.~ ., ,inthoyoar 2005, BETWEEN WILLIAM PAPPAS n~d J~,NNIE. PAPPAS, htr wife, both re~id~ lit 2384 Undenmo~ Drive, Men'id~, Now York i 1566, ~my of tim I'~-st pat~ and JENNIE PAPPAS, residing at 23g4 Lindeam~m Drivo, Men'ick~ New Ymk 11566 patly of tho second p,~. WITNESS~TH. 1hat tho party of tho I'mt pm. in conside~atim of Ten Dolla~ and ether valuable comitleration paid by p.ln'y of the second pa~ _d~_ _~_ bm:by ~rant and release unto Ihe pa~ of the ___..~'t~l_ t~1. 01o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of TOGKTII~R with afl right, fills afld intreat, If my. of the pafly of the first pnrt of. in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~u~ ~ abow-a-?~bed F~mi~,s m Ih~ ca~r Un~ Ihc~o~ TOGI~'THER with ~h~ N~n~,~* md ~11 ~ ~ ~ d~ of ~ second pail, tl~ h~irs o~ ~,'~,~,~s and migm of Ihe pafly of the _~ _ _,~_ pall f~wu. )t~mises hive been incumlx~'ed in my way wik~levef, --~,'-~. m &formoJd. AND thi par'fy of lh~ first pm. in compliance wilh Section J3 of the Liefl Law. covmaflls that b party of thi h part will receive the con~idut~ion for ~is conveysn~ and will hold th~ l~.ht to rncetw such ~i~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~pl~ first for the ~ of p~yin~ II~ cost of Ihe improven~m and will apply the same fire lo Ih~ l)~ymmt of th~ cost of the improven~nt berot'o u~in~ any pa~ or th~ uml or ~h~ sam~ rot ~y o0~r purpose. T'n~ word "~' sh~ll be comtmed as If it re~l "pmir4" wl~mever I~ some of this indenu~e m ~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~ party of Ih~ f'ust [mt has duly oxemtr, d ~ls ~,-~ t~ duy and yea~ flint above wrtll~n. bchnlf of which tho tlxib~h~s) NO~A;Y PImUC. S~ m mwyom No. 304~s/280 A CgffO~ FO~ FOR USg WIZB~ NEW YO~ S~ ~ O~L~ Slate or New York, County of ) ~.: pa3omay known m n~ or proved W n~ m ~b~ basis of nlisfaciory evidmce to be ~e tn&vidual(s) whm~ name(s) b (&'e) fabscdbed to ~c witJdn Inmumml. and admowled&cd ~o me tim. hetsbeNzy exccu,-a bet2alf of which the hidtvidud(s) actcd, cxccmcd the humanmL AO~IOW~3~nu~-v~'FOI~FORUSgOf~ZSIfl~NEwYoPJ:ST~z~ONLY: pa3omlly Imown to m= er lX'ovcd to m= on ~h= ba~ of nth~ evidm~ to be ~!~ ind~,tdud(s) whine mn2(s) is (m) subsaibed to,Ac 7~ No. BARGAIN · SALE DRED WILLIAM PAPPAS x, JENNIE PAPPAS TO JENNIE PAPPAS FIDELITY NATIOIIM, Tlll,E L~SUMCE 0COMPA~qY OF NKwYORK D~T=Cr 1000 S~mcm 052.00 02.00 015o00 Coum~:s~m~xSUFFOLIC COUNTY RECOItD~D AT ItB~UE~T OF t,~delity NnUond Title Insurance C.~nlumy or New York ARTHUR J. NASTR.E, ESQ. COLONIAL BUILDING 1253 COLONIAL ROAD I-IEWLuyx, NY 11557 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # __ Certificate # __ Prior Cfi. # 3 Deed I.Mol~a~nge [i;stmment Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Page / Filing'Fee Ilandling · rP-584 .... Notation . -- F..A-52 17 (County)_. EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Sub 'lbml ___ 5. 00 Reg. Copy Sub 'llaal Other Grand Total d/-/=-?~ 4 I Section . Real Property Tax Service Agency Verillcnti~½, 05018392 ~ooo os2oo 0200 o~5ooo SalisfaciiondDischarggs/Release$ List Property Owners Mailin8 Address RECOkD & RETURN 1'0: Title REO~DED 20~ EaU 16 12-':~0:33 PH Ed,~ard P.~,nair~ L D00012~7 P ~! DT# 04-40920 Recording / l~ling Stnmf~ c Amt. I. Basic 'lhx 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssil. of Spec../Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town . Dual County. · I leld for Aplmintme,~ 'l ransfer Tax . Mansion 'fax The property covered by this mongagc is or will be improved hy a one or two family dwelling only. YF3. or NO l[ NO. see appropriate tax clnus~ page # of this instmmm~t. ' ~'l."31r~ comm-nity Ptese~vatlotn / d Consideration Amount CPF Tax Due / $ Yncant I.and 'FI) TD Information ), BOXES 6 TIIRL! 8 MtJS'r BE TYPED OR PRIN'TED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR 'tO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) __ _ made by: The premises herein is situated if; SUFFOI..K COUNTY, NEW YORK. in ,he ;Ihwn~hip of [ii th~ VILLAGE or HAMLI'-'I' of .~/] O~ d · n~is pese forms parl of thc attached '1~/::~} (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTI s I' Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDINQ PAQE Type of Inetrumentz DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages~ 3 Receipt Number ~ 05-0052469 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-40920 Districts 1000 Deed Amount~ Recorded~ LIBER: PA~E: Section ~ Block z 052.00 02.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED A~ FOLLOWS $0.00 os/ls/2oos 12:30:33 PM D00012387 381 Lo t:; 015.000 Received the Foll~i~ Fees For Above Inet~,--nt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-C'Z'Y $5.00 NO EA-STAT~ TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Cop~es RPT $30.00 NO ~CTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Coin. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX N~MBER: 04-40920 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRI~T THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.oo $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $149.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE 'Pt'PE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hep://www, orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (618) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. swm c.de I ~,~, q, ~' ,~ ,~' I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT / ~.,~ -1' STAre 8o~m oF .~AL PRObitY S~V~.S . ..~.g,/' PROPERTY INFORMATION I L~I 85 [ Beverly Road [ Southold 2. Buyer I ~)aPDas, [Southold [11971 [ I Jennie I I IN X [11797 ~. sd., I Paooes. I Pappas, Jlennie, I 'o5/03 / o5 I C D E F SIb of FfactkMMI or Lass th~n FOO Intgmff tSj2ocJfy edowJ No consideration · . . ,6.4.00 I ' ~ ~ ~ I&FY~)MIVCIS~O L~._~,._~LJ-L.~I. lO. khoolDkM~N.m. I gouthold ~)IST 1000r SEC 052.00r BLK 02.00, L~ I 015.00 I I c~.~o. I BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY Nastre, I Arthur, J. 8,1. I Ea~le Chase Wooclbuz]', I NY I 11797 SELLEq 516- I 374-2321