HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12222 P 535THIS INDENTU~ m ~is d~y of Nm~r, t~ ~ ~ two JOSE~ P, ~W~N & ANNE M, 165 W~ ~m ~f~. Unit 5P. Nc~ Y~, ~ 1~23 S~ ~ll~JLE "A' ANNEXED H~. ALL that cert:Un plot, p~ec.e o~ pa~t ut' land. s~t,_,-_~, tying ar~ being anct being north of ~ Vil~.e ot' Greenpon, Town of Southotd. County of Suffolk and State o£ New York, bounded a~nd d_-_~dbed as BEOff'~Nff~G at a POint o~ ~,e westerly sh~ of Su~a~ f..nn~, ~stnnt so~ly 395.57 ~e~et as me~ along same t~orn the in~-secrlon of the soutt~rly s~de of Sound Drive with the westerly side of RL,rNN~'qG THE~L-"E along Ihe ~'es~'ly 1me of Sunset Lam~ South 27 ciegrees 38 minutes 30 TIH~4CE Sou~ 62 deszees 21 n~nutes 30 seconds West, 109.~6 feet:, THENCE Noru~ 25 degees ll~ n~nt~e~ 50 seconds W'e~L 75.06 feet: THENCE Ninth 62 degrees 2! minu~ 30 seconds East, 106.13 feet to the w~y s~de of Lane at the point or place ofBF. GINNING. T~tl~ Repa~ L~sued by:. 370 OIdCouna7 Road S~te ~00 Ga,tden C~ty. ~'Y 11530 Telephone: (516~ 294-7037 Fax: ¢516) 742-937~ of ~ p,.,r~ou taking ~clmowledgn~m) Csigrauure aaa off~."'e of dme per',on ,aking nekno',viedgnt'm) 0AVID FLEISCHMAN No, OIF~/; Bargain and Sale Deed Wml COV-~AhT AGAL'%'ST Oi~A,'4'roR'S ACT~[ TFFLE NO. *~--I~q 1~,-5 Jill PL LAW~O~ & ANNF. M. I,AWSON TO COLLEI~¢ M~NAN & DEBORAU MAKEN DIS'T, SECTION 033.00 BLOCK 04,00 LOT 054.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SuffoUd~ld RI~TURN B'r MAIL TO: Colleen Meena~ F. sq, M~mmn & As~ocia~s, tLC 396 it, mae'way, Suile 601 New York, NY 10013 TOgREN$ Serial tt .......... Ceni fka~e # Prier Ct[ # TP-SB4 ~,mlion I':A-52 l? (Coumy) EA-5217 (State) iLP.T.S,A ~ of.Ed Certified Copy Reg Copy O~her __ Sub Toud S QO _ Sab Total GRAND TOTAL Eduard ~lrt~ 02-172,~2 2. Additional Tax Sub SpecYAssit. 01 Spec. I~ ..... TOT, MTG. TAX Paud Town Oual County Ileld f~ Apperticmmem I~a~i~ T~ T~ property covered by this mort~a~e is or will be improved by I one or two family dseellin~ only. YES ...... or NO ......... I f NO. see appropriale tax c~use aa page # __of Ibis insmm~er~ ReM Propmy Tax Sevi;~/~nq, Vetlf:~ation Dist. Sepia B to~ Lm ~ 1000 03300 0400 054000 I0 Suffolk 'rh/s pa~e fom~ p~n o f the ay, ached Community Preservalion Fund Amount $ ~'t..+ ~ CP~: Tax D~ S "O, TD TD Title Company Information & En rs ent (SPEaFY 'rYt~ OF INSTR~T ) SUFFOLK COL,'NTY, NEW YORK TO In ~ Township of ~ou~ ottL/ Colff~n McCn qn a n l, o in ~ne VILLAGE bt~bOYo, h H~IKf/I orILAMLETof ,~n"¢in,aay"k' UOXES $ THRU 9 ,MUST BE ]Y~ED OR PRINI ,ED iN, ,BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR,TO ~ OR FILING. I IIIIIlllllllltlllmllll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RF~CORDS OFFICE RECORDLN~ PAGE N~anber of[ Pagees 4 ?RAHSFER TAX HUMBER: 02-17242 1000 Section: Block ~ 033.00 04.00 ~LM~N~D AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $265,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument ~x~pt Page/Filing $12.00 NO He~dling COE $5.00 NO NYB BURCHG F~-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-$84 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies R..~ $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $1,060.00 NO C,~,Pree Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX ~R: 02-17242 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE r~STRUM~T Rec o~ded: LIBER: PA~E: Edward P.P~ma~ne County Clerk, Suffolk County 11/29/2002 10~37~25 AM D00012222 535 054.000 $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $25.00 NO $0.oo NO $0.00 NO $2,300.00 NO $3,462.00 PLEASE *IYPE OR PRESS FIRN1LY ,WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS; http;//www.orps, state.n;/,us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ~ REAL PROPERTY T-~NSFER REPORT STATE OF NIEW YO~K RP - 5217 1000-033.00-04.00-054.000 SELLER NEW YORK STAr[?.