HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12410 P 133/]tandanl N.Y.B.T.U. fowa 80O2.20M-lla~aln i ~ ~ ~ Covmanlt ~.., ~,,~ Gmnlor's Agte COh'$ULT YOUR LA~A'YER BIel.'ORK ~IGNING THIS INSTRUMENT. THIa IN~rRuM[.:Ih'Y $11OULD BE U~L'D BY I.AWyr~I~8 ONLY. ..~ TIII~INI)ENTURF., made the 29th day of August, Two Thousand Five BE'I'WStKN PM Construction Entctl~ses, Inc. 8 WestcliffAve Lake Grove, NY 11755 party of the tint pan, and Robert S. Mon'ison and Ashley R. Motrison, husband and wife, 203 West 90th Street, Apt 7F New Yod~, NrY 11024 party of the second part, WITNKSSETIi, llmt thc party of the flr~t part, in consideration often dollars and otfm' valuable cousidemtion paid by the party of the second party, doc~ hcraby stunt and release unto the party of thc second pert, the beirs or succensors and atgiigns of the party of the second part forewr, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the bulldinp and impm~'ement~ thereon etcctod, situate, lying and being at: SEE ~CHEDULE 'A" ATTACHED This convcyanco is made in thc ordinary coursc of bnsin*.-~s with thc consent of all stockholders. Being and in'a'nded to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed datnd 3123/04 recorded 4/26/04 in the Suffolk County Clerk Office in Liher 12315 Cp 63 I. TOGETHER with all fight, title and interest, if any, of the party of the party of the first ~ in / m any stxects and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereoR TOGETHER with the appurt~ances and all the estatc and rights of thc pa,ny of thc t'wst pan in and to said premis~; TO HAVE AND TO IlOLD ~ Imnnises hen:in 8ranted unto the pafly of the second pate. the ~ ~ succe~ors and uss~ns of tho party of the second pan AND the pat~ of the first part covensnta that the party of~u: tim part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encmnhored in any way whe~c~.Tr, cxccpt ns a f'o~:said. AND the pat~y of the tint pa~, in compliuncc with Section 13 oftbe Lien law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive thc consideration for this conveyance and will hold thc right to receive such consideration as n trust fund to be applied fuat for the p~ of paying the cost ofthe improvement and will npply the same tint to the payment of the cost of the ;.~q,, ,,vemont he fo~'e using any pa~ of the total of the san~ for uny other purpose. The v,~rd "pafly" shall be consm~d as if it read "panlns" whenever the sense of this indenture so requin:s. IN WITNgSS WHERI~F, thc pexty of ~ l'ual part has duly executed this deed the day and year tint above written. IN PRESENCE OF: Peter Maleve · TITLE NUMBER: 641-S-02948 SCHEDULE"A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of lend, situate, lying end being near Greenport Village, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk end State of New York, and described as Lot No. 44 on a certain Map entitled, "Map of Eastem Shores at Greenport", filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on April 27, 1964 as Map No. 4021, said Lot being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the weatedy side of T~sker Lane where same is intersected by the division line of Lots 44 end 43 on the above referenced Map; THENCE along the westerly side of Tasker Lane, South 25 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds East, 1t0.00 feat; THENCE South 64 degrees 31 minutes 50 seconds West, 151.49 feet; THENCE North 20 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds West, t10.38 feet to the first above mentioned division line; THENCE along said division line, North 64 degrees 31 mlnutea 50 seconds East, 142.32 feet to the westerly side of Tasker Lane and the point or place of BEGINNING. ' STATEOF[MItWYOBg. Co4AN~I~t]~IJFFOLK SS~ On ~ 29,k ,ky of' ~ T~ Timmmd Fi~e in ~nd ~ nid ~me, pgmm~lly appmmJ I~l~r M~lve pmomd~ kumm to ma m pm~ to m~ ~n d~ I~is ef -,;-brtmy ~,idm~ ro b~ ~h~ individu~(I) whom rmm~]q is (sm) _~,__h~i__'bed to Ibc Mm/e~eemed the unto in i. LMmAl~ir eapiti~iu), md dm b,/~ dllnm~s) au thc immimem, ~be h]divfdud(s), er dm perleo upm behlf of ~d]ieh the individul(s) lord. exhaled ;he immm~a~ Onthe thdf~of ,l'vm~Fiv~ be~, mt. dm undmiped, a Nam7 Pablie i~ and For said Sine, Fummmlly ~;~ _-~_ Number of pages Serial # Certificate # Prio~ Cfi. # TORRENS Dccd/ Mortgage Instrument 3 Page I Filing Fee / Handling 5. 00 TP-584 ~'-- Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (S,-',te) ~' Comm. of 'Ed. 5. I}O Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Other Deed I Mortgage Tax Stump Sub Total Sub Total RealPropeny 05037138 XO00 03300 0400 029000 T'~Sc~ice ~ Agency Vnfifica~on RECORDED 2005 5mo 20 GgzSI;22 Edua rd P. Rc~aine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUHTV L D00012410 P 133 DT# 05-0?3?6 Recording / Filing Stamps Mort~ge Amt. 1. Baxic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpacYAssic or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual Coutay Held for Appointment Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by n one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see nppropriste tax cluu~ on Consideration Amount $ ~=~.~- 0 CPF Tax Due S Improved Vacant Land 6 [ Satisfactions/Di~harges/Relcases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RE'fURN TO: 'rD { 7 I Title Companv Information Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached ¢~ e C f~. made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) su :oL couP.. w YOR.. TO In the Township o1' '~ 0~")',~ t ~1 "Y-J-) ~ f? D ! ~ 13 ~ in the VILLAGE or HAMU~'T of BOXES 6 THRU g MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK P~CORDS 0FFZCE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrum~nt~ DEEDS/DDD Number o2 P~es~ 4 Receipt l~,-~sr : 05-0098164 T~ANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-07376 Recorded= Deed Amount~ 09/2o/2oo5 09~51~22 AM LZBER: PAGE: Distrtct ~ Beet to~''': Block ~ Lot ~ 1000 033.00 04.00 029.000 EXAMINED ~ CHARGED A~ FOLLOWB $657,500.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handllng $5.00 COS $5.00 NO NY8 HRCHG $15.00 EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE $75.00 TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies $0.00 P--UT $30.00 NO 8CTM $0.00 Transfer tax $2,630.00 NO Co~.Prss $10,150.00 Fees Paid $12,932.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-07376 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.R~nalne County Clerk, Suffolk County D00012410 133 NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRES.S FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www!orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 [FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ..... c~'.,'-., ~, .4, .,~ ,~. _ REAL PROPERTY TRANGFER REPORT I 5217 I PROPERTY ~ ' -"*-''~/--INFORI~AllON I ~ oi' Pdlrc~181 OR Part o~ i P.r~l 4A. Plamd ng Board wkh Subdlvl.lm AUlhQrity Exbt. [] Community D Bulmr or Solkw s- Go~'m~ AOmx:y o~ Lending InmJtmJan E Deed 'ry~ ,.~ Wmrmty ar Bmgdm m~d SBb (Spdr. ffy Balov4 Sdl of Frl~lJon41 or LdII th~n rte Inl~llt ~y Bik)wl j None 14.1nd~.m~,~d~mw~l I , ..... 0 . 0 I mm~r~ Im~mbd In tbe--~ 7 ~ · I ~=~ME~ IN~RMA~ON - ~l. BhouM m~t the ~ Flnll ~ ~11 and Tax ~1 I I u;. ~P~CA"rlON ' i ' ' i ' ' i I I NEW YORK STATE COPY