HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12423 P 283Braun, residing It oe November 196-19 Station Road, Flushing, NY . in th~ year 2005 pray of thc fu~t park and Jason Pastrano & Jamle Pastrano, husband & wife, residing at 124 West 93 St., New York, NY pnrty of thc second pan. WITNESSFFH, dmt Ibc party of thc first paf~. in considumion of Tcn Dollars and otl~r valuable cor-uiderution paid by the pafly ofth~ second pail. tines h~ grnnt md p.!e-~u~ unto d~ pafly of the second pan. djc teir3 ~ ~ nd ~s of the party of the second pa~ for~ver. SEE A'~FACHED SCHEDULE "A' Said premises bring known as and by street addFess IS72S SoundvJew Ave., Santhold, NY. Being the same premises described in the deed to the parties of the first part herein by deed fFom Stephen Braun and Doreen Braun, his wife, dated June 12, 2000 and recorded Jul)' 2000 in Uber 120S7 Page 341. Said prenflm are known and desJgnated as District , Section 0S0.00, Block 04.00, Lot 007.000. TOGETHER with all right, title and intmem, if any. of the party of the tim part of. in and to any st.'~ls and roads abutting the above-described premises to the cedar lines dJereof: TO~ETHER wi~h die appoflenances nd all the mine nd riglas of the pafly of d~c tim pa~ in and to said prcmis~; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thc p(e~ ~h ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~ Ad~D the pafly of the tim pail covenaflLq dml die pafly of the first pail h~.q nm don~ ~ ~ n~i~ w~y ~ ~d n~mises have been incumbemi in my way whalever, excel~ ss af~,mld. AND thc party of Ibc tim part. in complinncc with Sccdou 13 of Ihe Lien Law. covenmfls thai thc [mAy of'the f'tm part will receive ~he c~mide~a~on for this conveyance and wifl bom the fiShi Io z~ceive such comidu, ation as a ~ ~ m ~ a~U~ firsl for ~c purlm~ of imyln~ ~he co~t of the impmvcmcm and will apply d~e same first to d~c imymcm of~he co~t of the improvement ix.*fon,' u~in_* auy pail of dJc tmal of thc samc for my oder propose. The vmrd "pafly~ dud! be cormrued as if'it read "parties" whcnever the sense of this it*demure lo n~quires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. ~he party of die f'ust pan hss duly .~.~a.,,~_ the day and year first above w~tten. ADVANTAGE TITLE AGENCY, INC. Title No. 0.5-AS-34607 (FNT2798) ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, situate, lying and being at Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNI'NG at a monument on the Northerly side of Soundview Avenue, 213.32 feet Westcrly along said Northerly side from the Westerly side o£said Soundview Avenue Extension said point of beginning being the Southwesterly comer of land now or formerly of Lind, and from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE along said Northerly aide of Soundview Avenue, South 60 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds Wcst 100.0 feet to land now or formerly of DeLecuw; TH ENCE along said last mentioned land, North 41 dcgrees 23 minutes 20 seconds West, ! 90.0 feet; TH ENCE North 60 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds East 100.0 fect to said land now or formerly of Lind; THENCE along said last mentioned land South 41 degrees 23 minutes 20 seconds East 190.0 fcct to the Northerly side of Soundvicw Avenue at thc point or place of BEGINNING. The policy to be Issued under thee mpo~t will insure the title to such buildings and improvements omc,ed on the premises which by law constitute real property. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY TOGETHER with all the right, title and Interest of the party of the first part, of, In and to the land lying in the etreet in front of and adjoining said prentiaea. StatflrNew York County or Suffolk }~: Ou ~c~ day of November in ~ ~ 2005 ~1~.~Je~ Sio~a Braun paMnally Imown m mc (u' primed to m~ ~ IM bes~ of ~!!d'-~ evidcucc to be the individimlts) whose nar~s) is (a~) ~,L~ibed to dH: within in~ und ~ Io Ine Iha ~ tw,'-n*od the same in hls,'b'/tJ~' aps~ity(ics), nd bt by I~A=Ah~ si~,naUn'c(s) mi ~e ~k thc in~vidm](sJ, or thc perMn upon behalf of wblch Ibc int~vidual(s) acud. executed th~ imminent DENETTE L. POLLOCK · Nmar¥ Public State of New York No. 01PO5061287 Oualifted in Suffolk County C~i~ion Ex, res June 3rd ~ ~yof to be thc individual described in and v/bo ~__-cuued the fa'qoiq instrummt: tim! said rdth~btng witness was ptment and aw said execur* thc b'mne: and thai mild wimtss at the same tim= sulz4cfihed hi.*4/ber/th~ name(s) ns a wimc~ dzzcto. Outh~ dayof in ibe ycm- pcn(xully known m mc (x proved to me Gu tM _b~', o( nfidL-~ry evidence a) be thc individual(s) whose name(s) is (a~) s,_d-,~bed to the wiildn immm:ut and m:knowLedp~l to mr thst....ke/,:~, execuml (m tho ~ IM tnd~vidud(sk or the Fgnmn qmn behlf of which the in dj vi dud(s) ~ exec.~M ~,e insmmm~ and dm such indvidnl (IAsen Se C~* or olAer pol~cal,sub~vdsl~n and rAe .vtoM or country or ndg, r pldce tAe dclaw*wledF, sen; w= rWn). IL(aGAIN & SAt,g, DEI:'~ TnuNa 05-AS-34607 ~'f~-E o3~,~ Skq%~-~Fuun TO Jason Putrano Jamb Pastruno ~;'IDEUTY NATIONAL 1YfLE [NSlURANC~ OCOMPANY OP' NEW YORK otsratT 1000 S~-no~ 0~0.00 BLOCX 04.00 LOT 007o0e0 CO~fTY OR TOWH Suffolk P. ECORDED AT R~UEST OF Audrey Bloom, JD, PC 823 West Jericho Turnpike Smithtown, NV 11787 Nurober of pages · 'mRR~S Serial # Certificnle # Prior Ctf, # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page / Filing Fe~ Handling 5. 00 '1'P-584 ~'~ Notation £A-59 17 {County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.$.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp RECORDED 20C~'~:~: 02 12:~-'49 PI'I Edwapd P. Rc~ine CLF. J~( OF 000012423 P DT# ~-17625 Recording / Filing Starops Mortgage AmL I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spac JAssit. or Spec. 1Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Trnnsfer Tax o'2 / (~ "'- Mansion Tax The propofly covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a uno or two Reg. Copy Sub Total /C~-~ family dwelling only· / <"" YF~ or NO Other I'"'a I ¢'"- '~ ~ Grand Total /...~ Ot . / If NO, see appropriate tax. clause on ~ page # __ of this instrume, nt&=_ I/ooo I o~o. . o--o I or-, ~o I ~"/ , o~o I I ' ~ Section Block Lot S Community Preaervation Fund Real / .............. Conisideration Amount Propmty] 0504'~788 1000 05000 0400 007000 Tax ,%rvice /~ T--"~ CPF Tax Due $ Agency (~MC A) Verification ~ Improved .................... Vacaro Sntis~acfionslDischa~Rg]e~m ~sr ~y Ow~e~ Mailing Addr~s RECORD & RETURN TO= TD Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forrns part of the attached /...~.~e_ 4~ ' m:~de by:  /'~" 4....-.-~ : ........ (SPE.CIFY TYPE OF INST'RUMENT) TI~: premises herein is situated itt SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of ;~'-- ~ In the VILLAGE BOXF~ 6 THRU 8 MUST BB T~FEO OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINO OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE T~pe of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0125416 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-17629 District= 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section = Block: 050.00 04.00 EXAMII~,-i, AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $535,000.00 12/02/2005 12:58=49 PM D00012423 283 Lot: 007.000 Received the Followin~ Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYE SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Coptes RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $2,140.00 NO Conua. Pree Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-17629 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $7,700.00 NO $9,992.00 Edward p.pnm~ne County Clerk, SufEolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 i ~o~ cou~w ~SE oN~ _ _ , cl -7 ~.~ ~/' ~' &) REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl. SWLS Code I · I f(A ~ .~L* STAI~ OP NEW YORK 4~. Sube~n ,~ I w RKlulr~ for T~'mder [] 4¢. ~mel ~ol~o'~d f~w Subdivbimt w~ Map Provided [] I SALE iNFORMATION 8 / 13 /05 I I 11 / 7-.,,~/05 13. FUJI SISe PIiC4[~t~[~t-5 , 3 , ~ , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Araellment Roll and Tax Bill L I [ J I CERTIFICATION I ~y-3~33 SELLER I NEW YORK STATE COPY