HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12435 P 880GONSULT YOUR ~ BEFORE IIIINII~ 1~8 INSTRUMENT.1NI8 INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYER8 ONLY BE~NEEN ARTHUR L. ZIELINSKI and ADELE B. ZIF.~IN.qKI, ~ residing at 19215 Baundview Avenue, Sonthold, NY t1971 paW/of the flrat part, and GERLYNN ZAMBRATTO, melding at 128 Burt~ Avenue, Oyate~ Bay, NY 11771 party of the second part, ,---. --~.,u ~.=,,. u~ .e. my gran; Ino rmeese unto me pa of the · .ucceeso~ and assigns of the pady of the escond pad foreve;, rty escand pad, the heirs or the ordin&-y high water mark of I~ I;iend ~u'~.""' "' '""'"m ,v .;.n.w.l 340 ~ = ot I.,, to RUNNING THENCE Eest~ty along said high wator mark, the tie line of which is South 76 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds East 100.93 feet to othor land now or formerly of Salmon; THENCE along *;Id northerly line, two (2) ~ourses, es follows: (1) Norlh 70 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds West 66.12 feet; thence (2) North 8? degrees 22 minute. 30 seconds Wesl 33.88 feat to the point or place of BEGINNING. 1921 In LIber 11346 cp ~)4~--" '"v, · =-, m~ m;omeo in me =iu~olk Connty Clork s OlT,:e on October 3, ~ me,taxi emomO Iff erlo tO 1118 rlle~ Of ZIELIN~KI --' .......... .pa . me fkat pad, ARTHUR I_ ZIELINSKI ~ ADELE S ........ =u.=y .x me use ;ina oc~Jpancy or seld portiss of the first pm1. ' TOGETHER with all right, title end intomet, if any, of the parly of the first part In ancl to bny alme~ and rced~, ~utlesln~g ~e.a.~bo~.,~e,,~esc~ ,ri~?~ __p~_i_s~. ~to .~e.oento?'~ .lines ~ TOGETHER .th the appurtenancce and all ..... ,~.,= u, .,. pe.y m ma nr~; pan m and to uld IXemlses; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the th grantod unto the padY of the second part, the halr~ or ~c~cessor~ and es~gns of the party of · secend part forevor. AND the pa,'ly of the first pad coven~nis that the party of the first pad has not done or suffered anything whereby the ~ald prembes have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as ~ald. AND the pady of the first pad, in oompllanoe with ,SanUon 13 of the Lien L~, oovanant~ that the ~ of the ,,~,v, "'~ '"*q u'u F'urPo'ee or paying me ccet of the imlxovan-,eflt and wl/i apply the same recluires, IN WITNE~8 WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the clay and year first al:xwe IN I:q~E~ENCE OF: ADELE $. ZIELINBKI ~' 1~0 BE USED ONLY WHEN THE Any ~uf~n.. ~"";.'T 18 U~J_f~_ IN NEW ~,Gkk BTAi zi/~l~_m~_, b~ undMM~necI, pemondy ap~eernd ARTHUR L. bebreme, theunde~gned, pemondyappesmd Z ~. NS~ ~d ADELE S. ZIEIJNSKJ 'PEnOn~ .kno~ Io me or provecl to me an the bnli of ~ .kno~. b) me or prowd k) me on ~he be~ of {are) lubicdbed Io the wltNn Initnu~ett end admoMedged toIMbbcton/ me ~ .hmhe~... elicu~ the lime in hlihw/IheV (em)ldwxtbedi°thewrhlnlmmmw~mclmmvd~:-~-ndb) me _t~t_ he/she/Ihey emcuWd Ihe Mine in IdlJhedU~r u,p,ma~m), and ~ by hWhedU~r ~nelum(s) on the niwaty(m), ~cl tMt by hlMwhhelr Wi) on the /~_ (-b,&~ta .nd office of b~d~du~ t.k~ .duzMbdomw) (~mtu~ 8nd ~ of ,--,- ................. NOTARY PUI~IC J. KL'VIN Mcl..AUGflUN "' -,--~--, ,,,au mT.,~memj ~ \ Notify Public. St~ u! Neff ya~k TO B~ UIED ONLy WHEN YHE _A_C_ _I~U'~_. _ F~" u =~K I· u_A_n_~ OU.re..~= _~_,~_ .... ¥C~,J~ 8TAT. slm (u ~Peh. Mmh.M~'h.M. Ily kn0vm i° me 0r PI°red k) me on the bmk of "USbGtM7 evidenGe ~o be ~he Indlvk:lui(s] wholm Wst .... 'Jxo lo the within Instrument a~l a to methat .... ,- ............... cknov~doed he/she/IheY exKutnd Ihe ume In his/heelhdr ca~actMMi and .., u~ ~ m~mwn~s) on m mmJment, Ihe Individud(_.). or the __pmon uDon~ bellsJf .................. In (QOmlure ~nd o1~ of Ind'Mdu~ l~klno mcJmowidoment) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGNNST GRANTOR'S ACT8 'TWe No. ARTHUR L. ZIELINSKI & ADELE 8. ZIEUNSKI TO GERLYNN ZAMBRA']TO CommonwuWA DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 051.00 BLOCK 01.00 LOT 018.000 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURNdCE COUPAN¥ RE=TURN BY MAIL J. KEVIN MCLAUGHUN, ESQ. P.O. Box 1210 Southofd, New York 11971 conificale # Deed. M.o~8~e Instmmem Page I Filing Fee (~ Handlin~ ~, ~0 TP-584 ~ Docd I Mo~nge 'P~x Slnmp Notmion EA-$217 (County) *E~-$217 (Stntc) R.P.T.S.A. 'Comm. of Ed. Amdavlt ' Certified Copy Sub Torn| ~ Reg. Copy ./ Sub ~bml Other / ~ Grand To~al RECORDED ~006 F~ 14 02=09.'11 f2.El~. OF SUFFOLK COL~IV L BOO0] 2435 DT# 05-27413 Recording / Filing Slamp.,, Mortp~ Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additionnl Tax Sub Tolal Spec. / Assit. Spec. I Add, TOT. MTG. 'FAX Dual Town Dual Courtly ' Held for Appoint_ Tinnier Tax -- Mnnsion Tax The property cove~t~l by this mm~ge is or will be improved by a one .r two Family dwelling only. YES or NO __ If NO, see appropdam m clause .. 4 Disuin[ Secfioa Block Lot , R-e~erw!~nq Fund Real ' -- : 05051576 xooo os~oo ozoo o~eooo s o.oo Property s..iea S, o:00 Agency .Vorifiontion 6 S~tisfnction/Oisc~Relnase Lin Properly Owners Mailing Addn.,ss Vacant Land RECORD & RI~*rURN TO: ,,1. KEVXN HCLAUGHLIN, ESQ. 'I'D P.O. Box 1210 Southold, NY 11971 TD Co. Name COMMONWEALTH , ' ..LT~tlc # "I Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page UbbU This pn~e forms .porl of I1~ attached mucle (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ARTHUR L. ZIELINSKI and ADEL£ S. ZIELINSKI The premisis herein is situated in · SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO la the Township of SOUTHOLD SERLYNN ZRMBRATT0 in the VlLLAOE. S0UTHOL0 or HAMLI--"T or BOXF..S 6 THROUGH II MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO ~_P_r'O_R_fllNG OR Fil JNG. I.vcr) SUFFOLK COUHTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type o£ IneCru~entz DEEDS/DD3) H~ubor of Pegesz 3 Receipt ~--her = 06-0015382 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-27413 Districts 1000 Deed Amount; Section; Block; 051.00 01.00 EXAH~NEDAND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 LIBER: PA~E: Lot; Received the Following Femm For Above Inm~nunmn~ Exempt Page/Filing ~9.00 NO Hax~li~ cee $5.00 HO ~S sRc~4o EA-CTY $5.00 HO RA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cort,CopXem RFT $30.00 HO He'll1( Transfer tax $0.00 HO C~,PEos TRANSFER TAX H~MBER: 05-27413 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH~ INSTRUMEHT THIS X8 NOT A BILL 02/14/2006 02t09;11 PM D00012435 880 o18.oo0 $5.00 HO $15.00 HO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 HO $0.00 NO $149.00 PLEASE 'WPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WI~N WRITING UN FORM -- '~ ' INSTRUCTIONS: hep',//www.orps.state.ny.u,~ or PHON~ (518) 473-7222 · I FOR COUN~ USE ON'Y _ ~ I I . I , · -'7 '~ ~' ~ M' I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REFORT I C.l..m._,>~_ ! ~ ~ ~ I ~ I I a, I D~ RP - 5217 I 11~71 0 ~km,, I Zteltnskl I ~rthur L. ~m Zteltnskt Adele S. I . c~_I ~,t~ vm~ ~d aimj ),;*=nw KI_j F,~k S.,,,b D) I ~M~-P4ddmmldVmamL~d Ht~ EnmldnmwmlAnmmmwm I.~J FMM~ 14, kdmiothovLImMpi,tmd I , , , , , i , 0 , O I ~ ~'~ I''d'''i'd k thl ldo ~1 ~1 I 'LqKI:~eMENT INFORMATION - ~ should rMloct tho hRolt Finoi Auemimom Roll ind TIo( Bill 18. YMrMMRMItNm 0 , 4 vvMd, rw~ I I?,TotdM.11dV"'--(dd:F~lOt'Wl , ,.~...,.~- Iz . ].. OI-LJ ,,,~.~O,.~.N..,. I Southold 8700 10~0-051.00-01.00-0~8.000 I I I I i (t~]~ ,h.. dl d' lin blnm d inhnmlhu (mt, Nd .n iI~ lmm ant tNe ind tliTm:t (In m~,.~ _ BUYE~ I BUYER1 ATrORNEY )26 I~-tts Avenue I I I 11~71 F'cLm~ltn Kevtn I 631 i 765-6(~S I NEW YORK STATE COPY DAle