HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12387 P 5pant of the first pan, and DANIEL MINDUS, residing at 1508 21st ST N.W. ~1, Wu~Jngto~L DC 20036 party o~the se=o~l pan. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first pan. in ~onsiderasion of Te~ (SI0.00) dollars paid by the party of the second perL __a~__ ~ ~rant and release unto the panT of the sanond part. the heirs or ~___ _~ and uaigns of the party of the second pan forever. their one-third interest in that certain plot, ~_,~'__ or parcel of'land, with the buildings and improvmnem thereon erected, situate, lyins and being in the Count)' of SuffollL State of New York, Town of Sonthold. bounded and BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Snundview Avenue which point is also the nmthwestedy comer of the land now or fm~aerly of Clement W. Booth and which point is also the center ora 20 foot riehl of wa~ RUNNING thence along said cenw' line of esid right ofw&y, south 14 dngsees 18 minutes 50 ~enonds ansi 211.41 feet to an iron pipe in the said center line ofszid right of way; P,m-;-~ thence along land now or formerly of Domopris, sou~ 70 clngrees 50 minutes 50 m west a distance of 284,42 feet to an iron p'koe RUNNING thence alon8 land now or formerly of Domopri~ north 21 degrees 44 minute~ 20 sanonds west a distance of 93 feet to a monument and land now or formerly o£blnu~ravite; RUNNING thence along said last nmmioned land, Noff, h 69 degrees 0B minutes O0 ___~ec~nd_ s east and through a monument n distance of 287.31 feet m a monument on the w,.-,,~y side of said 20 foot fi~ht of wn~ RUNNING thence along the said last memioned land and also along the westerly side of the ~81tt of way, north 14 dngrees 18 minutes 50 seconds west n dimnce of 110 feet to ,, momonent mi the southerly side of Sonndview Avenue; RUNNING thence along the said southerly side ot Soundview Avenue, north 73 dngrees 27 minutes 30 seconds ea~ a dlatance of I 0 rant to the polnt or place of bnglnning. TOGETHER WITH z dBht ofwny 10 f~t in width over mid land of C.W. Booth the westerly side of whlc. h is the eutedy bonnda~y line of the raises des~ibed and the eaaterly side of which is paralld with and 10 t'eet esstedy therefrom, me~,*,,md at right angles thereto. SUBJECT TO & risht of way 10 feet in widthe over the easterly end of the premises, the ~y side of which is the esstedy boundty line of the premises hereinabove described and the westerly side of which is parallel with and 10 feet westerly there~om m,~__mred'at rich! ansles thereto. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Onthc d~'of · , pemmally known m me or pn~d tn n~ ~ on Ibc b&~, or' safisfact~T ovkkn~ to bc tl~ indivldual(s) whnsc his/hcr/tbcir capmit)~iem), and that by his/herAh~r Si_~'d"'~(S) On the individual(s) ac~l, csmuted tho innmmem [edd ,h,, ~o~ loa,/~ if tho w. km~A,ad~.,-.~ is tibn _-_,,,,~- NY Stat~l Bargain and Sale Deed RETURN By MAIL TO: WrfH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS T~Tt~ NO. 380400160 TO DA~I~L MIM.XJS Distributed By Chicago Title Insurance Company 345 E. 93w S'1'u~T NEwYORK, NEW YO~. 10128 ma* · TOGETHER with all right, t~tle and interest, if' any. of the pray of the first par~ in and to any streets and roads almtfin8 the above described premises to the cem~ lines rhe~of; TOGETHT~ w/th the appurhmm3ces and all the p~t~,~ nd finhts of'the party ofthe tim part in tnd to said premises; TO HAV~ AND TO HOLD the premiMs 'herein 8r~nted uflto tho pefly of the s~l pa~ tho heirs or s~osso~s ~nd ~sisns of tho ~ ~ tb ~ peri forever. AND the tu~y of the first pm covemmts tht the proxy orthe first part lus not done ~ ~ ~ w~ thc hid ~ u.~tes Imve been incumbered in any way whatever, exoept ts efi2renid. AND the party of the first ~ in compliance with Section 13 o~'the Lien L~w. covenmas tht the pan'y of the tim ~ will _~=-e__~vc the cotuid~ation For this oouvoyfmce mai will hold the rishl to re~Jvo mob consideration ns a m~st fund to bc applied tim for flJe pmpmc of payin$ the col of the ~ nd will 8pply the ~e tim to the paymem offlm cost of Lhe improvement be/bre using my pm of the m~ of the sam~ ~ my ~ ~. The ~ "pa~~ shall be construed as ifi~ read "pm'ties" whcnev~' the senso of this ind~ntur~ so requircs. IN WFFNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pm ~ duly executed this d~__,~,4 the day and year first above written. PRESENCE OF: ./' Numbor 'of p~es TORRENS $~'ial # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # De_,~l / Mongag¢ lasw_~e~l Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Page / Filing Fee ~- Handling $~ 00 TP-584 '-~ Notation - ~-5217 (S~e) ILP. T.S.A, Comm. of Ed. Affidavit C~ifi~ Cop~ NYS Surcharge Other 15. 00 SubTotal~ Grand Total . 4 ~ Dist. Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 05018123 xooo oszoo o~oo oosooo 6~ Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Add~ess · RECORD & RETURN TO: 2005 N~ 12 03:58:28 PM CLERK ~ SUFFOLK L Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. ~ 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spee./Assit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held fat Appointment~.o ~__.~.~ Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property cove~d by this mortgagc is or 'will bo improved by a one or two family dwalling only. YES . , or NO 'If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page'# ....... of this instmme, nt.: 5 [Commn,dty Preservation Fund Consideration Amo=t $ /cI~7'~, ~ ~" Improved ~ Vacant Land /0 'rD. 7 [, Title Company Information S-ffolk Connt¥ Recording & Endorsement Page .~/ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) This page forms pezl of the attached The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HA~V~ET of ~.~A o Lc/ made by: BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK LNK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE ~rPe of Instruamnt~ DB~DS/DDD Number of Pagee~ 4 Receipt ~mher = 05-005L529 TRANSFER TRX NUNBER~ 04-40630 1000 Dead ~mount: Racorded~ At~ LIBER -' PAGE: Sect~on~ Block: 051.00 02.00 ~Y~NED AND CH~,RGED ~t~ FOLLOWS $125,000.00 05/12/2005 03~58~28 PM Received the Follmeing Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYS SHCHG F~-CTY $5.00 NO F~-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Copies RPT $30.00 ~0 SCT~ Transfer tax $500.00 NO Coma. Pres Fees Paid TRL~SFER T~X NUMBER= 04-40630 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH~ INSTRUMENT THIS IB NOT A BILL D00012387 005 Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County Lot~ 005.000 $5.00 $15.00 $?s.0o $0.00 $o.0o $o.00 $652.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO F~R COUNt, USE ONLY C1. b'N~8 Code ~O~R~ INFOR~ON PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I '"/' '~"~, ~, ~::" ~1 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE BOAJ~ OF HEAL FI~GF~TY SF. RVIC~S RP- 5217 DI I Nofl,Ru~w~l VK~lt bnd SALE iNFORMATION I 12. I~te ef ~b I TmndM Comrnuni~ ~*wlc* ..r,,.~.~,. I , I , ::2, ~',~ ,4 ,~, o, o I ~ ~ ~ ~ln~ ~ ~ ~m ~ ~m~n ~ I , ..... ~, o , o I I ~ INFOR~ON - ~. ~hould ~e~ ~e IBI.t final ~t RNI ~ Tax Bill 1LY~d~~m I O, ~1 ..T~~~l ~. T~ Mq~ kk~ElM~l I R~I le~melMlel (Il mem~ 'lhm~ fmc. ~RK~ ~ with mldl~amml IdemJb~,~) I I I I cErn = o. I BUYER BUYER'S ATrORNEY I NEW YORK STATE COPY