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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 789 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS FORM 8007 · CArtoON: TIllS AFJRIg~,I '~f -q! K}IJLD I~ PREPAR]~ BY AN AT'['O~ N/~'Y AND REVIEWF~ BY A'Vf~ORNJ"-Y~ .'4FJ J.l'~ AND PO~OIA~EIt I~,1~ ~U 'qGNING. betweell EDWARD C. tiOOTH JR., residing at 17235 Soundvicw Avonuc, Southold, New York 11971, as Io MICHAEL S. BOOTH. re~idlng m 17235 Soundvicw Avoouc. ~oulholi~ N~v Yor~ 11971. ns ,) . MARGOT W. BOOTH. r~idlng nt 3635 Old Nmdt Rood. $oulhold. New Yor~ 11971, . and KATHERINE B. COHEN, residing at 1:313 Great Plain Avenue, Needham. MA 0'2194 - party of.thc first pail, ~md EDWARD C. I~:)OTI-I AND PATRICIA S, UOOTH, hb wifi:, both residini~ at 17235 $oundvicw Avcnuc. Soudtold. N~w York i 1971 parly r~cond p~rt. hwruI m~y o~lho Uni~d S~ ~d ~ ~ ~fly of~ ~ ~ ~ he~ ~nt end ~1~ unto ~ ~y of~c ~ ~, ~ h~ ~ ~ and ~ of~ ~y of.~ 3~ I~t ~n plm, pi~ ~ ~1 of land, with ~ ~Udhp ~ it~ ~n u~, sit~ ly~g ~ ~i~ in ~e T~n of~o~ ~y of Suffolk ~ Smto of N~ Yo~, ~ ~d ~ ~ foll~s: UEGINNING ~ n ~int F~n~ ~ ~ in--on of~ si~ ofN~ R~d with the w~t~y s~ ofMC Bou~ A~ RUNNI~ TH~CE ~ tim ~y RUNNING THENCE alm~ land now ~ f~ly and dis~nces: I. N~ 19 ~ ~ minu~ ~1210.~ 2. N~h ~ ~ IT ndnu~ 20 ~ .3. Son~ 19 ~ ~ minu~ W~ 170.~ RUNNING ~ IENCE along ~e sturdy ~n~ W~ ~2 ~ m I~ ~w or folly oF~ ~ENCB along land stow ~ fo~y oFD0no~a ~h 14 ~ ~ min~[~ ~ ~ou~ Wm 1~7.~ f~ m ~ ~u~dy ~ ~ndvicw A~uo; RUNNING TH~ nl~ ~e ~y ~de of~dv~ A~ No~ 73 ~s 27 minu~ 30 ~ ~t 275.~ r~t to ~e ~d nor ~ r~y of ~ley: .. RUNNING THENCE nl~ I~ now or ronn ly orWi dislmm~: I. Sou~b 16 ~ 32 minu~ 30 ~ - 2. N~h 73 ~ 27 ndnn~ 30 ~ 3. N~ 16 ~ 32 minu~ ~ ~ W~ I~.~ f~t ~ ~e amih~y side to Soun~ A~uc; RUNNING Ti IENCE along Ibc southerly side of Soundviow Avenuo dm following two (2) courses and dislanees: I. North 73 de~ees 27 mioules 30 seeonds East 465.26 feet; · 2. Noflh 63 degA'es 09 minutes 00 seconds 'East 134.$? feet to the wcalcdy side of'Mount Ueuinh Avenue; KUNNING THENCE gong tho w~'lerly side of.Mount Beulah Avenue South I degree 56 minutes 40 ~'conds East 1'788.81 feet to the point or place of'BEGINNING. tIEING AND INTENDED 'FO BE the nme premises convo~'d to thc lurly of'the first left by d~'d dated 4/19/99 and recorded on 8/20/99 in Liber. 11983. Patte 981. S~td premLnee belng aL1 the /ncerest of~ the party o~ the fl~st part Ln an into the premises be~ng convoyed here/n~ Number of pago TORRENS Serial # Ccrlificale # Prior Cfi. # Deed I Mortgage Insuumaut Page I I-~ling Fee Handling 5. 00 'I'P-584 Notation FA-52 17 (Coumyl F.A-5217 (State} R.P.T.S.A. ~ Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit C~flified Cop), NYS Surcharge 15. 00 ~ Jo~ 22 09s46--:S3 ~ F.~,~rd P. Row~ine L DT! IM-4~80 Deed I Mortge~ Tax Slamp FEES __ · Sub Total Sub Total Recording I Filing Stamps Morwage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. - TOT. MTG. TAX Daul Town Dunl County Held for Appointment Tt'-,nsfer Tax ~--~=- ~"~ Mnnslon Tax The property covered by this mort'gage i.~ or will he improved by n one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO O~her ~ //'1 Grand Total ~ ' ~ I If NO. see -',pproprinte lux clause on ~ ' ' ~ I psSe # __ of thi, instrument. I 1000 05100 0200 008000 Real Property 05023573 Tax Service F~% Agency Verification Cormideration Amount CPF Tax Due $ lmpm~'d Vacant Land TD 6 [ Satisfnctions/Discherges~.elenses List Property Owners Mnilin~ Address RECORD & ILETURN TO: s Snffolk Connty Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms put of the ntmched ~ made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT} The premises herein is sitmued in ~ or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU Ii MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING, lower) In the VILLAGE i lllml i1~ Ill Ill IIIII IIIII IIIII Ill IIII! 8~ IIII I IIIlBIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFZCE RECORDZN(~ PA~E Type o£ TnetFumont~ DEEDB/DDD Humber of Pages: 4 Receipt ~h--~er : 05-0065743 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-45880 Z000 Deed~nount: LZBER: PAGE: sections Blocks 051.00 02.00 $636,955.20 06/22/2005 09s45s33 AM ReeeLved the Follow~ng Fees For Above Instrument P&ge/FtZ~ng $12.00 NO I~X~ng COB $5.00 NO FZ8 HRC~IG EA-CTY $5.00 ~ ~-8TATE TP-584 85.00 ~ Cert. Cop~es R~ ~30.00 ~ 8~ · ~s~er t~ $2,s48.oo ~o c~.pres Fees Pa~d TAX N~iBERs 04-45880 THIS PAGE XS A PA~tT OF T~E XN~TJtUM~NT THIS IS NOT A BILL D00012393 789 Bdw&rd P.Y~m~ine County Clerk, Suffolk County 008.000 $5.00 $15.oo $165.00 $0.00 $o.oo $11,239.10 $14,029.10 NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orp~.state.ny, us or PHONE (618) 473-7222 r~R CO~RTY US~ ONLY Cl. SWlS rod. ~ [__'Ii,~.- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER R~ RP 5217 J J ISALE ii, iFG6~&4~N I A · ! ! · (Full ~ P~ b b~e t~d ~11~11 ~d ~ ~ ~ i~ ~mM p~. I I~WMM I , , , , , , , 0 , 0 I I ~I~ IN~ ~ ~uM m~ the ~ Final ~-~nt ~1 ~ Tlx iii I ; lO00: 0,51. Edvard Booth St. Pacrt~La Booth NEW YORK STATE COPY.