HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12387 P 213L/25 7 · QUITCI quitclnlm unto the party of the sgco~l"par~ the helrs o~ succe~or~ and assi~rm of the party of .... ':.' the ~econd ~ f~*ver, . , · . · .. ~ that cetera plot. 'l~ece .or ~ of land, with,the buildings and,. i~p~, ~..menl~ thereon, erected, situate, lyin~ and b~ described as foll~: .:' SEE F.%2tlBIT "A' ATTACHED HE[~'I~ AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART H'gl~¥. ~':i- '"" .... ~ ...~. - .......~%.1~!-, .~,..: -~ ., ..... :., . ,, . .' .. · BI~I'~ also known as: 31g Shampl~,,, .P~e, Oreenport~..New..York 119~ ' . - :'. ',-~' · ...............:. · . ~ ~maty &.~.tat~,Suff. ol~. ,C~u. n~y,q~N .e~,...Y. ork j;....-.....;~ ~ .....k ..... ~ .......... ~. ,.., .L~,~.,, ......,..~ ........ . · , . ,. . · . ...,..~.... :..~.::...~.-.?....-...~ Bein~thesmneproper~y~to¥ocasMGar~iabyDeedf~vmF[enryE.~,. .::-..: ..:.. Jr. of record in Book 12046, Page 16, ~ Count, Clerk's Office. .: ..., T~ Aeeouat No.: Sec6o~ 034.00 B!oek 03.00 Lot 041.00~ ... I~l~¢)t TO** COVeFL~Iit8, (X)lldJtioflo, mserv/lt/on~, lim{fnfin, n, ~ ~d ~ ~ , -~.~)q_-. h/., ~- ~t~--,,~,~.- ....... ;..,,, ........... ~. .,. s .... ~-~ .,:...:.~ .... . hold, ~t m ~ such ~n~n ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ app~ ~t ~6r ~' ~e ~ ~.~ ~e cost of ~e ~p~m~t ~d ~ ~ ~ ~e ~t ~ ~e'~t~.~.;~ ..... :'~ ...,~ .~, :..~. :~ ........., .. ~. . .. :,......,.. ~_ · 9csm.ta. Odu*:ia,..partY~.e;,.fi-swt. patt, whoaelx)~toffmeaddrtr88is3~97Sluun, plaLq. .. . Place,. O~eenport; New York' 1.19~4.. ;: and Yscasta Oitcim..and · , l~-,~nando Silie,. ~m joint, h,~.~.; · ... · Place, Green .lx~t, NewY'c~i~ll.9~4. i~.'~ii~l{~>[-'; ',.;,,-;'.ji~' ..?.., ' ...?.,.~o.;}l.f.'[f::.:':: ::. - "' .... : ..... ~ .... ",- ~-'.'<~*~-~r-'-.' '* ", "~"'--'.~",.~'~.'.'-~, ........... .... '.", 'i0 't "'~4%.'' ,~'' ~." ': ' :''i . · ,." .'.'h',: ~ .'.,:' ,:: . . ~rn~nnz~n, mat.m.e,i~-~,:ot the, nrst: pnrt;.FOR A OOOD .AtCD VALUA~.t~- . . CON$1D~RATION; ~i~t by ~e .p~lof tl~ sei:onil 1~. does'hereby, l~-m~e,:i~le~ie nnd ' don R. Turner & &~mcta~, LLC 2700 EaJt 8mmc~ Road, SuRe $, ~ Ye~, NV 89120 QUITCLAIM DEED ~ Yocasta Osn~.i~, pm'ty of the first prat, who~ ]xmt office sddre~! is 319 Shamplaln Place, Grcenport, New York 11944, and Yocosto Garcia and Femando Si]]~. u joint tenants with right of sun~vorship, pm'ty of the second part, whsae po~t office address is 319 Shamplain Place, Grecnport, New York 11944. wl&-ms~TH, that the par~ of the first part, FOR A GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, paid by the Imrty of thc second part does hereby n'.mise, rele, ue and quitclaim unto the Pm'D' of the second part, the heirs or succe/mors and as~/gns of the party of the second part forever, ~ that certain plot. p/ccc or pm'col of land, with the buUdings and improvements there~n erected, situate, lying and being described as follows: SEE F~HIBIT "A" ATTACHED HEI~TO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. B~N(] also known as: 319 Shamplain Place, Grcenport, New York ·ite County 8* ~tat~: Suffolk County, New York Balr~ the same property conveyed to Yocasto Oarcia by Deed from H,mry E. Ruthinoski, Jr. of record in Book 12046, Pa~e 16, saki County Clerk's Office. l~ur Ammunt No.: Section 034.00 Block 03.00 Lot 041.00 8ub~ To: Covenants, condifiotm, rceervntiorm, limitations, easements and agreements of record, if any, and to all applicable zoning ordinances and/or ~vemmentol restrictions, ff TOGETHER with all fight, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any 8trcets and v0ads abutting the above dcecrfoed promises to the cent' lines thoreof; together with the appurtenances and all the esUtte and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; to have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and asaigna ot' the party of the ~econd part forever. AND the party of the first pm't, in compliance with Sect/on 13 of the Llan Law, covenants that the party of the first part wilt receive the consideration for thla conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be npplied first for the purpose of paying the co~t of the improvement and will apply the same firs~ to the payment of D ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND IN SUFFOLK COUNTY, STATE OF NEW YORK, AS FULLY DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 12046, PAGE 16, ID~ SECTION 034.00 BLOCK 03.00 LOT 041.000, BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERFA.-t-,~O. SITUATE, LYING AND BEING ][N THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AND DE..~IGNATED AS LOT 7 AND PART OF LOT 8 ON "MAP OF CHAMPL/N ESTATES", FILEr) IN THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE AS MAP 337, BOUNDED AND DEECRIBED AS I~)LLOWS: BEOINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF CHAMPLIN PLaiCE, DISTANCE 98 FEET WESTERLY FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF CHAMPLIN PLACE AND THE WESTERLY SIDE OF STERLING PLACE; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 15 DEGREES 35 MINUTES iX) EECONDS ~.ST, ALONG LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF BLYDENBURGH, 71.41 FEET; RUNI~ING THENCE SOUTH 74 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 20 EECONDS WEST, ALONG LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ClUPRYK AND ONE RUTHINOSKI, 45 FEET;, RUNNING THENCE NORTH 16 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WI~,~T, ALONG LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF HENRY 70.87 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF CHAMPLIN PLACE; RUNNING THENCE ALONG CHAMPLIN PLACE, NORTH 73 DEGREES '25 MINUTES 00 EECONDS EAST, 45 FEET TO THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. ... .. :.. the cost of the improvement'be{bYe '~8i~ any part oi'-{he 'totfJl bf 'r~he same for eny:~ o.th..er., .:-- purpoae, . ....... ? '. The ~, '~ -~-" be eamwt.-~md mm ~lt ~ '~m~ieo' wbmme~ thru mmm~ id'tlde Imlemtm~ mo m~ubes. ' In witfleos thereof, the par'O' of the flrot par~ has dub' executed tluim deed the cla;y and yem' fiFat above instrument and lacknowled~ed to me t.Tutt he/ohe/LTsey __,,~,t~,~___,Tecl the game in hia/1.~er/theit co.p~eJt~(ie8), and that by hJo/heF/theiF aJ~ng, tlire(o) ori the ~atrtJ. meriL the inc~fiduld(8), OF the peitofl upon whJr..h the individual(8) iK:ted, -~-- ,f~d the'innt~emant, &rid.t~t. such irldivMtl,q.~node auch{aPp~. ,: the ~st of the improvement befor~ using any ~ of the total of the same for any other In witness thereof, thc pa~y of the first pert has duly e~cuted this delphi thc day and year first mheve On the dn~y of , in the year 20 , before me, the undersigned, a Nota.-y Public in and fo~' said State. peruomdly appe&red Yooaota ~ personally known to me or woved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to he the individmdls] whose nime~s) imlare subscribed to the within h:mtrument and acknowledgnd to me that he/she/they e~ecuted the same in his/her/their ond tlmt by his/her/their 8~nmtLtre{s} on the Instrument, the individunl(s), ar the perso~ upon behalf of which the individual{a) ncted, execuMd the instrument. ~e ~y~ ,in~ , ~o~ ~, ~ ~, m N~ ~b~ ~s~t ~ ~ m ~ ~t ~/~e/~ ~ ~ ~ in hta/~/t~ ~(~}, wh~ t~ ~si ~, ~ ~ ~n~ ~ ~t s~ i~ ~ much ~e u~ h ~e Number of pages ~ TORRENS Certificate # RE~ORI~D 2~Ri N~_ 13 02J55;40 PH l~:J~ard P,Ron~.ne ..~UFF~.K COON'IV L DO0012~? P DT# Prior Ctf. # Deed. Mort~ge Instrument 3 Page / Filing Fee Deed / Mongege Tax Stamp FEES Hnndling TP-51N 5, 00 Notation EA-5217 (County) EA-5217 R.P,T.S.A, Comm. or' Ed, Affidavit Certified Copy Re§. Copy Other Sub Total ~ SubTotal /~ Recording I Filing Stamps Mongege Amt. i. Bn.~ie 2. Additional Trix Sub Total Spec. / ASSiL of Spec. I A~Jd. TOT. MTG. TAX Deal Town Dual County Held for Appointment~/__ Tmnsfnr '~hx C Z/ / Mansion ']'ax The property coveted by th~ motgage is or will he improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YE~ -~_ or NO __ 11' NO, see appropriate lax clause on page g. of this ins'aument. 4 District Re:d Proper~y Tax Service Agency Verificntion ,,,6[ Sectinn Block 05013528 zooo 03400 0300 04ZO00 Sa~isfactiou~ischarge~/Relea~ List Property Owners Mailing Address RKCORD & RI~URN TO: ' Preservation Fund Consideration ,~tmount $ CPF Tnx Duc $. Improved Vacant land TD TD J '~fle # Suffolk County Recording& Endorsement Pa e This page ronm pszt of the s=hed [\_,~t f~ ( .I~/_/YI I~ ma~e by: tSPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUN'rY~..EW YORK. In ~he Township ofd~'~L~ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RI: _-C~_RD!NG OR F~LING. (over) I lllllllllllllmllmlllllll[lllllJlllllH[ll!llll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PAGE Type of Ine=rument; DEEDe/DDD Receipt ~lm~eT i 05-0052064 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER; 04-40785 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Reoo:=ded t At: LIB]|R: PA~E: Section: Blockl 034.00 03.00 ]~d~ZN'~D ~ND CHaRGeD ~ FO~B $o.oo 05/13/2005 02:55=40 PM Received the Following Fees For Above Znstrument Pege/Ftltng $18.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYH 8RCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Coptes RPT $30.00 NO SC'TM Trangfer tax $0.00 NO Co~.PFos TRANSFER TAX. NUMBERz 04-40785 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THZ8 ZS NOT A BILL D00012387 213 Edward P.F~maine County Clerk, Suffolk Lot: 041.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $158.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'J/www, orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (918) 473-7222 I 6. DNd II I , I I I s~ INFORMATION I j k~'ueU~ .O,O.Ol ~3.~ I , , i , , ~ · ~ A~t~MENT INFORMA'flON - Data IhouM reflect the I~telt Rnal .A~eaament Roll Bad I~X Bill I I I I I ~.~CA.ON ! GELLER I NEW YORK STATE COPY