HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoldsmiths-Draft Scope 10-31-08 DRAFT SCOPE FOR THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) FOR THE PROPOSED JETTY STABILIZATION AND REPAIR AT Goldsmith's Inlet PURSUANT TO 6NYCRR PART 617.9, TITLE 6, NYCRR October 31, 2008 Introduction The analysis of the Goldsmith Inlet project in a DEIS has been required by the Town of Southold Town Board, as Lead Agency for administration of the environmental review and as required by the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). The requirement for a DEIS was contained in a Positive Declaration issued by the Town Board. This document is the Draft Scope of the issues and analyses to be included in the DEIS for the proposed stabilization and repair of a jetty located at the mouth of Goldsmith Inlet, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk. The information prepared in conformance with this scope and the SEQRA process is intended to provide comprehensive input in the decision-making process for use by involved agencies in preparing their own findings and issuing decisions on their respective permits. The document must be concise but thorough, well documented, accurate and consistent. Figures and tables will be presented in support of the discussions and analyses contained in the document. Technical information will be summarized in the body of the DEIS and attached in their entirety in an appendix. Brief Description of the Proposed Project Project Description The proposed project consists of shortening the jetty at the terminus of Goldsmith's Inlet by 33% (4-120 feet), as the jetty is currently in disrepair and its presence is not needed for inlet control or updrift accretion and the existing structure inhibits eastward littoral migration. In addition, the jetty end is proposed to be reconstructed with double armor stone for stabilization. In order to maintain the inlet, dredging of the inlet after the stabilization of the jetty is proposed. A temporary sand bridge (if necessary) is also proposed across the inlet to allow for the access to the beaches east of the inlet during construction. In order to maintain tidal flow within the inlet after the construction of the sand bridge, large culverts are proposed. To prevent scouring along the sand bridge, the bridge would be armored with rock or other revetment. Goldsmith's Inlet Draft Scope for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Finally, the reconstruction and/or replacement of the existing stone rip rap revetment on the west side of the inlet adjacent to the Town Road and parking area is proposed due to erosion of the revetment from storms. Revegetation of any wetlands disturbed during construction is also proposed. Site History In the fall of 1963, a bid was let out by the State Superintendent of Public Works to construct a stone jetty at Goldsmith Inlet (the subject property). The jetty was subsequently constructed in partnership with Suffolk County, who was considering constructing a marina in Goldsmith Pond. Excavation of the inlet and construction of the marina never occurred. Soon after the completion of the jetty construction, erosion rates east of the jetty accelerated. A 1981 study by Greeaman and Pedersen Associates suggests that between 1972 and 1979, erosion rates east of the jetty were approximately 11 feet per year, with a maximum rate of 17 feet per year. A 1995 report from the Army Corp of Engineers judged the erosion in front of Kenneys Beach to be severe in a littoral cell which otherwise experienced moderate erosion. Review of historical aerial photographs reveals that soon after the jetty was constructed, sand began to accumulate west of the structure. By 1976 the jetty fillet had reached capacity, and has remained so to the present. A 1987 report by the NYSDEC stated that sand was bypassing the tip of the jetty, but there was no evidence of sand returning to the eastern shoreline. After the need of one landowner's home to be relocated in 1967 due to erosion, plans for the construction of a groin were considered. Based on engineering analysis, these plans were abandoned in 1973 due to excessive costs and uncertainty regarding the impacts of the groin to properties to the east. Debates on whether to remove or modify the jetty have continued to the present day. Due to the age of the jetty, the end of the jetty has fallen into disrepair. Several studies have indicated that the core stone within the jetty is gone, and the armor stone is loose, thus allowing sand to pass through the end of the jetty which is being deposited in the inlet. In order to maintain the inlet, periodic dredging has occurred. The last permit for dredging was issued by the NYSDEC on December 21, 2007 and will expire on January 14, 2012, and permits up to 13,000 CY of material to be dredged. An Army Corps of Engineers permit was issued on January 4, 2008 and expires on January 4, 2018, which permits up to 36,000 CY of material to be dredged. Also, on January 4, 2008, the Suffolk County Department of Parks issued a permit allowing the Town to place the 13,000 CY of dredged material as beach nourishment east of Goldsmith's Inlet. The last dredging event within the inlet occurred in early 2008, and lasted for approximately six days. Approvals The following approvals are required for this project: Town of Southold Town Trustees Wetla<ds Permit NYS Department of Envirormaental Conservation Tidal Wetlands Pernfit NYS Department of State Coastal Consistency U.S. AmV Corps of Engineers Individual Pernfit Page 2 Goldsmith's Inlet Draft Scope for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Potentially Significant Adverse Impacts The following potential significant adverse impacts may occur as a result of the proposed project, and as a result, will be addressed in the DEIS. 1. The removal of a portion of the jetty must be evaluated in terms of changes to coastal geomorphology. a) Removal of a portion of the jetty may reduce updrift accretion, which is a recognized change in the shoreline. b) Removal of a portion of the jetty may increase sand by-pass resulting in an increase in available sand downdrift of Goldsmith's Inlet. c) Shortening of the jetty may cause increased growth of the flood shoal in Goldsmith Pond, reducing easterly sediment transport. d) Shortening of the jetty may cause an increase in the need for dredging the inlet. 2. Potential impacts to soils and topography related to erosion control, retention of soils, fugitive dust and related potential impacts. 3. Potential impacts related to ecological resources and documented species sensitivity from records of the NY Natural Heritage Program and the NYS Department of State for terrestrial and aquatic species, including potential impact to wetland resources. 4. Impact with regard to land use, zoning and land use plans with specific reference to the Town Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. 5. Need to address mitigation measures and alternatives. A DEIS will allow for the examination of these issues in a document that will be subject to inter- agency and public review. A DEIS will allow for examination of mitigation measures to reduce potential adverse impacts from the reduction in jetty size to updrift and downdrift properties. In addition, a DEIS will allow for the examination of alternatives to the proposed project. Organization and Overall Content of the DEIS Document The DEIS must conform with the basic content requirements as contained in 6NYCRR Part 617.9 (b)(3). The outline of the DEIS should include the following sections: COVER SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION 1.1 Project Background, Need, Objectives and Benefits 1.1.1 Project Background 1.1.2 Public Need and Municipality Objectives 1.1.3 Objectives of the Project Sponsor 1.1.4 Benefits of the Project 1.2 Location 1.3 Project Design and Layout 1.4 Construction Schedule and Operations 1.5 Permits and Approvals Required Page 3 Goldsmith's Inlet Draft Scope for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2.0 NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES 2.1 Coastal Resources 2.1.1 Existing Shoreline Conditions 2.1.2 Anticipated Impacts 2.1.3 Proposed Mitigation 2.2 Soils & Topography 2.2.1 Existing Conditions 2.2.2 Anticipated Impacts 2.2.3 Proposed Mitigation Ecology 2.3.1 Existing Conditions 2.3.2 Anticipated Impacts 2.3.3 Proposed Mitigation Land Use and Land Use Plans 2.4.1 Existing Conditions 2.4.2 Anticipated Impacts 2.4.3 Proposed Mitigation 2.3 2.4 3.0 OTHER REQUIRED SECTIONS 3.1 Construction Impacts 3.2 Adverse Impacts That Cannot Be Avoided 3.3 Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources 4.0 ALTERNATIVES 4.1 No Action Alternative 4.2 Alternative Site Design 5.0 REFERENCES APPENDICES The following section provides additional detail on the extent and quality of information needed and the assessments to be performed in the DEIS. Extent and Quality of Information Needed to Adequately Address Each Impact As required under SEQRA, the DEIS should include "a statement and evaluation of potential significant adverse impacts at a level of detail that reflects the severity of the impacts and the reasonable likelihood of their occurrence". Included in this evaluation should be reasonably related short-term and long-term impacts. This section further describes the level of analysis and the type of analysis expected with respect to the key environmental impacts of the project as outlined in the Positive Declaration. Each major section is followed by a description of the extent and quality of information needed to perform the evaluation of each of the impacted resources. Page 4 Goldsmith's Inlet Draft Scope for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Description of the Proposed Project Background and Histo~T · Provide brief description of the site and current application's history. · Describe prior studies and studies to date to establish background information with respect to the project. Public Need and Municipality Ol?/ectives · Include justification of proposed project in terms of Town goals for site amd the need to repair the existing Goldsn-dth' s Inlet jetty. · Public need for the project should be discussed in terms of safety, coastal processes, and mitigation. OUectives q/'the Prq/ect Sponsor · The objectives of the Town as project sponsor should be included and discussed. Benefits q/'the Prq/ect · Include a discussion of the conm~unity benefits expected to accrue from the proposed project in terms of reconstruction of an existing deteriorated structure and changes in coastal geomorphology which are expected to provide public benefit. Location and Site Conditions · Using appropriate mapping amd/or tables, describe location of site, in terms adjacent/nearby natural and mare-made features, access, special districts, available services, etc. · The existing conditions of the site in terms of mean high water, mean low water, and vegetative cover should be provided as an overall back~ound of existing site conditions. Prpject Design and Layout · Include a description of the site amd proposed project improvements, modifications to the jetty, extent of dredging amd proposed dredge material disposal locations. · Describe the reuse of existing available stone to shorten amd stabilize the existing jetty structure. Construction · The construction plamned for the site will be docun~ented. · Method of construction, construction schedule/timetable. · Constmction management, equipment storage/staging, delivery routes, hours of operation, workers' parking, protection of natural amd sensitive areas. · Quantity of soil import/export, tmck routes, management and mitigation. · Dredging details; staging m'eas; construction methods; disposal areas; time frames for construction. Permits and Approvals Required · Identify all required permits and reviews · Indicate the filing date amd status of submissions to the lead and involved agencies. Page 5 Goldsmith's Inlet Draft Scope for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Natural Envirormaental Resources These sections will describe and present analysis of the existing conditions, proposed conditions as a result of the project amd mitigation measures which will be employed to reduce potential envirormaental impacts. Coastal Geology and Water Resources · Discuss existing shoreline and bathymetric conditions based on existing assessments, modeling and historic aerial photography prepared by others. · Discuss littoral drift, erosion/accretion rates, surrounding surface water features, flood and ebb tides, and related coastal processes. · Describe the existing jetty amd its influence on coastal processes. · Describe the physical chaaages to the inmaediate envirormaent proposed as a result of the proposed removal of a portion of the existing jetty. · Present analysis of the anticipated effects of removal of 33% of the existing jetty structure, amd the resultant chaaage in the sediment budget amd coastal processes on laaad updrift and downdrift of the jetty, as well as on Goldsmith's Inlet. Soils and Topography · Existing soil, subsoil and topographic conditions will be described in terms of existing conditions, proposed conditions amd measures which may be employed to n-dnin-dze potential sigmificant adverse environmental impacts. · The existing soil types will be docun~ented pursuant to the Suffolk County Soil Survey. · The topo~aphy of the site will be described and mapped using available data and information from regional sources amd local sources where available. · Topographic alteration of the site will be determined through evaluation of the dredge material placement proposed as part of the project, and determination of resultant slopes, volun~e amd disposition/origin of cut or fill, amd proposed chaaages to topo~aphic elevations. · Potential impacts related to soils amd topography, erosion control, retention of soils, fugitive dust and related potential impacts amd mitigation shall be identified. Ecology · Existing uplaaad habitats will be inventoried through aaa inspection of the site by a qualified biologist/ecologist to determine the vegetation, wildlife, and general habitat character. An inventory of flora and fauna observed aaad expected will be provided in this section of the DEIS. · In addition, protected native plants, plant aaad animal species listed as endaaagered, threatened, special concern (or with other protective status) and significaaat habitat areas on or in the vicinity of the project site will be identified. · The NY Natural Heritage Program will be contacted for site file information concerning habitats, plaaat and animal species aaad Natural Heritage as well as Department of State habitat file information will be obtained for aquatic species. A section outlining terrestrial aaad aquatic species of concern (if present) will be prepared based on review of these resources. · In, pact to uplaaad habitats and species of concern noted above will be quantified aaad discussed qualitatively in terms ecological impact to plaaats aaad animals. · The type, quaaatity and quality of wetlands present on, adjoining, or in the vicinity of the site will be mapped aaad described, aaad the hydrologic systems supporting these wetlaaads will be presented. Page 6 Goldsmith's Inlet Draft Scope for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement · The jurisdiction, regulatory framework and controls of both State and Town will be established. · Federal and State wetland maps indicate that the proposed action would be under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) amd the NYSDEC. The status of regulatory pemfits will be disclosed, and wetlm~d impact assessment infom~ation relative to pemfitting will be provided. Copies of all existing wetlm~d pemfits would also be provided (e.g., the existing maintenance dredge pemfit) and a discussion of each pemfit will be included. · Potential impacts to wetlm~ds will be evaluated in temas of maintaining or enhancing all wetlands, maintaining adequate setbacks and ensuring that the hydrology of the systems supporting wetlm~ds is not degraded in quality or quantity. · Dredging project inapacts of construction, installation/spoil removal, amd dredge spoil placement will be assessed in terms of potential ecological inapacts · Mitigation measures to reduce potential inapacts will be identified amd the method of implementation deternfined. Land and Water Us'e, Zoning and Plans · This section of the DEIS will describe existing land and water use and zoning on the subject site and in the surrounding area. · Lm~d use plm~s which pertain to the project site will be outlined and discussed in temas of their general intent amd applicability to the project site. · The confomam~ce of the project with lm~d use plans will be evaluated and discussed. The DEIS will assess compliance with applicablesections of the Town Comprehensive Plan (if applicable), and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plm~. The intent of these studies and applicability to the project site will be detemfined. · Measures which may be used to mitigate potential lm~d use, zoning or impacts with respect to lm~d use plm~s should be provided. Other Required Sections In addition to the key resources identified in the Positive Declaration, SEQRA identifies other required sections for a complete DEIS as included in 6NYCRR Part 617.9 (b)(3). Mitigation measures should be included with respect to each key impact area as noted in Section 2.0. Alternatives to be studied are identified in Section 4.0. The following Other Required Sections and evaluations should be provided in the DEIS. · Construction Impacts (Describe the impacts related to construction noise, dust, erosion and sedimentation, area receptors, applicable nuisance regulations, applicable agency oversight and safeguards, staging areas, parking areas, operation areas, duration, hours, and related mitigation measures to reduce construction impacts). · Adverse Impacts That Cannot Be Avoided (Provide brief listing of those adverse environmental impacts described/discussed previously which are anticipated to occur, which cannot be completely mitigated). · Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources (Provide brief discussion of those natural and human resources which will be committed to and/or consumed by the proposed project). Page 7 Goldsmith's Inlet Draft Scope for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Reasonable Alternatives to be Considered SEQRA requires a description and evaluation of the range of reasonable alternatives to the action that are feasible, considering the objectives and capabilities of the project sponsor. As noted in SEQRA, "The description and evaluation of each alternative should be at a level of detail sufficient to permit a comparative assessment of the alternatives discussed". The following alternatives and methods of evaluation are anticipated: · No Action Alternative (Alternative whereby the site remains in its current condition). · Alternative stabilization and repair design of the jetty in which one-half of the jetty remains. · Alternative placement of dredge and fillet material which would create a dune system where a natural dune system would eventually occur after shortening of the jetty. Information to be Included in Appendices All pertinent information and correspondence included, presented or discussed in the document, shall be included in appendices subdivided for ease of reference. Such appendices may include, but not be limited to, engineering studies, maps, plans, regulations, etc. Issues Deemed Not Relevant, Not Environmentally Significant or Adequately Addressed in Prior Environmental Review A cultural resources assessment is not necessary as the proposed project will only include the reconstruction and repair of the jetty and activities that have been previously permitted. The intent of the DEIS is to disclose and analyze all potential significant adverse environmental impacts associated with the proposed project. This Draft Scope will be subject to the scoping process in conformance with SEQRA Part 617.8, followed by the issuance of a Final Scope by the lead agency which may identify issues not relevant dependent upon comments received during the scoping process. Page 8