HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12394 P 422DISTRICr IOOO SECTION 050.00 BLOCK 03.00 LOT Tc , i COflIULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNIHG THII INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTI~MENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYER8 ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the '~. day of /~,.~.l,k 2006 BETWEEN Re. nee Slleo, residing at 189 Oak Street, W. Hempsteed, NY 11552, as surviving joint tenant of Catherine Gamia, party of the first part, and Michael NIceletti and Norma Nkx)letti, his wife, residing at 116 Old Counby Road, Deer Park, NY 11729, and resenting unto the grantor I life BEtets in the premises party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN dollars and other good and valuable coneidemlton paid by the pady of the second part, doel hereby grant and mi&asa unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE An"ACHED DESCRIPTION The grantor heroin reserves a life e~ate in the above referenced premises. TOGETHER with all right, tJtJe an.el Interest, if any, of the pm'ly of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premi~ to the center lines thereof;, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the BEtste end rights of the par~/of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the i premisBE herein granted unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby Itm said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compdlance wilh Sec'don 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the coneiclemtJon for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration es a bust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purlx~e, word 'party' shall be constzued as if it rBEcI 'parties' when ever the sense of this indenture an I r~lulms. The IN wrrNE88 WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed thi~ deed the day and year first above IN PRESENCEOF: StandmcI N.Y.B-T.U. Form 8002 - Bagiln ind Sale ~, wilh CMnint ~gainl Grunter's Acts - Uniform Acknow~ment Fon~ '1600-7 BEGINNING at the southeast corner o£ la~d conveyed by ~'!alter E. Hyat~ to Strelsa, Va~ Sciver by deed dated on or about March 1, 1948, adjo~nigg land of Conway on the aouth~ and running thence along said land of Van Sciver, North 10° 23~ East 280.00 feet to the northeast corner of land of Van Sciver; running thence in a southeasterly direction along land of Hyatt, South 46° 58' 10# East. 225.00 feet~ thence along other land of Hyatt, South 43° 27' 50" West 200.69 feet to said land of Conway: thence along said land of Conway, North ?2' 48' 40# West 80.49 feet to t~e point of SEGINNING. Containing 78/100 of an acre. BEING and intended to be premises conveyed by Robert L. l~yatt to Strelsa Van Sciver, by deed dated May 21, 1949, and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office An Libar 2951 of deeds at paps 599, on May 23, 1949. ' SUBJECT, however, to the following covenants and restrictions: 1. That neither th~ said party of the second part, nor his heirs or lassigns, shall or wall manufacture, or sell or cause or permit to be ~manufactured or sold, on any port,on of the premises hereby conveyed, any goods or merchandise of any kind, and will not carry on, or permit to be carried on, on any part of.s~id premise~, any ~rade or.husiness..whatso- ever, ~r ~y ~6ard~n~ ~Suse. 2. That no outside toilets or waterclosets will be erected on any part of said premises. 3. That no trailers or tents will be kept, used or allowed upon said prom/sea, except when kept within an enclosed building or garage. 4. That no dwelling~building: less than $2,000.00 will be erected upon any part of the premises. 5. That said covenants are declared to be and shall be covenants attac~ed to and running with the land. The said restrictions may be released or altered by P~bert L. Hyatt. . AND ALSO ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and · Ibeing at Horton's Point, near Southold, in the Town of Southold, County Io6 Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set on the southwesterly line of a 30-foot right of way at a point On said line 419.75 feet northwesterly along said line from'the northwesterly line of Sound View Avenue, and being the northerly corner of land of Robert L. Hyatt, about to conveyed to Halbauer~ running thence along said land of Hyatt, South 43 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 3~.11 feet to land of Strelsa Van Sciver: thence along said land of Strelsa Van Sciver, North 46 degrees 58 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 20.0 feet~ thence along othe~ land of Walter E. Hyatt, North 43 degrees 51 minutes East a distance of 33.21 feet to thc southwesterly line of said 30 foot right of way~ thence along said line of said right of way South 38 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds Hast a distance of 20.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a right of way over said 30-foot right of way from the northerly corner of the premises heroin described southeasterly about 440 feet to Sound View Avenue. at Horton~s Point, near the V~llage of Southold, Town off So~thold, Co~n__~.o~ Snffolk &nd State of ~cw York, ~ounded and described as fpllows: .' BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the southwesterly line of a 30 foot right of way leading northwesterly from Sound View Avenue, said pipe bclng North 41 degrees 46 minutes 40 seconds West - 419.75 feet along said southwesterly line from a point on the northwesterly line of said Sound View Avenue 695.16 feet southwesterly along said northwesterly line from Lighthouse Road; said point of beginning also the northerly corner of land of Halbauer and the easterly corner of'land conveyed by Van Solver to the party of the second part; from said.point of beginning running along said southwesterly line of said 30 foot right of way, being also along said land of the party of'the second part, North 38 degrees'02 minutes 10 seconds West - 20.0 feet; thence along said land of the party of the second part, three courses, as follows= {1} South 43 .degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds West - 33.21 feet; thence (2) North 46 degrees 58 minutes l0 seconds West - 205.0 feet to a monument; thence (3) North 53 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West - 200.0 feet to a monument and land of ~e~la~e; thence aloft9 said lafld of ~e~lage, two courses, as follows: (1) North 1 degree 59 minutes 40 seconds West - 96 feet to a monua~nt; : thence (2) North 61 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds West - 5.44 feet to la~d of Haman; thence along said land of Haman, North 44 degrees 52 minute 20 seconds East -15.61 feet to a monument and land of Lewis; thence along said ~and of Lewis, being also along the northeasterly line of said 30 foot right of way, two courses as follows: (1) South 55 de~r~es 52 minutes 50 seconds East - 233.54 £eet to an iron pipe; thence (2} South 42 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East - 100.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence along land of the party of the first part, being still along said northeasterly line of said 30 foot right of way, South 38 degrees 02 ~inutes 10 seconds East - 171.94 feet; thence across said 30 foot right of way, South 50 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds West - 30.02 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.914 acres. TOGETHER WITH a right of way 30 feet wide from the easterly corner of the premises southeasterly about 420 feet to Sound View Avenue. SUBJECT to a right of way 'over said 30 foot right of way the north-- easterly line of which is the northeasterly boundary line of these premises. at Horton's Point, near the Village of Southold, in the Town of Southol,d.A..C.,ounty. of Suffolk and State O~ New Ynrk; ~ou~d _.-n?.. describud as follows: BEGII~I}IG at a point on the easterly line of a certain 20-foot strip of land reserved for a road by Walter E. Hyatt, at. thc southwesterly corner Of land conveyed by Conway to ltalter E. Hyatt by deed dated April i0; 1947, and running thence along said easterly line of said 20-foot strip of land and along the westerly line of said land conveyed by Conway to Walter E. Hyatt, two courses, es follows: (1) North 15° 27' 20" East 47.67 feet; thence (2) North 22° 54' 30'~ ~ast 97.60 feet; thence along said easterly line of said 20-foot strip cf land and other land of Walte] E. Hyatt, two equrses, as follows: (1) North l~~ 30' East 100.0 feet; thence (2) Nort~ 1° 59' 40" West 104.73 re,ti thence along other land of Walter E. Hyatt~ two courses, as follows: (!) South 53° 40' 40" East 200.0 feet; thence (2) South 10° 23' West 250.0 feet; thence along land of Conway North 72° 48' 40" West 200.00 feat to the point of BEGIN[IlNG. Containing 1.260 acres. TOGETIIER with a right of way over said 20-foot stri~ of land--fro~ the northwesterly corner of the premises hereby conveyed southerly and then southeasterly along the easeerly Ii.ne of la~ o£ #alte~ £. ~.att scout 1~09 ~eet; thence southeasterly over the eMisting roadway to Sound View Avenue. BEING and intended to be premises conveyed by Walter E. Hyatt to Strelsa Van Sciver by deed dated February 11, 1948, and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Libar 2805 of deeds at page 109, on ~rch 8, 1948. SUBJECT to right of way easements now granted or to bo granted t~ Long Island Lighting Comgany for the purgose of erecting public utility lines on the surface or below the surface of said rights of way. SUBJECT to the following covenants and restrictions: 1. That neither the said party of the second part, nor his heirs or assigns, shall or will manufncture, or sell or cause or permit to be manufactured or sold on any portion of the premises hereby conveyed, any goods or merchandise of any kind, and will not carry on, or permit to be carried on, on any p~rt of said premises, any trade or business whatso- ever, or any boardin~ house. 2. That no outside toilets or waterclosets will be erected on any part of said premises. 3. That no trailers or tents will be kept, used or allowed upon said premises except when kept within an enclosed building or garage. 4. That no dwelling building costing less than $2,000.00 will be erected upon any part of the premises. 5. That said covenants are declared to be and shall be covenants attached to and running with ~he land. The said restrictions may be released or altered by Walter E. Hyatt at any time. A~iD ALSO ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Horton's Point, near the Village of Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described :as follows: TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NL=W YORK &TATI= State ofNewYork. Co4Jn~ of /~. '"$~,r.. (~lthe '~ deyof ,~'-% in the ya~r 2005 ~ known to me or proved to me on the blMI of setisfm:~xy evldertee to be the thdlviduel(~.) whole name(s) ia (are) subsothed to the wlthto thMmmem and adutowtodgnd to me that he/eheAImy e.-__~__,~l the seme in hbAw/thelr ~(Ise), and that by has,her/their e~gn~um(a) oo the inl~mnm~t, the indlvlduM(i), .. (mgna[ure .net office of~ii~dual toklng acknowledgmem) Ko. 02XR-'3)18311 Slate of N~v York, County of On the day of in the year before m, ~'m undml~gnacl, personaay Kopaarecl pef~mally known to me ~ proved to me on the i3~&la of sethdBoto~ evidence to be the thdlvlduaKa) vAx)~e name(a) is (am) subscribed to the wtt~n inslmmant and acknovAndgnd to (tepaclty(M), end that by his~h~/their IJgnatumCs) on Um instrument, the indivklual(I), ~ the pMeon upon blhelf of which the Individual(l) A~_Ad, .e,'~"___~nd the blStmlYtent. (iJgnatum and oflfce of individual taking edmowtedOmnt) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUT~_!D_~ NEW YORI~ I~I'~TF Stoto (or Oisl~ct of Columbia, Telfltory, or Foreign Country) of ~: On the day of In the year before me, the undersigned, pemonafly appeared personally knowfl to me (x proved to me on the beshs of setisfa~Jy evidorce to be the thdividuaKa) whose nam(e) is (me) subscribed to the within instrument end acknowtodged to m that he, FlMAhey executod the same In NMmofiNdr capacttyOes), and met by hismerAheir eigmmJre(a) off the I.~umenL me Indlvidnal(s), or the berlon upon behadf of which the Individual(a) actocl, e~..?:.__.~l the Inll~nlimt, end that such indivtdtml mode such Kopeamnce be(me the undor,Aigaed in the (insert the City m' other pOWC~I aubclivJ~iorl) (gllCI ~ the State or Count~ or other place the acknowtedgffmflt Wal tek~)' (a~gnature and office of individu~l laki~g admmdedgmant) SlLEO TO NICOLETTI BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WIl14 COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS T~eNo. SECTION 050.00 BLOCK 03.00 LOT ICi, I COUNTY OR TOWN SouUtOId STREET ADDRESS Southold. NY 11971 Recorded at Request of RETURN BY MAIL TO: Steven Kramer. Esq. 330 YendserbJIt Motor Parkway Haupp,uge. NY 11788 Deed./Moflgqg 'lux Stamp FEES · E~. 52f? (stm') A~'ldlvit ' 'Cenlfia:l Copy ,T~.~ 24 1h40807 EMrd P. Roaairm CLERK OF cJJFFOLK t~NIV L DOGOI2~94 P 422 DT~ 04-'463?5 RecordinL~ I F~ling St.~nps bi .m~sqe Amt. I. 8~sic ;]'nx 2. Additional Tax Sub .Tom] Spe~JAssit. of TOT. MTG. TAX .Dual Town . Dual County Held fa~ Appointment 1Yansfer Tax Mansio6 T-',~ TI~ pmpe~y covered by this montage is or'will bc improved by n one or two f~mily dwelling only. ..NYSSurcbarge_ __ 15. 00 SubTotal '' _, Y-ES or NO · Grand '~al__~ '1 ~.NO,. ~ appm~ate ~ cl~ on ..... [ ~ d o~hi& jmlp*m~nf. 4 .. . ~ ~~ ~Uon ~d 6 m /0 Information l ii:dorsement Pa e This i~ge forms pml of thc atmchcd ' ~' ' ....... mnde by: '~fl -- ~ (SPKIFY:lP/PE'.O.F INSTRUMENT) ~ *Thc prcmise~ h~rein L'~ siluatcd i. SUFFOLK COtJN'T~. NEV.' YORK· ~O~.S $ THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK' IN~ ~}~LY PRIOR TO RECOKutNG OR FILING. · (ova) I IIllllllllllilllllllll BUFFOL,~ COUIq'I'Z CT.ERE. RECOR.D80FFZCE RECOEDZNQ PAGlU · ype o~ T--et~tz D=unS/Z~D Receipt li~nbe~ : 05-0066794 TRA~SFF~ TAX I,~ueIBER: 04-46375 1000 Deed Reoorded: LZBER: 050.00 03.00 EXA~AHD 2~AR~]s~A~ FOZ,LOWB $o.00 os/24/2oos 11z40z.07 AK bceived the Foll~ Feea For Above ZuCFument Pogo/FXi:Lug $18.00 NO Handling tOE $5.00 NO NYE 8R~.IG EA-CT~ $5.00 NO F.&- BTATE · P-S84 SS.00 NO Co]rt. Copies ~ $30. O0 NO T~'ezxB £O:E' ~fIx ~0.00 NO Feee Paid TRANHFER TAX HUMBER: 04-46375 'Z'HZ8 PAG~ ZEI & PART OF ~ ZNBTR~J~T T~Z8 ZB NOT A BZLL D00012394 '122 Bdv~:d County C:~.ezk, Bu££oZk County Lot: 019.001 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $158.00 IN$¥HUCTIONS: http',/I www.orp6.state, ny. us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IF OR COUNW USE ONLY ~ I -.-,, ~,. , q. '~. ~ ~. g, ~1 ~ ,~.,..oP~-Y T,~,,...o,~ " ' " RP - 5217 i 'e":~'rl~t~ l~,~,'l~'/,',~Ir] I l lq I ~MENT INFORMA'GON - Data I~ould reflect the I~#t Flflll M~mmm Aoll mhd Tix Bill I I(~l~ I 17 TmMAmmedVMueiMil~m~kk~tmm~dl I ,I I I I I l ..,,..-o. I el iI~ ~id Mmm immm ~ lllm~l ~i~ Im~m ~lhl~m~m lm ~ dlm Im~l~l ~ ~ ~ ~ l~llmM m Im lllm~ml ml liMl ~, ~ ~ 6ELLER I NEW YOP-JC STA'I]~ COPY