HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12446 P 433W~4RRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, mado on the 11th day of October, 2005, BETWEEN WILLIAM TUTHILL, 1702 Liueoln Lane. Rome, New York 13440, BTn. nttOr, WILLIAM S. TUTHILL aaa KARIN K. TUTHILL, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under thc TUTHILL LIVING TRUST, dated October I1, 2005, cod any amendments thereto, 1702 Lincoln Lane, Rome. New York 13,440, : ' i grantee.. FFITNE..~SETH, dm ~he Ip~nto~, in consideration ofono ($1.00) Dollar, ¼,,d'ul money of the United States. and nil o~'goad and vMmlble col~id~allon, ~ by tile ~nlnt~e, ~ ~rlnta ~ I~lm unto the ~mntee. the heir or m and tulip,s of the .4Z.L OF HIS ONE HALF.4ND F~T./RE INTEBEST OF ,4Lr TH.4T certain plot, piece or parcel of lcod, with buildings and improvements th~,,.~n erected, situate, lying cod being in near the Village of Gmenport in the Town of Southuld, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as folinws: BEGINNING at n point on thc easterly line of Bailey Avenue where the same is [nte~oe~ed by the southerly line of Innd of Frederick E. and M,'argeret Reed Hulse: RUNNING THENCE in a southerly direction along the easterly line of Bailey Avenne a distence of filly (50) feet: RUNNING TH ENCE assterly and parallel with the southerly line of Icod or' Frederick E. nmi Margaret Reed Hulas to a cntlnin fight of way:. RUNNING THENCE no~herly along said fight of way to the southerly line of land of Frederick E. Hulso cod Margem~ Reed Hulsu: RUNNING THENCE westerly along the southerly line oflcod last mentioned to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH ull thc tight, tide nnd interest of lite pony of the first part of, in and to such portion of Bailey Avenue as adjoins said premises on the west to the center line thereof, cod also TOGETHER WITH a right of way to and by the rem' of said i~,~,.;ses u now laid out between Chn~plin Place and the North Road. Subject to easements, covenants and restrictions of record. BEING AND INTENDING to describe and convey the asml. premises conveyed by Hazel Tuthill to cod Allen Tuthill nnd William Tuthill, as tencots in common, reservin$ to Hazel Tuthill a life estate in the premises, by Quitclaim deed dated Jcoum.y 23, 2002 cod recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on February 6, 2002 in Libor D00012167 of Deeds nt Page 912. TOGETHER wiflt the aplmrtetmmw, q end all the estote and fights of die gnasor in and to said premires. TO HA i~E AND TO HOLD Oa~ i,,~,,,'~ he~in Snm~nd unto ~he ~-antee, t~e heirs or ~cesson and asides ui' the g~nntee forever. AND the grantor covenntos ns follo~: FIRST. - The gmmee shall enjoy the mid prembeg SECOND. - ~ grantor ~ fixever Warrant the title to ~mid THIRD. - This deed is s-~jcct to the ~ pmvbions of ~-;tion 13 oftl~ Lira Law. The words "grantor" nnd "grantee" shah be construed to read in the plural whenever the sc'use of this deed so requires. IN I¥1TNF.~$ WHEREOF, the Ip'an~r has executed this deed ti= day and yua tim above ~mttm. In pr~ence o~ ~S. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ONONDAGA)SS: On October 1 I, 2005, before me, the undea'ai~ned, a Notary Public in and for said Stnte, pomonnlly nppe=ed Willinm TuthilL persomdly known to me or pmved to me on the basis of sntisfasto~ m'uienee to be the uidividunl(s) whose name(s) is (are) sul~cfib¢:d to tbe within in~t~mlent nnd ecknow]ed~l~l to me thnt hc~he/they otecuted the ~m.ne in his/ber/thcir capecily(ies), nnd that by his/ber/thair signature(s) on the instrument, the individ~st(s), or the pe~on upon behalf'of which ~he individual(s) acted, executed the inslmmmt, Recoil and Retum To: Davies Law Firm. P.C. 210 East Fnyette Street. 7~ Finer Sy~cuse, New York 13202-1936 (315) 472-6511 Number of pages ~ TORRENS SePal # Ccrti§call # P~()r Cfi. # Deed / Mo~gage laxlmment Deed / Mongnge Tax $~mp 2006 ~pr 20 Judith fl. Pa,.ale L 000O12446 P433 Reemding I Filing Stamps 31 Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Nmation EA-52 17 [Connty) __ EA.5217 (Susie) R.RT.S.A. Comm. of 'Ed. Affidavil .,~ifiud NYS Surcharge Sub Tmal. ' 4 I Dist. Real Pmpany Tax Service Agency Verification 5. 00 15. 00 Sub Total --' Grand Total _~_J~=~ 1000 03400 0400 013000 6 J Setisfnctions/Di~charges/Rcleuscs List Property Owners Mailing Addm~ RECORD & ILETURN TO: Co. Name .title # M(m~ Amt. I. Baxic Tax 2. Additional ~ Sub Total O£ S~./Add. ~. M~. TAX ~nl T~n ~ D~I C~mnly Held f~ Ap~nt~nt ~ Transfer T~ '~ M~ion Tu ~' ~ w~H ~ im~ by ~ on~ nr two f~mily d~lli~ only. ~e ff ~ of this ~mm~ ~ ~d ~PP ~ ~ue S Im~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pa~ of the attached '"~ ~,. mdde by: (SPECIFY TYF~ OF INSTRUMENT) The pgmises I~in is sit,ted in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO in Ihe 'firw~.hip ~f - I BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECOR,DINO OR FILING. I IIImllllllllllHllllmlHillllflmnmllllllll I IIl lfillll]llmllll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inetrument~ DEEDS/DDD ~,~er o~ Pages! 2 Rece~p~ ~,-~er ~ 06-0040184 TRANSFER TAX N~MBER~ 05-35600 Distri~t: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded~ LIBER~ PA~E~ Bectton~ Blockz 034.00 04.00 uYa](Ib~,,AND CHARGED AB FOLLOWS $o.oo o4/2o/2oo6 04~28~00 PM Received ~he Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $6.00 NO H~ndling COB $5.00 NO NY8 EA-~-~'f $5.00 NO RA-BTATR TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.~pies ~ $30.00 NO Trim,er t~ $0.00 ~ C-~--.-.Proo Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER~ 05-35600 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE iNSTRUMENT THXB IH NOT A BILL D00012446 433 Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suf£olk County 013.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $146.oo NO NO NO NO NO NO FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~o~ ~N~O~ I l.~J 825 J Bat1~ Aven~e ~ S.uthold · ~* .. ' PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMIy WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://~mN.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ,~.~' REAL PROPERTY 'II~.NSFER REPORT RP - 5217 ' I I LZVZNG TRUST, dated October Z1, gOOS, and an~ amen~rents thereto. I I I I .. Sd~ CM~d Om I I I I I 34.-4-13 I I t I I I I I cEn'rl~'r,oN I I Ltncoln Lane I NY I I qm ~E~LER NEW YORK STATE COPY