HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12424 P 294THIS INDENTURE, medctbe '~el,~~''' dnyor .~. . TWOTHOU~°~NDand FIVE BETWEEN WILLIAM R. POLLERT and FREDERICK B. POLLERT e./o DAVI~ & GILBERT LLP. 1 ?40 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10019 ANTOINETTE POLLERT who died on the 9TH p~y orthe f~t p.~, end WILLIAM R. POLLERT, reel~ing at 24 PECONIC AVENUE, SHELTER ISLAND, NY 11965 the last wtll and te'~ament of · late day of SEPTEMBER , ~ THOUSAND ned FOUR pony et'the ssonnd pan, WITNESSETH, thet whereas le~ers testnmentnO' were issued to thc party et' the fir-.t pan by the Su~'rngate's Court, Suffolk Ceonty, New york, on OCTOBER 19. 2004 nmJ by virtue of the power nnd uethority ~,,~n in and by said last will and leslament. ~nd/or by Article I I of the E~ates. Powers nnd Tnms Law. and in considetetion of' ($0.00) dollnr.,I, paid by thc puny of d~ sorond pm1. dues hereby i~ront and ~lense unto the party et'thc second pan, the disuibutees or ~Jcee~ors nad n~ns of the pan~ of'thc second parr fore,.~r. ALL time ce~nin plot, piece or puxcel of Innd, with thc buildings nnd impm~ements thereon erected, sitonte, lying nad being in the See ~chedule "A' attached herelo end mede a part hereof. THIS DEED CONVEYS THE 1/2 INTEREST IN THE PREMISES OWNED BY THE ESTATE. EdUD PROPERTY BEING VACANT [.AND LOCATED AT 1100 CR 48. TOGETHER wib~ nil right, title and integer, if any, ofd~ party of the first part. In and re any s~r~ts and rund~ ~rrinlt tl~ above- de~erlhed v,G,a,bes to ~ cent~ lines theme f; TOGETHER with the ~oputtennnces and also nil the e~ute thef~'~n, which the pu I~./of the first pan hn~ or has power ~o cenvey or dispose or. whether individually, or by v~l~ue of snul will or othen~,~: TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD the pmmisss herein ~ted ume the party orthe second ~ the disldbu~cs or succc~sors and assi~j et'the IMrty orthc AND the pm'fy of the last p~1 covonnms tJu~ the pray of the rust ~ has nm done OF sUft'efL*d nny~ins v,.be.~eby the ~i~ p~emi.,~es here been lncumhemd in any why wherever, except as a fomsald. Subject to the aust fund provisions of'section tlti~een of the Uen Law. 11to word "party" shall be construed ~s if it mad "punk:s' whenever the sense of'this indanmre so rcqui~s. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the tim pan ~ duly executed tiffs deed the day nmi ~,'g~ fi~t above writ~n. ESTATE OF ANTOINETrE POLLERT 'Sch~:~ule (Legal Description) PARCELI: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Soulhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe at the intersection of the Southerly line of the North Road (Route 25A) with the Westerly line of Manhaset Avenue, South 20° 12' 30" East 194.48 feet to an iron pipe; THENCE along land formerly of Cadotta Manomos, the following two courses and distances: (1) South 66* 36' 30" West, 116.14 feet to an iron pipe; THENCE (2) North 22° 30' 10" West 191.59 feet to an iron pipe on the said Southerly side of the North Road; THENCE along said southerly line of the North Road, North 63° 23' 50" East, 124.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. PARCELII: ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New'York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of Champlin Place with the Westerly line of Manhaset Avenue, and RUNNING THENCE along said Northerly line of Champlin Place, South 58° 35' 20" West 691.88 feet to land of Wolff; THENCE along said land of Wolff two courses as follows: (1) North 31° 24' 40" West 194.54 feet; THENCE (2) South 58" 35' 20' West 242.41 feet to land now or formerly of C.G. Bailey Estate; THENCE along said land now or formerly of C.G. Bailey Estate North 44° 49' 40" West 583.64 feet to land now or formerly of Hugelmeyer, THENCE along said land of Hugelmeyer and along land now or formerly of Loeb, North 66° 36' 40' East 211.13 feet; THENCE continuing along said land of Loeb, North 23° 23' 20" West 150.0 feet to the Southerly line of North Road; THENCE along said Southerly line of North Road, North 66° 36' 40" East 50.0 feet to land now or formedy of Amott; THENCE along said land of Amott five courses as follows: (1) South 23° ~11' 20' East 279.0 feet; ' - THENCE (2) South 4° 49' 40" East 21.0 feet; THENCE (3) North 58' 35' 20" East 150.0 feet; THENCE (4) North 26° 10' 50" West 127.77 feet; THENCE (5) North 23° 23' 20" West 150.00 feet to said Southerly line of North Road; THENCE along said Southerly line of North Road two courses as follows: (1) North 66° 36' 40" East ~?..54 feet; (2) North 65° 23' 50" East 228.44 feet to land now or formedy of Benze; THENCE along said land of Benze two courses as follows: (1) South 22° 30' 10" East 191.59 feet; THENCE (2) North 68° 36' 30' East 116.14 feet to said Westerly line of Manhaset Avenue; THENCE along said Westerly line of Manhaset Avenue, South 20° 12' 30" East 569.68 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Ackn .owledge~ul. nt tike. In NIwYoCK State State of New York, County of SUFFOLK ,3s: On the ~"'day,of ~"~A t"~ . in the year 2005. before me, the undersigned, perannafly appoamd FREDERICK B. POLLERT persen..lly known to ma or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Jndlviduai(e) v/base name(,e~ Is ,~e) subscribed to the within instrument and ac~nowthdged to me that he/ek~B~ executed the same in his/her/their capacity(isa), and that by his/hex~mir signature(s) on the inatrumant, the Individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which the individual(a) acted, executed the insb'ument. ' dLSmmUO. .xl, Acknowlndgonmnt by Bubaadblng Witness taken In New York mate Stats of New York, County of ~ On the ,' day of ' .~' , in the year ,2~before me, the undersigned, personally appeared tim suhe~ibing wit_,~__,P~_ to the fore~ instrument, with whom I am pemonaity acquainted, who being by me duly swam, did depase and say, that he/she/Ihey reside(s) In that he/she/they knew(s) to be the individual dem~lbed In and who executed the foregoing instrument; that said subscribing witness was Wesant and saw said oxocuto the same; and that sam withsal at the same time subsa,'ihed hiaiher/lhair ua~(s) ex a ~.th~ themto~, WILLIAM R. POLLERT & FREDERICK B. POLLERT, AS EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE OF ANTOINe- ~ IE POLLERT TO WlLEAM R. POLLERT First.4merican Title [n~ura~t,e 63] Third Avenue. NYC 10017 (212)-922-97.~) (S(Y.))-437-1234 Title Number '~__ Acknowledgement taken In NewYork State State of New York, CounZy of. NEW YORK On the ~- ~'( day of ,~,~'"uv~.. , in the year 2005, before me. the undersigned, personally appearad WILLIAM R. POLLERT perm~aily Imown to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidenua to be the Indivlduai(s) whose name(s) ,s (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/aha/they executed the same in h~s/her/theit capacity(isa), and that by his/hat/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the pemon upon behalf of which the Individual(s) acted, executed the InaUumant. Acknowledgement taken outelcte NewYork State · State of, - , County of, ~ '(or [carat Dlstric~ of Columbia, Territory, Possession or Foreign Counth/) On the-'.', day of ' . , in the year:* . ,-~before me, the undm,signed, perammlly aPponmd pmsmmlly known to ma or proved to me on the basis of saBsfactory ovidonce to he the Individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) sub~;ibed to tho within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sheflhoy exocutad the soma in his/her/their cepaoTty(les), and that by h~/flleir Nguature(s) on the instrumont, the individual(s) or the person upon beheJf of which the IndivkJual(s) acted, executed the Instmmont. and that such inCwidual made such appearance before the undersigned in the (add the dty or p~tiual subdivi'"on and tho sate or onunW or o~mr place the ad~mowiedgornent was taken). DIBTRICT loP0 SECTION 034.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 01g.001 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK/SOUTHOLD RETURN BY MAIL TO: ALAN O. KROLL, ESQ. DAVIS & GILBERT LLP 1740 BROADWAY NEW YOR~ NY (212) 468-4807 Zip No. 10019 Deed/lVlo~,~,b ~ $buap RECEDED 2005 Dec O~ 10~39:24 P.H Edward P. R0aaine CLERK OF L ~12424 P 2~ Haadlh~g T1'-384 . NOIBIJoiI . · EA-52 17 EA-$217 (State) . ILP.T.$.A. Ca.un. or'Ed. Affidavit Cc~fJed Copy - Rc~, Cupy Olhcr I Slei,tp )00" Data ].iliaIs - - OlUtND TOTAL ~. l~eal Property Tax Service A&mmy Verificntio, Dist. Sectio~ B lock Lot 05047115 zooo 03400 0400 0']9001 Sells facti°' ~/Disclmrau-'~i~mnses ..... : .... RgCOICD & ITgTUIU~ TO: NEW YORK, NY 10019 ATTN: ALAN D. KROLL Mon~a&e AmL I. I~ai.c Tfu~ ' ~.~ 2. AddKJonnl Tax Sub To~l ~JL · Dual T~a~D~] CoUnty. ~,~m~ ~v~ by ~b'Jq~p bar wm uo Improved oy n aim or two ~m/ly d~Oi~ only. ~ ' Y~ ' orNO~ I~0, ~ ap~i.i~ ~x chute o~ p.~= ~ e Preservation' Fund Conoldoratlon Amount, CPF Tn.~ Duo $ ' Improved Vacua! Land TD ': "IT)' Title Company Informntiosl Title # Stfffolk Tl~s ~ngc fom~s pm't of thc ntZnched °'' & Endorsement In thc VILLAGE or ItAMLET o1' BOXES 5 'II-tRLI 9 MU~'f' BE TYP F..D OR PRINTED IN BLACK. INK ONLY PRIOR TO RFmnr~mt~ nrJ m'r made by: SUFFOLK C0U~T~ CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages= 5 Receipt ~,~er = 05-0127504 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-18410 Districts 1000 Deed Amount= Recorded= At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 034.00 04.00 ~D A~ c~ARe~ As FOLr. ONS $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $15.00 NO B~ndltng COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SC'EM Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~-~,Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBERs 05-18410 THIS PAeB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Homaine County Clerk, Suffolk County z2/os/2oos 10:39~24 AM D00012424 294 Lot= 019.001 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $245.00 ......... PLEASE TYPE (3~I~E~FIk~L9 ~FTEI~ WI~T[NG ON-FORM - ' · ' INSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 1. P~ 1100 C[ ~,8 I L ~r I I I I POLLERT I VILLIAH R. 6. SliMe ESTATE OF ANTOINETTE POLLERT I [ I)l J No.*Re~de~t~ Vacan~ LaJ~l I s~ ,NFO.~.~O. I i1~ ~icuituml I [] Comm~nlly Sewh= I 6 2005 i / ./..~ / i I ~E~ENT I~B~. ~a ~ould ~ the ~IM FI~I Msment RMI and Tax Bill I SecO. 03&.00, Blk, 04.00, Lot. 019.1 [ L J BUYER C/O DAVIS & CZLBBRT LLP, 1740 BROAD~AY ~ Yolu[ I NY I 10019 BUYER'8 All'ORNEY 212 468-4807 NEW YORK STATE COPY