HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12386 P 333THI~ INDENTURE, made the l(~th day of A;~, 2005 BETWEEN Carol Lamonte, having a mailing address at 4321 Hempsteed Turnpike, Be~p~ge, NY 11714 party of the fimt part, an(I Greenport Really, LLC, having a mailing address at 175 East ,S~ore Road. Gmat Nec. k. NY 11023 R d/y,/.cc ,, " " " "' party of the second par[, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. in consideration of ten dollars end other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby rernlsa, release and qui~alm unto the party of the escond part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of ~te esc~ld part forever. ALL that cerlain plot, piece or parcel of lar~, with the buJieb'~ and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the See Scheclule A TOGETHER with ali right, title ~ interest, if any. of the party of the first pert in and to any streets and abutting the above described pmmiess to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part In end to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLe the premises herein gtantad unto the pmly of the second part, the helm or successors and reigns of the path/' of th~ second part forever. AND the party of ~e first pa~. in cornpIlanco with Section 13 of the Lien Law, cov~lants that Ihs party of the first pert will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to rs~eive such cons~damtien as a trust fund to be applied firsl for the 0urpose of paying the ~ost of the improvement m~l will apply the same first to the payment of tho cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of, the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall he conslrt;ad as If It read 'pmties" whenev~ the sense of this indenture so requires IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and yea~ first above IN PRESENCE OF: TO BE USEO ONLY WHEN THE ACKN OW~__=~ e~.g_NT I~ _~. &_he_ IN NEW YORK :~;TATF $~ N,Y,E T.U. From ~004 - QultOaln~ Deed - Unlfonn A~k~oydeclgnmnl (WIOlU ~eet) NORTH SHORE ABSTRACT, LTD. as agent ~ LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION Tide No. NZ380105 SCHEDULE A TAX LOT 021.000 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being near the Village of Grcenpo~l, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stat~ of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at u monurneng at the intersection of thc Northerly line of Main Road (SR25) (Noah Reed) with the Easterly line of Sound Road; RUNNING THENCE along the Easterly line of Sound Avenue, North 27 degrees 31 minutes 20 seconds West, 101.71 feet to land now or formerly of George Moore; RUNNING THENCE along said land, North 62 de~rens 28 minutes 40 seconds East, 143.59 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said land of Kujawski; THENCE continuing along said land and land now or formerly of Bumble, North 27 degrees 02 minutes 50 seconds West, 95 feel to land now or formerly of Zorn; RUNNING THENCE along said land, North 74 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds East, 311.16 feet to land now or formerly of Paul Sinuta; RUNNING THENCE along said land, South 14 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds E~st, 222.88 feet to the Northerly line of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE along the Northerly line of Main Road. South 74 deg~es 21 minutes West, 408.44 feet to the comer, the point or place of BEGINNINO. For cnnveyancing only, if intended to t~ conveyed. { Tott~her wltk nil rigid, title and interesg of, in nnd to my str~e~ nnd Title No. NZ38010S TAX LOT 022OO0 NORTH SHORE AB~-I'if. ACT, LTD. as ag~m for: LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being near the Village of Grnenport, in th~ Town of Sonthold, County of Suffolk and State of New YoUr, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the Nonberly line from Sound Avenue, said point of beginning being the Southeasterly corner of lend of the party of the first part and the Southwesterly comer of land conveyed to Edwin H. King by Sinuta by deed dated January 15, 1953; from said point of beginning RUNNING THENCE along said land of the party of the first part, two (2) courses as follows: 1. North 14 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West, 222.88 feet to a monument; 2. THENCE South 74 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds West, 31L 16 feet to land of Nngle; THENCE along said land of Nagle, two (2) courses ns follows: I. Noah 27 dagz~s 02 minute~ 50 seconds We~t, 25.0 feet lo a monument: 2. TI'W..NCE South 62 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds West, 144.58 feet to the Easterly line of said Sound Avenue; THENCE along said Easterly line of Sound Avenue. North 27 degrees 31 minutes 20 seconds West. 14.0 feet to land of Uhorchak; THENCE along said land of Uhorchak, Ninth 62 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds East, 144.51 feet; TFW.,NCE along said land of Uhorchek and along land of Molly Hasmwer, North 27 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds West, i I 1.0 feet to a monument and land conveyed to Edwin H. King to said $inuta: TI-IENCE along said land of $inuta, two ('2) courses as follows: 1. North 66 dagrces 00 minutes 30 seconds East, 389,47 feet to a monument; 2. THENCE South 30 dag~ues 58 minutes 00 seconds East, 198.28 fuet to a monument and other Innd of said $inuta; THENCE along said other land of $inuta, South 67 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West, 79.85 feet to a monument and said land conveyed by said $inutn to Edwin H. King; THENCE along said land of Edwin I-L King. South 14 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds East. 224.79 feet to a monument on said N~ly line of Noah Road, South 74 dap, rem 21 minutes 00 set:onds West, 16.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. For conveyancing only, if intended to be conveyed. ~ate el New Yo~, ~ou~y ~f Nauru .: pw&onal~ k~ ~ M or ~v~ ~ me on ~ ~s of me ~t hd~ e~ ~e Mine In h~ir ~(M), and ~it ~ h~ slg~(s) on ~e (signature ~d Olf'~.e of ind;vMual taking acknov,~edg.'nent) tame State of New ¥~, County of Onlh. dmyof in the year bofom me, ~ underslgn~l, p,,r~onidly ap~l~emmd personally known to me or proved to me on I)~ be~;- of ~.'~'t~y evidenm to be me IndivMu~Ks) ~/no~e name(m! lA (mm) mub~oibe~ to the wflNn Lq~l, ummfll and mc~nov, dadged to me that he/mhe/~ey eo~ecutod ~e same In hliJtw/tbeir eap~.clly(m), an,, that by hlm/h~ir mlgnatum(m) on the Ir~mme~t. the indMdual(s), o~ the pe~on u~n behalf of which the IndMduel{i) acted, e;~=utod the ~Vumenl. (signature and offic~ o! indiv;d~l taMng aclmow;.edg mere) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OtrlllDE NEW YORK STATF Stole (o[ Dl~c~ of C~lumb~. Tenitory. or Foreign Country) of ss: on the dray of in the year before me. the unde~gnM, perso~J~y app~m, amd persona~y known to me or pA:wed ~ me on U~. be~im of .mll~ evidence ~ su~ ~ ~e M~In In~ment i~ a~ ~ ~ ~al ~l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h~ ~), and ~t by ~r~ ~(I) on ~ I~, ~ ~1(I), M ~ ~n U~ ~ ~ ~ ~8 ~KS) ~d, e~d ~ In~nl, m~ ~t ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~rinM b~ ~ (if~en th~ C~ty or other pcdlllc4d subeivi$io~) (mhd/~.an I~ Slmto or Com.,n/~ ob~' olmce tim m~tr~edomir; wm~ Imken] (mignmmtm. and ~ice cffindividUal taking ~UITCI.NM DEED TO SECTION BLOCK ~ LOT ~ I COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Sale.. Harbor Title WE L*~,U NE ~.l f,,lOl'H RETURN BY MAIL TO: 175 £. Slw flor3 Nund~er o£ ]mgc~ TOKREN$ $crial# Cc~lifi¢alo # Prior CII~ ~ J~cd I Mo~guge hlstruf]i~]t Pug~ I Filing Fcc I'hmdling l~,ed I Mmlgnge 'l~x Slump i'~ES NolaliOll 5. IXt 15. tel Sub 'lbtul · Re;,I Propcr~y 0~0t7401 1000 03500 0100 021000 'l~x.~r~icc //~pT ~'~% ~000 03500 0Z00 022000 Agc.cy ' Verification ( ~SMI A) I Lo.,.o. d I S;tlisl'nclksn~l)i.'a:hurgc~Rclcu.~.,s List Properly Owner~ Mailing Addre~ 6 I RECORD & RETURN TO: 2005 HaU 10 11:09:11 Eduard P.Roeaine SUFFOLK C01IIT¥ L 000012386 P OTl 04-40126 Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Aml. I. Bnsic Tax 2. Addilioual Tax ...... Sub 'lbml Sl',ec./Assit. Six'c./Add. TOT. M~. 'FAX Dual Town Dual C~.mly Held f(~r Ap~,inln]cnt 'l~msfer I~tx MunBion l~x '111e ~F~y c.vert~l hy Lhi~ morlgage ur will E improved bva one .r rmmly dwc]lmg mdy. YES .r ~0 .._ ' '][ NO. ~* llppmpli,lc IllX clml~e tm ~ge ~ of thi~ in$lmlnt'm. Community Preservation Yu~nd Consideration ^mount $ f CPF Tax Due $ Vacullt l ~llld To Oh TD 'I*D ns e. s Suffolk County Recording_ & Endorsement Page ~ds pngc fi~mm pa~ of Ihe attached ~ ' made by: SUffOLK COU~Y, NBW YORK. LIOX~ 6 I[IRU 8 ~US'I' lie 'II~PEI) OR I~RINTED IN B~CK INK ONLY PRIOR 1T) R~CORJJING lIR FILING, I llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllHlIHllll SUFFOLI( COUHTY CLEI~ RECO~tD~ OFFZC~' RECO~tDZNG ~G~ 'l"ype o~ Zns~z'ument: DF, F, DH/DDD Receipt Nmnbe~ : 05-0049910 TRANSFER TAX ~R: 04-40126 1000 Dead LZBER: PAGE: Beo~lon~ Block; 035.00 01.00 $0.00 Page/Filing $15.00 NO Hm~ll.tn~ COB $5.0o NO ~Yg HRCIIG F,A-CTY $5.00 NO RA-HTATB TP-584 $5.00 NO Cer~.CopLss RPT $50.00 NO SCTM T~S~OF tSx $0.00 L~O C~.P~OH Fees Paid TRAHSFER T~XN~4BER: 04-40126 THZS PAGE ZB A P~RT OF T~ ZNBTR~I4ENT THZS Z8 NOT A BZLL Edvard Count~ CXerk, 8u££olk Count~ 05/10/2005 1L~09~11 AM D00012386 333 021.000 $5.00 HO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $175.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY VVHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: ht~p'.//www.orps.state, ny.u$ or PHONE (618) 473-7222 IF OR COUNTY USE ONLY . . · c~. s~.. c~ ' ~ .~, ~, 3, ~', ~'. cZ ~ ~ ~L ~OP~ T~NS~ ' ~ ~ ~TA~ ~ ~ Y~ ~ ' ~' RP - 5217 ~ ~0~ INFORK~ON I I ~L~] z ~a F.ml~llo~x~ontl~l I-'~ Comnm~mcd~l J.L..~ W,LII 1G~l~LQc~.dw~h~mA~i~ [] c ..o.,-,,-,., , H I~~M~ I , , , , , 0 , 0 I I ~=~E~ IN~N - ~ ~M ~ ~ latw R~I ~m Roll m~ Trax BIK I