HomeMy WebLinkAboutWallin, AndersOctober 20, 1978 Mr. Andrew Wallin 59 Roderick Avenue Staten Island, New York 10305 Dear Mr. Wallin: Relative to your telephone conversation with our office on Thursday, October 19, 1978, the Board of Appeals has dis- cussed your letter regarding a gunsmith-dealer business to be conducted from your home on Gull Pond Lane, Greenport, New York. The Board would like to hold an informal discussion with you on Thursday, November 9, 1978, at 7:30 P.M. Would you please be kind enough to advise us if this is agreeable to you. Yours truly, Southold Town Board ppeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. TELEPHONE (516) 765~180g APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ROBERT W. GILLISPIE, JR., CHAIRMAN CHARLESGRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. TERRY TUTHILL ROBERT J. DOUGLASS December 21, 1978 Mr. Anders G. Wallin 59 Roderick Avenue Staten Island, New York 10305 Dear Mr. Wallin: The Board of Appeals and Counsel have agreed that a gun hobby such as you described at the November 30, 1978, meeting outlined below is a permitted use in the agriculture-residential district. The above described hobby will include a collection of guns con- sisting mainly of shotguns and rifles. Our understanding is that you will not be dependent upon this hobby for income; that you may at times sell or repair guns. You will not accept guns for bluing (an operation which will be performed in New Jersey and not done on the premises); that there will be no storage of explosives or ammunition on the premises for resale purposes, and there will be less than 20 guns on the premises at any one time. Our understanding is that you own 6 pistols for which you have permits. During our con- versation, you exhibited pistol permits from the U. S. Treasury De- partment and New York City Police Department. We were also shown the Coast Guard Marine Pilot's licenses covering harbors from Maine to Virginia. We believe that activities conducted in connection with your hobby do not require a variance from the Board of Appeals. In the future any substantial changes in your activities in connection with the gun hobby should be brought to our attention at which time they will be reviewed again by the Board. For your information a copy of the Town of Southold Zoning Ordinance concerning home occupations is enclosed. Thank you for coming in to discuss this matter with us. Yours truly, RWG:bcc Enclosure cc: Det. Joseph Sawicki ROBERT W. Chairman GILLISPIE, JR. MEMORANDUM TO THE FILE RE: Andrew Wallin 59 Roderick Avenue Staten Island, New York (212-273-8300) 10305 Mr. Wallin called to see what was holding up the action of the Board. I advised him that Mr. Tuthill had tried to see him at the Gull Pond Address several times and had not been able to contact him due to the fact he had no telephone number. Mr. Wallin has a New York City Fire Arms Permit in addition to a Federal Fire Arms permit issued by the U. S. Treasury Department (Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire Arms Division). Mr. Wallin wishes to repair guns, blue guns, and deal with parts through the mail. He is willing to set up an appointment for the November 9, 1978, hearing for an informal discussion before any regularly schedule hearings. BCC October 19, 1978 September ~, 1978 Terry Tuthill will call Mr. Wallin and go to talk with his about his intentions concerning the mail order business he wishes to conduct. bcc September 19, 1978 Terry Tuthill has been to Mr. Wallin's house twice and no one is there. The house looks az though no one has lived there for quite a while. There is also no record of a telephone number for this man at this address. The name on the mail box is Rollo. I called the police station to see if they had another address for Mr. Wallin and all they have is the Gull Pond address. They have not heard from Mr. Wallin since July, 1978. He has a son on Shelter Island who was to pay the fee for the license, but the son never sent the fee. bcc TOWN OF EAST HAMPTON 159 Pantigo Road East Hampton, New York 11937 ZONING BOARD Of APPEALS AugUst 24, 1978 Mrs. Babette C. Conroy, Secretary Southold ~fown Board of Appeals Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Mrs. Conroy: In response to your letter of August 23, 1978, attached is a copy of Section 153-18 A (4) of our zoning ordinance which permits home occupations, inside dwellings, provided not more than one-third of the total floor area is so used and which provides for a sign of not more than two square feet. If we can be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, V. Chairman LVM:gp Encl. § 153-18 EAST HAMPTON CODE § 15~1! § 153-18. Residence District AA, A and B uses. [Amended 8-15 63, 7-20-661 A. Permitted uses. I1) Commercial agricultural operations, including gardening, farming, and grazing, pasturing and casional slaughtering of farm animals, provi~ storage of all manure, fertilizer or odor- or dug. producing substances shall be a minimum of om hundred (100) feet from any adjoining property and provided further that the minimum lot size be two (2) acres in Residence Districts A and B la Residence District AA the minimum lot size sh~l b, ten (10) acres except for lot used exclusively for crops where minimum shall be two (2) acres, la Residence Districts A and B nurseries greenhouses are permitted on lots meeting speci~'~ residence district minima, and display and sale ~ resident's produce or harvest and accessories on th* premises are permitted if off-street parking adequate to prevent any interference with the flow d traffic on the paved roadway is provided. [Amendrd g 16-63, 7-20-66] (2) Single-family detached dwelling. [Amended 12-3-6& ! " 16-66, 7-20-66] (3) Rooming houses. [Amended 8-16-63, 7-20-66, In Residence Districts AA, A and B home occupatiom inside dwellings, such as professional and other ~ rices, boat captains and crafts, provided'. (a) Not more than one-third (~/3) of the total floor (c) of said dwelling, exclusive of cellar, attic and o~ porch floors, is so used. An indirectly illuminated sign of not more tlt~ two (2) square fee[ may be used. Occupation carried on by the resident, sale produce of the sea or bays, caught or dug by fl~ resident, open or enclosed storage of boats ~ 15318 ON cob ' § 153, l$ § 153-18 and B Uses. [Amended 8.15 Operations, including grazing, pasturing and ,t' farm animals, provid~ ~:rtilizer or odor- or .Ii be a minimum o! :ly adjobaing property the minimum lot s/ze sh~l .ce Districts A and B. '.ini.]um lot size shall ~:'-'d exclusively for : be two 12) acres, ,And B nurseries ,m lots meeting spec/f~ and display and sa~ ~ off'street parking erference with the flow ~ ~s provided. [Amen&4 ~. [Amended 12.3-63. .'.nd B home occupst~ ffessional and other provided: of the total cellar, attic and dgn of not mom used. the resident, ~ ~ caught or dug by I1~' torage of boat~ ~ ZONING § ~53-18 incidental gear Owned by the resident and maintenance and repair of the Same. (~) Real estate signs, advert/sing sale of the property on which they are located, provided they aggregate not in excess of six (6) square feet, and signs at the entrances to real estate subdivisions, identifying such sub- divisions by name, provided-they aggregate not in excess of twenty 120) square feet for each such sub- division. IAmended 5-9-601 ~, B. Special purpose uses. [Amended 5-9-60; 8-16-63, 7-20-661 {1) T~urpose uses nrovid d~eff~..P.,r~v,ide,d ~hat yard dlr~o~ -~ ..... ~u provmecl that an ~n- mrec~l JJlu '~ square fee~ may be used: (a) Full-size golf courses and tennis courts (b}In Residence Districts A and B:(/~,~ /11 Schools (private and publicl (~) J ti./-- Cemeteries (2~ The above special purpose uses shall be subject to Site plan review by the Planning Board as set forth in § 153-14. Riding academies in Residence Districts AA, A and B, provided that the minimum lot size shall be ~en (I01 acres; that all buildings and structures, exercise arenas, vehicle parking and manure Storage shall have minimum yards of two hundred (200) feet; and provided further that grazing areas, trails and fenchqg shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet from all property lines. Should · a smgle-family residence be 15319 xxx 1502 XXXXXXXXXX ~XXXXXXXXX Terry Tuthill Robert J. Douglass August 23, 1978 Board of Appeals Town of Easthampton Town Hall' 159 Pontigo Road East Hampton, New York 11937 Re: Businesses conducted in private homes Dear Sirs: Our Board has received a request from a resident of East Marion, New York, to conduct a business similar to that of Mr. Hendrick- son of Bridgehampton, New York, indicated on the photostatic copy of the Classified Ad of the Shelter Island Reporter enclosed herewith. The gentlemen would like to conduct a gunsmith-dealer business and advises that there would be no signs since it will be con- ducted by mail. Would you please advise us what your requirements are for someone to conduct this type of business in a residentially zoned area. Our zoning ordinance considers this an accessory use to the zone currently zoned "A" residential and Agricultural. Your help in this matter would be appreciated. Yours truly, bce Enclosure BABETTE C. Secretary CONROY 196 Gull Pond Lane Greenport, N.Y., 11944 Zoning Board Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. Honorable Zoning Board Members: We have gone through considerable time, effort and expense with the local police dept. and have now been advised by Sgt. Sawicki that we must have clearance from your to conduct a gunsmith - dealer business at the above address; for which we hereby apply. We intend to conduct a business similar to that of Mr. Hendrickson of Bridgehampton, N.Y. which is indicated from the enclosed advertisement. There will be no signs or other indications of a business at the above address, since it will be mainly by mail and on a very small scale. A favorable reply will be very much appreciated. Thanking for your attention in this matter, we remain, Yours Very Truly~ ~ ~ CARL CATALDO POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NEW YORK, 11958 ADMINlaTRATIVE;I 516 ~GS"2eDCI jul7 111 l~7~ Mr. Anders G. Wallin 196 Gull Pond Lane Greenport; N.Y. Dear Mr. Wallin: Re: Pistol License We have been advised by the issuing office of the Pistol Bureau, Sheriff's Office, that you must have clearance from the Zoning Board to conduct a business in yonr locality. Would you please stop at Headquarters when you have obtained this. clearance. Yours truly~ . / JOSEPH H. SAWICKI DET/SERGEA~ JHS:Jk CARL CATALDO POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NEW YORK, 11958 51~ ?~14-~0~ July 11, 1978 Mr. Anders G. Wallin 196 Gull Pond Lane Greenport~ N.Y. Dear Mr. Wallin: Re: Pistol License We have been advised by the issuing office of the Pistol Bureau, Sheriff's Office, that you must have clearance f~om the Zoning Board to conduct a business in your locality. Would you please stop at Headquarters when you have obtained this clearance. JHS:jk Yours truly, DET/SERGEANT Southold Town Board of Appeals MAiN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 5OUTHOLD, L,I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWiCKI June 5, 1982 Mr. Ronald Atkinson Emory Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Dealer Gunsmith License Dear Mr. Atkinson: Please be advised that the Board of Appeals and Town Counsel have agreed that a gun hobby as you indicated in our discussion on June 1st and as outlined below is a permitted use in the A-Agricultural and Residential District and that a variance application is not necessary. The above-entitled hobby will include a collection of guns, consisting mainly of rifles, shotguns and a few pistols. It is our understanding that you will not be dependent upon this hobby for an income and that there will be no storage of explosives or ammunition on the premises for sales purposes at any time. During our conversation, you exhibited that you will have all appropriate State, local and other permits as are required for the six pistols you own, and that this entire collection of guns will be kept in a secured area. In the future any changes in your activities with this gun hobby must be brought to our attention, at which time this matter will be reviewed again by the board. Thank you for informing me of this matter, and I hope this letter will be sufficient for your file. Yours very truly, lk GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CH~I~4AN Southold Town Board ppeals 5OUTH[]LD, L. I., N.Y. Telephone 7~5~-~02 APPEAL BOARD MEMBEES Robert ~X,'. Gillispi¢, Jr., Chairman Robert Bergen Charlzs Gri$onis, Jr. $¢r$¢ Doyen, Jr. x~xx~x~x~ James Maimone April 20, 1978 Mr. Thomas Wexler East Marion, NY 11939 Dear Mr. Wexler: Under the current Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southold, agricultural products grown on premises may be sold at roadside. on the premises of the grower. However, it is not possible to permit retail sales of products of the sea in the Agricultural-Residential zone on the premises of agricultural producers. Under our Ordinance, such sales are to be contained within the'"B" Light Business zone. Counsel concurs with the foregoing opinion. Chairman ~ RWG:med SO~THOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS -25- November 30, 1978 ,~~THE CHAI~%~N: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak agalnot this applmcatlon? (there was no response). Upon investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant wishes to move his existing house back 15 feet from Long Island Sound due to water erosion which necessitates a reduced front yard area. The findings of the Board are they are in sympathy with the applicant. '1~ The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of the property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Doyen, seconded by ~Ir. Tuthill, it was RESOLVED, that Jim Mollgy, 26 Treemont Street, Garden City, New York, be GRANTED permission to move a building with insufficient front yard area. Location of property: Leeton Drive, Southold, New York, bounded on the north by Long Island Sound; east bv Mahee; south by Leeton Drive; west by Orr. ' Vote of the Board: Ayes: ~[essrs: Gillispie, Doyen, Tuthill and Douglass. An informal discussion was held with Mr. Anders Wallin, 196 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport, New York, relative to a gun smith dealer business at his home. The Chairman reviewed the file and read all the pertinent correspondence and a copy of the East Hampton code on home occupations. Mr. Wallin advised the Board as follows: (1) upon this This will be a "hobby" and Mr. Wallin will not be dependent for income. (2) There will be no outside display of merchandise or any advertising. (3) Any bluing of guns will be done by a company in New Jersey and not done on the premises. (4) (5) premises for Mr. Wallin will be dealing in mostly shot guns and rifles. There will no stoarge of explosives or ammunition on the resale purpcses. (6) There will no test firing on the premises. (7) There will be less than 20 guns on the premises a~ one time. ~4r. Wallin owns 6 pistols himself which he has permits for. - ~OUTHOLD TO~ BOARD OF APPEALS -26- November 30, 1978 It was the opinion of the Board that Mr. Wallin does not need a variance from the Board of Appeals for this home occupation business. A letter will be written at the December 21, 1978, meeting on behalf of Mr. Wallin, and a copy of the letter will be sent to Mr. Sawicki, of the Southold Town Police Department On motion by Mr. Tuthil~, seconded by Mr. Doyen, it was .RESOLVED that there were twelve (12) Sign Renewals reviewed and approved as submitted. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs: Gillispie, Doyen, Tuthill and Douglass. On motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Douglass, it was RESOLVED, that the next meeting of the Southold Town Board of Appeals will be held at 7:30 P.M. (E.S.T.) Thursday, December 21, 1978, and set the following times on that date as time and place of hearing upon the following applications: 7:30 P.M. - Andrew Wallin 7:40 P.M. (E.S.T.) Upon application of Dolores G. Avella, 536 8th Street, Palisades Park, New Jersey (Charles DeVoe, as agent), for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article. III, Section 100-34 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to construct a house with a reduced front yard setback. Location of property: Lct no. 45 of Map No. 3444, Orient-By-The-Sea, Section Two, Orient, New York. 7:50 P.M. (E.S.T.) Upon application of Anthony Sponza, Ryder Farm Lane, Orient, New York, for a variance in'accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-34 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to construct a garage with insufficient front yard set- back. Location of property: Lot No. 54, Map No. 3444, Orient-By-The- Sea, Section Two, Orient, New York. 8:00 P.M. (E.S.T.) Upon application of Richard and Donnalee Relyea, Delmar Drive, Laurel, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-32 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to construct an accessory building in the front yard area and a variance in accordance with Section 280A of the Town Law for recognition of access. Location of property: Foxhollow Road and Deer Path Road, Mattituck, New York, bounded on the north by Beier; east by Beier; south by Mattituck Creek; west by Private Road. 8:10 P.M. (E.S.T.) Upon application of Suzanne Clark, 47 Barrow Street, New York, New York, for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to~-~ divi~e property with insufficient width and for a variance to the Zoningk~