HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-06/16/2008PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY11971
Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
June 16, 2008
4:30 p.m.
Present were: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson
Martin H. Sidor, Member
George D. Solomon, Member
Joseph Townsend, Member
Heather Lanza, Planning Director
Mark Terry, Principal Planner
Tow~ Clerk
Chairperson Woodhouse: Good evening and Welcome to a Special Meeting of the
Planning Board. Tonight we have two items on the agenda.
SUBDIVISIONS (Lot Line Changes)
Final Determinations:
Wexler, Allan & Ellen - This proposal for a standard subdivision of a 3.832-acre parcel
into two lots where Lot I equals 1.916 acres and Lot 2 equals 1.916 acres in the A-C
Zoning District. The property is located on the s/s/o North Bayview Road, approximately
415 ft. w/o Paradise Point Road in Southold. SCTM#1000-79-8-18.1
Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anybody here to speak on behalf of this application?
Hearing none, I will ask for you to please read the resolution, Mr. Sidor.
Martin Sidor: WHEREAS, this proposal is to subdivide a 3.832-acre parcel into two lots
where Lot 1 equals 1.916 acres and Lot 2 equals 1.916 acres in the A-C Zoning District;
WHEREAS, an application for sketch approval was submitted on September 21,2006,
including the sketch plan prepared by Joseph A. Ingegno, L.S., dated September 12,
2001 and last revised on September 11, 2006; and
Southold Town Planning Board Page Two June 16, 2008
WHEREAS, on December 5, 2006, the Suffolk County Water Authority issued a Letter
of Water Availability for the proposed action; and
WHEREAS, on February 12, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board granted sketch
approval upon the map prepared by Joseph A. Ingegno, L.S., dated September 12,
2001 and last revised on September 11, 2006; and
WHEREAS, on March 12, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board issued a Negative
Declaration pursuant to SEQRA; and
WHEREAS, on April 12, 2007, the proposed action was reviewed under the policies of
the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan and recommended that it is
consistent with the LWRP; and
WHEREAS, on April 26, 2007, the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation issued a "Letter of Non-Jurisdiction" for the proposed action; and
WHEREAS, on August 20, 2007, the Southold Town Board of Trustees issued a "Letter
of Non-Jurisdiction" for the proposed action; and
WHEREAS, on March 30, 2007, an application and fee for preliminary plat approval
was submitted, including the preliminary plat prepared by Joseph A. Ingegno, US.,
dated September 12, 2001 and last revised on March 6, 2007; and
WHEREAS, on October 15, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board granted
Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval on the map prepared by Joseph A. Ingegno, L.S.,
dated September 12, 2001 and last revised on March 6, 2007; and
WHEREAS, on November 16, 2007, the Southold Fire District determined that there is
adequate fire protection in the area and fire access is sufficient; and
WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services issued approval of the
action on February 22, 2008; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board has reviewed the proposed action
under the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and
has determined that the action is consistent as noted in the April 18, 2007 report
prepared by the LWRP Coordinator; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Final Plat Approval
upon the map prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, L.S., dated September 12, 2001 and
last revised on February 15, 2008, subject to conditions; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board approves and accepts the Declaration of
Covenants and Restrictions, dated May 24, 2008, filed with the Office of the Suffolk
County Clerk, Liber D00012553 and Page 409;
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Joe Townsend: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Martin Sidor: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
finds that all of the conditions of Conditional Final Plat Approval have been satisfied and
that the requirements for subdivision approval pursuant to Chapter 240 of the Town
Code have been fulfilled by the applicant;
Joe Townsend: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Martin Sidor: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
hereby grant Final Plat Approval upon the map entitled Standard Subdivision for the
Property of Allan and Ellen Wexler prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, L.S., dated
September 12, 2001 and last revised on February 15, 2008 and authorize the
Chairperson to endorse the maps.
Joe Townsend: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries. Thank you.
Peconic RecyclinR & Transfer II - This site plan is for new construction of a building
that includes 32,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space and 2,200 sq. ft. of office space for a
transfer station use on a vacant 118,164.2 sq. f. parcel in the LIO Zone located at the
north intersection of Corporate Road and Commerce Drive, known as 560 Commerce
Drive, in Cutchogue. SCTM#1000-95-2-5
Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anyone here to speak on behalf of this application?
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Abigail Wickham: We are here on behalf of the applicant; we have the engineer in case
the Board has any questions.
Heather Lanza: There's no hearing; we can just read the resolution.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Mr. Townsend, would you please read the resolution?
Joe Townsend: WHEREAS, this site plan is for new construction of a building that
includes 32,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space and 2,200 sq. ft. of office space for a
transfer station use on a vacant 118,164.2 sq. ft. parcel in the LIO Zone located at the
north intersection of Corporate Road and Commerce Drive, known as 560 Commerce
Drive, in Cutchogue, SCTM#1000-95-2-5; and
WHEREAS, on September 11, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to
6NYCRR Part 617, Article 6 of the Environmental Conservation Law acting under the
State Environmental Quality Review Act, initiated the SEQR lead agency coordination
process for this Unlisted Action; and
WHEREAS, on September 14, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board agreed to
contract with Nelson Pope and Voorhis, LLC for the environmental review and
forwarded the information for such review; and
WHEREAS, on October 16, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant
6NYCRR to Part 617, Article 6 of the Environmental Conservation Law acting under the
State Environmental Quality Review Act, assumed lead agency for this Unlisted Action;
WHEREAS, on February 19, 2008, Nelson Pope and Voorhis, LLC submitted a report
entitled "Project Impacts and their Magnitude"; and
WHEREAS, on March 10, 2008, the Southold Town Planning Board requested the
applicant furnish Part III of the Environmental Assessment Form to assist the Planning
Board in issuing a Determination of Significance under SEQRA; and
WHEREAS, on March 26, 2008, the agent, Abigail A. Wickham, Esq., submitted Part
III, and on April 21, 2008 submitted supplemental information; and
WHEREAS, on May 8, 2008, Nelson Pope and Voorhis, LLC submitted a report entitled
"Review of Supplemental Information on Project Operations" with attachments A & B,
and on May 12, 2008, the Southold Town Planning Board accepted this report along
with minor revisions from the agent; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that on June 16, 2008, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under
the State Environmental Quality Review Act and having performed a coordinated review
of this Unlisted Action with the Planning Board, acting as lead agency, makes a
determination of non-significance and issues a Negative Declaration for the subject
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Martin Sidor: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries. Thank you. This concludes our special
Respectfully submitted,