HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 398THI9 INDENTURE, made ~he dayof ~ · nJflt~q~l~l 2005 BE'rwEEN GUSMAR REALTY CORP., a domestic corporation, with offices located at 13-15 37~' Avenue, Long Island City, NY I 1101 party of the first part., and ALEXANDRA JONES .~t~s'~ [,;ARGA."'.~T C!q ~_~'_", residing at 1625 Gull Pond, Greenport, NY 11944 party of necon~ part, WIT~'/gaSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration el' tun dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and releasa unto the party of~he se~nd part. the heirs or successors and a~igns of*the paFty of the second part forever, ALL that esrtain plot, piece or parcel of*lnnd, with the buildings nnd improvement~ thereon erected, sit.uute, lying nnd being' in the Town et' Southold, County o£ Suffolk and State ot' New York, known and designated ns Lot 15 on a certain map entitled "Map of Summit Estates, Section 2", filed in the Officc of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 5/21/02 as Map Number 10768. SAID PREMISES being u part of thc premises described in the deed to the grantor recorded in Libor 11955 page 460. Tills CONVEYANCE :is mede by thc party o£the first part during thc normal course of business and with the unanimous writlen consent ofthe shareholders of Gusmar Realty Corporation. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, fishy, of the party o£the first part in and to any atreot~ nnd made abutting the above dcoeribed premM to the center lines thercofi TOGI',"I'HER with tho oppurtenant-.m and oil tim estate nnd rights of the pa~y of the first part ia and to said prsn'dses; TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD tho premises herein grnntod unto the party of the second part, the heirs or suecsesers and assigns of the party of the second part fore~r. AND tho party of the first part covefianta that tim party of the first part has not done ar suffered anything whereby the said premises hevc,~.n enc.um,,~. F~I itt any way wlmto','er ext~pt as afoFesaid. .., . .~- , ...'J-d,~, ,,;. part will rec~iv~ t~.c~nsi,de~ation for'tl~le,~co~;eyn~-~-~md will hold the right to receive such cons'd~rut'on sa n trtmt t'und to he app. l.i..e~....fi, rst,.for ~:,h.e..py~ of paying the emt of tim smprovement nnd wall apply the same first to the payment of the eest=of tho im Imwement~l~. fo m;, ..,u~g.o n,y part of the total of* the enme for uny other purpose. The word "party' cheil be construed a~° flit 'r~ffd,'l~rt~es" whenewr the ~nse of this indenture so rsqu res, XN WITNI~.8$ WH~-REOF, the ~rty of the first part has duly executed this deed tho day and ywar first above written. GUSMAR REALTY CORPORATION State of New York, County of On August [~ , 20P~'nreme. tbeundenfignnd, pemonally appeared Pantelin Fakiris personally kmr*'n lo me or pawed m me on the b~t~i.~ ol'~tis- faetoq' evidence to be the individual(,) whose name(s) is (are) sub,till'ed to thc' within in.,(tmlnent and ackncmledged to mc that he/she/they executed Ibc .,Mine in hLeJher/Ihcir calyaCit y(ies L and thai hy hi.~r/Iheir signaluretst on the M.~mJmcnt. the individually'), nr the person upon behalf of which the Slate of County of On pe~.onal fy appeare~ heforc mc. the undersigned, Ihe sub.~ribing witm..~.~fcs~ to the foregoing instrument, with whom Ium personally a(.Xlualntccl, who. beinB by me dui)' sworn, did (kTo~e and .(ay Ihal he/she/they re~i~.'{s) in ((D~r individualis) ael,~J,~jxecured ,~,ins/l~l. DON~ M. ~ State of . Count)' of ss.: to ~ I~ i~ividuul(s) de~ in and w~ ~ul~ I~ f~ On personally appeared before me. thc undersigned. personally known lO me or imwed to me on Ihe basis of satin. factory evidence to ~ Ihe individuul(~) wht~m n~s) is (am) thru ~l~y ~cx~ I~ ~ in hi~r~ heir u~ilyties). u~ thai by hi~e~lheir signalu~{s) ~ t~ insl~nL the individuaHs), or {he person upon ~half of which Ihe individual(s) ~, cxc~u~ ~e inst~nt, ~ that s~h in- dividual tu~e such ap~ance ~fo~ the unde~igm~ in l!oin8 im~lrument: that .~id .~u~'r, efi bing witness{ es) w'~t (were) present and saw .,;aid exam:ute Ibc same; and that .~aid witnesses) al the same liltle ~ubKribed his/ber/t beir namees) ~ u wimesst ~ .'s) thereto. ~ub~'ribing wJlness(es~ made such appearance before thc undersigned in .I argain aah eeb Troy. No. Ba~___ Gusmar Realty Corp. TO Jones / Gilbert 35 8 5. 023 cour;'rYorTow~ Suffolk / Southold CIIlCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP,%NY Kevin P. Finn, Esq. 26 West Columbia Street Hempstead, NY 11550 ZIp No. TORRENs Serhl #. Ccfliflcme # t '200~ Sep 26 ~. E~rd P.~c~aine SUFFOLF, COUNTY P ~ . DT# 03-08374 Reemdjn8 / Filin; SCamps IN'Se I Filin& Fee TP-584 Notation CA-52 I? (Count..) EA-52 ! 7 (State) R.P.T.&A. At, davit C,e~ified Copy -- Sub To~l I. Buic Tax 2. Add/t/onaJ Tax Sub Total Spee./A_~sir. Of  ~ Spec, IAdd.~ __ . . TOT. MTG. TAX _ Dual Town__ Du~l C~nry~ H~ld ~or Ap~onment ~ai~ T~ ~g, Co~ ~e ~ ~v~d~~e ~ or ~h~ Sub Tot~ '~ Y~-- or NO O~ND TOTAL ~ ~ D~ ] ~i~ R r~ . _ - ~o~t ~se~ation Fund ~~~ --I__ ~-'-- ~1 . ~J ,,,S~P ' 0~37664 lOOO 03500 0800 005023 ,,_ "' Vacant Land or ~ of BOXES 5 TH~U 9 ~ET B~- TYPED OR I~'NTED ~ BLAC~ ~ ONLY P~C~ TO RE. CC~RDa,,ICi OR F[L~rNG. (OVER) Iii Su~.'~:)LK COD]x-&'~ CLERK RECORDS OFFICE P-~CO~DZNG PA~E Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~--~er of Pages: 3 Receipt ~-~er : 05-0100836 T~ANSF~R TAX NUMBER: 05-08374 1000 Deed Amount= Recorded~ At: LZBER: PAGE: Section; Block: 035.00 08.00 EXAMINED ANDCHARGEDAS FOLLOWS $190,000.00 09/26/2005 02;15;43 PM Received the Following Fees For Above Znstrmaent P~Je/FiLing $9.00 NO Handling COS $5.00 NO NYe HR(KG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO OeEC.Copies RPT $30.00 N0 SCTM Transfe:r tax $0.00 NO Co=~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-08374 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRL~ENT THIS ZB NOT A BILL D00012411 398 Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County 005.023 $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $o.o0 $o.oo $2,300.00 $2,539.OO Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEAS~TYP~R ~E-SS-F]-R-IV~L~f-WH~d-W~I~I~NG oN FORM INSTRUCTIONS: h~p://www.orps.~tale.ny.u= or PHONE (518) 473-7222 c,. ,,,lS,=od. t ,%, ~. ~',.~", .~.? C2, DJt~ D~d RJco~l ~ ,'.,.so...f /f'-~,~/,/,/tc,,.~.t , INFORMATION I ~.e~wlLOt 15 I Summit Lane LE. ~arion LJones REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 Town of Southold ] 11939 Alexandra , 1 I IofPimers oR [] Pano~lpttul ~ L Ixl Io~l . 6. 9 I o.s,J.r [ Gusmar Realty Corp. I L I D UJq~t~e~sm~ v.o.m trod I, SAL~ ,.FO.MAT~ I AwIculturll i~ I Community I 11/ 6 / 04I I ~'/ ~'~ / 05 I A B I 2. 0, 01 I 1 {)00-35-8-5.023 I t J I I I I J C~.,,-iCATION J BUYER~ A'rrORNEY GELLER ~"~ Pent'lis Fakiri~ ~ ' 516 I j Kevin P. 483-6480 NEW YORK STATE COPY