HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12373 P 259TI'lB I1~ made the~"~--day .of ,January , BL~f~{~N" NORTHERN' TRUST' BANK OF FLORIDA, N.A.,, as. Successor Trustee of the CAROL T. KLRINFELD R~ZOCABLE TR. US,~.pur~an.t- Agreement dated April 18, 1989 by a~d:betwe~n-'d~6L'T." K~INFELD 6f Dads County, Florida, ~e. ttlor, and CAROL T. KLEINFELD, as Pe~ ofme Ilmt prat, mKI ' ' resldtng aC 2435 Cedar Lane, East NatiOns NY ~1939 ' $qWfNi~fH'thatt~ep~N~e~m~mK, lh~'of Ten ($ZO.O0)' Dollars and ocher by t~epa~lyof't~8°°d and valuable consideration in hand' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O~ ~ un~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ~m or ~ and ~g~ ~h ~ ~e K~ ~ ~ff, ALL t~at ca.in plot, piece or paroel of land, wi~ ~e I~i~ and Itaprovements ~ereo~ erected, ~ltuate, lying and being in the ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erectsd, situate, lying and being at East Madon, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk. State of N~w York, which plot is known as and by the lot numbers 131,132 and 133, as shown on a map entitled "Map of Section Two Gardiner's Bay Estates, situate at East Marion, Long rsl..~" which map was filed in the Suffolk County CleriCs Office on Sepiember 23, 1927 under thi.'lq~mber 275, excepting therefrom the soutbedy six feet of Lot Number 133 which was heretofore conveyed by John F. Ten~illiger and Paulina R. TeNvilliger to Helene Schmiclt. The Grantors herein are the same parties 'and the premises herein is the same premises as described in deed dated August 21, 1989 and recorded August 21, 1989 in Liber 10914 Page 450. IN ~ WHEREOF, the pan'y of the first peat has duJy'e~ocuted ~ daeed tho day end year flint above Wg~n. NOR~HERI~ TRUST BANK OF FLORIDA N.A. IN PRESENCE OF: ' · ' BY'BRUCE g.'KERESTF. S, Vice President · .'" Successor Trus'£ee ~3 N.Y.~T-u. Fens 80~ - B~g~n and Si~ ~led. vdawxl, ACKNOWLEDGe-areN'T TAK3EN ~q NEW YOi{K STATE ACKNOWI.BD~ TAiCLN ~q NEW yGiK STATE .s~ S~e ~New Yo~ Count.. of , besom O~t~e dayof ~n d~e ymr Oalbe dayo£ m 1he ye~ · ~'"""P~"~n~orMuchtheindlv/du~s)med, exmeedthe .~mmn~bdm~ofwhJchbindiv/d~(s)~e~ecnfed~he ACKNOWLEDGEMI~T BY SUmCRIB~G WflM~ TAJ(F-N IN NEW Y(3JUC STATE ACi~qOWLEDGEM]iNT YAI~Iq OUTKIDE NEW YORK STATE SlamofNewYofl~Countyof , ss: *Stateof FZorida, Com~yof Dade . ss: On,he clayo£ intheyear .bcfe~ ~(Or insenDis~ct ofCohnn~ Tmitery. Pome~ion ~pom~gn ~a~dUader~g~ a N°~a~' Pablic ia and f~r mid Slate, Pem~mlJY Co~ty) that beba~°f ~-h tbe individual(s) acer, ex~cntsd s,. insulant, and Bargain and Sale Deed without Covenants Tide No. FLORIDA, N.A. BRUCE S. RKRESTES, Vice President* evidence Ue be ~ indi~tum2(,) whose heine(s) is (ere) subc.~d_ ~o City of Miami, SLate of Florida COt~"A, OR TOWN~ TO JOSEPH J. PAGANO and ,,BARBARA PAGANO . " VO~J~t YITLE IJiPEI{~ II __~e_ J.dk~d mo ~u~ ~y ~ B]ETURNBYMAn. TO: ED~ARD. J. KLINGER, ESQ~ 178-15 Union Turnpike Fresh Meadows, ~ew York 11366 Seriul # CcJ Iii'ionic # Prior C. If. # Dced I Mo~18u~e hlstruJnedlt I'nge / Filiu8 Fcc I'lu]]dliug 5.. 00 TP-584 Deed / Moflgnge Tut Stump: EA-52 17 tCvumy) EA-5217 (Stnte) R.P.'I:S.A. Comm. ol' ~. Affidavit Co~ tifi~ Copy N YS Sus~lnnlge Olhcr Sub lbtal 15. UU Sub *lblal ' Os~td 'lblal IL~q REL~ 200~ Feb 2~ 02:2~:~5 PH Edward P, Romeirm a. ERK · SUFFOLK L D00012373 P259 &Ti R~cording I Filiu~ Stnm~ Mort&ago AinL I. B~ic Tax 2. Additioual Tax Sub 'Jblal Spec JAssit. Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. '][:AX , Dual 'tbwn. Dual County _. I leld fur Appoit~/.,~,~_~._~ Mu,mion 'l'mt t~-~ 11:¢ prolefly covered by fids IliOrli~c is or will be improved by a oue or two fmnily dwelling r. ndy. or NO If NO, see nppmpdato tax clause on page # of this itnstmmcut. Rcnl Pl'Ol~rly 'Ih,'[ SCl'vice Agcllcy Vcl'ifit~liOll Improved TD TD I IIIIIIIIIJlllJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I llllllffllllffllllllllll SumFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD ~er of Pages: 3 Reosipt ~er z 05-0020159 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-30069 D~etrtct~ 1000 Deed AmounC: Seottonz Blocks 037.00 04.00 EXAMINED AND CHARG~DA~ FOLLOWS $1,250,000.00 Recet~d t~ Foll~l~ Fees ~r ~ove Instrument P~ge/Ftling $9.00 COE $5.00 EA-CTY $5.00 TP-584 $5.00 ~ $30.00 Transfer rex $5,000.00 O~,PreB $22,000.00 TRAI~FE~ TAX Iq~MBE~I 04-30069 Recordedz 02/23/2005 At: 02:26z55 PM LIBER: D00012373 PAGE; 259 000.000 Edward P. Rcm~tne County Clerk, Suffolk County THIS PAGE Z8 A PA~T OF T]~ INSTRUMENT THIS Z8 NOT A BILL NO Handling $5.00 NO NO NYB 8RCHG $15.00 NO NO FA-STATE $75.00 NO NO Cert. Copie. $0.00 NO NO BCTM $0.00 NO NO M&nston Tax $12,500.00 NO Foes Paid $39,649.00 FOR COUNTY USE ONLy PLEASE TYpE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG 0N'F~oRM ........ INSTRUCTIONS: http:# www.orps.stote.ny.u,, or PHONE (518) 473-7222 =.Book ~ _/,.,~ ~, O, ~ ~R,p~ , ~5~,~'1i P~,~-t:I~iY INFORMAllON I ~'~ 2335 Cedar ~ane [ Southold ~ [ Pa8ano [ Pagano East Marion Joaaph J. Barbara lin / / o4 Northern Trust Bank of ?[oride~ N~A. 11,~b~ ] REAL PROPERTY TRAN..~R REPORT RP - 5217 lZDmM~MoITrm I Ot / 24 / 05 [ 11939 M. RIm~g Mid v~h &~MJm Auma~-y Ex~l [] ae $~ccaseor ~ruetee $~i¢~nt Chln~l M Fmpiny Bea~ln TW S~Wi and Silo D~s N(]r4 2435 I Cedar Lane I NEW YORK STATE COPY 718 I 969-9802 KLINCER I 'EDWARD 13, F"Ued'P~ I ,1 . 2,5 ~0 ,0 ,0 ,0 , O, 0 J [ ~: ~:~ INFOR~ON - ~ lhould ;~ b IM~ R~I ~mmflt Roll gild Tax Bill D &~/e' o~ ~dlm im Gov~ Agm~cv ~ Lmnd~ng imllmtm~ J I J